Tyga: “It’s random… it’s awkward”

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hi guys thank you for tuning in to the really good podcast my name is Bobby altoff and I'm here today with my guest can you introduce yourself please my name is Tiger that's your government name my government name now what's your real name uh Michael you know means closest to God it means what closest to God Michael Michael does yeah and what does Tyga mean um thank you God always okay that's why I spelled t-y-g-a that makes sense yeah when did you come up with that name um when I was like Maybe 13. 14. how old are you now 33. so a few years ago a few years ago yeah 13 15 I don't know my math is kind of off so you're a singer um rapper artist a rapper don't let the animal touch your drinks keep eating um corn do you like corn um it's okay it does nothing for the body that's true do you think it does anything for his body I mean the way he's killing it it's so interesting like it's a porcupine sitting here I think sex is so awkward if you guys have been following me for any time at all you know that I am pretty open about the fact that I battle with depression anxiety all of the things there's a lot happening up in here it kind of sucks so I get therapy and I think therapy is a really incredible thing and that's why I'm excited to announce that today's episode is sponsored by betterhelp is something interfering with your happiness or preventing you from achieving your goals regardless if you have a clinical mental health problem like depression or anxiety or if you're just a human going through a hard time and you need help therapy can give you the tools to get through these things in a very different way better Hope's mission is to make therapy more affordable and more accessible and this is a very important Mission because finding a good therapist can be very hard especially if you're limited to the options in your area it's very easy to sign up and get matched with a therapist there's a link in my description it's betterhelp.com not only does clicking that link help support me and my channel but it also will get you 10 off of your first month of better help so you can see if this will help you and because finding a therapist is a little bit like dating if you connect with a therapist you don't match with you can try a new one it's a very common thing with therapy but you can find a new one easily and you don't have to worry about who's in your network or insurance or anything like that so if you're struggling and you're considering therapy click the link in my description or go to betterhelp.com Bobby altoff thank you again to betterhelp for supporting my channel and now back to my interview what are we doing here today we're here because my name is Tiger right you want to be funny what do you mean like because you're like tigers there's no Tigers here I know I know that well me you're not a tiger tiger yeah no that's not why we're here how do you know Drake um we were assigned to the same label right now not anymore we were though okay uh through Lil Wayne's label young money cash money how did you see it did he tell you before that post came out or did you just no I just seen it I just seen it on Instagram it was funny because I seen your page you did a um interview with funny Marco I just thought it was hilarious and I followed you from that no you didn't I did no no I feel like I did I feel like you didn't I think I did I'm pretty sure I did I'm pretty sure you didn't well I followed you in a span of yeah no you didn't then seven days we were like oh no if Drake will do it then I guess I will be on but I wasn't cool enough before um so you wrote that song that Drake played Rock City long time ago and I was like how long ago when I was um 20 maybe I was 21 or just writing 22. I didn't write it I just like oh I just freestyle it what does that mean well like I kind of just threw the beat on and I just like mum with a few lines and then like can you Mumble them right now but Rack City mm-hmm like the lyrics Mumble a few lines right now I need a beat okay can you make a b at the same time no I have a son he likes like juices like that and stuff you let your son have juice it's really bad for him really [Music] it's not good for me either but I like to live life on the edge a little bit it's better than a soda well yeah he doesn't need he just needs water what do you want to talk about today um I don't know I'm an open book today it's like open conversation there was one thing that you wanted people to know about you what would it be I don't know I don't know what I want people to know about me I feel like I like uh the Mystique sometime the what Mystique I've never heard that word before Mystique yeah like the mystery of like okay kind of not knowing so much about somebody so you don't want people to know anything about you um are you a nice person I think I'm a nice person what's your favorite my intentional I have like good intentions you okay what's your favorite game to play my favorite game yeah board game board game Monopoly why no one likes that no one enjoys playing Monopoly did you make that up oh that's because I win all the time people don't like it because they don't win no one finishes I got I never lose them how do you make play not with you whoever when people come over to your house you're like let's just play Monopoly right now a group of friends or for like on a trip vacation or something um you like get drunk play Monopoly it's a long game though so most of the time people quit yeah that's what I like well that's why you win I just want people to quit people quit sad it's fun though what's your favorite game um Scrabble Scrabble yeah okay are you good at spelling sure spell porcupine oh tough try sounded out poor p-o-r-q why can I not spell porcupine right now is it pork pea Pine or porcupine I think it's I think there's no cue I think it's a c-u-p-i-n-e right like Porky porcupine that's a hard one you think he's gonna eat this whole bowl by the time we're done yeah you should stick your finger right there just see what he does we should stick your finger no he does what's on what's on your finger where the ring the tattoo a ring another ring this one it's just a tongue like Rolling Stone how much was that um that's her not too expensive well it's not too expensive to you might have been like 40 Grand or something like that that's not too expensive it's custom and it says lick it on the inside of it why would it say that because it's a ton I just thought it would be funny custom you went to a designer and you're like I want a tongue that says lick it yeah like okay here give me forty thousand dollars and you gave them up sounds pretty dumb right yeah yeah can I have forty thousand dollars to do it with I just want forty thousand dollars do you have a lot of money um I feel like I have a fair amount that I work hard for yeah you know you know I paid eighteen hundred dollars for us to do this here okay do you want me to reimburse you that would be nice are you offering okay okay that would be nice that's that's really nice of you you don't have to do that though because I know that it's my podcast but I just know that you have a lot of money and I put it on a credit card you like money a lot that's because I don't learn that from your last interview yeah well I don't have any you live in Newport Beach though right I live in Laguna Beach oh Laguna Beach I spent 100 of the money I make on my rent okay I put everything else on credit cards do you have credit cards yeah you do yeah let's just keep him and you're gonna an album yeah I'm doing a joint album with an artist called uh artist YG okay I've heard of them YG yeah what does YG stand for I have no idea what would you what do you think it stands for like if you stand for something your I don't I really wouldn't your grandpa your grandpa your grandma Yeah be your Grandpa now it stands for young gangster oh I would not have guessed that so we have like a project that we're doing and then I have like my own project okay and you're and we're doing like a tour so a tour we're pretty busy how many people come to your tours I didn't know you went on tour um yeah it just depends like sometimes if it's like a festival or like a one-off show what are you doing I'm trying to it's flies everywhere there's flies I don't see any something's like falling over yourself like probably the sloth do you wash your own clothes not dry cleaners you dry clean all of your clothes yeah do you drive them to the dry cleaners or do they pick them up it's like a weekly thing they come and pick them up and washed all of your clothes for you yeah so that way they don't like they don't shrink you know what I mean yeah no I have to wash my own clothes I just have to deal with them shrinking I just don't want my shirts and like certain things that I like jeans to be ruined and stuff yeah when I have a lot of money I'll probably do that too you don't have to have a lot of money to dry clean it's not expensive go ask anybody without a lot of money if dry cleaning is expensive you're gonna have a lot of money real soon so I hope so why do you think so I think you have a bright future you do yeah how much are you because you're gonna give me money or because I'm just funny I just think like things are good things are going to happen for you that's very nice of you yeah you think good things are gonna happen for me for you yeah I think you've already had a pretty good life what else could happen to you that's good I think I feel like you can always like what you can always have more right more what just like everything happiness success I'm trying to feed him not a planet it's so hot it's not that hot they stop saying that are you complaining about it so it's like it's what my tattoo is peeling is it new yeah well I just redid it reduced why what why would you do that because most of my taxes I got when I was like 16. he's eating my phone huh I think he's eating my phone hello take he doesn't like the food they brought him why don't you try it's here he wants that juice I'm telling you everybody loves juice why didn't you take the carrot when I tried to hand it to you I want to see what happens when you feed it first you didn't even like acknowledge that I tried to hand it to you though that was kind of rude do you do you want me to try to feed him next um yeah will you try because he's not actually listening to me can you maybe he doesn't want to care maybe he wants to like try something else then try something else candy or something can you do that then offer him something better okay I don't know he's accepting your offer Maybe what is this is this like uh oh it's a potato right oh all right let's give it to you I think he wants you to hold it the rest of the time well what were we talking about I don't know you like to talk about money a lot yeah make me feel like weird about that no I'm not yeah I'm sure before you had money you also thought about money a lot yeah money is money but you know makes life easier he obviously doesn't want this food anymore they need butter snacks for him goodbye what's that oh yeah are you gonna do that right now can I it it's really hot are you you're gonna hold a fan huh You're Gonna Hold the fan thank you feels good right I'm good okay okay I've got you one too that was really nice of your friend how much did you pay him to do that he just did it at the condos's heart that's the type of people we are you know it's really hot though thank you to think all right can you stop doing that now okay just let me just pull my body down a little bit it's cool down did that do anything I feel like you just went right back to whatever temperature you are I don't know I feel like it did messed up the audio of my podcast so you could clear yourself down for two seconds it's really hot like you can sit and discomfort for a little bit of time I know you don't have to do that a lot but maybe maybe for a second I'm here for you I just know like any minute this sloth is gonna try to like grab my shoulder or something we'll make headlines no I don't want to be attacked by a sloth am I making money and you maybe can buy a private plane that would be nice you're gonna make a lot of money though like I see it for you you know yeah me too it's gonna be good yeah are you a nice person am I a nice person yeah yeah I can't be for sure yeah definitely I can't tell when you were texting me if you're a nicer I'm not a good texter okay really I'm not like it just depends you know yeah I was like I don't know if he's gonna be nice or mean I still can't tell but I'm pretty very like reserved and intuitive so I'm like you want to keep messing up the audio and do that again maybe next time you could hold it closer to the microphone so that it's just that's all it picks up but now it can't hear you I wasn't talking oh what type of girls are you attracted to type of girls yeah do you have a girlfriend wife a husband do you have a husband girlfriend no um it's complicated but um what type of girls I'm attracted to definitely like somebody that's like down to earth I like in fact it's a beauty of course you know um somebody that gives me like peace of mind somebody that's like real chill but like a little bit of crazy a little bit of crazy just a little bit like like what type of crazy like if you don't text her back she'd might no not like crazy crazy but just like you know somebody like that's still gonna like bring excitement but not but not be like too OD you know yeah to what oh D what's that like like over like it's overdoing it like over like overdose like why'd you say okay two odds you know what I mean yeah yeah would you say it's high standards or no high standards yeah yes will you date anyone they have to be famous they don't have to be famous have you ever dated someone that wasn't famous yeah yeah for sure both huh yeah yeah would you put a picture of my face on your next album I know why that's I didn't think you'd say no that fast I thought you would like nicely say it maybe like you'd be like oh um well I would have to ask maybe my team if that was okay you could have said that nicer though there's definitely a more gentle way of saying that oh really maybe like no be like what huh what what's so funny this is so hot okay well thank you so much for this interview I'll let you ask me a few more questions and then we can go how old are you I'm 25. oh yeah and you grew up in Corona you went to high school college in Corona and I go to college just High School Corona I was too stupid to go to college I didn't go to college were you too stupid or you just didn't want to go no I just I could you get into college could I get anything yeah with your grades I'm pretty sure if I wanted to I couldn't if I like apply myself but I was already doing music by then already was signed when I was like 17. I wasn't doing anything before this podcast I was not really doing anything with my career it's good yeah do you feel like now it's like you feel like you have more purpose now yeah I definitely have more purpose I feel really good about uh myself yeah I think that's what it's about yeah not so much about the money because the money comes right but if you feel like you have like purpose and yeah you're applying yourself and yeah I had no purpose uh like a week ago but a week ago about that's good because things like sometimes things just fall in line you know it's all about timing yeah I haven't heard these parakeets say one thing like the whole interview don't they usually like talk if you like that one just stood over there said hello there you go he said it for you did you hear that because you wanted to do this in a zoo I'm probably gonna get come home with so many bites on me um it's a lot of fun maybe you should think about that the next time someone's like oh let me interview you and you're like let me do it a zoo what you wanted to do it at a zoo no yeah he was like like this might sound crazy but what about a zoo and I was like I said a zoo question mark don't add words huh I said Azu you said where should we do it I said a zoo question mark you said that you wanted to do it at a cool place yeah but it was your idea you know actually do you want to know whose idea it was oh Drake's yeah because I usually interview tiger at a zoo no he said I said where is a place I should do it and he said a zoo and I was like that's crazy I don't know random it's awkward but I guess well don't call it awkward we're here don't call it awkward why we can cut that part okay just say like something nice about it like oh it's it's we're here we're here yeah I feel like when you look I feel like when you look at people like you're looking at them it's like give them a signal like you're trying to end this conversation no I'm just like looking for like I'm just looking for like engagement or just like you know it's just like energy you're supposed to pretend they're not there you shouldn't be trying to engage with them uh I don't know nobody told me prior but you shouldn't look at them please stop doing that package I was like Naturals it's like you know look at your homies like you know like I haven't looked at my friend one time why not because you should always check in on your homies like not during the middle of an interview you don't think so [Laughter] am I annoying you because I keep looking back and forth it just feels like you're trying to signal that you want this to be over I'm just you seem really afraid of everything I'm not are you tough would you describe yourself as tough no I'm not tough I'm just me what type of car do you drive right now I drove a Maybach here what's that I made it back yeah it was like a Mercedes like an extended version of them like did you drive it or you have a driver um not my assistant drove did you pay her to drive you here pay him well it's just part of like the job description I feel like right to drive you places all right but I mean you know it's just like whatever they get the job done you know do you have an assistant no one day you'll probably get one probably soon one I say like within a month wow yeah you're gonna need an assistant okay do you want to be my assistant no why because I'm not an assistant I don't think I'd be a good assistant I think you could I can like maybe I can be like a good advisor but you could be a good assistant I don't think so anyone can do whatever they want sure do you want to be my assistant why that's why I won't be you don't want to be an assistant but you'll be mine if I text you tomorrow and I'm like hey can you have someone come pick up my dry cleaning what will you say back you're probably going to text you back until like a day later and be like yo what's up that's not I'm gonna do that I was just I was just like ignore the text and just like say something else but if I say hey it's really important um can you please feed my dog what are you gonna do I just feel like LOL or something because I know you're just gonna let it die because I know because my dog is at home right now and it doesn't have any food and I just texts you and I said hey can you please I know you wouldn't be serious I know you I'm gonna be so serious I'm Gonna Leave okay I'm gonna leave my kids at home I say hey can you please arrange someone to come watch them you have a dog what kind of dog do you have I was just uh that was not I'm talking about my kids now oh so you don't have it so I text you and I say hey my kids okay I text you tomorrow I'm gonna text you and I'm gonna say hey my kids are home alone right now can you please get send someone there right now you're gonna send someone or no no okay just wanted to know what type of person you are my kids are home alone send someone why would they be home alone well they're about to be I'm about to leave I'm running out you have time though if you want to pull some strings to get a babysitter there Oh you mean like can you find a babysitter yeah like a nanny yeah yeah I could probably like help you find a nanny or a babysitter well then okay so you are my assistant I just wanted to like get clarity in my relationship I'm a resourceful person so I can like be resourceful but I'm not an assistant I think assistants are resourceful yeah so I think that you could be my assistant I'm thinking that this is your new I just want to see where our relationship is going to be after this interview we'll see we'll see we'll see where it goes yeah I think that you could be like a friend slash assistant to me can you get me some water please no you get the water you're my assistant you want this one I drink out of it oh then no I don't know what you have I don't have to have something you can have your water I don't actually need Waters though okay finish here well now I think it's no more juice in there okay well will you get this video edited when it's done will that work get this video edited for me when it's done just make sure do you do not understand that word what edit it you want me to say it again oh you want me to edit this video yes well when I edit it is your podcast I'm a guest of you why do you keep forgetting that we just discuss this you're my assistant I'll be your assistant okay thank you let's see how it goes okay and I'll do everything in my power to get fired I'm not gonna fire you okay we'll see you're gonna be I'm gonna be the shittiest assistant ever and you're gonna be like I'm gonna fire you I'm gonna do everything in my power to get fired so I'll be your assistant starting today how much do you want to be paid what are you offering um five dollars but you can get a small percentage of my brand deals like five percent so it's almost like a management thing you know you're my assistant but you're just working on but if I get it because like eventually I'll may have money but if I get a percentage of your brand deals that's kind of like uh manager there's a lot of people who get percentages that doesn't make them your manager true yeah all right well you're not gonna get fired because I'm not gonna let that happen and I look forward to seeing where our relationship goes thank you yeah we'll see yeah have a good day okay are we done okay are we just taking like a break you want to laugh right now right I think you're breaking character the breaking character does that make sense thank you for coming today thank you for having me at a zoo say my name do you know my name Bobby no I right yeah thank you all right bye why aren't you like taking that as an invitation to get up and leave I don't I just it doesn't feel like a good closing well then go ahead close it you can say what you want you'll have the final sentence I've even put my mic down I'm not gonna pick it up anymore after this time either okay this was fun I'm Tyga thanks for having me at a zoo Bobby and um I hope our friendship grows and I hope you make a lot of money and so you could be happy forever and um yeah thanks for having me don't forget to send me the eighteen hundred dollars
Channel: Bobbi Althoff
Views: 697,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bobby Althoff, Bobbi Altoff, Bobbi Alhoff, Tyga, Th really really good podcast, the very good podcast, the good podcast, the really great podcast, the great podcast
Id: wX2LkZ8yXo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 46sec (1846 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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