Ribeye Steaks in a Cast Iron Skillet

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hey how's it going everybody welcome back to the smoking dj um today's meal we're going to make some ribeye steaks and we're going to be cooking those in home on a skillet grill so here's my big skillet and um here are the rib eyes so these ribbons have been out for about 20 minutes now um out of the fridge so i'm going to bring this down here i'm going to show you guys how to prep it simple it's going to be salt pepper and then we'll just get them going on the um on the on the cast iron here so what i'm going to do while i'm doing the uh the prepping on here i'm going to turn the the the stove on and i'm just going to do two of them so i'm going to pull this one out and then i'll pull this other one out we'll save the third one for later so good marbling on them right um we're gonna go through and salt pepper and then get on here so one second [Music] there you go here so what you want to do is get your salt again i prefer this one a it's a fine crystal song you guys have seen me use it in other videos so and salt on a steak is what is greatly needed so don't be shy to salt your steaks and then we'll go with some ground pepper there we go turn them over and we'll do the other side same thing let you slow though it may seem like it's a lot of salt these things have a lot of water and the salt what it does is going to go ahead and soak up all that water out of the steak itself to give you a better a better cook so put some pepper on here now and then what you want to do you want to turn them sideways that needs some seasoning too the side of the fat here we're going to go on both sides don't forget this is all part of what you're going to be eating right so i'll get the pepper and stuff from the bottom here but you want to make sure that you salt the fat there we go and then a little zipper don't turn these sideways this way try to get it in between here there we go just grab like so for the fat here okay while that sits let's move over to the uh yes iron here so i'm gonna pump this baby up now you have to go ahead and um leave the leave the state sitting for a good 20 30 minutes um for the like i mentioned the salt will go through and pull the the water out of the steak um but this is going to be a quick video for us to show you guys how to make them so you got some uh some heat coming up already throwing enough of this oil on here okay and then there we go that's what you want okay what you want to do you want to get it on a hot skillet and the reason why is because you want to sear the outside once you sear the outside of the steak it'll hold the juices and the flavors and everything inside so um very important as you're laying the steaks down lay them away from you right you're gonna be standing here leave them away from you don't bring them towards you so that the splatter doesn't come your way so i'm gonna go with the first one i'm gonna go ahead and lay it down okay and the second one right there there you go all right and that's gonna be cooking for about five minutes and then i'll flip it over on the other side another five minutes and then we're also going to cook on the fat right we're going to stand it up straight up for the the fat to render down fat is flavor with meat so um and then we're gonna baste it over i have some uh rosemary that we're gonna throw in there with some butter we're gonna melt the butter we're gonna put the rosemary in there and then we'll just paste it and that's nothing but flavor going back into the steak itself so um pause it for a little bit and then come back and show you guys how we're moving along uh you know what you guys that's still good so i'll show you guys in a bit all right here we go it's been about four minutes or so i'm already seeing the brown come up on the side of the of the steak so i'm gonna take the first one and again try to keep it away from you that's what you want you want that nice sear look right the same thing on this one there we go look at that that's beautiful okay press it down make sure that all sides of the meat has the actual contact onto the cast iron itself and like i mentioned you can see that this is still kind of pink we're going to cook it on the side once the uh we go about three four minutes on the other side here and what you want to do you want to cook it evenly right you want to cook it on one side and then the other side uh and then just do the sides and then you're pretty much done it's that simple so we'll be back in a couple minutes here all right good now we are going to move these see there you go we're gonna hold this okay just to the side just for a couple of seconds moving it on down what you want to do you want to cook that that fat there render it down okay i'll show you what's going to do you want to have that there okay i'm going to take this one out [Music] i'm going to start this one too all right now we still have some oil in here okay what i do so that i could get a fresh taste of butter is you have your own pan here right one taste is off and this is where the steaks came in i'm just gonna throw it down there and then start with the butter so i'll show you guys all right not washing the cast iron or anything just i already cut up some butter throw it on there okay and gonna season the bottom first and then reinsert the stakes if we loosen back in here there you go here's the rosemary grab some of this rosemary open there you go throw some rosemary on there oh the top one is inside here then just grab this on the side here and grab that butter and just start with the steak so that you have access there we go start basting your steak here and all you're doing is putting more flavor onto your your steak and bring this in a little bit because we don't want to continue cooking you want to get that butter in there let's get this melted over here there we go there you go and it's not you don't need to do it on both sides you can just do it on one side because it'll get into the actual steak itself okay all right and see once you see that the butter is turning a little bit darkest this color take them out so that means that the butter is cooking it's not going to give any any flavor that's good so put them out look at that this thing's already formed apart let's pull that out [Music] oh look at that one it's on the part as well so we have our steaks right here let me uh there we go so we're gonna let the steaks rest for about 10-15 minutes uh the purpose of that is for the juices to go ahead and be spread all across the state uh once we get back we'll we'll slice them up get them ready we already have uh some potatoes going and then we're going to pair this steak with the with this wine here my voice new 1919 crimes cali red so we're going to go ahead and have us some ribeye safe with some cali red and some potatoes so we'll be back in about 10-15 minutes just letting the steaks rest cool down and then also re redistribute all those juices all right so it's about been about 10 minutes of the steaks resting um you can see a little bit of the other juices um cooling there um i'll show you guys how to go through and cut them and then get getting ready to serve so we'll start with this one here what i like to do i like to just these extra pieces just take them off right so i mean we're still going to eat it but just take it off because it makes it easier to cut so if you guys remember we went through and we were the fat um we cooked up the sides of the fat here and look at that i mean it becomes part of the meat which makes it taste even better okay so we're gonna go we're gonna start to cut oh man i can already see the color fantastic this is the extra little fat here so i'll show you guys our hand i mean look at that color on there that's beautiful like a medium right so some people like them a little bit less i know one of my co-workers michael johnson he just he likes to flash the the meat on top of the the fire he just like to warm up the raw meat but medium is recommended always um it it saves the flavor and it gives it the best profile they can have i mean even the end piece here i'll show you guys here i mean it's it's not too shabby so um you know i'll get the little piece here i'll show you guys here so let me move this up this way a little bit there you go technical difficulties so it didn't take that long to cook like i mentioned about five six minutes on each side and then you're uh you're good to go salt pepper some people like to add a little bit more salt depending on how much it's sat in there um ideally like i mentioned you want to leave it for about 20 25 minutes sitting so that the the salt is able to bring out all the juices within the steak but pretty simple i mean the flavor of the butter right when you're basting it just basting basting with that rosemary i mean the scent is fantastic the the flavor of the butter is all around the steak that's a good thing man and it didn't take that long yeah i mean it would have tasted a lot more of the saltiness more of the pepper i wouldn't let it sit a little bit longer for like i mentioned i mean you guys saw i went through and i just uh seasoned it pretty much put it on a hop um cast iron and then this didn't result her that is delicious and stop so i'm gonna continue cutting the other one and then i'll show you guys a picture of the end result with the potatoes um we're gonna have a little salad with it and then also the uh the wine okay thank you
Channel: The Smoking DJ
Views: 48,912
Rating: 4.716475 out of 5
Keywords: #RibeyeSteaks #Meat #TheSmokingDj #Ribeye #CastIron #Grill
Id: L3rdwm6rklg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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