Every RG35XX Handheld COMPARED! - ANBERNIC RG35XX vs RG35XX Plus vs RG35XX H

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I love retro handheld emulation but a big problem is the names not just from amberik but from every brand really so now we have three amck rg35 XX handhelds we have the original rg35 XX the rg35 XX plus and now the rg35 xxh so for a lot of people these can actually be really confusing so in this video I'm going to be comparing all three of the rg35 XX devices and I'll try to help you make it better more more informed decision on which one you should buy or if you're just interested and want to see them all duke it out playing some N64 and yeah even the rg35 XX can attempt to play some N64 and other higher-end consoles but it's not pretty to be honest so we're going to take a peek at all that in this video so let's get right to it so first we'll start off with the obvious we have the original rg35 xx and a standard Game Boy like vertical form factor the RG 35xx plus here in white pretty much looks the exact same and there are no major design changes whatsoever there might be a little bit of a different type of plastic used here but it's not really anything substantial and then we have the rg35 xxh and the H apparently stands for horizontal which warrants the horizontal form factor and if you knew the rg35 XX series you really wouldn't have any clue that the rg35 xxh was part of the rg35 XX series looking at all these and depending on if you decide to get the transparent model of each handheld there there will be a little bit different plastic used but overall all of them have a good build quality and a good feel again there might be some minor differences but amberi did a good job on all these handhelds they all feel pretty high quality and before I get further into the video I'll mention the prices the rg35 XX comes in at about 50 $55 or so it really depends on where you're buying it there's a lot of different sales going on sometimes you can snag a good deal on Al Express or a sale on Amber's website and at the time of me recording this it's actually a pretty decent sale going on on Nick right now so you can get some discounted prices so I'd expect to pay around 50 55 maybe upwards of $60 for the rg35 XX then the rg35 XX plus and the rg35 xxh come in at pretty similar prices after shipping you should be paying around $70 or so again sometimes it could be a bit more or a bit less depending on the sales but I'll have some links Down Below in the description to the official website as well as the AliExpress store where sometimes you can get a pretty good deal and those will be affiliate link so if you want to support the channel and help me make more videos like these I'd appreciate if you use those to buy them if you decide to so the price differences aren't too large and for some people might warrant buying the rg35 XX Plus or H over the original but it really depends on which features you want which we're about ready to get into so the original rg35 XX does not have any Wi-Fi or Bluetooth but the plus and the h both come with built-in Wii and Bluetooth so if that's important to you you might be waned to go for one of those the original RG 35xx comes comes with a 2600 mAh battery but then you get 3,300 on the plus and the H so there is somewhat of an improvement it's not going to be anything too big you could still probably expect to get maybe 6 8 hours of gameplay depending on which consoles you're emulating your brightness all kinds of stuff like that all three of them will come with mini HDMI out and there's some little quirks like the rg35 XX plus out of all them is the only one to have a easily removable battery compartment and you can look at the H it's the only hand toed out of all these three to have two speakers instead of just the one front-facing one that you get on the RG 35xx and the plus so first we're going to look at the emulation ability of each of these handhelds and then after that we're going to take a look at the controls which are actually a little bit different for each handheld so don't just leave after the emulation because there are some important differences between each of them in terms of controls so first off with all low-end emulation 8 bit 16bit era consoles you're not going to have any problems with any of these three handhelds most arcade Classics as well will be good on all three so if you just want something to play some NES SNES Game Boy Advance Genesis stuff like that all three of these will have you covered and maybe you should just go for the cheaper option if that's all you want and once we get up to the PlayStation 1 that's where some differences start to be more obvious so I'll say one thing before I proceed here the rg35 XX plus and the rg35 xxh actually have the exact same internal specs so their ability to emulate games are going to be the exact same of course there are differences like on the H you have analog sticks and you don't on the plus but just keep in mind there's really only two options when it comes to this emulation there's the original rg35 xx and then there's the plus and the H which are going to perform the exact same so don't go looking for differences between the two because they're going to be the same so back to the PlayStation 1 the original rg35 XX is going to be able to play pretty much every single PlayStation 1 game well I can't think of a Time on my rg35 XX I've ever experienced any slowdown even playing some of the harder to run PS1 games the rg35 XX handles it well but on the rg35 XX plus and H you're going to be able to play a lot of PlayStation one at 2x resolution which you're not really able to do on the original rg35 XX you can play maybe some really low end games on 2x resolution on the original but for a lot of games you're going to encounter pretty frequent slowdown but that's not the case with the plus and the H with these two handhelds you can handle a lot of PlayStation 1 and a 2X resolution so if that's something you care about a lot I would say don't really attempt it on the original and you should probably take more of a look at the plus and the H so I would say the original rg35 XX is good for the PlayStation 1 but the plus and the H are better for the PlayStation 1 once we get into even more difficult emulations such as the N64 that's where the original rg35 XX begins to tap out so on the original rg35 XX it doesn't even come with any N64 ROMs or an emulator on the stock firmware so you actually need to download custom firmware where one called kariki to be able to play N64 games and many of the others that were about ready to mention and if you do decide to do so you'll discover that the N64 performance isn't super great you might be able to handle some easier to run games sure but when it comes to most N64 games it's not going to be super great and there are some other problems with emulation on kariki for other consoles so you might have to have a second micro SD card with Kiki on it and then use your other preferred OS on another one so it's not super convenient but on the RG 35xx plus and the rg35 xxh I would say most N64 games will actually be able to be played on here especially if you go into the settings and do a few tweaks which will just take you about a minute you'll be able to play most N64 games with some occasional slowdown and in some of the really hard to run games are not going to be super great so I wouldn't say either the H or the Plus have mastered the N64 but a really good amount of N64 games you can play and I would say the same thing for the Dreamcast as well Dreamcast is going to be even worse on the rg35 XX again with Kiki you can play some games on the rg35 XX maybe some super easy to run platform or games or something might be able to be played the very very easiest stuff I haven't tested any of that out personally but pretty much everything does not seem to work very well at all on the original RG 35xx when it comes to Dreamcast so I would say don't even attempted it's not going to be good but on the plus and the h a lot of Dreamcast games actually will run pretty good of course you might need some frame skip but I would say a decent percent probably the majority of Dreamcast games will be playable on the rg35 XX plus and the rg35 xxh and over to the Nintendo DS so with custom firmware the rg35 XX can play some DS games it's not going to be perfect for every game but I would say for some later games you're actually going to be able to get pretty good performance and then over on the plus and the H these are able to handle pretty much any DS game you can throw at it of course there's going to be some outliers not because they're not powerful enough really just because there's no touchcreen and certain DS games are just impossible to play without a touchcreen and there's also PSP so the PSP isn't going to be really playable at all on the original rg35 XX 2 1 [Music] go again with custom firmware technically you can play some PS P games the absolute easiest to run puzzle games or maybe some Platformers might be able to be playable on it but all the iconic PSP games that we know and love aren't going to be able to be played on here at all and then on the plus and the H you're going to be able to get pretty good performance on a decent amount of PSP games the harder to run games aren't going to be super great but a decent amount of them will actually run very well like this rage racer game you can see here is somewhat demanding and you might experience the occasional slow down at certain points on the track well it would be awesome if something like the rg30 3 5xx was a perfect PSP replacement it really isn't there's still quite a few games that are just unplayable on this and again on the plus as well because they have the same specs but quite a few easy to run and mid-tier PSP games will run very well on these two handhelds and now let's take a quick look at the controls because there are differences between all of them like I said earlier I don't want anyone to be confused and think just because the rg35 XX plus and the rg35 xxh have the same internal specs there is no differences between the controls other than the analog sticks obviously because there are some important differences first we have our abxy buttons they pretty much all feel the same on each handheld there might be a small difference between the rg35 XX and the rg35 XX plus and H but overall they feel really good there is a different look to the H and the plus but it doesn't really make any difference whatsoever and then we have our shoulder buttons which are actually all different between each handheld on the rg35 XX we have our standard inline shoulder buttons which are fine they're pretty clicky they're somewhat loud but not too bad and then on the rg35 XX plus we have the same inline shoulder buttons but they're actually sloped a bit which make them very very comfortable and I think it's a great improvement from the original rg35 XX not like they're so uncomfortable they're unplayable or something but it's just a nice luxury to have and actually feel really nice so I think that's a great Improvement they basically feel and sound the same as the original rg35 xx and then on the rg35 xxh we have them on the top of the handheld they're in line it would be nice if they were stacked but I understand why they did it it's a small compact device and make it less pocketable they're fairly small for certain games I could see it being a little bit difficult sometimes to reach over to the R2 button or the L2 button but I like the fact that they're up top to make it a small pocketable device and then we have the d-pads so the d-pads are a little bit different on each handheld so we're going to start off with the original rg35 XX so the rg35 XX d-pad is pretty good it could be a lot better there have always been some complaints about it I would say the major complaint has always been accidental diagonals most of the games that I play even in a lot of Platformers it doesn't really matter and I didn't notice it whatsoever but if that's something that bothers you this d-pad is a little bit more likely to give you accidental diagonals on occasion as you can see here pressing down on the d-pad and then quickly rocking it back and forth on pretty much every d-pad you should expect to see some diagonals but there is a point where it's too much and is indicative of having annoying bad performance in games where you don't want to doing diagonals but you are and that could be a problem on the rg35 XX but honestly I don't really want to oversell the issue I think for most users for most games it's going to be a nonissue and a lot of people just wouldn't notice it at all but if that's something that you care about and does bother you you should keep that in mind and then on the rg35 XX plus you actually get a slightly softer feeling d-pad compared to the original RG 35xx which some people said was a bit sharp feeling I didn't really notice that too much but I'm pretty sure I heard multiple people people complain about that so I guess it is a thing so you get a softer feeling d-pad and The Accidental diagonal problem has actually really been fixed you can see there are some diagonals here but that's to be expected and I think it's a really good d-pad so then moving over to the rg35 xxh we do have that same nice soft feeling d-pad but with the rg35 xxh you do actually get some more accidental diagonals than you do on the plus so there was a bit of regression there again I think for a lot of people myself included really for most games it's not an issue but I know a lot of people play certain Platformers and other games where that is more of a consideration you'll have to decide if that's something that's more important to you or you don't really care again I think most people wouldn't really notice it probably if no one else pointed it out to me I never actually would have noticed it myself then of course on the H we also have here two analog sticks which really feel nice they're not hul sticks or anything but I'd say they're about what you normally expect for a cheaper retro handheld I think they get the job done and especially if you want to do a lot of N64 or Dreamcast or even some PSP emulation sure you can get the job done on most games with a d-pad on the plus for example but still these analog sticks are a nice addition there's also some minor differences like I mentioned having dual speakers on the rg35 xxh and the rg35 xxh also has two USBC ports instead of just one on the other two handheld so there are some small differences here and there they all have the same 3.5 in screen but there might be some minor differences between them in terms of brightness but really all this is very small and not super noticeable and when it comes to the screen stuff it actually can change depending on which OS you're using so you have to keep all that in mind as well and speaking of the OS I'll mention right here a lot of people aren't in love with the stock am bernick OS which actually did recently get an upgrade and looks a little bit nicer than it used to but still a lot of people aren't super happy with its functionality on the original rg35 XX I already mentioned Ki but there are also a lot of other really great popular custom firmware options most notably garlic OS which provides a lot of functionality and a really nice looking interface so if you're interested in custom firmware you should check that out on the original rg35 XX but when it comes to the rg35 XX plus and the rg35 xxh which are pretty much going to be getting the same custom firmware options because the specs are the exact same the custom firmware scene isn't super great right now there is garlic 2.0 available but as of me recording this video and of course in the future that's going to change it's not fully developed and there is Kiki available as well for the rg35 XX plus and H I believe there's still improvements to be made obviously because the plus and the H are much more recent than the original rg35 XX there's a lot of tweaks being done so I'll leave this to you to research because this all evolves with time and I don't want to have some irrelevant information in the video that's going to change 3 months down the line so which one is the best which one do I recommend honestly I can't really say I recommend one so if you just want something to play your favorite Pokemon games from the Game Boy Advance and you don't really have any aspirations of playing N64 Dreamcast or whatever I would say yeah just go for for the original rg35 XX if you're sure you don't need more power so if you think you might want to play something like Dreamcast or N64 or want to use the WiFi and Bluetooth at some point in the future I would say the upgrade isn't too much more expensive so maybe it is worth it just to Future proof it decide in the future you want something more it might be worth considering buying the Plus or the H and then between the plus and the H of course you do have the analog sticks which is nice for Dreamcast and N64 on the H but you might not like that horizontal design and you want something that looks more like a Game Boy like the rg35 XX plus I know for me I prefer the vertical design but the analog sticks are nice so it's kind of a tough thing and it's always been a little more uncomfortable and tough to fit two analog sticks on a vertical device has been done but I think it's more comfortable on a horizontal form factor so really you know what you want out of a handheld and I'll leave that up to you so if you do decide to buy one I'd really appreciate it if you use my links Down Below in the description there'll be affiliate links they help support my channel and make it possible to make more ofie videos like these so I have links down below to the official am bernick store as well as AliExpress if you like buying through there sometimes there's different sales and you can get a better deal on AliExpress or vice versa so if you enjoyed this video I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a like And subscribe I'll see you in the next video have a great rest of your day bye-bye
Channel: GravelWare
Views: 8,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rg35xx, anbernic, ambernic
Id: OwWK26_WC5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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