r/IDontWorkHereLady - He Thought I was a NURSE

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what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach and today's subreddit desire slash I don't work your lady this story is called apparently anyone who's in a Halloween costume works here not my story but my buddies I just played the role of manager funnily enough this isn't his first encounter with the Karen nor his first I don't work here lady riding this kinda reminded me of the other time I'll ask him for his details on that one later and post it as soon as I hear back though it's got a bit of entitled parent slash people and two I don't work your ladies here's our cast iron skillet note all names are changed for privacy me frozen food employee dressed as Han Solo Leo co-worker and d d buddy dressed as Chewbacca Matt Metalhead and DND friend dressed in full plate mail random co-worker our antagonist Karen background Matt enjoys LARPing and ended up building his own suit of plate mail after following a few video tutorials he thought it looked cool and wanted to show off to some of his LARP friends Leo and I work at a certain blue store that sells just about everything it rhymes with malwart anyways we were working the evening shift last Halloween and let Matt know so we could all go grab dinner at the same time he finished work much earlier than expected and decided to swing by his place and grab his costume then show up at our Mall warts and pretend to be a statue Leo and I are pulling a pallet of ice to the front to start stocking the icebox all the while I'm quoting Han and Leo is just making Wookie noises we're up near the front stocking ice when we see none other than Matt doing his best impression of a statue then suddenly moving startling folks near him we both Snicker at his Antics as he surprises a few kids while speaking in Ye Olde English after unloading the whole palette we decided to move on to drop off our empty pallet and clock for lunch we go over to Matt to let him no hey Matt you okay in there we'll be dropping off this palette then go clock out to lunch and head right back okay could thou acquire a flask of water it is quite hot in here uh sure have a spare I carry I hand him a water bottle I keep handy thinketh thou I roll my eyes internally see ya we'll be right back we head off to go clock for lunch and chat with a few co-workers who are just now coming back from their lunch about four or five minutes later when we are heading back we hear the oh so familiar line Karen with a voice like nails on chalkboard what do you mean and you don't work here you're just wanting to be a lazy employee Matt no longer speaking in Ye Olde English no ma'am I don't work here I just finished my actual job a little over two hours ago I'm just here to go grab dinner with my friends look all the employees here are dressed up in costumes not really only a handful of us were Now give me your manager I want your rude but fired me now arriving on the scene what's going on here Karen seeing my uniform ah a manager note I did not have a manager's badge on just my uniform your rude employee here wouldn't do his job he's such a lazy insert swears also do you know where the eggnog is that's what I'm here to go get yes ma'am the eggnog is give specific location gallon sizes in the middle shelf bottom shelf has half gallons in quartz size is on the second to Top Shelf thank things what you're not gonna walk me there sorry ma'am but I've got a rude employee here I need to discipline Leo here's going with me as my witness that's right you know just in case he tries to stir up trouble with corporate by claiming wrongful termination uh one sec hey uh random co-worker can you show this customer where the eggnog is I gotta handle this playing along sure thing boss right this way ma'am and he leads her off to the eggnog just to keep up the charade I pull Matt along outside come on man acting like you don't work here and I told you that costume goes against dress code seriously man you know this will cost you your job my check behind me no Karen you owe me one for this and I think I'll cash in that favor for a bacon Temptation omelette at IHOP and thus our Intrepid Trio escaped that encounter and went forth to the local House of Pancakes where we ate parting ways Leo and I returned to see Karen stomping out of there I had my window rolled down and I could hear a bit of her loudly ranting about lazy workers these days and they need to report them all to that manager so we walked back in and I asked random co-worker so uh I guess that was a great day Karen random co-worker knowing what I mean I think you mean tropical storm Karen she yelled at a couple of kids in Halloween costumes glad I wasn't here she kept asking me where you went I just told her that after terminating that guy you went out to lunch she only got angry about that good thing you are the manager light elbow Wing well here's hoping nothing comes out of this oh uh yeah random co-worker we got you something I hand him a take-home box with some pancakes think of it as I'm sorry you had to deal with a care in pancakes I told Matt about the aftermath he laughed and told me she also yelled at someone in the parking lot thinking they were the cart Pusher it was just some dude getting a cart lastly it seems like she didn't file a complaint or if she did it got ignored or management hasn't told anyone so far no sign of her and I'm glad okay this story was um really Charming it really makes me think of that one movie um employee of the month I believe it's with the Jessica Simpson she's the hot girl the hot new girl at work and I don't know just the Antics that they get to in the story it really reminds me of that movie and I find it Charming because I don't know I just like it they had each other's back this story is called someone dressed in a completely different uniform probably doesn't work here I'm not the best with stories so bear with me I work in I.T and my uniform consists of smart trousers and shoes as well as a cyan blue polo shirt with a dark blue jumper Over the Top This uniform has our company logo on it as well as some large text on the back which is just it related stuff I also wear a branded lanyard with our logo on too nothing out of the ordinary just yet I'm from the UK so if anyone else is I'm sure you'll know the exact Supermarket I'm talking about this specific supermarkets uniform is orange and definitely not blue or Navy in fact it's pretty much the complete opposite I visit this certain store every day to get my lunch and I've occasionally had people ask me do you work here and it spaffled me to say the least I'll normally politely explain that I don't and move on with my day but recently I visited and was introduced to one of the most miserable and downright rude people I've met since I was born I'm in an aisle grabbing a meal deal and this lady in a Mobility Scooter enters the same aisle as me from the other end and is browsing the shelves it's not super busy and these aisles weren't very long as it was a smaller branch of the supermarket I notice her but pay no attention as she's just another member of the public at this time so I just continue browsing she was pretty poorly dressed and looked to be in her mid-50s a few minutes pass and I'm happy with my average sandwich in snack combo and as I'm about to walk away she else oh quite loudly at first I didn't pay attention but I turned my head towards her once she shouted hello are you deaf quite obviously at me fair to say I was a bit taken back by it and also quite confused being the slightly hesitant Brit I am I just turn and look at her for a few seconds to confirm if she's shouting at me which she was the lady looked at me and it was obvious that she was peaked off about something she made a visible Huff before driving over to me and shouting as she went why do you never have any bloody horlicks anymore I had to Google what it was as I had no idea I'm sorry I said why don't you have horlicks anymore I always used to buy that here I'm sorry I don't work I don't care if you're sorry it's not good enough is it at this point I should have said again I didn't work here but I stupidly said I'm not a big super Market name maybe try going to another shop for it I've been coming here longer than you so I think I know what you have I knew I needed to get out of this situation so once again I tried to explain that I don't work here I don't work here so there's no point in talking to me right I want a manager yo Boise Veterans quick little side note from your dear Captain I care very much about your eardrums so I'm giving you a quick little scream warning because I'm gonna scream I don't work here I walk off shaking my head but she doesn't say anything back grabbing a bag and heading to self-checkouts it was pretty obvious that the rest of the shop had become very quiet with people shuffling around awkwardly as us Brits would do in the situation I get to the checkout and start to scan my things when out of nowhere this lady comes into view with someone who actually worked here him I turned to look get them both the guy she's pretty much dragging down the aisle looked so confused as she's pointing at me someone in a blue uniform that she thinks Works in this door which has orange uniforms the guy beside her was wearing orange surely it's not difficult to notice the difference I walk up to them and explain to the lady once again that I don't work here the other guy backs me up explaining that I'm not wearing the store uniform and that I definitely don't work here he apologizes to me and as I'm replying she cuts in again well can someone just help me I apologize to the guy and explain that I have to go I finish with my shopping and get the hell out of there no idea how the rest of the conversation went with her but at this point I didn't care I've never seen that lady again so maybe she's gone to another bigger store that stocks what she wants or maybe I'll meet her again only time will tell no honestly this Horlick stuff looks pretty Grim not sure what the fuss is about all right I'm gonna skip the whole perhaps there's a rational explanation as to why she did that perhaps so she's colorblind I'm gonna skip it even though I just said it the real thing I want to say is what the Horlick is a Horlick or our horlicks is horlicks that sounds like something I should censor honestly good God the taste of some people oh man okay I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere about horlicks being an acquired taste cause you gotta lick it or something there's something there I probably would have thought of it but I'm just gonna let you guys I don't know go to town on it this story is called still not a nurse okay so this was about seven or eight years ago but I was only reminded of it recently by my mom for context I used to work for a well-known bed shop as a sales assistant at the time the uniform was a hideously unfitting pale blue cotton shirt exact same color as the nurse's cribs at the hospital with the company logo embroidered on it very largely on one side my grandpa had been rushed into the hospital and was being kept in for a little while and I was going straight from work to visit him so while visiting my grandpa I needed the loo I left his Ward and started heading to the visitors toilets at the end of the corridor in the Next Room along loads of alarms were going off and everyone had rushed into it a good few rooms further down a guy poked his head out and asked me to come and look at his dad's open source I just said oh really sorry I don't work here I'm just heading to the Loo whilst both pointing at my giant logo on the shirt and carrying on all well and good go to the lou and return to my grandpa's room 20 minutes later visiting hours ended so I start to leave with my mom and Grant I go on ahead because I'm the driver and my grand walks with a stick so I was gonna get to the car and bring it around to the pickup Point as I'm scheduling down the corridor a hand reaches out from the room grabs me by the shirt and pulls me in I'm a bit bewildered and caught off guard now and I was also awful with confrontation then it was only about 20 and I'm 5'2 the guy is shouting at me because I didn't come back after I had been to the toilet and holding me by my shirt and putting me towards his dad's open bed sores asking what I'm going to do to help him before I could answer my mom burst in having seen me get grabbed she ran down wondering when the heck was happening I had told them of the mix-up laughing it off after the loo so she had a tough idea already she shouts at him to get his hands off her daughter and that unless you want her to sell you a bed for when he gets out of here she is not the person you need the guy sees my shirt again with the name embroidered across half of it and finally clocks what's happened does he apologize does he fornication under consent of the king no instead he shouts at us for invading his dad's privacy whilst his sores were out they were near as bum and saying he was going to buzz for security in the end I basically had to drag my mom and Gran out of the hospital before they went full mama bear on him times two okay um that's a terrifying story don't just randomly grab people nurses even nobody just don't grab anybody unless of course it's consensual grabbing in which case you have my full okay go ahead grab whoever wants to be grabbed by you specifically I don't want to hear none of this oh they were asking to be grabbed you know looking so grabbable like that no they weren't unless they specific like I just said okay that was stupid don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 3,051
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: kq8lGJNM8bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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