r/FatPeopleStories - He became a Chad, so she BROKE UP with him...

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what's up my fat phobes welcome to daily dose of reddit this is your host zach and today subreddits are slash fat people stories and no the whole fat phobes thing was a joke we're not fat phobic here we're in tidal phobic entitlement phobic you know what i'm saying okay first up is called after all these years of pain and sadness i've finally done it after all these years of pain and sadness disclaimer this is basically a resume of the last five years of my life it's not all about weight like it's the main focus but i got a little off topic sorry [Laughter] i've been overweight my whole life not morbidly obese but just never at the weight that a child of my age and height should be every year for some reason at my school we used to get weighed one time each year the kids that went at the same time as me were skinny so they made fun of me and called me names like cow or whale and i ignored it this was when i was about 10. i still played sports because i was confident enough to do it but i remember i played tennis and i was so good that i was with the pro so to speak basically i trained with him and i remember we were working out together and the coach told me in front of everyone like i was just leaving and he told me remember not to eat those chocolate bars or chips you eat during the weekend luis all my teammates i guess you would call it that laughed the supporting coach laughed too after that i got in the car with my mom and told her i started crying and i remember telling her that i never wanted to go back there again even though i love the sport and i'm good at it never again she complained about it but the guy said he meant no harm but the damage was done this was the first time that i didn't practice a sport in my house it was obligatory to do a sport and stay active so after that i was doubtful about what to do what sport could i enjoy calmly me being my size so i got into this mountain biking class which they owned like a park i guess and there were ramps and courses and stuff and we would go on like these expeditions in that class i also got in with the pros i guess i was really good and i remember my confidence being a little higher because there was this other fat guy in the group but i had trouble keeping up in this class the coach always wanted me to compete but i was afraid and i can't tell you how afraid i was to just be beaten by everyone and there's nothing wrong with coming in last place but i thought they would beat me by a long run so i was scared the competition would be over by the time that it was over but i never left the place i stayed but it closed down like two years ago because some rich dude bought the land to build offices i was out of sports what now i asked myself i just sat at home watching youtuber playing video games eating granola bars not the healthy ones nutella sandwiches small stuff but all day without exercising then i started gaining even more weight because i was sad i got into a strange situation where me and two of my other friends we were 13 at the time decided to try vaping because we got curious i don't know why and our other friends from the group found out and decided to kick us out i acted like i didn't care like i didn't miss them that they were exaggerating the situation so he invited one dude that was like a popular outcast like he was popular but not in the way you would think many people disliked him but everyone knew him and he hung out with the popular kids from time to time he had no friend group so we decided to invite him so me my three friends we used to hang out at each other's houses every week we started to drink and smoke developed bad habits started getting depressed except for that popular unpopular dude he was always happy me and my other two friends were very similar we talked about our problems but i never told them how i felt about my weight i never told anyone nobody knew what i did for exercise i just said i went to the gym because of our situation we tried to be people we weren't we took pictures drinking but it wasn't really drinking it had the cap on one of my friends who at the time was really trying hard to be popular decided to send it to the most popular guy he kind of got along with but he sent it to everyone even a group chat with kids from other schools i know it may not sound like a big deal but i was so embarrassed i got called out for it in class the guys would tell the teacher about what happened and even she would laugh and make fun of me i was scared of talking to anyone because of the situation my depression got even worse from the dumbest reason possible my two friends went to a party without me because they did get a little bit popular and i didn't i always thought it was because i was fat or because they were just really handsome didn't know but when we saw each other at school they told me they got called out for it the people made it into a sticker i was so afraid of meeting other people because of what they told me my depression got even worse and i relied on food uber eats basically ordering from fast food places every weekend i ate it about three to five times a week then the next year we finally found a friend group we really connected my depression got better i tried a diet a new sport taekwondo i lost about 17 pounds with a diet but then a few months into taekwondo and i broke my pinky finger i couldn't exercise for about a month and my habit had already been lost i got lazy after a month of doing nothing i only got there because i was with my two best friends not the ones from before they were fat too i wasn't ashamed of being in there because they were there too but i didn't have the motivation anymore i couldn't do it i lost my condition gained even more weight i dropped a diet then a few months later i tried boxing with another of my friends it was really hard because there were many girls there and a guy like me with moobs short breath i was really shy and not confident at all i dropped that sport about a month or two later then it's when it got really bad 2019 i stopped trying to lose weight i came into the conclusion i'm not going to the gym because i'm scared of people watching me i was too self-conscious i'm not trying another diet because i always end up breaking them and i won't pay mine to it before i knew it my clothes didn't fit i couldn't even walk to my room without losing my breath and i was the only guy at the pool party with a t-shirt on then in december i got a girlfriend we were like best friends and we decided to give it a try it didn't work lasted about a month i was so depressed i wanted to not be here anymore i'm not joking not because of her she wasn't a big reason but because i started caring about my weight again though i didn't know how to lose it i weighed 190 pounds at my worst i found the right nutritionist and i fell in love still am this girl hung out with me even though i was so fat i felt different better then quarantine hit and my dad bought an elliptical only under the condition that i used it so i started working out like a madman drop the fast food and daily snacks i lost the weight because i realized i wanted to be in a relationship with this girl and i knew she wouldn't be with me because i was fat i haven't gotten with her yet i haven't even seen her because of quarantine but i motivated myself and in three months since quarantine began i lost 50 pounds and my body fat is currently at 17 and i think it needs to be at 12 to show abs and after all these years about five years i think i am at a healthy weight for a kid my age my size i'm currently 142 and i'm still going it has been really hard but it's paid off i need new clothes now my older ones won't fit anymore because my jeans fall down when i walk thanks for taking the time to read i hope you get to where you want to be too attaboy boy keep losing weight get there man you're so close and hey um give your personality some credit too okay yeah sure maybe maybe being a little chunkier is not as attractive as you could be but you still have a personality to let shine and that's what people respond to if you make it seem like what you got is what people want people think what you got is what they want that's what confidence is it's like marketing yourself socially you know alright this story's called more news of the office and planet a week or two ago i posted on here about having been berated by my colleague officeham planet who is a militant fat acceptance activist and was angry because i lost a lot of weight if you can be bothered to plow through what turned out to be a ridiculously long essay it's here and we already read it since ham planet sent me her angry fat activist message she has semi apologized semi i say semi apologize because all she really did was acknowledge that i was not actually the one who even brought up the subject of my weight loss and that she should have just ignored the conversation but fine i'm not really bothered as we worked together i wasn't gonna have an argument about it she has also been having some annoying health issues and thus was not in a great place when she sent me the message apparently who would have thought that someone who wears a size 30 would have annoying health issues eh color me shocked i mean i wear a size 32 does that make me super fat what what so we recently learned that we will be working from home for the rest of the year due to brovid but we may have to go back to the office for one specific thing for one or two days only at the end of august we had a department meeting over microsoft teams about all this our boss has been briefed by our hr office management team and passed on everything he'd been told this includes the fact that if we need any furniture or accessories to make our home workspaces safe and posture friendly we can request items from a list provided by our employer and get them to us also if we do have to go back to the office for a day or two the social distancing measures will include the lifts being out of bounds to any non-disabled colleagues so we'll have to use the stairs it's two flights of stairs to our floor so no big deal ham planet immediately pipes up with questions she doesn't think any of the office chairs our employer supplies are suitable for a fat body that was her description because she can't sit comfortably in a chair with arms it's too tight a squeeze my boss explains that the arms of the chairs are removable she then says that the chairs are still not good enough for her because she can't sit with her weight evenly distributed on them and that will give her back and hip pain so to translate her ass hangs over the sides of a normal office chair and she wants one the size of a sofa or something my boss said she needs to ask if office management will let her order a chair for herself from another supplier and then reimburse her a couple of people in the team have uh expressions on their faces at this point because a being too large to fit into skinny jeans is one thing but being too large to fit into an office chair is next level enormous and b i'm sure most of us would like to pick our preferred office chair from some expensive supplier and get it paid but we're not gigantically fat so we won't be allowed to ham planet's next issue is the lifts being out of bounds what she wants to know is the office's definition of disabled because some people might not legally be registered as disabled but still have hidden disabilities my boss said social distancing measures just mean that the lift capacity will be limited plus they have to be deep cleaned after a certain number of people have used them so people should only use them if they really have to but they don't have to prove they're disabled or anything like that and planet says okay well i'll definitely need to use them so i wanted to check i've been having some problems with joint pain for a couple months and my general practitioners use this how am i gonna throw up i just can't get a diagnosis i thought maybe it was arthritis but apparently it's not slow i think it could be fibromyalgia yeah totally fibromyalgia planet definitely not the fact that your knees are buckling under the weight of 400 pounds but of course in her eyes her doctor would be fat phobic if he pointed this out bear in mind this is the same woman who thinks i'm unhealthy for watching what i eat and taking up exercise exercise more like eggs are sides for bacon i didn't make that up i'm just putting that out there i saw that like on a knife funny post from like eight years ago but yes fat logic um okay well yeah see she's definitely very very unhealthy and she needs she needs to see a psychologist dude she is literally killing herself and she's not and she just thinks she's helping herself what what is this man what this is like this is like when they gave emperor chin of the qin dynasty in china uh mercury because he thought that would make him live forever or something but he died obviously because it was freaking mercury alright this story is called witnessing me exercising used to annoy my most recent ex okay so to preface this i am what you might consider a fitness addict and have been lifting weights and training for around 15 years and it all started because i used to live in a dangerous area when i was younger i lost a few really violent fights to bigger guys so i started lifting weights and got myself big so i could have a better chance when inevitable violence happened came to love fitness for the confidence and good feelings it gave me blah blah blah my ex was a childhood athlete who stopped working out in her teen years when she got depressed and started hanging out with self-destructive emo kids who really just don't value that sort of thing she matured and became a well-rounded adult just never pick the habit back up when we started dating she was just slightly overweight but she slowly gained weight the entire four years we were together to where she was about 30 to 40 pounds overweight by the end of our relationship i never cared i liked her just the way she was i wouldn't have been dating her if i didn't but she was still incredibly self-conscious about her weight she was beautiful and really isn't even that overweight just a little but she would constantly say really worrying things about herself we started working out together because of this but she quickly got tired of it i'm kind of a strange one i actually enjoy working out it's not a chore to me she didn't though so it was admittedly much harder for her so we cancel our joint gym membership and i continue my home workouts it's not uncommon for me to be rowing on the rowing machine or running on my elliptical while i watch tv or something if my girlfriend ever walked in while i was doing this she would make a disgusted face and disparage me say things like what the hell is wrong with you it's 9 am on a saturday or implying me working out is rude because it makes her feel bad i really let these comments get to me and started thinking maybe i was some sort of narcissistic gym psycho or something so i stopped working out to please her and became skinnier and weaker than i had been in years i got depressed and lost like 15 pounds we broke up at the very end of 2019 and today i'm in the best shape of my life i can wake up and work out without fearing judgment and i am steadily making gains i miss my ex-girlfriend sometimes because we did have many good times but i certainly don't miss her passive aggressive toxicity i will never understand why some people think this way it was almost emotionally abusive also in the early days of the relationship she would complain about how much i worked out and act like it was weird but then constantly admire my body later when we were undressed a true mind love well seems like she was just insecure in her lack of fitness routine i'm assuming i don't know it's okay buddy you got out of it you realized what was wrong with it and now you're healthy and you're happy so good for you good on you all that jazz good good good i don't know what i'm saying don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode you
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 13,008
Rating: 4.8755074 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes
Id: 5yhwXCiOjIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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