REVOLUTIONARY WAR DOCUMENTS FOUND ! WOW! I bought an abandoned storage unit

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on three two one this is possibly the greatest thing I've ever found a storage unit today right here ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages I've been busy I probably put some videos out by now but we have been busy missed a few days I apologize for that we were getting things ready for the big Alameda flea market this Sunday the same day the Superbowl shout out to the 49ers got customers on our way we're gonna go through things that we found out of an amazing silver horde stuff like this we haven't even seen it all yet we got stuff getting organized we got guy coming over to look at all our paper things we're gonna make some money and we're just getting clean here whoo we have coins we haven't seen coins look at this coin books silver we've got antique autographed books there's so much stuff that has not even been seen in this unit yet these furnitures was just chock-full of stuff just the whole box of o tin time but it's also that's like a whole thing of wine labels old antique wine labels what do you know about wine labels the problem with them is they're good to put on bottles and then suddenly you're making a bottle look very interested you have a vintage bottle yeah but most of the time there's lots of them so they don't have a value I guess these are really old because they came from a yeah that's what I'm thinking these people these people everything they had had was like really old they deserved probably 1940s 30s California wine port there was a lot of like family heirlooms like I said I had like two really nice paintings it came with like little provenance letters like hey this was given AmBev in 1859 and oh yeah one is a J a Stewart and I think his his a 3,000 on average comes in a nice frame it's got the metal plaque and everything it says some words in the back that it was where he made it and stuff is kind of nice then I got another one that's really nice but I can't read the name it's about 1850s not that probably this is a great sticker but it's kind of cool then it's it's funny because I'm Jewish from a family that was from the Bronx but this is like the New York light today why but like this kind of thing you know they go under three bucks apiece but still that's kind of neat almost look sterling I think it is now these are these are Victoria return the century decorations but most of the time they're iron pipe metal Falco's this unit had some like I said 30 63 pounds of sterling silver it was all meaning it was mainly flatware but no it was all flatware and plates and bowls and I weighed up everything that wasn't weighted and then I figured out there's about four pounds awaited if you took off the weight right still very nice so is that it's about scrapple stuff or stuff that you would take out I honestly I don't have time to scrap or I don't have time to sell it piece by piece like that yeah like for instance the nicest things a Tiffany bull it's got the monogram yeah but the big old initials across the the center of it make it highly undesirable but people don't realize a lot of people like when they tell me I'm stupid cuz I sell I scrapped the monogram stuff but it's so hard to sell we think of this it just depends whether it's just as free I think this is their belt buckles for shoes oh wow there's two those are nicely decorative oh okay so I have another one somewhere yeah I'll be a Victorian belt that's very very nice the the work on the side very being you know brass or whatever okay here's the other one and you probably right because look there's leather like a shoe right there nice don't this approval application for certificate label approval so someone actually was designing a label okay so they they got an application for label approval I guess with the alcohol and enter administration you had it had to have proper thing probably showing the the what the size was and the alcohol content for you to oh wow I'm way Scott you know Diaries are really hot items right now on eBay just regular Diaries sell like hotcakes sure I'll be seeing for like 250 bucks and stuff so funny you know I've sold some boy ones for 15 to 22 so just I think it depends where those actual says oh yeah I see him there's some gold in here nice for my guy nice oh look at that a 14-karat like dog oh no it's uh it's the Masons nice these guys were definitely Masons it's a cool little lot of stuff right then maybe sell it on my eBay well that's all gold in there nice there's so many little trinkets notable worked in there but you never know huh probably another sterling yeah see like tons of late night time like $50 items and stuff like that but I think everything queue tively is cool i do also do mystery boxes so I just put a show them a little bit in here got a lot of these glasses here not gold form coins nice so are there actions this week or you as you said are you giving I'm trying to get ready for Alameda and I've been trying to I'm being anti swamped like life is not it's very busy for me with YouTube and everything like I'm falling behind on little things because it's hard to keep up with everything so this week is ketchup get alameda ready going on vacation the next sunday so i have to take in the family to tahoe the old lady and all the kids oh yeah i was homeless for eight months last year agreed I had three dollars to my name the storage business was not working as well because I wasn't doing things right I wasn't working I was only making YouTube videos turned it all around with some serious storage buying because the storage business is really lucrative often this right here gold ding-ding-ding-ding to you yeah these are nice let's see what it is for turn all it has to state of California that's Eureka I think the Mason thing right I'm looking for symbols it's a California I don't I don't see Masonic on it but there are a lot of Masonic lodges that are not yeah maybe I can move slow just I'm I'm pretty sure they're gold oh this one that's a few bucks there that was in this top dresser drawer I think that drawers still full of stuff that I didn't he say this is 20 bucks wringer that one and we got this coin right here tool aging that's kind of nice coin that another silver coin is will probably end up in a lot on the YouTube auction this looks like all mystery box stuff to me Oh sterling L L is for love you bucks here actually 20 bucks maybe I don't know 10 bucks is old an 8 1962 Frank Robinson yeah black and white photos for days my photos you think you've looked at least a million or somewhere 500,000 to a million or something like that you've had to look at over a million photos in your years of hunting area based collections so the hand-painted huh well they call it hand tinting or hand coloring so but you're right they there are actually kits of like watercolor paint and for painting for painting photos this lady was an artist as she probably did some of them yeah well you remember they there was photography at that time and there's if you wanted it to sort of look like Maine like real life you you added tinting yeah I have like her whole collection of personal artwork and that's how I think she came lady other artists she was friends of artists back in the 1800s playing the side and a lot of times they make him today but they're either Gump axe or cigarette packs yeah a prison aren't have you heard that before oh yeah yeah I find these all the time but they now make them in all kinds of places I think they make them do Mexico on the street to be honest with you so but sometimes you get one that looks just so unusual and what's an age you know that it comes from you know comes from somewhere not not commercialized I think the stock certificates are in one of those and by shit I went through all these doctor they were mostly stairs tons of stamps I don't know maybe like a stamp collection on the auction ooh look at those come on Mickey Mantle or some perfume if you get the right one because these are old ones they're not their key vitae pension Johnny Romano and Jim Maloney dick Stewart Warren Spahn and that's a good one but the cool thing is they're from the 60s so it's got to be pretty late because yeah doesn't say them nice their stamp guy over here oh wow that's when they moved some sterling silver yay I think we needed a new chain we broke one the other day more stamps well yeah but I always thought the stamp guy look at them postcards but not cool ones range oh yeah at one point in my career I bought a stamp a Scott casket Scott a little bit Scott stamp catalog and try to price every stamp in the collection when I was at one time when Scott I bought a you know we found like 20,000 and unyu stamps or something or 12,000 we just sold them all at seventy sixty percent it's like a good one here now it has a valuable number on it the way inflation notes hmm just big wide stuff especially Italy okay it's not a it's not a wine label nice oh so you don't cross unfortunately this is our mark I think I'm about to that's gold chill you know just save your gold Philip that yeah go you ever sell you to save your gold fill up yeah I treated his silver yeah I feel like I'm what I'm from what I understand it has the same scrap value as silver what's funny about $30 an ounce in good gold Phil that's better than silver here that's Cayenne kind of a weird inkwell huh one thing your pounder I don't know let me look at it for a second okay so so it's an anchor what then you bring it up and it's got ink on it what the do it did then put your pen on tip of it maybe you punch holes in it well looks like a puncher that's like a just spring on the end see that yeah it's interesting nice got some silver going here what should he wear that's the guarantee I feel like I have a clock that might be it just says France on it all these cool little posts punch you sure she's guarded its appointed room for Alcatraz oh that's not good uh it's just actually we have that one already decreed west of Nevada City I mean obviously like anything these are lithography you you want the real photo ones are better than people still send those cards just like I sent you an email well you see yeah thank you a photo look I'm on the beach with the Maya my house communication has changed every baby photos a lot of ugly babies and photos this is the one I hear sure you huh okay so it was over there can we catch us in No and like I told you the biggest thing most of those things they gather money from people and they'd be they'd go under in a year mmm that's why you see so many different companies that's sucks that's funny so what do we have here companions the Illustrated order of red grouse all valiant and my nose so Knights Templar so even though there's all this extra stuff when you see the class and the night typically its Knights Templar but just like that gold medal you saw yeah that's Canadian that'd be a variety could be Knights Templar for all we know that's what his hat was right now that's a Shriner shrine it okay it's still cool ten twenty bucks yeah oh yeah $20 bill for sure people buy them another one yeah very seventy-five hundred shares and it's not illegal to sell those right can I can I have this land so I can't own this land with this no because it's been deeded five times since that it's just the record by the one about looking at old deeds they don't allow the sale to Black's Chinese Lutheran I mean I was just amazed last willing to Testament I am more stocks yeah we be rich this is later ah this was probably gonna be teens 1908 that's the Cokie good no Stockton was today and I didn't go look at this did your buddy go Scott went who's the guy that you had to go over to his house he came to college Jack Jack nice guy yeah there's narrative of course it's not saying whodunit but what's cool about it is Pacific the state's exhilarating but and you know this can be copied from someone but bullfrog you know this is kind of relating to California and Nevada Bishop Creek so I mean I don't know I mean it's gonna treasure map let's take me to gold we got some coins Asian coins didn't even coin collection some neat stuff I think the Chi looks a little small Norman Shaw same family or Shaw family yeah sure this I say this is all from that unit American stamps you can tell the difference right away oh sure our European - there's Sweden or Norway Germany's a good one Paris postcard get rat stuff in here - I think the most interesting thing out of this thing is is that that is that sack if you have it could have the stamp on it you know and out where if you see anything in there well where in the hell it is this that's the like I said it's always the closest thing is gonna be that little rob know that says a lot of times see the drum sometimes has the bear and goal map it's a plot plot map for the thing hold on would say there you got me got me screwed out for just one second respective cylinder just gonna need that one barrel this new path I just had it there I didn't even get a chance to look at it yet this goes with this hold that one it's just Anna denture there's a bunch of those over there 1881 that is hold all these are receipts need to go with gravel money that's big these that was cool so it's a shell x100 wouldn't be cool if they were been Indianapolis or something oh yeah 350 bucks one skin fair enough I appreciate you you look UHS Ukiah high school well I'm wondering cuz remember something said from you Kai about twenties you know I like hundreds okay it was three yeah sweet look at that guys we made money so you didn't you don't sell anything online for people to view if they want to buy stuff like this peace fantasy based stuff you know it's like yesterday I picked up some spicy animals a dinosaur a couple dinosaurs kind of rule they're about this band pop them up a hundred peace I got a bit on each already from laugh wasn't way what's your saying what one tell the world what your site is tell the world what you're saying oh you see bears you see bears and but no underscores or nothing as you see bears just you see be sweet all right wow I thought this was the best one for him to look in through all the commotion if you just saw he came in bought stuff we ransacked and kind of filmed and looked at all these neat trinkets he buys paper post cards etcetera he's very very probably one of the easiest man to deal with what I like about that man is I never have to say a price I just tell him what's fair I know he's a reseller he's always he's gonna he's trying to double his money he's not trying to get quadruple like a lot of people are a service cetera every time he's ever give me a price what he's willing to pay it's good I just let him price his stuff always fair enough but he forgot this one box and we're about to see what's in here cuz I thought this was gonna be a good one on three two one more of the same stuff paperwork okay Georgia seed for Fountainhead stocks Wow the golden egg this paperwork checks old checks photos are always good yeah we got stuff coming we got stuff coming another one of those maps he bought one of those they're gonna if it's the same thing that he would have bought first floor plan he likes photos and why the golden is is he'll be going in your paper was gonna tenían still honey birth high in the lofty elms lease agreement all right the golden wedding I'm intrigued by old paperwork because some of the stuff could be know you liked photos there was none in there who is a diary Portland Oregon August 24th nice 18th January 23rd that's like today isn't it what is the date no they went to the February 25th this is almost today well almost today in 1870 Leroy found a large printer mural on the floor of the I don't know if they did this is neat 1898 okay another diary it looks like this is what I I think these are something right here when I saw this box I opened it up I was like okay we're gonna set this aside I saw something exciting on the bottom of this 1871 Vacaville Sunday evening my dear okay general merchandise whole grain 1817 and then we had this Michael you slamming things around what is this this is November Washington November this looks old this looks like really really old 1793 yeah I had a feeling that this one was gonna be cool 1793 Wow look at that November that's why here in the sunlight I can't read this the roast of Rhode Island and Providence seven times like when I first came estate this is like literally Justices piece John wait this is crazy November 8 and that's probably 17 same from Washington what is all this we're gonna have to have somebody look at these pieces for sure what is this 1717 26 Henry northen jr. I cannot read this 1726 no all the presents of Henry this is George Thomas 1726 this is possibly the oldest legit piece of paper I've ever found to date right here I'm getting knots in my stomach just holding this thinking about what this potentially has to offer and value holy smokes my guys should have been here to see this we didn't even get to this box but this is probably not something he would have been able to buy cuz I have a feeling this is really big money 18:06 most honored father I have taken the first opportunity for my arrival after the probe of the 50 days boarded several Matthew weight photographed from Spanish train of troops wow what is this something to do with all this hmm this is nuts right here knots in my stomach as I think about what this is potentially well what is this - John wait by the Honorable Nicholas Cook Esquire governor cat in general commander in chief of and over to state what is this 1106 could this be somebody who was on like the Declaration of Independence or something who this is you ever find something when you when you're a treasure hunter this is what I do for a living I search that's why I buy these units of people think I'm crazy because it might look like nothing it might look like some is sat in a barn it might look as something that covered in rat poop this is this that has a look when I'm looking at it you're searching for treasure of unknown these documents right now as I hold them I believe that's where there are documents of somewhere we can see they're handwritten the chills that are coming down the back of my spine thinking I think I think this is something that I came to speak right now this is something to me that potentially could become the most valuable thing I've ever ever found in a storage unit what is this 1735 well chills ladies and gentlemen this is chills turning upon renown - yes it is I need a breather because this is got this got my like guts turning right now this is nuts this is this right here is possibly this is possibly the greatest thing I've ever found a storage unit to date right here okay we've got minor photos thing I am just in guys I don't even know what to say right now I have a feeling these are valuable I don't know if I'm gonna I'm over feeling it right now but right here you see some of the craziest looking this document 1777 right here this thing is older than who that's my most favorite one so far out of all of them even though there's one 1735 and 1726 this baby right here so far to me looks like the money shot I got a lot of research to do with this can you guys believe this out of the independent companies in the state of doing prunes okay this is this is crazy that's what you're doing here look at my records what are these good ones yeah I found some amazing documents from the 1700s and I'm over here just in all right now yes I'm hoping they're like priceless I need a hundred grand I'm trying to make 2,700 a day which I'm failing in I know I'm it's irritating me someone told me recently you need to make a dollar 90 a minute to make a million dollars and it's like now I'm just constantly stressed out that I'm not making a dollar 90 a minute it's a lot of pressure and I'm gonna do it I had a really great weekend anything good here in just one potential but it could be 1520 no but it's a later blue no but might be worth like 10 or 15 and this is on crown which is kind of like the key tell version of Records we're almost done with these records ladies and gentlemen yeah you have a collection of different things that lad up but I don't know how deep you're in this unit but I'll see if I can't help you dig out of it I found sixty three and a half pounds in these two units of silver what's a good one Leadbelly folkways cover those screams could record to me takeaways from this collection is the Adelie impressions what is the Fleetwood Mac worth fifteen it's really clean there's my fingerprints all over it what about the one on the bottom there the left like that um that's jazzy blues that's my man blues it's a pretty good shape to record said release on folkways probably late 50s early 60s release and I'd say it's at least probably 35 rank I come along Big Brother and holding company the other ones worth about 10 maybe 15 in this clean condition got a few little scuffs not bad bullets if a guitar that's one that I saw this I went flipping through I wouldn't I would like to set that aside really clean on that that fine good label on it just fantasy but I'm trying to figure out what would you call that color round yeah yeah broom off burgundy with gold yeah that tastes really nice dark red $20 record this being the impressions Curtis Mayfield and so on the ABC imprint us little dirty it's my hobby of 10 to 15 and there's this for lessons in jazz which features Art Blakey Jazz Messengers Mingus and what they are it's a based in ep so it has four different things going on okay but I think it's probably in this conditional to split probably 25 and then everything else kind of falls into a lot of folk a lot of popular you know just like Tony Bennett's and your Streisand's and common records from the 60s and 70s yeah not a lot 80s even though hey everybody's seeing the king the Kings records aren't really really valuable until you get further back into his son years for me anyway and then contemporary jazz more and that's it pretty much fairly fairly fairly common stuff aside not this all right now let's go we'll look through it into my piece together for you like pretends like getting never I don't know what it is and you're just looking this box and you wanna make sure was it have money in it let me keep go and you like another one right and you get another one looks like band members see this is guitars bass stage the presentation yeah it gone it gets better okay let's see what this is going ok the promo kid yeah we keep when he gets better and better and it's like the it's like the business ok this is where stuff they were doing ok so is this the individual here I don't know who this is was in this all this unit this was what one briefcase somebody was obviously into trying to be somebody maybe this was them mmm I don't know did you see like maybe somebody was either promoter and trying to get these bands yeah in clubs or in on stage somewhere that's cool right in here that's nice I'm a funny this might be some good stuff yeah I would say already signed cool all right very cool our king wow nice cool all right now the king like a jazz pins pianist in the tone she's a R&B vocalist alright we hand down the heli Meadows brother I don't think so okay I had to ask I know I've often wondered that I wanted to see the records that's something there's some BMI stuff coming up I think I just give him through us a little bit but then I think he's been in the back of my mind cuz I gotta figure out what what it's worth Toki's oh he made a huge career yeah what was his claim to fame was he a pop artist I don't know making a whole face nice lot of these cool skate mouths possibly some jazz players I can't see players like they're like you're in a team you know yeah didn't you like it that the word players use jazz players and yeah players please you know when you speak musicians speak that's how they listen one cool the shaft I don't know almost the thinking for a second this is pretty tight though I agree this might be big mouth again also the Michael J Fox for a second that looks like a good one the to toot man yeah wonder if he was maybe in New Orleans or something were that zydeco or something I was saying good one JJ Malone yeah this person must have been a promoter or what right now somebody did you have all this stuff and maybe you were or maybe you had a club and maybe had something where he would run it maybe he was a studio guy that was an engineer that was doing project for people and he got all these things there's none of mementos for working with the artist there's so many different stories in this this whole one unit that's crazy storage insert trip yeah you can see people's life it's a cold world yeah you didn't even look in the BMI thing no this is it oh right okay boy that's why we sat by lies and sell memories like you get it's a person's whole entire okay everything to register your music through BMI it's an application right so you know the whole story around BMI and ASCAP right yeah we have don't we have some other BMI stuff when I found ya for sure it's saw around licensing and protecting writers and artists creativity I am this is where the press kit for this wind going my gosh how much can you fit in the briefcase a great briefcase hopefully a lot least as many dollars right at the roots BAM BB King and orchestra Johnny Guitar Watson Desiree miss and Scotty Ford systems run on David Ritz what is all this sounds like a pitch of the people and artists because he's saying attention cause all right page two where's page one uh that's kind of a neat letter I just saw BB King right there and I was like okay Gibson USA hmm yeah he's talking about all the different artists possibly as handled or he'll along the way mm-hmm I mean some of these people are in here so maybe that's it it's like a thanks to all them possibly well a lot of interesting stuff musician related artists related look like maybe a promoter and maybe a the same person was a writer or some sort of a studio musician may be associated with all these people in here we're not sure that really getting deep and deep into all three guns it's like literally what they did yeah what's it worth that's the question ladies I'm a cobbler if you think you know what something like that is worth and I'll let you know what I can termined a briefcase worth not much mm-hmm so where which brings us back to now that wasn't as interesting as I hoping you picking a poke what movie what movie is pig in a poke maybe if you family vacation a vacation with Chevy Chase remember they went on pig in the poke and that's how they won the money to go okay I just know they went to the what at Walley world because they want to trip on repairs to basically basically Clark oh I got from this long trip to Europe was just you know when my family came back and gave me a shirt so you're saying this has any value though trying to tell me no in a very short side it's probably yeah it's harder to turn me cuz there's just too much of common things in there they're indecent okay shaped and there's a bunch of really not-so-nice stuff again the little takeaways are these ten records here or let's see two four six seven eight nine records it's two record-setting that's like uh probably two hundred dollar bill to somebody mmm so yeah comment below if you think this is worth more than two hundred not you saying you offer 200 kit 150 okay that's good bargaining skills huh yeah I appreciate you very thank you yeah in case anybody out there doesn't know pirate is very generous and does things when he wants to take care of people in desert good you got a repeat business is the best business I agree cuz I'm a turn to burn guy and I look for things that I know I could sell right away move on to the next so what I found out is this person right here John Waite and I think his name is somewhere else than other paperwork it was in the Revolutionary War he was a member in the Revolutionary War I got a lot to research did you find out I don't forgot much else about this but I see regular papers just regular ones from certain areas like this they stuff like 800 bucks on eBay you never know there's so many names here if any of these guys were significant you see George Thomas Nathan P soul can't even see if I'm pronouncing his name right you see all sorts of signatures right there see signature like different names I don't know it's a lot of stuff here depends on who wrote this William hall by Francis will you I don't want to say the name it looks like looks like a German leader there this is crazy stuff though I've been trying to do research I've been kind of a fat rated there's John Waite again this one I have to read Providence plane plane Aleutians to the share of this deputy of this County Washington counting information and Cyrus French to keep the peace interesting yeah we're gonna do some more research on this this one is 1793 1743 something like that look at that all these different signatures and names Washington I just thought I'm intrigued by this president John Waite s freak French I don't know might have had a major jackpot
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 11,346
Rating: 4.9109588 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, abandoned storage, watch storage wars, found money, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage units, storage auction finds, abandoned storage unit auctions, auctions, asmr
Id: fneXb9tQm7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 37sec (2917 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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