Reviving my grandpas rare 42 Ford with only 28k miles

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you drove over here from pigeon forge right have you drove it since then no well you know what time it is time to go get another car you want to get in there and pull the truck forward yeah cut it to the left pull it forward a couple inches ralphy too far too far a little bit more a little bit more right there alfie good job are you a professional truck backer oh yeah well tomorrow we're going in the morning to thanksgiving to my families and uh we're gonna pick up a vehicle while we're over there so you gotta check the trailer out real quick and get it ready for the morning you gotta check your casing especially in this cold weather like we got right now uh they really lose pressure in the cold weather got our winch on there i think we're ready to go feed the baby calf before we leave can't leave it hungry normally mama does this but uh right now she's cooking sweet potato casserole good lord of mine i'm sorry rocky we don't have room for you in the truck today all right so next morning we're ready to go now we're still rolling on the jb welded transfer case if you didn't see the video of us going to ford fest and we got rocky's baby in here is it sleeping so we're headed to middle tennessee which is where i grew up my grandparents have a farm there and i grew up on this farm uh doing tobacco and beef cattle and so every year for thanksgiving christmas stuff like that we go over here to uh to do this stuff and my pretty much my whole family on both sides lives over here in middle tennessee so you're trying to put the diaper on or is that what you're doing here yes we don't want no accident well you expect me to be this close to sweet casserole would not eat it along the way i mean [Music] here's a big reveal so this is the car that we're taking and this is my grandfather's car and it's a 42 ford i believe i think it's got the from memory i think it's got the flathead six on in it but uh i'll have him talk to us about a little bit but he bought this car and uh then it's been sitting for about uh we don't know exactly but somewhere around 15 years so thing hasn't ran about 15 years luckily it's been in a good dry storage area and we're going to move some stuff out of the way move this 57 bel air and get it loaded up [Music] now we got to move this car out this is my grandpa's 57 bel air four-door hard top he's got a 265 v8 three speed on the column ralphie's in there he's gonna run the pedals and the brakes for us because uh this thing's got some sort of fuel delivery issue right now but how cool is that huh four-door hardtop like that you don't see them like this very often [Music] [Music] [Music] i hear it going in there now that one's a little flat you got to air them casings up don't you [Music] so this is my grandpa he's the best man that's ever lived and he bought this car about we don't know exactly about 15 years ago and you drove over here from pigeon forge right have you drove it since then no so it's been sitting here in his garage for like 15 years he bought it and then he parked it here but uh anyway it ran he drove it up here and then it had a coil issue on your way home you said carburetor oh the carburetor got stopped up on the way home or whatever you had to stop and cleaned out but anyway this car has got 28 000 miles yes right and it was stored inside at a tva facility or somewhere tva warehouse yes something like that so this car was stored since like the 50s so it's sat a lot inside for his whole life and i walked around the car and show you but uh it's in excellent condition inside because of that reason but anyway i grew up here on this farm and he taught me everything i know taught me how to weld you know we're out there brazen with a you know tractor parts up and stuff working in cattle working in tobacco that's what we did wasn't it yes yes so in here with ralphie is the mileage on this thing look at this 28 000 miles and look how nice this plastic is on the dash look how nice the door panels are like the windows roll up and down like they're brand new the seats i use the original seats i'm sure it's only got that many miles look they got the suicide back doors look at this thing man we got to get it back going look the headliner the original headliner is still in it i mean where are you going to find a car you know that still has all that stuff [Music] only made for they only made these for a few months or something right and 42. it looks the same as a 46 mall right well i quit making those cars she scored they went into war production in uh 1941 and 1941 was the last four that was built from the last of the war but this is a 42 right it's 42 it's hot but it might have been made late 41 or something maybe yeah possibly there's not much difference in that yeah i was thinking a 42 and 46 look the same that's when they started back production right yeah that's what i was thinking so they i see the war was over like 45 yeah 45 yeah and so they didn't make any more of these dudes after the war yeah they were making airplanes and bombs right yeah go straight to the floor yeah it may be off to check it out on off i don't know you're supposed to know this stuff you were there i don't appreciate you calling me weird on tv something like that all right you said this murder looks weird you're still weird like i was wondering if you saw that or not i don't appreciate that at all i mean that's going to hurt my image we used to do burnouts in your maverick it was back there and that's when they bought it yes we all back back out there yeah behind the red roof mall back yeah down there on that side street that you did the burnout so it's been 16 to 17 years since it's rained long time i just thought about something i could tell you guys right here is where i got the very first car running i ever got running i was about 9 10 years old and it's that blue nova if you guys look at my facebook or instagram sleeperdude88 you'll see that that blue nova was sitting right here back before this garage was built and it sat here for years and i got the old inline six 250 running when i was about 10 years old right there i let you drive it you love this thing oh we're gonna tip over man crazy in a hurry interview man this is a tough mountain we're going up right now but it hasn't overheated yet thankfully it's pretty cold outside i had to stop the convenience store for a beef stick i mean it's not a vienna but it's close pulled over to check everything all our straps seem tight nothing seems too hot back here so i think we're good to get this thing home well we made it thank the lord and greyhound and uh a little baby goat did good hey girl but we're gonna probably wait until in the morning get this thing unloaded it's pretty late now but uh we'll get off here in the morning and get in the garage get started on it because it has no brakes i'm just gonna unhook it and you're gonna fly down the ramps and then when you get almost to the wall throw it up in gears stop it okay it's so cold out here this morning i had to break out my winter attire had to get my winter flops on yeah look at that hopefully i don't lose subscribers because my toes are hidden all right pull down on the handle real hard here you go you got it all right just hold the clutch in and then if anything terrible happens let off the clutch and it'll either slow it down or start the engine and drive off one or two hey at least the brakes aren't stuck [Music] kind of kind of impressive that the brakes aren't stuck after 16 years like that rocky you just hanging out in the field with your your wives i just want to say good morning all right talk to you later you look so beautiful today have you done something different with your hair did you lose weight oh you look so good so it's a 42 model you never sat in anything this whole probably look how the pedals go like down to the floor they're like oh my gosh that weird look at all the probably hand painted gauges everything it sat inside so like the dash is perfect isn't it cool the horn button the three-speed manual on the column so this is how you shift it but it has a clutch so you have to like clutch it when you shift it's really i mean it looks really pretty what do you think wawa i like well it's time for everybody's favorite part the old advertising now i didn't find a ton of stuff because they didn't make these cars for very long but here's what i did find i hope you like it so [Music] [Music] well it's been a minute and uh we went to the rural king and got us a new six volt battery because the one that was in it wouldn't charge up but i looked up a bunch of information on these and these were made between september 12 1941 and february 10 1942 and apparently the ones that were made after december 31st had painted trim and you know this one doesn't appear to have had painted trim so i guess it was made before that date but even if like say ford had a whole stack of chrome trim they still had to paint over it because they didn't want any car company to have an advantage over another one so some cars came with chrome trim that was painted over it's crazy but these things apparently had five different coil and distributor arrangements apparently maybe they were running low on parts because the war two different generator styles and they had three different cooling fan options so i don't know which one we got but looks like it comes off the crank to the generator and then up to the fan i don't know i don't know which ones are more common and which ones aren't but this is the 226 inline six that has 90 horsepower one thing that i found funny was the flat head they made a 221 flathead and they had the same horsepower as this thing so i guess whether you got the 6 or the v8 or the smaller v8 you have the exact same power so it's kind of funny that they put out two engines with the same power they had a special a deluxe and a super deluxe and this is the super deluxe model so it had the most trim all the best stuff this was the first ford since 1906 to have come out with inline six because they had switched over to the the v8 you know this vehicle had the lowest production numbers since 1910 because they ceased production for the war effort and they they came back out with this basic car in 1946 but it had a different grill and it had a little bit wider hood so it's not exactly the same car but it's a very similar car that came out in 46 but these cars are really interesting uh you know something you don't see all the time especially a car like this that uh was garage capped and really low miles let's look in here and see what we can find i haven't really got to dig in here since we got it in the building well this man my grandfather he never even took the writing off the window where he bought it that's incredible he never even did that this appears to be what's left of the carpet that i guess is maybe in bad shape what do we got here oh we got a coil and another coil oh he must have bought a coil somewhere uh what is that okay owner 88 thunderbird owner's manual why is that in here this looks like for one of my cars here's the knobs for the uh the window cranks and stuff oh we got in here okay that's like bezels for stuff like that too looks like a horn button maybe so oh cool it says 24. i wonder why mercury took 24 pounds of air and a ford took 28. look at the oil viscosities that's pretty neat come on paul what were you thinking here that ain't gonna work that's the biggest roll of electrical tape i've ever seen oh cool a window regulator for this thing and it's still got the original label and stuff he probably got that as a swap meet or something condenser so he may have done some ignition work at some point to it look at these old keys man they look like they're going to break at any moment they're so tiny let's see what's in the trunk i couldn't really open it when he had on a trailer there we go will you stay up yes you will what do you got here instead of fall out of the box the whole bottom of the box is busted out looks like a generator and a belt man look at the size of the belt where'd all these fomo co parts come from that's great the old bumper jack there that probably cranks the engine too if i was guessing we got an oil filter sweet what's in here oh wow carburetor stuff man he hooked me up didn't he oh i love the old holly logo that is so neat what's in here is a whole carburetor no way that's neat doesn't look like it's in any better shape than one on it but uh at least we got it in case we need some parts or something original wheels for it now i did read that uh i don't know how i would tell the difference i did read that some of the cars built during the war had stainless steel hubcaps uh instead of what they normally use oh we got a bunch of casing tubes huh what else is this tools it looks like that's all that's in here so i wasn't sure i'd actually like to see it with these back on it now those weren't on it when he bought it this is what was on it but uh personally i'd rather see it with those man those look so nice it looks to be hand-painted pinstriping on there check out this old mechanical jack man that thing is really neat since i know the history on this car i don't really have to uh you know do a lot of things that i would normally do because i know this thing's been taken care of it's been uh you know in the dry the motor's not going to be you know in terrible shape so i'm it's going to allow me to skip a couple steps we're going to see if this motor will turn over and it is not going to turn over by the fan because that is the belt is just totally slipping on the generator so i'm gonna have to get something down there and get on the crank and try to turn this motor over feel this this spares never been on the ground since 1942 no way yeah it's the original spare can you believe that i mean isn't that crazy it's like 80 80 years and it hasn't been on the ground ever you're drinking coffee it's mom's yeah you're drinking mom's coffee you're gonna be wound so tight are you ready to work on this one this one's your favorite isn't it as far as the cars go yeah he really likes this one for some reason so he's been wanting to work on it maybe we can get it running today what do you say high five sure if you guys can really tell but we have an alignment issue on the uh crank it's like the radiator sat in there just a little bit uh crooked because it's been out before probably so i can't get something right on the crank to try to hand crank this thing there go ahead and check the oil in this thing well it's full and it's thick and black so that's perfect that's exactly what you want our carburetor is not locked up that's a very good sign and let's see i wonder if our choke works oh shoot because this is a oil bath breather okay that mean it means that look inside here it has oil level you fill the breather up with oil and the air comes in and if it has trash in it the trash gets stuck in the oil just like a mouse gets stuck on a glue trap so that the oil catches the trash that's in the air i think my grandpa's probably made that bracket right there see look down here looks to be like girl to me i cleaned it out some this morning while you were in bed so pull that knob that says c on it for choke wait wait a second and i'm gonna see if the choke actually is working on it all right pull it yeah is that as far as it goes well you don't break it okay that's good yeah okay we got choke we're good i'm getting no accelerator pump when i do that so the carburetor bowl i guess it's all evaporated out over 16 years i'm gonna take the top off this carburetor real quick and look down the bowl and see if it looks terrible or not hopefully our gasket stays together because i don't have a gasket kit for this thing so it has an up down upside down screw on this side i didn't see it first that's crazy the gasket didn't stick there's something something's homeless over there oh there's like a rod that goes down through here off of there that carburetor looks like it's in great shape i don't know if somebody's put a reman one on at some point or what yeah we got some trash down in there so i'll go ahead and clean that out and we'll fill the carburetor bowl up with fresh fuel get up there let's see it look down the ball we'll see yeah kind of dirty isn't it it just dries a bone down in there trying to get in this in the jet jets clear there so we should be good to go with all that accelerator pumps it come on i think it's all good so hopefully we can just uh fill it up with fuel now yeah a lot cleaner it looks basically brand new now inside there so uh our needle and seat appears to be i think working be all right now this thing's pretty simple to work on like all these old cars like this yeah it's got a compression fitting for the fuel line that's pretty neat too so i got under here to see if this old gal had a drain in the gas tank it looks like right before my grandpa bought it somebody has replaced the fuel tank in this thing definitely has fuel in it so there's no drain uh i don't know what i'm gonna do if i'm gonna try to drop the tank and drain it or just see if it'll run off what's in it look at this it has like something that covers the leaf springs and you can grease it that's crazy isn't it looks like somebody's replaced the brake lines back before my grandpa bought it as well so i really hope that we can just put brake fluid in this thing and bleed it and get the brakes back working again go ahead and try to check the uh brake fluid on this thing i don't know why they didn't make this like a hex so you could fit a socket on it but uh they didn't i'm sure it probably came with some tool originally that i don't have anymore oh yeah it's bone dry every bit of brake fluid has evaporated out of it so let's fill that up i can definitely pour this in without a funnel oh perfect shot oops bleeding itself we ain't gonna have to do nothing i'm gonna go ahead and take the supply fuel line off somebody's modified it and uh what was that silver soldered together whoever worked on this was a craftsman i'll tell you that right now i'm going to hook up a a rubber line to this right here and put a fuel filter on this too i'm just going to hook this thing up to a boat tank at first that way we know we're getting a good fuel supply and uh not gonna have any issues with 16 year old gas this is a flat head so it's probably like six to one compression it'll probably run off old nasty gas pretty good but uh we're gonna try this first we got our boat tank hooked up now i didn't actually have a fuel filter that was the right size but brand new tank brand new fuel cleaned out carb shouldn't have any trash at all i wish i could turn the engine over but i have no way to turn it over without having something that can go through the radiator and turn it there's no bolt on the end of the crank that it's just like a something like this i don't know so i i'm just going to try to hit it with a starter see what happens it's always funny working with a six volt system man it always seems like it has a dead battery all the time i believe this should be a positive ground system uh i think they were all positive ground up until like the mid 40s but let's hook it up and find out for ourselves the ground strap from the body to the positive side and the one from the starter solenoid to the negative side seems weird yet ralphie do you know rocky must be hiding from this rain it's raining outside and he has not wanted to come in here at all all right well let's i guess let's just hit the starter and see what happens well i almost forgot to put fuel down in the bowl you have to have that i believe the combination is this is a steering wheel lock which unlocks the ignition switch so i think that should send power to our ignition switch and then we have the start button over here and then we have our choke here we're going to have to pull i think i've got that correct [Music] well our shoulder is clicking but nothing's happening bouncy seats all right let's see so our gauges are working oh oh it worked all right let's try this [Applause] well it's trying but doesn't see me lighting off let's see if we got spark well at least the motor motor's free which i didn't have a big doubt on that because of the way it was stored so well i'm gonna pull a spark plug now i need you to flip on the ignition and then hit the starter button when i tell you okay all right all right we have no spark oh my gosh the distributor is a front mount way down here so i got to get down in there and get that cap off get to the points and all this plug wires are inside this tube that's fun boy quit it i'm trying to work out here i unhook the battery so you can't do it to me while i'm working down here again well it's got little snaps that hold the cap on there everything seems so brittle i'm scared to death i'm going to break something we could replace i'm not sure why you would need to put all your plug wires in a metal tube like that why they couldn't just uh you know do the normal thing and just spaghetti across the engine and get burned on the exhaust i mean that's the way it's supposed to be and get this cap out of here so anyway this how did y'all change the points on these back in the day okay there we go so there's the cap design this one has huh these wires are just hard as a rock so there is our points under there you know i thought all these old cars are easier to work on man this why didn't they put the distributor somewhere you could actually work on i'm gonna get some sandpaper down there and try to file the points on it and uh see if we can get some ignition man this is just a terrible spot to put this thing i don't know why they would have done this all right we're standing the point contacts the best i can tell it's like impossible to see it without a mirror okay well i can't really tell how good i've got them sanded but we're gonna stick this back together and see if that fixed it if not i guess we'll take it right back apart we still got no spark i don't know what's going on with this cool amount but we got like six three eighths nuts holding on i'm gonna check to see about oh maybe that's what's up our cool wire just came totally broke okay cool wire it wasn't in the best shape i've ever seen uh at all we stole the cool wire off our falcons so that car is completely inoperable right now and uh maybe that'll help all right all right still nothing are you just in here pumping the brake pedal yeah did you ask if that was all right is he getting air out of anything i'm gonna see if it gets sparked right out of the hole try all right nothing okay all right turn it off turn on all right we're different we're getting six volts there when he turns it on so we got ralphie tapping a wire that's hooked to the same wire that's coming off the points to the coil so that should be acting just like the points do where they're opening and closing that connection so that should make this coil fire and it's not so we're going to have to swap out coils see if that's our problem apparently papa bought a 46 to 48 ford coil i'm assuming this is maybe the original coil off this thing so this is good on it so it has to be good and he gave 10 bucks for it so we're going to bolt this one on here and try to see if that'll fix it well this looks more correct anyway bolts up the right way i hated that strap thing going on there this thing sure is easy to hook up it says distributor and battery can you say distribute distributor you see distributed rafting yes oh perfect so i got it all wired back up got our cool wire on here here ralphie all right yeah we still got nothing we just tried i had a wire hook to the distributor side and ralphy was tapping into the ground strap and we were actually getting a really faint spark out of the coil so i'm just going to hook this back up to the distributor and hook the wire going back up to the points and see what happens uh i don't know if our points are working or not we'll see [Applause] no i put some sandpaper on a filler gauge and i've got it in between the points trying to get a little bit better job with the rotor out of the way now i'm going to try to check the point gap while i'm in here too uh since it's so hard to get down here bump it a little bit farther got it up on the high point of the lobe on the points now so we're going to uh check it with here it feels like our gap is too loose in there it's not really dragging the feeler gauge at all i've got it now to where it's just barely dragging there at uh 15 000 so we're going to put the cap back on i don't know what else i can do them points that i haven't already done aside from replacing them he turned you got me try it again so we're not getting any fire even out of the cool now and that's with the coil hooked up to the distributor wire so this distributor is what's actually trying to fire it i'm getting really familiar with this distributor cap and wire setup um i think i'm going to try to go and see if we can get new points maybe condenser and some ignition parts i don't know what's available and what's not maybe put some new plugs in this thing i know the plugs aren't the problem because we're not getting sparked but you know while you're replacing stuff you might as well just fix it all right i've kind of decided it might be easier to pull the whole distributor out of this thing than to try to fool with changing this out in there get all the bolts out oh there goes so this thing should be just like the uh the two-end tractor we've got where it only can pretty much go in one way there's not really a timing adjustment to these so this should make it easier to work on i must on a hat all the way up on the lobe on this distributor because it's uh it's kind of loose so i may tighten the point gap up but it still has ford motor company points in the thing there we go that's a little better right there so this adjusts the the width of your gap and then he's tighten it down well i've decided to give it one more shot before i go trying to get points for it and stuff hopefully our points gap was just too wide i worry about the plug wires though because they're so hard and brittle and i don't know if they're actually working correctly i guess i could open them out and see it's not working right hold it down all right still got nothing got no fire coming out of the course those points are not telling this thing to fire because we can make it fire by manually you know touching the this side of the coil to the ground strap and uh so we definitely are not getting a signal from our points take the uh distributor back out and realize i never hooked back up the wire to the point so that might have something to do with it yeah hey we got spark around the corner this thing's going to run come on okay what's wrong now [Music] all right all right well now we gotta start a solenoid or something gone out go ahead and work on this starter solenoid all right it was shocking me the whole time if that counts man so what's up now why isn't it if we're getting some spark there i don't know let's try cranking on some more you put cat litter on the bottom of your feet for better traction yeah that's incredible son i want to pull the plugs out of this thing see what they look like but we're going to get some dirt or off around them first all right i'll leave them out let's get them out and look out and see if they look like well this makes a lot of sense we got five that are the same they have a pretty cold heat range and they got one that's got a real hot heat range the electrode sticking way out and they don't look terribly dirty but they don't match each other either i guess i'm gonna go to town and try to get plug wires and plugs for this thing ralphie had to take a shower for a church thing we're about to go to in a minute but i got just enough time to go and try to get these plugs and wires hopefully tractor supply has them they carry a lot of stuff like this because a lot of the old tractors had the same engines these cars did uh let's say i'm gonna have to get this because all the pre-made ones they have are for four cylinders so i'm gonna have to get a universal one and make them i don't really like doing that but i'm gonna do it this time guy spotted me here he comes he jumped over the fence and made his way in here so we're gonna make these uh plug wires now with his help he even showed up too you can't tell my wife likes animals that are spotted up colors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i had lots of help from rocky um i was gonna pull these old wires out of here but they're like made of concrete now oh well rocky doesn't mind does he oh yeah quick so maybe uh maybe at a later date we might try to get those out of there or we'll just have rocky work on it for a while and i'm gonna put the new wires in now put the cap back on it get our new plugs in here i'm gapping these down to 25 thousands that is what the specs supposed to be according to the internets so hopefully they're right i mean this can't have a whole lot of spark being six volts what are you doing rocky get out from under there huh your beard's looking nice all right i got all the plug wires on i try to zip time back away from the fan let's see if we have better fire now maybe this thing actually light off [Music] hook up the boat tank i forgot to hook back up rocky's all hyped up over there on brown paper bag food and uh we're gonna try it again all right let's try this again forgot the ignition switch again okay what does it need what's it one more choke let's choke what's that noise come on come on girl maybe you don't want choke starters kicking out on me i'm gonna give it a little drink of fuel here see if it wants more fuel like that it seems like come on girl [Music] damn i didn't think it's ever gonna start [Music] let's go sit there and idle now wow yeah it's just going to sit there and idle these things run so smooth when they're running up but i mean it's like 40 some degrees outside crank right up idles wow a little bit of rust out oh i'm so excited i'm so glad it finally ran oh ran out of fuel i bet our fuel pump has went bad what's up i don't i didn't have the right size clear fuel filter because this has a quarter inch fuel line but let me put some fuel back in the bowl and we'll try it again [Music] [Music] uh [Music] look at this how many old cars you gonna find where the gauges still work like this i mean look at all the oil pressure it's got i don't really know that it's charging it doesn't appear to be [Music] yeah keep it running ralphy give it a little bit of fuel man it's so smooth it's incredible how smooth these things run but you know 28 000 miles i mean it hasn't had a lot of miles put on it i wonder if it's gonna pick up fuel or not see how long it'll sit here and run maybe it'll start picking up fuel and i don't know maybe that wasn't an issue [Music] it's really responsive ralphie beeps the horn on me here's some gas ralphie [Music] not even smoking or nothing wow well you know what this means we gotta see if the fuel system's working and then we gotta get these brakes going and get this thing out and drive it as soon as it quits raining the fuel pump must have started working because it's been sitting here running now for at least over a minute right ralphie i told you earlier that ralphie was getting ready for a church thing we got an ugly christmas sweater thing so i have to get mine on later we'll have to get both of our ugly christmas sweaters on but yeah this thing appears to be good to go i can't believe it let's see how the oil pressure is now yeah we got uh we got 40 pounds of oil pressure man you feel it doesn't even shake the car does it it runs super smooth i knew you liked it oh this is it you have to talk to paul about that oh yeah it's responsive isn't it it does good well we better shut it off before it gets uh too hot is the temperature gauge working um it may be coming up just a little bit there but we'll shut it off and uh start working on these breaks all right now we're gonna go to church train's closed you're gonna fall all right we got our ugly christmas sweaters on we're ready for the get together at church we'll have to come back to this car when we get out of here it's the next day now we didn't end up having time to work on it uh last night after the church thing so we let this thing sit overnight and we actually started to get a little bit of a pedal right at the bottom uh i found that that's a good idea too like if you have a car that the whole system's dry uh brake fluid like that fill it up and let it sit because a lot of that stuff will just naturally bubble out of there and it's kind of hard when you have one completely dry and just go straight to trying to bleed it you're working against a lot of air i also talked to my grandpa last night and discussed whether or not to drop the fuel tank and totally drain it and flush it out or to try to run it off of what's in there and he wants me to try to run it off what's in there because it's not been you know well it's been 16 years but it hasn't been 30 or 20 or whatever so we think it might run off of it so we're going to try that i'm going to put an inline fuel filter on it because it doesn't look to have a fuel filter anywhere on the system that i can find unless it's hiding somewhere along the frame rail but i'm going to put an inline fuel filter on it and you know these flat heads too are about six to one compression usually so they don't require a whole lot of octane to run so that does help us in this scenario i got the uh fuel filter on there now this guy is not very big but it just happens to be what i had around here i had a 10 pack of these for like lawnmower stuff this thing has a quarter inch fuel line so that's a quarter inch filter we'll try this one if this doesn't flow enough we'll end up getting a little bit bigger filter but at least this will catch you know any trash or dirt that may be coming out of that tank here's a look at what the rear suspension is like in the frame for you young whipper snappers that don't know looks like this thing's had a new muffler put on it new brake lines so whoever had it right before my grandpa did a lot of work to it it appears and i didn't realize these older cars had quarter inch brake lines instead of 3 16. i figured i might as well check the rear axle while i'm under here since nobody ever checks these things don't they call his banjo rear end or something kind of funny looking huh needs a little bit looks like it wasn't low much i must have put maybe i don't know less than a pint in it so it was probably good to go anyway but at least we know now figured i might as well check the transmission while i'm under here just so we don't mess anything up trying to dry this thing see it needs a little bit too it looks like basically full just like the rear end was ralphie has awoke he's a little tired even though he got all kinds of sleep warming himself by the fire you know the drill you've done this before a lot you're a professional brake bleeder yeah all right let me check the fluid level then you like the seats oh shoot we got like good pedal now okay well i didn't feel much air come out but maybe that's all it took was just pumping at some and getting a little bit of air out this thing has an old friction shock uh not like a new car enough people i'm talking about with the shocks i've always been told they're called friction shocks they're not i don't believe they're gas filled or anything if you know exactly how they work comment below but i don't know how they work exactly okay we're going to crank it up and see what our fuel looks like going through this filter definitely caught some trash that would have went through that thing you can see it right there uh i don't know why it died it didn't like having the choke on which surprised me because it's like 30 degrees out here right but uh we'll crank it up again and see what happens come on there you go man well it seems to be run on that old fuel all right it should have burned all the new fuel by now [Music] so the temperature gauge was working yesterday because it's like all the way down here we got up above that uh sea yesterday that carburetor makes some tiny noises all right let's sit there and i'll let off the gas i get oh well our island must be a little bit too low or something push the start button and get like pump the gas a little bit as you do i it something's got clogged up on an idle circuit because it will uh keep it running no matter how much idle uh idle rpm screw i give it it will not stay idling i got to get keep it running i gave it a little bit of fuel with the mixer screw and that don't seem to help either hmm i don't know what's up with that why it won't i don't i mean yesterday i have to think something got stopped up in that idle circuit and that carburetor i might take the mixer screw out and spray some carb cleaner up through there apparently i'm out of carb cleaner okay here we go main voyage that clutch feels like it doesn't work at all should this be first oh we're moving and we got brakes brakes work let's see if it backs up oh this is great that clutch is squeaky [Music] we got good breaks and we got reversed [Music] that must have fixed the idle because now the aisle is like too high i'm gonna idle down first car in the channel if this is like the old bel air i took my driving test in this should be first second third and that's reversed [Music] that's a little bouncy isn't it [Music] i feel like this is the first car we've had on the channel that's like instantly roadworthy like i don't i feel like i could take it straight out on the road right now man i love this thing already this is great i guess i could have like put the gas cap back on it and uh to close the lid i didn't did that this thing feels like shutting down like tank door or uh you know something like that submarine door when you shut it i'm gonna go ahead and wash this thing because uh it may be hard to tell in the video but it's really dusty and uh i really couldn't see when the sun was glaring on the windshield hey scooty hey buddy but anyway just for safety's sake we're gonna go ahead and uh watch this thing so we got a new t-shirt that's coming out this december and if you want one go check below there should be some pictures down there of our merchandise or you can click on our username and then go and click the store button we got the flip-flops and maps t-shirt hey that was suggested to us by a viewer so go bomb get some merch right yeah right ralphie it's about time somebody took these off here it's only been 16 years for sale finally got that cleaned off pebbles has come out here to hang out with us she's a good little girl you kind of look like rocky don't you got our super clean out here gonna clean the casings up with it a lot of dust on this old girl it smelled a lot like old gas when we were driving we really need to drive the old gas out of it 16 years i guess since it's been washed [Music] so [Music] pebbles if mama finds out you're eating her rose bushes you're gonna get a painting ralphie and mama's in here cleaning the windows while we're doing this so maybe we can see how this thing now you ready to take it for a drive look at them be armrests don't even see those before you know who needed seat belts back then right nobody died in car expecting we were told that this car sat in storage for a long time so i guess that's where it got a lot of these scratches look it's got a lot of dents and scratches in it looks like somebody's tried to knock that dent out of it right there just a little whiskey do you you know that's all it is that's what my buddy scott would say just a few whiskey dents i noticed when i was washing it somebody has scratched their name daryl waltrip has snuck into my grandfather's house and scratched his name into this thing i don't know what's going on here it appears that uh it had the window taped out maybe maybe this window's been replaced before look it doesn't say ford but i don't know if they did say ford or not but maybe the back window was busted out at some point and then they taped it up i'm not sure you can see where people have drug stuff off the side of it when it was in storage let's go let's go for a ride good boy we got pebbles and scooty today maybe scooty will stop being so scared to be on camera you haven't been here huh you like it yeah but it doesn't have a phone charger it actually does up here seriously it's got a place for one up here but it's six volts so it probably wouldn't charge your iphone [Music] [Music] all right we're off what do you think squiggle it's the best car you've ever got well it's that's why it's good probably first gear let's see if we get our other gear oh yeah stumbling a little bit that low rpm rod's pretty smooth it goes our speed on it works [Music] hard hill maybe it's just because i've been too low rpm i don't know [Music] so what do you guys think i mean maybe i don't really ship that good [Music] tap reverser didn't i and this is the right road for this an old back road tennessee two lane road and an old car that's exactly what a car like this is made to do already in third gear by 30 miles an hour it's not made for the interstate for sure [Music] that's good brakes though the brakes were really good considering how old this thing is [Music] devil's being good back there yeah she like riding an old car yes we still got over 40 pounds of oil pressure that's good i can't believe all these gauges work like where do you get an old car that's this old and everything still works on it speedometer every single gauge seems to work except for the clock maybe this is steep hill are you creeped out yes squeezy help me creep out just use the transmission to slow yourself down that's all you need you don't need brakes remember on a long hill i guess you pump your brakes don't just ride your brakes all the way down last our lesson is really good there's no problems there with the temperature [Music] though better it starts running and performing you work all that rust and junk out of the system or you clog your fuel filter up and you start losing oil pressure and you throw it down on the side of the road that's also a possibility this is all scooty wants to do skitty loves me with all his heart i'm his favorite for whatever reason he decided i'm the favorite [Applause] [Music] it seems the shaking with the third gear it may have like a slit belt in one of the casings or something i don't know who knows as long as he's been sitting so guys this is what it would have been like to uh been a kid 80 years ago you'd be riding around something like this with no seat belts and nothing just out here living the dream yeah well we're i don't know quite a few miles in now it appears to be charging our temperatures on the low side of normal we got 40 pounds oil pressure and i don't i don't know the fuel gauge shows about a quarter of a tank i hope that's true because it needs some fresh gas and then we need to put some some new gas in it you guys probably didn't think a millennial like me would know how to drive a three speed on the column or three on the tree as they used to call it but i actually took my driving test in one of these so i know exactly how to drive this this is kind of how i learned to drive i grew up like i was born 50 years before i actually was because i was born at home i was also uh born in the house with wood heat only no air conditioning no phone uh nothing like that we had no television had a record player though i let off the gas it died must have been a little bit flooded all right let's get back on the road [Music] yeah it doesn't it's back to not one island we probably got a little bit of trash in our idle circuit again i would guess because it's not wanting to idle again on us anytime you let it idle it dies well we made it home i let it die let's see if we can start this way there we go we're back on our way that's the thing about having a manual transmission that's so fun is you can always crank the thing well overall pretty good it's not one idle the best and sometimes it smokes a little bit but just because it smokes don't mean it's broke you know huh that's pretty fun wasn't it hey rocky well i feel like this was a successful video and uh don't be scared ralphie that's like i'm gonna get all over you um i really enjoy working on this thing i'm glad it's back driving again ralphie really likes it i'm glad i could help my grandpa out you know we'll probably do another video where we deliver this thing back to grandpa i'd say and uh check out our second channel sleeper dude two the number two also below there's a merchandise or if you click on my username and then click on the store button you can get merchandise like our new flip flops and may pop shirt uh you know you don't know hockey's rc colas i've gave them to you before and you wiped your mouth off you pouring one out for your homies son also check us out on facebook instagram and now tick tock at sleeperdude88 on there i appreciate you guys watching it means a lot to me it allows me to be able to work on these old cars we got plenty more cool projects to come we bought something the other day and ralphie's dying for me to start working on it can't really tell you what it is yet you got barbecue sauce on your head rocky you stinky thing you smell like a goat there you go it's good he loves his body just do another one
Channel: Sleeperdude
Views: 834,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: custom, parked, abandoned, neglected, barn, vice, find, for, years, road, trip, grip, junkyard, mustang, dodge, mercury, lincoln, digs, fairlane, falcon, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, breakdown, jay, small, big, block, leno, fairmont, cougar, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, ford, super, deluxe, coupe, convertible, family, kids, sitting, sat, rescuing, rescue, trying, to, diy, will, it, start, run, drive, sedan, delivery, truck, vintage, classic, old, patina, station, wagon, garage, lenos, v8, flathead, f series, de luxe, special, world, war, rare, street, rod, car, cruiser
Id: Xe7bdVhOFSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 40sec (4180 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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