revisiting HORSES in ts3 (Streamed 6/21/23)

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good morning everybody this is big we got a lot to talk about [Music] um there was kind of a horse leak yesterday I don't know it was like oh my voice oh my god did you hear that it was I I feel like this one wasn't as bad and it was bad because it was like everything but the trailer is coming out tomorrow so it's not that big a video but anyway horses confirmed trailer tomorrow screenshots leaked they're like lots going on for The Sims 4. so I was gonna play the 100 baby challenge this morning um that was before yesterday when that happened so I've changed my mind and I've decided that I want to play with horses in The Sims 3. because um well it's a big day it's a big day we're horse girls now um yeah we need a Yeehaw emote we have a Yeehaw emote I've been prepared for this moment I've had that Yeehaw moat for years we in fact have a Yeehaw emote anyway um I figured we would play I don't really know what we'll do I just kind of want to I just kind of want to play with horses that's kind of the that's all the plan is I just can't stop thinking about it so I'm just gonna play with horses anyway hope is thriving right now can you believe it you saw notification that we were getting horses now you're sad okay purple planet so hold on um I have something to show you if you think we are not getting horses well uh uh we are the trailer is coming out tomorrow um yeah for real like actually for real for real this is yeah there yeah there's a reason I'm doing this um they posted on Twitter yesterday um they posted on Twitter yesterday the quarterly teaser um announcing the trailer coming out tomorrow which to be honest with you I'm a little bit annoyed by because tomorrow I literally tomorrow is the one day the one day that I can't deal with this I'm flying to VidCon tomorrow so when this trailer drops on a plane on a plane to California it's a five hour flight that's just not this is not fair how does this always happen how how anyway so the trailer is dropping tomorrow um and steam leaked a bunch of stuff the feature list and the screenshots um got posted on Steam uh I I feel like it was probably an accident to do with like they knew this they were going live with something but there was a miscommunication of how much they were going I don't think they were supposed to post those screenshots yesterday but they did so um anyway we're getting horses for real for real we're getting horses this isn't a prank um you can be like you clickbaited me no I didn't anyway horses so no I didn't finish filling that ranch in The Sims 3 yet Clara I have the house to furnish still um the of the ranch we are working on in The Sims 3 but that's for my Sims 3 Legacy challenge um and I don't know if I want to like furnish The Farmhouse today because what I really want to do is like play with horses you know um do you think we can ride them in the new pack well yeah yeah yeah yeah that's like that's the gameplay is is like uh doing competitions and that like jumping with the horses and and riding in the screenshots even a kid could ride the horses in The Sims 4 which is pretty cool um so anyway I made a whole video on it yesterday um which frankly can we talk about this for a second So Yesterday Dan was flying home from uh the UK and I literally on stream I stream in the morning yesterday too and we were talking like oh there's gonna be an sdx drop I may or may not make a video on it it's probably not going to be a big deal so it's probably not worth making a video on it but if there is something good like because we had guessed there was gonna be some books swatches in it I was like maybe I'll make a video and it'll be a short one because I wasn't gonna upload yesterday because I was pre-recording for VidCon and stuff so here I was being like maybe I'll make a video in like an hour and post it after I get off stream one o'clock rolls around I I go thinking there's gonna be an sdx drop there is an sdx drop it's it's a radio station and some book swatches but it's not just an sdx drop in fact it's a quarterly teaser and in the quarterly teaser they announced the horse pack oh my God I really truly did not anticipate that happening yesterday I thought it was gonna happen do you know what I think I I thought maybe it would happen next week like after I got back from VidCon maybe I was just hoping deep down that it would happen next week after I got back from VidCon because if that leak was true and it is coming out July 20th it's like it probably should get announced soon but I think deep in my heart I really hope that it would get announced next week and not this week this week is really inconvenient for me personally so yesterday and I don't mean to complain but yesterday I made a video on it and then I edited it myself because Dan wasn't here which was fine but kind of a time sink because I had to like record because I'm trying to pre-record for VidCon I finish it's fine but anyway it's all right I got it done it's all it's all done and finished um but anyway it's just like how did they do that how has this happened the one time I'm going to VidCon is this the new world no this is the Sims 3 this is the Sims 3's world so anyway um I'm gonna try and figure out if I'll be able to make a video tomorrow from the hotel on the trailer I'm gonna really try to do it it's just like honestly tomorrow I'm gonna be so stressed out oh my God I have to wake up obviously very early um because I've got a flight in the morning and then it's five hours all the way to California and then I gotta get to the hotel I have to get my like badge and stuff for VidCon tomorrow I'll try and make the video on the trailer and then I have a meet and greet tomorrow which I'm really like kind of anxious about because it's the same day as my flight um so it's just like tomorrow is gonna be um tomorrow's gonna be a really really big day for me it's gonna be a long day a very very very long day it's all right one step at a time it's gonna be fine it's gonna be fine how does this always happen I don't know this is the most this is the worst one so far I think it just feels it like I mean like last time cottage living when Dan was moving was kind of annoying but like we made it work I just couldn't really stream with it because of the move but this time like I'm so anxious what airline am I using for my flight hey Mark I don't know um oh your first message bestie I don't know what your intentions are but that's kind of a sketchy thing to ask it makes me wonder what um what your what your plans are okay so if you're a nice person don't ask uh content creators that question because it seems like you have bad intentions okay especially as your first ever message if you're a bad person hi nice to meet you thank you um okay let me see if I've got a Sim that already has a horse from the last time I did this oh it's the goose person from last time here we go I think we could do this oh there's a pond here the Madison oh my God my friend hope who's a horse girl has a girlfriend named Madison okay so here's my sim named hope maybe the horse is named hope I don't remember and we could go live in the Madison also hi Dan yes okay I didn't want to make a new sim because I wanna I wanna play with horses oh it's Peppa Pig okay the horse's name is Peppa Pig um and this is Hope goose didn't I have like four horses in this family um not at first not at first I only had one horse in this family at first and then it sort of um expanded as the as the time goes on so anyway hold on I think that I may have uploaded the footage to the wrong place in the drive for Dan to use let me just really quickly check on that um I sure did I posted at least this one in the wrong place hold on hold on don't mind me everybody I'm just trying to make sure I can get Dan all of his footage so that he can edit this while I'm streaming I don't know where one of them is Dan I don't know if I uploaded the generations one how is this possible because I was doing this literally all day yesterday hmm oh my God I searched Generations in my drive and it's like all of my papers to bunch of school stuff hmm huh okay well that's two you've got two you'll be fine for now you'll be fine for now okay let me buy myself a couple things first of all I'm gonna give myself a bit of money because I would like to buy myself some horse things it's very important to me um okay oh I didn't read any subs oh my God sorry oh night and kills me to nightmare Megan AP fleeks and JD and Shay and matcha and sweater and Tara Abby we got an anonymous sub gift um we got lonely and Badger at Daisy and Cadence and Kelly Sylvia Tundra Miss Chris spooky Orca uh Catherine Sandra is CME Queen Lauren of cat heartless uh mod and Jenny and nerdy Ashley and and Colleen and pearl earring and Chantel and Clara and Jenna oh my goodness what is wrong with me logs Sue Marissa dream God is low Lex Nikki Ali K Emma Hannah everybody's like horses horses oh ugly hopeless Chelsea uh that's it I caught up okay good oh and Marshall thank you for the gifted subs thank you so much thank you so much okay simsy is there horses or not yes yes there is go look at my YouTube channel I made a whole video about it yesterday there's a reason I'm doing this okay um let me go get myself some horse things shall we I think I would like to buy should I build like an actual Barn in the backyard here probably right I would assume so maybe I'll buy myself this for now doesn't it have to be like really tall to be a barn though like two stories I don't know you're still in disbelief that we're getting horses no me too I really really really cannot believe that this is happening I I mean it when I say I never thought I really really really never thought we would be getting horses I I just I I didn't see a world where this was possible I that's why I even like kept saying it to people I was like we're never gonna get horses in The Sims 4. we're never gonna get horses in The Sims 4. and all of a sudden we're getting horses in The Sims 4. I really really really cannot believe that what is this clip that Christine keeps putting this will be the final mailing list wait this is when I played the Sim last time hold on this will be the final nail in little like I'm not kidding I've always been anti-horses in The Sims 4 purely as a meme and purely because I thought that it would be impossible but if I'm being perfectly honest with you I think it would be so funny they added horses into the thrift store because because like why would they do that well that's just it just wouldn't fit at all it would be why would they do that so funny well I did make an entire video about all the reasons they should add horses into the Sims 4 by the way maybe I'll be in equestrian evil unlucky a veggie what kind of bad traits did I pick huh and goats no do you know what speaking of the goats when I saw that yesterday in the in the screenshots somebody in chat I wish I remember who it was but somebody in chat like literally last week we were talking like what else are they gonna add in the horse pack like what what is it gonna be other than horses and somebody was like What if they added goats somebody literally was like they should add goats we we talked about goats last week because somebody in chat was like that would be so cool if they added goats and they are adding goats but I didn't we weren't talking about but we did somebody in chat was like goats they should do goats oh cause of gout oh oh Dan getting gout is the reason we predicted Dan getting gout is the reason we predicted ghosts in The Sims 4. damn manifested it huh well that's nice thank you Dan I guess okay um horses that'll do you're very excited you love the ranch exotic you're looking at horse girl oh that's the other thing I wanted to show you guys um let me see if I can find this because on there was um remember a couple or like last year when they did that hold here we go remember when they did that thing last year uh in that Sim Summit stream and they showed us this they showed us concept art for the build items we didn't know what packet was going to be but they they showed us a little bit of concept art which now obviously is clearly this like this is clearly what it was from uh but this is kind of interesting to see some of the like ranchy stuff that we might be getting this is like that stone wallpaper we had that in the screenshots so we might be getting a new kitchen set I don't know about this island business we'll see about that I like the table and this is just concept art so this might be different like this might not be the same as what they actually made um so don't like you know get convinced because it really it really might be different um because this is always just concept art but I do really really like the Vibes of this so should be interesting do I think there's ceiling paint well it looks like it in the screenshots doesn't it hold on and two of the screenshots um I'm going to the Sims Community page because they have the screenshots all on here look at this so in this screenshot if you look under the ceiling do you see that how the ceiling is painted I wasn't sure if this was a shell or if it was an actual build but then in this screenshot do you see that the ceiling is painted which I mean that's like on purpose you can see the ceiling right because you can't see it in in this screenshot so I think that the painted ceilings might be the new build feature in the update that wouldn't be like a pack feature that would be an update feature kind of like how we got platforms when snowing Escape came out and platforms our base game um they usually do a new build feature around expansion packs um kind of like when we got an Eco Lifestyle the ability to alt Place Windows um stuff like that they always do like a new build feature with expansions and so it seems to me um that that this might be the update feature so that would be so cool that would be so cool um anyway I'm just I'm excited about this so um hope we get some new base game options uh yeah I bet they would give us I mean I'm wondering if the what I would assume is you can just put floor tiles on the ceiling that's my guess um is you could just put floor tiles on the ceiling um so any of the floor tiles you probably use in the ceiling what's the point can you even see them in game oh bag of fish you know what I'm actually you're consider yourself lucky that you don't care about painted ceilings like genuinely consider yourself lucky because I can show you even in The Sims 3. um but like when you zoom out and the ceiling is like plain white usually it's fine um but when you're especially looking there's not a porch on this house but imagine you're oh this house is ugly when you're building like um like a log cabin right and you're trying to get an angle of the exterior of the house kind of like down below or whatever um The Sims 3 camera sucks hold on um but you're trying to get like an under angle or whatever of the log cabin and then you just it's like all wood everywhere and then you have this like ugly white on the underside of the roof it just look it like really it kind of like ruins the Vibes when you're trying to do builds like this um so you can't you can't paint the ceilings in The Sims 4 right now um and so a lot of us have been begging for this option for years like like literally years since the Sims 4 first came out um because it just kind of throws you off when it's like everything would and then this weird like grayish roof on the underside so we've wanted it bad and it looks like this might actually be happening this time so I'm I'm assuming that it's going to be um just like you could use any floor tile on there but I guess we'll see because it's I don't know I don't know I wonder if they'll talk about that in the trailer and because they'll probably post like articles tomorrow I wonder if they'll talk about it I don't know we'll see um but I'm excited about it it took him nine years yeah popcorn ceilings yeah um oh I know Avery I I bet it was hard I wonder who built for this pack because first of all I did not build for this pack I built for the last pack they wouldn't have me do it twice in a row I'm not saying this because I did it secretly don't go with your weird conspiracy I did not build for the horse pack okay everybody is like what if you're saying that because you actually did it no that's not how that works anyway I built for the last pack not for this one but the people that did it would have known about this for a long time I bet that was like so hard for them to know that would have been so cool anyway um anyway you built for the horses pack yeah okay hope I'm sure you did I'm sure you did what color will I do my first horse I don't know maybe I mean this horse's name is Peppa Pig maybe I'll make Peppa Pig a horse in The Sims 4. join the journalism career no good sense of humor unlucky vegetarian evil equestrian okay okay I'm gonna try and get this horse to like me and then I'm gonna ride in that's step one oh Elizabeth thank you so much for the resup and and for what you do thank you so much uh Mira Cal flower vibrant Artemis uh we got poet and lunar and Gippy and glimmer and Ferris and diaper and parth thank you for the subs everybody um you know Chad is going to make you make a Peppa Pig horse I wonder I'm so curious about the trailer oh my God I'm actually getting really excited I think that um it's um oh wait the last video you saw in the last video I said I'm not hinting anything about horses in the next video what you see is about the horses pack wait what video did I post last oh my God I guess I posted generation that or the lightest challenge I mean that's so funny because in the Legacy challenge I was like okay full transparency I filmed that Legacy video like a week and a half ago um because I was pre-recording for VidCon and stuff so in it I was I forgot about that I was like I think we'll play with horses but I'm not hinting anything I don't know anything about horses I'm just saying maybe if it's real and then the next day they announce it oh my God but yeah I filmed that video like right after the first leak happened um but I it was obviously I filmed it a while ago because I've been pre-recording so um anyway and you guess it's on the two kits from the road map oh Jenna I didn't even look I actually didn't even look wait should we look at that really fast hold on I genuinely did not even look at the the like road map to to think if it had any kit teasers I was so distracted by horses that I fully did not look at it wait let me pull it up that's really funny actually I didn't even look at it hold on let me um open the steps let me get some water too um you don't think it had a hint did it I don't know I mean well look there's ads playing right now so I'll wait like 20 seconds but we'll see we shall see I fully didn't even look at it though like I genuinely didn't even cross my mind so um do you think they would increase household number and separate Sims 3 like how the separate Sims 3 pets from Sims um maybe I don't know if they would increase the household size though they didn't do that in the cats and dogs pack but okay this is the road map thingy let's watch this and see if there's anything kit related because this so far feels very horse ranch that also feels very horse ranch take the reins June to September a root and tootin expansion two bold kits Behind The Sims and more I guess there's like what do you I mean you think swim trunks is that a chair so maybe it's a I guess at like a summertime ish like swimsuit kit might be you think the fan voted kids oh I don't think the fan voted kits um don't you think it sounds like it's too far away to be the or do I think it's too soon I mean for the fan voted kids I feel like the fan voted kits are gonna need more time than that you have to really like I think people were mad about the kit the last kit that came out because it wasn't the fan voted kits but like when they did the fan voted stuff pack it took like a year it takes a long time no that wasn't that wasn't the goth one okay no no August that wasn't the goth one that wasn't the same that wasn't the same kit um yeah I don't think we can guess from from this it seems like all I'm getting is like this is a this is a cast kit and this is a Furniture kit but I would have no idea how to guess about the style there's a bust on the right side yeah this almost looks like a bust what do you think that would I don't know um yeah people don't really understand how long the involvement takes it's not like it's the the um the fan voted kits will probably take a long time so I wouldn't I wouldn't get your hopes up about those fan voted kits oh that could be a floaty in the river I didn't really I didn't really see that there's glasses on the right side too where am I being silly maybe it's like a summertime thing and it's like a like like swimsuits and then like patio furniture in the tree I'm not seeing anything oh right there sorry got it it's literally right there it's right there yeah so maybe it's like maybe it's like pool like outfits and then like patio furniture oh what they do two things like that though it could be like summery stuff though have a perfect patio stuff pack yeah but the perfect patio stuff pack is like I think they could do another patio stuff pack it's a different style you know um because they're like just because we got one patio thing doesn't mean we can't ever get more patio things but I it seems I don't know like swim trunks maybe sunglasses maybe maybe a pool floaty I don't know I would like I think I would like a swimsuit kit I feel like we don't really have that many of them and I I kind of like sometimes I use the underwear kit as swimsuits so I don't know I think I would I think I would like a swimsuit sort of kit yeah the chair looks kind of mid-century to me as well but I think that it's hard to make a judgment call on that because it's so and then this is throwing me off this looks like a like a statue of a head basically a bust so I don't really know but I don't know as long as they don't have my first pet stuff to put on I'm good well do you know what this root Intuit and expansion pack that sure does seem like in my first pet stuff too my second pet stuff it does seem a bit like a my second pet stuff but that's okay no behind my face cam there isn't anything my face cam there's just rocks so anyway that's kind of interesting I genuinely didn't look at that at all I was so so distracted by horses that I like that didn't even cross my mind that's really funny um because usually I look more into those for for like the kit things um oh yeah I said bust not bus yeah I said bust um did they officially announce well the trailer is coming out tomorrow Alyssa um but kinda yeah a bust is like a sculpture of head and shoulders so anyway yeah we all sit and analyze these things every time um oh let me see let me see I feel like usually the trailers drop at 11AM eastern time um which is annoying it's very annoying of them to do that um premieres in 27 hours oh so interesting 10 a.m Pacific time tomorrow isn't the trailer's gonna drop so not 11 A.M Eastern Time so it is it one I feel like sometimes the trailers drop sooner than that so I don't know that's fine that's actually better timing for me personally um because it's a little bit later um it's a little bit later for that was on this morning yeah yeah we're gonna I haven't started yet but we were gonna play with horses and then I God's distracted talking about Sims 4 horses so I mean that is why we're playing with horses is because of this or because of the you know can they send you a copy so you can react today I wish they would lo I really wish they would I don't think they would though um not for lack of me trying let's just say that um but it's gonna be fine it'll be fine they don't really send stuff like that out early I think that people think I get more stuff in advance than I actually do anyway but um it'll be fine it's just bad timing um let's jump who will I give horses first in The Sims 4. well I'm probably gonna make a new SIM for it just pretend and then Dan will overlay the trailer could you imagine I just feel myself being like Oh my god did you see that and then we just cut it together no it'll be fine I'll have time to film it it's it's just like normally with those trailer reactions I like to spend a long time like breaking it down and talking about it which I might not have time to do as much of if I'm filming it from the um hotel but it's okay it's okay I just I like to like go frame by frame which I'll be able to do a little bit of but it's like you kind of have to I don't know I won't have as much time a second video needed on horses I make one when I get back that's like okay Chiller reaction too a trailer reaction number two okay how are we doing on skills bad actually learn riding skill be front okay [Music] Welcome to The Sims 3. welcome to the student S three they're called Cavaletti by the way oh are they oh yeah I can see that oh my God When The Sims 4 comes out I'm gonna watch the trailer tomorrow and I'm gonna be like oh my God it's the Cavaletti I need to like brush up on my uh my horse knowledge so when I do my trailer reaction I can be like oh look oh yeah hope gave me some some like information on cross-country stuff wait let me see if I can find it Hope was talking about how um uh based on some of the things she saw oh no look at this okay so from the trailer or from the screenshots they showed there's this thing right in the screenshots and I guess in real life there's places you can go to like practice cross-country training with your horse um and look this is an example of a real life one which looks like that right interesting so perhaps cross country I don't know we'll see I think that's kind of cool Peppa got jumping skill level three I could now enter Advanced show jumping and cross-country competitions I don't think I will be entering Advanced um so we think the Equestrian Park is like a cross-country place to train jumping maybe I was saying the Hope also that when I was reading the description of the thingy from the leak it said equestrian center and Equestrian Park so I think there's going to be a rabbit hole Equestrian Center where the competitions happen like in The Sims 3 I'll show you because over here in the over here in The Sims 3 this is like the Equestrian Park the like training grounds um that you can visit and train and then this is like the equestrian center which is a rabbit hole your Sims go into to do the competitions so I assume the Sims 4 will be like this where we'll have the park you can visit and probably build and then the rabbit hole that you don't build it's because it's just uh it's a rabbit hole so cross country without a helmet could you imagine oh no so there's going to be a new law type well I would I would assume yeah I feel like it has to be um yeah I'm fine with the the actual competition place being a rabbit hole okay Peppa needs a break from skills um because it was before so I don't really like I I even and this is gonna sound very controversial okay but I even sometimes wish that the prom at least had an option to be a rabbit hole in The Sims 4 because Rabbit Hole Sims 3 prom was wild they had Sims like going there and getting their first kiss and stuff I I sort of missed that about Sims 3 prom which sounds really weird to say but there's something kind of nice about it being a rabbit hole and I think that if they tried to make a active Show competition I think that it would be kind of glitchy so I prefer to just go into the rabbit hole you know um sometimes it's worth it and even with work like it's fun for your Sims to do an active work day sometimes but I mean most of the time get out of the house and go on your own you know get away let's go do it so sometimes rabbit holes are good I think um it's it's nice when you have like an option you know um you want more Rabbit Hole careers too I always say that also hope I've been saying that for years I don't really care about active careers that much like it's fun for specific circumstances but for me I feel like when it comes to making a active career it takes so much more time and effort I would genuinely rather you made me three Rabbit Hole inactive careers because for the most part I feel like the career most of the time is sort of just a label like I just like being able to say oh yeah my Sim's an astronaut oh yeah my sim is in the business career all my sim does that and they go and do it on their own and it's kind of like for storytelling purposes oh yeah they do that thing but I don't need to actually do it I just want more labels for it so I have more options oh the shower glass is frosted nothing's up with it the shower glass is frosted the textures in The Sims 3 are a little bit different than the Sims 4 so it might look a little off to you but it's all right the shower glass is just frosted a la Baker career that would be really cool Tilly like more food based careers I don't know I'd love to have more careers in The Sims 4. I just don't care about the active ones and it seems like so for example in this new pack it feels like this this new pack is gonna have like a not a career necessarily but like it's sort of like how in cottage living the career is like running the farm and this the career is running the ranch which is like a Super Active career you know because it's not a job that your sim goes to but they're home all day doing it so people are going to want to see the horse competitions though well Alyssa you couldn't in The Sims 3 so I feel like most people that uh are used to playing with horses in The Sims probably don't have that expectation but I don't know I I think that there's gonna be some backlash on it but I don't really care because I feel like it's better that the competitions are rabbit hole so I feel like I prefer the competition as being a rabbit hole we don't even know if that's true or not we're just guessing but I would I would prefer it that way so are you eating my newspaper skull for being a piggy I know praise for being a piggy praise for being a piggy to my horse Peppa Pig piggy trait oh she does yeah you stay a piggy that sounds right that sounds right to me oh my gosh um well I praised you you're do you have training fatigue for hours adopt a horse should I maybe I will adopt a horse I'll get another one then I'll have two name it Tilly no okay interesting suggestion from Tilly but I think I wait what if we got a cat that one that one why does it look like that why does that one look like I think I need this one I think we need to have that one should we call it Echo echo's being cleaned up and checked out to come home to you okay and then I'll get another horse after that well I'm quite silly I think because I'm I didn't really think about the fact that I wanted a horse and I have to prepare for this wait kitchen what am I doing pet Essentials oh do you want to get a turtle tails you guys I mean you guys all right let me get them a little Pet Bowl for the cat should we get a full we could get a little baby horse that might be fun let me get a scratching post for my cat I need to get a litter box for my cat okay I'm ready now fillable Olivia Goblin Ali Agatha music means uh Swiss and Joss and turtles and stuff and okay thank you all for the subs and stuff by the way um two more pets in 20 seconds I don't know if I'm able to um let's get a red-eared slider turtle no yes no yeah no let's get a western painted turtle well this is the best day of my life you want to learn the Gardening Skill meet a supernatural and read a book about writing okay um I would like to fill the turtle's food and I would like to don't take it no get back fill food tiddles after the turtle and the Peppa Pig game there are fools in The Sims 3 yeah and there's gonna be fools in The Sims 4 too because they have that in the descriptions um look at my horse run look at how cute that is that's so adorable okay let me see my turtle yes my first pet stuff but better all right Echo is on the way what are you doing improve writing skill be best friends with Peppa Pig I don't know so we think the goats and sheep just say baby since I never grow up oh the description called the mini goats and mini sheep so I don't think that they're babies I think they're just small based on the description of this stuff so I think they're just Mini which actually I kind of like uh eggplant dining now you want many pigs oh that would be cute but anyway hope there's riding trails like hiking pass oh that would be good what are you making hopefully something oh my God wow that is really quite something oh Wild Horse Wild Horse should I just steal one or should I actually adopt a horse for real first beyond our imagination hey Amy oh I was gonna see if you wanted to date but it seems like you don't that's fine all right I would like to leave so I can get a new pet leave so I can get a new pet leave okay sorry steal a full I don't think I should do that are you gonna scratch it oh my God you're gonna scratch it Evil Genius hmm I'm coming swimming early today well I actually Sarah I always stream early on Wednesdays um this week I was gonna stream early I was gonna do like Switcheroo instrumental yesterday instead think of this like a bonus stream because I'm Gonna Be Live later too this one's a full its name is bacon pepper Kismet is also a fall Peppa Pig and bacon oh that's messed up oh that's messed up okay fine that's really bad that is really really really bad oh no can't uh Shan Angie thank you for the steps anyway I'm this is like a bonus stream because I'm Gonna Be Live later um at the regular time as well but I I actually always stream in the morning on Wednesdays I can't stream much this week because I'm going to VidCon so um I'm trying to stream twice today to make up for it but anyway as soon as you join I said hi to a Sim with your name oh my God wait because your name's Amy that's such a funny timing huh yeah we're gonna build on the Sims 4 later is my plan um Petri what are you up to Peppa Pig hanging out do you want to drink from the pond that would be cool that would be cool hiss at Hope eat the food she wants to hiss at you hope yeah we finished the pool from yesterday Meg yeah we did um we did indeed finish the pool we built yesterday I'm gonna need to get another stable thingy okay this will have to do for now all right um what are you gonna do check out your new turtle okay um can't really do much else to help you but you didn't finish this go continue cooking where's my horse I think I'm gonna regret this oh there's my horse this is the best day of my life hi bacon actually bacon is really pretty I like bacon well not in real life I don't eat meat I like this horse I like this bacon oh my goodness um okay I think maybe we could I think it's lonely because it misses its mother which makes me feel really bad auto feed bacon it needs to be bottle fed oh no well wish me luck I guess talk to roughneck praise for being fast how about that that's cute I like this little horse are we friends yet not really and of course it's raining I don't have a roof for that oops oops what traits do you have genius untrained and fast oh and you age up in one day okay that's good that's good the thing on its head is a halter and when riding it's a bridle uh-huh it's not there right now it was okay I was gonna say I don't see anything oh my goodness um one second oh y'all and Ty little buddy oh I should go to bed oops forgot hold on would you like to how are you feeling where are you oh you're sleeping out here nobody here go take a nap inside you can come nap in here too my poor little horse is tired oh look at how cute that is little baby oh oh okay Echo you're asleep I'm asleep we're all asleep okay safe that's good that is good did you says Pizza agenda thank you for the subs everybody oh my you hope they add the ability to fall off of horses I don't know if you can hmm hmm okay I think all right you sleep all the way through the night please bottle feed bacon oh it's so do I think they'll add a new death I don't know if they'll add a death where you if you get actually hurt like that bad by a horse I don't I don't know if they would add that I think I would be surprised if they did that um but I don't know who knows yeah I don't really think that they would add that though um I wonder if we'll get the woohoo in the hay back because you can woohoo in the hay bales um okay let's go you can do that in the Sims 3 I mean death by chicken is a thing though I mean yeah but yeah I guess foreign interesting imagine there's a chicken and Bunny death maybe the goats can kill you that's what I was thinking hope the chickens and bunny like the chickens and bunnies is like you don't usually get murdered by a chicken in real life you know like you're not gonna get attacked by an evil chicken with glowing red eyes and then die in real life but horses in real life actually can be dangerous so that's why it's like but I don't know there's other things that you can die from in real life in The Sims as well but like it's I don't know is it too is it too far that's why like I don't know if they would let you get like trampled by a horse in The Sims that sounds kind of like a bit much I don't know I guess we'll see um um well Bacon's asleep you're asleep Bacon's upset because it's lonely which makes me feel bad but it's okay yeah I think it's better in The Sims and the deaths are kind of like over the top and and a bit silly you told your roommate horses are real without providing any context that's so funny [Music] um both you too thank you so much okay stable woohoo like roll in the hay yeah so I would love if we could is that my cat speaking of roll in the hay that's kind of funny um it's actually really cute but I want to woohoo in a hay bale like this um interesting yeah it looks like in the screenshots of the Sims 4 stuff that the um stalls are a little bit smaller which might be easier to build around too so I guess we'll see I wonder if they'll have like more variants of them I don't know it's just hard because these ones as well in The Sims 4 we have tall Wall height so it's a little bit easier but with these ones you have to build it has to be two stories tall for it to work so you'd have to do like a barn like that size um which I don't know horse stuff just says horse hahaha um I think it's Peyton's birthday today oh my goodness that's kind of exciting do you want to wake up I have to come bottle feed you here I'll pet you how about that I need to feed myself what did you just call me Steph what did you just call me come in my chat and say horse unbelievable that's not right okay bacon come out because I'm gonna I'm gonna feed you hi bacon hi bacon uh hold on all right come on finish being let out okay bottle feed bacon hug cute bacon well I didn't name it it came it came like that I didn't name bacon bacon was just named that after that you can Gallop around and I'll come eat some food you can use the bathroom take an evil shower and then eat some leftovers how about that laugh interesting I forgot we have a horse shirt stop being creepy oh my gosh do you want suspicious we should tell you a Nike is fun in Lily pens oh my gosh what that's such exciting news that is so so so cool yeah we chose bacon because it was named bacon but I didn't personally name bacon I adopted it and it was named bacon was wondering about the owl above the horses is it a cat yeah it's a cat not an owl this looks weird I adopted that too it's kind of a weird looking uh cat so I'm not complaining I kind of like it um one second um are you gonna eat this game is so slow do you want to go practice too maybe you could can you jump on your own or no no the answer is no yes the answer is yes okay go jump good what do you want to do scratch my back jump graze okay if your PC can't run The Sims 4 with decent Graphics could it run the Sims 3 well um can anything run the Sims 3 respectfully I think probably not um because the Sims 3 is a is a rough one I have a mod to try and make the Sims 3 running better um it's in the Sims 3 is a little bit of a struggle unfortunately um which really stinks but is is unfortunately the case um anyway Sims 3 melted your old laptops motherboard oh my God well that's not good that's not good maybe you could clean that up because you've made a big mess and then we can go ride the horse how about that you're doing pretty well your social is getting low let's go ride a horse shall we yes that is absolutely not good yeah that is in fact very bad if it actually melted your computer that's like perhaps worst case scenario I know hope I feel like the animations in this game are so cute for horses I mean look at her get on this she might do a bad job because she's not that familiar with it but the way she's gonna get on this um come on see look how cool that is that is sometimes they get on backwards by accident it's like actually really cool Peppa needs a break from learning new skills no no no let's just go for a ride then I guess come on come on oh look the worst feed is that what that was I saw a little puddle earlier and I didn't know what it was it was pee hmm I don't know about that here do you want to go Gallop around look at me riding my little horse let's go Trot how about that she looks absolutely terrified I'm kind of obsessed to be honest ew the graphics are like look at that why does it look so fuzzy can't be good can't be good it is cute though it's like I'm underwater well well maybe because it's hot is it that hot that's 94 I guess Celsius next to 28 months yeah it's tab for the camera mode of this game too yeah oh really let's go I'm sorry yeah the Sims 3 is so fun for me to go back and play I really had like the time of my life with the Sims 3 when it was first out so I really enjoy going back to it so fun she's terrible absolutely terrible okay well you keep it up I guess how's the cat doing all together the table look at how cute it is hi buddy oh you can get a toy probably if you want oh look at how cool this is I'm serious I I really feel like the Sims 4 it takes I think people like kind of underestimate how much effort it takes to make such a I'm on a hill Oh my God look at me go anyway I was gonna say I think that um people underestimate how much effort it takes to make horses like they're they're a lot um and with them being a standalone expansion pack I really have High Hopes I've compared it kind of to how like werewolves and vampires got their own Standalone packs in The Sims 4 and they're like a thousand times better than the Sims 3. um so anyway I just think uh I have I have high expectations for it I'm kind of excited so are you building your skill right now a little bit I want to get my writing skill up I'm running around a little bit more than I thought I was going to be when I said right around I didn't know I was gonna go this far because I'm like really really really far it's okay though you're gonna go back home go home trot we'll see how long it takes to get back yeah I played Tim's video but we've actually streamed a lot of Sims Medieval in the last year since medieval is kind of fun if you haven't seen it you might enjoy it and I'm saddle sore you want to enter a competition too level four of writing skill it's probably easier than short competition because I'm gonna do that I throw out a fairy to The Sims 4. well Olivia fairies are probably like I would argue fairies are one of the most requested things right now so I I would I would think they would add them I maybe someday I don't know if anytime soon like their process it takes a while right it's not like it is immediate or anything but um it's it's so requested I think they would be like stupid not to eventually at least um the gates are walk Trot Cantor and Gallop but if you're riding western then there is loping make sure you write this down simsy having a horse expert thanks to hope I'm gonna know so many things when I do my children reaction I'm gonna like be just spouting out all these horse facts so [Music] it's Bacon's birthday Bacon's aging up Bacon's aging up Bacon's aging up bacon staging up yes they usually release two packs a year Well low so back in the day pre-covered they used to oh that was scary they used to release two expansions a year but since covid um it's been just one a year I think that covid really slowed down their process um but this will be their second pack this year um which I think is a pretty good sign um that maybe they're getting back into the swing of things um with with the two packs a year again because it's been a while since we had that but I I think that people also kind of underestimate just how much um the like early covid period heavily impacted stuff like this um and and they plan stuff out like a couple years in advance you know they're working on these things for a long time and so like that initial switch to work from home and and that like lag period of the adjustment and trying to like get the team computers at home that can do this and and figure out the new Dynamic of being at home and trying to work on these things I think that like that would have really impacted their process and kind of slowed things down for a bit and we're probably now catching back up I think is what's happening um and that's why we had the one pack a year for a little bit as they were trying to like fix the adjustment period so um well yeah obviously covert is still a huge problem but I don't think that covet is affecting the workflow for companies like this anymore um it's it's like that early coveted adjustment period for a lot of tech companies where you got to think about it this way a lot of these people the team doesn't have the equipment at home to game develop you know I mean they might have but they also might not have so it's like a a real adjustment period of trying to get that and and get everything sorted in that way um that they probably you know would have taken some time and then like adjusting to um doing everything from home and like the team process from home would have probably taken some time so um anyway what would I like for the next game pack oh I have no idea I don't even know about game packs anymore all I the one thing that I really badly want in The Sims 4 is hotels um so maybe maybe that would be um a game pack if they did it but I don't know I I really I want hotels so badly so badly that's my main thing um you want more Apartments I any pack that has more Apartments I feel like this horse pack is almost certainly not gonna have apartments in it but like any pack that might have more Apartments I would absolutely die for I I just I want to have a world like the Eco lifestyle one where it's sort of a mix and they had a couple apartments and some like Standalone houses I I really liked that about it I I wish that more worlds they built had that I wish that the growing together world had that I don't understand why it didn't but anyway [Laughter] um I really really wish um that was the case um hold on okay anyway sleep um you'd like to have multi thing Lots like duplexes and apartments if you could build that I I feel like at this point there's no way just because we've already got like the apartment pack but um I would really like if we could customize or build like be able to build a townhouse for real and have like more than one house connected like how you could in The Sims 3 and it actually be functional still and not like pretend like in The Sims 4 or if you and I don't think you could do this but if you could have like you know how in The Sims 4 if you have a retail lot you can like have the downstairs be a store and then just have your sim live upstairs and like never leave and just pretend it's a house if there is a way to like actually get your bills there because you can't get your bills to those retail Lots um that would be really cool if it could be like your real house but well that's the thing right crafty like growing together would have been a great fit for apartments because think about how many especially with like the babies and stuff how many like young families dare I say most young families live in in like you know townhouses Apartments stuff like that like that's so common everybody lives in apartments why do we have like no apartments in the stamps it's it's nice that people can I mean listen it's nice that your average SIM can afford a house don't get me wrong but I really wish I really wish that we had more like apartment living in this game because it's so much more realistic like anyway I wish we had more so badly I love apartments in The Sims 4. but oh well maybe someday maybe someday um because everybody like anyway I just want them so bad it's nice but is it realistic yeah oh okay go back um finish this and then take a new shower and then we'll go and ride the horses and everything yeah well that's the thing oh so I feel like everywhere everyone lives in apartments obviously that's not the case but like so many people live in apartments not even we we're mentioning the young family thing just because it was the baby pack so it makes sense but like so like every my grandma lives in an apartment everybody lives in apartments and we don't have like any of them in The Sims 4. so we do have one world that's only them and then one more pack that has a few but anyway um keep sleeping I keep unpausing or untripple speeding I mean um not in the UK must be an American thing what like living in apartments in general I mean I don't know if that's necessarily an American thing it might be like a regionally sort of thing where because I I feel like that's just not true about the UK either um uh maybe if you think about like people that live in in like you know cities and stuff they all live in flats and things that's um anyway I think that's really an American thing I think that's just maybe maybe the town that you live in it's not as common um but anyway there's definitely a lot of flats in the UK should I say flat instead would that make it better oh okay uh would you like to eat an Autumn salad perhaps you know how many people says don't live in the city yeah I guess that I mean yeah I can see that in some places um anyway you'd love to recreate your apartment in The Sims yeah anyway Flats our College yarn in the city in the UK well I don't know if that's like a UK thing I think that's just a throughout the world thing if you live in like a rural area um it makes sense that there wouldn't be a lot of apartment buildings but that's not really a UK thing that's just a I think that's some uh you know obviously in in cities there's higher density of apartments um I think that's just how the the world works you know um but anyway you might consider apartment as something small flat sounds bigger really I feel like in my head and I have no justification for this because they mean the same thing but in my head I think that apartment sounds bigger than flat I feel like apartment sounds bigger and I don't that's not true it's just the same like it's the same thing but I feel like maybe it's because the word is shorter but anyway oh it feels the same to you yeah that's interesting it's funny how that works right how like a word will have a meaning to you that maybe isn't right but it's just like The Vibes of it um our apartments and condos the same thing but one refers to rent another's owned well I think simcat with condos like usually if you're in a Condo building um like all of the people that live in that building will will like not maybe not all but like the people that live in a Condo building own those condos individually separately um versus like an apartment where like the building is owned and you'd be renting you know but a condo is sort of like a I don't know mostly it's owned condos are two levels oh that's not my experience my grandma lives in a condo and it's just like a apartment but it's in a building where like all the neighbors also own their condos so um you live in a Condo building but unit is owned by a lease company you rent from them that makes sense um but anyway I think the difference is just like an ownership thing um yeah and then condos would have like a oftentimes they'll have like a homeowners association like you find a lot of places in America um where um oh are you training yourself to to do this where you would like pay fees to the building for like upkeep of everything um because you're like a you own the inside of your place and then you like share the rest of it um in your mind I kind of menu has a building with amenities like a gym and pool and stuff but an apartment slash filling that has slots in it that's interesting because I feel like I can see that Claire but there's a lot of apartment buildings around here that have amenities in that way like you might find an apartment that has like the like apartment complex that has um like pools and stuff and this might be just a regional thing Claire also because we live like where I live in Florida a lot of times the apartments are like full-on complexes where it's like five buildings full of of apartments and then they have like you know a shared pool maybe a shared gym like they have stuff like that um so I I might just be a regional thing though because if you live in like a city with like some older buildings um it might not be as common to have stuff like that um but anyway um and Singapore condo is more of a luxury building an apartment's just a flat that makes sense that makes sense um you have James in your buildings I think some people do not everybody but some um this is interesting I don't know if I don't know um I think I think at its core though the difference is just condos or own and apartments are rented but um it is interesting to talk about would you like to mount this horse so we can ride it um our townhouses condos no because I think if a condo as being like um multiple units within the same building kind of more apartment style whereas townhouses um I lived in a townhouse for a long time townhouses are like it was like a row a long row of many houses that are attached so it's kind of like a standalone house except it has like another house next to it another house next to it and they all share walls um does that make sense um but anyway in Italian the word for condo just means any building that isn't a standalone house oh that's interesting that's interesting um do you get Windows in a townhouse yeah you'd have Windows in the front and the back um but like you don't have Windows on the sides because the sides are shared with other people hold on example it's like this is a house this is a house this is a house and then you'd have I'm out of money oh I can't intersect objects this is a house and then they'd have like maybe a door and there's windows and stuff in the front and back but then you wouldn't have Windows on the side because they're shared so if you're lucky and you live on the end you'd have Windows on this this side but anyway in your area of Canada Townhomes could be condos or not interesting I wonder what I mean I guess it it almost sounds like this condo word can mean more than one thing depending on where you live that's fine though whatever makes the most sense oh can you go to the bathroom so you don't pee your pants um uh I use about no don't do that what am I doing use the bathroom okay I used to live in one of those for a long time um anyway this is where shell lived in her Sims 3 stream oh really it's a nice place it's got a pond so um townhouse is about the structure of the building the houses are put together and condos for the ownership style of the building like you pay HOA fees and stuff that makes sense I guess so I suppose that you could technically consider most townhouse communities to be like a condo because you would pay like most of the time like in um where I lived uh you think about it because like the whole exterior of the building is shared so we have like a shared roof um we have like shared grass in the back you know um and so like people would like pay fees to the to the like Association of the building and then they would pay someone to come you know do the lawn or whatever because they don't have our own lawn we just have like grass that's shared between but anyway it was just a townhouse community and they had an HOA so anyway that's interesting I think it's probably a language thing too because um depending on where you live it might be different you know if the translation means something different in other places so yeah I still think of condos as being like basically an apartment that is owned so I wouldn't think of a townhouse as being a condo those things mean something different to me um the college you went to had townhouses instead of dorms really that actually seems quite nice kind of sounds like a water type of house do you know I wonder if you think that because a lot of old people retire to condo buildings in Florida so I wonder if you associate condo with like old people living in condo buildings in Florida by the water maybe that's where you hear kondo the most so that's why you think it means it's on the water because I can see that because I like that's pretty common a lot of old people live in condo buildings by the water in Florida because they they retire here so hey that's so interesting um especially the city I guess that makes sense too I mean I have like the the condo Florida Association because my grandma lives in a condo in Florida so I mean I can see that yeah anyway um the word kind of the name just means a property of many from Latin oh interesting I like this discussion it's kind of funny talking about how it is in different places um sister bought a condo oh that's nice Christine that's exciting um that's really exciting um would werewolves be able to ride the horses in wolf form because that is terrifying I mean I would assume so oh my God the way we all had a collective oh no feeling about that that is an interesting thought yeah okay huh well I guess we'll see Greg on a horse yeah I mean again I don't really see oh look at how beautiful this is we need graveyards in The Sims 4. look at this this is amazing seriously why don't we have this this part's kind of sad though anyway um yeah I can't imagine you not being able to ride the horse in wolf form but I guess we'll see you have the Grim Reaper statue I know let's go I'm bringing you all the way over here so that we can do the competition at 5 pm I'm ready graveyard stuff should be a thing if they made like an entire graveyard pack oh my God could you imagine um that would be interesting why have graveyards when you can have front yards [Music] treats hug let's sniff hand rope neck talk to pet yeah next YouTube generation has to have a farm well this timing is terrible because we're going to University we're gonna like go to college to what have a farm so maybe after and on my YouTube series after we do college maybe their kids can have a farm that might be nice we're at best Bessie oh that's good I'm glad we're besties but I want to go to college so that I can get like a major career bonus you know realize that the corporate world isn't always cracked up to be farming instead I mean yeah that makes sense it's a fun story but like I want to do a real job so that I can have the career bonus from it anyway we're gonna play story Valley of the Sims I guess evidently oh my all right enter a beginner jumping competition I think I'm gonna do a jumping competition because my horse has level five jumping which is better so score oh yeah and I have career bonus from being valedictorian so they might I wonder if it'll stack and then we'll have like level 10 immediately when we when we get our uh our job we start their career at max level huh easy mode apparently okay let's get back on the horse we're going to a competition soon are you ready just keep the horse in the dorm could you imagine um 10 minutes here we go couple AG Priscilla JC thank you for the subs oh my goodness the nectar thing is I mean new plans or something I don't know I would I would assume maybe we get some new plants but um in The Sims 3 the we had nectar making from World Adventures and you would use like grapes and stuff and then you could age it to try and make more money so I'm assuming it's gonna work kind of like that in The Sims 4. um let's enter a show jumping competition beginner I hope we can do goat yoga with spa day oh my God could you imagine that would be kind of fun come on win win win win let me not triple speed so we can actually watch this this is what I'm expecting The Sims 4 competitions are gonna be like how you pick your pace and then come on I want to win Oh yay I won I feel so powerful right now good job good job when I began our jumping competition okay I just did but a rabbit hole yeah yeah it's a rabbit hole in the competition again the rabbit hole aspect of it really doesn't bug me that much like I don't really think that it would be listen I think that it would not work right if it was a a real like watchable playable and real game competition so anyway I would prefer the rabbit hole we kind of talked about this earlier but I really do think the rabbit hole is probably better to be honest okay I'm gonna brush my little cat and then I might play with you and then I'll get some food and then I'll go to bed and it's gonna be a lovely day anyway I think that it has to be a rabbit hole because otherwise it would be a disaster and I'm okay with that I honestly would prefer it to be a rabbit hole active competition has too much room for error and it would probably be boring so anyway like the sport competitions University oh yeah exactly kind of like that yeah yeah I could see that do I have a promo code like for The Sims no no no um oh they had a baby cute good for them okay stop talking to the cat and go sorry cat I was gonna talk to you and then I abandoned you you want the burglars back I would like to have them back in the Sims 4 also okay you can probably oh feed the turtle and clean it and then go to sleep how about that how about that the burglars are so much fun though I enjoyed that back in the day I mean I didn't enjoy it because they would come and steal all my things but I kind of enjoyed it I kinda enjoyed it okay would you like to take care of this come on hurry up she's so slow Kayla really wants the zombies back no that's not even funny don't say that don't say that don't you dare say that I don't want the zombies back what are you talking about don't even put that in the universe oh my gosh all right everyone to sleep there were zombies yeah in The Sims 3 Supernatural and then when it was a full moon they'd come out of the out of the ground and like attack you it was terrible that was a bit of an exaggeration but they would come out of the ground and then and then when it was a full moon the whole like the whole game would kind of turn green it had this really weird like glitchy green glowy lighting I hated it I hated it so anyway keep sleeping no zombies I'm begging you yes seriously I do not want the Sims 4 at all I do not want them in The Sims 4. come on finish sleeping wide awake at 6am as you should be do you want to take a shower you could probably have a quick meal of some like bread and jam how about that wait with the 51 months oh my gosh it broke it up above Sloan and respect thank you for thank you for this um my cat looks like a hamster I know it does isn't it kind of weird serious ham survives on this cat well then do you want to be besties wait do you want to do horseplay as well do I think they'll do another pack refresh do you know what Lori can I be honest I think that the spa day pack refresh might end up being the only one we get which breaks my heart let's be clear but I think that they did that sort of and I mean listen they're not doing that out of the goodness of their heart right they're doing it because they're trying to see if refreshing an old pack will encourage new sales like will the spa day pack refresh get more people that didn't buy spotty before to buy it now that is why they went back and refreshed it right um and they added a couple cute things in it but I I don't think that it was effective at selling a bunch of the new packs um which is what they wanted it to do um I'm sure it worked on some people but I think they wanted a lot of people to buy it again and and not enough did so they probably realized it wasn't worth it and they're not I would assume maybe not gonna do another pack refresh um which sucks because that was like amazing for us but I think for them and for like their time and effort put into it um I think it probably wasn't worthwhile and that's why they haven't done it again does that make sense um I think that spa day was a kind of interesting one for them to have picked because I feel like spa day I don't know I guess I just feel like spa day probably isn't I don't know there isn't like a big draw to spotty on its own I guess it's probably why they tried to do it to see if like spa day would work better if they updated it but I don't know don't have better sales than spa day yeah but what I think is happening rainy I think that um they probably picked a pack that didn't have that many sales in the first place and I think the dine out is probably one of the more popular game packs so they don't really need to to like do something I mean I would love if they would fix it don't don't misquote me but I think for them they don't need to change it to sell it more because people already buy it but I think things like spa day maybe even like jungle Adventure Outdoor Retreat maybe the appeal is less Broad and so they tried to refresh spa day to see if that would work at encouraging new people to get it I think that dine out stands better uh sort of on its own and that's why they didn't do that one you know um obviously I think it's kind of buggy and could could use a refresh but I think from their perspective it probably made more sense to do spa day and I can see that I can see why they would have picked it it was like one of the first game packs probably didn't sell as well as some other ones so anyway you boss lady because the refresh yeah I think that some people did um I think they probably just were hoping that a lot of people would and and maybe not as many as they wanted did so okay let's go ride the horse shall we you also did yeah I think it was a fun refresh also hi Kayla uh but to be honest um I must say I really oh they don't like each other um one of the biggest things for me in that spot I refresh was the nail polish but they added nail polish to the base game when they did it so it there was like some extra cool nails and like the nail painting thing in spa day but everybody got nail polish so you don't really need to buy spa day for it if you want like more features for it but I never use spa day I don't like go to the spa very often so I don't know um I don't know it's interesting to to think about but yeah and then we've got some extra nail polish and some of the more recent packs too but use yoga constantly though I do use the yoga a lot I don't go to the Spas very much but I do use the yoga a lot I found especially honestly um with the new burnout stuff um from from growing together I found yoga is actually really helpful for it so I've been using yoga even more now that we have growing together because my Sims get burnt out too much and yoga usually helps them um would you like to practice jumping oh my God hold on let me look at this really quickly oh how on Earth a person called beep boop tea made a family tree of my pots family are are like Legacy Challenge from no way oh this is so weird looking back on the pets are even included it's pulp it's the legend herself so interesting we've got Bethany two original Bethany they even have the traits on there how the heck did you do this Jerry I forgot about him Blobby to replace My Dead Brother I will get a dog proceeds to get a cat is that what I said I had a cat called pirate Barry married goopy we also have Jerry Perry goose and Lola wow huh what happened to you crystal clear I Wish For Love on the wishing well and I was giving her who's that purple poodle I've never seen a purple poodle I don't know what you're talking about not familiar with that ha is it worth marrying him I don't care about him oh yeah Holly and Patrick they even have all of the four number one grandmother Holly great aunt named Holly Aunt named Holly she's named Holly and then 4.1 because she died and came back they have all the reasons she's called Holly Holly four oh my God there's even quotes this is so funny wow that's so cool let me link this for you all actually that's so cool so much fun right now I forgot about a lot of these pets to be honest it makes you remember like just how long I've been playing with this family because like truly who has any idea what was going on back here mango the source of the why do you have a dog but no duh hahaha why do you have a dog bowl but no dog it was when mango died no way that's the lore right there that's so cool that's so so so cool oh that's just pretty much I'm gonna chat again by the way um thank you for making this by the way this was made by beep boop tea who went through and put so much effort into this this is the coolest thing in the entire world I'm like actually thriving remember this one I liked toast oh what happened to you oh he was in a good mood so died I guess did I say that I remember this guy The Chosen Heir who had two sets of twins and then died in the pond and then I got stuck with Austin yeah yeah wow wow it does sound like something I would say yeah yeah this is the thing when you see it like this because in game um you can't see everything it just shows you like honestly most of it like this half is just one sim one sim one sim one sim so when you see it like this it really shows you like how much such an American thing to throw tea in the water like that oh no okay oh no prune who I don't what what's prune I don't see any yeah I'm not seeing anything named prune around here just one dog just the one dog named pulp is all no one else oh no one else oh no one else oh no one else what a great picture of Pulp that's the gallery image of Pulp which is extra funny to me foreign oh my goodness what are we doing oh we're playing The Sims 3 with horses right now but uh somebody made a family tree of my uh Sims 4 Legacy we've been playing on Twitch and so we were looking at it which has been kind of fun but I'm gonna do some jumping I suppose pulp is kind of iconic um took you this long realized the Sims 4 has heat waves uh oh have you never seen one before maybe you've been living in Worlds that like are a little bit cooler so you don't get them um please have prune's description I can't I don't um who's pruned let me just check something really fast nothing to check but let me just check something really fast everybody close your eyes okay she was robbed robbed who was robbed oh it's a joke about how there's no burglars in The Sims 4 just like how there's no dog named prune right that's what it is hahaha that's the joke uh-huh Christine stop stop throw writer wait whoa that was kind of fun for me actually don't answer the phone I want to ride my horse I am not doing a good job of horsing around today can you die that way no could you imagine that would be an interesting um anyway anyway dropped by horse we were talking about that earlier with the um how we were saying that maybe it's a little bit too real but I guess in the same way like there is a lot of stuff like that that oh I don't want to be upset about this that I mean like your sim can drown and it's crepe graphic so I don't know um I think it could be made funny so the fire is quite real yeah there's some deaths in The Sims that are like I don't know yeah it's like you can't I think that's a good comparison hope like I like they couldn't have done like a way to like if a dog could hurt you that's not at that point that's not really funny because it's like a little bit too real and I think the same thing could be said of horses like I think it's a little bit too real whereas like with the chickens attacking you it's like an evil chicken with glowing red eyes attacking you isn't the same as like actually getting hurt by a horse you know um but I don't really I don't know why it just feels that way um it's like a little bit too close to home almost um okay can you practice riding this horse next because we've not really been riding this one much I'll go get you ready maybe I could bring you to the racing grounds how about that I could probably bring you both to the I don't know slipping in the nectar oh my God they slip and fall and like drown in the wine barrel I don't know I don't know it might be a little bit hmm I'm trying to think of like other ones that might be I don't know we can I think that there probably would be a death in the hay bale but you could probably like woohoo in the hay bales that's what I'd like to see because you could do that before in this game so I'd like to have woohoo in the hay bale on The Sims 4. um but I don't know I wonder if you can woohoo in the horse stall I bet they could do death by goat like how the chickens are but it's not as funny as the chickens and bunnies are because like getting murdered by a bunny is kind of silly the goat's not as bad The Sims is weird the discussion we're having right now is really weird square dancing may come it looks like it from the screenshots and there was a uh like a dance haul lot s are too cute to kill you yeah but so so are the bunnies and they can kill you in The Sims 4. so you know what made me laugh in the links description list um of the of the bunnies like can I I mean of the goats can I read this to you because I didn't joke about this in the video yesterday that I made but it made me laugh a lot when I read it because they were describing the features of the of the small animals um and they sound like so wait look they're cute okay they're really cute but fill your ranch with animal friends and carve out a life together your horses including adorable foals are part of your household and have lots of special interactions with both Sims and other horses you can also care for both mini goats and mini sheep and invite neighbors to come see how cute they are so like the main gameplay feature is inviting neighbors to come look at them so what do they do um be cute like that's that's the description that is the the content description of the mini goats and mini sheep is just you can look at them so they count as Sims in a household well I would assume the goats and sheep don't they would probably be like the chickens from from cottage living um and you can care for them I would guess um just like the chickens from cottage living and then the horses will be part of your household um like in The Sims 3. so anyway I like the idea of them but I don't think they're gonna be like that big of a purpose it's just kind of cute it's just kind of cute so anyway it did it does kind of make me laugh thinking about that I don't really mind uh like for me the um for me the uh main feature is like the horses obviously so but anyway well Cami I made a video yesterday on this um if you didn't see it I made it yesterday where we talked about all this so can we milk the goats do you know what because they didn't say that I don't know um just because they didn't say it here doesn't mean that it's not coming because there's more stuff in the pack than what gets listed in this main features list um these are just like some major selling points they're listing but I don't know we'll see from the trailer tomorrow it's hard to um it's hard to like talk about now when we haven't really seen that much of it like let's see the trailer we'll be able to kind of figure out more of what's coming but I don't know we'll see you won't that's not funny move I cried about this yesterday miv and you're making fun of me I was very listen it was more of like an anxious overwhelmed cry yesterday because I was really stressed out I really don't mean to complain but I was trying to finish pre-recording for VidCon um and then I had to like I just had so much work to do yesterday um and then they give me the trailer and it's coming out when I'm on a plane and I was like this actually can't be happening why is this all happening at what but anyway it's fine it was sort of dramatic but I was just a little stressed I was a little bit stressed I'm still a little bit stressed I'm really really anxious about tomorrow I'm really trying to be so brave right now but I'm so anxious about tomorrow um it'll be okay it'll be okay but tomorrow I have um I'm going to VidCon and then I have a meet and greet as well at VidCon so I'm just like I'm scared I'm really really scared yeah Dan's coming with me do you know what I will say VidCon has been so nice about like being a featured Creator at VidCon I I genuinely feel like I am thriving like VidCon has been so kind and easy about plus one stuff compared to twitchcon like um I had to pay for Dan's flight to VidCon but they booked it and then I paid them um which is like easy I guess um twitchcon wouldn't even like give Dan a batch as a plus one he's a partner too so we can get into the partner Lodge and stuff but like um twitchcon has like a a purple Lounge they call it for like the speakers to go into before they have panels and everything um you can't get a plus one in there so like Dan couldn't come in there I was in there alone which is not that big of a deal but it's like comparatively VidCon is like so so accommodating of stuff like that and also like VidCon the security situation at VidCon is huge they have their um they're gonna have like wristbands with um like like to scan to let you in places so they're like being serious about the security of it so it's like the badge and The Wristband um at every VidCon I've ever been to previously the feature Creator hotel has like a full-on perimeter around it so you can't get in it at all if you're not staying there what the what what is that what's happening is it a meteor am I gonna die get the horse away I don't go inside [Music] excuse me are we is everybody alive what are you doing giving him flowers right now um what's that why do you have those weird briefcases what's going on right now I'm serious in all my years I have those are their laptops oh in all of my year why do they have laptops and they're naked in all my years of playing The Sims 3 I have literally never seen that I have never seen that before well we didn't die I'm singed and I'm feeling unlucky yeah I would say so I've never seen that can you come collect this that was so scary there's units of scrap I want all of them this is so scary yeah it makes like an actual hole in the terrain it's kind of cool I just wait wait no way that's the whole thing I can keep that oh my God no way I actually can't believe that just happened I'm gonna be rich no I've never seen this before did you almost die yes hope everybody got struck by a meteor look everybody we're all like this was bad we had a bit of a near-death experience it seems um but we're fine it's fine yeah Christine clipped it that was so scary I can't believe that happened these only sell for a little bit of money the big one sells for a decent amount and I've got some scrap huh I can analyze it and possibly increase the value oh really tell a funny story about what how you almost got killed by a meteor if my sim was in the shadow they would have died oh I should have let it happen did it auto happen yeah it all of a sudden the horse was like what's that shadow and then um it came from the sky and killed me well I didn't die but I could have huh I didn't do anything to encourage that that's so scary did that happen should we go home it's been a long day I was gonna go to the competition tonight but I guess not yeah my sim has the Unlucky trait so I guess it's more likely to happen to her one time you had a meter happen when your sim was attending graduation and everyone came out of the building and your sim died no and it was like the second day of a legacy too oh my God of course it was of course it was huh well that was fun I guess I'll take a shower I was talking about VidCon I don't remember what I was saying um oh it was about the VidCon security at the hotel so I've been like comparing comparing um because I've only been to twitchcon recently I've been to VidCon like as a person who bought a ticket years ago but that was like six years ago um so comparing like what VidCon has been talking about security wise and hell they have like a perimeter around the hotel and like all this stuff at twitchcon I will I never have understood this at twitchcon and I don't mean to complain necessarily for me because I'm not like a big enough streamer to be worried about this at twitchcon but at twitchcon they put a bunch of streamers up in the hotel that was right next to the convention center um and they said oh there's gonna be Security in the hotel there wasn't any and anybody could go into the hotel anybody could go into the hotel even if you weren't staying there and because it was right next to the convention center like attached um there was just people in the lobby constantly kind of like hanging around by the elevators hoping to see a streamer and from my understanding I think that a lot of the big streamers like left the hotel and went and got an Airbnb because it wasn't safe for them in the hotel because anybody could go in there and they were just lurking around waiting to see people which I mean like I don't understand why they weren't at least like checking like because they could have been checking room keys to see like if you're actually staying there to let you into the lobby but it's it's like actually kind of dangerous for them to have like anybody knowing and plus everyone knows all of the streamers are staying in that hotel because like the word has spread so like if you're looking for someone specific chances are if you go lurk in the lobby they might see them and that's dangerous it seems like a really really major like oversight for them to have not been worried about that it's like a miracle nothing bad happened I don't know and I'm not really talking about for me because I'm not really like I'm not big like that you know I'm just thinking about like the big big streamers um it's like actually dangerous um but anyway and you can't really blame the people who are going I guess because like it's right there and and you know it's allowed so you you know they just go in there but it's not it's really not safe um but anyway a lot of those a lot of those big streamers I saw they had like hired security I think they were bringing around with them which I think is smart especially if they're IRL streaming I think about that sometimes sometimes on how scary that is if they're like um IRL streaming meeting like like they have their phone out and they're streaming like while they're walking around the convention because you're like live broadcasting your location you know so you have to be so careful about that because they could find you you know um but anyway they had I saw like Hassan had literally like bodyguards flanking him the whole time he was at twitchcon which I mean he has to people hate Hassan like the guy is like genuinely in danger from people I'm I'm sure he has people sending him like actual threats so um it's good that you have people with him but it's just not safe for a person like him to be at a hotel where everybody knows where he is you know and anybody can get in there um so anyway um makes me nervous so hopefully next year they'll be a little bit better about it but why is he hated well Hassan is a like a political commentary streamer um and a lot of right wing people don't like him um for for reasons like that and stuff um so that is the kind of thing you have to worry about um so anyway no it's not lunar but I think that people go to conventions like that because they want to see creators you know like the draw of going to conventions like that is because they want to meet people and so uh when given the opportunity I'm not really surprised that they would go like try to be in the hotel so that they could see the streamers they want to meet I'm not saying it's safe or or good for anyone but um I I can see why they would do that and I think the responsibility falls on like twitchcon to have measures in place to protect those creators you know um but anyway and also it's free to go into the hotel you don't need to have a convention ticket so that's another thing um twitch could happen in San Diego last year it's going to be in Vegas this year so um anyway this isn't my sister Legacy no it's just a random save I wanted to play with horses um yeah having the hotel next door I feel like I don't know it's it's like good in theory I suppose but I think realistically they probably should have it a little bit farther away and it needs to be like a secret what hotel the creators are staying at um and I want to make it clear I'm not really talking about me like I'm not really that worried about this for me like I'm not that level but I I think that like it needs to be it shouldn't be public knowledge or like easy public knowledge where a person like he is saying because it's not safe you know um so they need to do it like farther away I I guess that's true games it's gonna be harder to control entry in Vegas because they're not gonna tell people not to come into the casinos are they um anyway um she just want to keep it a secret well no I think it gets like the information gets out selfie no matter what which is why they have to have like at VidCon so I've not been to VidCon this year so I can't really speak on what it's gonna be like this year I'm assuming it's gonna be the same thing um the VidCon that I was at in like 2018. they've been doing this for a long time and vidcon's been hosting some big names for a long time so they kind of know what they're doing the hotel that they have people stay at is a secret until the convention starts and then people kind of find out because they see you know they see stuff happening and the word spreads but they literally have like a perimeter around the hotel they will not let cars come up to like the drop-off point at the hotel or into the parking lot unless you can prove you're staying there um like they make you show it to get into the parking lot um and then they've got security everywhere um and when I I went to that hotel because my friend was staying there and then we left together um and I'm not exaggerating we were standing outside waiting for an Uber to come pick us up um like in front of the hotel doors and on the sidewalk outside of the hotel where they had like the perimeter with security there was like hundreds of YouTube fans like standing there wanting to see YouTubers um coming out of the hotel and so we were just standing there and there's people just waiting like across the road looking hoping to see YouTubers so that's why they have to be so serious about security because that kind of thing happens so like imagine that maybe a smaller scale but in the lobby of the twitchcon hotel it's kind of what was going on um and so it's not really safe you know especially because a lot of people a lot of streamers have like genuine like stalker situations stuff like that going on so you don't want them to know where you are um anyway um I've told that story before yeah when I was waiting out there um this is a bad person but when I was waiting out there David dobrik came out of the hotel to get into a car as well and I'm not kidding I didn't see him because I was like not looking that way you came from behind me but he came out of the hotel doors and the crowd like erupted like everybody started screaming and I could I was like oh there must be a YouTuber somewhere because the crowd started screaming across the road hahaha um so that's the that's the kind of thing that we're talking about that happens at these places um so but anyway um that just but the people that are there they want to see creators so bad they'll have that reaction for like pretty much any YouTuber even if they don't watch them specifically that's kind of like The Vibes it's just like you want to see a YouTuber um I don't know what the Vibes of VidCon are like now though because I was I was there in like 2018 and I think that like VidCon was kind of peeking around then so I don't really know um what it's gonna be like now I'm not really worried about myself it's more just interesting to discuss like the safety of to everyone you know um and I think to an extent it's like safety for the the like crowd as well that they have to worry about you know um wasn't 2018 the first year it wasn't by the Great Brothers it might have been Alex um but around then like even like YouTube stopped being a sponsor of VidCon um and then they were again like last year Tick Tock was the primary sponsor of VidCon now like Tick Tock YouTube and twitch all have their hands in VidCon um so it's just a little bit different than it used to be it used to be like a YouTube convention then it was like an internet convention and now it's still kind of well so Jenna YouTube used to always be the main sponsor and then last year it was Tick Tock um and now like twitch also has their their sponsoring it a little bit too so um anyway it's interesting um sort of just like an internet convention now um which I think makes sense though I I can see it but um they call myself when you were in high school yeah I went to VidCon twice I went in 2017 and in 2018. and your head VidCon is strictly YouTube yeah and it was for a long time so um I don't know it'll be interesting to see what it's like this year though I'll let you know I'll be there tomorrow so um I'll see how it goes I'm kind of nervous about it but it'll be fun um I was kind of excited to be like offered the opportunity to go you know so that's cool that they even asked me would you like to ride the horse so we can jump went to the one in Europe in 2016 a lot of people was scary yeah when we went in 2018 um it was the same year of that tanacon happened outside of VidCon so yikes yikes um well so okay summer I don't really know anymore to be honest I went to twitchcon last year and I'm gonna go to twitchcon this year in uh in Vegas but um and I'm going to VidCon this year I don't know if I'm gonna go to VidCon every year I guess it depends if they invite me and also if it's um a pleasant experience are you barefoot that doesn't seem right hmm you have Dodie's signature oh that's really cool that's so cool I like Dodie riding Barefoot classic yeah sure is it a convention in Europe again I mean I would like to I wanted to go to twitchcon Paris but it's just the timing is really bad and do you know what oh my God for me it was just timing because I was really stressed about how close it was to VidCon because it's in like two weeks so I was just like too stressed about too much travel because my cousin's getting married soon too so I was like I don't want to go to VidCon and then Paris and then my cousin's wedding I was like I can't do that so I was like I'm not going for tomorrow in Paris I even decided not to go to Dan's uh Friend's Wedding because I was too stressful all the travel and now the horse pack is coming out so actually in hindsight probably really good that I'm not going to twitchcon Paris because when is it twitchcon Paris is like I think it's like July 9th or something and I think the hor yeah it's July 8th to 9th and the horse pack maybe is coming out on the 20th so um I don't know we'll see but that's actually maybe a good thing that I'm not going hopefully next year it'll be a better time less going on we'll find out tomorrow um but I mean maybe Christine last year um or well not last year was a couple months ago but with growing together the Early Access was quite close to when the pack came out so may July 9th might be before the Early Access happens but we'll see they haven't said I don't know we're just guessing but um you'll be out of town when we get horses oh no that stinks that stinks um but anyway this pack called horse ranch it looks like it will be yeah yeah hope is gonna be out of town for when it comes out to and that's devastating because hope is our resident horse girl what am I gonna do about me being on a flight when the trailer comes out I'm gonna try to film with it when I get to my hotel we'll see the problem is the Wi-Fi and hotels is usually really bad so it might take me ages to upload the video and then we have to like edit it and pick up my badge and I have a meet and greet tomorrow oh my God why is everything happening all at once I'm like stressed out enough that my meet and greet is the same day that I'm flying in um that makes me so nervous I'm so anxious about that and now the trailer is happening too why why why why why why why it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine everything's fine anyway it's okay guys it's a conspiracy she's going to Sims Camp is that what you're saying did someone I saw a reply but I didn't see the whole message okay so it's not a conspiracy not going to a Sims event I don't know if you're joking or not but I feel like we shouldn't we probably shouldn't joke about this because people people believe it even when you think it's a joke um so it's it's documentably true that I'm I'm going to VidCon because I have a meet and greet and a panel and you can see my face on their website so [Laughter] um no I also don't think that they're gonna be doing um I don't think they'll be doing any in-person Sims events again anytime soon I would be really surprised about that to be honest so you're just joking I know you were Felix but a lot of people um a lot of people are but then people don't realize that it's a joke so it makes me nervous when that stuff happens um well are you on the horse yet hello you definitely go to summer camp when they say Sims camp they're talking about how um back in the day pre-covered they used to fly people out to California to play The Sims packs early um to film content basically but they haven't done that in a long time obviously because of covid and I think that what they're what they do now with the at home early access um where they give you like a separate version of the game that has that weird Watermark and stuff I think that's probably a lot more effective in a lot of ways because we can make better content because you have to record audio and you have more time and then also they could give more people it and it's cheaper because they don't need to pay for flights so it's like I think business-wise it makes no sense to do an in-person event again which is sad because I would love that like I would love to do in-person events again that would be so fun um I loved being able to see everybody and it was like the highlight of my life but um I just think that like realistically um it's it doesn't make sense for them to do it anymore you know um but anyway I think it's still maybe a little wishy-washy with the travel because of covet anyway um but yeah I think that for a thing that's a good thing to compare it to sorry I feel like with like for example a Sims 5 thing which I don't want you guys to hear me say let's think that it's anytime soon this is gonna be like we're talking years away there's literally no news about this project Renee stuff there's not any word on this at all we're speaking like big picture long term a thing like that like a like a new Sims game I think that makes sense to do an in-person event for because you can control leaks a little bit better if you're like sitting them in a room and showing them the game in person so I feel like I wouldn't be surprised if they did an in-person event for a thing like that and also like years in the future you know versus like doing in-person stuff for the 14th expansion pack for The Sims 4. you know do you need to do that anymore project Renee get it nay like a horse uh but yeah I feel like with a thing like that um it probably would make more sense to do that in person you know anyway but that's a long ways away long ways away I wouldn't be surprised if that was like five years away it is it is EP 14 right because growing together was ep13 I'm pretty sure it is yeah yikes yikes that's a lot 14 is my favorite number I didn't think about that oh my God the 14th pack is my favorite pack the horse pack that's so fun anyway my birthday is the 14th that's why oh I call it renesne on purpose poet it's rare that I actually call it project Renee I usually call it project Renesmee that's sort of like me and my friends like when like Steph and Sasha and I would be discussing like what do you think it's gonna be we call it Renesmee as well out loud it's like that's the technical term the everyone um everyone calls it Renesmee everywhere how many expansions do the Sims 3 have oh well the Sims 3 was around for a lot less time um there were 11. but the Sims 3 came out in 2009 and then the Sims 4 came out in 2014. but the Sims 4 came out in 2014. and it's still The Sims 4. so um The Sims 3 had less time to be releasing packs for it the Sims 4 has been just going and going and going and going and going for like nine years so yikes The Sims 4 is almost a decade old yeah yikes The Sims 3 had the Sims 3 store which is kind of like the kits and that was arguably worse than anything we have for The Sims 4 so anyway yeah that's a good question Arden Lee I wonder I'd be curious to see what their what the um 10th anniversary of The Sims 4 will entail I am fascinated by that I would love to know what they plan on doing for it the kids genuinely are better than the Sims 3 Store The Sims 3 store was wild if you've never seen it it's horrifying they would sell you a hair for like a dollar it was really really really really really really bad hot tub recolor I guess do you know what I don't want to get my hopes up but honestly Christine a Renee announcement we call it Renee because that's the code name for this like new Sims game they're making they've told us about but an announcement or like some more info on it for The Sims 4 is 10th anniversary oh I yawned that would be in like September of 2024 that's not it's not too unrealistic I don't think um I don't know what did you do Tilly you sneezed and put a mode only mode on how what are you doing are you playing with like water balloon how huh okay huh hey Faye Ally Liz flew suicide kick shuttle thank you all for the subs hmm oh are you hitting on me are you always in a good and this good of a mood love to hang out and get to know me better which one are you Nathaniel Bundy the paparazzi I'm evil so I don't know if you want to date me but we could try do you want some flowers we could date I'd be into it hello where'd you go oh he smells and he ran away okay never mind I guess yikes yikes hmm playing with a frisbee I don't think it's a frisbee I think that they're um throwing stuff at each other I think it's a I think it's a water balloon oh oh it's a water balloon it is definitely a water balloon yeah yep okay we could run the jumping course after this ready run jumping course come on we've got level five almost six riding and this horse has level six almost seven jumping yeah Luca uh actually oh sorry Lucas hope who is goose Kingdom in the chat does my closed captions they're not auto-generated I pay someone to make captions for my videos um YouTube has like the auto ones but they're not always perfect um so my friend hope does them she's here or she was might be at work now um on Twitch they're auto-generated um these ones that are on Twitch I don't know if you're talking about here um the twitch ones I have a OBS plug-in that is auto-generating them to pay someone to to do this would be like absurdly expensive to like hire a sonographer for that would be um not really feasible um so I have a plug-in that auto generates them it's actually not too bad I'm looking at it right now and they're they're pretty okay uh there's definitely problems sometimes with the captions but um it's kind of the only way to do it um and most people don't even know that you can do that so a lot of people um a lot of people don't have them on Twitch so it's okay I hope I really I really think that people know that um obviously like you we don't have especially with like the things like yesterday where there was an announcement yesterday and I recorded an uploaded same day it's impossible for you to get it out as like urgently um yeah my panel is on Friday my meet and greet is tomorrow fine oh yeah so I've got both panel on Friday meet and greet tomorrow at VidCon um but yeah obviously hope um is a real person with an a job so uh she uh does the best that she can with the timing of things but sometimes you know it might take her a little bit longer um to get something the captions out but that's okay um we do our best is she riding Barefoot yeah I'm in my pajamas are you gonna brush the horse because it smells stinky that's gross that's gross grow no oh no I wasn't paying attention I was paying attention oh my God oh my God oh my God Mount the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse not the horse oh my God I'm too late aren't I enter show jumping Advance come on oh I think I got it oh I did it oh good all right take risks let's go let's go snate and devil and gay and Faith thank you for the subs [Music] oh yeah and hope is going on vacation next week right after I get back from being gone so it's like the timing is not good so the captions might be a little bit slower next week obviously because she's gonna be out of town and I don't think that she should have to prioritize that she should take care of herself but we do have um we do have like the auto one so it's okay it's just like you know um they'll get done but um we give time you know that's just all right I got second place oh good going hope you suck and so does Peppa this is stupid laughs will this be on YouTube y'all post this on my second Channel more simsy um I post all my uh streams there on more simsy so okay cool I shall head back home I'm trying to decide how long I should be live for today because I am going to be live again at four in like four and a half hours um and so I need I have a I have to finish some things this was more of a bonus stream so I probably shouldn't stream too too long um I'm just trying to think I need to get um a lot of stuff finished before we go um maybe till the end of the hour well I was planning on streaming until until noon like I usually would but what I'm saying is because I'm gonna be live again later I feel like maybe because I have to finish making like hold on one two three I have to schedule seven videos on my VOD Channel and three on my main channel so I have a that's a lot that's a lot so we do have to get ready for that one um do you think I'm gonna do a mini let's play yeah I think so hope I think we'll do a mini horse ranch sort of Let's Play which honestly is pretty good timing for this because I I'm merging my other two Let's Plays so um that'll work out I'm gonna play Sims 4 later we're gonna um we're gonna try and rebuild the university like Student Union in Foxberry in The Sims 4. so horsing around let's play I'll call it that I really will I really will um you should rest now I can't I just got done saying I got a bunch of stuff I need to do if you want to have videos while I'm gone I cannot there we can't not do this um but anyway project Renee with a like nay like a horse is what it's called oh my goodness yeah well we'll work on the the builds later so that'll be fun um come on all is well okay anyway thanks Cora no I'm good it's okay it's okay um yeah I'm gonna try and bring them all into the like the extended family into it maybe not like the random cousins because there's a lot of them and I have to give them makeovers but um I'll bring the extended family into the new save that's the whole plan um but there's like you know how like some of the family members have like 12 kids oh baby listen do we need them so maybe not them but um I know you can't tell us if you did build for the new pack but can you tell us if you didn't why do people keep asking me this no I did not build for the new pack they wouldn't have me do two packs in a row that's absurd um obviously I did not film for the new pad okay okay oh my goodness now they're gonna be like what if she's lying no I'm not lying No One Believes Me this is terrible it almost makes me like wish that I didn't work on them before because it like ruins my credibility because you know what nobody like believes me they assume that I like must know everything behind the scenes and I must have worked on everything behind the scenes and that's just not true it's just not true um yeah they wouldn't they wouldn't do the same ones twice in a row that would be terrible um but anyway um can you clean that up it is storming oh my goodness and then you can go to sleep how about that how's the cat doing the cat's social is a bit low maybe I'll talk to the cat first um would you like to feed a tree talk to and then go to sleep how about that flood thank you for the subs everybody okay okay into bed is the cat happy now yeah a little bit more okay okay well I think maybe after my sim wakes up maybe I'll find someone to raid I know it's a little bit shorter of a stream but this was a bonus stream I am going to stream again later so it's okay it's okay um so you weren't responsible for the blue Suburban Barn it's just blue oh my God nobody can build anything blue anymore without people being like I bet Kayla built that all it has to be is blue and then they're like that's her no I didn't build that I don't even know if that's really in the pack that could be like a trailer thing they made it could be just for the the screenshots might not be actually in the pack um all right I have staked a claim on literally everything blue if it's blue it's mine that's how it works no I didn't build that though no I did not Goose gained The Adventurous trait that's cute I did call it a blue Suburban Barn in my video um but I was making a joke about it I didn't think people would think that I built it I didn't think it would have that effect because I obviously didn't but or at least I thought I obviously didn't because I built for the last pack but I don't know um anyway uh do you need to exercise maybe you could do some jumping practice that would help you yeah what are the plans for later we're gonna build in The Sims 4 is the plan we're gonna build in The Sims 4. um okay well I think on that note it's been fun playing with the horses today I appreciate you all entertaining me with this because um it's fun to like revisit them and think about them um before like we get the Sims 4 stuff especially with the trailer coming out tomorrow it's been fun to like think about what the Sims 3 had so we've got a like comparison to make you know um so that'll be fun uh I will be here again in like four and a half hours um I'll be here again in like four and a half hours but unfortunately I won't be able to stream again after that until Tuesday which kind of stinks I know it's gonna be a while again but I'm going to VidCon so um and I'm also also I have a red-eye flight like an overnight flight home from California on Monday night um and so uh uh on Tuesday I make no promises about the stream I would like to be live um so I could see you all because I feel bad that I can't stream much but I think Tuesday is gonna be a rough day I think I might play stardew though because it'll be kind of chill and I'll try because I need to stay awake that's the thing I need to stay awake all day on Tuesday because I it's a very dumb idea to come home and sleep because then my sleep schedule is going to get ruined so I'm gonna stay awake all day on Tuesday um so that way I can sleep at a reasonable hour so um I will stream we'll just see how long it is you know sleep on the flight well well yeah it's only a five hour flight though Miss purple turtle and I don't sleep very well on planes so you say like sleep on the flight all you want but realistically it's like you won't get a lot of sleep on the flight you know it's not it's not long enough to be like a decent red eye um and I don't sleep well on planes so you say sleep on the plane but maybe sleep an hour on the plate you know like it's not gonna be that good but anyway um I'm gonna go find somebody to raid I think um I would very very much like to do that um and then I'll see you all in like four hours yeah uh wish me luck I have a lot of adminy type stuff to do um lots and lots of little adminy type thing used to do um but anyway I think for now oh my God wait no I know I rated spring Sims like two days ago but my friend Steven okay there's Laura involved in this all right my friend Steven um he hates the color purple uh and he loves the color yellow my friend shella loves purple hates yellow they're kind of like enemies the two of them they have like a feud well my friend Steven who hates purple during his Saint Jude fundraiser he promised that if he raised a certain amount of money he would do a Just Dance stream in a purple Teletubby costume and he's doing that today so my dear friend Stephen is not only wearing purple but he's in a Teletubby costume and playing Just Dance so I think I think we have to go over there I think we have to go over there um it only feels right that we go over and say hi to Stephen um we just we just must so uh go go say hi for me I'll see you on a couple hours um have a good good rest of your afternoon until I'm back um thanks for entertaining with this fun little bonus of horse stream because I love this uh Fredo CeCe thank you for the subs and I'll see you in The Sims 4 in just a little bit okay all right goodbye everybody I'll see you later okay bye and stop this
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 19,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 18sec (9018 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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