HORSES HORSES HORSES (Streamed 7/14/22)

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everybody who's ready to play with some horses I'm very excited about this horse time says little Tikka we're gonna play with horses in The Sims 3. um this is a very big moment for us because it's been many years since I last played with horses in The Sims 3. like I honestly don't even remember the last time that I actually played with horses so um this should be fun foreign this should be fun um but anyway this is our uh this this is the moment we've been waiting for long story short anyway I've got my game open already because I'm ready for this I was trying to decide if I wanted to just like play with one of the existing people because there's like loads of people that already have horses and barns and stuff already set up or if we wanted to make one I wasn't sure because like for example these people have two horses you know and they've already got all the good stuff but I don't know that would save us a lot of time loading through Cass which is kind of my concern um but I don't know we can figure it out um I don't really know where we would live otherwise because we want to make sure we live in a house that has horse stuff and I kind of forget um I kind of forget is this one safe for us I don't know we can make a household I'll figure it out I'll figure it out um but anyway hello horse Girls welcome in everyone big moment for us I'm gonna read some sounds really fast reptile Kelly lithium Ally thank you for those resubs and stuff um yes again this is a big day I don't even care about the same I'm dead serious I don't care about the same at all like not even remotely horses always glitch so hard yeah yeah we'll deal we'll deal with the glitches once we you know we'll we'll cross that bridge when we come to it okay we'll we'll deal with that problem in the future we're used to it you know anyway fizzy Kayla Moon socks Annie thank you for the subs too by the way um also everyone I have horrible news our resident horse girl hope Goose Kingdom my mod and dear friend is not with us today unfortunately hope is on a train which is devastating because this is Hope's thing this is this is Hope's moment and and she doesn't even get to be here um but it's fine we'll be okay we'll survive without her it's just it is devastating it is devastating so anyway on a train without a horse hope is going to a wedding this weekend hope have you considered instead of taking a train to the wedding have you thought about riding a horse to the wedding a real horse girl knows the best kind of transport so anyway I don't really know what kind of horse I want to do I I don't really spend a lot of time thinking about the breeds of horses to be perfectly honest with you oh my God look at how beautiful you are I can't believe we had horses in The Sims 3. I won't lie to you this this seems fake to me I know that they exist because I've played with it so much back in the day but like I can't believe we had horses in The Sims 3. oh look at this one oh my God you're beautiful are you kidding I don't know what kind I want not me thinking the Sims 4 got a surprise horse drop stop could you imagine if they surprised dropped horses in The Sims before oh my God they like drop a tweet like hey update your games and it's horses what would you even what would you even do with horses in The Sims 4 I keep making jokes about this about like horses and the Sims 4 because there it is like the single most unrealistic unattainable family in my mind horses are the single most unlikely addition to the Sims 4 out of anything like I to me horses are so impossible anyway um I can't believe I can't believe them they exist in the Sims 3 honestly um oh look look I don't know what kind I want should I randomize it oh my God I don't know which one I want it's too much pressure sorry I'm really unsure make Nancy land grab as a horse what is that supposed to mean hope Hope's here oh we've been waiting for you I'm glad you made it anyway we were just talking about how you couldn't be here you know what I kind of like this one no I changed my mind no I don't like that one I don't like blonde hair oh I can only be here a short time as running off my hot spot as making my phone burn me oh okay maybe I'll name the horse hope that one I don't know what I want I'm sorry I just need to pick something no I don't like that one I'm sorry I'm too indecisive that one's called Barb foreign it's making me laugh so much I like this one should we do this one okay I pick it accessories shape wow oh wow laughs I can't believe this is happening should we use this we should use with the pink I like that I might make it like black though with the pink I really think so yeah Lizzy Natalie tired gay Crossing uh not Rowan Bria Kelpie Amanda mermaid Carly Evie Geek Squad Rara link Elizabeth strong Grandpa vicious thank you all for the subs and stuff by the way everybody um okay I like that I think this is fine yeah that'll do okay personality fast piggy quiet Peppa why literally why can we not avoid Peppa Pig no matter what I do no matter where I go leave me alone I don't want quiet I think fast is funny fast horses are the speed demons of the animal kingdom speed demons piggy pets are voracious eaters who don't mind munching garbage or drinking from the toilet is my horse gonna drink from the toilet I'm keeping Piggy and fast I like that there's also aggressive agile Brave clueless friendly genius hates jumping that's not gonna work lazy neat nervous okay relay noisy obedient I don't know what do you all think I want a good I want a good horse agile would make me a good jumper oh yeah uh yeah yes please okay also Kate Jackson will you well yeah I'm sorry chat I might have missed themselves I'm not trying to I'm doing my best okay I have to make a horse girl stand wait forgot my horse's name I'm either gonna name it Peppa or hope I think Peppa's quite funny though I could call it Peppa Pig maybe I'll name the Sim hope I don't even know if hope is still here I'm sorry hope I'm really sorry it was just fun it's just fun okay let me see um what came with pets okay we only have one we can do that one that's pretty good we named the horse Peppa Pig Marilyn so that's pretty good and my Sims gonna be called hope Gabriel Vernon Messer goose hope goose hope Goose okay I really don't think Hope's still here I think hopefully which kind of makes her funnier um should we wear like I don't know is this good I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you all I literally don't care oh my him at all I only care about the he likes it tomatoes for 70 Berkeley Elizabeth thank you for the subs I'm dead serious though I don't care about the the SIM only about the horse let me see if I can get like a yeah maybe you could have these color boots let me let me um okay I think you look good uh Zakia Elizabeth another Elizabeth thank you for the subs and stuff by the way um conformal hair be a sweet treats fit well I'm kind of trying to go through like all of the the fits from from pets is kind of what I was thinking that's kind of what I've been going for at least oh I used to have my Sims with us all the time this is really taking me back because I used to use this so often yeah I used to use the pets clothing a lot it's because pets was one of the first and only packs that I had for a super long time um so I used to use the clothes that came with it obviously like all the time um as you can probably imagine um and it was pretty good stuff like the pet's hair was the Pet's clothes were pretty cute um it might make you wear like the same thing that I put you in for your everyday to be perfectly honest with you pink hair um I don't want to sorry TJC Alina Daisy thank you for the steps by the way I don't want to I don't want to spend more time than I absolutely have to on the same in my mind the Sims hair is done I love you all but in my mind the Sims hair is done foreign honestly that's pretty cute you can keep that and then outerwear oh my God I loved this I used to stop I used to use all of these things so often especially this sweater this was like my sweater I gave my Sims this all the time you want some little Cat earrings uh yeah you can wear these these jeans too these are pretty trendy again actually um oh my boots are clipping yeah pets had some really good casts are you guys seeing this this is some of the better casts I've taped my gloves off okay um come on stop stop stop stop Leo fluffy Jamie thank you for the subs by the way oh let me just get my gloves off okay add traits number one equestrian thank you what else do you want what else are we feeling evil oh we had an evil Sim last time should we do it again this will be the final nail in little simsy legitimately wanting horses in The Sims for no no no the thing is the thing is though like I'm not kidding I've always been anti-horses in The Sims 4 purely as a meme and purely because I thought that it would be impossible but if I'm being perfectly honest with you I think it would be so funny if they added horses into the Sims 4 because because like why would they do that well that's just it just wouldn't fit at all it would be so funny so I did make an entire video about all the reasons they should add horses into the Sims 4 by the way maybe I'll be an equestrian evil unlucky a vegetarian I'm just making myself right now um uh um never nude Maybe we play with an unstable Sim last time last week so we should pick something different um good sense of humor that's me that's me you get five traits at least that we get five trades um I'll pick this jockey aspiration I can like pink classical music and peanut butter and jelly and I'll be a Leo yeah okay thank you for the gifted Subs also Chloe dinosaur Leaf Leo fluffy Jamie thank you all for the subs and stuff too okay so here's me I'm hope hope Goose this is Peppa Pig and now I'm ready I'm so excited I'm like giddy okay let's live out here at sunflower Shack perhaps um I mean I guess the Madison hopes girlfriend's name is Madison if we're playing as hope but this one doesn't have any horse stuff can I see it this is the lore right here it's really cute I even got a pond oh my God this is throwing me back I played the 100 baby challenge in this house once that's really funny let me look at the other one too just so I can see um I missed I missed the olden days see this one's like ready for us though look at how cute this is come on oh my God I hate the kitchen oh no look at how cute this is and then we've got like you know space for my horse I always lived in this home when I had horses so I kind of want to pick this one I picked this one sorry Madison so Right Said Tony and ginger thank you for the subs no I don't want a lot challenge leave me alone okay load in yes yes yes yes yes yes sure oh my God I'm so excited right now okay let's look at some horse stuff shall we okay so I desire I forget where to find the horse oh no okay okay I desire to have what is that fire pit um Transportation lawn ornaments activities cooking roof decorate no search by category that's true if I look here I'll find all of the horses things at once okay I have this I also have jumps let's get this old western box stall okay um should I get this water yeah I think so um this is fun should I put this over here I don't know why I would have that to be honest with you does the poor horse not get a roof over its head no Haystack Aaron chubby came free rice thank you for the subs and stuff um oh water obstacle I'm not strong or brave enough for that I can get this happy horse ball yeah you can woohoo in the haystack I know we've got exciting stuff to do today I probably should get some of the hurdle things but I should probably get like the trainer jump right training posts I don't remember how far apart they have to be or how they have to be let's get the basic stuff oh my God okay okay wait can my horse get in here let me get on the horse really fast build a barn probably not yet I mostly want to see my horses first I'm sorry look at me look at me look at me oh my God practice jumping oh my God oh you suck that's such a low jump okay let me save my game really fast because I'm paranoid am I Aaron thank you for the subs it's stepped over that jump yeah yeah and you can also control the horses in The Sims 3. it's not like pets in The Sims 4. like I can I can um tell them what to do they aren't like they aren't completely free will as they are in The Sims 4. so anyway okay let's do it oh you stink hope Goose just rode a horse for the first time she will always remember how it felt to look down at the world from the back of a horse Peppa Pig was just written by a SIM for the first time she'll never forget the way it felt to carry a Sim on her back Peppa Pig just jumped over a jump obstacle She'll always remember the rush of adrenaline that pumped through her body Peppa Pig just finished training on some jumps sorry I'll stop reading I'm gonna I'm gonna have myself I have to learn the writing skill okay adopt a horse another one no I'm attached to this one 100 horses oh my God not you leave me alone okay I'm trying to get my skill there's my skill oh sorry oh my God sorry that scared me are you I we just played into the future last week okay we're fine we're fine we're fine I'm just gonna keep jumping I could always adopt a unicorn that's true the jumping skill is a horse only skill that makes it more likely for the horse to successfully clear jumps it also increases the horse's performance in certain Equestrian Center competitions there are many ways to gain the jumping skill you can start off by doing the easier jumps yeah I know hmm we can also compete in competitions of the equestrian center yeah there's unicorns yeah they just show up sometimes there's also wild horses in this game so we might just see horses run past our house it's really exciting so anyway Joey cat okay what do you want to do acquire an Elixir no I want to read a book about writing and be friends with Peppa Pig okay I've got a little bit of Saddle sore so maybe I'll dismount don't fall don't fall don't fall okay um maybe I'll brush you feed you a tree let you sniff my hand I'm gonna try and make them be my friend so give me one second yeah we're named the horse Peppa Pig thank you it's really good isn't it thank you for the subs you want horses in The Sims 4 so bad oh no maybe I'm becoming a horse girl the meme has gone too far it's just like Rick Astley I started out it was a joke and then it wasn't this is like my my video about wanting the horses on the Sims 4 was a joke and now it's not anymore um this always happens to me I uh I I convinced myself I lie so much that I start to believe it um let me praise for being agile being obedient and being neat that'll be good steal candy from a baby what kind of a wish is that oh my God oh okay lovely I guess that checks out that's um I suppose her lifelong dream of of stealing candy from a baby I'll do it if I see your baby I will steal its candy the way that's just casually on her to-do list no I'll be on the lookout if I see a baby I am stealing its candy I will I don't even think I knew that you could do that I don't usually play with evil Sims in The Sims 3. back in my Sims 3 era um you know the Sims 3 era I used to mostly just give my Sims like good traits um which I know is boring but that's how I was I I pretty much only ever had my Sims have good traits I was like always family oriented creative like I was just you know um so I did really often play with evil Sims um so it's kind of fun to to do that sometimes now now I way more often give my Sims like bad traits like I think it's more fun now to have bad trades but back then I was the opposite I've become a lot more chaotic in The Sims over the years um which is either a good or a bad thing it depends but I have become a lot more chaotic as of recently so bloody Coco Cassidy thank you for the subs by the way um yeah we were nine we weren't yet evil ourselves exactly exactly foreign okay you want to enter a beginning jumping competition improve your jumping skill learn the racing skill I'll do that for you don't worry little friend do you want to train for racing yes you look at how cute you are okay maybe you're a little bit too close to the house I'll give you a little bit more room hang on oh never mind you're using it I'll do it later YouTube changed Kayla maybe a little bit I'm different now oh my God maybe I'm not different now some things never change I see some things never change okay well hang on she wants to buy a fire alarm you can I'll do that I can do that that's fine here you go you're gonna need one of those lovely you're probably not going to learn the Gardening Skill you can be best friends with Peppa Pig though well I was hungry I'll try and make some mac and cheese this time um okay I saved my game yeah there is a good course at the park there's lots of places that I can practice um but I wanted to put some of my own lot so that I could force my horse to practice all the time there are burglars in The Sims 3 yeah yeah there are burglars in The Sims 3. um maybe I should get a burglar alarm I was thinking maybe no actually I can just cheat for money so I'll I'll let them steal from me I'll let them steal from me that's fine sniff hope I too wish to sniff hope right look at me my ball oh look how cute is oh my God panicked at this point Peppa isn't just scared anymore somebody should really calm her down a bit from a fire oh yeah that sounds really right to me I relate to that a lot horrifying quality mac and cheese not bad horrifying okay that's really good um I'm gonna use the bathroom really fast and then I might go try and do some more practicing oh good call mods mods can someone please change the command to say horsing around instead of messing around thank you very important oh my God look at how fun this place is there's so much stuff for us to do okay um I might come down here though with my horse Peppa come along she's got a bad mood from uneven cooking and it's mac and cheese like if you can't do that I don't know what to tell you bestie that would be a great pack named The Sims 4 horsing around stop I want it so bad now oh my God I've fallen for my own tricks I want horses in The Sims 4. I don't even think I would use them it's purely like for the meme it's genuinely for the meme like okay my horse has to run here give me a sec but like I honestly don't even think I would use them I I just I just like the idea because I think it would be so ridiculous it would make me laugh okay I'm gonna mount my horse and I'm gonna practice a little come on here I am um I don't know if I can do the good ones yet maybe I'll practice on these still oh did you see that I jumped over all of them are you guys seeing this I'm literally so good at this horse is better than high school yeah let's be real who even needs the stupid High School pack not us when we could have a horse pack jumping in a western saddle okay I don't know how you expect me to know what that means hope I don't know how you expect me to know about these sorts of things jumping level three good job Peppa it's really good so anyway I'm I'm just gonna keep doing this tomorrow I'm gonna work on racing let horse drink okay fine oh I guess we should probably go home anyway enter beginner racing competition win a beginner jumping competition okay yes hi crab by the way okay shall we go home then probably I'm gonna ride you all the way home oh my God how slow are we gonna be I can't believe horses exist in The Sims 3. I know I said it already I literally can't believe that we have it she's really good she is really good at this okay I'll try actually I don't look like I'm doing so good wait I'm gonna cry I need to get some screenshots this is a big moment for me oh my God all right she's terrified I'm not sure she likes it why is she making that face Alicia simmer sudden honey thank you for the subs okay you also want to enter a beginning racing competition we can do that oh it takes me forever to get home if I let the horse come home by themselves this would have been a lot faster have I saved the game lately yeah I just did Tilly but I'm gonna do it again once I finish um getting home I'm going to get everyone asleep and stuff and then I will okay little friend I need you to come take a little nap come on come on everyone's going to sleep and then I'm going to save my game thank you Rebecca thank you for the sub too oh my gosh evil Slumber yeah my seems evil so um I'll show you one more funny thing if you haven't seen it yet um once the game finishes saving you see this little thing right here this this wish that she has steel candy from a baby so I did cheat my needs a little bit because I'm here to play with horses I can do whatever I want hey thank you for the 30-month resub by the way thank you so much um okay get rid of all these notifications almost done sleeping now this is big little simsy is a cheater yeah and I'm not afraid to admit it I'll cheat my horse's needs too just so my horse can be happy is this same sin makes off the real hope oh no no no no not even close I just named the same hope as a joke hope doesn't actually look like her very much but um do you want us to rub some pancakes maybe you'll do better this time and you won't burn them yes no hope is also not evil yeah I should clarify that the Sim is evil real hope not evil so okay you can wake up now I'll cheat the rest of your need mostly because now I want to see what happens when you eat your hay oh yes a meeting now I want to pee come on before you pee I mean I got you what are you gonna do pee like I was gonna say before you pee your pants but you can't really do that can you no you can't are you done yet oh my gosh okay question what time are the contests professional horse training seminar the next competition is at 5 pm interesting very interesting I will go there after I finish eating it'll be a big moment for me okay stop eating now you're peeing okay drink some water now you're drinking okay I'm gonna have you come out to this place come here and then I'll have you go there too check by the waterfall for the unicorns all right we'll look for the unicorns later and I will do that mark my words go here come on Whose hope hope is a friend of mine we're just joking about how Hope's a horse girl why is the horse being censored well what are they gonna do show you like full horse pee I mean it kind of makes sense you know okay let me see if I can meet any Horse Friends oh my God cats pickles Lion Heart okay Calvin Jackie I might do a little introduction too to Jackie while I'm here all right are you here yet oh you are oh my God forget Jackie I'm gonna practice with my horse what if we adopted pickles can I just like snatch pickles oh my God oh my God I snatched pickles remember the last time you snatched an animal that's true last time I snatched an animal I was pregnant it's got a mate and a mom oh my God oh my god oh no oh um oh God okay okay that's fine that's fine I have to steal the others as well I might need to go befriend that lady so I can steal her other cat I hate to say it but I might have to do it all right let's see what I look like oh I also do not seem like I'm doing very good as I'm racing for the first time as you can see I look very unwell look at me go yeah we're gonna have to steal some more cats later It's relatively urgent okay I'll just keep racing oh I'm smelly is there a shower at the bar no no because why would there be okay oh there's a dog ship well I'm not smelly anymore well that woman whose cat I stole isn't even here so if she didn't want me to steal her cat maybe she should have taken better care of it that's all I'm gonna say adopt the dog too I'm not gonna steal the dog too I already have two pets good no I'm not sure oh should I steal a dog too I did oh my God this one's got a it's a baby I stole them okay I took steel candy from a baby a little bit too seriously I stole a dog from a baby and this dog also has a mate uh that's bad oh but it hates this woman okay so what I have done today is not very good of me um that's fine oh wait I wanted to do a jumping competition today and that's what okay what time does the competition start foreign how long does it take will I still be able to go to my contest later I'm gonna do it professional horse training seminar oh okay okay yes we need more pets yeah um this is really bad because as if I don't already have enough pets um this one's pretty nice I'm not sure breaker is lazy hates jumping in Clueless no playful neat Brave that's better hmm hmm um nervous quiet Piggy Earth Shaker is aggressive yeah I don't want aggressive this one is a genius but but also hates jumping this one's pretty good friendly noisy nervous I think that this one's probably the best one though it's only playful neat and brave we should probably do that one are you sure you want to breed Peppa Pig with this stallion 378. it's expensive but it's worth it oh my God wait am I gonna be able to do things with my horse when I'm when my horse is pregnant I better be able to otherwise I'll be really upset I met horse training right now but I want to do the contest at five am I going to be out in time for the contest I better be it might be exact timing but to enter can I not wait I can sorry I was wrong I can't I'm doing it I'm doing it did I not do it right no I didn't do it right oh no I think I just had us watch it which was not very smart of me sorry everyone I got too distracted Rachel Rachel younger October Danny thank you for the subs okay unsaddle me okay calm down the horse did go in yeah can I if I like I don't think that I can enter my horse because maybe get her pregnant so what am I supposed to do now this is a disaster buy another horse Maybe Maybe I could always steal one I guess okay you um do you wanna drink something eat some hay I need to also buy stuff for the rest of my pets come on there's nothing for the cats or dogs in this house okay um I would like frankly I would like a dog bed I feel like my dog needs that um I need some dog toys I need a pet Bowl maybe two and maybe a cat scratching post your dog yeah okay look yes I stole this dog yes I stole this dog okay and oh my God it's another one I could have stolen that one instead of taking the one that belongs to somebody but instead I have done this okay you're a bit hungry you can come eat from the bowl and then maybe you could play with the cat that could be fun okay at least you can practice jumping while I wait for we can get you a new Jump that'll be good anyway um one don't be rude okay 8 50 p.m oh I didn't put my pancakes away dang it I failed also felony moose a simmer and Rachel thank you for the subs by the way oh I need a litter box oh my gosh yes how many horses can you have well I guess because you can have eight Sims seven horses Max because you can have you know as many as you can up until you Max it out I guess um okay the dog did it again let me get a litter box um pretty kitty litter box um oh I can go right there that's fine okay seven horses challenge stop don't give anybody any ideas can't intersect other options okay I'm sorry I hate how this kitchen was laid out I need to make some adjustment that has gotta be one of the ugliest counter swatches I have ever seen did you see that I didn't look at that that is hideous don't worry I'm changing it don't worry honestly this house is kind of hideous I won't lie um I feel like I kind of just brushed over that but it isn't the most beautiful okay do you want to try and um serve up some maybe make some Autumn salad this time so you don't start a fire that would be really good okay you can nap now can you play with the cat redo it all see I don't want to spend like too much time redoing the house because then I won't spend as much time playing with horses so I'm I'm kind of trying to um you know focus on one thing at a time maybe if we play again we could like redo the house next time you know um share Abby have fight thank you for the subs okay the kid always builds something next week in The Sims 3 maybe I don't know watch out now I don't know all right I'm eating my little dinner I'm gonna pee now and then I will go to sleep evil slumber you're fine your social is still low why isn't the cat hanging out with me it's because the cat's like hiding from me don't be rude do you want to goof around with a dog I'm you know what I'm sorry I choose that I want my cats to be happy so if that requires me to cheat their needs then so be it go sleep everyone's going to sleep and then I'll save my game again okay I guess the cats are and dog are probably mad at me because I stole them um I did just shift click add them to my household and they do have other families but they're mine now so sorry so sorry I don't know steal a horse I don't know if I want another horse I'm already gonna have a horse baby which again poses the question does anyone know how long my horse is going to be pregnant for it's very important because it's already been like what one day I think it should be three probably because it always is looks like Peppa is pregnant I'm so surprised um well that's actually quite fun though we're gonna have a baby we're gonna have a little baby horse in real life 11 months oh really are horses pregnant for 11 months in real life that's unfortunate I don't know much about horses I won't lie almost a year God oh no okay keep speeding up come on I'd like to wake up soon so yay 10 months I'll Trish thank you for the reset marsupial Anna thank you for the subs to share as well Abby thank you thank you thank you um it's why I usually breed in the late spring or early summer so the full be born when it's decently warm outside oh that's interesting news to me it makes sense though okay pickles you need to scratch something go come on Shep you need to eat something here you go you my little friend can you come pee outside maybe not yet you're actually doing just fine do you want to go train for some racing try and build some skills that might be all right okay and then as soon as you wake up can you fix this problem that the dogs are causing in my yard okay clean that up I'll toss this okay she did want to read a book about writing so I guess I could go buy one of those I could go into town and we could try and purchase a book that might be nice actually you know I love Appaloosa Plains I'm I'm serious I'm having so much fun I'm like healing my inner child right now this it like whenever I play in Appaloosa planes it takes me back so much it makes me so happy I was obsessed with this pack in The Sims 3 it was the first pack I ever had for The Sims 3 it was the only pack I had for a very long time like I just I have such fond feelings towards towards this pack it's so good and the city is so cute like look at this area isn't this nice I'm having a really good time okay skill books um riding volume one maybe just get all three of them honestly and then shall we go to the library just to start reading it I mean it's only next door but we could go to the library next door to start reading it and then maybe after I'm done reading the first one I could try and make an online dating profile because I'm just waiting for my horses to to have babies so might as well do something you know okay my little friend I would like for you to read oh I can't read volume one read volume two are you gonna sit there okay visit the horse ranch well I'll do that as soon as I get this point thing done anyway I'd love to see Appaloosa planes or something like it come to the Sims 4. I would be so happy it reminds you of Gilmore Girls really I I relate to that I think I agree with you I feel like this this world does kind of remind me of Gilmore Girls okay I finished reading a little bit of my book I'm going to make an online dating profile now create profile this is the other thing that I want very badly in The Sims 4 is online dating okay safe profile I don't need to lie I mean I'm evil so maybe I should lie but don't check messages you won't have any browse profiles browse profiles oh speaking of dating did you guys see that the winners of Love Island last year broke up they announced it yesterday I know this is a niche reference not all of you watch Love Island but Millie and Liam who won last year broke up I won't lie to you when I hear about things like this to me that seems very convenient that the winners were together for like exactly a year and makes me wonder if there's a contract I won't lie it makes me wonder if they're like meant to stay together for a certain amount of time but I I don't know maybe I'm just cynical okay um I almost talked to Jackie before I'm very interested in Trish I oh art books clumsy heavy sleeper natural cook I need that I need that loser oh oh never nude perceptive I feel very seen by this that feels like me okay maybe um Gracie seems cute but she has the same hair as me which is concerning maybe Valerie likes cats is a daredevil hot-headed kleptomaniac and no sense of humor oh oh okay I mean maybe she's a thief I'm a thief maybe that works except she seals things and I steal pens okay well I sent a couple messages we'll see what I get in the morning when people message me back I don't know we'll see I'm gonna take my little taxi back home thank you very much maybe I'll buy a car I know I have a horse but there's already like you know this so I could totally get a car could get a boat no maybe I'll get a pickup truck I like that what other colors are there um I want this one thank you yes okay Maura Ali Freya Molly thank you for the subs and stuff okay and now I have a car so that's exciting how are my pets doing they're doing great thank you for asking how about you eat a carrot okay well she also wants a better jump so I can do that it was like was this the one in the picture that she said she wanted oh okay it takes up a lot more space let me try again see what it said yeah okay I'll get rid of this for a second I know that we have like other places we can use these things but I might as well put some here if I've got the space for it and stuff okay here you go oh I can't do anything fun because I'm pregnant I'm in a super speed I won't lie don't make me get another horse don't make me get another horse a green school board thank you for the subs you say cheat the pregnancy to full I don't know how to do that I don't know how to cheat the pregnancy I don't think I can I don't even know if that I don't know how to do that with Master controller can you does anyone know I mean we can just wait I can get another horse maybe maybe I can just get another horse no I shouldn't do that you know what I'll do I'll read my little book and I'll speed up that I would have three horses I don't want three horses I already have two pets that's too many pets okay you want to gallop around a little bit that would be fun yeah three is too many horses even hope thought so and Hope's a horse girl you know okay well I'm building my skill which is pretty good for me oh maybe I'll get a computer wait um hang on let me think about this let me just think about this I need to put my pet stuff uh the dog's name is Shep I didn't make the dog I stole it so um I realize that makes me look bad and the truth is I yeah I do look bad because I still a dog but here we are so foreign you have 16 horses IRL oh my God horse girl horse girl horse girl this is your stream for you wait stole from who oh from a baby I just saw that I saw the Okay so I was at I was at like the park I was making my horse do some practicing then I saw this cat and I was like oh my God it's a great cat shift click add to household and then and then I realized the cat had a family um already and then I saw this dog and I was like that dog is so cute shift click add to household the dog also has a family in fact the dog has a toddler family member and I stole the dog but the dog's happy now we're best friends as you can see um let's see best friends best friend I didn't just cheat that it already said that so um okay I want to be best friends with Peppa Pig maybe I'll go talk to my horse um care brush feed treat hug I'm Gonna Keep On speed three I think to see if I can get my horse baby to be born faster no I have to pee okay I guess that's fair enough I guess that makes sense she is a horse who looks like a cow and is named Peppa Pig I thought you hated Peppa Pig yes to both of those statements yes praise for being neat um rub neck okay sleepy loved oh oh okay you can go take a nap now and you can also go to sleep or to shower maybe first sorry speed three then you can sleep evil Slumber I keep forgetting the evil Slumber thing well she doesn't love Peppa Pig enough to put a roof over her head sorry I have the basement to a lot the wall it's full of my bad weight foreign extremely confused I shouldn't have to put a stupid column this game is stupid I am finding this incredibly annoying can I just make that clear to all of you incredibly annoying can I put a column in there for a second yes I can and I will okay don't mind me don't mind me okay she doesn't need a roof hope it's too late you demanded a roof you're getting a roof sorry what do you mean location out of bounds I wanted it the other way well this will be fine I'm not changing the color you're getting this sorry that's my horse's roof I did it can you can still get in and out of that I hope so okay speed up KS Carolina lady mads Katie thank you for the subs and stuff by the way um poor horses and even have a light can you even put a light over there can you put lights in there without move objects on do horses need lights leave me alone no stop leave me alone leave me alone Melissa Taylor's saving thank you for the size and stuff oh my gosh poor horse has no kitchen bath and office oh my gosh the poor horse doesn't even have a TV what's in my driveway oh what's in my driveway this is just my my car do you like it do you like it everybody okay E from Bowl oh do you want to come pee use the litter box eat from Bowl you can chew on that dog toy okay we hurry up come on actually if a horse is under lights it turns on their reproductive cycle for spring is that a thing I've never heard of that in my life I'm really realizing today that I don't know much about horses which means that I have a lot of work to do if I'm gonna learn about horses if I'm gonna insist upon a horse pack being added to the Sims 4 I better get a move on online dating let's see if I've got any messages it's very important if you want to properly advocate for them then you need to educate yourself okay well I got message requests oh my God I got messages from everybody that I wanted to date and a guy named Zach I got messages from everybody and also a guy named Zach so that's fun I think I was most I don't remember which one I liked best so boozak Take a Hint I know I mean you think you would have caught on by now but alas all right I'm thirsty you want to jump over your aux jump well you're pregnant have you tried not being pregnant um you can go Gallop around you can't jump if you're pregnant meet someone online visit the horse ranch okay maybe I'll go visit the horse ranch first wait horse ranch or is there a different place called the Horse Ranch oh we could go to the graveyard I know that's not that's not what we're supposed to be doing right now but the thought of it kind of excited me I could also go to the beach um maybe I'll go to the graveyard first I'm sorry I just want to see it I'm sorry look how nice it is though like actually look how nice this is did I buy anything during Prime day Yes actually um I bought a new power bank like to charge your phone um like a battery bank and I also bought a battery powered fan I'm thinking about hurricanes and thinking um I'm gonna want those so I did buy two things during Prime day yes thank you for asking okay should I talk to any of the graves no I shouldn't warn people that's boring I shouldn't have come here I was just excited about it oh ah oh no well this is less fun never mind get me out of here um where should we go next to come here for the cats or or I could come to this dog place and I'll bring my dog I'm sorry I am teleporting my sim here wow you made it all the way here look at this ah the ball disappeared go chase the ball so in The Sims 3 you could have round pieces of fountains which is kind of fun um you could like make you know a dog bone-shaped fountain or you know anything else you so desire I suppose so that was pretty fun I'm getting a phone call let me invite over well I guess maybe Jackie is out right now so I'll try sure I'll come over in a little while okay okay anybody good here you are pregnant I could steal candy from your baby when it's born oh cute oh I'm gonna pick these flowers while I wait okay oh look there's my car okay I have to come talk to Jackie it's a good thing I have a good sense of humor that should help us um maybe I'll start by telling a joke telling a funny story I don't know yes maybe we should go on a real date sometime hmm I'm gonna compliment you a couple of times you seem like fun Jackie cat Lila listen thank you for the subs and stuff by the way maybe I'll give you some romantic red flowers oh yikes okay sorry won't flirt won't flirt married to Quincy married to Quincy that is unfortunate but no no no no okay I'll go home that was a flop yeah she was on a dating app I'm just saying so you can't be that attached to Quincy back up this one I can't steal the baby I'm gonna have a baby the horses are busy they're just trying to go to the movies you thought it was a donkey oh that makes sense I love that I love that okay I'm feeling the pet bowls um maybe I will praise you for being a piggy I was I gave birth apparently what should I call it I have a baby tittles George Stan Lee okay okay surely tittles is the name of a turtle in the Peppa Pig game and considering that my horse is called Peppa Pig I think maybe titles is good oh my God where is it tittle's Pig oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God so cute little turtles oh look at you oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God okay this is the best day of my life what do you want to do nurse titles sniff tiddles that's easy sniff come on can they stay in the same house what did you do that for now nobody can woohoo in that be best friends with tittles always oh my God I'm actually so impressed by this I haven't played with horses in so long and I haven't had my horse have a baby in so long that's so impressive there's your dad what are my traits like agile untrained Piggy okay I like that I like that um you can't do anything can you no you can't okay you can Gallop around um can I enter my horse into a competition I want to so bad piggy is a good one okay I won't lie to you everyone I will be teleporting you here and you hear because I believe that there should be a competition at 5 pm and I wish to be for it I wish to enter I'm not missing it this time I've been waiting for this how are you doing tiddles hi Mommy oh no I'm sorry False only being separated from their mothers what if there was a tiger around oh no I just gotta do the competition I'm sorry I'm really sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry what if you're right what if there's a tiger around enter a question in question competition show jumping competition beginner come on oh I mean okay should I oh God should I study Pace take risks or go For Broke maybe I'll take some risks here we go I'm coming up to the top most of the top up to the top keep it up keep it up come on for steady place I'm gonna win that was very exciting for me I won okay now get off of Pepa I'm gonna take you home no no no can you dismount oh dismount I'm gonna teleport you home because I feel bad about the oh you fell off nice job I feel bad about the baby so I loved that wait why are you oh no I forgot about you being at the park oopsies why are you over here oh my God okay everyone's far from home we're here where's my home I'm here it is oh my God I just felt like I was lost for a second there okay titles I'm sorry I'm sorry you can come here you can also come here wait I thought I teleported you home did it not work teleport me here come on there we go don't worry little one I saved you here's your mom she's back sorry my bad my bad my bad my bad okay okay I want to improve my riding skill and win a beginner jumping competition that's easy I just did one so I can do it again hope is starting to feel a bit ill oh my God hope no no no no no no no no no no it's a full moon no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this was a mistake I made a mistake I look what it does look what the lighting does and it's gonna be zombies oh my God Sage Kaylee thank you for the subs here we go no I'm not joking by the way so let me lead the fold don't joke about that the zombies won't actually eat my baby horse right no you're a liar the zombies won't eat my horse Liar Liar they can't eat my horse right oh no do I need a second one of these because I've got two horses now just tiger as well okay good you're in my way come here come here oh here we go why why okay no there's not tigers in The Sims 3. my my horse Sim just had like a um a moodlet about being afraid of getting eaten by a tiger because her mom was away where's my mommy oh my God come here you're fine you're fine sweetie you're fine your mommy is right there can I not enter Because her before why when I had the baby in there first it didn't let me enter so what's up with that I figured they could share one so why didn't it work before that's annoying okay morning time lovely Olivia Sage thank you for the stuff now they both do have a roof so so that's fine oh a horse just ran past my house can I snatch stuff from this Garden oh this is my neighbor's house hang on I have to sneak in here in the night I need to um look it'd be nice if I could grow some stuff oh my God I told you I didn't mean to zoom that on her boobs I'm sorry I was just trying to do one of the zombie and I went straight to the boobs I didn't mean to do that I told you they're zombies by the way um apparently really hot ones please don't please don't oh my God it's a good thing I'm getting into the plants now because we're having a bit of a problem oh here we go this this my friends is why I tried to turn off the full moon um okay you can just go home you can just go just go home I don't want to be involved in this it makes me feel unsafe I'd like to go to sleep please evil Slumber um I might give myself a little bit more energy too so okay let me say the game again that was terrible absolutely terrible oh shella hello how's the beach are you still at the beach or are you leaving how's it going what are you up to it was very windy oh yeah I'm not surprised I'm not surprised um okay this is taking too long no I hear more zombies I'm not interested in this at all okay let me think about this for a second right because I need to get maybe one of these again would be good because you could do a little bit of racing training because your exercise is so low just to get it up a little and then you could probably come drink some water yes oh look at how pretty it is also say well Olivia thank you for the subs and stuff um yeah you can turn the zombies off you can like turn off the moon phases and stuff so that you don't have to worry about that um okay would you like to come nurse from Peppa that would be good and then you can pee and what like Gallop around a little I think that's tittle's first time peeing which is also very exciting okay um I'm gonna make some food thank you very much I don't wish to celebrate this holiday you want to make some pancakes oh because I've got fruit on me so it's free that's good oh no no my bills I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot well we're gonna get repossessed so that's good um I forgot I did I don't get notifications I don't remember they better not take titles that's not funny you can't joke about that you can't joke about these things it's not funny I want tiddles anyone but tittles okay um do you want to mount the horse would you like to train Peppa for racing let's do some jockey training to build my skill so level five okay how long until tittles grows up three days okay that's pretty good yeah you can have birds and stuff in Sims 3 also I can show you we could probably get a bird um I guess I don't really need this maybe I'll get a bird instead um pet Essentials see there's a lizard a rodent a snake a turtle a bird tree I've always wanted a lizard I might get a lizard not you stock what do you want to do go for a ride okay let me try this really fast but anyway there was pretty cool small pets in this game oh no oh oh okay so these ones are the kind that we have in Florida um just like out and around there's also a Gekko and an iguana what do you think I might get an iguana chair what if he takes my lizard wait I haven't stalked my lizard yet come on oh my god look what are you taking now my trash can that's just wrong wait can I finish cooking that yeah come on finish it play with a lizard name a lizard oh I should have clicked on that well hang on how do I name it show Lizard info no that's boring oh give name to Iguana what do you want to call it Kurt what do you think Steve Bagel Kevin George tiger banana I quite like banana I think that's cute I'd name a a lizard banana that's a good one okay I'm gonna mount my horse oh never mind I need to take care of myself I'm looking at my needs now I'm like oh maybe I shouldn't do that let me I'm sorry I got rid of one of my um the thingy that was you know how my sim was upset because because she had stuff stolen from her well I'm cheating that away so anyway I'll just finish eating this I've got some lovely pancakes I'll probably clean this afterward I really need to do some work around the house actually now that I think about it so hey Andrew I hope you're doing well it's good to see you um okay I don't really want a call from anyone I would like to be left alone oh I need to buy a new trash can too I don't really need a second armchair but I feel like I do need a trash can that's probably necessary okay um where's the baby I need to feed it and be friends with it so bottle feed brush Maybe praise for being fast that's really good yeah yes I want to see what it looks like when I Battlefield my baby horse oh no I'm brushing my baby horse I thought I was gonna bottle feed my baby horse I wanted the points bottle feed titles come on oh chat should we try and enter a competition again it's almost five I'm gonna teleport I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it also cats thank you for the 20 s um Olivia Sable uh arnac thank you for the subs too okay I'm teleporting myself here with my horse because I'd like to enter one of the competitions I'm sorry you want to enter a beginner racing competition and you want to win a beginner jumping competition um which one should we do I guess we did jumping last times maybe I'll do racing this time okay that could be fun enter racing competition beginner come on this will be good hopefully my baby doesn't get too upset that I left it okay take risks let's do it come on we got this oh I went straight up to the top oh my God steady pace that was really easy did you see that I like insta jumped up to the top that was so good that was so good I guess oh because I'm fast oh duh yeah this the horse is fast so makes sense that she would um you know be fast okay I went for a ride I'm gonna Dismount now because um I should probably go home and take care of the baby horse I'm sorry I'm gonna teleport again I'm not even feeling bad about that I won't lie to you okay where's the baby potatoes okay you're all right you can come nurse from Peppa you're pretty much fine too you want to win a beginner racing competition and a jumping competition okay okay can you get a horse named chibi and a horse named Kayla and make them right I don't really want more horses chippy but maybe next time maybe next time I'd probably lose I won't lie I know I want to be fast but let's be real I'm not fast I'd give Kayla the fast trait and not you and then I would always win coward I knew it okay laughs oh my goodness all right well game if you would you know save a little bit faster that would be really useful okay um the unicorns are white and glow they're usually hiding behind a pond high up that is true um we can do a little bit of unicorn hunting if you all want um I I wouldn't be mad about doing something like that let me just get my horses away wait what are you upset okay come here no you can also nap um you said some something about them being behind a waterfall I kind of forget um oh look here's the criminal spot isn't that fun um sorry waterfall oh my gosh look how many horses are up here oh I told you I told you there's a fancy one look it's a unicorn oh my god get over here that was really easy oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God feed produce here you want some garlic here get down off the cliff uh oh that was weird lead blossom affection feed treat let's sniff hand rub neck this is a unicorn yeah are you seeing this okay don't be so weird don't be so weird God foreign are we friends yet no garlic what if I cheat my friendship level just to see what happens oh my God I made myself best friends now what invite unicorn to join household what the heck no okay save game I would like to name it hope what would you like to name it well what is your pick chia seed pudding okay maybe something else would be better than that Pop-Tart oh that's kind of cute I was just blessed by a unicorn I was just blessed by a unicorn I'm cheating my needs so I can keep my unicorn blessing did you say no to joining my household please no first proved to me that you are a friend to All Creatures only then will I consider your offer does that mean s you have proven to be a friend to All Creatures I will follow you wherever you lead yes yes oh my God okay do you have any skills oh me cheating this made my life so easy I've mastered all the skills okay I'm gonna ride the horse wait let me on Leon let me on oh yes okay I'll make you ride all the way home uh oh it's lagging I don't look as scared anymore I'm getting so brave I'm also in my pajamas and I'm barefoot Barefoot bareback oh okay it's kind of exciting it won't lie um here we go okay I'm home now um how much should I do I guess maybe I'll get some food I don't know hi Peppa you've been replaced by my unicorn no I'll never replace Peppa Oh My Autumn salad is spoiled okay you can eat some pancakes though I need to name my horse I know its name is Blossom but we talked about Pop-Tart and I think that's better Pop-Tart Pig all my horses last names are pig oh Pop Tart pudding oh well okay it's too late okay I might save my game again now that I have a unicorn just give me a second thank you I'm feeling really good about this yeah you can breed a horse with a unicorn but both my horses are girls so um they can't make a baby I wish they could but they cannot if it were up to me they'd be able to alas okay so we'd save a little bit faster tiddles okay Peppa do you want to eat some hay as soon as you're awake whoa I have magic unicorn needs oh careful careful don't get too close what are you people doing here wait like actually what are you all doing here you good um um I'm having a lot of fun right now and I would very much like for horses to be added to the Sims 4 thank you can we burn a public building I'm running low on magic power annoyingly okay well I'm gonna bring me and all of my horses out here maybe not my dog and cat but all my horses and I are coming to the Regional training grounds because um I have work to do and jumping to practice enter a beginner cross-country competition why are you so upset panicked oh shoot sorry horse fixed don't worry oh no I've really upset this one okay um come here are you good did you make it come here you can come where are you oh cute what do you want to do nurse titles okay come here thank you can you Dismount so tittles can throw Ryder wait okay sorry sorry um perfect um why can't I nurse will you do it autonomously okay here's my unicorn no not a man stop stop stop okay um sorry the rainbow oh my gosh um I'm gonna saddle this horse and then I'm gonna go um wait what kind of style do I just pick I don't remember I don't care I'll just ride the horse now I'll just ride the horse now thank you come on okay I would like to do some better jumps now that I'm powerful run the jumping course oh my God look at me go wait it's being a bit laggy on my unicorn it's kind of exciting I like to be powerful here do you want to run this completely like train for racing by yourself you're doing pretty good level five Racing level four jumping wait why'd you go home oh my God I'll cheat your needs I'm sorry can you play no you can't do anything and you're all by yourself and you're all stressed because the baby's not here well the baby went home by herself oh my God just go home it's fine you're fine I'm actually doing really well right now with this are you seeing this in level six forcibly dismounted huh I'm pretty impressed by this should I enter the horse in a competition later tittle's birthday is tomorrow oh no I'm gonna have too many Sims wait people are actually here now there's Sophia oh this is that Sim Valerie we're gonna talk to from the dating app should I come get to know her oh I fell off the horse you how do you still suck that bad it's like actually embarrassing okay well let me come show you a funny video maybe um greet you I don't know I don't know um this Sim is playing with her laptop through a lamp so that's good hey Swifty Molly beanie thank you for the subs and stuff by the way um do we think you'll ever give us horses in Sims 4 oh my God no if can I be honest with you I think horses are the single least likely addition to this game ever like I I just can't see that happening in The Sims 4. I just can't see it I would be so surprised if they added horses to The Sims 4. that would legitimately Shock Me um I don't know I just I just can't even imagine that even cars well yeah cars are significantly more likely than horses I think are you kidding horses just so you know horses are also like notoriously difficult to make so that's part of it but like if they're gonna do something like that that like kind of breaks this weird like I don't know um I don't know I feel like the cars makes more sense I guess chibi says that horses make more sense Than Cars because the horses could like walk around the open neighborhoods but cars because we don't have an open world make less sense I guess that's true but I just like I don't know I would be so surprised if they added horses don't get me wrong I think it would be hilarious I would love if they added horses I would laugh so much if they added horses I would just also be extremely surprised if they added horses um as you can probably imagine it would be very shocking to me so I'm gonna get rid of these beginner jumping competition things I'm gonna um see about entering like a higher level jumping competition later because I've got a good horse okay do you want to practice the running train Pop-Tart for racing I'm gonna do some jockey training to improve my sim skill because this horse is maxed already so anyway cars worked in The Sims 2 yeah because in The Sims 2 the roads were like properly fitted out like all the Lots like fit on roads and stuff because it was built to have cars but you think about in The Sims 4 like half the Lots aren't on a road a lot of them are in like pedestrian only areas like the Sims 4 is not designed for cars like I really don't think the oval it worked in The Sims 2 thing makes any sense because that like the roads were built in The Sims 2. there's not roads in The Sims 4 like that like there's obviously roads in The Sims 4 but like it's not the same um the Lots aren't like prepped for for there to be cars so many of the lots are not on the road so if you try to put like a driveway or something like would yours like how do they drive out of the I don't know it's just like really confusing I don't I would be really surprised if they added cars too but um I don't know I just don't anticipate that coming to The Sims 4. maybe in The Sims 5 I don't know but I really doubt it would cover the Sims 4. um okay I'm still training how am I doing skill why I'm not training anymore on level seven that's actually quite good oh truffles yeah grab that why not okay um I'm going to mount my horse come on we're coming over here because we're going to enter a competition at five it's very important to me you've always wanted a plane when you go on vacation that would be really cool if there was like actually an airport or something that you could travel through when you go on vacation I I think I would be really interested in something like that too um I honestly think I would like that a lot okay should I try and enter maybe I will try the beginner cross-country competition because I haven't done one of those yet and now I've got a better horse so I might be more likely to win take some risks let's see if we can win oh yeah oh no problem top of the race easy easy Akerson Anna Maria Haley Meg thank you for the subs and stuff oh Pop Tart written by hope goose is placed first in the Caliente hunt oh wait I got trophies from these things oh my gosh I forgot about that okay let me Dismount how's my horse doing oh you want off you want unsaddled I can I can do that friend don't worry saddle unsaddle horse don't worry little one I got you now we all go home I don't really want to ride the horse home I feel like it takes too long and I've got this nice car so speaking of cars okay I'm home now let's eat and then I can put my trophies in the house how's everybody doing you're hungry we've got hay for you which one should be all right we're doing okay oh really Paige that's so lucky that's like extremely lucky in The Sims 3 I'm impressed um I'm making you want to redownload The Sims 3. no playing this makes me want to replay like everything in The Sims 3. this is really really healing my inner child I know I said that earlier but like The Sims 3 was my first proper Sims game I played My Sims Kingdom first and then a Sims 3 was my first like f official like regular Sims game and I played The Sims 3 so much when I was young and I have so much love in my heart for The Sims 3. I have so much fun playing The Sims 3. can we do hotels next oh we could run a hotel with Island living I mean wait Island Paradise we could run a hotel yeah we could like manage a resort have you ever seen that gameplay you would like that you would really like that wait let me put that on my schedule let me just mark it down on a random day so I can remember but you would actually really love that I'm putting it on my list because that would be super fun um no because it's severely broken yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's not you know the um it's not the like nicest running pack okay but it's fun where's my foal are you lost no you're just sitting there waiting for your mom to come back here just go take a nap it's okay baby's just there you can just take a nap too oh yeah there's a ghost hunter career in The Sims 3 as well there's loads of stuff in The Sims 3 that we can do there's like so many things you've probably never seen okay where's my cat coming home it seems very nice I save the game again my girl Ansley thank you for the subs to everybody thank you so much um now we just wait now we just wait no thank you for the nine months as well um you just hear Dan yelling in the background he's not even yelling right now he's just talking it's not even that loud I swear I swear we did the firefighter career on stream a couple months ago French we literally just did that I did like a couple streams playing with the firefighter career um if you scroll back on more simsy you'll find them but like the last time I streamed The Sims 3 before werewolves was the firefighter career so you had one horse last time I seen what the heck happened oh I had a baby I had a full and then I also got a unicorn this one's a unicorn so okay oh the dogs that's so cute oh yeah and we also have a dog and a cat so it's it's quite the big family so yeah in the beginning of stream I was like I do not want three horses that is too much that is ridiculous and now here I am so oh and my lizard oh my God yeah I've gotta make sure I feed this lizard after I wake up still Banana's food yeah here's my lizard we can just watch it overnight while I wait for my sim to wake up we don't have a bird now I have this though which is similar true thank you for the resub this is my lizard stream it's very exciting it does move yeah doesn't move very excitingly but it does move we named it banana yeah it's cute lizard cam actually kind of fun it's kind of relaxing you know dude that literally is just a dinosaur okay that fair enough okay fair enough yes my sister has a lizard yeah she has a bearded dragon this one's supposed to be an iguana so it's not the same but um my sister has a bearded dragon yeah your brother's a bearded dragon too meanie I love beardies they're so cool I'm like obsessed with my sister's lizard his name is Nova and I think he's really cool um but anyway this is the Sims 3 Juliet we're playing The Sims 3 right now Oh I thought I was on triple speed I wasn't oh my God that's actually really embarrassing oh wait doug because I was having a lizard cam so I put it on single speed so I could actually see so okay now we wait as long as it'll hurry up so I can wake up in the morning my baby horse is going to age up today it's kind of exciting so we'll have to work on training the new horse today once she's a little bit older Three's a Crowd for Roman huh go here leave this room come on get out come on I'm stuck here we go you get out can I not how do I nurse you I'm confused maybe I'll bottle feed the baby see if that helps I'm on the wrong oh I'm on the wrong one that's why still don't know that's fine I'm just gonna eat I'm just gonna eat my hay and I'm gonna have my sim come bottle feed this baby bottle feed tiddles yeah you can actually make pretty decent money from horses in The Sims 3. I've I've been doing it I make like a thousand bucks when I win a contest which is pretty good so uh something offline Vic thank you for the subs by the way all right how are you doing you're frustrated because you desperately need exercise okay well you're the one who was hungry like what okay go basic training let's go this will help you'll fix your problems you'll get your exercise up your exercise is low too but you haven't finished eating yet so go eat some hay and then you can go galloping yes yes what do I think the base game update is you have no idea was there a base game update like today in The Sims or do you mean like the like the one that there's gonna be before the expansion pack um because we know at least that like body hair is coming in that update um I don't really know what else but okay are you feeling better you are feeling better oh it's thundering uh-oh okay drink that I'm Gonna Save my game quickly um yeah there is supposedly a curved wall Sleek I don't know I don't know I'm trying not to I'm trying to avoid leaks these days um trying to avoid uh falling for them I don't know um I feel like I've been burned one too many times by leaks in The Sims 4 so I'm trying to like um but anyway there's also been a lot of like once and fears type hints and stuff hasn't there so I guess we'll see about that but um oh oh that's cute look at my little dog um also something omelette thank you for the subs by the way look at the little baby you're so cute okay you're hungry again because you still haven't finished oh picked me as his BFF oh that's really sweet too okay you go finish eating then I'm gonna train this one this one could use some higher skills still are we playing tomorrow we're gonna play Sims 4 tomorrow can you hear that that is thunder the sky is angry oh let me check my weather app I don't think it'll be too bad today it's just Florida so where's my foal what the baby's just over here oh fighting with the Unicorn Pop-Tart with you tittle's Pig has gained the fast trait yes oh that's so good that is so good okay I'm gonna also serve up probably some peanut butter and jelly Maybe that would be fun I would like this I would like this okay Pop Tart you just need to like I guess drink something um do you want to go train for racing again maybe no I can't breed my horse with the Unicorn because they're both girls but otherwise like you you can breed horses with unicorns if that answers your question I just can't does that make sense um I might call a repair technician I'm rich I may as well it was your birthday today hey Kate happy birthday that's exciting Sims lover Maddie will thank you for the subs and stuff um okay clean up clean up clean up clean up thank you I'll probably fill the bowls here that would also be good there we go called the repair technician bowls are filled up um I might come Mount this horse and see if I can do some more practicing the horse is peeing which is kind of actually you know what don't Mount the horse What If instead I do some reinforcement of the baby do we pay the bills recently um no but I yes because I don't have any bills so I fixed it donate to undermine save the earthworms Foundation yeah maybe I'll donate some money against charity I think that sounds good I think that sounds nice um I think this is so cute I want my horse to age up it told me it was tittle's birthday and yet tittles has not aged up maybe I'll brush tiddles against charity yeah my sim is evil so I'm just trying to cause problems you know as you can imagine the devil food lasagna thank you for the subs um I might as well yeah yeah all the animals are black and white I didn't do that on purpose I only got this one and then I had a baby that just turned out this way I got a unicorn which also is white um I stole a dog I stole a cat they're black and white yeah we've done a lot of raising money for charity on this channel it's it's time to switch things up and raise some money against charity you know this guy didn't like me saying that yeah yeah it's just time we switch things up you know um I guess the cat's not really black and white the cat's Brown so oh here I'll fix your needs yeah okay you're thirsty you want to come drink from this oh my God look that's actually so cute that is so cute look at you running around the repair technician is still here okay how are you doing need wise go to the library be best friends and blah blah blah buy a horseshoe Court know okay um maybe I will clean up the house a little bit more I mean like there's a big puddle so date the repair technician I guess we could she's cute and she's handy which would be useful you know do I use mods in The Sims 3 to make it run smoother I don't have any mods to make the Sims 3 run smoother but I do have mods um I use I use Master controller in this game um which is kind of similar to like MC Command Center and The Sims 4. um it is storming by the way okay um you know what I'm still kind of attached to I guess I know Jackie's married but what if I invited Jackie over and just tried to befriend her more sorry I don't feel it okay right what about this one what about okay I've got this like maybe I'll hang on maybe I'll talk to you instead I can't because you're leaving oh my God this is a flop okay no one wants to come over maybe I'll just make some food then and like spend the night alone what the heck oh it's storming in game maybe that's why they didn't want to come over because it was unpleasant out go eat some hay you can go nap little baby horse you will go follow your mother into there which will be good come on um little baby horse do you wish to go nap oh wait I clicked on the wrong one oops you napped too everyone just nap you know so if the human dies you to play just as the animals no no no if the human dies you you lose just like in The Sims 4 if you have no humans left it's game over or if you like only have a baby left game over stuff like that uh use the toilet clean the toilet maybe take an evil shower then we'll go to bed slumber yeah Plum Bobs we have three horses now because one of mine had horses had a baby and then I uh got a unicorn so you know why game over that's just how it works you don't have a SIM what do you mean that's always how it's been if you if you don't have a SIM that can exist on their own like an animal that needs people to feed it and brush it and care for it and or a baby that needs to be fed and cooked for because it can't cook for itself you lose it literally gives you a game over three in The Sims 4. it'll pop up like game over if your last Sam dies um I didn't just make that up that's how it works okay safe game why are my horses upset why are my horses upset it's kind of upsetting you can have teens by themselves you can't have kids babies or toddlers by themselves but teens can live alone on The Sims 4. um so come on if the game would be a little bit faster why are you so upset because your baby's not in here here oh come on you here I'm sorry I'm just gonna cheat my needs honestly I deserve better than this okay how did I steal someone's pets I just shift clicked out of them to my household so I literally stole them um okay the storm is starting to make me nervous if my power goes out you know what happened don't save a game again that was like a reflex about to save again but I don't need to do that I literally just saved um also uh I'm gonna thank you for the thank you so much everybody I really appreciate that okay are you done do you want to get some left over soon the cat is asleep on the counter eat some leftover pancakes why don't you why don't you and then I'll visit the horse ranch today that would be good how's the baby doing come on age up they age up automatically yeah I just have to wait for it to happen oh that one's spoiled like as soon as I took it out does that mean these pancakes are going to spoil in a second too yeah yeah it does okay clean that up clean that up get some peanut butter and jelly then I'm sorry um question chat does anyone know what time the high school pack live stream is tomorrow um do you does anyone happen to know what time it is is it at 2PM my time like normal 2 p.m Eastern Time okay that's what I thought that's 11 A.M Pacific um 2 p.m eastern time is seven o'clock in the evening in the UK um I just wanted to confirm that we were all on the same page but there is going to be a live stream on the Sims official twitch Channel um tomorrow and they're going to show off the high school pack which will be pretty fun um Okay so as far as training goes look at how cute the little baby is how much longer do I have to wait oh equestrian lovers meet and greet well I want to go to that I'm going to that I need to make I need a girlfriend is what I need to get today maybe I'll work on getting a girlfriend today that is the plan okay decided to join The Great Outdoors oh everybody's already flirting okay and all of the women here are already pregnant one that I wanted to date oh man oh man no she's pregnant with someone else's baby moved on oh no banana got loose and ran out into the world what my lizard's missing I can't deal with that right now I can't deal with that right now I need to take this one step at a time I'm sorry I can't deal with that right now I just simply can't I find that very stressful my lizard's on the kitchen floor before my lizard was on the kitchen floor why didn't you bring that up banana oh my God so did she take banana out and put her in put him in her inventory and now banana has escaped whoa you're cute friendly introduction are you a horse girl too I think Banana's gone I think Banana's gone also are you like basking for tips right now Mastermind plot ensues about horses that'll go over really well I think ask sign how's it going busking not basking sorry what did I say um I know what I meant to say and then I I thought about it for a second longer while I was talking about my evil mastermind plan and then I was like basking like basking in the sun like my lizard that's gone sorry got too many things on my mind the price up by the way oh I think she likes me tell a joke about horses again yes Banana Split oh no banana did split banana did split and now we're all alone it's a real shame oh I seem like we're getting along though maybe I'll do a pickup line and then ask if you're single oh now you think I'm being awkward okay um I'm I whatever whatever my horse is smelly so maybe I'll come brush and clean you oh boy I think a lot of cheeks at this point is making me upset does that mean I can have the one that I originally wanted the one being where did she go am I scrolling past it oh duh hat Jackie who is now a good friend of mine always has been I didn't do anything wrong Jackie and I um we we were good friends from the beginning me and my best friend Jackie okay I would like to invite Jackie out actually come on okay Jackie you and me we are going to the pool fun it's nice weather I like that I want to run the jumping course and become good friends with Jackie okay that I can do let me take my little truck to go meet her we could go to the oh we could go to the beach on a romantic Beach horse ride good call Hope I just gotta convince her to love me first Jackie she is married to someone else which does put us in an unfortunate position um okay that's not her husband or anything I had to triple check I was like they're here together so is that the same person it's not it's not compliment athleticism Jackie thinks hope is okay Jackie thinks hope is being flirty okay romantic red flowers this is like near constant Thunder by the way I don't know if you can hear it still but it's like actually constant hear the moment kiss oh we can watch a movie together is she gonna kiss me back if I try I hope so yes okay I thought it was the game no no that's real life that's real life okay Jackie do you want to go catch a film um oh we could tour the theater with our date wait that's kind of fun I just had my first kiss ooh wait Jack said I'm thinking of leaving soon no no we're going to tour the theater don't be silly don't be silly make out backstage dare I woohoo backstage oh my God Hope just woohoo but Jackie Miller for the first time that's messed up that's messed up I'm sorry that is disrespectful this is a public space we are getting a tour of the theater I'm not mad though because that was kind of fun oh my God look at us they get this when they like woohoo off their home lot they walk around like that um hold hands they're in love it's very exciting it's a shame she's got a husband oh boy okay Maybe I don't know hug your weight you want to kiss Jackie I need to go I have to work soon that date went pretty well but it'd be great to mix things up if we go on another what is that supposed to mean no no no no no what is that supposed to mean as if that date wasn't exciting enough we've got stride of Pride from woohooing off our home lot like we we went to the pool and we had a private tour of the movie theater what are you trying to say she's rude laughs all right well thank you for the pits I'm so glad you were excited about the YouTubes that's really cool I'm really excited about it too that means a lot to me thank you um yeah what kind of Standards does she have what what is she expecting from me why is my horse not aged up it says it's my horse's birthday surely I don't have to like autonomously do it right it should just work am I gonna try and get the Unicorn oh bestie I have the Unicorn look here it is unicorn it would say there we go that's what I wanted they age up at eight or nine PM yeah they do it's it's 8 P.M thank you very much yes they do age up at eight or nine PM you're absolutely right here I go I'm beautiful look at me now I'm still untrained I've got jumping level four though that's pretty good okay well tomorrow we'll do a lot of training of titles and let me get another one of these is it because of the roof that I couldn't line them up I believe so I don't really care okay um well now everyone's going to be happy so that's good I guess do you want to train for some racing you can um sleep you sleep you sleep you pretty soon gonna sleep okay eat leftovers I wanted to eat my my food do you miss um did you do you miss how dark it is at night in The Sims 3 I don't miss this The Sims 3 is really dark just in general um also yeah uh Mr they uh this person asked if my code for buying Sims packs expired yes so they did like a really short it was like a three week long beta test kind of thing of Creator codes um for for EA like they did like a thing with like 10 Sims creators it was very short it was like just the three weeks and it's it's been gone since like June um so the code isn't available right now um if it ever comes back there put it back I'll tell you for sure don't worry but it was yeah it was a really short beta period so um it is no longer around okay but they're just doing like a test um I'm hoping they'll give me some of the data on that I'm so curious I want to know um I obviously they haven't told me how it went yet but um I'm really hoping that they'll give me some data on it because I really want to know like what packs people bought like that that is so fascinating to me I would love to know if like like did people buy you know like Seasons or whatever the thing is it was um it it started on the day that the the newest kit came out that like the kids furniture kit if you know that one and it ended on the day werewolves came out so I would assume obviously that like most people probably used it for the kit or for werewolves but I'm so curious about the other packs that people bought like I would just love to I would love to know I'm fascinated I would love to know um but obviously because it came like it the code was available like in between the kit and the werewolves pack like those would be the most commonly used ones right but um I'm just curious I would love love love to hear about the details of that um I don't think they would tell me though because I feel like they're kind of like sneaky secretive about um I don't know like pack sales data so I don't know if they would share that with me but I would love to find out um I think that's so interesting so okay go to sleep please everyone sleep through the night please you want to buy a hay bale oh yeah because my hay bales gone because you they all used it up I could get this big stacked hay bale pile shall we maybe I'll buy this too thank you I can woohoo in that tomorrow don't scatter the hay I want to see what happens when I woohoo in it how did it get used up well she like scattered it and then the horses eat it so I forgot to use my code oh don't worry Frank is totally fine that's totally fine don't worry um yeah she autonomously scattered it so it's gone it's devastating oh now it's raining in The Sims and in real life I keep looking out the window because it's getting dark and stormy I have my curtains mostly closed but oh now it's dark and stormy in The Sims life imitates art oh your exercise is so low here you want to train for some racing you tittles do you want to eat what Snappy come here do you want to see my horses come here jump up you want to say hi I'll get you I will get you come here little one do you want to say hello to everybody yes you do this is my cat um she actually looks kind of similar to my cat in The Sims I'll show you well it's kind of dark so I can't really show you that easily but this one's a different kind but they're you know Brown I guess anyway this is my cat um Snappy I posted you on Twitter last night did you know I don't think you care to be honest with you did you just fall off oh snappy my cat still off the counter that's terrible okay see if we can get some of this stuff fixed and up just received your diploma oh cake that is such exciting news congratulations I am so glad to hear that um that is amazing news okay you train for racing um you need to pee and then once you're done peeing you can eat some hay yes I would love to know just take care of yourselves little ones you can drink after this too you also need to well you can eat hay and then drink wait my cat is watching the horse my cat's staring at the screen watching the horse because it's going in circles oh here's some community community data here we go 80 said no I did not use the code but um a few people did no I'm I don't worry if you didn't no one's trying to make you feel bad it was such a limited time obviously if you didn't buy a pack or if you forgot it's not a big deal but um we're just kind of curious about it is all um are you gonna walk back and forth across my desk yeah thank you Pickle's birthday is tomorrow oh no oh and I'm so thirsty and hungry oh my God I have too many animals I find it incredibly stressful too many animals oh my gosh you have returned for the horses hi Hannah how are you how's your day been my headphones everybody saw you just go for the headphone cord like that what is wrong with you oh my gosh Sean I mean Steph thank you for the subs oh my goodness um okay come on come on it's the Fall Festival very exciting oh I just saw lightning out of the window saw a big flash you might hear something but depending on how far away it is might take a while there it is yeah there it is okay I'm just this my goodness I don't care okay come here I've gotta train you it's very exciting I'm gonna Mount it's still going such long Thunder oh my gosh rock thank you for the two months as well no snap doesn't really care about storms too much I mean there's obviously like lines to that right like sometimes when it's really stormy and the storm's like right on top of us and it feels like our house is going to get struck by lightning because it's that close um sometimes then she gets a little bit scared um but for the most part um oh I probably shouldn't do this because you're scared of the lightning strike okay you go nap then I'm sorry this storm is unpleasant um okay do you wanna drink and do you want to come take care of this but yeah normally normally um she's pretty much fine with storms you gotta keep in mind that she lives in Florida and has her entire life so it's like a you know daily occurrence right like um so she's pretty used to it um well yeah like she got annoyed so for example when when there was that tornado warning and we had to go hide in the bathroom underneath the stairs um she wasn't like scared of the storm and it was loud um she was just annoyed that she was stuck in the bathroom she like wanted out of the bathroom really bad so she was like sitting by the door staring at us like hello but she's not scared really of the storms which is good um because that would be very bad for her if she was because it happens every day so the fireworks she was pretty scared of um lost a friend who me no I'm Gonna Make You All I'm gonna make all of my horses be friends I'm sorry but I desire for my pets to all be friends to each other okay I'm cleaning my horse I can't really do that much today um because of the rain so I'm like I don't know what should I do should we um maybe I'll go attend a riding class it'd be good I'm seven almost eight so probably wouldn't hurt um I love Appaloosa planes show but I'm with you it's so nice I like adore Appaloosa planes adore it it is beautiful this is one of my favorite worlds of all time like in all of the Sims I really really like it I think it's so fun okay I'm Gonna Save my game foreign 's always this big yeah all the worlds are that's the thing you kind of forget because we've been playing The Sims 4 so much recently but all of the worlds are so if I could have one world from The Sims 3 be put into the Sims 4 which would I pick oh I don't know they're so meh like perfectly effect I don't know how to pick just one I really do like Appaloosa plates but I don't know if it's the only one if it's the one that I would pick I'm not sure um Aurora Skies was really nice too wait why are you going home you can stay here maybe I'll bring one of your horses here maybe I'll bring titles and I'll try and work on training tittles the rain's a little bit less bad now so Bridgeport yeah bridgeport's a really good one I really enjoy Bridgeport I like how it's got like a main city section and also like more of a farm area but I think one of the I I think Appaloosa Plains might be one of the ones that I would want because I love how it's got this like sort of small town feel but it also has like all of the like out in the the countryside like bigger horse ranch type stuff um I just love that I just love that my hair doesn't look that bad makes it look crazy no well lion this is the thing right I know my hair doesn't look that bad but also you can't see the back and the back can I just say it does look that bad but you don't see it on camera because obviously I've you know filmed from this direction so um that helps that helps no one will know no one will know um we need more Apartments yeah it'd be nice to have more apartments in The Sims 4. I would love to see more Apartments coming um hopefully in a future expansion pack they'll do it again I don't think there will be any in the new one um but who cares about the back well again this is my thought process right if I can't see it then it doesn't matter and I can't see the back of my head so therefore doesn't matter all right I'm gonna take a jumping contest I'll do today with titles um yeah as far as I'm concerned the back doesn't exist so it's not my problem show jumping competition beginner come on and you go this is tittle's first contest it's a big day oh take risks see if we can get up there tittles isn't like that good yet so I'm I'd be curious to see if she'll win oh we're we're going up there steady Pace yes success I love winning that was great fun great fun okay um now tittles is level five jumping and I'm level eight writing okay you can get off titles now oh wait do a heroic pose whoa that's cool love that watched a vlog earlier where the woman was taking new photos for her YouTube page and she'll be straight in the front of her hair no listen that's just smart okay if you're not going anywhere if you only need your hair done for pictures why bother with the back I agree I wholeheartedly agree work smarter not harder you know that's she's got the right idea I think that's really funny um hey Jasper thank you for the 15-month resub too thank you so much um okay we have returned home I would like to eat some peanut butter and jelly please thank you oh I just saw big lightning again out the window oh no oh no I thought I was talking about cutting my hair oh well I I did cut my hair um a couple days ago on Tuesday I did um and as I said the back is none of your business the back is not your problem okay how are we doing pets I'm just gonna make the dogs happy look I'm sorry the dog and the cat it's too much for me to take care of I need to make my life a little bit simpler you know maybe I'll invite over my almost girlfriend come here Jackie I'd like to hang out please I don't feel like coming okay I just saw another big lightning out the corner of my eye in the window oh no yeah yep yep thank you the sky is displeased with Jackie for saying that she doesn't want to hang out with me okay you may drink this probably eat some hay and then take a nap you may drink this take a nap oh my God you may eat hay take a nap that was IRL Thunder yeah all of that is IRL Fender there's not been a single Thunder in the game that's every Thunder you're hearing is in real life I know it's raining in game so it might sound like it but it's all been in real life um okay is everyone asleep oh the pets are fighting oh no save game again okay yeah yeah we play with the firefighter career before May um probably in April maybe in March I think it was probably in April though when we played the firefighter career but if you look for The Sims 3 on my Vlog channel on more simsy it's like the last time I played Sims 3 just like before we play with the werewolves Werewolves was more recent so um okay bye hope thank you I'll see you later I'm glad you got to watch some of the stream at least um hope has been on a train so she's been in and out because she's had like weird service and you know she like goes into a tunnel and then can't hear and then okay come on game sleep through the day please hope is leaving her stream this entire stream was just for hope hope our resident horse girl um okay in the morning I've got to mop up the puddles which will be fun and then I don't know what's wrong with you panicked okay big relate to that super relate to that oh my God I'm being burgled I think I'm being burgled do you hear that what is that was I being burgled or was it something else maybe I wasn't being are they outside I can't see anything not burgled what was the noise then what was it I'm scared that's true it's not a burglar because I could go in to build by oh no it's banana it's my lizard the lizard is haunting us I need to pay my bills okay I do that first come on oh my goodness I was gonna tell you all about that um okay so someone asked how I that was the that was my real life sky so yesterday morning we had a stream that was sponsored by State Farm it was pretty cool this one's not by the way um I'm just gonna tell you what happened it's pretty cool they have this like they're trying to do this like basically like I don't know good neighbor thing on Twitch and like basically trying to like support communities on Twitch and so essentially I've got four sponsored streams with State Farm plan and they had me um like pick some friends to raid and like support on Twitch and then State Farm is like I'll support them too and so I thought that I knew State Farm was going to give Subs yesterday but I thought it would be like a hundred Subs staying a farm gifted my friend Taz 500 Subs yesterday oh my God oh my God and we still get we're getting to read three more of my friends in the next few weeks so that means that my friends are all gonna give 500 Subs like yesterday I was like this is Iconic I was excited about this I just none of us were expecting that obviously so we were it was really really cool um so I was very pleased about that it was very fun so um but I was really glad they did that because 500 Subs do you realize that's like two thousand five hundred dollars like they gifted a lot of Subs to Taz yesterday that is unbelievable like that's so much um I didn't I did not expect that I did not expect that um oh did you get one of them you got one of the stone gifts that's cool um yeah that was pretty fun so I'm excited to get to do it again um that'll be pretty fun so um anyway I really like the idea of that I like the idea of like supporting community on Twitch I don't know I just think that's a fun I think it's also like a fun brand activation for them and like for their branding because they have that whole like Good Neighbor tagline so I I really like that like how they're kind of trying to spin that into being like a good neighbor on Twitch I I think that's interesting I think it's kind of a cool campaign you know it's a pretty clever one I think so um I don't know it's intriguing um I think it's a kind of fun sponsor so anyway anyway it's like yeah it's like they know twitch I think that's part of it I think it's really nice when brands do things on social media that make it clear that they like know how like the community on that platform works you know like it's it's clear they're really in touch with the platform like I I think that's really good obviously that's what it is a more effective sponsor um but I was impressed I thought it was fun so um anyway this stream is not a sponsor I'm mostly just talking about the sponsor in general um but it's kind of cool my friend Taz is Taz kebaz on Twitch um so my mods will link her Channel if you want to go follow her she plays a lot of the Sims like I do so the other fun thing about Taz you won't believe it this is kind of a funny story actually so Taz went to University with Dan they didn't know each other um at school they weren't in any of the same classes or they don't even the same degree but their graduation was on the same day um and they just happened to like you know be at the same school at the same time essentially well we didn't know Taz then Tas didn't really sort of Sims then um and it was just we but we happened to be the same place at the same time so at Dan's college graduation someone tweeted at me and they were like hey are you at like this graduation right now I don't want to like say the university name but you know they're like hey are you at the graduation right now and I was like yeah I am and I remember that because I remember thinking how funny it was that like Dan and I were I think our relationship was public but it wasn't like super public um so like I think people on Twitch maybe knew but nobody on YouTube did really um and also like what on Earth is Lil simsy doing at a random University graduation in the UK like why is she here and so it's just I thought it was funny that like someone recognized me there but she didn't come up for anything because she just told me from afar and then turns out that was Taz and now she's a Sim streamer and like a friend um but anyway it's just really like really weird small world kind of thing like how how frequently our paths seem to have crossed you know like it's just really funny so I like that story I think it's cute uh recycled Delia thank you for this house by the way um but yeah I always think that's funny um is the horse okay oh yeah the horse is just practicing the other horses are not so okay here eat some hay drink oh this horse is not okay drink quick quick oh that was a big lightning let me see my game oh no oh no oh foggy I'm glad listen I have so many Sims friends all of my friends are Sim streamers so I would very happily share with you other SIM streamers to watch you know um I I'd love to share the love with them because there's so many people that I really enjoy to hang out with that I that I know many of you would really like to hang out with I'll rate somebody soon in like 10 minutes when I get off stream um I'll show you another one um but uh I I don't know it's pretty fun getting to show you all my friends oh sorry chibi sorry chibi is not a Sim streamer not all of my friends are Sim streamers everyone but chubby is sorry sorry sorry um okay anyway are you ready should we go do some like terrorizing of the town I kind of want to go set some fires to things should I pick an enemy where's somebody rich anyone live here well this house isn't like huge um is there a mansion anywhere oh this is a nice house I've lived in this one before Fox oh my God sorry I was just thinking is that the person that's where Shep's from that's these are the people who's whose dog I stole uh oh um okay that one was that was a big one and that one was close that one was yikes even I heard that I never heard the background noise you're talking about yeah that one was close that was a big one oh Brew we've won loads of horse competitions um I think it's gonna be another one I just saw it okay Daniel did you get off stream oh do you want to see my unicorn I can start fires that's pretty cool watch I'll prove it do you like it yeah yeah so so a little sudden if I just started because the Unicorn looked that way that's pretty cool yeah it's pretty good huh do you manifesting manifesting what horses in The Sims 4 yeah I was talking I've been talking all day about how I think horses are probably the single most unlikely thing to ever come to the Sims 4 but how bad I want it now and not even like I don't even actually want it like I don't think I would actually use horses like ever maybe like when they first come out I can't picture it being um everyday gameplay no no but but it would just be so funny it would be so funny if we got horses that's why I want them purely because it would be hilarious so I really want them um again I can be realistic and know that it's never gonna happen but I think it'll be hilarious I feel like um there's something about the idea of horses coming to the Sims 4 that would be kind of healing to me as well like it's it's in the same way that playing in Appaloosa Plains is so fun for me nostalgic wise because is that one of my horses but playing in Appaloosa Plains is so fun for me because it's so nostalgic because I used to like this was the first ever Sims 3 pack that I got and it was the only one that I had for a really long time so when I play this pack it's really fun for me it like really takes me back it's it's like a really good oh that was a big one um it's just a really good time to play with with pets in The Sims 3 and play with horses and stuff maybe not as much horses but like definitely the cats and dogs and playing in Appaloosa Plains um it's just really fun so but you want trains in The Sims 3 uh or Sims 4 sorry do you know what trains honestly would be kind of fun I I didn't even consider something like that that would genuinely be kind of fun we were joking the other day so you know how we're getting this High School pack right um that's very much a teen focused pack we were kind of joking about like what an elder focused pack would be okay here's the pitch I might even make a video on this because I think it's funny the pitch is a cruise ship all right it's got Bingo night it's got shuffleboard and and you go on vacation on the cruise ship and there's like a little island you can go hang out on I don't know that's my pitch is the cruise ship I think that would be hilarious um I feel like it's kind of similar to a hotel but it's just on a boat um and it's it's the Sims 4 retirement and you know casinos oh my God that's actually so smart that like that's a great time to add casinos back in no The Sims 4 Golden Years and they they add in it like funeral planning come on come on I think that would be so fun though I think an elder pack would actually be so fun like genuinely I think I would love that I don't know how well that would sell like I don't know how easily they could pitch that in a way that would like convince the average Sims player who's maybe not as obsessively involved in The Sims as us to be interested in something like that but I would love that I think that would be so funny I think it'd be really genuinely fun you know what I'm actually gonna make that video I think I'm gonna make the pitch I'm gonna make a PowerPoint I'll make the video um I made a video similar to that about my pitches for horses in The Sims 4 if you'd like to go back and watch it by the way um so I just think it would be fun I just think it would be fun I feel like Elders could have a whole expansion pack I think that there's enough like funny stuff for old people that we could add in that would fill up an entire expansion pack similar to how teens can have a whole expansion pack and I honestly think that most of you would like it like I think that it would be really cool especially because right now I feel like you there's not really a lot to do in your Sims retirement age I mean they can do anything they come when they're younger but it'd be fun to have some stuff that was more like catered towards them um but what would they add when that is Elder specific well nothing would be necessarily like super Elder only Elder specific sarcastic but like think about a lot of things that older people in real life do that um that like would fit into a pack like this kind of like we're talking about like the cruise Bingo night shuffleboard things like that like things that like you know are commonly done by older people in like you know but but obviously anyone can do them it's just kind of stereotypically more something that an older person would do puzzles puzzles thank you I think that would be great you know anyway this is my dream so foreign I actually think puzzles would be so cute I think that'd be a really fun idea if they could do puzzles there could be like it builds like logic skill or something somehow I don't know crosswords they bring newspapers back I know they've kind of been like phasing out from newspapers in The Sims 4. they've really been going all digital but they could bring newspapers back you know they finally out of graveyard latte I know these things are not really all fitting together to the cruise ship theme but um I just think that there's so many like I don't know no they never had newspapers in The Sims 4 Bing Bong I mean they like phased out newspapers with the Sims 4. The Sims 4 didn't get them they never had newspapers in The Sims 4. um but it'd be so cute if they could do the crossword puzzles and stuff like I don't know I don't know we could get and also think of the cast if there was more like Elders cast that they could use because we have some things but there's not really a ton of casts that's like more Elder specific we have a lot of like young people clothed in the game so it'd be golf I don't know um I don't know I think it just would be fun I think it would be fun senior nights at the bar they could have senior discounts they could do scrapbooking there could be like a memory update with photos oh that's really smart that is really smart the scrapbooking thing because the memory system would be an interesting gameplay addition to the Sims 4 and then your Sims could make scrapbooks no I have so many ideas of things I want others to be able to do so many ideas I just I love it I love it not the senior discount wouldn't it be fun what if they just did mini golf instead of regular golf they could totally pull that off I don't know I have a lot of ideas I now really want this yeah no I'm like actually tomorrow I'm actually gonna write this I'm gonna write a video about it and I'll I'll present all of my ideas in a very formal manner um and then I'll post it so I can beg for it publicly I think it would be fun um yeah the horses keep eating my newspapers it's been happening all night I'm not mad though it's kind of cute it is storming it is storming okay well I'm probably gonna get off stream fairly soon-ish here um chat I had seriously the most fun today like the most fun today it has been oh my unicorn's all the way out here what are you doing it has been a really good time playing with horses again I don't even remember the last time I played with horses in The Sims 3. it's been a couple years maybe even since I last played with horses so it's been pretty fun kind of revisiting it we got a unicorn we had a baby I mean it's been really good um we've kind of been revisiting a lot of things in The Sims 3 on stream recently um we played with werewolves a couple of weeks ago before the werewolf pack came out if you want to go back and watch that Vaude it's on my second Channel more simsy um last week we played with into the future which was really fun because I have not played much of that pack literally ever in my life so it was kind of fun to read that one and I think in the next couple of weeks I'd like to play with Island Paradise I kind of want to try and run a hotel um so I'll figure out a day for that and I'll I'll tell you in our stream schedule the Discord um but I think it'd be fun to play with the like hotel Running because in the Sims 3 you can like own and physically run a hotel like not only can you stay at and like visit hotels but you can actually run one and it's really fun it's kind of buggy but it's really fun um so that'd be kind of cool you can also live on a houseboat yeah yeah you can live on a houseboat in Island Paradise um but I think it'd be really fun so how do you play The Sims 3 you can still buy it Ellery it's it's on Origin just like where you buy The Sims 4 you can buy The Sims 3. um you might want to buy a code elsewhere off origin you might be able to find a cheaper one somewhere else I'm not sure how much The Sims 3 is on CD keys but you can be on the lookout for a sale because the Sims 3 goes on sale fairly often um maybe you don't pay full price for it but I think steam has more sales for it too um but yeah if you're interested in buying the Sims 3 there's definitely it's definitely on sale sometime um I know a lot of us uh play The Sims 3 back in the day when it was first outs we've got a lot of really fun memories of it so I've really had a lot of fun today playing with this one um it's really really good um so as far as the rest of the weekend goes tomorrow we're gonna do some more of the Sims 4. I actually have really exciting plans for tomorrow no leaks no spoilers but I you really want to watch the stream tomorrow okay that's all I'm gonna say but you really want to watch the stream tomorrow so um I'll like Post in the Discord tomorrow about that too no leaks no spoilers but you really want to be at the stream tomorrow okay okay Sims 4 you really want to be there okay um regular regular stream time four o'clock I'll be live um so it should be pretty fun come on give us some more come on give us some more I'm sorry I can't no leaks no spoilers oh other other thing other thing The Sims team is doing their High School stream tomorrow The Sims team um it's at two o'clock Eastern time so like two hours before I usually go live it'd be like five hours ago but tomorrow tomorrow The Sims team is doing their official High School stream um so we finally are going to see some like First Look at um at the high school pack tomorrow which should be pretty fun um but anyway that's 11 A.M Pacific Time 2 p.m eastern time is The Sims official stream on forward slash The Sims and then they're gonna shoot it on YouTube too but if you go to the Sims channels you'll see their streams um and tomorrow I have very exciting plans okay anyway um with that being said I'm probably gonna go find somebody to read let me save my game one last time um thought it meant horses in The Sims 4 but then you realized no no I don't think we'll ever get horses in The Sims 4. we do have them in the Sims 3 though so we've been playing today um all right I'm gonna go get some dinner in real life and I'm gonna find a friend to raid probably someone playing Sims 4 honestly um I think that would be kind of fun you know maybe where what when why I'm not sure who's life let me look around a little bit um it'd be fun to write a simmer though maybe maybe maybe oh my God wait I'm sorry this is not a simmer um well she is a simmer but she's not playing Sims right now my friend Maggie is literally doing a puzzle Maggie is doing a puzzle with her mom and there's a dog cam we were just talking about puzzles that sounds like fun Maggie plays The Sims a lot on Twitch as well um so this is kind of a good one she usually plays Sims today we're doing a puzzle but that's actually so cute I love the idea of this I love the dog cam this is this is where I want to be everyone be nice to Maggie's mom and let's go do a puzzle shall we um have the best rest of your night I will catch you all tomorrow um for some Sims 4 gameplay I think you're gonna like it I'm really excited I have big plans um and then on Sunday Sunday we're gonna do some building in The Sims I think I don't know we'll figure it out um but I had a lot of fun playing with horses today it's been very fun for me I hope that you enjoyed it too go say hi to Maggie and with that I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow oh sorry agent howdy Aaron Sunny thank you for the subs and bits I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry also you might know Maggie because we play among us together so if you ever have seen my Among Us streams you might recognize a quippy also one of my mods you might recognize her username so be nice and I'll see you over there okay I love you I miss you goodbye bye everybody good night good night and stop streaming
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 45,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: CiVGDhk6Y7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 21sec (11181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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