Revisiting Call of Duty Zombies (World at War and Black Ops)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: LHudson
Views: 138,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Review, Black Ops, Analysis, LHudson, Treyarch, Call of Duty, Der Riese, Gameplay, World at War, Call of Duty Zombies, Activision, Black Ops 4, COD, Zombies
Id: y7vlaI2fGTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 59sec (3599 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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Call of Duty is a guilty pleasure of mine for multiple reasons. Treyarch has always been my favourite developer of the series and the zombies mode is the main reason why. The evolution of the game mode has blown me away. It's now a staple of the franchise. The mode has had its side steps with maps here and there but the amount of care that goes into crafting each map really shows how creative Treyarch is as a studio. There is a lot of heat surrounding Black Ops IIII and for good reason but as a zombies player I can't wait to have 3 maps at launch (4 if you get the season pass) and jump back in to one of my favourite pick up and play games.
I put hundreds of hours into Zombies on WAW BO1 and BO2. I lost interest after the COD series after BO2, but I've been seriously considering picking up those three games for PC on sale.
Activision just needs to stop being so greedy and lower the price on games that are 10 YEARS OLD.
Believe it or not, one of my favorite gaming experiences ever were just completing the black ops 3 easter eggs with friends.
To me, the introduction of Zombies in World at War was the high point. Everything after got more convoluted and too complex for me to care.
Me and the guys in my dorm would stay up all night seeing the highest wave we could get to in WaW. I tried playing the one in the most recent CoD and there is just too much going on to keep me interested.