COD: Vanguard Zombies is the WORST Zombies experience ever made

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hello everybody this video is sponsored by myth of empires and its early access release on november 18th myth of empires is a multiplayer sandbox game that really emphasizes freedom players will fight to survive in this kind of war-torn world they'll build fortresses lead armies siege cities siege fortify you know all about those words and create your own like major empire the game sandbox is really authentic providing lots of different ethnic groups and representation from those periods as well as having all these kinds of tools at your disposal like crafting weapons armor making medicine food hell even wine there's a separation between pve and pvp servers allowing these different worlds to either be more dedicated to the building and creation aspect or if you want to just kill other people have at it there's a major rpg experience including a talent and skill progression system and a massive npc system as well to provide unique and varied people to recruit and even train overall myth of empires is looking to be one of those highly customizable do whatever the hell you want kinda games and i think that you should absolutely check it out in the description and go to the link to support my channel thank you very much myth of empires for sponsoring this video and let's get on to the zombies talk hello everybody my name is bricky currently experiencing explosive diarrhea from this ui design i haven't been particularly silent when it comes to my thoughts on call of duty zombies been a lifelong fan since world of war made a video talking about the epitome of zombies i believe to be black ops 3 made a video about cold war and it's pretty good gameplay but pretty mediocre story and setting and i even talked a little bit about it during the art direction video and the importance of good art direction in your game so call of duty vanguard has a zombies experience again and therefore as a zombie simp it is my duty to go ahead pick it up and try it out and see is it worth your time now i stand bef i sit before you and tell you that call of duty vanguard zombies is arguably the worst zombies experience i have ever played and is an insult to the sixty dollars i spent on the game of a brickie sixty dollars has got the campaign a multiplayer not just zombies fine fine it's an insult to the twenty dollars i would have spent on this game i wouldn't spend ten dollars on this game i wouldn't play it if it was free my first run lasted about an hour and ten minutes and i was bored halfway through it on my first run i was born like all of this sounds like hyperbole i know all this sounds like i'm trying to really fluff up my title and fluff up all the things i'm saying cause i really want to get that good sweet youtube ad revenue or something but i don't joke when it comes to this kind of stuff i truly believe outer wilds is one of the best sci-fi games of all time i truly believe that dark wood is one of the best horror games with no jump scares of all time i believe frost punk is one of the best city builders out there i believe that back for blood's progression system is stupid and an embarrassment and i truly believe that call of duty vanguard zombies is the worst experience of cod zombies ever made it is worse than world war ii zombies it is worse than black ops 4. it is worse than exo's zombies i would rather play the burger town map on exo zombies than jump into this more that is not hyperbole i legitimately mean it and i know you want me to tell you why okay i'll get started first things first let's talk a little bit of technical right look behind me you see this ui what is that ui how much stuff do you have to fit on a screen for zombies cold war didn't particularly have a great ui either but compare these to black ops 3. hell compare them to black ops 4. i've always [ __ ] on black ops 4's ui for being just terrible i would take that over this there's so much stuff on screen okay let's let's talk technical let's talk technical first things first the zombies will sometimes just ignore you they just they just stand there i guess they're guarding something sometimes and then sometimes they aren't guarding something they just they just don't even know you exist the gun sounds range heavily the shotgun sounds pretty good but compare the world at war ppsh to this ppsh i started super sprinting with this weapon and i could barely see my screen the huge amounts of muzzle smoke made it impossible for me to see in front of me when firing this weapon and the sound effect change between indoors and outdoors is horribly jarring in this particular section of the map the salvage icon on your hud is different than the salvage icon on the crafting table and look at this thompson that's not even a technical problem just what the [ __ ] is that oh yeah you can't pause in single player it doesn't pause your game so we're off to a good start game play so what do you think call of duty zombies gameplay you assume endless waves right you load in you get a certain amount of zombies at a low speed you kill them all when they're all dead next wave comes etc etc right well that was just a little too fun so we don't have that anymore see that marker up there that is not waves that is objectives completed how about the hunt for the power switch right opening up a bunch of doors get to the power switch everything turns on kind of stuff that's gum there's no power switch there's also no doors you don't spend any money to open up any doors or barricades or anything pack a punch for example oh it's already there it's right there it's there you don't gotta unlock it or anything it's there the fundamentals of zombies have been removed from you the new zombies experience is this you see a portal you go to the portal and that immediately teleports you to a locked off area of the map in which you must complete an objective this objective could be hold out for a period of time it could be kill zombies pick stuff up and deposit it into a totem for example or it'll be escort missions with a floating head for a period of time until it's done once this is all over you will be rewarded with a huge amount of points and teleported back to the main area that you started which is almost like a safe mode or a safe area in zombies and then the round ticker goes up and the game gets harder in this area the middle ground stalingrad area you can spend your stuff freely with almost no fear of reprisal any idea where you have to be a little bit cautious about buying stuff because you always got zombies on you that constant threat is gone the zombies are only in the outskirts areas defending items unlocks perks etc and they will only react if you go to them fight them and then get one of the literally only two voice lines the nazi guy wants to give you he has two why does he have two but the thing is is that in the safe area once all the zombies are dead i mean they're dead that's it you have to go do another objective in order to continue your points gain what makes this so much worse is they actually neuter the amount of points you gain from killing zombies back in the day you know way back in the day it was 10 points per shot to the body then 50 for the kill 100 for a headshot kill or about i think 130 for a knife in cold war they changed this up where you still got kills for regular precision and melee but you didn't get points for just shooting them but it it worked out because cold war kind of changed up the financial formula a little bit in vanguard shooting a zombie does not give you points so it's like cold war shooting a zombie in the body however will give you a grand total of big drum roll 20 points 30 if it's a head shot and now you're probably thinking oh well you know at least they probably changed the financial part of this no the perks and upgrades have gotten more expensive pack-a-punch level one is 7 500 then 15 000 and 30 000. perks and we'll talk more about perks as well have been getting more expensive in this variant which we'll discuss when we talk about comparisons to cold war basically if you want to farm points the only way i found out how to do that is to actually do the totem mission and just kill zombies for as long as you want because you keep getting rewarded points but the points are abysmal 30 points for a headshot kill 30 which means if you want to get the same as an old-school zombie headshot of 100 you need to kill 3.3 zombies per thing and then you're going through ammo the entire time and it's just boring however objectives give you big points like five thousand seven thousand points by completing them so zombies are worth less objectives are worth a ton so you are being railroaded into doing nothing but constantly doing objectives and receiving a certain amount of points from it old strategy five shots with a pistol to the body knife and round one going and doing all the major headshot stuff with like a sniper rifle to conserve ammunition or better yet smg that has low damage but high fire rate so you get all those points on the stomach and whatever when you're shooting them that kind of stuff all gone there is no strategy involved in the slightest you need to go out there to the portal and you are forced to do all these objectives because if you don't you are a poor [ __ ] okay so the zombies experience is objective based now and you're being railroad on points what about the actual gameplay the gameplay is pretty simple it's the classic zombies run at you they get faster with time and all that usual kind of stuff however i want to talk a little bit about the special zombies the first one is an explosive type called like the boomstryer or something like that and it's actually pretty acceptable because it runs at you and it makes a very loud screeching noise and when you shoot it it blows up and it also hurts other zombies so you have a little bit of tactics with that they're a little annoying but the idea of the zombie is fine the problem is that these guys can appear from anywhere back in the old zombies zombies would come out of designated zones either boarded up windows or other specific spots right in cold war they could basically come out of anywhere but there was like a little bit of a time frame it took for them to actually get their way they had to crawl through something or they had to kind of crawl out the ground and then it would take them maybe about two seconds to actually become active and then want to go hit you in vanguard they come out of areas like before but now they can also teleport they can come out of a dimensional rift immediately anywhere so because of that sometimes zombies will be popping out of portals and then a boom shriyer will be like life has many doors and boy and just immediately appear right next to me and there's no wind up for their explosion there's no animation they just go boom so randomly i'm chilling a boom shreyer just rips through the butthole of reality and immediately explodes all over my face and i'm not even getting paid for it but of course we have armor remember armor cold war armor kind of a crutch little too strong but armor its own system its own points value armor was a thing and regardless of how strong it was it was a necessary evil for cold war and it really added to the gameplay formula now armor is back but it seems that infinity war infinity war treyarch sledgehammer who though there's so many names in the beginning this one i don't even know who develops this game anymore they deemed that armor was also too powerful so they wanted ways to you know whittle down make it a little bit less powerful introducing zombie with a gun zombie with a minigun that is now we've had ranged zombies before the pens are sold out to the russian manglers but they normally have a thing with their stuff they fire the electric bolts and then it kind of twirls into the air and then blows up later there's a reaction the sonic blast of the mangler takes time to reach there is counter play there is movement involved this guy has a gun that shoots bullets at you and he's tanky as [ __ ] this zombie i think his entire purpose is to shred you of your armor to force you to use your scrap to keep buying armor because it literally will fire at you from a distance with i'm assuming close to a hit scan weapon and there is actually nothing you can do and like i said he's super tanky who thought adding a zombie with a gun was a good this isn't a boss zombie like this is a special and this is not rare like every five rounds no no this is like the napalm and sonic zombies in shangri-la like every round at a certain point will have two three four of these guys all that effort learning how to train zombies learning how to maneuver through areas all of that and they just gave a zombie a gun oh it's particularly fun when you have to stay near the head too in that escort mission and then the zombies shooting you from really far away i hope you didn't bring a shotgun okay so you're being railroad on points armor is still a crutch but how about progression how about all that like background stuff you know you're playing the game you're earning xp doing all kinds of stuff how does that work because cold war actually had a pretty pretty deep progression system i said many times in my cold war zombies review that the game is pretty good but lacks personality and i think i stand by that the maps aren't very pretty the story is boring and the operator voice lines are pretty awful but the gameplay was actually pretty good they made a bunch of changes compared to the old formula but but they worked and even the times they didn't work there was so much progression that you can work with your perks had like five different ways to be upgraded your weapons all had five different upgrades along with that your special abilities had upgrades there was actually a pretty large amount of effort put into a consistent progression and then you would grind the game get the crystals and then buff things out it was on a player per player basis as far as all of its issues were that part i liked it a lot did it make you a little bit overpowered at the end oh totally but at least you had to earn it you know so naturally vanguard did the the very intelligent decision of removing all of that and it's all gone it's all gone can you upgrade your weapons and give them special benefits like cold war no can you upgrade your ability like ether shroud and stuff no can you upgrade your perks no but don't worry young grasshopper they did the other idea which is allowing you to buy your perks multiple times for the same effect perk one free then 2500 then 5 000 then 7 500 every time you want to consistently buy a perk in game without progression and you're being railroaded on points because zombies are only worth 30 to the head 20 to the body so now there's no reason to play besides just getting your regular experience that you normally get there's no upgrades there's no extra anything it's just it's just all bare bones but but worse because you don't get any points anymore from killing zombies just by the objectives and the objectives are boring and oh oh oh pack a punch yes let's talk about that so you know how in cold war they actually added a new thing which was a weapon variant or like level based system it was actually pretty genius and it added an additional dimension to the gameplay so your weapons had five like ranks kind of rarity is very similar to an mmo or anything red was actually the lowest one and then it went the usual green blue purple orange and getting something to orange took a lot of your scrap which was its own separate resource however at the time it was pretty genius because then you could start the game with like an lmg but it was only a level 1 lmg so really wasn't that great but if you wanted to either hit the box for some higher rarity weapons or really put in the amount of resources to make that one special gun you spawned with your main gun the options were there for you now that was actually separate to pack a punch as well because not only did you have rarity but you had to pack a bunch of power and so getting a good like orange weapon with triple pack that thing would kick ass and as i was rolling the box in vanguard i was noticing the color variance i was like oh cool they brought that back wow was i wrong the color variants are not actually rarities rarities are gone entirely the color variants mean that the gun has already been pre-pack-a-punched white is none blue is packed once purple twice orange three times why would i grind through a game that railroads me on points suffocates the amount i get from zombies and actually costs more to pack a punch when i can literally get the exact same thing from the box also what's worse that there where you're seeing that's a triple packed gun probably thinking to yourself where's the camo there is no camo it's gone all it does is have a little red muzzle flare and a slightly pew-pew noise there's no camo there's no pack-a-punch camo there's just a little icon on the bottom that's it i'm not older than 35 i don't violently come when i see an mp40 give it the god damn cool little light show that's all i ask so you have an inferior gameplay loop a lack of progression your railroad on points the customization's gone is anything else better not really the voice acting is really not that great sometimes they're okay some of the demons are neat and if there's anything that i will give it some credit on is that its art direction's a little bit better i like the chalices for the perks instead kind of cool the demon idea is kind of neat it's got a little bit more personality but the voice acting is just so poor it's so poor besides some of the demons the the main the characters aren't great the operators suck oh my god they're so bad i can't believe we went from nikolai to this and like like what's like why what am i doing you decided to take outbreak because i guess five people liked outbreak and turned it into an the entire mode i don't i didn't like cold war i didn't enjoy cold war i don't think it was a great game but i had fun with the zombies it was okay it wasn't black ops 3 it wasn't black ops 2 or 1 or world of war but it was okay you know it had promise outbreak i thought kind of sucked but it had promise and this is just like i i am i'm sad i guess this just leaves me with a final question which is what what happened activision stock has been tanking recently the only thing that activision is better at than delaying games is abusing women and i think their share prices are finally starting to catch up with them modern warfare 2019 was lightning in a bottle it had a long development time it looked good it sounded good the campaign was decent spec didn't like that much but the gameplay was surprisingly solid it worked out really well i'm not a huge fan of war zone myself but but it it peaked and now it feels like we're getting modern warfare 2019 with a coat of 80s paint and now a coat of world war ii paint in fact it actually probably is exactly that because they need to keep the war zone stuff up the old days cod had a two-year cycle studio at modern warfare and then black ops and modern warfare 3 i think is what it was and then black ops 2 it had a two-year cycle and then sledgehammer came along and had a three-year cycle and that was in that period of time people were a little bit iffy on the games you know that was like around the advanced warfare black ops 3 period of time but that three-year cycle helped it really did it gave it a lot more polish call of duty was always a game that for all of its problems for all of its issues and whether you liked it or not it was decently polished and it had a lot of content had a full campaign a multiplayer and the extra side mode and it was generally well polished it looked good it ran well it was normally pretty good at that stuff now i feel like i'm seeing the death rattle of a company activision blizzard for all their money feels creatively malnourished no matter how gross bobby harkonnen looks you know the campaign of multiplayer might be better it might be pretty decent but i don't believe it i just don't believe them this looks like modern warfare again with a new coat of paint again i know that the developers of this game can do better they have done better i don't know if it's massive crunch if the cycles are all messed up if the internal problems with the company are catching up to them if if it's just them trying to ride out the amount of money i i don't know i don't know what's going on but it truly feels like this company is on its spiral down to like death and while i'm really sad about the workers that work there and i really like wish them the best for their job kind of good activision blizzard has so far from the heyday with that beautiful eyeball and the big spike in it it is far from the greatness that they used to be in and maybe something should just put him out of their misery don't buy this game honestly i spent my money so i could tell you not to it is an embarrassment and for someone who has generally liked most call of duty games just because i like that kind of formula [ __ ] this i'm gonna go play halo infinite at least some company looks like they have a modicum of knowing what the [ __ ] they're doing damn that made me angry it's like watching your favorite thing just get abused by people who have no idea what the hell they're doing there's a market for call of duty style zombies i'm telling you what there's some people out there who probably should jump on the opportunity some kind of endless way based zombies like that because back for blood isn't doing that great right now and there's a there's a damn market for that so we'll see we'll absolutely see thank you everyone for watching however um hope you're doing great please check out the merchandise store check out the description or check out my sponsor gamer subs 10 percent off using codebricky pretty great if you ever have a hard time quitting like soda i think it's a pretty fantastic option as for me i have some questions i'd like to answer uh it feels kind of weird changing moods this quick but oh my god of course the questions are stupid again uh finally okay what do you think about uh where you should draw the line between having tastes and elitism okay excellent a real question um the line between having particular tastes and this form of elitism is determining whether or not you believe your tastes are superior than other people i occasionally have this problem just because taste is really subjective obviously like you know me i like very artsy stuff very very slow paced movies games all kind of thing and i generally would assume that if your favorite movie is transformers 2 i would in a sense think less of you that in a sense is elitism right there what i just said but i also think there's there's a level and people treat it a little bit poorly like if you don't like uh drive with ryan gosling fine totally get it no problems it's a bit of an artsy movie if i were to say you don't like drive because you're not intelligent enough we have a whole different situation here respecting people's tastes is one thing there i do think there's a there's a level if you said that super mario brothers was your favorite movie of all time i would probably think a little less of you but generally it's not shaming people for not liking something i think a little bit as well if that's like not their thing all right totally cool makes sense no problems that's i guess the best way i can describe it i don't know it's weird um i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Bricky
Views: 1,810,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricky, cod, cod vanguard, cod vanguard zombies, call of duty zombies, cod zombies, cod vangaurd zombies gameplay, cod cold war, cod cold war zombies, cod zombies review, cod vanguard review, cod vanguard zombies review, bricky, bricky zombies, bricky zombies review
Id: 8_PfXVfoZkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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