Review | Mestel SGE 400/3 BB Gas Mask

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what's up everybody its Josh welcome back to my channel thanks for stopping by today I'm gonna be talking about the mess tell sge 403b be gas masks and I'm also gonna do a brief overview of gas masks in general this is not meant to be an in-depth technical discussion about this mask or other masks if you need that kind of video I'm gonna put some links to some much more detailed technical videos urban prepper has a great video about this gas mask and he reviews other graphic gas masks as well so before we start there's an image that I'm sure you've seen before it was taken in 2014 and it's a picture of a man named Edward Crawford he's wearing an American flag t-shirt and in one hand he has a tear gas canister and he's got perfect form and is about to launch this tear gas canister now every picture is worth a thousand words and the story behind this picture is that mr. Crawford was a peaceful protester in Ferguson Missouri protesting the death of Mike Brown and police brutality when the police launched a tear gas canister in his direction near some children he picked it up and he threw it away not towards the police but in a different direction to protect himself in the children these people were protesting police brutality and unfortunately they were met with more police brutality in the form of tear gas and pepper spray and these agents can cause some pretty severe short-term issues difficulty breathing burning eyes blurred vision a choking sensation and even though they're classified as non-lethal or less than lethal in certain situations say if someone has underlying cardiopulmonary disease asthma for example or if you're exposed to these at a close range or in a confined space they can cause more serious issues such as permanent visual damage blindness even respiratory failure so in addition to that a lot of times these canisters are launched with a gas launcher so they're projectiles which can cause if they hit you in the right place permanent eye damage traumatic brain injury concussion you know on the topic of projectiles police have been known to shoot pepper balls which are basically the same thing as paintballs shocking a paintball gun except they're filled with pepper spray instead of paint in addition they use foam batons which is really just a euphemism for rubber bullets now obviously if you be hit with any of these in the right place we're talking about serious injuries such as possible blindness or traumatic brain injury now this video was not intended to advocate that you go out on the streets and riot and protest but I am making this video in the case that you may find yourself in a situation where chemical agents may be used against you also we're gonna talk about some other scenarios in which a gas mask might be appropriate I'm gonna talk about the anatomy of the gas mask I'm going to talk about its uses the maintenance the cleaning as well as some different types of gas masks I'm also gonna talk about where you can find this mask and I'm gonna leave a whole bunch of links to different resources regarding the gas masks in general and even a little bit of resources on protesting so why do I have a gas mask I like to be prepared I am NOT a doomsday prepper I know that prepping does kind of has a negative connotation but to me my number one goal as a husband and a father is to make sure that my family is provided for and protected so when I think about prepping I'm not thinking about having an underground bunker and a whole bunch of ammo I'm thinking about things like saving money making sure that you got a life insurance plan making sure that you've got a hurricane season plan in South Florida that's super important I'm gonna be posting a video on my hurricane preparedness plan so make sure you subscribe so you can see that as soon as it drops so to me being prepared means being mindful about your situation understanding was currently going on and taking a responsible and proactive approach to it so right now not only are we dealing with a global pandemic in coping 19 but we're also dealing with civil unrest and we know that there is tear gas and pepper spray being used against American civilians so I can't think of a much better time to invest in a gas mask so what's the purpose of a gas mask it's to protect the wearer from potentially toxic airborne pollutants and chemicals some gas masks also have the added benefit like this one of protecting you from projectiles and we'll get into that a bit later so what do they protect you against so this gas mask is rated as CBRN so that's chemical biological radiological and nuclear so it's going to protect against chemicals such as agricultural chemicals industrial chemicals anything that might be in the air smoke if you live near a volcano if you live near an area where there's forest fires it can protect you from the smoke from from a house fire biological basically any virus any bacteria even those that can be weaponized you're gonna be protected against this radiological basically any fallout really logical and nuclear basic any fallout from any sort of nuclear attack god forbid something like that happens so what do you look for in a gas mask there are a lot of different options with Facebook gas masks one of them is just the nose and the mouth mask leaving the eyes exposed this one is a full face mask there are also gas masks that protect the eyes that are goggles there face mask that had like this one that has an additional port at the bottom where you can attach a canteen there are some where you can also attach a speaking diaphragm or microphone the most important thing though when you're looking for a gas mask it's not really the gas mask itself but it's the filters as long as you buy a solid mask it doesn't have to be the newest mask the most important thing is buying a good filter and the filters that I have here are the 40 millimeter NATO filters these filters can be used on a variety of different types of masks and I'm gonna show you how to install these in a mask in just a second how much do they cost I've learned that you can find just about anything for any price online if you look long enough but a lot of those a lot of those things are reused which is cool like I said you don't really need a new mask you just need new filters but if you're looking to buy a new mask depending on the kind that you get it can start anywhere from thirty forty dollars all the way up to several hundred dollars this gas mask was in the two hundred fifty dollar range now also keep in mind there's a huge demand right now for gas masks so a lot of them are sold out and they're being sold on the secondary market for a much higher markup value so I was lucky to find this one directly from the producer and it's mr mrs P price MSRP price all right so now I'm gonna talk about this specific mask alright so like I said this is a mess tell s GE 400 / 3 BB okay so the 400 will first off let me tell you about messed up messed up is an Italian company and they started off by making breathing masks and things for scuba diving so this is where they started and then they then they started making more personal protective equipment and they ended up making some of the top-of-the-line respirators and gas masks so in the mess tell line there are masks starting from the 150 level all the way up to the 400 level I'm gonna put a link in the description below that's going to that's a link to the mess tile website where they compare all the different masks that they sell so like I said this is the sge 400 slash 3 so the 3 is signifying that there are three different places where you can put filters you can put one filter on at a time or you can put three filters on all at once I'm just gonna show you one of the places where you can install the filter so you can put the filter right in the front like this or you can put it on either side and the benefit of this is if you need to if you need to use a weapon while you're wearing the gas mask whichever hand is your dominant hand you can just flip the filter to the opposite side and have a fully unobstructed view of your target and be able to use your weapon without having to make any modifications to how you hold it I prefer putting the filter right in the front again I haven't really been out in the streets like using this filter are using this gas mask but to me this is right here in the center you still have really great visual clearance with the the filter being right here in the center and it just kind of looks and feels more balanced to me so the BB stands for the butyl rubber and that's the that's the one difference between the four hundred slash three the BB specifies the butyl rubber and that's what gives a really tight seal to make this thing mustard gas proof as well I don't know that they're using mustard gas but I'm gonna buy a gas mask I want to buy one that's going to protect me against everything that I might find the next thing I'm gonna talk about is this polycarbonate ballistic visor so this thing is going to be resistant to a one-inch ball bearing being launched at the mask at 330 miles per hour this visor is also solvent and scratch resistant so if something does get on the visor it's gonna wipe off and your view is not gonna be obstructed so that's super important if you you don't want your visor getting damaged or scratched up so that you can't see and you have to take the mask off in a dangerous situation so definitely another benefit to this is having this really strong polycarbonate visor this also has an internal mouth and nose piece and this is helpful for two reasons one it's gonna keep all the air flowing through here to prevent the your visor from fogging up and obstructing your view also it's gonna prevent co2 from building up in the nooks and crannies and the last thing I want to talk about is the way this thing fits on your head so there are six straps they're quick-release straps and this thing goes on your head so nicely so tightly that if you were to have these filter nozzles on all three of them on this thing gives you such a tight seal that you're gonna have a problem breathing within just a few seconds so this thing is this thing fits on really tight and again that's what gives you the protection against mustard gas there's two other features that I want to talk about they're optional features with this with this some ask that I haven't taken advantage of but I can with this model is that there is an attachment for a drinking straw through a canteen they can attach right to here that way you can drink your water or whatever without having to take off your mask if you're in a situation where you can't even drink without taking off your mask this is super helpful um another thing is that you can attach a microphone or a speaking diaphragm I'm gonna put this mask on and you're gonna you're not gonna understand a word that I'm saying so if you're in a situation where you need to communicate it may be helpful to have either a microphone or the speaking diaphragm so you can communicate to people that are nearby you alright so I'm going to put this mask on and show you just how easy it is to put on and our title to seal it is so there it is I don't know how well you can understand me right now but I can breathe easily do you think meaning that you can see that the mask is not fogging up this thing is secure and tight to my face and I have no trouble dealing whatsoever I got a cool view my view is not obstructed at all I can't see my visor right here it isn't my line of sight but it's not a starting line moving on if I want to move it off to the side I'm just going to screw it moving right off to the side reveals a little bit little balance but if I'm in a situation where I need to shoot a rifle or something it's good because the talk to the side and it's not obstructing like me at all it's a quick release it's really easy to take off just that simple now if I'm in a situation where I'm actually exposed to any of these chemicals that this mask is protecting me from I'm going to want to make sure that I have some kind of hand protection before I take this mask off now again we're talking about a gas mask that's gonna protect your face your eyes and your respiratory system if you're out there in a situation where there are all sorts of chemicals being used then you may need something to protect your skin as well we're not gonna go into all of that but if that's the level of preparedness that you want to be at there's definitely videos on YouTube or all across the Internet where you can figure out what kind of hazmat suit that you'd be in mess tell actually sells a hood that's compatible with this and you can find all sorts of hazmat suits all over the place so the last thing I want to touch on is the filters one more time again you can wear this mask with just one filter or you can wear it with three filters and if you wear it with all three then that kind of extends the amount of time that you're able to breathe with this facemask on these filters do these filters do have a finite lifespan they have a shelf life of about five years if you keep them sealed up like this there are other filters that have a 20 year shelf life but you really don't want to test the shelf life of your filters when they're close to expiration you want to make sure that they're you know that you throw them out and you get new filters because again the filters are what does the heavy lifting for the gas mask so that's basically it again this wasn't meant to be an exhaustive look at this gas mask or all gas masks in general but it was meant to be kind of covering the bases and kind of getting you started now I hope that I was able to answer any basic questions that you have and if you have any more questions I hope I'm able to point you in the direction where you can get the resources that you need to make the decision on what kind of gas and ask you want to buy if you feel that it's something you need for your preparation plan so if I left anything out um feel free to leave it in the comment section if you have any questions for me I'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have and if you found value in this video go ahead and press that like button and also go ahead and subscribe again I really appreciate you watching the video and I'll see you next time don't forget to Like comment and subscribe
Channel: But you can call me Josh
Views: 1,802
Rating: 4.546392 out of 5
Id: K5sj357QtEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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