Rev. Dr. Claybon Lea Jr. "There Is Nothing I Can't Handle"

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good day thank God for your ministry thank God to your anniversary but when you leave here just leave here declaring there's nothing I can't help me I may feel weak I may feel weary I may feel what I may have questions I may have challenges but there's one thing of which I am convinced that there's nothing I can't handle because he's pouring shrimp into me some the inside and when you read your Bible the Bible declares that it is God who arms me with shrimp the Bible says in Psalm 27 11 the Lord here's the shrimp of my life but I evil says that the Lord will shrimpin his people the Bible even says that God is our our refuge and strength a very present help in shuttle and in the Bible also says that he gives power to the weak and to those of who have no mind he increases a their strength and even the use a shallow grow weary and fainter and the young me in the shell utterly solemn but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up or winds up like he goes up they shall run and not get weary walk and not faint so when you face advancement up and when you face adversity just remember to declare there's nothing I can't handle through Christ who strengthens me and the real reason you can make this declaration is one Friday Jesus died over heal how Calvary one Friday Jesus tired old an old rugged cross huh one by day Jesus was hung up about how our hangups he looked mighty weak yellow but he died up his strength huh how do you know he died and strength up because he said no man takes my life but I lay it down of my Korda yes I died laying it down I can kick it back up again he died in the script you know it had to have shrimp just say Father forgive them up so they know not what they do he had to have shrimp to tell a fever who was receiving his just reward today shall you be with me in paradise he had to have shrimp to make sure his mama was taken care of it he had to have dreamed to cry to the loud buzz huh my God my God why hast thou forsaken me he had to have shrimp in order to say I fare suck for the salvation of lost souls he had to have shrimp to say it is finish and he had to have strength to say father into thy hands I commend my spirit and then he died up winning the grave but he went down was strength huh so much stress huh but he led captivity captive we're down in the hell and preach the revival and when he came back up on a brand new congregation Sunday morning he got up that's it all our power is in my hand yeah yeah so as you leave here just leave you're saying there's nothing I can't handle cuz if God be for me who can be against me there's nothing I can't handle because my God shall supply all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus uh there's nothing up that I can't handle her because Christ is on my side there's nothing that I can't handle because all the weapons are phoned against me no weapon formed against me shall prosper so make like a tree answer and keep your haters employed say I want some more haters a let's just see what God's doing up he prepares a archana before me in the presence of my enemies so there's nothing no poverty nothing uh no prosperity nothing up no advancement uh nothing no adversity nothing no pretty nothing uh no uh nothing up no pain nothing up no kena nothing up there's nothing up that can keep me down but you love because the Bible says that there's nothing up that shall separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus are not death not life things pass not things present not things to come nothing shall separate me from the love of God not kind of not yet not sinful parodies not powers nay in all these things we're more than conquerors through him who loves us yeah is there anybody here that believes me today there's nothing I can't handle yeah bring it home devil there's nothing I can't handle hit me with your best shot there's nothing nothing you should have killed me yeah yeah yeah Oh Rodie came you wrote unless you wrote it provide for you Roni shrimp won't he pick you up around Oh you
Channel: Andrew Berry
Views: 167,202
Rating: 4.7978621 out of 5
Keywords: Wheeler Avenue, Marcus Cosby, Whooping, Preaching, Closing, Gospel, Claybon Lea, Mt. Calvary, Baptist, Church
Id: Z8GuNv37Kn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2011
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