Pastor H.B. Charles, Jr. "Living With Confidence in God"

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I ain't going nowhere I'm dwelling in the house of the Lord forever remember John six Jesus preached up a crowd fed them but by the end of the same chapter the large crowd walked away and he looked at the twelve that were left and he said are y'all gonna leave too Peter said Lord where will we go I'm quitting there that's my testimony that's why I'm sticking with Jesus not because sticking with Jesus means everything in life will go my way but I've just been walking with him long enough to know they ain't no better alternative than Jesus help me hear somebody yes yes there's nobody I said there's nobody like Jesus nobody lived before he lived like Jesus nobody was born like Jesus nobody live like Jesus nobody spoke like Jesus nobody worked like Jesus nobody died like Jesus nobody got up like Jesus and ain't nobody coming back like Jesus maybe that's why they used to say Kay nobody do me like Jesus nobody can do me like the Lord is there anybody in this room tonight that can testify that even though things don't always go the way you want them to somebody I hear tonight Oh can't say I'm satisfied with Jesus he woke me up this morning he started me I'm satisfied he keeps a roof over my head he keeps food on the table he keep clothes on my back he's able to make my enemies leave me alone I'm satisfied and with Jesus God bless your church I'm in my seat when I tell you a story my daddy used to tell about two flocks of sheep that grazed in adjacent fields so one had a good shepherd one had a bad shepherd one was a healthy flock the other was a sickly flock and one of those weak Lambs made it to the fence that divided the fields and collapsed there in the Sun and all of the healthy sheep on the other side of the fence came back and mocked that sickly lamb but then the strongest land look down at the weak lamina and a weak lamp looked up and said go ahead and talk about me go ahead and laugh at me Oh hallelujah but the strong lay down at him I said I go say a word about you I just want to testify that if it wasn't for my shepherd I'd be just like you that's my testimony I haven't made it to song because I've been so good do I have any help in the room anybody have no you didn't make it bishop in some oh holy because you've been so gesture because you've been so righteous somebody can testify er if it had not if it had not if it had not be for naught oh my side me why would I be nobody but you have brought me this far there's actual story shake somebody's hand in ER if you don't mind and just look em in the eye and telling me excuse me but I gotta testify tell them God has smiled on me come on shared with somebody tell them dog head not only he has set me free have smiled on me he's been gone yes he has yeah haha ah you
Channel: Andrew Berry
Views: 131,871
Rating: 4.8714123 out of 5
Keywords: H.B. Charles, Preaching, Closing, Wheeler Avenue, Baptist Church, Marcus Cosby, Jacksonville, Florida, Charles, gospel pastor
Id: Cc83Fwcnteo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2011
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