March 20, 2012 "I've Had Enough" Rev. Dr. John Adolph

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study together for the time that is ours to share from the Gospel according to st. mark chapter 5 Saint Mark chapter 5 Saint Mark chapter 5 we're looking at verses 25 through 34 own tonight I love old hymns and as a there is an old hymn that says I need the oh I need thee every i ha i needy Oh bless me now my say leave your ah I come to I come to thee will you help me sing that I need the oh I need Oh bless me I shave I - to me touch my mind and hold it steady Oh God touch my heart and my health hold them both in the hallow of your mighty hand consecrate my human mouth calls me to speak clearly enough tonight that a sinner would want to become a saint that a saint would hang on a little while longer that the Savior in heaven would smile upon us God if I've sinned against you when word thought or deed I beg you to forgive me please no oh God it was not my intent but Lord stand in me tonight and speak tonight until you are happy and God if you are happy we promise to shout about the outcome in the name of he who reigns rules and has Regency in the name of Jesus Christ we humble II ask it all and the people who love the Lord Jesus said a Miami mark chapter 5 will commencing the reading at verse 25 I'm reading from the thundering diction of the King James Version hear what God has to say and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years that suffered many things of many physicians that had spent oh that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched His garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that leg that's enough reading actually but just since we're reading it let's go three mo versa and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciple said unto him thou seest the multitude thronging thee and say us thou who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and jesus said unto her daughter I faith hath made thee whole go in peace and be whole of thy plague say a man for the reading grab somebody by the hand hopefully if somebody you like sitting by cuz I'm gonna have you do this all night long I'm from Texas and we're neighborly grabbed him by the hand hold that hand like you've been born again look at him and if you don't know their name tell them your name that was a good chance introduce yourself for you single saints that might be your spouse your Holden you never know look at them and just say neighbor the preacher needs your prayer all of your a man's tonight's sermon subject I've had enough a man fine one more head and just tell them I've had enough thank you OSHA's I've had in love dr. Edward P Wimberly professor of pastoral counseling at the end of the nomination or theological center and Atlanta Georgia says that the transitory human redemptive process happens when you get to a point what change is no longer voluntary but mandatory I believe it dr. Wembley is correct because each one of us reach a point in our journey with God where something has to change it normally happens when you get to the point where you cannot go another further when you have taken oh you can take when you have took all you can stand and make a conscious cognizant decision that you've had enough Jill Scott reached that decision last year as she told every magazine about the bowl she was about to marry when she discovered that her bowl was starting to make her boohoo as he was tipping around with other sisters she said you know what I can do bad all by myself Jill Scott lost 68 pounds came out looking like Beyonce wearing an extra large when we got through she went to the point was she'd had enough Tyler Perry reached that point while he was living in the backseat of his automobile we look at where people are now but you don't know what they've been through to get where they are while in the back of his automobile reached a point where he brushed away thoughts of suicide and decided that life was going to prosper him and that God was going to favor him and the rest has been history flower to Evans on the sitcom good times some of you were too young to remember good times but I submit for those of you who are old school Karen Emma Thelma JJ Michael James Evans help me Holy Ghost not the James had died in one episode flower the heavens had taken all she could take doctor hi were John Wester she threw about you through a pot to the floor I think she screamed and explicative two or three times let me just mass pause every now and then life has a way of making you shouting at least one explicity she had had enough and then my movie - color purple miss Celie gets feather dr. Howard John Wesley I love the same because mr. was so mean so trifling so evil so consensus so pop nation something I'm using these words to keep from using other words and so mister have done horrible things to miss Celie in fact she became codependent thought that women ought to be beat on she told us son hop over to be the Miss Sophie but all that came a day somebody y'all haven't seen it when she had just had enough it was sitting around the table that Miss Sophie R had just gotten out of jail for sucking that white man and she had decided she was gonna leave town with me shoo and though what miss Shipp will get ready to leave she had her suitcase packed her back but ready she had had enough and darling mister saw her she said I miss mr. Soren she told him I'm leaving with me shoo mister start popping off at that table and miss Celie just not that's what happens when you have enough sometime you don't need a moment to be right the moment is right right now she grabbed that butcher knife out of that ham stuck it under his throat said I never asked you for nothing not even your sorry boo-boo there comes a time when you've had enough I submit to your church family as I stand before you on belated night out but streak on this divine assignment from God that there are people parked on every beauty who've gotten to be in two categories one you have seen a change since you've met Jesus Christ you can unbeli say that he has come over me and my life has never been the same I reached the point where I was fed up and got tired of everything and the Lord came walking in and when he got through with me he gave me a new way of talking a new way of clapping a new way of praying a new way of loving a new way of worshiping can I just be so Monica Lee knows it is there anybody who's been there at least one time what you just got to the point where you couldn't go another father and had enough and God rescued you from right where you were then listen I want you to be my Amen Kona for the rest of the night because I really want to talk to people in the other group who are here and you're dressed up on the outside but messed up on the inside and I've come all the way from Texas that God specializes with people who can say I've had enough here this woman is in the Texas the Gospel according to st. mark and if you've never read it let me beseech you to do so it is really the first gospel ever written according to New Testament criticism matthew is only first because it connects us all the way back to Adam but I mean to ball back to Abraham but according to date the Gospel of Mark is the first gospel ever written and if you learn nothing else from me tonight hear this in the Gospel of Mark Jesus Christ is a demon busting deliverer who does not take any trash from hell when Jesus shows up in the Gospel of Mark even Devils have prayers a prayer when Jesus gets to the temple the devil says we play leave us alone when the worst is when this gospel begins to unfold Jesus is moving demons and casting out evil spirits he is literally letting everybody know that there is something in him that says I'm large and in charge by the time we get to chapter five it seems like everything is hopeless he meets a hopeless man trapped him to be trucked in the tombs he's been there all night long he's been there for many years cutting himself with stones everybody else thinks he's crazy output stream but Jesus comes through a storm just for him can I give yourself me shout about while I'm in my introduction if the Lord has to come through a storm just for you he'll do it the Bible says that he knows this man's address and zip code and when he gets to the middle of the sea the storm breaks out but my Sunday school teacher told me dr. Wesley that he spoke three words that made the wind cease and all of a sudden the waves lay down he said peace be still and the Bible says that was a great calm by the time Jesus gets through with this man he is seated clothed in his right mind and when the man gets through with Jesus he says Lord let me come with you and Jesus said no I want you to go back to your homeboys and the folk in your neighborhood because I need a walking billboard to show people what I can do can I just mash Paul's right quick is there any walking billboards at Alpha Street tonight cuz I need you to help me preach this I need some people who can just lean over and tell them look at me I can show you what God can do if I don't say another word just my life says it all he is now getting ready to go and heal J Iris's daughter and while in route to heal J Iris's daughter which has now really been almost declared dead this woman just pops up out of nowhere I like her church because she does not have an invitation she's not supposed to be here Jesus didn't come for her she just says you know what I've had enough I've been sick 12 years I know they don't want me near him I know he has his arm to Raj and his posse and the folk hanging around him that don't mean him no good I know he has a bunch of people around him but I ain't leave until I get what I came from you know I just know she had to be african-american or of African descent because this sister has an attitude that says I've had enough she makes her way through the crowd grabs him by the hem of his garment and I love the text because it doesn't say she got wailed the next day or the next week or the next month but immediately the fountain of her blood was dried up she knew something had happened in fact everybody was touching Jesus but only one person got well that day can I tell you why I'm standing here tonight I didn't come for the masses I'm just playing for the one who can tell me before the night is over I may have come sick but I left well I may have come down but I live up I may have come worried but I left filled with joy it's because if he don't heal but just one he's already done enough can I ask you right quick is there anybody here who's had enough of worry and you're ready to worship had enough of negative people and need a new concentric circle had enough of being sick and ready to get in well had enough of being broke ready to get paid had enough of all that the foolin is ready to move forward I need about 25 of y'all and I'll make 26 to jump to your feet if you had enough fine hand to grab and tell somebody he's talking about me that's my whole sermon that's that's all I really came to say but let me see can I put a crease in the sleeve I'm gonna pray for your best all right i'ma sit down to be head by myself how do you know when you've had enough watch this text please don't close about you know you've had enough when you realize if you don't do something soon it's gonna kill you watch this watch this I don't know who this is for tonight but hear this from my heart the devil wants you dead here okay wait if you don't hear hear get my little feeble warning heed the warning of Jesus the thief comes but for the steal kill and destroy if you can hear Jesus he'll repeater the devil it's like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour can I see the hands of those who just love the Lord with all of your heart ain't got to play with it then I want you to look over at the person you next to and tell them he wants you to hit you see here is the real truth all of us still have some issues and sometimes the stuff that we don't want to talk about can put you on the subject and puts you on the devil's hitless watch this text son foe watch this dr. John Howard Wesley the woman is nameless that's of great significance and here is why because whenever there is anonymity in the text that is inclusiveness by the writer would suggest that the reason why her name is not mentioned is not because she's not important it's just that you may have to put your name here one day should be passed to Ada you see at the end of the day they did not mention Hardman because you may need to use your name now wait here is watch this watch this is so much in the Texas unbelievable because she's been sick 12 years and it's amazing whenever you hear preacher preach this text we always talk about the length of her illness but this is why you got to give dr. Harbor time to study because he don't because he can't preach what he don't know you know what I've discovered from studying the reason why 12 is mentioned it's not just to give you the definition of her length but it's to give you the scope of her limitation you see the longest that you can live with a disease like this is 12 years so wait she's at a point where she's got to do something or die she is at a point but she's got to make a decision that she is the Leal no matter what's going on around her because the enemy wants her everybody say dead you know isn't that deep because I believe that's what his agenda is for everybody in here that's why the church ought not ever be a dead place that's why I hate that church I don't want to sit by a dead Saint I don't want to be around deadbeats I don't want to be around nothing that's dead a whole long time my momma is gone to heaven but I could only take her dead body so long I want to remember her alive why cuz ain't nothing around God ought to be dead you are do a Pew check right back and that's your neighbor neighbor did you come to have dead church or did you come to celebrate a living Savior at the end of the day anything that's day it ought to be buried I submit to you that if the enemy has it he will kill your joy he will kill your purpose he will kill your destiny he will kill your future he'll kill your life he'll kill everything around you but I've got good news and here tonight out for Street while he is trying to kill it can I give you something to shout about the Lord won't let it happen whoa after the shouting me watch it you cannot shout until the devil has had your life in his head and the Lord slapped to the mix and put it on put it down you can't shout until you know you could have been dead the obituary could have been written and the Lord made him drop you and say leave that one alone I need about 20 of y'all right quick in the balcony that knows you couldn't that you didn't have to be here to tell your neighbor he made the devil give me my life back he made him get my family back made him give me my joy back he had me and he could have kept me but there is a God who made him put me tell your neighbors a neighbor I've got my life back according to the biblical record he had the Apostle Paul but God made him leave Paul alone dr. Howard John Wesley when he left all alone Paul got cocky and said well since I ain't dead yet I rejoice and again I say rejoice but Paul what you gonna do our press to walk a mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus but Paul aren't you worried I am NOT for I have put all of that foolishness behind me I have not alive I know how to abase and how to about I've been broke and I had a whole life I've know how to eat filet mignon and have a sub sandwich they all the same to me but as long as I'm alive I'm a run on for Jesus I wish I have about 25 runners in this house that's just go run alone anyhow watch this Elle's ad amigas is a lady I tell the country about dr. Wesley of the members that I help the privilege of pastoring her life blesses mine but most most parishioners pull from the pastor but this woman makes deposits hello let me make sure I clear better you got to be careful what people think and no funny stuff going on here she's a parishioner I'm a pastor say Amen but her life makes deposits because I watched her suffer recover and live on you see on Sunday morning she'd get some people's nerve because she shouts when it's not time she Baptists are funny about she'll tell apostles just shout any time but Baptists have times the spirit has to be high the organ got a bump to the right way but this weapon dr. Wesley does not need all of that and whenever she comes at church she just does an ecclesiastical patti labelle she will kick off her pups run laps dance shout and some of my members are just not into that and they just look as if it's a would you please sit down but they came mess with her because she's well degree and wealthy just like you got a Mercedes she's got a Mercedes whoa I feel the Holy Ghost breathing on what they don't know is is that one day she woke up paralyzed on the left side yeah maybe they ran all kinds of neurological tests they thought she had a stroke wasn't stroke they thought it was severe Bell's palsy what Bell's palsy and her family came and prayed for her watch and she got worse so she told everybody on a notepad with a good side get out you know sometimes you got to give people walking papers and she made a deal with God she said Lord if you heal my body and give me one more chance if you just give me my life back every time I get into the house of worship I'll dance if I dance by myself so every time you see how she picks all four pumps and dances and I wish that there were more people like her who have already covered be with God that said God because you gave me my life back I ain't gonna hold the praise from you if I get a chance if I'm the only one on my row if I'm the only one in my church I'll bless you if I got a bless you all by myself anybody ever got your life back look at never say neighbor he gave me my life back not only do we realize but if we don't do something it's gonna kill us but watch the second thing but the teks office we have to recognize oh and this is so beautiful we've got to recognize the fact that when all is said and done our internal issues calls us external problems watch this I told you get to know your neighbor there's a reason for the head I want you to talk to him this time just look some of y'all been looking anywhere going look now you got permission hello don't stop looking why won't you look at see what you don't know is is that the person you're seated next to has been through hell and high water how long since I got to Mike let me tell you their testimony they've been lied on talked about mistreat it they've had to struggle strain and go through strength basing trouble child tragedy trauma and messed-up happenings they've been dropped by people that told them that they and didn't mean it they've been trying to trip down by book they thought they could trust they had been stabbed in the back by book they thought were friends and they are still here sitting next to you with a smile on my face you cannot see it by looking at them because they are dressed up but on the inside they have been hurt can I ask is there anybody in this house who knows you've been wounded at least one good time I need to talk to some people who can be real lone tonight and know I have been wounded more times and I thought the feel the Holy Ghost blow on me a bit tell your neighbor you don't know like I know what the Lord has done for me what's this search this woman has an internal issue she is unclean she is hemorrhaging but because it's underneath you cannot see it it's not visible so from the outside she looks all right mm-hmm but on the inside she's been bleeding a long time dr. Wesley I promised as I studied this text it hit me after 16 years of pastoring black Baptist I finally figured out why some folk or me jealous hypocritical just won't say shake your neighbor hand I don't feel like shaking just come out and say what you're going just can I tell you why they're bleeding and nobody knows it you got choir members who are singing and when they get the shouting folk say what they're going through they're bleeding and you can't see it in fact there are people on every road at night they look good money can fix it up degrees polish it stuff makes it look good but on the inside you are believing and can I tell you a secret God is letting it happen God let it happen to you I don't care what makes you believe God did not take a break he didn't leave town he didn't take a vacation God allows his people that he loves to go through stuff that will make us cry sometimes whine sometimes and hurt other times I do not believe in a theology of mountain peak - mountain peak living if you love the Lord you go have to cry sometime you don't have to go through a little hell and high water you don't have to go through some ups and some downs but Pastor Adolph why would a good God let me believe I'm glad you asked I'm so thankful the existential ontological in a rocket if there's Pierce you're thinking cuz I got an answer that comes from by you see God knows that wounded sheep stay close to the Shepherd and he had and he just happens to like your company so he knows if you suffer long enough you'll end up in his lap can I ask you is there anybody here who can tell somebody next to him I may have to bleed sometime but I'm in the Lord's lap but I got a doctor who specializes in healing and he knows how to fix me from the inside so I can shout on the outside is there anybody in this house who has ever had God heal you on the inside and you know you've been healed because you can love folk that don't like him speak to people that mean your heart smile at people and you know they've been talking about you is buddy on this side who's been healed at least one time you ain't gotta ask nobody He healed me why cuz I learned how to love folk that met me home I've learned how to deal when I ain't even got it I've learned how to help without expecting anything in return he has healed you
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 190,882
Rating: 4.7293682 out of 5
Keywords: Guest Preacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2013
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