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[Applause] [Applause] all right guys what up S Spar here I'm running the podcast solo today because um men suck I'm kidding we love them we love men we love you guys the men watching this and the women watching this yo comment I want to know the demographic of this podcast comment if you're a woman because I love you and the best compliment ever is when people come up to me and tell me that they love this podcast like this last last weekend I was in Miami for gym shark and a girl came up to me and told me that like this podcast saved her and her boyfriend's relationship and I was like what that's dope first of all second of all didn't know women watched me talk so I appreciate that appreciate the guys too um but yeah we have Jeff Whit on today and we have Bradley Martin we're just waiting for them to come guys like run always late Brad's always late Jeff seems to be late but we're going to get into the nitty-gritty you guys have been asking for Jeff to come on so got to please the people he's a really cool guy though this is the first time I've met him really good first impression so yeah boys come on that's up that I'm here right now are you rolling yet we're rolling I started this so can you shut that door why is it [ __ ] up because I asked you a million times or you asked me a million times to be here this is different though you Sarah yeah I'm here cuz Sarah's nice that's I'm here only for Sarah you refuse to take your hat off you refuse to let me cut your hair dude I always said you cut the beard you cut why will you not let Jeff cut your hair I got hairline everyone knows that that's not true you have a good enough hairline for me to do the optical illusion and work my magic and I could it'll just be I feel like it'd be good for you to talk about your insecurities CU you always talk Alpha I've talked about it I've made a whole video about this [ __ ] exactly you got to be real with your audience go to my YouTube channel look at my biggest insecurity it's literally the title of the video I talked about it yeah well that's good to be open about your insecurities people people will relate to that you know CU I would never set you up for failure any know that and I think you should do as I'm down to do it I'm down to do it but I think like we should we should do it one at once before see how you know and then well why don't we all just talk about our insecurities right now yeah I think that's great I think you should start okay yeah go ahead um because you seem like a very secure confident guy yeah yeah are you actually my biggest insecurity um right now probably my my height you're tall I just wanted to get that out wow I was like the first thing that was funny he just wanted you to say that he's tall the first when he walked in was I was like wow you're actually tall he's like 6'1 yeah no I I me like if you really want to get deep I have like commitment issues I procrastinate a lot I eat too much candy I I got up eye I have bad memory brain damage I got a lot of issues you know you go now you have anger problems I got anger problems snap all the time you but I really really work on them like I this past year I've been great to all my employees all everybody around me I do breathing exercises like I do a lot of to get it out Ser we love a self-aware man yeah good she's a big fan of You by the way what's the deal with this is this real because I can't tell I see how you guys around and I just don't I don't believe it don't like that around and completely like best friends forever type yeah I see that it's sort of like my relationship with you know who you know yeah who Tana yeah but I feel like there's love you have love for her no dude I saw the video of you like talking about how you feel the Cutie for her oh that was I was just putting on for the camera yeah they're probably like that stupid will you peel the thing and then he was like I'll have to do this I asked him about it he was like get your own cutie Sarah that makes sense that's an honest answer finally Bradley's telling the truth to his audience yeah um that's all I do is tell the truth to my audience well well I think you'd be more truthful we're going to do the insecurity thing I just talked about everything let's let's go around you know let's start this out they know about my hairline it's your hair what's yours um I'm insecure about my body hair I'm insecure about the way my teeth look I'm insecure are you really yes I'm insecure about like when I'm talking and if it's perceived as like oh this like uneducated or illiterate I don't like people to think that I'm stupid uhhuh um I well I don't think you're stupid and your teeth are perfect and you could laser your body hair off look at that problem solved and you go to Turkey and you get I know plug them back in these mental problems up here need a lot more work than that it's weird yeah it's like I've like I've known that for so long and for some reason I just haven't set a trip to go do it it's not like as if I can't I don't know why yeah let's let's make a fun Vlog out of it or something you know and then nobody could see you anymore yeah damn and you're you know nobody's really saying actually a lot of people do Bradley it's funny hanging out with him and going to like fighting events everybody wants to fight him I know the 260 thing okay this is funny so we're at the karate thing and this was like bro let's get in there and I knew I know exactly how this is going to go if I step in there because we're just GNA around and that'd be fun I'd love to around like honestly I'd like to go train some fun with you but pause yeah no I'm not going to say pause I love Jeff he's dopee but but in like a gay way either way who cares anyway listen um yeah whatever jiujitsu G yeah it is we're going to be looking at each other anyways he's like let's do this and I'm like this is not going to over well cuz there tons of people right like a big crowd right and I already know if the second I step in there everyone is going to come out of like the woodwork and be like me next me next oh you're 260 byebye right and then I'm like no no no I'm good and he lowkey gets kind of pissed at me cuz I was like really like no I'm not doing it yeah so I like somersaulted in off the side you know how that karate combat thing is like he gets in I jump in and same thing happens to him everybody starts calling me out yo let's roll let's see who and now there's cameras and it's like this kid you ain't getting that fight with me for free say this little kid's a black belt or something and he Taps me out yeah and that's what you have to deal with every single every day day everywhere you go every day it's I I go to California CH Cafe and people try to fight me do you think if Jeff and I took you two on one you'd beat us to what if we fought you two Jeff could scrap though just throw something in his eyes or like go for his eyes that's come on street fight that's what he challenges everybody all i' have to do is worry about him I wouldn't have to worry about you what do you mean I can take you no I'm 130 what's your skill set what would Bruce Buffer introduce you as a street fighter I guess that's what he would have to say he's a street fighter I mean it would that would be funny uhhuh I mean I guess that's how I'd introduce me that's pretty dope yeah I don't know why more UFC fighters don't do tell them to say that like y tree fighter I feel like I feel like oh man do do you think that like these like UFC not even UFC fighters I've seen now okay like like recently like Ryan Garcia's gonna box Devon Haney right yeah I commented on that and you I saw you commented on that too where uh Ryan called out Sean yes so there's now all this there's all this I mean they've always been doing it it's not because I did the street fight thing but there's been all this like inner sport beef and it's so much more like prominent now I don't know maybe maybe it was the maywe publicity yeah cuz it's I'm looking at I'm like Ryan's talking to like sugar Shan but he's also talking like Bryce Hall yeah but his fights with Devon Haney and I'm like what like this is I guess he yeah maybe he's delusional I don't know I think people genuinely think you know you kind of have to have that delusional confidence when you're a fighter for sure you got to believe that you could go in there and beat anybody so I'm sure Ryan has that even though he lost his last or second to last fight um but thinking that you could fight an MMA champion in MMA is it's I just tried it I just literally tried it myself I I went out to sugas and I fought a pro yeah this kid's 5 and0 and he's like sugas Main's sparm partner this kid me up for full three three rounds we did three rounds I got my whooped everything hurts right now I got a tummy ache you do an Arizona mhm yeah TM egg's pretty funny bro this kid was just hitting me with leg leg kicks one after another and I started like checking them a little bit but still like you just you forget about that you know yeah and the boxers like what do they they don't ever train for that like how do you think that would go like sugar Shan versus Ryan Garcia how would you think that actually go kills him yeah he just use he has so many more weapons so many more skills so many more things disciplines you have to work on like it's cool you master just hands but to limit somebody to like all right I want to fight you but we have to put pillows on our Fist and we only use our hands and nothing else we make all these rules yeah it's kind of like I mean it's a specific art for sure that that's form of that sort of boxing I mean boxing in general is a certain art but yeah I mean the MMA thing is like especially someone like sugar like I don't know what you're going to do to that guy yeah I guess in his mind he thinks you're just GNA knock him out now sugar head kicks him or blasts a kick right through both of his legs or something like that or just a body kick you know Ryan's got that that you know you know that's his spot here yeah he knocked dant knocked him down yeah yeah yeah imagine a foot imagine a heel hitting that yeah 10 times worse but yeah that's what I'm dealing with right now I'm I'm all beat up and then you got a tummy egg I came back and I was grown man with a tummy egg I haven't had a tummy EG in 20 years and I agreed to do this podcast because of Sarah Sarah's being nice and so thank you and um I was like you know what I'm G to yeah don't say I never do anything yeah you got it I want to do stuff like you guys so I could come in here and relate to you guys you you know cuz I'm like sort of a fitness guy but not really you know I don't talk about it much and I have a terrible diet so after getting my whooped I was like you know what I'm going to change this I'm going to start eating clean C catching up with me my poor diet my candy and I feel like you have crazy cardio like you run mild much cardio but it doesn't it doesn't equ it just it doesn't compare to that type of MMA cardio a fight cardio it's just it's it's different I feel like if you fix the eating just even the SL in the slightest you'd see crazy results cuz you already don't drink alcohol you do so much cardio like you have every other box checked off if you fix diet even like 20% yeah you'd be like you'd see a crazy difference yeah so this is what I tried to do I tried to do this last night I went to I went to the supermarket I got a big thing of ground turkey I cooked the whole thing but I I didn't cook it enough I don't think cuz like I swear 4:00 a.m. last night I felt like I was given birth like I had a baby that had to come out of me my stomach would nothing could come out it was just like gut-wrenching pain that's what I'm here for I'll cook for you no she won't she she'll [ __ ] help me with those tough words that I'm going back to the way I was eating before you can't just give it one shot and then you know what's funny about ground turkey needs all ground turkey is the easiest thing to say I hate ground turkey the reason why I hate ground turkey is cuz when I did the competition stuff for so many years that was what I ate and i' like look at it now just like almonds ground turkey and tilapia I cannot eat yeah cuz when I did the when I did the whole dieting thing those are like the things I would like Focus my diet around when I was cutting and I don't even want to look at those things no more I love ground turkey well right now I can't really think about it but I think I'm going back to my way of doing things cuz that you know if it ain't broke don't fix it I was eating Sour Patch Kids Twizzlers that was my whole diet and that worked so I'm going back to that no smart honestly no if it it a broke you know what I'm saying don't fix it well I did get my whooped but I think that's from That's from the experience yeah and I was nervous too verto the whole gym stops and comes over and you got sugar yelling and yeah your heart rate definitely is way in yo I want to see that is there videos of this yeah there's videos of it you see it it'll be out probably by the time this is out I want to see that too I got to post myself what about you or Ryan Garcia in a street fight I mean street fight I'll I'll cheat I'll I'll do some dirty yeah you know I'll throw something in his eyes yeah that's a real street fight sand in his eyes you like that yeah that's when she gets all she's blushing from me saying that I'll do a crime yes she did she got kind of like hyped on that what the hell no I'm sunburnt from Miami oh you look a little blushing I'm not blushing you look you really you know what's funny about this this is amazing she's really Smiley today yeah I'm in a good mood yeah but it's not my birthday's tomorrow you no I know that I knew that oh yeah that's another thing you lied to me first no I didn't lie Nick lied on my behalf and I just didn't fix it so she infiltrated The Bachelor show that I'm doing right now with Ethan Klein and H3 Productions that show um it's super cool it's fun you know they had a bunch of girls submit videos and they went through them and like decided what which ones would work with me and then I like next week I go in and interview them and we have like a a zoom call or whatever so there's 10 women that I'm dating right now that are in the running the contestants for me to find love you know wow so Sarah comes in she infiltrates it she's gonna I was invited to infiltrate she was invited yeah I heard about her and I was like you know what well Nick set it up on my pod and he um the way he explained it it was he said that you were old enough for the age cut off but you're too young I'm 23 tomorrow let's film on Wednesday it was submissions were already cut off it was 25 yeah but it got lower to 23 just because there like there were some exceptions for athletes genetically like Superior genetics if there was like a case like that do I not have I think Sarah may qualify I see we may have to do a drug test if you're taking Bradley I'll do that no I don't take any of Bradley's stuff I'll do a drug test I don't smoke weed I don't do anything super clean I'm So Clean like I'm I'll take any drug test but besides that it's just cool that she wants to be in it you know I I love a good competition but like I want to win but how do you pick the winner is it just you I pick yeah they got to pick me too though cuz I'm going to be completely honest they've already picked you if they submitted yeah but I don't know I don't know what the case is I don't know why people do this stuff do they just want to be on the show cuz they're fans of the show you don't want a little clout Chaser what about you what are your intentions you know my intentions are to find a husband I don't want a boyfriend you want okay I want a husband I think that's where I'm at in my life now I want a husband you want a husband too nice I always go for the gay ones yeah yeah yeah that's where I'm at no I think it's time Bradley and I start having kids yeah with women yes you know not with each other that's yes not yeah just we clarify he said that was like know he needs a family yeah we're definitely we're doing that we're like the same age how crazy is that I know isn't it crazy how much steroids can age a person yeah wow that's crazy cuz my Beard's a little overgrown right now are you kidding me I look so much younger than you I was dude we're going to run this back when I say but I was going to I was going to talk about this actually I wanted to I was going to do a mustache I was going to shave this down no way do a mustache no way no what's underneath that beer no nobody's ever seen that either no they've seen that I always have my beard I've had my beer low plenty of times I think it's it's good for a healthy shave once a year at least should I do mustache I kind of want to see it I think your content would go crazy if you just posted feed post you mustache yeah insane I always Rock a little scruff but I like for a Halloween costume or if I need to get in character for like a silly video or something then I'll I'll shave and it's always like it's a it's a big difference but your skin under there like let it see some sunlight you know yeah I know yeah yeah he saw me once you were like cuz I had like it was like my skin was like flaky irritated cuz under was funny he noticed it cuz he does the whole I know I know hair thing we're eating that uh likeo you need to see the dermatologist do sometimes he gets on his shirt when he wears black oh you got Dand drift in the beard yeah yeah what do I got to do well you got to get anti-and drift shampoo but also you got to give that skin some sunlight and blood moisturize it you know well I don't want yeah the beer but I do want the mustache for real that goes so hard I'm going to do it I did I did handle you'd really touch into your pedophile energy wow that's great crazy to say holy that's insane to say not yeah for you for this Arrangement yeah that's insane to say I got to see you backing off Steve's jokes what the hey no you deserve that one I'd rather be called a never I that's the worst thing to be called is is a it hurts me is it really P you call me yeah like ped both dude but ped's like the worst thing in the world yeah kill those people yeah I know I don't like that obviously I don't silly joke God you're mean just because Jeff serly trying to show up or like I like your dark sense of humor I like that everything's a joke to you and and everything pisses you off it's pretty cool but I just worry that it'll be too much with the both of us much maybe yeah you guys I don't know if you guys would yeah what do you you both of us I think you guys would survive why kill our children we'd Cris our whole you guys are insane you know Chris and yeah we would probably end up doing that yeah he took it out his wife too that was a terrible that's a sad story CU you're dark cuz I'm dark and he's dark like it you guys would end up like killing each other it'd be too much Darkness yeah but no alcohol so that cuts back on the chances of domestic violence yeah that's huge that's at least like 80% less Dom hit you right back yeah and if we're sober hitting each other we're really and we belong in jail yeah you know that then like all right she would put me in cage I belong here god dude why are you so dark I don't know I'm not dark yeah you got where did you grow up oh Kentucky Kentucky oh you remember yeah wow well I I I listen to my own podcast frequently after it comes out you really yeah I'm a big fan very motiv very motivating yeah it's good stuff bro I put out quality you know the deal yeah you been on the show yeah no you have I love your show no I edit I I'll like go through the edits but I remember yeah I remember whatever I can't even admit like yeah I remember I don't watch I don't watch my own content I don't watch I yeah I don't I don't watch your content either wow that's wow that's sweet what you know about this destroy you us two together I mean you could try but you wouldn't get anywhere well verbally are you talking about like in a roast either way verb I mean You' been crush this whole podcast so far no we've been talking about your age you're the same the same AG but how I but have you've aged you know you won't take your hat off you're insecure you lie to your audience how do I lie to my audience there's a whole bunch of also your pedophile this is crazy this is insane that is true we have we do it you've been getting destroyed I'm a nice guy man I hold back I hold the punches back I know but this is what keeps you going you need to call out more people start more beef I think you need to call out more Fighters be more delusional like call out call someone out right now BR what I just honestly I want to fight Conor McGregor no somebody in your weight class call out somebody that's the whole point of the thing though is that they're skill that I'm not so it's like the weight difference you call out the smaller guy I'm just an idiot I just the whole joke I just went in there and fought somebody my size but that he was a pro undefeated all finishes yeah how did it end you just stop he wasn't trying to banging we were like I had to gloves um MMA gloves oh so the actual yeah I got a hit right here on my lip I got a little oh I see it I thought it was herpes did you yeah but I wasn't going to bring it up no I'm clean terar I don't I'm not like that that's good you know I don't I don't just around like you know most of the people in this business that's good that's great is that true I like to hear that is it true or do you saying that for camera right now I think you saying that for camera really yeah it looks like that no what are you talking about yeah you do look like you just get bunch of no no I'm like uh do you have any dating apps rehea or whatever no okay yeah I don't have I can't even answer my DMs I don't even look at my DMs so you just have the same roster you've been had I don't even have a roster I don't have a roster okay I don't have nothing okay I stopped everything for this show I'm committed you know I I really think it's time I I give this a chance because I keep saying like I'm not ready for a relationship I'm only 34 you know like that Meme but you're actually you would actually the meme that that's a meme that's a joke where it's like guys will say that they're only they're not ready for a relationship but they'll you know yeah that's the perfect time for a relationship wait wait wait wait you're saying you're actually taking these people serious who are like the suitors for the show yeah bro you're taking it serious I'm there's this one girl from Australia I'm thinking about like what my life would be out there you know but then Sarah comes in and cloth lines her okay so now it's now it's not serious like which part is serious bro it's serious but I just don't take things that serious but I'm taking this pretty serious for me if you really Vibe with one of them like you're going to pick them yeah date them yeah exclusively yes would it be like a social media relationship like would you put that on the internet I mean you know how we are you know how we are yeah I wouldn't we well it depends I I don't know would you pull a full like Mike MAAC um I can't see myself doing that no okay I can't see myself trying to profit I mean not saying that I'm not trying to use her Snapchat clickbait she's she knows the deal she's cool with it and Mike makes aad of money on Snapchat like he's actually if his Snapchat is not doing good that day he'll call the people at Snapchat and he's like what's going on my thing on explore page sounds like me did you do that but like I I bust his balls about posting on Snap yeah you need to also be better I went and looked the other day you had like six stories up yeah I don't give a maximize it I'm 34 I'm not supposed to be good at Snapchat yeah being good at Snapchat is lame I think I think that's corny if you're good at Snapchat okay I hear that but it's an extra Revenue source for you that you could do Implement that money in other way I'm not passionate about it I don't care okay okay it's crazy it disappears in a day you know what's the point of making content that disappears why don't I just do another cash grab I'll do only fans and to you know that is so different whoa this is this is this is good right now hold on a second I'll do only fans never mind I'm not going on basically saying you guys you you basically do only fans what are you saying might as well no I'm kidding I'm joking I I don't I don't that came out the wrong way I was comparing them because they're both things that are are cash grabs right you know like I like to make stuff that I'm passionate about that's what I like to put my time into that's I respect that you guys are the same kind of you know you do podcasts and stuff it's funny the SnapChat thing cuz how long have you had Snapchat like have I been in the ad Revenue share no how long have you used Snapchat over a decade yeah me too so I used to make like you know how you post on Snapchat like that's what I used to do before there was ever any money in it yeah so same thing with Instagram I feel the same way it's like I just this the age thing I'm not saying like yo you get old you just stop making content but you get to a point where you're like I made so much like so many stories so many posts I'm just like but I hear you guys and you're both way more like developed on yeah we're getting dementia and repeating Stories podcast it's like shut up you know you're good you're still young spry you got some time yeah you got like two more years no hopefully only for what two more years of what just staying on top yeah hopefully only another year yeah I'm not trying to be 34 and doing this yeah yeah for real it sucks I'm in pain right now physical pain yeah your tummy aches hurts no it Bradley and I have been on top of the everybody else fell off but us I think we're the only ones still hanging on me you and Mike in in the 30 age bracket it is it's just us and Jo crazy and Joe Rogan but he's the man though yeah he's in a different field yeah um yeah aing is a trip though on social media for sure I felt like I would be done by now like when I started when I was at my Peak cuz now it's all downhill we hit our Prime when you were calling out all those UFC fighters that's when that was your height that was your you know the scene in Sopranos where he's like uh Christopher is like where's my arc you know yeah that was it you know that scene you actually know what talking my moment yeah yeah now we're where's my arc I already had it do amazing so do yours I don't think you guys are going downhill no I'm I'm going to I'm on negative you know yeah you're negative cynical cynical I like it well like keep it real you know we were we were more popping and we're only getting older and that's not how uh father time works you know our our Prime our physical prime is behind us not mine we need to accept that yours probably the volkanovski curse he got knocked out at 35 bro it's true once we hit 35 we're basically dead you know essentially so you both have a year left are you both 34 you're 34 yeah I'm 34 yeah same age when's your birthday December 15th you turn 35 sooner than Bradley no way no way may oh wait no we're dumb you turn oh yeah sorry that's the other way around yeah bro saying you're way older than me 35 and like you're six months older than me oh bro you might even be a grade above me if we were like in high school together you might be a senior and I'm a junior yep holy yeah bro what this is bad what you looked at me and you're like um older than this guy that's weird yeah this guy would have been a few months bro look at you I mean just like Mass wise you look like you got to be like a hundred years old just purely 100 you just get bigger and bigger as you grow you get older you're a toddler for real and all like growth hormone you don't stop your body doesn't stop producing it cuz yeah it just keeps going dude you ever take anything yeah yeah I would I did stem cells when I had the accident yeah I'm not in UFC you know but I don't care to get big like Bradley I I don't think that's practical I think it's dumb yeah I can't do fig doorways I love when small people say getting big is dumb it's the best thing that's stupid anyways you can't buy jeans yeah you can't fit in a p your shorts rise all the way up when you do podcast I like you in pants this one the shorts comments funny because they get right in your crotch and your calves are just your th your thighs are just I love that yeah um so you took stem cells I did stem cells for my eye but no I I don't really care to take like um test when I'm older you know you do have beautiful hair thank you oh yeah I would have to sacrifice that no you don't just sacrifice that because of testosterone if I'm injecting it no it's a genetic thing like if you're predisposed like I started losing my hair before anything so you've always had natural high testosterone no I just always had a hairline hair genetics but you obviously have high testosterone right yeah for sure because he injects it no no even prior yeah always had Hive for sure oh you have injected you yeah but but what I'm saying is you admit to that yeah I've talked about it oh that's dope that you do that yeah not like the rock who just acts like he's all natural and years old that's cool I didn't know you did that yeah damn but but the Bradley came out of the closet wow I've been out of the closet though admitted to doing there but it's it's science you know like it's just why not use it to your advantage look at LeBron James you know he spends $2 million a year on his body these are definitely doing it yeah they're just doing it without getting caught they're doing it smarter yeah all the Russians they're all they're they've got caught for Cheating in the Olympics they banned Russia from the Olympics because like everyone of their athletes were on juice something I feel like I feel like it's so much more relevant than like people think yeah in sports and fighting and everything because there's ways to get around the tests right like if you if you do like testosterone can't it just be like your own testosterone is high there's certain compounds you could take that just aren't even being tested for as well wow damn that's how like sarms and pro hormones and all that started originally like those sort of like different versions of like the same thing basically that weren't tested for yeah and then EPO that's something that a lot of people take that makes you like I was thinking about taking that before I did the marathon just get on a bunch of epo you know what that is M UFC fighters get caught taking it cuz it like gives you endless cardio yeah I was going to take it but I'm like I'm doing this for basically a participation medal you know I'd only be cheating myself so I was like what the am I going to take up you know yeah cheating yourself is an interesting concept though probably wake up with a tummy ache because I did something different yeah that's what they say don't change anything race day I'm doing the LA Marathon in two weeks you I actually I'm actually you should do it with me she couldn't pull that off she couldn't pull that off you got a heart you could do it old lady she has a heart doesn't mean it's like going to work for that long old there's old people out there doing it a marathon is not like a crazy feat to do actually I think the term marathon comes from ancient Greece where a guy like had to deliver a message in war times and he went 26 miles and then died that's why it's called like the marathon yeah is that the real story about it I think I heard that [ __ ] too what the [ __ ] you got look up do you look I mean I don't care no I actually want now I think you're I think you're a spot on how did the name Marathon come about it's just this concept's funny now because it just makes you think about people just saying things on the internet and it's just like because you said it's it's true and then someone else hears and they're like that's and let's give him like let's say his name too give him props for starting the [ __ ] especi if he died he gave his life for this race that we're all competing in I just paid the LA Marathon 250 bucks for a ticket to do the race damn you have they make money off that he should be eating off that you know his ancestors his money should be going to the freaks crazy damn I honestly I've thought about doing stuff like that but I think when I get like older and like skinnier like you I'll probably do it older and skinnier like I feel like you can do a marathon though he's calling me should I answer him let me answer it we could put them in the thumbnail here that's a good that's a good thumbnail have Mike in there like he was here the whole hi Mike you want what up sorry Jeff's kind of busy right now him and Brad are like yeah we're browing out bro talking about how much we ha you from Miami yeah swear it's crazy we actually we we've been talking about a lot of wild stuff Mike you would you're GNA love this episode you're GNA love this episode yeah is this is this on momy the mommy and daddy show yeah Mommy and Daddy you got to come on what are your thoughts on Sarah and I you think we're compatible now that you know both of us really well let's break it down two people who both love Fitness care about their bodies sober looking for the best out of life know trying to okay well one of you guys is sober both I'm sober too oh what yeah both looking for the best out of life and by the way both focus on having kids like soon wow wow yeah I say Jeff I say Jeff get it done try to get it done today if you can what do you mean get it done doesn't it take two to get it done of well yeah of course yeah you have to too of course or I could just go I could go like a a SE sample you know off you got to tell her your eye genetics were good before the accident the K after yeah they were it was it was 2020 before I got you know yeah so that crane hit okay I can't I don't want to laugh about I saw culture got their Cloud up I saw Danny Duncan was over there yeah Danny's in there all the time bro getting the clout way up Danny is the best That's My Boy dud I know are is he going to put some mask on or what yeah he's going to get jacked we're going to get him jacked I'm going to come do a workout soon come by Bro you've been saying that Mike you've been you've been saying a lot of things and you're not following up on your words that's you've been saying dude I told I told Jeff just like the hotel room yep oh why don't we get to the bottom of that now cuz you talked all that about me in your video and send all your fans to send me hate messages I don't even have any I only have enemies well whoever the watches your messaged me and they were like yo it's up what you did to Mike he pays for all your get the [ __ ] out of here Mike didn't pay for I paid my way and I left when I wanted to I came there to support you at your thing your your new mainstream job which I'm proud of you that you got proud of you proud of you and I came to support you know and they played me at the hotel they Bradley is sweet I still haven't got my money back for that either yeah wait you room yeah they still haven't paid me yet I'll check on that today had a big ass Brad had the biggest site in yeah exactly and this is also this is also why I got even more mad because it was 400 a.m. they go here you go Mr Bradley here have your suite and then oh Jeff all our rooms are sold out for the night and your reservation was canceled because you showed up after midnight and if you want to rebook we have one secret room hidden that is $900 which is three which what' he say he made a stupid joke he was like at least it's like 26 three times and the math don't even add up it's not even like a like a dude Jeff is that up for real Jeff is funny he made a joke cuz I was big it was [ __ ] up Furious when he said that you think you think Jeff's funny yeah he's funny how funny oh wow pretty funny I told I told Jeff now him and Mike can both have Sarah oh my God yes with no a yeah oh yeah wow that's that's consent no but that's not consent to like have like inter sound like consent to me our yeah yeah got it okay let's go sugar Sean March 9th yeah Su let's go did you see su's last podcast no him and Tim are like Sarah's like sexy but she's just a little bro yeah SAR you can beat me in a push-up contest is the day Jeff will will date you bro I am going to be cranking out push-ups I almost got you at Power slap that's wild it was close it was so close what did it come out to a little bit better too I'm not going to lie my form was better that's yeah he beat you in a push-up con barely barely my form was stop with the twice Jeff is here wait it how many push-ups I think we did like 45 oh that's pretty good do not zoom in on my face Sarah look at him go what I was talking about earlier that's how you get Snapchat going yeah there you go there's Snapchat is good content don't forget your Snapchats today Mike yeah don't forget your Snapchats I hate I love you guys have all right love you bro peace we love you all right guys pardon this Interruption but we just want to let you know that this episode is sponsored by better help um thank you better help for sponsoring this episode we absolutely love love and use better help both of us I need it one more than the other probably me it's definitely me it is you oh man guys listen if You' ever thought about getting some sort of help or some sort of advice outside of like I've talked about this before but outside of like your traditional circle of friends it's always going to be really beneficial because again it's something uh in a situation where you don't want biases from people as far as like what's going on in your life you get someone from outside who's not at all invested or in like truly a part of your life so often times they're going to give you advice that is not kind of leaning one way or the other sometimes in relationship to them right so they're going to give you advice viice that is based on like biased we don't want biased advice we don't want [ __ ] biased advice cuz you got enough of that already in your circle in your life so if you guys want to check it out go to momy Daddy again that's mommy daddy to get 10% off your first month right now let's get back into this podcast you you mentioned a little bit earlier the the you and tana thing is like was ever that at any point she in full-blown relationship I know now but before that was there ever dope I love T he was cool I met him yeah he's perfect for her he's like he puts up with her craziness like balances her out he's super chill deal like puts up with me saying crazy stuff yeah I think when I first saw a video of them together I was like I'll body slam that pineapple head got and then the pineapple head started to catch on and then I was like no no like you know I don't want to give him that nickname because I give people nicknames and they stick like f that's a that's a habit that have like I'll just spit out it's got to just come naturally you know don't it might it'll it it depends which way it goes it might be like a I don't know it might be like Snooks snook it might be like a cute one you know you never know like one time I was in in the car with this photographer I used to work with he was like my shooter back before social media and all that I just knew that I wanted to record like my haircuts and make content and I was on tour with Whiz Khalifa and like all these rappers I used to cut Mac Miller and Big Sean that's dope that's really cool we were in the car following the tour bus going to the next city or whatever and I had the kid drive cuz we were like we're tired wanting to sleep this kid falls asleep at the wheel and does a 360 on the freeway and lands right back in the in the lane and just starts cruising we all wake up and I'm like what the stunt man and that his name was just stunt man for the rest of his life it's just such a cool name too and the kid such like a nice like nerdy kid yeah he could have killed you guys I know he could have killed us but he pulled a Stopman maneuver St forever those are the best I love nerdy kids yeah he was a nice kid but he would just like Disappear With A videos where is he now he was just probably a stunt man now probably fulltime yeah car stunt man like in drive you ever see Drive goling what sick movie that movie's great you probably haden't seen that too young yeah dude that's an old we just aged ourselves yeah damn yeah wow what have you seen yeah what movies are the kids watching these days what's your favorite movie Silence of the Lambs shut the up swear to God that's a classic sh that might even be before your time shut up I don't I don't think I've ever sat through that whole thing there's no way you watch I love it swear to God swear to God it's about cannibalism right yeah yes it's a good movie but besides that I guess I don't really like like I don't watch movies like that do you really don't have like an alltime I don't have an all-time favorite movie actually now that I think about it I love Lion King like that sounds like so who you're me but like the wait did you say that cuz that's the one that's my favorite movie I didn't know that was your favorite movie what the no that is my favorite movie though that is my favor movie but it has it's cuz of the father thing it is see yeah it is w and I would always cry yeah I'm notd I'm not going to admit to that I'm out I don't want to this up I'm sure you guys get shipped pretty hard right shipped shipped I mean it's embarrassing for us to say these words just like just like you and tana yeah never going to Happ happen you know just be grateful that we're able to stay friends and make content together you know like you too yeah like sometimes like he is one of my best friends like I feel like if I had an issue I would go to him yeah yeah or if I need needed something solved or if I needed advice like I would call him or if something like super good happened to me I'd want to like tell him about it yeah that's how Tanana and I are too yeah like the day after she did the award show at the Dolby Theater like where they do the Oscars we did the H3 uh steamy Awards she like got a little too drunk up there and she got cancelled for it like like canell like the fans are upset but you know a thousand people posted on Reddit or something it could it could get to you you know so she was like course having that anxiety the next day The Hangover anxiety and I was like I understood what she was going through cuz I used to drink I know what like and I like just talked her through it and in a week she was fine or actually the next day she was fine I was like just joke around about it make content from that got a little too drunk yeah like if you get a little too drunk and up that's fine because the excuse is you're a little too drunk as long as you don't do anything that terrible yeah you know like I just had Stephen on the show my co-host daddy Steve oh my God he's so funny yeah yeah he's so funny but he got a little too drunk on the show and he kept interrupting around and when I say around like he is a maniac he's a mad man he 10 beers and it was the day before I left to go home for Christmas and we got in a big fight I don't know did you guys see I was like getu out yes I I thought it was like not real bro that was real I I just that's so crazy that you think everything I do is a joke no not everything but but stuff likeu like that I thought like because I I guess how could I get that mad at Stephen yeah yeah well he got me really pissed off and then he said that my relationships with uh my relationship with Mike is fake or something I guess I misinterpreted I was like that's my best friend you [ __ ] get the out I was mad I I I got real mad at him but we went downstairs and we squashed it off camera that's good mhm good I don't even know how I ended up going in that direction what were we talking about I don't even remembering we talking so many things or just goldfish we like I think I got CTE andat it's from it's from getting beat up by SE getting ground and pounded he was just blasting uh yo you're stupid no I got humbled it was it was it was uh definitely I liked it it was fun um did it turn you on did you get did you like getting ground and pounded is hilarious ground and pounded is a wild one did you like it dude that was good that was your best joke since we had a pond dude that was sick yeah that made me I'm proud of you for that one for real yours wow yeah so I got my beat and now I'm gay that's how it goes oh my God the story you told about like someone like sucking the snake venom or something and then you're like and now he's gay I don't that I was like trying to make a joke I trying to come up with a joke as I was I was laughing it was funny that's F that's nice that you think I'm funny I think you're funny too thank you wow it's cute for a woman I'm K I agree I'm kidding there's a lot of funny women out there I think women are equally or even more funnier than men really yeah feminism okay there you go my female audience you guys are hilarious keep those funny comments coming you have a large female audience huh it's 50/50 down the what the Yeah Yeah Yeah I got I got data to back it up that's amazing that's insane yeah it's just cuz you're pretty or what yeah it is well what why would there be the male audience maybe they came from you maybe you got me the guys you're funny you're funny yeah and I'm like a good male influence you know yeah a little crazy but definitely a good influence and you have that dark humor that guys love and you have the looks that the girls cuz cuz originally the audience that you garnered me up will me up the audience you cuz cuz it was like wasn't it like David do well before that initially it was I got put on by um well I was doing the haircut stuff like that's huge Jersey Shore yeah and some other reality shows that I'm not too proud of what was it I'll tell you after the show I do I react to it and it like recirculates like every two years oh bet okay yeah and it comes back up but it's fine um so yeah I was doing the haircut stuff and I was like using Twitter as my form of social media to promote like just me as a barber and like it was like a hype Beast type thing I had a Tumblr blog and all that yeah if you want me to go that deep into it but basically my ex-girlfriend put me on she was a famous actress and like we did content together and then I met Rudy Manus and all those Vine guys and then I was just trapping out of that building 1600 Vine I was just I moved God I remember those days yeah I just got a place there to package weed and [ __ ] back to the barber shop I remember you told me the story and then I see King Batch on a hoverboard with a SpongeBob backpack and he's like filming himself and I'm like what the is going on here and then I met Rudy at the pool and he was like you want some of these edamame chips and I'm like no uh I'm good thanks bro and he goes what are you he said that to you and I was like what you want the chips [ __ ] I was like yo this kid's actually like like like you see these internet like Viner comedians like they're all nerdy and stuff you know like they're super clean online but the fact that he was like so wild to say that to me and like he didn't know if I would have just got up and punched his teeth out yeah and I thought that was dope so then we started hanging out shooting Vines together and it was s we had like our little click it was me and my ex-girlfriend Rudy and his ex-girlfriend and we were like I think I remember seeing some of this stuff yeah it was fun um and then yeah that then Vlog Squad days you know they're all doing Snapchat now that's why like I notic that let them have it you know like let them be there because I just don't want to see their like no no beef with any of the other ones like no of course but I I hear you I just don't want to see it you know and Snapchat's like a good place to go if you want to run away from comments you know like if you got if nobody likes you go to Snapchat you nobody SE com I love the shade it's so funny little yeah and those are the on hurt the most cuz they're like the most well that's real keep running from the truth you can't I love it you can run but you can't hide dude God that's one I always want to talk about look with the eye that you caused I always want to talk about this one dude but I like I'll wait you know it's fine I try to avoid it because it comes up in conversation a lot in those comments when people like this is all he talks about I'm dealing with it every day you know so I avoid it but I I'll talk about it I don't give a it's fun for me you know like if I didn't get to have a little like make content about it you know this is what I do so I have to talk about myself and I'm honest unlike others in this business yeah take their hats off I can't that was an evil ass laugh CU I felt that coming before I BR glasses bro and I didn't I didn't put glasses on I know I resp I respect that cuz I did give you one time for the glasses I remember yeah I was being mean sorry Jee no but the 5050 thing is dope Half Half Men half women it's insane heard of yeah for dudes no dudes have that sh no dudes have that yeah right down the middle definitely not who we were just talking about he's probably all 12-year-old boys yeah the ones he likes Jesus Christ enough with the up jokes dude sorry you guys are twisted you guys sound like Steve will do it in here stop it we're trying to make it feel would come out as just addicted to ging and working out dude get this get this I had a conversation with Steve we'll do it obviously two days ago and I'm not going to lie he was talking to me because I love gambling yeah I love gambling I'm not on the level where he is with gambling like he is so like I don't even want to say the word good but it's insane how like good he is unheard of it's un it's just insane yeah so I'm having this conversation with him and he was gen we were genuinely having this conversation he's up like over all time yeah like he's yes 100% really 100% but also I think part of it is also Dana's help Dana comes in oh yeah yeah well he's because but he's also done favors he done favoring he's won Dana back with with Taylor Luen like 500k at one I saw million do or something right yeah he made no he gave him 500,000 he G I watched Steve go from 10,000 him and Taylor both had 10,000 collectively got within a couple hours 10,000 each to half a million dollars and gave it to pay Dan Mar I left for F1 for two hours came back they turned 20 racks in a 500,000 and paid off Dana's debt paid off a debt so he gets I mean it's like obviously paying off $500,000 for Dana's like nothing but yeah because he does he does stuff like that he gets obviously taken care of but that doesn't mean he's not good at gambling and I don't know if you can be good at gambling but anyways we're having this conversation he's like dude I think you should be become a full-time Gambler like imagine to me imagine a Ser I'm talking about off camera no cam we're having a serious conversation considering like me gambling more no don't I mean that's a ridiculous thing to advise somebody to do it's insane you should go gamble all but here's the thing about Steve here's the thing about Steve though this dude is he's like never wrong with this yeah I'm not saying I'm g go gamble all my money away but he it's like it's weird he's so intuitively always correct it's kind of scary so so okay this is this is delusion what you guys have right now you will lose all your money you will lose the first time you get into it he's gonna lose that's how it works your bad luck will come in and up his street dude I've went in I I but if you really win in like you want to be a professional Gambler like your first day where you commit who knows for you it might work out for me I would I would I know cuz we were gambling we were gambling you I was like this is like me when we're playing but I followed Steve's picks on some sports bets for like a week and I came up 30k really like that last week you did it you wrote them not last week the the week prior or two weeks ago I did it for one week copy his on prize picks right yeah or just copy his like we also do like other just like calls like to a bookie straight bets or whatever they're called you be a bookie you should be a bookie on the side get a sports book maybe Shake people down for money give me your people would respect you and pay you yeah even though you know you you probably have a lot to lose where yeah I probably shouldn't do that like I wouldn't feel threatened by you cuz I know you wouldn't like come attack me because you have too much to lose you know it's all about timing what are you saying like like timing wise or like you gas it be like the timing Mach my yeah like that timing and it just attached to the pump like the right place at the right time you know like if I had a list of people they have to get them at the right place at the right time send change the okay she's always protecting me she's the best U no but serious talk about how would we kill each other yeah no no no not each other I love these anyway do you like his shoes uh personally um he's tapping into the dad energy which I respect feeling that bro the newbies I'm I'm not a fan everyone on the internet since they've seen these they love these shoes interesting I have I have multiple pairs of them I try to get into them I try to you know keep up with the the times is this a thing is this a time I don't want to get aged out I I I fight so hard not to age myself out of things you know like these are more from my era you know Air Maxes yeah that's just Staten Island New York's [ __ ] you know and yeah I just I don't know I saw a picture of myself when I was 15 wearing New Balances but not these ones they were just blue yeah but I was doing it before y you should post that picture be like I've been on top my hair is so embarrassing I have poly D hair oh it's so bad who I want a hairstyle like that I I created it I used to cut paully that [ __ ] hair up yeah that's crazy the Gody boys why did you think that was a good idea it was just a thing bro why'd you get that jacked you know why you think that was a good idea I think I think a lot of people that's a good idea though I don't know a waste of time bro I think it's a good idea the 260 joke is because of the idea yeah yeah yeah you're right no no that's it's it's great for you if you're happy I'm happy you know you know you got hair you got hair products I I don't want to buy it's funny to body shame you guy that's in such great shape you know that I can get away you're also in great shape thank you Sarah thanks it's really sweet wow give her a compliment she you're in great shape she knows that I know that but thank you I've been complimenting her I love this I swear to God Jeff I you should come on more she's the most Smiley she's been since she's been on this podcast in a while that's not true stop the comment section's going to ride that smiling dude they're they're not going to if I didn't say it guaranteed they would say it in the coms comments well I would have L to have you Infiltrate The Bachelor series but unfortunately you didn't make the cut off are you joking damn I there was a literal age cut off I don't want to be getting called what he gets called on the internet I'm not 17 yeah yeah but I I set a rule so that so many other I turn 23 tomorrow okay so then Ambush after you're 23 then just and we'll get you in after your 23 so tomorrow just is your birthday actually tomorrow swear to God it is actually tomorrow you saying it like podcast time like when this episode no my birthday is Tuesday it's tomorrow like my birthday would have passed by the time this goes out oh and I'm doing the episode Wednesday see perfect timing it's meant to be oh damn wild comes in I just turned 23 yeah Synergy game over for you 10 year I want to see these other girls watch the show BR four and a half hours each episode it's a lot what you know are you shooting are you doing this live with H3 yeah oh that's probably good are they coming in real life uh I think at the the main event yeah yeah and then Main Event can be a boxing thing and I'll take they have the consent to that too though I don't think these girls are prepared to do that no means yes okay she's crazy today you just got oh my God okay I'm done I'm done I'm done I'm done sing I really like that you're you're bringing up that as like the final competition though that's dope fight to the death that's how I feel like how everything is cuz like what if it really came down to it like obviously you don't need your girl to fight for you but like what if she needs to fight what if all of a sudden like some guy came got both of your legs they're both broken okay or hit your other ey and yeah no it's a thing it's a real thing and then okay your girl has to step up okay yeah I got you I don't think I want that though I'd rather just get killed remember one time I told Ste I respect that you remember one time I told steiny like oh if you fall asleep in the car don't worry I'll carry you upstairs tuck you in a bed that you can do you could totally do that s would probably he probably fall he would fall asleep on purpose just for you to do that yeah true that's kind of all jokes aside though um what are three qualities you look for in women let's just keep talking steiny let's let's just keep talking steiny Steiny's the type of guy to wear those shoes that have the the lifts that are like built into them you know that brand that sells them I got sponsored by them really you're already tall is that why you're tall no I they shouldn't have sponsor me they should sponsor steiny yeah there you go steiny get a sponsor yeah I had steiny on the barber shop shop uhhuh I had him on the show that you won't come on cuz you're insecure about your hair yes yes yes I put him in a booster seat oh no you didn't and he was like yo come on bro like like but did he stay in the booster seat he played along he's a good he's a good sports yes he is so we do the whole episode and we talk about crazy like I'm trying to get him as uncomfortable as possible yeah like what the show is is what why you don't want to come on is probably because I will play into your insecurities or what the internet says about you and I'll just lean into that I'll be like the haters the hate comments right to your face I'm coming on the show okay dope you said it lot you said I'm coming on the show perfect soon time it's literally it's literally it's it will make you be Eminem an eight mile when he's like when he when they do the coin toss he's like I'll go first and he says everything to you and then it's like what can you say about me I just laughed at all that and I'm bald you know dropped the mic M I'm coming on yeah yeah you'll Crush everyone and they got nothing to say about you except that you'll lose fights to professional fighters yeah that's fine I'm I'm us that yeah that's normal yeah all right what was any more about steiny I had a question you totally dodged it I said what are three qualities you look for in a woman like the 10 contestants that you do have all jokes aside what do you look for the women fear you dude um Jeff I think sometimes I don't know why I your comedy I swear to God jealous or do they get like intimidated by you um Brad what do you think I think this is a better question dod's question is hilarious Yo you're good dude you're good um as far as what women being fear me intimidated or are they jealous cuz you get hate from some girls they're like uh like girls shouldn't like work out like this or something oh yeah you got a lot of that wasn't that like a viral thing at one point yeah can suck for all yeah like she's too masculine or too built or whatever that was the whole thing and I'm like you're not I'm not even that big you I mean that's the thing with the fitness things like you photograph like it's an illusion you photograph way differently than like you just really are [ __ ] you look like a hamster shut the up kind of hurt her feelings I think though take care of your child the I was talking I know what you're talking about the Twitter the Twitter I didn't I don't know Mike just told me this Mike when he was coming to film with you guys like a few months ago he was like Sarah is getting bullied online right now so I'm going to I guess bully you more or or whatever he did in that video he he was nice I say my name good at what Sarah yeah Sarah Sarah Sarah is Sparks right here dude but yeah that we're not going to be friends that girl can like eat a you know like from uh Wolf of Wall Street you want to be friends the movie references he's good you never watched Wolf of Wall Street I did I did I've watched that you know the scene when it's he's with margar Robbie obviously it's Leo and his wife oh no he he's cheating on his wife with Marg Robie yeah and I think he I'm G to butcher it but I think he's like you want to be friends and she's like we're not going to be friends know that's this right now can you think you can be friends with a girl can you say that you think we're gonna be friends you think we're gonna be friends I was giving you the chance to say the line but no you don't want to do it you don't want to do it it's all right I can't shy she is shy I think you can be friends with a girl because we've proven it and him and T have proven it yeah yeah but but it's like a different relationship like business it's a business type of relationship but also you become like friendly with the person if it wasn't related to cont cont at all do you think you could be friends with a girl strictly friends with a girl yeah for sure yeah I think so do you think girls can be friends with guys I have other girls that aren't in my content that I'm friends with yeah that are lesbian well that's there you go he's asking can you be friends with a straight woman um that's not business related yeah I don't if tana and I didn't do together business wise I'd still be friends with her I think yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah I could why if you guys didn't if you weren't getting uh Team 10 50% of her money I don't get money he get zero oh that's this is real friendship right here yeah what yeah put it on for real and I didn't take nothing dope because I know you got [ __ ] over by somebody one time and now you're just like you know what let's just yeah just do you yeah definitely got that's what I'm saying but she's the one person that like I actually put on and it it it also gave back to me it wasn't like I just need money from her like the other people that I put on who eventually me over mhm there was no there wasn't like they were giving me anything back like she's gone above and beyond and like she's gotten more out of like like guess her career whatever you want to call it content and she always kind of like gives back you know she's always helpful she's always like she's not just like a person who's like thanks go yourself I'm doing this now with these people now so like yeah she's like consistent with like the reciprocation of it I try to always think about him but but that's because I care about him like I want to see him how you two meet oh you go ahead you tell him you tell the story I I was I filmed a a piece of content where uh I think it was Diego at the time because it was a bit where it was like joking that like I don't have a gym crush and he he did this thing where like he's with this girl and I'm like ah and then I posted it and then I was like when I posted it to get like traction on the story I was like need a gym partner like looking for a gym partner and she messaged me with like she had like no follow follow like a th followers she me follow right like right no um she was like she was like oh I'll do it like she put like I think it was like a hand I don't even know what it was maybe a hand emoji or something and then I dm' her said come work out and then I met her and she cuz like I also looked at her page and was like oh she like is really into working out just cuz I could look I saw but she's not like doing no she wasn't shates nothing no POS and nothing have you ever tried Pilates no she was full on like a you you would piss them off if you went into that gym we should do it for a bit Yeah pilat but Pilates is hard it's hard it actually is hard imagine they smoke you in Fitness and it's like my ego model and stuff yeah you're going to just wreck the whole place break the machines so yeah she messaged me and was like yeah uh I'll do it and I said come and cuz I was looking at her page I was like well she's really in shape I don't know why she doesn't post more then when I met her worked out with her I was like she actually has like a really good personality for the internet cuz obviously I've been doing it for so many years it's easy to identify like oh this person could do it so I was telling her like why don't you post and she was like no I don't really do that like I'm way more into school I don't really want to and then like I was kind of like no you should do it like you'd be really good at it did you drop out of school nope she finished it wow and then I finished it and then I got my Master's no way she's she's smart for what business Masters in Business undergrad was in Psych with business minor she's a really good business partner to be honest yeah at this point now w we own this it's not like this is just mine and she's here yeah it's ours you know so like I said this is It's there's certain people that like they just take yeah and then like it's always the ones who just take who are like oh that person didn't do enough for me it's like cuz they just took took took and then when they felt like maybe they didn't get as much as they wanted in the moment they're just they turn and they treat you like a piece of she never just took she took she took but then she kept giving too so I was like oh this is like the perfect person and we have obviously good Synergy and content I'm like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah that's great know you guys got lucky meeting each other yeah he really did put me on for real yeah cool that's cool that really is cool honestly I had no idea I figured it was like a team 10 type of thing cuz I just cuz I heard the last time but yeah that's how I'm with my crew too I mean everybody obviously I pay everyone even the characters that just yeah around I pay like Talent rates but I just know from history of like being in gr like groups that getting paid in exposure is like a it's not a real thing you know like yeah I guess it can be but it just doesn't seem morally right like I I want to make sure everybody's getting at least money to eat and gas and rent you know like it might not be the most I'm paying my my guy like my editors and [ __ ] are compensated well but yeah no but it's a very thoughtful thing you're doing and you learned it from experience yeah which is great Stephen again my co-host daddy St hilarious on Tik Tok and everything uh one time he pissed in his own mouth on the show and that's like the Wild Card thing I was talking about you know he do crazy crazy stuff and then one time his dad called into the show and he goes hey Steve I see what you're doing out there in LA I thought I'd try it out look pretty cool man and then he his dad piss in his own mouth you're ly you're lying yeah way it was so it it was the best moment of Jeff FM history it's number one like I If that if I had to call out any moment it was that I've never laughed so hard you're lying that's not real it was so funny like father like son Father Like Son yeah yeah there's no way that had to be set up bro he Dad it was it wasn't set up no it was real holy they're nuts but that makes him so much more like funny that's so entertaining the fact that his dad did that [ __ ] too just like solidifies that character yeah is so good yeah damn dude she's done that once too yeah yeah then pod crazy she like sat laid down right here yeah and did it we we didn't put it in though we're like it's too inappropriate yeah different shows different yeah trying to get that only fans bag this is what we what I said yeah trying to get that only fans bag dirty money so you won't do it you won't do o or depends is Brad gonna force me and take 30% yeah and then you just and then you leave and you're like is that where you start cutting in your percentage no I would even if I made one I he wouldn't take a percent but I'd be dead before I ever made one anyways so that's like not going to happen why Integrity is are you worried about your future with children knowing that you have nudes out dude I'm worried about my future for my own mental health that's so degrading I can I say that say whatever you want yeah like not degrading but I think for me for like it's not a it's not like if another girl's going to do it I'm not going to be like oh you're dirty but it's like for me with myself and like maybe my upbringing and like family and stuff I just yeah I'm not going to for sure yeah I I respect that then you could say that don't feel like you can't say like that like sure in the future I would also hate like if my kid someone had to ever bring that up to my kid that would also be terrible I would feel so guilty for that but my content right now already is I mean I try to make it respectable but obviously I make inappropriate jokes and I post like pictures of me and sports braas but like you have to draw the line somewhere yeah I don't know sporty would you ever do that only fans no yeah no did you ever oh I guess you didn't you weren't hip on the Drake thing but would you ever leak your dick would I ever leak my dick no I I've always been very like the Drake thing you know careful with like the guy we were talking about earlier that's insane to me especially because he's like just starting out or maybe he's been doing it for a while or he's just been blowing I've been seeing a lot more of him recently but when I first started getting a little bit of notoriety I like got so scared to talk to any girls cuz I was like they're going to try to expose you I'm going to ruin my career over what you know so girls are yeah I just didn't want to take any chances not that I was not that I'm like a weirdo or I would do anything bad I just like avoid it I don't want I don't want to risk any screenshots of DMS going around like look at this loser DM yeah yeah I get you cuz he's in the Vlog Squad he thinks you could that [ __ ] would crush me yeah I don't know maybe we just uh have very high standards you and I maybe yeah wow similarities yeah still going morals yeah are you religious no not really I think I should be maybe I'd be happier if I was do you think is the best religion oh you're genuinely I don't think there's no no let me finish this I don't know for me it's I don't have knowledge about any of the religion this stop it's a fake question I wasn't going to say a religion but I think regardless if you believe in something bigger than yourself yeah it's great like regardless of what you're believing in I don't think it matters like for me if someone tells me like oh they're Jewish or like they're Muslim or they're Christian like it's doesn't change my perspective of them but I'm like respect that you believe in something bigger than this and yourself yeah yeah sounds like something Hitler would say no stop cool like you didn't have to answer it it was just a joke you know was one of those sounds like something Hitler would say I no I I just I felt bad asking it and then it was cute how you tried to like give a real a real response but no I agree with you there it's true you know something outside of yourself bigger than yourself dude you need to take me with you next time you go training where where you go you said you I don't know where you go but you went you said you were sparring with like whiz khif or whatever oh yeah yeah at uh that's unbreakable in Hollywood but whether or not cameras or not I want to go do that and we said in Vegas don't know cameras just train just I know so like let's like let me know they would love to have you in there too and I went out the day after sneako sparred strick linen got beat up in the pi yeah I went there the next day cuz I'm friends with his uh grappling coach Jason Manley this guy's like a legend in the UFC Strickland's coach yeah you met him he came up to you the the black dude he was like he was something about you being 260 and he showed me the video I was like yeah you got to post that that'll be funny um but I so I went in there and I was grappling with him and he was just toying with me you know like he's looking at the camera as he's like choking me out and but um yeah it was funny that we we uh like we went in there the next day I what I was talking about what did I no I want to go do that oh yeah so I could take you there we could go to the pi they would love to have you there or if you just come to this gym over here they would you know they they'd be hyped to see you CU you've made a name for yourself in the MMA Community I know you know like you ever watch those like MMA gossip like channels like MMA on point and stuff like they yeah yeah those like rabbit holes I go down those and then I'll see like you in him and it's cool you know that's dope yeah yeah it is pretty cool that they love on me you're grown up I like it though it's fun yeah respect you got to do a fight though eventually I know I want I want to fight Logan Mr impulsive in what MMA you want to fight Logan in MMA really I'd love to he's got really good grappling though and he does train Jitsu yeah don't sleep on that like just cuz he's not posting about it he's he's good and that takes time time like even me training right now for what we do like podcasting Logan not even really like he does WWE which is like kind of goes hand in hand with I want to do that I want to do he's great at that what if he frog splashes you what if how do you defend against that to catch him yeah SP okay that's yeah that's good that's I guess that's you know we got to work on some technique I think you go in the gym and just train for like 6 months never post anything from it and then you know how you know I haven't he h he does train oh yeah he does so you've been doing this already yeah yeah I could see that I could see you doing some like that did you just put mats in um Zoo culture Zoo culture yeah we're fighting tomorrow oh he said the only way Jeff would come on this podcast is if you two fight my Cals are too sore right now from getting leg kicked I would need another week okay that's fine we'll wait of recovery actually two days let's roll some soon though okay how about this I come by the gym one day this week as a tradeoff for my appearance here on this on this show here yeah even though it was a you know favorite for Sarah thank you but I want you to pay it back with just put me through your types of workouts okay and then I'll put you through some of mine like I'll pick three you pick three yeah and then we'll see like we could have like a tally up system like how you know who's actually a better athlete who's oh this is good yeah okay you gonna get me on the cardio though I'll get you on a lot of the cardio you'll get me lifting anything but also if it's a calisthenic like if it's pull-ups I could probably beat you I think oh really how many can you do Straight a lot more than 25 probably 25 yeah I could beat you in that then what about muscle ups I could probably only do like five straight now I haven't been doing them dude this is going to be good yeah I can do a lot of those muscleups you can do a lot of yeah yeah I haven't been doing them I wish I prepared for this it's okay we'll pick we'll pick muscleups I'll pick that for sure damn you're going to smoke me and I'm probably tear my neck muscle and I'll be turning like this for a week no I'm down though let's do it all right but I also just want to like even just go to that gym with you and just around off camera this is at your gym I'm going to your gym or you want to come to Unbreakable cuz I don't well I want to go to Unbreakable and actually just like roll I don't think we roll up there with cameras and all that sh because if even if we do anything at zoo everyone's like this yeah that's GNA just turn into that real quick yeah yeah yeah so it's already live the video's out before it even comes out yeah it'll be on someone Snapchat all over damn my Snapchat yeah yeah probably mine um you should do some Jiu-Jitsu too I'd be down I I want to I've done boxing a little bit before I just want to know that if I go out and like a girl process me I could knock her out yeah that's good but also with Jiu Jitsu you can like disarm somebody like you can shut them down without even hurting them like you could gracefully just make somebody be like okay I'm humbled I'll stop I'll stop yeah I want to do that I'd be so there's really cool like chokes and stuff that girls can learn and they're not that hard like you pick them up in a few classes and you could use there's ghee classes and there's no ghee so the ghee is like the karate outfit and you use that to strangle people you use the belt you could pull their belt off and wrap it around their neck and strangle them with their belt it's a real thing like in the ghee competitions is way harder than nogee for sure uh it's it's different yeah it's definitely like if you don't know how to use the ghee you're going well I'd want to do nogee because if you're out and about no one's wearing a ghee well close well yeah like say you have a hoodie on that's kind of like I I pulled somebody's hoodie down hitting him like six months ago some kid tried to troll me with his phone out he's like yo what what's it like to one eye I swear wait what he say he was like what's it like to have one eye he came up to me then you know yeah are you serious yeah yes I'm dumbass you know what's [ __ ] do you think like yeah it's just unnecessary yeah what's what do you think's going to happen here it was it was here he said what it's like to have one eye yeah so I I grabbed the I grabbed the phone and uh that's crazy and um yeah grabbed his hoodie and it's it's not like that much of a Jiu-Jitsu move you know you just grab the hoodie it's like old old school [ __ ] street fighting trick and uh then I had to get out of there you know because it's like you know how Kanye always gets caught up with like the paparazzi yeah and I was like I'm gonna have one of those videos out now like me getting mad and like going after him yeah so I I I just had to take off before the cops came and like they started chasing me now down Sunset and I'm like I'll do this all day I just did New York City marathon like my training is crazy like you want to chase me on foot let's go like I'll do that with anybody all day so I was like I hit my Pace my stride was like a six minute mile and I'm just cruising I turn around back foot like going backwards and I'm like yeah what it like to have one eye yeah yeah that was nice because it was like one of those haters in real life that's rare though so rare but he was genuine he said he was actually like trolling like for real trolling you yeah that's just weird though yeah and I was by myself I was literally by myself I was in a weed dispensary too I was buying weed you have one of those stupid smoke weed yeah a lot no just to come up with funny jokes that's it damn little bit at night some Goofs maybe come with stop touching the lamp you keep going my audio quality yeah sorry sorry my bad um what was I was ask little just a little bit of the devil's lettuce to come up with some silly Goofs but go I was going to ask you about we were talk talking about Logan Paul thing the impulsive what is that like setup with you and impulsive are you still like consistently on the show or that I think I'm like you with nek I think they just bring me in when they like feel like it you know hand off the lamp sorry mommy daddy mommy daddy talk so sorry go ahead yeah I just come in when they ask you know yeah so they haven't been asking no I just been busy I've been doing a bunch of over here and also that time I was supposed to record was the hotel situation got it sh in Miami with I think it was Rick Ross or somebody they had the next thing going episode he was at the thing too yeah that's why Mike was even more mad because it like I also bailed on impulsive technically you know I got it so it's kind ofed up to do that but bro you don't see like I'm there 4:00 a.m. I literally came there just to be there for your thing you know that's it that's the only reason I came there yeah and we went out we had Waffle House after yeah cool I got my fix I was in Miami for eight hours and I was like all right back to LA I'm not going to get this hotel room this guy's going make jokes mock me say oh this is your hotel price is Bradley's weight times six that's how much oh real funny bro I'm out this place all you guys I got a temper and I don't complain I just leave that's what I do now I used to I used to snap out and I used to like break or like yell at people and now I just leave I go by like I'll go be by myself or something and just breathe breathing exercises whim Hof stuff like that he went for a run he the next day he's like get home for a run oh I did a half marathon yeah wow that was with like two hours of sleep from that night so I went I got another hotel on hotels tonight the app and the same happened they're like it's after midnight you booked this for yesterday I'm like you mother I'm gonna go nuts so I go walk into the good time one with cash I'm like just please give me a place to stay and they finally got me a room and then I slept for a few hours and then I just woke up and I was like got to go go for a run go get a half marathon in I got to run more yeah I love that when I wake up and I'm just like yeah it's feeling like a half marathon type day that's you've never done that know sometimes never it's just like it's just Mindless like yeah right you it's like meditation for me because you don't have to think when you know your pace and you get like like I know I'll look at my heart rate I check if I'm going a little too much if I'm trying to hit 13 miles I know I got to like restrict myself from you know a Kanye song might come on and then I get the [ __ ] up to 190 and it's like yeah you got you got nine miles left bro you know like take it easy I experienced the same thing yeah I know my stuff but working out lifting weights I think may be somewhat similar but if you do Jiu-Jitsu you got that's like you're in school and if you miss like what the teacher said then you're going to get [ __ ] up you know so you got to like be paying attention you got to be present mentally and physically yeah that's why I think you would really you guys would really like doing Jiu-Jitsu you might I love Jiu-Jitsu it's fun yeah my little six-year-old niece she just won a competition she's in Kentucky oh that's dope yeah your sister's yeah my sister's a purple belt and she put her in chitsu like from birth basically that's dope though for I feel like that's important for girls to have training like that yeah I think for anyone anyone just do more like that yeah she beat up the boys too yeah and she's tiny she's 40 pounds did you see the stuff about Kanye speaking to Kanye the whole Adidas like suing him again and he he's like he was just on his Instagram like today being like don't bu these new shoes yeah yeah that's why I didn't wear Adidas today I got to support my boy I thought I I thought they had sorted all that I thought they had too and then he came out today and was like yo they're trying to release these shoes I didn't they're not trying to pay me and they're suing me yeah just crazy yeah it makes sense crazy because it's his name like the shoes are Yeezys look at your relationship with young La imagine they start selling says Bradley Martin on it well that's what they did for eight years they just switched the logo around um what else what else this is a great podcast my Bo here my rides here I got to wrap it up The Vibes were good you were falling in love like that was crazy I wasn't falling in love a little bit a little bit I think you like his hair you know I respect that no I think I think he's a dope person no he's dope as I he's a little crazy I why you're so successful you don't see the crazy side of him yet though you won't see it she sees it she likes I pick up a little bit of the craziness in her too but you know I'm also a little crazy yeah that's fair and it balances you two out yeah yeah cuz he's really good at handling crazy yeah I am he the most that comes with age you know like I was saying I used to be a hotthead and now I'm still a hote head I just manage it better yeah yeah well dude it's been a pleasure I'm glad thank so much come do the hair thing for you yeah I'm always down to come on you know six time I'm on this show or this is a different show but been on the show 10 times I love when he's on my show yeah no we appreciate you coming on seriously thank you for taking the time to come here well it was a pleasure it was great to meet you finally in person this was amazing Brad I'm happy you opened up about everything today yeah thank you man appreciate it got I hit that up my chest you know Let it go we'll don't edit that out bro leave that in which part everything the steroid use the hair Securities the pedophile stuff I don't care it's I don't care it's funny pedophile stuff was good that's insane but I'll leave it in I don't care yeah it's all just it's all just goop bro you know yeah we're just messing around having a good time this is is fun I think we're on to something here let's do more um filming and stuff together and weightlifting and meal prepping I can't be cooking my own turkey anymore ground turkey and Jiu-Jitsu yeah yeah more to come whenever you want whenever you want I'll take you to my gym and I'll be I'll be over at uh Zoo this week I guess yeah all the influencers in there so many dude it's cool that you have a hub like for all these people to come I missed when I had a barber shop cuz it was like a place that everybody would come and like you just yeah you have would have access to off the street like vaccine cards come out like the fake vaccine like they're selling them out of barber shops like you just get your hands on anything back then you know yeah so I'm sure at the gym feels steroids whatever you need fake sneakers or designer bags or whatever prob we could find she definitely plug for those she's got the plug for that bootleg DVDs movies yep yeah [ __ ] like that you got it all there I got to get down there I gotta get a barber shop too maybe we'll collab on one right next door a little there is a spot there is a spot is there really I swear to God yeah I'm G have to cut this if we're really going to do it I would do it I'll invest in it leave it in tell us if we should do it I'll do it I'll invest it straight up together and I do a barber shop and then I'll take Bradley to Turkey get the surgery we come back you have the sickest hairline I can line that up perfect you know like like uh like Jamie Fox has like that small forehead you know like Jamie Fox's hairline perfect you give me a better forehead too [ __ ] you're going to have a tiny little forehead it's going to be a little square like this wow my dream dream come true oh my God bro I had a big forehead forever which sucks anyways bro but actually talking genuinely about the gym space and the barber thing because I was going to open a gym in Vegas and I was I was thinking about having like an actual barber shop in it but at in Vegas you want to do it in Vegas I'm going to open a gym in Vegas that's going to happen Okay um but this spot here in La let's end the show cuz this is I have to go pee all thank you guys please pleas like comment and subscribe um thank you Jeff Whit for coming on his handle is Jeff on Instagram jeffm podcast check it out um thank you Jeff thank you Bradley we love you guys like comment subscribe and we'll see you next week yeah
Channel: Mommy Daddy Talk
Views: 261,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 11jSWnKfcwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 36sec (5136 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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