LARGEST BOSS ENCOUNTER in RETURNAL PS5 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 7 (PlayStation 5)

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all right guys here we go welcome back another part of eternal i'm not sure what part number we're actually on my goal is to finish this game but i know that uh it is not easy it is definitely a challenging type of game and uh this video definitely proves that so uh anyways love you all thanks for likes you want more of this game just keep it up let's get it guys all right guys i have my controller charging finally uh low low battery at that last little section so uh i'm using the longest usbc cord i could find which was my one for my macbook it's like it's so ridiculous right now you should see my setup uh and i'm using my desk to charge it okay this just looks wait it's about to be a boss fight like on a bridge or something hold on i mean we're going the right way let's go baby a little bit nervous all so excited the only thing i will say is if i get wiped out anytime soon crossing the bridge proceeding towards the tower broadcasting white shadow if i get wiped out and lose everything i feel like the things i'm actually learning let me show you really quick i guess it's under tutorials now the melee uh well that's hopefully i still keep the grapple hook hold on permanent equipment there it is okay i just oh i did read where there's a bunch of different houses in the game but you kind of have to traverse through each thing so i kind of like right now i'm sticking to the critical path uh it's also kind of a i guess a linear aspect of it i'm guessing once you have a house key you can get to any house but i'm not really wanting to explore too much i kind of want to just beat the game if i can and then explore okay why is it looking like i need to okay everything's good so far i was so goddamn close this time if helios wasn't broken we could prepare a strategy the fact that his database retains my scans after each return it's like he transcends time and space i can't even tell what's real anymore the endless fall the giant with the face of flames i always survive the shockwave and then die immediately afterwards all right i'm going to say right now if this area is a boss fight which doesn't look like it is looks like you go up gotta go all the way to the top of this area and then we can get there okay yeah i have a lot of enemies in this section here we go already see some red oh it's one of these hive mind defended by the automatons they would have been slaughtered without support i see that okay there we go at the enemy just kept running away from me so we're basically scaling this tower i guess it's a broadcast towers technically apex of the entire city the journey's almost over astra i'll find a way to contact you what is this like icon hold on what's the legend say about this thing as xeno archive oh that's the thing hold on let me go back down there i have some of that stuff to put in let's get this wall or maybe this is just this thing i didn't finish it that's why here's the other part again that wrapping what were this ever trying to say no one was listening okay that was three and two obviously one is probably the last one here now tearing apart buildings not other life forms perhaps an indication of complex thought and expression of simply madness okay we got him ladies and gentlemen we go all right let's keep it going having a lot of fun with this game thank you guys again i know i've been saying thank you a lot just for you know watching me struggle i guess uh this is like all right if i do this am i gonna get this is just not it hold on let me rethink this really quick what you gotta be kidding i gotta go for it i gotta go four guys the sooner i get there the better did not want to do that but that was kind of rough to be honest we got another little spot up here a lot of hidden things in this area now it says there's something back is it the same level as me hold on little question mark there maybe it's around the corner right here this is gonna have some major drawback no thanks okay uh i didn't know that was gonna put me right there all right um this is just a lot of traps okay so this is kind of what this area is gonna be about what it seems to be about weapon proficiency i'll take it so we're at 10 right now let me double check yeah proficiencies at 10 my adrenaline is a thing on the bottom i don't know why i've kept saying this proficiency adrenaline goes to 5.0 but that also increases a lot of other stuff so uh weapon damage all cool down everything yeah so my proficiency being at 10 i think i've had them backwards the whole game what's that about that all right let's see now how do i it seems like it goes further down doesn't it i don't quite know like where to turn this off at these lasers do a lot of damage i'm going for it i see there's like something i can shoot maybe i don't know i don't think i can just go through there i kind of want to just dash through it but at the same time i don't think i can okay i can nice i'm a little bit nervous i really need these oh it's a gradual move okay oh that was a waste man uh that i literally wasted my time right there that was such a bummer all right um there is a lot of light i mean the ways you could die in this area just seem to be stacking up the enemies it's like they're really tanky at a certain point oh boy that's below me i know what i gotta do here i'm actually surprised i kind of dashed a little early there and it still kind of said and we'll give it to him um xenotech gates there's like three of them i want to get the one above me that's like got some help in it maybe yeah right above me there's some health so i'll try to figure a way to get up there okay this is something i don't have yet there's a few sections in the game that i've seen this type maybe this is the second time i've ever seen it you can't break that wall so i don't know what it is just yet we got a bunch of enemies up here uh spoiled don't want to do that oh my god that sound is so scary oh look at it no it's like uh have you guys seen the movie cabin in the woods because if you have think about this the it's like the merman merman merman only think i'm saying that right the merman uh yeah it like crawls that guy at the end that's what that's what reminds me of yeah look at it that's so cool i mean it's scary but it's like it's kind of cool i guess it's kind of moving kind of quick though kind of got me messed up a little bit i feel like to dodge them you just have to we got a lot of enemies up here guys i know some health back down there too that i could definitely use always one of those big guys health is up here though probably the first time i've actually had frame drop a little bit i don't know like can they get up here that'd be insane if they can really gonna hide just shoot them from up here go so many how's it going i will do this all day long believe me lead him out a little bit doing a little bit of damage all right proficiency to 11 now it's like i'm i'm getting damage numbers they're extremely fast we got another one yeah i mean this is perfect because i don't have to worry about anything and even when they die they do like that wave but it's all on the grounds that this is like the perfect weapon for this too because it kind of tracks just ever so slightly we're not done yet let's see what kind of weapon we got which i really don't want to get rid of oh it's a launcher kill sight what does that do i'm curious i don't know about that guys doesn't track as much as i would like that was kind of intense i'm not gonna lie uh oh it's a consumable yeah so i guess i bet that thing i just didn't pick up would actually give me a uh armor piercing or something i didn't even look so i popped this right there we go nice that is so i like that a lot it's like essentially getting free health well let me just make sure we're good if i need to run forward i will i don't mind these enemies but all right what we got here oh the spike thing i heard about this i didn't hear about it actually i got it one time when i was messing around it's not like a new thing the origin of the broadcast signal i don't like the origin of anything in this game it seems like scout log let's go these recorded logs will be psych evaluated but that isn't why i'm hesitant to return to my life the idea of waking up to routine gym coffee books interacting with people sleeping rarely dreaming it sounds so alien now i sound she sounds like she's losing focus all right let me go check this thing out i don't know what this is but here we go oh you need a data cube for that anyways oh the the door is just above me okay this is a vault thing is i don't quite remember what vault's doing this game if anything in fact we got two of these here is kind of cool cypher's collected 17 out of 20. i wonder like i'm actually curious do you guys think it adds more entertainment value to these videos the fact that if i die at any minute i go to the beginning of the game like it stresses me out but i wonder if it makes it like more fun to watch we got here uh hold on action recorded i can't really do anything anyways okay whatever this is we're going in if it's another boss fight already then it looks like it could be hold on um this is looking looking kind of dangerous what is the truth behind white shadow why do you repeat my buried past how can you know out here in the void there's a weapon here my wondering is it's probably gonna it's a sidearm vertical barrage bonus damage is sky high though let me try this out i mean should i use this the damage is high versus this i don't i just i can't get rid of this this thing is just too much i know a pistol is good when you get all that stuff on it but i okay here's what i'm thinking about doing call me a pansy uh i have 341 of that oba lights or whatever it's called i thought this is about to be a boss fight i only have one chance at this i am considering teleporting back spending whatever i have to get one of those large uh healing things whether or not that's gonna be beneficial i'm pretty sure it will be um now we can go down there or let's go to one that has that stuff next to it i think that's the single one so not there no for that as well hold on we gotta go to the fabricator none of these are that um i need something though the fabricators right there but it i don't feel like this is uh i'm not gonna worry about it it is what it is i do this is definitely gonna be a boss fight though what is oh that's the i don't want to use this i didn't mean to do that that's pretty cool though okay i used one of the two not what i wanted to do but i'll take it yeah i just feel like okay i have the thing on my suit where the or the artifact where i can get my health back up a little bit and i have the uh the astronaut figure thing the other artifact that's gonna replenish me here we go man uh oh dear what am i even shooting at am i shooting like oh down there okay this is gonna be tough like all the thing i have the spikes or whatever do like nothing this thing is called nemesis that's pretty awesome each thing does a different ability to i feel like the pistol would oh we got two it's gonna be rough oh my god first wave down not celebrating yet we got a long way to go we don't know what's gonna happen oh no oh my god guys it's safe to stand here oh we can latch on we're gonna have to jump from platform to platform 100 percent i too far away i might be too far away be honest oh so i can kind of see like the fire lasts a little while oh man i gotta be cautious here come on integrity please go back up go back up slowly which i'll take more than anything i'm so kind of go side to side oh my god okay i don't know this is really tough [Music] i like these big platforms but they obviously are uh i don't i think i'm not doing any damage really oh no this is just so much stuff going on no oh no that might be it no i can't grab anything my integrity might save me here no that was it man that was uh i was having a good run man really good run i'm i'm curious i okay i kind of figured hey if i don't beat the boss give up worst case i want to see like how hard it is to get back to the other area now uh scout fog that is brutal really brutal helios is entirely broken and i must abandon hope for him initially i thought to merge his systems with those of the sentients because maybe these machines would fix him the brightest minds on the mothership couldn't fathom this so i can't save him he's gonna die and i'll be alone well you know what we have the new ability still let me see the grapple yeah it's still there so that is that is brutal the objective still to take down nemesis but i'll kind of show you how it all works now i guess which i've shown this before area lockdown oh we got imagine dying oh wait so look at i just realized something i just realized this this enemy right here this thing is kind of blocking everybody from taking damage it's almost like the beginning of the game didn't have certain things like that weapon i also unlocked in the new area now i can get that but also some of the enemies i was actually worried about to do a double double death right there whatever there's nothing i don't think i could really done anything different to be honest like those platforms it's almost what i'd like to do is figure out because it seemed like i wasn't really shooting the right spot maybe i just want to see how hard it is to get back to where i was like because look how like far you have to go to get to that objective um wait wait the actual maybe the right over here is it let me check or maybe it's up somewhere oh let me double check this go up here and go to this door yeah yeah my thing is i don't know if it's gonna take me to the i gotta go through two areas to get back there i think yeah because this is only gonna take me to the other spot it's not gonna take me to the third one i'm pretty sure oh wow okay so yeah i got to do two planets yeah so i that's strange because in order for me to get back to where i was i literally have to do everything i did before i'm curious like to get back to that point i guess you could just keep running through everything as long as it's not one of those uh lockdown areas you know what i mean enemies out here oh these are those things that will detonate anyways okay see this is something i wanted to show you guys so like we didn't have this earlier so i wonder if like maybe that'll make things a lot easier let me get this i mean i think it's going to make things easier but easier but i don't think it will honestly it's like sometimes it feels like it might it's just like a i don't know what this is i'm running for it i actually feel like getting back to that last area it's gonna take me a while definitely gonna do some transitioning this might even be the end of the video for now but we got to see the third boss nemesis we got the grapple thing earlier on i mean it's been cool i might just try to run for it to be honest the worst thing they can just shoot me in the back and i can take a few hits [Music] okay i just wonder maybe just like run past everything it's like while i would like to think that oh it's maybe better to fight it all it's like it also feels like maybe just run for it i don't know man i might actually fight and we're getting chased from behind as well let me pop this see it's like a brand new item all of a sudden don't know what it does fix is all malfunctions it's consumable so we'll have that going forward now this is the area where i fight that thing but i also don't think i'll yep i'll have to still okay certain enemies just are there i guess oh these are those fat things hold on these things are scary because when they get near you they make that loud screeching sounds so ultimately i have to get back to that one point where i was about to fight the boss right here that right there oh my god you just gotta with this game i feel like you just got to be patient figuring out boss fights so is the one thing i will get stuck at occasionally uh granted i don't think it'll be too bad i think maybe i'll have some moments where i'm like i don't know what am i supposed to do but i i don't know ultimately i think it'll be fine i think just kind of have to pick your poison and not overdo it i'm going to stop here in a second i just want to just kind of i want to see how fast i can at least get back to the third area the only thing is i just realized i got to go through all those jump puzzles again which was not it all right this is the right door the other door is like a challenge type area or whatever i actually see if i can get there quickly that's not the right way hold on door's over here if there's enemies i'll just try to avoid them rushing also might get me killed we'll see worst case scenario i haven't really lost much uh this way if it says area lockdown that's my only worry we got two health things right here we pick up two of these it'll it'll hold me a little bit hold on we just gotta what is this i don't think i have enough for anything really not having the astronaut thing really is gonna bite because i i like that a lot being able to yeah let me just i'm gonna be i'm gonna actually fight for a second worst case if i die what i'll do is uh just cut to me getting where i need to be in the last i don't know how i'm gonna do it i might just like transition i might just start from the beginning i don't even know anymore because it's like either way uh it's gonna be rough i actually get to the third portal and then stop for a little bit take a break maybe have some dinner we'll see now this see how this wasn't here last time this is like what i'm nervous about because it's like not everything should be the same this is locked off isn't it dash disabled wait in here oh my god no it's like a whole different type of enemy what a different type it's like like the area is completely different malfunction hosta i'm gonna die 100 percent this is just supposed to be like this yeah you it's basically like this things moving around you got stuff you got to worry about all over like that was unnecessarily hard for no no reason no reason at all this is why that artifact i had was really really good because i could dash yeah i don't know killed here any second now i have no health one thing i wish you could do was just like transform the the extra health essentially i gotta run for it i don't know what else to do it's too many up it is way too crowded out here they're gonna chase me too dude there's enemies all over this place i'm out here yo yeah this is kind of what you have to do i guess just run for it that's so funny i think i go up here to the right and then i'm back where i was we're not back where i was but back kind of close to it nice let me see made it to the summit again it's like different areas all right so that's kind of how it's gonna be i guess now that we know um yeah it's gonna be tough because now getting all the way back to nemesis is gonna take i gotta do all those puzzles again and everything so i'm gonna stop here you guys are awesome thank you so much all support we come back next time i guess i'll try to continue where we left off can't can't make any promises but i'm gonna stop here for now and take a little break alright guys love you talk to you soon peace
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 166,359
Rating: 4.9497766 out of 5
Keywords: Returnal, Returnal Gameplay, Returnal PS5 Gameplay, Returnal Part 1, Returnal PS5 Part 1, Returnal Review, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough, Returnal Walkthrough, Returnal Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PS5 Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5, Returnal Ending, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5 Walkthrough, Returnal Game Part 1, Returnal Video Game, Returnal Gameplay PS5, Returnal Walkthrough PS5, Returnal PS5 Full Game, Returnal PS5 Review
Id: mkgGSMjoYR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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