RETURNAL PS5 Walkthrough Gameplay Part 6 - ICARIAN GRAPNEL (PlayStation 5)

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all right guys welcome back to more eternal uh you guys are amazing all the support's been greatly appreciated i think this game has been something i'm trying to get better at it's gonna take some time but ultimately i'm having a lot of fun i just think that it's like a lot to learn and i've never played a game like this before so i really appreciate all your support and joining me each and every day so all right guys love you let's get this all right guys sorry for the weird cut i uh just i really wanted to make sure i saved everything i just did because if my power goes out or something not only do i lose my footage i lose everything so uh was there a data cube back here i don't think there was as far as boss fights go that one was very trippy to look at i really like the design and everything um now we know why these things are here oh that's so cool i didn't know it's gonna be like that yo that's sick okay wait i took damage from that oh internal damage wait what maybe it's because it was too far away i don't know all right here we go this is going to open up the other portal i'm guessing to the third biome here goes nothing objective updated reach the broadcast origin okay the teleportation gateway in the desert has taken me into the citadel beyond the forest's massive wall so when i got the game early from sony by the way uh which you guys already know that um uh they told me not to go past a certain point is nearly within reach scans show that the broadcast originates from the tower inside a citadel-like complex they told me not to go past a certain point it was after this boss but the good thing is i waited till launch uh and that allows me to just kind of keep going without any kind of worry this is a brand new area okay because that's one out of 15. let's go ahead and use this there we go nice i don't like this gun what what gun am i using it's not a it so oh that's what it is it okay i think it's maybe i don't know if it's the projectile something mechanical weapon ballistic ammunition i don't know something about it's not the same as like the other auto rifle type thing or ar or whatever it's technically called all right so i'm guessing something good happens soon because if they didn't want me to go past a certain point uh early on then i wonder like oh these things you can shoot them i think no i guess i'm just tripping hey citadel okay here's what i'm wondering i don't want to test this out but what happens this thing does a lot of damage okay what happens if i mean if i get wiped out right now fully automated really okay i'm having a pretty good run right now there's a hidden area right there but i really don't know if i want to jump down there it just looks oh there's health back there but i'm gonna save that because i know i might be coming back here anyways because there's a teleportation thing right here as well nothing i'm trying to think like all the air i actually if i get wiped out now i'm not gonna be too upset because i know that now we have this grapple device maybe getting back i just want to shoot stuff okay here's what it probably is you hop through there behind the statue's legs go through there it goes up top you get the health you hop out here you are so imma save that since i don't quite really need it just yet this is it the journey is almost over the origin of white shadow is right here soon i'll know why and and bury these horrible memories in the past so much desolation is this their city it's only inhabited by corpses broken machines i'm heading towards the broadcast tower now i'll look across and see if we're gonna be fighting anything whatever let's go we're gonna do it's a brand new enemy okay it's like a robot type thing uh we have a chest i'm guessing it's going to take me above here every chest right above us now we have an enemy hold on yo nice like rise with machines over here uh what i don't know what that's wait what does this even take us to uh oh my god yo look at all this i don't know if i want to do this this is so scary uh the fact you have to hit some of them makes me a little bit uneasy but i also want to try it because of the challenge but i just god the way this game is i'm honestly like petrified to even do something like that right now i want to get some momentum we're having a good good story uh sesh so far hold on okay we get this but this is only going to give us like close up one slot towards max integrity yeah just kind of testing out earlier on i shot something i don't know if it was while recording or not uh because i have been playing this game a lot without capturing just in case i get lost or whatever we got a couple enemies okay i don't know what kind of stuff they do they don't seem that tanky yet it's like something out of the matrix almost those uh looking like edge of tomorrow in the matrix when they're inside that uh okay this has to be here for a reason right what is down there is there's something down there that maybe i can hop down and get maybe that's why that's there hmm i don't know i want it i want to try to get it but at the same time uh i don't i don't want to fall to my death um yeah what's that when they're inside the real world on the matrix not like the fake one which is like what we live in i guess technically the way the movie portrays it um but those sentinels i think is what they were called that's what those enemies look like the ones with like the tentacles or whatever i'm nearly at broadcast tower but i haven't seen any evidence of any living member of the hive mind if they sent out white shadow when the mothership first picked up the transmission months back mathematically that means it was triggered ages ago thousands of years before i was born hmm so you can shoot the eyes of these things so they won't scan you and summon enemies or maybe they just summon enemies either way yeah they're like spotlight enemies wait what it like glows for a second it's kind of odd um wait did it actually turn them off or something oh no it's just glowing already by itself oh that's what's happening the tracking disables that a brand new weapon brand new weapon type which we can then get from the beginning of the game uh i gotta try it it's a grenade launcher i mean i'll use it i actually don't really like the one i was currently using even though the bonus of the damage is like really really high i'm gonna miss out on armor piercing and that here's the thing this has been unlocked now i feel like i should hang on to it but this oh this other one's just so good i don't know man i didn't realize this but how many dots are there on each row five i'm guessing like 15 if i had to just guess i don't know uh i'm trying to think like so if you could have this all the way up to 45 i'm guessing i'm guessing it's 15 per row i don't really feel like counting uh but i don't want to go with this i mean let's see all the like that thing the track a little bit let's just use it let's just try it out worst case i don't like it i'll run back in there and grab the other one sort of reminds me of the one of those games i'm trying to like the games i put out a little like super nintendo and stuff that were yeah i'm gonna miss some armor piercing right here okay i can't damage myself so that's good moment of truth though there were certain games uh i guess the most recent one that i can compare to is like heavy weapon or geometry wars and armor piercing so i don't know i'm just gonna go with the other one it's something new we'll just use it but it's like when you get a bunch of kills with one thing then you upgrade it then all of a sudden the weapons do a little something different a lot of like little challenge areas around here run up and just smack this thing i like this area it's more spread out i want to see what's through here really quick it looks like we can kind of i don't know what challenge area or is it just oh it's one of those things that you lay in oh no last time i did this it it's a okay device for recycling materials output unknown i don't even want to do that because i don't really have anything that i want to recycle right now even if i did i don't know like can i take it with me if i die you know does it even matter all right that's gonna be one of those rooms it's like a bunch of enemies i'ma kind of stick to the critical path for a little bit since i'm having a pretty good i guess session so far i gotta get some water sorry guys i've been talking for a long time even though the video is like short already i just kind of feel like i want to play this game slowly but i want to be too cautious because it kind of takes the fun out of it oh okay tracking we're going to go past all this i don't think this is the right way it's like to the side a little bit oh it's a place where we can buy stuff more fabricators oh hold on what on this planet connects into a larger system so is that ether for abolish total let me see yeah i got seven ether okay okay so you trade that out i is a good trade i think it's a really good trade i'm gonna do it there we go maybe that's where you recycle it too i don't really know let's see what kind of stuff we have here now we still have the artifact where we got the this is gonna be huge major amounts for 200 small um okay minor amount i can hold two of these i think and then increase the weapon damage by 10 that's i mean that's good stat augment i can't even do those anyways minor amount of amount and let's get both of these i don't know if i can hold both i'm assuming i can but i'm not going to just yet unless i absolutely have to i just want to like can i hold if i buy it now can i use it later i'm hoping i can't both of these there's two spots for the l1 area okay nice i can hold them oh heavy that'd be kind of nervous can i move them around though yeah consumables okay uh can we we can't move them around okay of course not that would make too much sense i feel like um all right these eyes are gonna shoot at me i gotta be cautious here we're going this way whatever's about to come through that is about to be dangerous oh my god yo it's crazy these like robot enemies don't really seem to mess with you too much i mean maybe they will after a while okay that one's down i feel like if i'm able to finish this game on my channel this will be one of the most rewarding experiences i've ever had on youtube uh a lot of times i fold under pressure in these types of games uh let's see what this does hold on double suit repair efficiency i've got to get rid of one of these health things though double super repair efficiency i feel like i need these right but it only lasts for 60 seconds i wonder if i can leave them there this is where i wish i had like a stash i could put things away and just chill you know because i could pick up two of them and take down i could take off you know had i not bought the small health thing i'm about to leave him there three out of 15 all right increases weapon damage i don't have enough for that obviously um let's see where we're going uh we gotta go above us so hey hold on it looks like we're going back around going through there going through there okay well it's like it's weird it's almost like i'm right there at it you know uh let's go back this way like a area back over here i don't know if this is smart oh it's one of these these enemies like war of the worlds man i almost feel like everything's a little too simple right now there's nothing to grab onto here yeah i don't see a little icon maybe just something i can get later on that helps me but i don't feel overwhelmed with enemies just yet but i feel like that's about to happen right here 100 percent as you shoot this thing i like that it okay here we go rising machines right here yes this weapon's really good because it it's like a a missile launcher type thing that tracks a bunch but it also has like extra things on it i don't know i don't really have to aim it like i do oh my god once you kind of have a rhythm with this game i feel like you can kind of control what's happening more i don't know what this is it's one of those things that opens up i don't know about this one chief hold on grab that cipher these things obviously imagine running up and being crazy enough to hit all those no thank you uh damaged xenotech device what does it say fabricates a random item i'm good i think i'll pass i'm not going to get in this stuff too many things in the game give you like a negative status effect so it's like i don't want the negativity you know it's like uh i'd rather have some positive things and with the way this game is structured you i mean everything coming like if you want anything it comes like a drawback essentially suit integrity increased for now like the area isn't as hard as the last one but i also know what's probably going to happen from that please don't be a bunch of enemies in there i don't think i want to go there um now i want to stick to like the critical path for just a little bit the enemies don't seem to be overwhelming the boss for this section has to be insane 100 oh these okay this right here is something i'll probably never do because i tried it once i didn't record it i i was messing around i think i did record a little bit and i was like i got maxed out uh but then i didn't wind up showing it because it was just it was an awful experience so uh it's like those rooms in doom eternal where you get the the demon key or whatever it's called wait can i hop down here what everything glow oh you have a second to get back to okay i'm guessing if i is it lower all the way in like water or something that's kind of crazy you like literally don't have a way to undo it or maybe you can by shooting these i don't know well that's lighting up now shoot both of those maybe that side comes up no try it out i mean they're like lighting up but i don't know if like it's supposed to happen let me get this other side next to me and then that should be the last two if they even stay lit up like that this is probably not even something that works i don't know i guess i'm crazy i don't know i kind of like if you it the game kind of rewards you if you get too much help like it'll increase the max integrity like a lot why does that look like the michelin man for a minute oh my god it is oh something i've learned melees do a lot of damage oh my god okay okay yeah that's definitely rough um all right blast shell i mean here's the thing i'm gonna stick with this for now um oh wait i can cleanse this what does this do let's cleanse it there we go nice it's it's i don't have to use the health on me so i'll take this is also spoiled so i don't want to pick that up because with my luck it'll damage me anyways but it's like if you if you get triple health things whatever it's called it's like uh silphium i'm guessing um you get triple that it'll increase the bar on the bottom left to where instead of one bar it's like you can almost have i bet you by the end of the game you got like two full health bars or something this is just a small guess safe to open we'll find out uh don't want that because shotguns are not it hold on now critical rockets that's oh that's the one thing i'm not sure if you want to get rid of i like the hollow seeker a lot it has its own thing too yo that's actually disgusting i'll be better here obviously nine you think's better but uh three damage versus uh two it has waves which let me check what this what does this do unknown weapon extremely high rate of fire that's kind of why i like it to be honest um i'm just gonna keep this the hollow seeker okay we're still doing good i don't know like i guess if you're falling from somewhere you can look at that hand up there what in the world was that a hand i don't know let me see where i'm going okay we're gonna go through this door on the left i've had a lot of fun this series thank you guys so much for joining me man it's been it's tough it is this is not easy by any means oh my god you know what this reminds me of i just want to like see what it does i'm guessing it keeps coming actually lost a little bit of frames there for the first time ever okay last one oh yeah area locked down this is just what i wanted to see oh these guys are a lot more tanky now okay we got a lot of stuff oh something is always that thing in the back i gotta take that out quickly okay now i can take enemies out oh my god this guy is he's gonna be the death beat i'm gonna run up and hit him hit this one first hold on oh my god gotta stun him right there nice let's go hard enemies down i'm happy now these enemies they have a little more help than normal uh someone got the shield as well i did have to use one of my large uh what's called what is this one oh yeah nice we got two enemies left nice all right we're good uh sidearm you get blast shell i don't like pistols though i i don't like the the whole like thing with them it just seems like max integrity increased a little bit there all right we got a nice beam here uh i don't know where we could go oh we've actually been in this area like is this all oh look at that what is that path right there it says vault interacts here we go the tower is now accessible nice all right restore we got a whole new objective updated nice enter the broadcast tower yeah i'm sure it'll be simple all right we can go here uh anything behind me it looks like there's nothing on either side let me just double check not really an icon so let's go oh yeah oh no my controller that add to the stress let's go i'm like extremely nervous right now that oh i i'm going to plug up my controller here in a minute i'm going to use like a portable battery pack or something because i'm not going to stop playing right now i want to keep this keep this momentum going um actually i think i'm safe for just a second maybe yeah let me i'm gonna restart everything give me uh give me a second if it's the end of a video i love you hang tight
Channel: theRadBrad
Views: 147,483
Rating: 4.9536748 out of 5
Keywords: Returnal, Returnal Gameplay, Returnal PS5 Gameplay, Returnal Part 1, Returnal PS5 Part 1, Returnal Review, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough, Returnal Walkthrough, Returnal Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PS5 Gameplay Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5, Returnal Ending, Returnal PS5 Walkthrough Part 1, Returnal PlayStation 5 Walkthrough, Returnal Game Part 1, Returnal Video Game, Returnal Gameplay PS5, Returnal Walkthrough PS5, Returnal PS5 Full Game, Returnal PS5 Review
Id: GKJeeodEQvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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