A tree fell on my house

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I have a feeling this is not gonna go well big storm coming and it's gonna be here pretty quick it's dark it's ominous you know how sometimes you just get a feeling about things I got a bad feeling about this storm I hate storms so much this one looks terrible I'm gonna go get some water ready for losing power and just kind of batten down the hatches I'm out of here [Music] hey guys Brooke Whipple here welcome to my channel today I am in Michigan at our house here and last night wasn't good we had a massive storm blow through here felt more like a tornado it felt like it too when this big tree crashed down on my house check it out this is one of the bigger one of the biggest beech trees at our property here I'm gonna walk into the woods show you how big this thing is and the damage it has done to the house it was a long night the size of this thing it's probably 20 feet in the air right now it's gonna pee it's gonna be ugly I can't even see the house because all the branches there but this is one massive tree it's just hanging by a thread I'll give you a size reference here now that I'm next to it it's massive well the damage to the house so far what I can tell right now this tree is wedged into the side of the house and it broke off on top and the top half of the trees laying on the peak which broke through a section of roof about this wide so last night your fork has to get even more storms after this when I crawled into the attic and put - totes there so I could at least save you know the ceiling and other things in the room where it it came down dave is in Alaska still so a lot of his family are coming over today to help with this and see what we can do yeah you know living in the forest is really great you know living in the forest and near the forest is really great until you have these massive trees looming over her house it was so scary I mean looking out the window it looked like a tornado and then to here this tree crack and we've had I've been home here I've been here when other really big trees have fallen and it I heard it and I felt it before I knew where it was going to hit and it's terrifying few seconds there luckily everyone's okay and now we just have a hole in the roof and a lot of damage to take care of I'm gonna take a quick walk around the property in the woods and see what else came down in this storm and wait for reinforcements dave is really really anxious he's he doesn't like not being here right now to help deal with this and yeah it's it's definitely not cool we've been worried about this particular tree for a long time and we have these beech trees here that are probably over a hundred years old in this particular one we knew could reach the house it's been on our mind Dave said he was gonna take it out this fall too late nature took it out oh here's one that came down looks like a oh the big old maple came down here wow that still hung up man big old section of that tree down and it took out a bunch more on the next path there's another tree yep that's just a big limb that came down there right there it's big enough man it's like a freakin war zone in here hate storms hates tarp so much it's in a couple bad storms as a kid and no thank you our limbs look at that big beach gone it's hung up there too so many trees this one just fell apart for size reference look at this tree behind me it's massive Oh more over here my damage on this maple lost a few big branches oh oh it's just sucks oh I see more over here another beech tree gone a big limb off a maple hey let's check out my shelter this thing is withstood the test of time man shelter is no problem look at that huh so much destruction that the shelter is good let's back up towards the house again there's a couple leaners it weren't like that before so there's the here's where it came down broke off right there that part is smashed through the peak and the rest of it is wedged here on the side of the house and that trunk then goes way back and it's resting didn't didn't hit the woodshed and that trunk here is then hung up on the stump about six feet up Chrisman's are coming a lot of Dave's family is coming to help so thankful nobody got hurt it was really a scary moment storms and big trees [Music] [Music] on our own I couldn't write so now the idea is it's kind of over top and it'll pull it more from the top Oh No yeah don't want much more all right here's the update guys I just went told my neighbors no one seems to be home I guess no power makes everybody go somewhere else track down a gas pull saw we need a little bit of cut out of that stump to get it to move so we're gonna work on that in the meantime they've got another plan back by the tree they're working on so hopefully one of these works so the idea was to I Jack this up with the pole and Advent the pole right pipe yeah well it's a good idea chained up because we're pulling down so much so just trying all the tricks you want to talk to ya I've got I've got that big white one you want to talk to Ryan a minute watch that a bit that's gonna pop on you gauge you're gonna get it if that log lets you know what I mean it's kind of scary no just looking I see simply I don't this you whoa your trees breaking stay back back up gage a little and me making me worry yeah Oh watch out [Laughter] oh boy okay let's see well there's a hole in the wall oh that's beautiful isn't it yeah yeah Wow we gotta get that off to you nice job good job gage and it's on the ground yay yeah look at the size of this thing man uh yeah the last tree that fell here you can see was this one Matt and it fell right here basically like right by the woodpile it only broke at the base so you can't tell [Music] oh it's actually solid here yeah so just rotten at the bottom please make me sorry yeah I know [Music] 20:17 [Music] like guys that things have rotted when you part Leroy you know balls gate around the corner there's the damage she ain't 3d we still got that tree get off sport it up the window case that coming down I love that dog he's so chill [Music] you're gonna let it roll make sure you're not caught in anything oh dude well good thing we had the window cover there it'd be busted right now Oh [Music] default what's it going on yeah you do Otto and Sadie play see she's smarter than you trigger she's smarter than you she's hiding here at my neighbor's house checking on her there's just destruction all over this neighborhood look at look at her yard just massive destruction just crazy I think they literally had to just go down this road and open everything up it was just closed whole bunch of trees down Wow look at this road man just destruction zone Wow Wow crazy bad lots of turkeys out tonight a lot of trees down in there holy cow look at the damage there's another spot we can't get through gotta turn around man that's crazy this is way worse than I thought I haven't left the house all day because I've been dealing with my own mess this whole this whole area got just nailed this is this is insane and that storm was almost 24 hours ago and these roads are still plugged God Saints though no one else I just noticed guys lost a couple pear trees to look at my pear tree that's busted and this one busted too they're just loaded too just loaded but we got a few left dang well I have got a lot of work to do here [Music] I boarded up that window to protect when we brought that branch down glad I did it would have definitely broke so I got to open that back up and brush and debris and here's the big tree let's redo maple syrup every spring it's buried and look at this just buried from today and the massive stump that's where it was hung up thank goodness it's on the ground now see if we can get our way through here Oh porch front yard what a mess ah so guys that was my day how was yours hey looking for some help I pay in pizza have I got a deal for you all right guys this is girl in the woods if you liked this video give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down I don't really even know how this works with this video thank God no one was hurt the cleanup no one fell off the roof we got that log off the stump everything was really dicey and we pulled it off I want to thank Ryan Whipple Tina cave Gabe gage Katie my father-in-law Kenny I want to thank Scott I want to thank Matt you guys were all amazing thank you so much for your help today I could not have done this without all that help all that family love thank you so much for your help when family comes together like that I mean that really helps and dave is so thankful you guys all stepped in when he's not here so so guys that's gonna be a wrap leave your comments below tell me what kind of storm you've been in before and the worst damage you've had to endure I know what I've got in store for me in the next I don't know few weeks hey that tree landed right by the woodshed we got a wood splitter we got time and we heat with wood so all right guys girl in the woods gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy and don't forget to get outside and gets on
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 186,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tree fell, storm damage, tree on house, big tree on house, storm, i hate storms, bad storm, brooke whipple, alone season 4, alone season 5, alone on history, michigan storm, storm debris
Id: zWNxF4klG4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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