Return To the Haunted Bellaire House. SCARY INTENSE MUST SEE. Huff Wonder Box.

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hey guys this is Steve Huff Huff paranormal I welcome you to the final full video of my return to the Bel Air house and you watch the video it's self-explanatory but I did want to say thank you to Keith Weldon and Carissa Simpson of the chill seekers for coming they're meeting me there and even picking me up from the airport due to my last minutes like their video will be out sometime this summer July or August and it will be more of a TV show style episode with the interview of the owner the history of the house where my video here which you're about to see was basically done for maximum spirit communication because that's what I do i do communication while there's other stuff in the video and some fun stuff there's some amazing communication from this house and I will stop talking right now so we can get on with the video so enjoy [Music] hey guys this is Steve Huff paranormal I'm in the Attic of the Bel Air house my Bel Air house journey started when I was invited by Nick Groff to be on season two of paranormal lockdown to help with investigating this house technology engineer beyond injured for political aid in our investigation we got Larry why are you in this house and in his house because of edy I knew I had to get back to the house because of the amazing evidence we found while on the show so I returned with my good friends Keith Weldon and Carissa Simpson from the chill seekers to investigate and try to receive maximum communication from the spirits at the Bel Air house I am 2400 miles from the Bel Air house so first I had to make it there I decided to drive but it did not work out here is what happened on that journey and her coming to a standstill it was posted a really bad of a hiring live flight worst possible conditions for the car I'm driving flip the Mazda Miata Albuquerque New Mexico a winter storm my little car stuck in the snow on the freeway at this moment in time I don't think I'm going to make it to the Bel Air house because if I do get out of this today at some point I'm going to turn around and head back home because it's worse I had there's no way I can make it in this park what a disappointment so I arrived met up with Keith and Karissa and I wanted to get a feel for the house before we really started investigating so I decided to go up to the attic where I had my experience on paranormal lockdown hey guys this is Steve Huff paranormal I'm in the Attic of the Bel Air house we haven't started investigating yet and coming up here brought back memories of when I was here the last time I'm feeling it so I have my wonder box here so I'm back I'm back with the chill seekers Keith and Carissa they're downstairs I want to just check it out up here see what the vibe was like and walk around a little it's really creepy up here I try not to let houses that are creepy affect me in any way as in thinking there must be a ghost here because it's creepy but I can tell you that there are ghosts here whoo something's right here so at that moment I felt a presence in the room so I knew if we turned on the Wonder box and a nap that we would get communication but I didn't want to run it for the first time by myself so I went down and got Keith asked him to come up so we can start a short kind of warm up wonder box and SCD to session shaky-shaky see if I can get keep up here let's go see hey Keith come up here for a minute Keith's coming up I just came up here to get a feel might turn it on for a minute I was feeling some kind of energy over here this time I haven't turned it on yet when I figured turn it on if you can be up here with me Keith chill seekers let's turn this guy on see if we hear anything I have it hooked up to my hot spot on my phone I'm just going to turn it on who's up in this attic I'm feeling you right now is Ed here this is e hopper and Keith Weldon we're here to communicate today downriver the father like I said leave the portal here and then the last time gobblers random ar-15 yeah there's little bit of bottled water and I hear the creepiest people don't talk when he's involved put this we had a laugh come from the box right now not right now we had it no it's got what he like no oh that was I wasn't taking my clothes slowly cool down here at all I felt overall movie never going to brush my teeth if they came from always here you know no it's our decision where I was dude that's good to shoot another thing that there's like a little place up here where she said they hear it well now I'm over from the people who look up here me so bad [Music] already off to a great start we decide to take the wonder box in the living room and do a full communication session to see who we can contact in the Bel Air house Christian values set versus death and her family today to say her aunt's that's what I thought of it her aunt that are you chewing on it is what we were here today like I just thought I'd reach out because it happened right here this really found out feel free to come through one one left one left the room well there's one left here we're not going to yell at you we're not going to make demands of you anything else you want to say the couch we were just talking about the couch [Music] [Music] hello [Music] be very alone Oh sticks out Journal with older female here Wow it's like they're getting ready for this seance they're sitting around the table with us waiting to speak and they're ready to start that is mind-blowing we're here with respect we come as friends you come in peace you don't have to be afraid of us we're trying to find out who's here there are many reports of a little girl named Emily which I found out about just recently who died as a result of some kind of breathing issue which could explain why when I went up into the attic both times I sensed a child and breathing issues because when I first went into the attic with paranormal lockdown I had trouble breathing and I had to step away two times and ask them to let me breathe so I can communicate so now we hear a little girls voice saying mama could this be the ghost of Emily now Edwin used to do seances in this house and a table much like this so we're sitting here doing something similar what is up in the attic you guys were talking in the Attic I'm going for you set her free we're up in the attic so who's up here right now where are you are you over here I started to walk around to see if I can sense where they were because I oftentimes I feel them so this next reply is quite interesting as I walk around there's somebody over here you can go over there and talk to us very interesting how it clearly said circle huff as if they were instructing each other to circle around me as they speak through the box what is that each left off a reflection right well this white light reflection or a bright thing passed from my left side and I saw it clearly it's not on camera because my head was turned so I didn't know what it was but the reply was quite interesting do you get a lot of people here trying to talk to you now [Music] can you tell me how many are here spirit we are still in the Attic of the Bel Air house do you stay at this house the Bel Air house are you always here I take that as them saying they grew up in the house I'm calm I was here with Nick Groff do you remember me that is in validation I don't know what is they just called me by my first name when I asked if they remembered who I was when I was there before absolutely amazing validation his ed coming we'll be here all day tomorrow and tomorrow night absolutely haha so that's you Ed still here that was awesome [Music] Steve this is Steve who's this so something in this room the piece it's not so nice [Music] okay you look great asleep and what sounds to me like bound you up totally matches evil spirit that would attack someone in this bed look at this Krista's making omelets she's making breakfast check it out look at this omelet it looks awesome smells like ebony it smells delicious I'm director Gregory so how'd you guys sleep last night like a baby how about you I'm sorry I did too I slept like a baby there's no respond to the hospital the rem-pod did go off last night though Kito it did yeah he'll have to check yeah your footage I wake up I slept all night doing like a 1 yep I know it's marks the last mountaintop August our big full day here we're going to get started in a little while so after the delicious breakfast I decided to go find some spirits they're always talking about finding them so I took my tablet and SCD two and walked around the house hello knowledge uniform from her son I hear you I must find yourself how about I find you can you tell me where to go I'm looking for you yes are you up in the attic where are you I feel an energy right here I like you too I want to talk to you there evil in this house [Music] they're evil in this house tell me where you are I'm looking for you finally am i finding said you seem to be finding his men are you going to talk to us tonight maybe show yourself and be awesome we'd love to see you I am searching I'm searching all over for you you have to let me know when I find you [Music] wow talk about relevant the SCD to all on its own running from my tablet gave me an amazing relevant walkthrough there's Karissa Simpson from the chill seekers we're here at the Bel Air house today so we're going to be here all night tonight alright so are you excited about it yeah so have you felt anything in the house so far we just got here yesterday evening so we just kind of been getting the feel for it but what is what's your experience so far I didn't have an experience in the kitchen I was alone down there that's a radio brush my teeth and a half bath and I heard a giggle so that was really probably scariest thing that happened so far the house was really calm right now and what I love about this house well you can't really feel that there is something a little more sinister here but there is something here there's love you know there was you know a plate we're probably really loved this house absolutely yes I agree I feel it too so looking forward to attempt to tonight I am I'm I am really looking for the interesting I do think that we're going to all have to separate in order to get some activity so are you going to try to sleep in that back room I am thinking about myself so the owner was attacked in that back room is that correct the owner was attacked in the back room yeah she has she had some military experiences there and she actually advises I should probably that means of course we want to do anymore yeah exactly so all right then look forward to tonight we're all riding around in Bellaire Ohio heat person me and check out the town before we start tonight venture in the house and pretty cool interesting sites around here different from where we're all from yeah it almost seems like when you drive around and look at some of the houses that a lot of this time corresponds it actually is it the entrance oh yeah I guess so that's weird [Music] dum-dum hey you again keep them you're going to be throw the gas man oh please oh you out that with them I think the spirits are draining keeps energy thank you three in here today now we're going to really kick it into gear tonight Keith bought some cool equipment you brought your connects right your camera he made yep so that's cool and what else did you bring I brought a thermal cam bunch of static camera nice HOD alright and what do you have in your hand right there I have a old check at all right so you guys going to like do a little session right now yeah you know kind of see if that I started it still takes time but we also have a mess last night yep all right cool fire it up man hey hello we have Steve Keith and Krista here I usually Harris did you say whoops [Applause] thank you so we have somebody on the stairs last night cut our equipment or you know set off some light and I want to know if that was you okay is a question like that just getting replies no matter when we do a session but I'm going to save the rest of this for Keith and Karissa's video which will be out this summer so be sure to look for the chill seekers on YouTube to see their Bel Air house episode I would even say that is that here old-school sizzled fully mechanikat radio can say my chest is getting tight right now [Music] never seen or shut this down I go downstairs he will increase right go ahead all right I'm back in the basement this time with the wonder box and the SCD - I'm hooked up to my phone's hot spot because we SCE - you do need Wi-Fi so that's why my phone is here providing the Wi-Fi hotspot we're going to to the correct settings we're going to turn on the path and away we go who's down here is anyone down here ghost is here well we know that you can remember thank you for that information I'm glad that we can remember when we pass away my name is Steve huff are you down here with me are you down here with me did you go in the other room are you in here you can come through any time take a walk where are you you still hear a CD - is on everything's on how I do it is you're using this device that's meant and built to be able to allow you to talk who is that try something unplug it from the Wonder box [Music] turn it up where are you down here hello the magic power of the universe is there magic power within the universe I would say magic is real if you can talk to us this is amazing can you talk to me I come as a friend I come in peace I welcome you I welcome kind loving spirits I don't come on I don't come here looking for evil I do not welcome evil why do people call this the portal to Hell but I thank you for your help so here I am now in the Attic where I feel the most presence so I'm going to be sleeping up here tonight right in this little bed here so I'm going to be sleeping so I'm going to see if I can connect whoo it's warm up here with a spirit or to see if they have anything to say oh man we haven't even started tonight I'm already tired his house I'm seeing it with Keith - it's almost like it's draining us it just said something about how it's not good is this how straight does this house strain our energies this house making my energy get drained are there still spirits here from when Edwin used to do his seances you can use this device to speak I don't think I don't think any anyone has ever had anything like this in this house this is different you can use this to speak to us clearly more directly [Music] alright only has my father my father here helping me connect what father Olli here with me Wow here is a spirit telling me my father is with me here and he is helping me find the other spirits absolutely amazing [Music] alright guys Oh Santos where does he send us I don't send you anywhere wrong wrong thing about the room all right anything else you want to say I feel like really tired man who homesick actually [Applause] alright guys are you here with me dad all right I'm going to shut this off and go downstairs but thank you once again it goes the time I saw we'll be back in a little bit to speak [Music] so I'm welcoming any spirits here we are welcoming any spirits here to join us look at that the periscope is going off just went off I don't know the camp look at that we welcome you to join us at this table and speak with us with detailed direct messages if you can I can't like that and Chris is trying to light a match there you go guys we are getting ready to sit down here in a few moments at this table in this room where it is said that Edwin used to conduct seances and there's a theory going around that he had done he's done so many seances throughout the years when he was doing them that he conjured up many spirits and ghosts the undead who still roam around this house what's one of the theories so there's any spirits here from Edwin or Edwin himself or anyone Eliza Emily is Emily the little girl especially Emily because I think I sensed how you died in this you know I sensed it in this house so if you can come through or anyone that knows her feel free we'll be starting in just a couple moments yeah let's do I'm calling out to all the spirits and all the energies and all the entities here at the bel-air house all spirits going to come with us to guide them and us we ask that anybody here approaches the table to us and we will find ways to let yourself be known we do not fear your abilities to reach out to us so we hope you do not fear our abilities to reach out to you we come here with positivity we come here with the best intentions and with simply to communicate with you we're not trying to move anybody where they don't want to be moved and we ask that you do not fear that we're going to harm you we just want you to talk to speak with us to communicate with us in any way that you can so let's open this up this is what they though many of them you know this is how they communicate it can we start off without any of our technology if you're able to make yourself known in any way on your own can you let TV show us but are you able to knock that would conspire if I win unreal throughout this whole trip they have been asking us to find them and now they just validated be an EVP from thin air that we have found them I feel it is because we are doing a seance just like Evelyn used to do back when he lived in the house long ago the spirits are now - I hope that our spirit guides or our energy that that we feel that guides us can come through and help us to understand what is going on here as well we want to know so you're all welcome here we're going to turn on a device or devices that we feel you can talk through and if there's anything you want to say about the house about your situation where you are feel free again we come in peace just to communicate the bridge these two worlds together so we'll get started with something here let's try Spiritist let's try it with the all change are you here at the table with us is Eddie here tonight and we're at Google how do you know ed [Music] they've already heard you probably do hear you Oh [Music] are you stuck somewhere remember you are hearing authentic real spirit communication using the latest technology in one of the hottest haunted hotspots in America [Applause] you know hemily the little girl what happened Emily she okay now I [Laughter] was that Emily Emily thank you that that was you we heard you [Music] was that your death I sensed when I was in the app when I couldn't breathe [Music] we're hearing you the current owner of home is talking about leaving how do you feel about that [Music] should we ask again yes again can anybody tell me how they will feel for this house is let go by the owner [Music] do you mind if someone else buys this house [Music] will will you guys leave with her a lot of people feel the activity in the home is died down quite a bit deserves your life Oh iced tea - iced tea - iced tea hi thank you all you're at the table man can you confirm that you guys are here talking so sound Eliza thank you that I am evil [Music] why do you want to be evil why can't you be good investments you'll have the attendance as the spirits of this home there a lot of 10 there a lot of you here let's go back let's go back to the main hand ah are you guys still here don't be right we'll be back tonight everyone get in on something different even [Music] honestly choose vampire ah that was a requirement what room you want me to be this adds up to the story of the owner who said she was attacked by an incubus in the back bedroom where Carissa is planning to sleep tonight scary scary stuff here this is simply amazing did you hear that that was a good who is this [Music] hi who who is you who are you alright well that was something we're going to wrap this up down here and then we're going to go upstairs huh we're going to go upstairs and each do our own thing in a separate room we'll ask since we're running this out the owner of this house may lose the house what do you think where you think of that what do you think of her losing this house and having a new owner thank you whoa there we go 1 a.m. in the morning 1 o'clock I'm in the attic because it's bedtime and I'm going to sleep up here in this little look which is going to suck because in the morning that light's going to come in you're Carissa talking about something shutting itself off alright so we just did a live stream on Facebook and the last thing that came through while in Reverse mode on the wonder box using sed to was get out so that was a little strange I don't like hearing those kind of messages but I'm exhausted I'm tired but I'm going to do one more session because we're all three doing sessions I'm doing one in the Attic Carissa is doing one down in the bedroom and Keith's doing one somewhere downstairs so we're all running devices at the same time you never know what's going to come through we've done a lot of stuff today I feel that the spirits are tired of coming through these devices but I'm going to turn it on for no more than 10 minutes and we're going to see how it goes and then I'm going to nestle in here and try to get some sleep addict it's 1:00 a.m. I'm about ready to go to bed but well doing a session in different parts of the house at the same time Chris is using the Spiritist I'm using a CD too you know when this thing is on it's on when it's not you're going to hear radio when spirits are not one in the talk you're going to hear radio when they do you're going to hear spirit that's the bottom line so we're going to turn this guy on and spirits we're leaving tomorrow so if you have anything to say say it now hello come on through guys change and you won't be pleased yes indeed this is serious we'll be leaving tomorrow so if you wanted us to leave we're leaving tomorrow goofy hey my guides here ace anyone that was weird who is that all right well I appreciate it my respect to all spirits my love to all scared from I've loved for every living and non-living thing I guess sorry if we bothered you it's not our time just trying to bridge the gap between living in the dead thank you unplug the wonder box okay what's your name I'm Steve who are you I'm Steve Huff it came through thank you alright so I had the most activity with my sessions last night and this morning seemed to have died down since then I think the spirits get tired of people constantly asking them to talk in places like this as is theory of course but I'm tired you could probably tell by looking at me and I'm going to get some sleep I don't know how well it's going to go with this window right here and all the sounds from outside and the light so I'm sure the lights going to wake me up at like 5:00 in the morning 6:00 in the morning but I had back home tomorrow to Phoenix looking forward to getting back in my own bed the bill our house has been interesting they've even said they were evil through our devices but they have not heard us they have not done anything to us maybe took our energy I don't know but overall I'm glad I came it was an interesting experience I'm glad I was able to come back we had a good time I was happy to see Keith and Carissa again they're amazing people be sure to check out chill seekers on YouTube this summer they have all new episodes coming and as far as me you know I'll keep doing what I do as long as I can this whole spirit communication thing but so check out chill seekers keep watching my channel and I hope to see you soon keep an eye out here for new videos and thanks for watching love - all bye you
Channel: Huff Paranormal
Views: 894,841
Rating: 4.7117252 out of 5
Keywords: Spirit Communication Ghost Box Spirit Box E.V.P., I.T.C., Huff Bellaire House, Paranormal Lockdown, Paranomal Lockdown Huff, The Bellaire House, Real Spirit Communication, Hear the Dead, Medium, Spirit Box, Ghost box, The Wonder Box, REAL ITC, REAL EVP, Ghost Box, Best Spirit Box, Kristin Lee, Haunted Documentary, Nick Groff, Huff Paranormal, Huff Paranormal Bellaire House
Id: tNNeu66ndBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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