RETRY: Elden Ring | Ep.1: The Beginning

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this is retry a show about three Idiot Friends slowly losing their minds [Music] Elden ring is this any good um I don't know any reviews for it absolute shiter yeah uh this logo is a little bit like our audience because after this episode they're gonna be cracking up nice let's disagree I'm sure this is fine they're not taking my organs are they or anything like that as if you would read it in yeah usually I read it like every word new game oh my God it is a new game [Music] uh some things men weren't meant to know okay ready oh oh [ __ ] let's go film one by one oh my God Vagabond these Vagabond blues oh show a tributes does it give you a little spiel about what kind of uh who wants that the next menu there's a bit of flavor text okay oh [ __ ] some of these are real candles change again on the next menu oh okay whoa look at this yeah what am I trying to go for flying connect oh [ __ ] Samurai as well oh my god oh what's going on there we got some aliens in here this is this is Wilderness oh oh my God I don't know who to be I like I like like it's it's gonna be one of these let's I like the idea of like maybe like the the maybe this is a finchy that we haven't heard about because he's been away like prison finchy like like you know they're sort of like Uncle finishing that is like the naughty one the family kind of don't talk about it like I think we have a winner he's always got like a pyramid scheme on the girl I I'm sold I'm completely sold it's quite funny you don't think samurai finchy oh we've kind of done that yeah we've done that done it uh I like these plank guys but profit I feel like that's not gonna be our style it's not gonna be our Vibe yeah the other is prison that is pretty cool I I feel like because yo what are we gonna are we gonna go you're gonna take that half soon aren't you that kind of on for the whole game it kind of looks like a frog's eye as well true think about that it kind of I don't mind that I don't mind that as a little thing because like I guess as a if you're thinking about it'd be like could it would be one that maybe we have officially we've not heard about a lot because like Papa was good we mentioned him in other ones whereas this has been like we've never heard about this one why have you not heard about him because he's been away being away for a Ponzi scheme like it what about the Forgotten daughter yeah let's have a look let's have a look where's forgotten daughter where's that no finchy I want to go prison finchy I'm going for it Uncle Norbert finchy buying this in real quick not real quick nothing's quick we don't have to we don't have to we can take our times with this I've heard this game is massive we need to get everything you got me somewhere we're a year behind right buff body little buff boys definitely I'm a male body or a female body Auntie your uncle I I I feel are we definitely an Uncle Auntie uh yeah like who's been away I think yeah like not not another child of Mama and Papa I think because you're an auntie finchy I think definitely not a child I think I think it's like either mama or Papa's brother or sister I think if we do it I feel for doing a sister it has to be Mama finji's sister Mama finchy sister love it love it I love it Lauren sisters but she's she's been in prison she's been in a woman's prison [Laughter] mature mature prisoner yes because I like that because it's like I'm gonna read the description yeah yeah yeah a prisoner yeah a prisoner Bound in an Iron Mask studied in glintstone sorcery how been lived among the elite prior to sentencing oh wait so is that sorcery yeah a bit of fanciness and a bit of stats look what's in on intelligence wow she could use a sword right oh here we go uh what do we want Crimson Amber Medallion okay it's between lands between I like the way you say lands between lands between lands between she is a crackpot cracked uh Stone sold key that's how she got out of prison yeah [Laughter] someone gave it to me in a cake boiled prawn five pieces of boiled prawn boost physical damage navigation uh big into that some shrimp for the road hell yeah that's what we're gonna get into instead of jello shots I don't want them to me sat in the studio all day yeah they were hidden oh no we smelled them don't worry it's up to you man whatever you want to go for uh it's your choice this is your playthrough this is yeah this is yours not the bottom one yeah I like the shrimp I'm not gonna lie I like the shrimp so boost physical damage negation so what is that what does that do what what's this it stops taking physical damage but is it like a one one time thing like okay well there's five per shrimp so like right per shrimp gav and a lobster will make you immortal uh probably that or The Medallion that increases your HP they didn't really follow that one a lot they were like did you get to wait all the time whereas if you yeah shrimps you eat and don't wear them yeah right it's tough isn't it there is one that is really good is it and I I once you've I will tell you after you've chosen it's gonna be one of these one things that do some really cool look at this Holden spirits and stuff a golden siege that you could plant that maybe said to enhance sacred flat so is that like that's gonna give us this yeah yeah yeah I don't know I don't know the shrimp though isn't it she is a crack pot it's gone we could get one of these cooler ones you know one of these weirder ones northerner she's gonna be [ __ ] bright greens oh she's a bit tired yeah she could be hungry all right all right let's go the description on Newman is quite interesting Newman hello Newman the face of a Newman supposed the sentence of denizens of another world long-lived but seldom born that's quite interesting yeah I think let's start with that okay let's go for it detailed appearance here we go are we gonna be talking how do I play something it's like now on yeah alter the skin color oh here we go okay okay you can get we you can get real green with this thing look at this holy [ __ ] hurts than that I don't like I like real green yeah real green we're going real green yeah oh that is nice like Jag yeah yeah some people say she smells like an old Jack yeah oh leathery wow this is can we have a racing car stripe belt oh my God this is this is gonna be I the next two hours I reckon like they were they were involved in some kind of scuffle in a pub she took the full and she's she's like I'll do the time she's the older sister yeah you've got your kids yeah yeah yeah yeah you got your kids and your kebabs no you can't do that for me son I can't let you do that for me there's no kebabs inside you will make a date I've got my five boil prawns I'll be okay it's like when you go you gotta let me go when you get sent to prison that's like you have to check in all your items it's like five boiled prongs yeah I counted them for 40 years they've been waiting I want them when I get out yeah I don't know what face for eign you've got your kids and I've got my prawns big move I don't know that Mooney big moon oh she looks sweet she doesn't really who knows what life could have done if she hadn't been in prison for 240 years they always said like you look like your auntie yeah he's coming out soon with her eyes that wide she can see every auntie in the world from every direction yeah well that is the thing with them finches like eyes my eyes wide open he couldn't close them yeah go back that is quite funny can we make them bigger I size got eyes size what happens oh yeah I do like the idea that froggy looks a bit like it yeah I like it yeah I like I like the look of her yeah I'm I'm very I'm very interested when we get to the hair yeah the hair is going to change everything I'm facial she lips big yeah we want some thick old lips lips slip fullness lip size oh yeah she's had a nice time inside she make does she makes do no [Laughter] okay that does look like yeah like a stereotypical like cartoon like Council estate and either would pop right yeah it looks like someone who carries five prawns but has a shellfish allergy yeah yeah so I'll be eating them Sandra I like that because that that was like her cyanide tooth for prison she's like I'll just eat a pond they took them off me I think we stopped messing with the face I like it yeah oh boy oh so hey here we go this is gonna be some big changes right here um let's go to one and we'll go yeah I'll do them all right it's like alien three well should we do color go because should we do the color because like yes maybe it's got a similar color to her sister a little bit more than lavender oh baby yeah because she's older yeah yeah yeah all women love lavender yeah my mom loves them loves lavender yeah yeah silvery lavender like silvery that's good this is good there number six these like your final fantasy ones yeah you're real and jrpg is she straight out of prisoners this how she's like she's been down done her before she sees everyone again that's too nice I think we had yeah oh that's great getting a bit of frizz in there oh you've seen what's coming up here we go I see the resemblance it's going through her face that's the most finchy finchy haircut if you wanna froggy does look like his auntie 18 right that's um a nice variation the thing is with all these I feel like and the Britain is too much effort like she wouldn't put that much effort into it what are we saying 21 21 and 18. I think that's too nice that's good that's the one it is yeah because it's good story it's good story that is also like the idea of froggy for his first haircut that he was allowed to pick he got his aunties yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you sure does it come with the shrimp no I like Bob yeah we've got it we've got it that is perfect oh my gosh [Applause] a welcome home party yeah it's in disguise dressing up as the gods hello here for the longship I kind of like it no we're not giving up see you later gods that was like Papa wasn't it he's yellow blue eyes I don't wonder I kind of like the yellow actually yellow and purple confidential colors I like it I wonder that just we can just make a little tear like because that means you'd be in prison isn't it yeah what means you killed someone what about that oh number nine okay this one mama had her birthmark yeah yeah yeah and we're just making massive it's on her nose so she put a gist underneath all right yeah can I make it massive oh expansion yeah yeah oh yeah well move it and then do you want to make it like yeah yeah position horizontal so it's got to go yeah let's go this High okay that kind of looks like a tear it could be a mole that sits here yeah yeah yeah or that she's everyone happy with prison finchy I love her auntie finchy we want to do anything to your prison finchy well she's being defensive to some people should be prison finchy to the people she's in prison yeah they're not calling her auntie Vincy although maybe she made them call around maybe a nice thing because she's so lovely to people six favorites right away exactly yeah boom I like this fishy load a favorite look at her little like passport photo oh that's it where was that I didn't see that in the [Music] [Laughter] what a beauty looking away and kind of like looking towards the camera she's about one day I'll tell you when you went in they didn't have conjugal visits so she's like she's out on the prowl love it okay okay this is great I think um I think you know like every time you're like What's it gonna be oh look at that comes together those are the clothes you should wear when they got rested yeah we never know what they were doing yeah you ready absolutely we'll have plunging neckline she's got let's do it [ __ ] oh my God you're gonna take a listen big time you already knows that just like last time on the right Souls the fallen leaves tell a story mining blacksmithing something creating something the great Elden ring was shattered in our home across the fog the lands between lands between we've heard that a lot probably some shrimp in there as well yes which question from nowhere America found night of the black knives Godwin the golden was first to perish and all this is piecing it together America's Offspring demigods or claimed the shards of the Elden ring a ghost lager again I heard the Elden ring Cuts your throat and gets you drunk of the Newfound strength mad tane I don't know your mum was in this very good you're always so early I know geez come on I'm just getting started no one comments in on the mountain with a big snake snake in his head that's the thing where A lot's going on someone with a big snake in their mouth didn't know your mum was in this Gap oh all right [Laughter] uh we saw him earlier yeah yeah in the story trailer yeah rice now you're tarnished you're tarnished you're dead oh yet live [Music] the something is like Shannon go on you're dead isn't it oh whoa he knew that was coming we're gonna be slaying all these [ __ ] let me tell you just let me add him go oh that's your job I'm ready that's one hell of a squad for a night out isn't it the dung eater you know the the best yeah the other one you all know it really good at drinking games oh my grace I'm a quiz machine no renown now big green hand you will know my name it's release day last me prawns ring [ __ ] whoo and become the Elden Lord yes very good Jesus where she is did you get all that another just another gist of it yeah yeah uh okay so this is just starting area this looks pretty gorgeous hang on yeah what was the chest what was the gist a bunch of guys betrayed some people a bunch of things went wrong those guys stabbed all the demigods the Demi then the the sons decided to seize the Eldon ring because they were like we gotta get this [ __ ] under control so he's like guys come on some sort of frog prisoner oh tarnish yeah sort of a froggy little bastard I think I wasn't in it tarnished yeah that's uh uh calm I can jump holy [ __ ] oh my God look at me go I'm a little frog yeah that that is odd isn't it this is wild to feel strange 10 out of 10 it feels very strange okay just let's get our [ __ ] together oh I ate a prawn I've already eaten a shrimp I did it by accident because you just press in without like thinking I'm just trying to get but that's the same what's in that bomb size what gets used yeah yeah it's true yeah okay it's all the same remember he's oh shot a sword shot a sword at no one that's that's uh oh read the messages television oh wisen finger a wisely yeah I'll be in the description yeah boiled prawn meat it's a finger of the sea a prime specimen of plump and moist meat true connoisseurs know how to keep from over salting boosts physical damage negation for a certain duration the meat actually looks to come from a crayfish not that it matters it's delicious all the same it's a weird look at this world that actually has prawns and crayfish yeah item for online play used to write messages your uh messages will be conveyed to other worlds allowing other players to read them a finger of corpse wax so emaciated the bone is visible it's a relic of those who came before left to help those who would come after nice so what we've done we haven't told you this um we've set up a player password for patrons of every tier so they'll be able to leave you messages and you'll be able to see which messages are from slugs in game oh that's very cool if you give me the control I'll just put in the password okay so when you see a message by a slug it'll be illuminated slightly differently so that is one of the regular messages yeah almost like people have like a circle around it and when it says read message it'll have like a little symbol next to it I like this one time for Elden ring it is time it is time for Elden ring you ready let's do it lordy Lord it's full of anticipation don't don't miss anything already there's nothing in crate says there we should get that out of the way no pretty fast just in case some things are the same looks good though looks good things can be hiding point right yeah very true oh little side door offer block shirt get used to that am I right door's not opening from this side oh whoa oh my God amazing can't jump that high Jesus uh what do you think do I just hop off that seems like another way oh wait look around Jesus you were like from the game Lemmings yeah yeah you're like dying boys kill ourselves why not just dive straight in I think you can cut these while you're on it while you're on it yeah just a one just one just letting mentality again so so people are saying this is one of Michael's best ones right that's what the world is like yeah yeah it's one of his best ones that's what they reckon in his pocket long time ago though the best one since the last one this is the real only review oh straight in the defense grafted Scion take that feast alsoever wind up on that in there oh Jesus yeah it hit him yeah or it's like yeah because we're not aiming do I have do I have bullets for those that's a magic glint blade dude watch this I'm gonna I wonder if you can stack them up when you've got time oh can you just do a load or does that always take out casting time what heals me shrimp don't heal do they we haven't got our healing thing I should have had a shrimp before good job we got the shrimp though don't use the shrimp you don't think you can have a look at that Shield because when you put it on you get some like mile status effects oh that's called these games love teaching you a lesson early on they love humbling you right at the start do you feel humbled I do yeah there wasn't enough shrimp in the ocean to help me win that fight that's the game number 10. he still let it go he did it again oh my God yeah he was good actually yeah he's good it's formally inventive which I love not that odd big night out yeah all been there aren't we you said you come pick me up from prison oh you wake up in the morning it's a grafted Scion oh horse who was it Horses Don't traditionally yeah Fortune is on her side I fell on my shrimp the mush she's like I'm walking up next to worse sure to see the Elden ring she reeks of prawns one of her kinds yeah oh yeah what do you mean finches finches yeah [Laughter] I quite like that puffy shirt blouse yeah lovely woman's blouse looks like it's made of tree it's got a couple holes in the back thousands and tears and flask of Cerulean tears two tears it's a two-tier system it's fine there you go we basically got uh prison tears right off the bat you're just saying it all looks out Ah that's cool so different jars from different things yeah look at that Shield as well because it's doing some stuff with a map got it check your position cool cool I know Maps oh back into it oh yeah in here swallowed in it inventory here we go here we go a sacred flask modeled after a golden holy chalice that was once graced by a tear of blessing filled with Crimson tears this flask restores HP reviews rest at a sight of Grace to replenish the one washed up on the gravesite was sure to die until this flask offered its gift of Rejuvenation to seek the Eldon ring a sacred flash mole after a golden holy chance that was once graced by a tear of blessed filled with Cerulean tears this flask restores FP with use rest of the site of Grace to replenish it's fpp points It's Magic Five Points Faith points um Cave of knowledge jump down the hole ahead and you will find the cave of knowledge oh they're throwing a lot of [ __ ] at us yeah you can learn more about it [Music] as well as other tips that may be helpful do you get down there get down and out yeah I want to see this door first so we're not doing no cave and knowledge first we are 100 I don't know the cave of knowledge I think it's quite obvious and it really like well there's a big door there's a big hole yeah where the hole is to learn [ __ ] to go through the door with um there's a slug message there what oh already is it the first message you've read from our communities one taking the piss out of you no they're saying he's gonna this this whole let's play yeah it's gonna be loads of parry and that's what they're saying yeah I was gonna say maybe they haven't watched the show like if take the plunge okay learning oh you're so good like you don't that's like they should have called the whole of tutorials that's what they should have called it you know I don't need that [ __ ] quite the same ring to it the whole of ignorance yeah you know hey if you guys need a little reminder of how to play don't look at anyway we're just going through the div tip dungeon sights of Grace resting at a sight of Grace will restore your HP FB and cleanse any status ailments touch that Grace baby I feel like there's gonna be a lot of jumping hey there's gonna be a huge amount of jumping before I figure out these buttons [Music] memorize spell sort chess leave sort Chester this last jiggly I'm sorry uh I charged a flask oh if only we pick the golden seed not the prawns ah but what are our shrimp options yeah true I don't know what's that Seafood course oh it's a bad guy yeah but just you know you know how to do this little backstab no big deal yes no no big problem you guys want a little Parry here oh there's something weird about our Shield going on let's try Parry here we go boom baby let's go visions of Parry is quite annoying right sorceries and incantations you can memorize sorceries and incantation at science of Grace you must have a staff equipped to cast sorceries or a sacred seal equipped to cast incantations cast and sources inclusion consumes FP got it and we've got little jars to repair that so it's all good I like this little sword thing it's all right isn't it watch this use it for the entire game yeah I'm glad you like it get used to it so it's oh I see you Dash it's teaching you how to be able to avoid uh arrows and things like that which is in almonds each hand can be equipped with up to three almonds allow you to toggle between them and they'll switch to a two-handed stance you're getting that yeah L you press triangle first and then L1 R1 depending on what thing you want to and all right let's see if I know how to do that no it's a triangle first the shoulder bone you hold holding triangle oh you hold it waits like plus I see guys yeah this one no way for this dude to do something come on buddy oh I didn't even mean to do that don't say that I mean I definitely meant to do that it's like in-game Powers at the beginning this is that that was crazy that was really good that was like yeah the uh all of the like it's like a Jedi ghost Dark Souls Rory was behind me Demon Souls Rory was behind me all like hand on my shoulder guiding me as a starting weapon we should have had like a little mean to do that why we should have had a little uh prison shank or something yeah a little shift yeah a little Siobhan a green looks like the same color as her yeah London yes what's the fastest anyone's beating this game yet I thought well probably under an hour yeah are we on track oh technically yeah like skills almonds have special abilities called skills skills are highly varied and range from powerful attacks to Temporary effects using skillicum tubes FB L2 that skill is Parry skill is Parry oh and then this one is bailing thrust ooh oh that beefy remember weapon Arts they're in Dark Souls 3 but they were right we didn't really utilize it yeah I think we had one sword that was pretty good crouching crouched no need brother no need to even Crouch it's like Sakura like I think like you can see a lot of things that have come together yeah like because the Snowman so there's like different ways of approaching situations how many will we see what'd you mean how many different ways will we see oh no we didn't even use the Army Sakura yeah like they're like from the back they look like clowns Stakes of America upon dying you will be revived the last site of Grace that you visited however if there is a stake of America Marika America the United States of America near where you died you can choose to be revived there instead okay cool all right this is like midpoints or yes because otherwise you'd have because it's open world it'd be so far from last bonfire but we'll see you can't have bonfires everywhere what do I do do I just touch it or something if you die I don't have to hit it or anything it's just if you die you'll come out that's great Traverse the Mist Traverse the Mist controversar missed I think I did that by accident reversed the Mist she's been in a prison for a while she's seen some golden Mist let me tell you she's soldier of God who's this whoa [ __ ] who is it who is it if only we knew his name uh The Man With No Name mysterious little bastard if only we knew his name in rank immediately after blocking an enemy attack guard counters make it easy to break an enemy stance yes who immediately have to block him it's a block of the shield and then straight with the eye too oh oh oh damn holy [ __ ] balls he's gonna do it he's gonna do it in an hour he's gonna do it in an hour 45. well we go on the clock you're doing a cool 45 cool 45. yeah baby let's five we'll be home is this like Zelda can we just run straight again and just flailing our arms about like a maniac I'm just gonna eat a whole box of shrimp and run straight at him nice nice just nice that was worth it just to learn that block R2 that's the cave of knowledge did have something for you turns out who would have known I was too dumb before I went in the cave to know it yes twice the div dungeon you've emerged you don't know what you don't know yeah I was a [ __ ] Mall in the dungeon good luck therefore slug required ahead prawns are the Slugs of the sea yeah but there are sea slugs absolutely yeah yeah that's true ooh Cooperative multiplayer no summons no salmon no summons unless his story this is how you oh it's a lot of fingers yeah a lot of fingers I mean again she's been in a women's prison so he's off yeah okay she's free before we get outside yeah where's my bits yeah because she's getting out though yeah can we read that yeah yeah take her Shield off yeah yeah because it was in The Shield bit oh you thought that was a helmet I thought it was a helmet you're bringing your [ __ ] glass in tomorrow let me tell you let's read the description on this okay iron master forced on a prisoner convicted of an appalling crime what did they do what did she do we'll never find out thick heavy and utterly stifling is that right in the bar yeah a foul creation designed to torment the wearer either slowly fermenting hatred within their heart or a spiritual fervor that is near indistinguishable from it this is the hell but her she's gone the other way she's she's like is meant to turn a hatred but she's so nice that she's gone I'll be all right I love it I love it I look nice you can see me lips through it I tell you what I think we've nailed the voice yeah let's read the shields actually can we read her other [ __ ] it's all right we're getting there yeah we'll get this he's doing something to you it's called The Rift Shield there we go a small a rift Shield small metal round Shield depicting a Sinister Rift skill Parry uses skill in time with a foe's melee attack yeah yeah boost Focus cool yeah it's a rift oh there we go s stock large piece installed with a long hard bladed Edge which is also capable of Smashing attacks uh for its large size it can be wielded rather nimbly leaving little opportunity for the enemy to counter staff with a Glenstone embedded at the tip countless for casting sorceries sorceries must be memorized first at a site of lost Grace and a staff must be equipped to cast them I like this build this is our Basics and I love this they've actually gone a bit of sorcery right on top yabba dabba doo it's the Glenstone yeah come on [Music] all right let's get her helmet off uh let's get a look at it she looks um [Laughter] the eyes are terrifying oh my gosh it looks like while she was in prison she was eating flies yes right are you ready first is this the is this kicking it off I feel like we've been kicking it off oh wow limb grave holy [ __ ] that's a big tree yes b-roll get some b-roll because Justin Bieber office yeah yeah that's cool when you need it oh smoother oh what's that little helmet my head hasn't quite comprehended but this is also you think you're just taking in a lot over the next few hours is going to be wild Grace exists to guide the tarnish and lead them along the proper path even now some sites of Grace retain that power that golden rays will guide you along at your way oh so it like shows you when the next one is div tips I think it's just like some of them I think it's like a bit lost go away I think see exactly so used guiding as performers like I'm gonna make Daniel a functioning a little gust of golden way to think of myself summoning pools in each area you might find effigies of Martyrs these Effigies are summoning pools you'll find it easier to summon other players at these locations as Co-op and hostile summoning science creator with small refugees gather at summoning pools get out of here there was um there was a lot there yeah oh was there yeah yeah you got up in your glasses in bro I'm I'm gonna miss a lot of [ __ ] let me tell you now the map we got it oh yes tarnished are we come to the lands between for the Elden ring of course you have no shame in it unfortunately for you however you are maidenless how do they know that you're gonna be playing that without the strength of rooms and without an invitation to the round table hold you are fated it seems to die in obscurity yeah I see him I see him I got an eye on him he's saying you're gonna die in obscurity are you gonna prove him wrong in this playthrough he's sort of naginas because I don't have a girlfriend I'm gonna die you know the drill let's exhaust dialogue before moving talk to the man who said republius yeah and look at look at this luckily for you however there is one shining Ray of Hope for even the maidenless hinge take is that you swipe on that are you from India with grapes Golden Light look at me what do you think you may also behold it's golden Braves pointing in a particular direction at times that is the guidance of Grace a path okay that a tarnished must travel hmm indeed Grace's guidance holds the answers it will lead you tarnished to the path you are meant to follow even if it leads you to your grave hmm Grace's guidance will reveal the path forward most certainly to Castle storm Veil over on the cliff a place demigod godric grafted [Music] I love the more you talk to him it's like Oh The Guiding Light all the things go to the castle on the cliff yeah just go to the castle it's right there it's like go if you keep coming back to me [Music] yourself you want to kill these birds man we go jump mate oh yeah oh what yeah first gonna be doing oh they've mugged you right that's got that's first done no I'll tell you what the bosses are [ __ ] themselves yeah ah [ __ ] check a prawn um I didn't love that just popping in to say if you want to watch next week's episode today you can by heading over to our patreon and join in our extra features tier obviously that episode is an absolute Banger too look he's like it's a dangerous dragon as fearful as it is sexy yeah yeah he does sound like he's got a Hotspur I know you want to kiss the dragon but don't oh yeah yeah you're gonna suck off her Dragon if you're already a patreon supporter then thank you for making all this possible and if you can't be a patron leave us a little comment today because we love reading them right let's go have a look around Lim grave so what I got from that was hey the the light look at this light it'll guide you next but in case you don't up towards that I chose that's pointing that I chose yeah yeah oh sh Jesus we missed that didn't we did you do that you sick bastard yeah someone's been hung up time you set up oh my God can I cut it down I haven't learned what I can and can't do in this game I think the first few hours is going to be quite a learning curve and then we'll probably settle down more into like what we've done before yeah yeah definitely do we want to mess with this guy whoa go he's in a roly-poly did you see that did he yeah look at him go you're right Sonic the [ __ ] Hedgehog I thought you were just looking at that wrong no way give me your flesh go of corpse thin Beast bones almost not worth dying oh acquire materials the red plant there were some of the harvesting stuff in every corner of the lands between you will find fruits and flowers mushrooms and butterflies and various other useful materials these materials can be used for item Crafters there's too much in this game for us crap there is yeah do we want to try and take this guy yeah I mean yes I want his horse I can start off with you guys holes here here's here's the plan guys hide behind this rock prawn him and then we'll wait till he gets right around here and then I'm gonna jump out from here on the Rock and get him in the sweet uh double double R2 Sky attack maybe he's allergic to prawns he chucked one at him he's like another good approach but if he eats it then his attack will be uh actually let's not take the chance okay here we go I think just get your eye in with this one do I mean we're not hiding I think he spotted mine we weren't hiding we've lost the element of surprise no it's fine it's fine it's right he's got a big awesome huh my hair is glowing like a berry no wonder he spotted me is there a tree growing out of his head this little helmet fluff he's a little tree though yeah it's like I've got a bonsai yeah lock onto him oh he's coming yeah it begins you've got this feel the wrath of my magic massive oh yeah look at that hey I like your dick use the use the environment use the rocks oh oh unlucky got a little bit of him he's hard his nails this is his first boss can you just count me if you want it to be can you Chuck a load up like yeah can you line them up before he gets up The Path oh yeah maybe that's a good idea upon dying you'll be revived the last site of Grace that you visited you will drop any runes in your possession of the sight of your death if you die again before reclaiming those runes they will be lost forever the comfort of the top of the screen indicates direction of the Lost runes oh that's kind of cool so there are runes in this one instead of Souls and it shows you the compass tells you oh look yeah you can see it okay oh yeah yeah that's kind of cool I always hoping they'd be Eldon Rings like Sonic the Hedgehog when you get hit like all your Elden Rings pop out kind of makes them a lot less like like totally it's a bit weird isn't it yeah why does solid like the Rings also there could be other things it's firing at yeah off camera like it could be other animals whoa nice getting a couple shots in here I say we rinse this and then we do of course big shield in it oh [ __ ] oh he's fast enough yeah Jesus he's got a horse the car of the olden days you don't have to do it now what do we think to like follow you a little bit you're just like like a skeleton's in the graveyard they're like yeah but then do we win but then he is quite big so it is open world isn't it hey three two seven yeah get my shield up here we go you've got us really in flask oh yeah you do oh yeah gay Cerulean oh episode one okay first boss I've heard it's never been done like it's like a joke box right and then you do it like Miyazaki himself will be outside with two pints of Guinness for you and a pie in his pocket yeah pie in his pocket I sat on it you're a drink I'm gonna drink now look yeah yeah so now that's back yep you will have to oh [ __ ] most this fight will then mainly be sword based put your shield down The Shield that's done nothing and it's The Shield is redirecting the magic that's pretty cool I'll be honest with you yep all right get back I'm really glad oh my true father I'm really glad it did happen because that's a really annoying noise to your blocks I'm glad that that isn't a strap oh my my things aren't on what wait my flasks are gone yeah yeah you only had one of them yeah they don't re I thought I got them back when I died you did I mean I only have one yeah that's what you're saying you can change the balance between them yeah like in Dark Souls three cool you're right he was in the cave it was in there yeah it would be good if we don't know what that is so like episode 20. we're gonna like Cruise like you're gonna just go there this is gonna be episode 20. this whole open world to explore let's do the horse I want his horse as a band all right let's get it oh bull shark go for a walk and go for a Wonder travel look around why don't we just walk up there let's go walk over the castle welcome to the castle Yeah well yeah because Castle be easy won't it yeah not the castle but it's just the church maybe the church what else the grace the grace is pointing towards the church yeah look let's have a look around that shirt is that a church well up there oh what's that oh bloodstones yeah oh I don't like giving up though I don't like leaving them there man like for you [ __ ] oh yeah oh he heard me because you're running away I love that yeah all right give me one more big you me goatee let's get them together last one last one nice solid Shields up look real nice solid real solid get me up on this rock yeah not too big anymore are you not on the rocks oh you laughs right to love he has mastered the rocks there's one weakness yeah he doesn't care about those rocks man let me tell you oh he's good now with the shield hey [ __ ] he can go invisible no I don't think that's what happened nice okay yes you know just don't get hit tall ever yeah oh it Shields up fine I'm going behind this one oh yeah it's a good Stratus don't mess with prison finchy I go by prison rules okay I'm out I'm out now officially oh son of a [ __ ] I tried to roll uh okay happy to move on from this little yeah it's just maybe a not for today yeah [Laughter] soak it in it was a little shiny a little shiny for that pool I thought it was a telephone pole I was like golden room it was our world well they got prawns yeah that's Santa little rest yeah fast traveled sights of Grace oh through your map you can instantly travel to any sites of Grace that you've discovered however there are some dungeons in the other areas where this cannot be done nice oh message message from slug behold this guy that's all Santa yeah Santa Claus tarnished I can see it and I can also see that you're not after my throat then why not purchase a little something yeah I am Carly purveyor of fine Goods what they got what does he [ __ ] about Carly yeah I am of a nomadic people selling Wares as I travel the land has been tainted by Madness since the shattering of the Elden ring it's only tarnished like yourself who keep things from drying up entirely this is cool let's say you're a very welcome customer information if you can spare the rooms you should buy yourself a crafting kit a crafting kit allows you to make basic items on your own no generous he's put himself out of business for us though yeah to survive out here for any duration the kit costs a bundle and I admit I do take my cut but the important thing is that you survive every custom accounts he's thinking long-term business track I like this guy yeah I like Dark Souls Santa it's like I'll send you a really good bin but then I'll sell you the bin bags yeah uh yeah we we've got that room we could pop that we just kept up oh see that hold on so you just go so that first panel is everything in the shop you just like you're just drinking it down yeah yeah you might as well just go on the main page yeah nice um so you see at the bottom so these um those are cookbooks buy that your repertoire of what you can craft will increase I can't make everything from the beginning right and then you see those bottom two things you can also buy like little tips about things that are so that you can see the title yeah and then once you buy it it'll give us like a clue where we may find it or what we can do that's cool little like uh yeah little treasure map do you want to read the description uh yeah oh it says how much it is okay good grace that dwells when the accountants of the lands between the linguin trace of gold used again 400 runes runes and nourishment of the development of any tarnish provided a finger made he got boom slam it right into me okay so four this is 300 yeah so I can buy I could buy the crafting kit now if we want yeah let's do it I mean I think it's a good you know college recommendation yeah yeah or but is he trying to do it he's quite rude to another Community now just because then we once we're out in the field away from Carly we can make whatever we want can't we he's not like I'll tell you what you love this out of date chicken yeah it's like are you sure you're not just trying to get rid of that I mean make a recommendations this box of broken biscuits is good and this is this already feels huge and I feel like I'm not saying kind of interesting for me to watch you play this yeah I mean like yeah that's what I said two last week I was like I've never seen him play an open world games like it'd be really like how does he play games I want to know his mind because you're also getting like you've seen the game design that what is drawing his eye yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because like a good job get some runes right now yeah exactly oh didn't mean to do that but that's all right it's pretty funny oh he's kind of running away it's pretty slow right now yeah like it feels like you have to use it with quite a strategy in mind yeah like a proper tactic yeah like or it draws attention here oh what you could do just smash through them all right at the beginning because at what point is it better for us just have one more red flashing yeah you know what I mean yeah that's what the future was to worry about really [Music] banishing enemy groups faction every group replenish your flask the number and type of flash be replenish varies depend on the enemy group you cannot replenish more fast than your maximum amount allows that is cool sorry we're learning a lot here but like for instance because it's an open world game if you're like far from a site of Grace and you see your level fast you might go if I could kill all them yeah I might get all my fast back yeah so I can continue exploring see you're like oh it's like almost like a real risk reward so I think yeah that's cool storm foot catacombs the characters we're straight that's never been a bad choice in a Dark Souls game oh oh he's got a a proper death means returning to the urge trees the Earth tree is the really big tree patience until the time comes and The Roots call to you all right do my first catacomb are we I keep thinking that those guys are like players yeah because they're yeah Jesus Christ what was that these little little imps Gremlins you guys are getting spelled up not oh no I'm gonna die if I don't yeah yeah what if one of them I eat a shrimp I ate a shrimp do you use it red all that I'm trying too he's coming there he's coming he's almost dead okay you little bastard look at that it's like a pig's head on a cockroach thing either way a Caribbean of the ages she's got a little nut sack oh this is tail something I don't know I saw two stumps it's been in prison alone who did they just kill double the stumps this guy this guy root resin resin secreted from the roots of the great tree can also be found near trees on the surface material used in crafting items the roots of the great tree were once linked to those of the urge tree or so they say and it is for this reason catacombs are built around great tree roots it's really like so catacombs you can find in like different areas I almost feel like this is what almost like the Chalice centers were partly inspired they're much smaller but it's like it looks like that there's almost like it's almost like V2 of the Chalice dungeons yeah yeah oh here we go grave glove War glove Ward so the thing is like we can carry on for a bit and then read stuff when we've got a bunch of it yeah just like I know it's like a rhythm thing it's really hard at the minute because it's just like yeah should we just see how far down we can go what's that examined then on that little guy oh that was the steak in America ah okay cool the United States oh there was no pan there the hair the same color is finches we may have reached yeah he's lost um if you go right in this room I think it's a plan oh this one there okay let me heal first oh [ __ ] these little goblins are bastards I think we just got like figure out what do you need me now there's more in this room is blow darts oh nuts I could maybe beat them into that fire yeah I just fight one just fight them yeah there you go oh it's a massive game it is your thing [Music] hey there you go you use the stealth I did probably yeah almost the same color yeah Grapevine violets that was my prison name call me gray Violet I sent my prisoners to the Grave Andrew pick that no that's what it's like oh there you go I don't know how quick they blossom gav oh yeah that's true we don't know these things oh one got something one guy got done and that means there's a side area did you see that oh I should have given it two Beats no just no beaks let's go B oh yeah if only there was something less then then one beat you know music yeah this is this is the caracom episode dude no didn't think it'd be episode one yeah you know we didn't even try this door by the way I don't know they'll buy some Contraption ah which is like a thing that you say in the Chalice dungeons yes very true so we gotta go find the switch here's what I'm gonna do right bait these guys yeah and then they're gonna die in the fire one dude I don't know if you've got accent yeah I got caught a little bit wrong there's more fire in here a second fire just wait here oh is that not all runes yeah [ __ ] just lost them just wait a second no don't let them be Gavin they're gone wait are they back in there yeah they were on the next one I think that fire did get it and then if you hit it oh hey that's handy Pratt hello shut up yes is that the little guy Twisted clay sculpt in the shape of a human hand emits a voice that says hello a Wishful factors that imparts voices and words on an eternal Journey hello you like blow through it this time yeah very cool I guess it's a nice way to talk to people that yeah there's no voice trousers though hello try Bo oh cause you could shoot oh hey do you think I can hit it with a with a wizard spell it's perfect go oh man I think maybe hold on hold on hold on I'll meet you locked in could be roller hey I'm done man there we go oh look he's on he's on the wall little Gremlin guy that will never go inside because I got excited by a ladder of that Contraption what if we pick what if there was something in there to pick up like the other really good stuff yeah there's two of them yeah it's funny as though I think yeah we essentially do have a bow yeah a really slow Magic One A little yeah this is awesome yes and then rinses dude well done fella hey there's loads of them we didn't look around there's loads of them Daniel they live down here yeah you see this is their outside you seen the two you could see with the only two there ever was no no no no no no oh no oh [ __ ] oh don't die don't die characters [Music] oh no climb climb climb oh goodness they can't climb yeah less speed more haste and more haste less speed they can climb I've done the same thing yeah which one is uh let's taste more speed no it's gonna be less speed it was better Haster speed there's so many of them everywhere this is a bit Hasty yeah don't be Hasty don't be Hasty is a famous one isn't it oh somebody is experience with a spirit calling Bell you can use Ashes to summon various Spirits summoning typically consumes f epically um you can only summon one type of spirit at a time you cannot summon Spirits during multiplayer so these are just like story summons or normal non-players I think they're a little bit in between I think this is something new that are adjacent to a story summoned but yeah um they cheating I don't think so I think so much fun to use once you find out a bit more about it oh okay you can't use them yet because we don't have a spirit calling Bell I feel like you can see so that is giving you a gloss on what the concept is yeah you can see we've picked up a specific instance of one below because it's the first time we've collected one it's giving us the extra explanation you can close that and then we can read that I'm too afraid I'm getting not now yeah yeah not right now that first sentence is a great one for Miyazaki Bingo isn't it Bell ashes salmon yeah that takes off like with you always use them with multiplayer we were [ __ ] best multiplayer in the baftas all right let's try and get out of this oh this is going to be tough man I think this is very fast well hey we've seen the catacombs yeah that's good I mean you can't just keep going in and stuff dude for 10 minutes till you're bored about God that's the problem with like the open world it's just like I think you've ordered this now he's like because we still haven't found the contraption yeah he's like oh to open that door open the door that's what we're doing he's like ah I get it this is like you can't keep saying everything is like the graveyard graveyard who was a more obvious path to go from the church we just we just jumped out the side of the church and run into us right okay okay no wrong answers when you were outside and you were like oh it's really interesting to see which was you were like no obviously if you go wrong way yeah there's no there's no wrong way but unless you go I did think we'd do this like at some point in the first couple of episodes okay cool just not in the first seven minutes oh yeah I'm getting rinsed by these little goblins I just gotta you know oh oh I think you can jump down I think I I think you've got to be the thing is we're running through rather yeah so we're finding one tricky we find one okay to fight but like okay got one just take our time now yeah I think the other one fell off that's fine for us it just don't go on trigger anymore up there yeah do I mean you're getting closer nice oh some lovely flowers though in there well that would be nice any more in here I see you little son of a [ __ ] nice okay just then oh it is look at that sneaky guys strutting towards me we haven't got any things you haven't got any glimp blades I got goo I got a pot of goo I can drink that that's what that's what that's called man it's not for the next two years now oh these guys are strong man they don't hold back that was my shield up and he cut right through it are we still on track for the speed run he ain't op no more prisoner Anthony finchy as being anything for so long first thing you take are it right dungeons back in a dungeon she doesn't know how to live on the outside yes she's been in it institution Brooks oh yeah I've not been Brooks actually she's not been Brooks because Brooks wasn't in the spoon you don't need to go down there you got what was in there oh yeah we went down there for runes but they're gone now yeah you're right you can go over the edge you're driving me crazy there you go oh okay last one last one last one last one last one final one last one this is the last one I'm enforcing like this is your life actually last one what is that what's going on there tantalize it that's cool at the current rate come in 2025 oh no 20 25. was it like the Marvel timeline and coming next summer we've had a lot on the first boss yeah that church Christmas can people buy us more memory cards yeah okay I'm gonna smash this now so you're just going straight for this way straight for it come on you could do this you're gonna wake up this little sleepy one she ruins oh my runes it's already gone 134. balls sit down here with you just get it just get it Gavin why are you putting runes in my hands it's fine that was to bait them all down here right okay and then you know what happens I oh you need to put some distance oh yeah you've got uh-oh um Auntie finchy started with a lot of stamina yes she did didn't she oh never good to hear is it oh he's climbing that's fine okay son of a [ __ ] there's a billion of them in here it's fine we've got them on a loop now we're playing card zombies guess what I'm gonna activate this fire to burn them all go get like that ain't it now also that means we don't have to do loop again we're on the loop we don't need to do it again we looped ourselves oh [ __ ] okay I'm going off this side you ready boom yeah smashed it back around this way yeah I walked over I was like what's this little statue it looks like those little guys it's a little guy oh my God all right we're not even on the payoff it's like six little guys I'm I'm gonna be limited foreign holy [ __ ] wait what's he say let's get some Intel do not go in here I'm a monster oh you love it you have a monster yes what are we talking ultraviolet the mango one our first boss is that a cat it's a little robotic cat s when this game first came out is this boss gave me a little bit of a meme because people like is he animating problems it looks so janky yeah it's like a weird little automaton they've left out here looks like it's bust like it's broken you're doing all right yeah you doing all right just get my oh sometimes it moves normal oh [ __ ] that was fast that was a fast one oh oh yeah it's moving like a cat now okay I think we're into Attack Mode just like a cat what was your cat do oh cool I could go to add the shields yeah you could do oh you how do I hey oh he's coming he's coming looks like nosferato yeah are we doing really well yeah he's doing really well you're doing really well keep this up powers yeah should I as long as it doesn't confuse you the cat's gonna go [ __ ] nuts prawns she got a little bubble around you yeah probable oh it looks like a thing of yarn she's like I gotta get my shield back and stole me off I said he just hit you just hit it yes oh no oh we don't have anything do we think you gotta tough this out we gotta tough this out oh [ __ ] you the tail is on fire that was a really good first run damn we could have had that mate you could be gonna be famous Tick-Tock it'll be like first time it's never been done oh my god oh we could do I think we can do it I think we could do it this would be our first boss first episode one boss down boom people be like this is insane no way do that in time remember stuff like if you thought another magic class would be good you could do that could get the magic out yeah I mean couple of those missed as well um that was me having to go I'm just saying yeah I donate them [Laughter] if you were to spell yeah you think those broomsticks know where they're going and I thought so they you see that snitches all over the place oh they all they're hitting yeah that's big what is it what is catnip it means yeah no but what is it yeah is it like a is it like a herd like okay like that yeah what's human catnip cocaine cocaine that's it so oh [ __ ] I mean uh Canada like booze because I feel like three pints is catnip's mixed that's it then right it's gone I'm not doing it you're like pairing not doing it I'm not doing anything that day might not do anything the next day it's all right you know you were under it you have a problem yeah right man yes oh what a Dodge that is I'll tell you what Auntie Finch's Nimble injury yes well done maze that was the first demigod yeah absolutely not is that generally hard to like be sure that's not I think that's not bad I think people think I don't make it look easy guys um do you want to like read the ashes for the first time because we've got a couple of those yeah yeah if you go to the next page you've got two of those cool Ashen remains in which Spirits yet dwell used to summon the spirits of five wandering Nobles the spirits of nobles who after death now wander the lands between surely they were in search of something once but whatever it was has long been forgotten so that's the Wonder Noble actually you can summon these I can just summon a squad of dudes to come yeah but I think these are the first ones you get so I think these are pretty [ __ ] oh okay I don't know I just scored a dude no Spirit of a nobleman who once asked to be given a place at Raya uh Raya Lucario to learn Glenstone sorceries his talents were insufficient to be worthy of dawning the stone Crown however and he is only capable of using the most rudimentary social he's like Well the description is normal sorcerer you actually read the description he's like you actually can't do most of it yeah he's a noble man yeah yeah it's like hagrin is a little [ __ ] umbrella all the gear no idea this is no no thoughts play through we've come here before the spirit Bell [ __ ] so we can't even use them but we've got them first that's it and remember the ghost at the beginning of the catacomb what he said he said when your time will come yeah oh yeah you'll become one with the Earth tree oh look there are just merged into it it's like where you've come like people have put their bodies to be absorbed by the great tree wow why that is we might come back to that later maybe what a way to go merge to a big tree that's why I want to go I think this is just a nice little Mercy this little feature let's go back to the thing you just want to go out there I've I've said that before I think on one of these Let's Plays if I'm buried I'd like to do that thing where they turn you into a tree yeah yeah you do that we give you a sweet area like not in a lab yeah don't take your brain and put it in a tree what kind of tree would you like to be uh cherry blossom I think yeah it'd be a nice one uh okay I'll go back to the church I've had my fun I fought a big cat I mean I think he did really well that church there yeah okay that's another big tree that's not the big tree is that's not that's that's a beach you think that's a big tree yeah that's a big tree that big tree what's going on up there that's things just check it out yeah let's go check it out and then yeah and then I'll get back on track or I won't so you have an argument with yourself [Music] side jump Oh I thought that was an old man I got posture I do not like what's he looking at the shape of this thing what's he looking at oh hello he's looking at uh the castle call this stuff that's Fallen away looking at these beautiful eyes Stone Bell because you went to storm foot Combs right I see right so we need to we need to yeah zip up our way yeah okay I mean there's so much to explore here though so much like so you go anywhere you want man but like if you go back to the church I think there is like maybe you know I don't want to guide you loads on this but like maybe take the path go out yeah just to get like a couple of Basics yeah just get our eye in where's the path is that a path the church behind you well they say you know if you get lost follow that uh follow the Gold Dust go back to God yeah follow Gold Dust yeah oh yeah hello Santa Won't you well you're back care to buy something we do have stuff because you could buy some cookies I think if you go the screen description I'll tell you what they can make chicken nuggets oh nice okay yeah bow and arrow by the news yeah Waypoint ruins they seem valuable the tips of like things we could be doing I Like These Boots do you want to buy the other note they're like leads in the world if I buy that I can't afford the boots though yeah that's true they're leggings she don't she's been in prison she want leggings also you don't have to you don't have to spend anything you have to buy anything I want to buy quite a few of the daggers yeah 27's Max 20 okay 20 yeah let's not go mad maybe a torch yeah yeah cool we could still have bought the other no oh yeah the flask of wondrous physics that sounds great doesn't it actually yeah you might as well spend the extra hundred there's no like we'll be able to find a torch in the world there's a bit of burning wood I'll just shank the guy who owns the flags get two more knives now all right before that just all or nothing yeah I'm gonna trust it oh that's all I want good stuff anything else survive in these lands if the mood takes you and you meet one then offer them some trade won't you my people Wanderers all have long been spurned by the grace of gold which is why we cannot settle but instead are forced into this pitiful unceasing Journey but thanks to that things are not so different for us now though the Elden ring is shattered I think this excuses that's a hundred Spirits the Grafton though aren't they selling stuff tarnished and mine mine because I'm listening out for it now everybody sounds Welsh to me like it's double T's yeah very well shattered at first I thought he sounded quite Cockney but yeah you mean like you're over a listen he looks like when Jack Skellington decides to be Santa Claus crying down the chimney I got knives children and Sandy clothes ever since the Elden ring was shattered the Christmas presents have been shite no right we follow the Gold Dust here we go I've lost it already yeah where'd it go oh look at it there is there's also a path outside the church is there it's going that general direction yeah yeah Road there's a man there he could be friends though you could stealth and do all that jazz oh man we're gonna be picking up so much stuff [Music] backstab from the magic realm yeah replaceable oh nice Upper Road like good boy yeah it's quite fun yeah oh it's raining it's getting a little shawshanky isn't it yeah she's like ah I made it out yeah get ready to leave it or get busy day gosh oh you changed home today then yeah yeah you hit him so hard oh green growing nice good job we just didn't buy load prison Frenchie is the only person I know that crawled through two miles of catacombs and came out a clean woman she loved it that's absolutely clean after my first night out with those Lies over there those pipes were clean wow this is beautiful oh you're trying to just like have a little surveyor before running headlong into it so big castle Yeah I mean Big Trees but not as big as the big tree and then people and what one dude two dudes remember you've got stealth as a you know like remember you Sakura training yeah jokes on them though I can summon five dudes oh he's Keen all right yeah he's Keen yeah he's because it is his job this is we're at his he's like I know you do the double R2 or jump R because you've gone straight to his entrance oh foreign that's quite a smart way to ensure a hit isn't it is a well turn them around turn them around and then if he blocks one I back that's true actually yeah also sneak up on him from behind or that yeah yeah absolutely yeah that's nice this has changed the game what something I'm jumping love it except for Sakura behind this is going very well you're good at that I'm into this magic man we should have been using this from the start but also like for me the thing is important to me is it doesn't seem like it's changed it like fundamentally that it's you're finding it easy I'm still I'm still battering people yeah oh there you go great what's that map limb Grove West yes Liz oh who is that another Soldier job it is to kill us probably yeah yeah oh yes go on Auntie finchy man this is a breath of fresh air from those catacombs he's got big old sword there's two of them as well check this out I'm feeling like a monster right now you're getting [ __ ] today I'm getting really cocky oh we've gone past one of those there's a guy behind me yeah yes how do I do my hurricane blast um you've got what are you talking about you know yeah I'm glad that uh maybe I think it might use FP oh it does right so you don't say right like you know what I mean hurricane the Paris taking press doesn't it takes you off hurricane blast that's the one what's it called hurricane blood it's called impaling thrust thank you it says having never learned hurricane blast I think like you got to just tangle ice yeah Tango ice blast there is a weapon in this I think you would call Tango ice box well like a skill we're going to the movies tonight but I don't think it's a cinema that would have tanks yeah the cinemas we go to these days don't really have tangle eyes plants it's your [ __ ] pizzas during the film too much I grew other people at Tango ice blast I'd rather Blast Off on ice oh boy good stuff got it there's certain things you could do at the site of Grace you can't do a mistake we want America right America or to America welcome into America the finches [ __ ] back again yeah that's how they work you know this I feel like the the uh the NPCs are a bit smarter in this game than previous it's like here's a little Hub you can even go all the way around to the other side if you wanted this open world he's got a wolf yeah there's loads of stuff it's Kiba I'm gonna happiness is going it's already seen it the wolf can smell me the wolf can smell me I already killed the cat earlier I might have to kill a wolf do wolves come from the cat family or the dog family Dog family dogs come from wolves was that a genuine question yeah I'm confused what do you mean what about is that a question I mean like just descendants of I didn't know if you know like uh like a tomato can also be it's a fruit technically wait what did you what was your response I missed your response dogs are descending from wolves yes yeah canines it's cool War Pig hello that looks like a little prison weapon doesn't it yeah yeah what's Andy refraine I'll say it gets through the wall yeah [Music] mama you just have a poster of who's a stud in this game who's like a papa papa don't tell me she had a thing with papa no wow no yeah that would be quite heartbreaking yeah she's done all this time oh can you put the can you put birthmark on the other side no yeah or maybe originally Papa was with her but then she actually went away to prison and Mama thinks she said she's dead when she got out everyone is for the first time you're seeing how much she looks like froggy and like putting one-on-one yeah yeah yes oh what was though oh that's me this is our Shield yeah I I really like this little guy it's called good little hurry when doing that yeah well in them you're nailing them the guys with the swords we can blend in yeah this is how she broke out do you want to read do you wanna like if we've got a little mum and respite you want to just find out who God if there's anything about God requires because we fold soldier of godric down in the cave of knowledge yeah that's true yeah it goes to ironically didn't learn a lot how more my shoulders loyalt godric the grafted made from do my lay with the chainmail the graph do you remember we've heard that yeah yeah that's gonna look a little suspicious in prisoners clothing but maybe their eyes drawn to the Casual Friday yeah very casual this is such a a prison break movie killing the guards dressing up in their uniform yeah was it silent Grace up there just another Friday night don't don't bother looking at checking in on Prison finchy there's people there's lots of people it's all good I didn't see this guy though it's all good nice just get away from this dude and then yeah yeah do our little secret tactic you know check this out activate here and then run somewhere else oh this guy's harder than the other ones wait you have already man you feel so good he look he's even stronger than the other Shield guys he's some sort of Beast he's wearing a shield he's got a better shield and before we brush it can we just have a look at the map yeah that's right a new map that's been found in grave West this is quite cool so because we've already explored a little bit it's actually like quite a functional map in as much as if you zoom in even can you see like to the right there's points of interest there that kind of look interesting yeah once you visit them can you go go to the left to the catacombs left it will then like tell you what it was I see so like that so it's like maybe go have a look at that or maybe go look at that but then once it becomes here it might give you the name of ways it's kind of happened with the runes that we're about to go into it's called them gate from ruins because we found them in the game it's quite useful look if you zoom out from where we started massive Lake right back oh let me see me oh yeah massive Lake there I think it's a bit like inspired by those old like Renaissance maps of early Travelers where it's like he was literally a picture of a sea monster yeah yeah yeah are you wearing that you're gonna get outside gross yeah have you seen that if this is only a uh if there's only a little place then uh we don't need to make sure we kill everyone in there because it's I think it's just they'll just keep respawning but you don't want to like learn what this is to like do you know what explore the runes because yeah things like this they'll be like stuff inside to pick up and obviously if you wipe clearer out you can explore at leisure yeah they're like little camps yeah yes also if we kill all these will we get the little boost or whatever it was before I think oh I didn't mean oh Jesus because it's open world if you do it once clear it out then we can just like go around in future yeah that looks good doesn't it this is like a bit more Sakura yeah it's very Sakura and he's gonna loop back now if you were up pawned frog instead of a samurai yeah yeah easy there's another one of these like Hurst trucks there you go look at this they're very generous with the backstab windows let me tell you I feel a bit iffy about the grave robbing well you know it's not it's all right great flail weekends oh [ __ ] from this play this is just this one now uh that's probably one of the last ones stinky stinky oh that's a big that's a good one it's a good chunk in it the other one come on pause you can do this thing exactly what you mean find these goodies okay we've got this cave the knowledge okay we've got these and they're like that's the thing they were we got those little things maybe permatures you come in let's clear all this out and then you can just get all the nice stuff so maybe that's another little come on nice dungeon yes careful careful yes what does that mean I think ways it's like if you haven't killed like the ones that you haven't yet killed or all drawn to us so you've done better killing yeah thinning them out a bit oh that's pretty good I guess it's basically raising the alarm let me know he's there now oh so what do you have done that earlier had we not been stealth in it yeah or if we just alert him he's uh yeah not that one oh oh my god oh [ __ ] I'm losing it I'm losing it I'm losing it and I got no all I have is run away then run away and regroup well I have is shrimp hmm I don't have anything to heal to my name oh my goodness I got do I get some I get magic back from that no fill my pot I think there's still maybe some Lads yeah I think there was like there was a good few more because they've kind of chilled out no it's worth going downstairs and looting this [ __ ] while they're just like you want to exploit the whole thing I guess yeah yeah well let's do some exploring and if some boys turn up we'll kill him ah some boys oh this is good getting sneaky down here oh no back to prison time visually stop trying to put her back in prison I can't make it on the outside oh here we go I'm hitting this thing you're not getting me with a mimic first try yay oh [ __ ] yes with a wet stone knife you can use ashes of War to Grant your armors new skills at sights of Grace an armor can only have one skill any Skillet previously had will be removed and almonds type determines what skills it can have some special armors have unique skills and cannot be granted new ones oh add in affinities with a whetstone knife you can use ashes of water grant affinities to your almonds at sights of Grace this way you can alter an almonds attack Affinity boost attribute scaling and more and almonds type determines what finish you can have some Special Olympics like those who unique skills cannot be granted new affinities like a fire sword and stuff yeah that's wicked Ash of War storm stomp oh hell yeah Wet Stone knife there you go well hey that's good getting some permanent rewards could go rest at the site of Grace so I think we just touched it yeah but that will bring everyone back to life won't it yeah yeah just do a run through them while you get but I think you've got all the main stuff like I think you're right that's the thing I want you to miss yeah because then you'd never be able to put skills on anything for the rest of the game don't like that look they've got a little cooking pot here yeah oh I took those butterflies that's pretty cool Wahoo nice we've been we basically cleaned that place out a little rest absolutely oh got it let's have a look which says tree and Beast don't mind if I do I don't mind it's in my wrong [ __ ] myself is loyal to God doing the crafted the circle depicts the distant Earth tree and the Beast Regent and emblem of the golden lineages both are symbols of Glory now pass the Beast region the beast king beast king Beast time for us to sleep oh oh [ __ ] [Applause] who's that it's a lady from the beginning video isn't it okay for knowledge yeah greetings hello from Beyond the fog hi I am Melanie whoa oh that's I offer you an accord I wouldn't know what if someone came out to me in a bonfire and said that have you heard of the finger maidens the two things hold them back groups offering guidance that was her clan in prison yeah I am a maidens this line is on thick yeah come on now by choice oh turning room to Aid you in your search for the Eldon ring very cool it will only take me with you to the foot of the earth tree yeah hell yeah we want this yeah I can technically tell my mum I've got an online girlfriend you wouldn't know her she's she's in another land to turn runes into strength she's cool she's cool you'd like her another matter I bequeathed to you this ring yeah oh yes hell yeah he's come on to Traverse great distances yes please it will summon a spectral Steve torrent torrent has chosen you you treat him with respect don't slag him off like your last chance I grow the little bastard should I activate my horse yeah there we go here we go use a special seed to someone and ride your spectral Steed uh if your specialty dies you can summon it again we will cause one flask of crimson tears to do so you can dismal uh by using the whistle again over person Alfred permanently cost one flask which means permanent no just no because yeah they want usage one one swag oh we're my girlfriends this is like a quick equip like so these are items that you'd want to maybe have quick access to that on in your like yeah all right yeah so look at that yeah yeah no no no no no no no no inventory is everything we have yeah we want to go into equipment equipment is what we have on us so going to equipment that's Matt there we go equipment yeah okay and then stick it in here yeah uh what you can also go obviously oh across here sorry okay remember Grace if you want it it's up to you no not now but like it's whether you wanted it I don't tell my phone but you lose the runes I just say it's like the dark side I don't want to do that let's get rid of that okay uh what a bulletproof vest oh okay okay I see I see yeah they do look like so put it into the d-pad instruction you want it to be on yeah do I want to oh the horse yeah yeah because we'll be using that a lot at least yeah but binoculars I mean you want to use occasionally yeah but there you go yeah oh this is badass and my horse can jump huh [Music] I think if you tap Circle yo he's flying yeah go on me oh this is great oh little little tinyo tree hold up buddy torrent can you pick up stuff when you're on horse yep yeah golden seeds oh look how windy it is so well a storm feel isn't it oh man I love our horse already You're Gonna Keep it going up the road you're going straight to Stormville Castle hell [ __ ] yeah is that where the boss is so it's made your boss you just do it let's do it it's raining cats and dogs should we get outside of Grace yeah thank you big time Big Time there's too many walls well can I fight from up here yeah you can look on still also I think because if you do l1's it swipe you saw it on the other side oh I think we missed that but those like walls came down from the sky yeah um L3 oh look right where the Wolves appeared the Beast look oh you can kill him pretty easily yeah they're not too bad they're not too bad a little nicer [ __ ] then these bones oh hey praise the trio oh that's cute fantastic always always sure we can't see names for them but yeah that's kind of cool though but the people watching at home where no they don't know who that is yeah you're gonna lose your mind do I have to rest at it to um is it like Dark Souls one no you can still walk to it but like for instance someone smacked her been grafted rafted everyone who came with me they crossed the sea for me they fought for me little big-headed their legs taken even their heads taken like Birmingham accent taken and stuck to the spider if you're grafted by the spider you become a Christian we just met this is a lot to talk it's quite a lot when you think about it it's sitting sideways and talk oh that's inappropriate Castle I don't like this girl enticed by the one in the white mask I suppose enticed hmm no opposite we mentioned the spider a lot yeah there's two peas in a pod but I don't have your courage it's scary you know having your arms cut off generally considered to be like like everyone else but I'm just too scared I'm nothing but a craven I know can you take this little one along with you it's better obvious spider Spirit jellyfish ashes it's not a spider oh sorry cheaper than myself yeah oh that's nice [Music] I can summon a jellyfish it's a pleasure to see you too oh it's in stormvale castles no tell them I love them despite my craving heart I'm sure I'll be joining their Club soon enough it's weird isn't it it's like I'm scared but it sounds like something they maybe wanted you know finally getting hang of this whole pain thing it was a pleasure to see you oh okay I don't know I don't want to check out the jellyfish yeah stone sword that was another key item right what's up what's our plan here do we should check out the jellyfish because we've got given it I think I want to check out the jellyfish okay oh he's a light use of someone a spirit jellyfish a floating spirit that illuminates its surroundings prone to tears the jellyfish girl searches for a distant home will bravely speak poison at foes on her summoner's behalf it seems her name is Aurelia that's cute isn't it Aurelia means golden how do I don't discard it I can't use this because we don't have the spirit what's the plan here we're going to try and take on the big boss hell yeah I heard something about it if that's the case do you want the spirit calling Bell first that's a smile yeah just should we just get up let's use them out yeah let's go back to the church of Ella okay sure this way tarnished oh may I have a word oh yeah sure time for calmness oh who's this a pleasure to meet the tarnished I am the witch Rena I'd heard tale of a tarnished hurting about Atop A spectral Steve that's a world and upon looking into the matter the talk I surmise is of Thee Thou Art possessed to the power no it's a cool house it's like a mushroom I can't we've got it I can yeah you want me see me I'll call him right now I was entrusted this for thee a tolerance former master Spirit calling Bell and he's got smashes as well and oh [ __ ] like in summon wolves though there's a bell for calling forth spirits summon them with it I'm Ash and return to the Earth tree the spirits will obey thine command but briefly as they recall battles passed now it is dying to do it as thou wishes just love that it's like they're recalling battles past it's like what the what the [ __ ] is that jellyfish up to if he's happy like what battles did he have in the ocean so that's gonna be the first official Welsh voice we've heard in the game right gave mine intrusion tarnished I doubt we shall again meet oh it's all the same blue and well the lands between how long will it be before the tarnished Tire of a basins to the two fingers oh no so now I can summon wolves jellyfish yeah do I look at the Spirit bill yeah yeah before we head on a bell capable of summoning various Spirits from Ashton remains it usually requires FP to use Spirits can only be summoned in the vicinity of a rebirth Monument when summoning is possible the monument icon will be visible on the left side of the screen only one type of spirit may be summoned at once and none may be someone to do it in multiplayer got it so you equip the ash that you want to use not the best not the best right that would make a lot of sense and also actually just because you run it then because because we picked these up in the catacombs yeah you go down to the bottom of the flowers oh so read the description strength is ashes so we find these in catacombs because it just said ashes were basically bits of spirits and soldiers that haven't been absorbed by the Earth tree so these grow in catacombs so this gives you the reason of like why you would want to go into a catacomb for instance yeah oh strength and Ash is a plus one so you can we can level up all of these so if you go along to the next flower this is Ghost glove War right and it strengthens renowned ashes oh so there's like better rashes there these are basically upgrade materials okay foreign hell yeah hell yeah as soon as I get a couple jellyfish on my side we're gonna be flying into battle we gotta we gotta do the jellyfish one first like well the jellyfishes I think it's supposed to be used as basically a night light no you know you said that as soon as you put it up when oh it's a light nothing says it's alive it did didn't it oh where I said foreign oh yeah I picked up that um the thing flask got on flasks oh yeah golden seed did you remember where you found this completely forgot about that it's a lot isn't it I know I know we can also talk to Molina which would not this tiny Golden Aura is the grace of the earth tree this light once Shone in the eyes of your tarnished brethren now it is all that guides you also I hear you can see them can't you the range's face that guide you through your burden good job [Music] Castle storm Vale Shard bear who inherited a fragment of the shattered Elden ring there we go if the Rays of gray signal the castle then the Eldon ring beckons you as an ally by Pat Pat I pray that you are fit to face the challenge presented by the ring okay so we heading out yeah it's getting a bit weird here isn't it a bit oh yeah yeah look at that if you know it's like you're buffed it's basically it's an event that can happen at night where the leaves of the earth tree are falling and it gives you a slight buff I think oh please get in now no no no no no no let's go while the leaves are here it means that it gives you a buff that ah it's also gonna lose it when you walk and also because it changes like um but it basically gives you a buff so when you kill enemies you extract more runes it's not like an attack buff I don't think oh I see wayne anymore um bro I'm just gonna ride my little horse in straight past these two runies you can jump on the horse as well can you and you can do a double jump triangle it's triangle isn't it a good thing it's a dung beetle enemy leave it leave it so can you see now yeah the spirit ashes is something very cool come on you little bastard I thought you were like hey so you were like I'm getting up there I was I was and then I saw a beetle yeah okay but I am now here we go yeah I'm off my horse they killed my horse she's all for a horse no you're not you're alive she's she's a girl she's off her horse I like when she had those like really lovely leather boots on and the jeans and the little kind of top pipe from Princess Bride yeah yeah it is yeah kill this [ __ ] and now can I operate the machines so he's in here is he well yeah we got it's probably not gonna be this straight away wait show yourself Demi let's just take a breather okay let's take a breather Grace let's take a proper breather okay also can you get a level I forgot levels or even a thing so much we could talk to Melina as well yeah uh bigger got it let's Chuck him in there that's always a good one okay are they all the same it doesn't matter um we can talk to Melanie yeah like Elena hi I missed you I'm searching for my purpose given to me by my mother inside the archery long ago for the reason that I yet live burned and bodyless let's keep it light though for which I must apply that kind of our third date yet can offer no guidance was long ago lost until you found it easier and now you're really hard because she said like the gold this Grace was once inside us it's kind of interesting it's like this Grace was once inside you you were tight and now we're tarnished yeah and obviously tarnish is something that has lost its shine it's illustrates um pretty shiny though Daniel I don't know about that that's sweat oil um shrimp oil because you're about to do a really big boss and you're first timer your first time it but do you feel like you might need a little extra yeah you know I feel like I need a little extra something we thought because this game is really really hard and really really long you need something to get a little bit more specialist so we've made you something you made this yeah yeah oh my God from a bigger hoodie wow oh my God that's so cool so that's everything that's gonna try and kill you okay [ __ ] is this all the weapons from this game oh my God that's so cool oh hell yeah all right are you gonna first he's gonna work wonders though isn't it oh yeah yeah yeah just a nice reminder if I ever forget just look down we got it we got it we get real extra small so it's gonna be real tight to get on yeah yeah as long as it's not hot in here which is actually not ah oh it looks good oh it's good that's good it's a good fish it's a good fit it's quality yeah oh that's quality that's quality oh yes please how are you feeling there do you feel powered up I feel good I feel fresh you ready to first try a demi god let's do it straight in where's my horse yeah oh [ __ ] rest it was me all along yeah she could Slither through the pipes oh right ready that's why she needed there's a lot of some in there to prawn herself up all right I need to get ready to use the wolves or the jellyfish [Music] damn emboldened by the flame of ambition that's our big hand s oh don't jump oh my God how do I summon my jellyfish and just select any pouches and turn your pouches that's a big yeah joke's on you brother because I've got oh yeah jellyfish there she goes good TV go You Beautiful Beast tell you what though it's beautifully lit yeah yeah I'm gonna say that's it here we go we're gonna first time this guy easy easy yes here we go and then just drink not drinking pushing as long as my oh as long as my jellyfish can can take him oh she's doing that poison yeah imagine if he went off oh my God wait what am I doing off sorry sorry sorry he's not blocking us yeah okay I think I'm pretty much out of my magic's out the window okay that's fine for me not for him apparently oh look at his little tail yo I love this jellyfish oh I felt like he was gonna oh oh he's got a tail as well he's giving us a compliment yeah you truly I didn't mean to pop my face a massive invertebrates oh no my jellyfish dies his Ascension is almost now his tail read some of something else uh no I've used up all my magic well I've used up most of my magic oh that's cool oh [ __ ] oh no no no you're right you're right it's all right now halfway I have enough to summon wolves no I can just eat shrimp I should have eaten a shrimp you could know it's uh what do you think shrimp yeah I know it's a shrimp room I'm shrimp in it he's shrimping it I'm shrimping it baby he's shrimp in it oh that seemed like I took more damage after a shrimp he's tough we might need a couple more jellyfish on the next episode of retry Misty snare didn't trans what the [ __ ] I gotta watch that I just got gassed from a box and snowed in the transporter trap [ __ ] please nah
Channel: RKG
Views: 134,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gqHMpOqhHdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 12sec (7452 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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