RETRY: Elden Ring | Ep.16: Raya Lucaria Rooftops

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this is retry a show about three Idiot Friends slowly losing their [Music] minds has it always been rain it uh no I think it's just it's just started yeah what is this we Peninsula am I right guys it sometimes does rain in later car just just better Elden ring humor just start the week uh tough crowd tough crowd anyone here from anando you trying to backstab a crap I was trying to yeah right here we go this is new so we came through we just came through those door just did um we just killed bradon's Red Wolf red wolfon yeah we just come oh [ __ ] that's pretty good just have always good to have aren't they right mate a [ __ ] Jesus it's one of those it's one of those things he hasn't spot oh it's not going to open as well we have the it's the number 52 where does it go do we want to take it I don't oh no this looks slightly different it's got like is it different cuz it's got different it's hitting us with different things sh it's got different arms oh oh no it's opening going in we are going in that sounds like it's killing you look it's holding a little baby yeah are we going somewhere this time just death just death Pat you said the wall at the bottom of the water wheel still had its transpositional powers in the other so he was kind of telling the truth partially M also he might not known it would have taken this I think he probably did he did his little laugh yeah he loves doing his little laugh doesn't he feel bad for those crabs they made their way up by accident cuz doesn't seem like there's a lot of water in that around they wanted to become Wizards they're like turn human when the rest of the light was up was it like maybe or maybe it's only been a late once the land collapsed I don't know yeah true maybe these are the students they never said it was a human School White that's a really good point we've just we' just met a bunch of the humans that's all yeah maybe it's like coed humans and crabs yeah take these guys down if those guys feel like weirdly old school enemies to be up here freshman we actually probably have a lot of souls so we should probably keep those oh oh [ __ ] where are they oh yeah wa I mean oo we could just go sort those just go level now you going to take this down let's take this down first okay quickly I'll just take I'll just take it down guys no big deal sweet no a bit of magic SM it watch his Dodge oh that's doing very little there's someone in the back again no that was the yeah just it does feel of a similar inorganic like some this is awesome enemies weird like half water wardrobe half half wardrobe half knife all man actually Angela Lansbury's last role it does look like something from Beauty and the Beast yeah the thing is there is another world with that no no no no no you son of a [ __ ] Without Beauty and the Beast like the it's quite horrific when you're a kid in some bits oh yeah you know like when he's like around yeah when you have all like The Whispers and stuff like that it's freaky man nope I can't remember cuz the servants are in prison they curse with him aren't they yeah yeah yeah I can't remember um much of the live action we saw it together we did yeah quite p as well you you went out for p halfway through so bored yeah I was really excited cuz it's my favorite Disney movie and then I was just really bored that's your favorite Disney movie yeah that's my favorite Disney movie yeah we talked about be and Beast and um Demon Souls did we yeah yeah with a lot of like Disney films and when they make him live action there's a lot of stuff that just looks really off when they like you can't give a mouth to a cup in real life it's quite easy to do that and make it cute in in cartoon form yeah what's your favorite Disney form uh M here we go um I would say Mulan yeah of course the best of them all I forgot that uh I forgot that the servants were turned into [ __ ] they it wasn't that they brought the [ __ ] to life they're his staff that's and so then chip is a young child yeah who's been imprisoned in a broken teac well that's the thing that people go mad about cuz there's a scene where he's like right off to the cupboard with your brothers and sisters and there's just [ __ ] like 50 small cups in there sleeping and be like what's the rules here does she just have 50 kids Angela like or is something else going on where as well as the servants being turned into cups that can talk the actual cups but then does that mean like so say there were 50 cups yeah chip has taken one of the 50 cups that existed and the other 49 are just like idiot cups that have been brought to life like Golems yeah but like that's the thing do they eat the same thing do she treat does she treat them the same way cuz I watch that film she does not and surely the she has a favorite and it's Chip surely the dunce cups as well would want to stay alive they're like don't turn me back into a cup I'm Alive Now angel the teapot in she not the wardobe I thought she was the Wardrobe that's cuz she was in bed knobs and broomstick so I'm I'm there's a furniture that I've brought over Ben's motick was one of our tapes that we had as a kid so that was on all the time mine merry po seen popps yeah we didn't have mer PO on tape if you turned me into a teacup St yeah specifically short and stout optional yeah uh I wouldn't be like oh in a rush to be turned back oh poil boiling water in my head that's where I am now no but they don't love it though they're still humans like just because I'm a cup now doesn't mean I want someone to drink my inside I think like at that point your physiology is functioning like a teacup love cuz that's the purpose is it yeah but you're also a good servant as well so you want to serve I do I do think it is weird though that if CU I think what we just said is right I think the cups came to life as well I do think it's weird that angel lby is like have a cup of tea out of my son I'll pour it for you as well I'll just use one of the other cups I'll pour it into my son's head I don't think it's a mean thing to say if if either of you guys became a teacup I wouldn't drink out of your insid I'd be like I'll just that would be like me eating cereal out of your mouth I don't want to do it yeah cuz he doesn't have that many servants cuz that's Bonkers if he does no one needs that many servants Castle though why are some of them children Beast je oh he was a he was a [ __ ] though before right that's why he got turned yeah but there's that I I still think if you were a [ __ ] you'd be like this is unnecessary 50 Children slaves like I don't know I I think [ __ ] don't think that like some of the other be like Master like they really don't have much to do a lot of them are just sitting around day to day he was like they might as well be my cups they sat in the cbed anyway mug to me yeah yeah it is weird it's good feel good feel uh yeah they' making like a TV show I think with Luke Evans as Gaston he was the best thing in that movie so I'm excited for that do you ever watch any the be in the Beast show of R pman oh no it looks freaky it looks really freaky I think looks quite it's very liony in it yeah yeah I had that one that was close man 1,000 runes there I know I want them I want them Jewels my Jewels people like you calling them Jewels My Family Jewels I saw a really funny tweet the other day that was like I really respect the Beast because uh the rose thing aside he didn't want Bell to go into the uh into that East Wing because it was a [ __ ] tip he's like I've got a room like that in my house I really respect I see all my HDMI cables the last couple of weekends we've had people staying over and we are in the middle of moving and I feel like our house inside is just a facade it's just like if you open or or move anything door shaking like do not go in any yeah ni monster yeah don't look under in around oh got he's bigger damage though cuz you getting his like weak spot you've got this mate you've got this you got this he's done for he's going to do his big roll is the one I don't like oh I didn't know there was a cliff there well you haven't really looked around or have we I had him do you think the Beast ever got angry and just smashed one of the kids well that's the thing I feel like do you know like I've I've smashed like my favorite mug one of my favorite mugs this year and that was an accident so imagine you smash be like that's my [ __ ] four-year-old kid and then the like the dust pan and broom that's cleaning up is his ATI yeah crying I didn't want this life for me which is his Grandad great now my dead grandson Me and Mrs Parts comes back do you want a cup of tea hang on wait a minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 hang on Billy where is he what you done you Beast B is crying his eyes out like something's happened here what's going on oh he just kill jez oh come on come on come on come on I'd love it if after that movie was just sick like he spam too much he was like got nuts and bols is he human again oh no that was yeah I don't oh oh it's biggy I don't have any magic flasks that's what was freaking oh yeah cuz we reallocated sorry we got oh yeah no s right all right what was the last non like Pixar style Disney movie it would have been I don't know it's like Frozen 2 there's something more recent than that but that's like it's still pretty close here we go come on come on come on like proper oh um Encanto was Encanto there probably Encanto that was that that wasn't like the CGI Style no it's C oh you were saying traditional hand yeah yeah yeah I don't know yeah I can't think oh no those a um computer yeah okay we got a chance here guys are we not going to explore now we've killed it we so we're going to level up oh right okay yeah once we got he's going to come back Al buddy I know it was more of a moral win right okay so now we're just going to explore around it under stress okay under threat of death Vigor we do need we do keep saying we need more Health yeah what what's the plan but I don't know man is there anything we want I want that Turtle Shields but I don't remember what that was okay well let's have a look at the turtle Shield spells are good faith yeah no that well that's incantation not sorceries that's intelligence yeah intelligence we want up don't we well it depends but it again it depends what you want to lead towards what's the lowest one let's bang that up uh is that a good Strat strength yeah strength was weak as [ __ ] this is the the rounded build yeah no we can't we can't I think Vigor we're always is Vigor Health yeah okay that's not a bad one is it I don't it's it's never a bad one okay do you want to do your Magic Flash before we go yeah yeah I do actually gu sweet sweet okay fast charges I like two two is good that's cool that we could do that so quickly 72 split yeah yeah 7 710 split is the name of the widest split you can get in Bowling 710 710 pins 71 I already know that from Simpsons yeah I know a lot moly from The Simpsons super yeah pot guys it's Chip it's little chip it's Chip Chip oh my God wa they've turned the pots against me oh he's got dual Crown this lad double Ed let turn the pots against me turn the pots against you I he's got like a spell is basically like a shotgun blast that's crazy we we could find what out what that is oh only we yeah cuz he's killing the kids we could go to a place where they Tau spells and cuz we now learned that there's different schools of spell things some metor some of the Comets yeah um oh oh like they just explode don't they what do the do the carnivores go to the school that's a little meatier you can't even be happy got stop doing the show crack pot let's get some stuff in that crack pot we got chip crack pot we just got chip the cracked pot oh yeah full circle right where we going what's happening just doing a little exploring checking out our boots what the f you doing oh oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] worshiping those people Ambush Ambush do you think this is like hazing those are the third years up there yeah hazing the newbies you not be able to reach them from there you they're going to be able to reach you though allor right I'm getting up oh n don't go there wait from Pro stps here all right I'm going to I'm going to run up and get him go g g the scrubs the scrubs are coming this is why focus on the one that's dead yes well done yes well done right get the scrubs regroup why what's a pirate doing in magic school yeah he's cool he was a guy who tried to reinvent himself he was like I'm going to be the pirate guy uni well you wearing creates after lockdown you came in that one day like we can't have that it's my new look creat boy cat kraat it have it nice people were saying that reason you're not doing jump attacks anymore not doing a lot of tactics whoa whoa what's that guy's head what we just saying is that it's the double head looks like he's got two scoops of ice cream that does thing is that also does look like he acquired too much knowledge and it's [ __ ] split his head open all those like Graven Mass things there's too many yes is kind of what's Happening one well not if it's completely debilitating it warps your mind thing is that is kind of what they're doing isn't they're trying to get more stuff and then they just gimer it's too much yeah it's Ops Windstone we this is more of a laugh and Oppenheimer let me tell you that Windstone for nothing what's the Glenstone wet blade key item oh should we check it out yeah yes please Glenstone wet blade with a cipher in grave can be used as a wetstone knife when implying an Infinity using physical or magic type ashes of war and additional Affinity of magic a frost can be chosen so we have barely delved into like weapon stuff yet and it is like quite in depth but this allows you to put on either magic or Frost affinities to weapons so if you want to like give your weapon a little extra we can do that later on okay if you want to specialize a weapon or make it into like a lightning weapon you need to get different types of wet blades this one allows us to do magic or Frost oh nice and would that and that's not like a use it's an upgrade type it's like you remember like when we've made like a flame SW let's do that yeah I like my that's what we might do when we get to like certain areas like oh this area is particularly weak to this you know like when you went down catacombs if you had a holy weapon it would be really good yeah yeah or my electric banana sword you just try to a shiny you tried to telescope through the door that's what usually what my um Lantern was on but lock on tactics yes there's a guy there's a guy going to shoot you he didn't see [ __ ] oh we did hit man him drag his body down the stairs take his clothes oh go for this door this looks like it might just open up a little shortcut yeah it do please don't have to do that yay that's wicked we still need to explore that main area as yeah get back down you can do both but like don't forget about that oh left required turn the left oh here we go oh yeah this feels like yeah don't jump down there don't go down there yet let's go I mean we can we're going to do both I guess if you jump over there you can't come back yeah did I miss something up here up this back bit oh I think you flowers Trina V Trina anti Trina anti tr's L antia and anti Trina I did actually think of sending witha a lot of this to be like oh just so you know you are coming up in this show too much do I have to explain like we said she's called Tina finchy Tina Fini Tina Marina anti Tina finci and she loves Tina marinas he is I love she could be called like an like ifs she was called anti-a which means your name would be anti anti this she seems like a very finchy thing I know we say like oh is kind of weird that things just you know coincidences like level up like we started calling anti Tina anti anti finchy and we said out of nowhere that she liked Tia Maria and tia means antie in Spanish that's [ __ ] weird to say that is crazy isn't if you're true again if you're Truman showing me I'm going to be furious also getting that that's insane what the hell how crazy is that they're watching us cuz I just watched that jury service show I it felt like they put together a Truman showes style situation quite easily see what's hidden around the corners dude we're we're like these guys aren't too hard to fight and they give some pretty decent Souls like we're going to be get a lot of [ __ ] but why are they here what's that oh nice magic crab mag crab oh yes how the we getting that from a crab maybe the crab right little dwee corus should we read it no stay on no don't one of the Glenstone crowns of stone upon rayar Scholars who Pursuit were deemed worthy increased intelligence to the detriment of stamina the corus conspectus is the oldest of the Academy's lineages of study begat by the sorcerer azur Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets oo there you go are you too heavy are you all right good is it's just a stamina so might my stamina will be a little [ __ ] okay this didn't say anything about reducing Health like wanted it no no it said reducing stamina for intelligence yeah increases intelligence to the detriment of your stamina I'll be honest I don't feel like I had that much intelligence to lose so it's a difficult tradeoff does that mean bars or does that mean levels um I think it with some of I think levels okay cool we just bought one didn't we so that's the first of new three so whoa Jesus Christ mag CRA it is yeah yeah yeah so how many do we need now be careful of backing up into the eye what is that blue thing blue status effect come on come on come on crystal is that what it is or something please don't go off the edge of and see oh yeah maybe we turn into a crystal oh God could be badass crab eggs lot of delicious Seafood uh yeah in this one we got our shrimp we got our crab eggs I sent it to you on Instagram I got served an ad for like one of those Seafood broiled places in London and it looked it looked amazing was it DC I don't remember cuz that I've never been to that I've done it in the house I've said but I've never done um I've never been to the actual place I'll be up for her it's quite spicy though I'm down hole ahead and something incredible ahead try jumping I is a slug one as well no it's not a slug one that doesn't look it doesn't look like I can funny though do it I don't think the cotton is doing much when there's no when there's no floor if that's what you were going to no I was going to put on my prism stones to see of invisible walkway oh nice there is it yeah scet that is done for uh I'm happy to leave that I don't think that's going anywhere oh happy that you that's one of the best items in the game but all right now I have to it's can't am I hit what am I supposed to be hitting that exactly yeah no way man yeah it's not happening it's not happening I do I to be fair I did that was a nice call back to put in the prison Stone down there that was kind of nice far yeah also looking cool yeah have you read the the description on the prism stones in this game I haven't no is very much like having a pop at you I think it says something like it keeps children entertained for hours it would be funny if it's like starts getting more like thing be like uh treasured by little idiots from northern isand SL George what the they they're [ __ ] watching us that's that's too much how Stone yeah like we get to the next bench and be like uh guess we didn't get wanked off here you well prick what you are on a bench in this game that's B I'm getting crystal that's what I mean sleep yeah put us to sleep Jesus Christ oh no don't don't look at me don't look at me new status effect it's cool is it sleep is quite wild in the Final Fantasy universe that's quite a big one is it yeah mad status effect if you hit your partner you wake him back up but takes health of them so but we going to have a partner here so it's not really helpful got free sty free bullet yeah you're done for chief over Overkill yeah when you're not locked on it's a little harder to gauge the job some white flesh I love it who's sleeping now Krabby oh you could get your Mar out next time you have a little fight get have you got your Marinet on hey crabby uh I do yeah just no FP no FP yeah I used all my potions as yeah it's fine next time we' got potions and we're in this is going to say oh there's something here dead end theold oh [ __ ] Jesus to be that's not lying that's that's a nice one you're doing some really patient exploring today I just I want to tell you that that's good it's quite sleep like I think it's going to the Rain inside is going to match outside in a bit as well that's going to be quite nice outside in the real world I think so it doesn't look great doesn't rain to doesn't look great why we're indoors all day it's fine that's really what's that noise look there's a whole bit down there yeah what the what the that was funny what little wizard prick if they're such good wizards why do they need massive balls running around the place if they had massive balls they' be fighting me oneon-one so where did come from then that's how it look up there some little freak up there I'm going to kick his ass got runes yeah that's I want to run down oh my runes Boulder comes back no it wasn't it wasn't was closer oh yeah it's way closer it's right you got it okay it's coming I just got to dodge it there we go woo out who who's doing that oh they they're using Magic to make the ball magic balls from the ball Dimension I take it back I take it back that is clever well done magician ball Dimension oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] wa that's pretty badass time to kill a wizard it's pretty badass kind of open Show Yourself ah oh hey I would do this maybe later no get out of there we'll do that as a little treat wizard what Jesus get a magic going on here moonram carry a knight okay we got this guy he's be use a bit of parrying do you see his sword do like Moon [ __ ] we make a friend look we don't have to fight we can team up against the Wizards I don't think that's going to happen buddy oh that was cool he trying tactics the tactics King oh [ __ ] he got me good I think we got him guys I think we've got him he's pretty maybe we don't maybe we don't oh that's cool nice you doing all right he's doing a guard counter on you there you do us yeah try do it now trying to get a Parry in but yes a a he's too he's very he's very quick for the very quick do those roof bits now if you wanted get some bits and then come back for him he does have my Jewels now though is he that's a problem six grand got my Jewels six grand is not nothing come here you sticky little freak he's he's got me on the ropes already you know um the wetstone thing is that what he's under to his thing is that why we're getting Little Blues from him no he's just doing like those spells you know the carrying like you know carrying slicer but it feels like even when he's just hit normally oh it's getting blue so I wondered if he was like maybe yeah he's got like a little thing don't go in there he might do yeah what's going on in there what's he hiding yeah I mean he's obviously protecting something isn't he yeah he's a carry night yeah so you know what that means so big time gav he so all the caran spells that we've been doing they're like he is protecting the person who does them or and they're a royal family oh and who's the head of the royal family uh rata rala rala yeah there you go who's the Shar beer after yeah it is yeah she's in there well she's somewhere in here we think that's like that's why we've come here that's yeah CU that we need to get her egg yeah get her egg get her egg that's a pretty good way if you want to kill the Royal Queen SL King follow the bodyguards there you go they're the crumb take the out first make your job easier yeah um magic does pretty good against this guy let's get back in here not load in it he pared me Jesus Christ that's like a cool magic Parry yeah like flash blue a he's cool man why can't we magic Parry Daniel is that a thing we can do yeah huh do you want to explore more yeah you're like you can't regular Parry learn that you can let's go let's go cuz maybe that feels like that's the cuz if through that door if he's protecting her should we go have a look at those rooftops can do can do can do boys although these people are going to be back aren't they you you've opened up that little door yeah you got a shortcut I almost forgot about that you did forget about it there you go until you guys reminded me i' almost forgotten yeah luckily I didn't forget so that's what everyone remembers also you'll do this perfectly so there's runes to still be there still be there don't worry about it there's definitely not going to be any terrifying weird monsters over here well I was you you must jump into nothing then so I hate these rooftops they're absolute maze these ones specifically yeah just like there's quite a few there's some good stuff up here though yeah like this guy oh little Marette guy oh I hate these guys actually [ __ ] I'm going to go I'm going to end up rolling off yeah get some magic on him do something in here we go let's be careful of the archer in the distance there you go see use your magic on them from far away now we got this look he's just chucking stuff into that W look at that rapid fire I mean they are puppets who've been brought to life was the description of the ashes not something like they just something about them like going off accidentally or something right right they're they're just not they're not the best yeah we just got to be like quite thorough in exploring up here hey around here good going off Alex fake wall for sure I'm scared about getting even higher yeah oh one of those we've been down there oh yeah on the way up to Run's wall it is yeah it's even like when you said oh that's that Hy down there that was just the water wheel cuz we're basically up only I had a slug a a hold on Magic for sure those little bird Lads this might be too far for no it's good I hate these guys they're actually pretty strong that was coming oh don't and spells as well yeah you only getting shot by that guy what the hell he's shooting a space Slinky at me oh War's happening now let's just get him done yeah here we go what the Jesus Christ he's got a cork screw spell he's two Eder as well he knows the [ __ ] mate know [ __ ] about this though just fall off I think that bird just yeah that bird just died it fell off yay can he fly not very well and he's falling with style hey we're doing great up here that would that was well done when we get to you're going to be just really sad cuz her F's left like where we where are we coming in in in yeah leggings that uh oh [ __ ] look down there what the hell is that oh I don't know we can go all the way down there can you see cuz there's a enemy on it yeah yeah so yeah we just got to be quite thorough cuz I think you can drop down there yeah woo just a little reminder that early access patrons can watch next week's episode of retry Elden ring right now and next week we take on our second shardbearer rala Queen of the full moon I'm going to I'm not going to Shield block the first one cuz that's insane just avoid that if it hits me no got well a roller coaster of High Hope either I'm going to Shield up for these see what happened oh that's a big one isn't it no oh one as well cuz we're looking at that and then that's in the background God this so if you want to watch that full-on Boss episode today head over to our patreon and support us right back to the rooftops cotton foot no you can do that it's pretty nice to you sometimes is it like because it's open world like fall damage is like more lenient than other games oh that's quite yeah oh I mean it's not a red yeah what it wasn't a deathy he made that yeah no way got him make it there you what the hell so we got there's a fork here but like go on we could go this one all right [ __ ] what we're going for it well you clip that wall though oh you did click that wall oh cuz that one was so sketchy it feels like we've done like he's absolutely Bren so good he's nuts that's good as it Michael yeah just this little freak that goes nuts that that does look like the animation that they show the other Mia Zaki In that clip that we love where it's like the zombie and it's like well there goes our gems we don't have to worry about them F we just going to get more gots all good I never actually watched that documentary all those clips are from considering we were obsessed with I'm not a big J fan well that's not true I just hav watch haven't watch a lot of them yeah same same here yeah you guys what probably watched like four I've seen three or four maybe I only find this out now how's Moving Castle yeah how's moon castle Spirited Away princess one and okay I haven't seen princess you haven't seen princess it's it's the best one in my opinion po Porco Roso I've seen I've seen that um I think that's it wow P you haven't seen paon no oh my God guys what are we doing here I know let's stop unbelievable I wrote my uh dissertation at University on Studio Jubilee did did you it was about uh animated realism the Paradox the Paradox the Paradox how can be realism will someone once draw one day draw a cartoon that's so realistic it BEC real thesis by Rory P yeah like Rory lots of thesis don't usually have a photo of the author like this on just MP4 going maybe hopefully yeah will someone ever draw a cartoon woman so real become my girlfriend yeah car woman so real that I would shagger answer quite possibly 8,000 words by Rory Powers most of them hopefully it's it's mostly Doodles it's mostly me trying to create so far I'm thinking no but I'm not a very good drawer I'm not a great draftsman back to the drawing board literally what are the some of the limitations we Face to start crayons paper cuts paper cuts crayons in sensitive areas get him off you got he's on hey yeah they've done like the um like a a liveaction theater version of H's wom Castle isn't they yeah be quite good T oh Tor actually not Castle Shakespeare company yeah and spirited they've done one for Spirited Away now I really want to see it and they've done one for SpongeBob SquarePants all the greatest Gareth Gates is in there he yeah Gareth Gates plays Squidward not Squidward what the what's the other ones that I used the other ones the other ones SpongeBob is friends with there's a bounty of rich Bounty what the what's that [ __ ] orange thing mikat starish Patrick the starfish Gareth Gates plays Patrick the starfish that's incredible I that's the other one I have not seen then sponge that's not ji my neighb my my neighbor Toro yeah it's about like man's Havey to Nature I they the balance between the environment I was too old for SpongeBob so I missed I don't think I've ever seen a single episode of it yeah dude it's great it's it's genuinely I feel like that's just the inheritor to red and Stimpy yeah it's one of those like even as an adult you wasn't it yes it was I've not watched that must movie is good as well but no nor have I or the rocker's Modern Life thing on Netflix either I know did you hear that little ding-dong it sounded like a train announcement oh no yeah what am I doing up here chest what am I doing up here with this chest maybe it's part of the music do you hear that come on come on full oh cross hell One of a Kind Enchanted crossbow of exquisitly detailed craftsmanship made to celebrate the matrimonial Union and Reconciliation between the houses of the ER tree and the full moon lell and Ray lucaria the two rings dance when reloading the weapon reveals true worth when used with wholly infused bolts that's cooling gift get it on we've got some of those I'm sure we've picked up some of those uh things there was the arrows bolts we we did we got five of them now how do I shoot this son of a you haven't loaded it you got load it you I was spinning slash that's one now what have I done where did it go well we we fired it oh so how can you target it I got to load up again we're just going to use one back yeah yeah we are no there it's loaded okay so how do you target where you go oh there's another one off I don't know what that is we've got other bolts we've got other bolts you just stop and read how to use it yeah let's do was oh now I to use it it's empty where's the where Google it or unequip the arrows and get comfortable with the buttons yeah can see the animation where you going down let's do the crossbow thing you should see if there any where you can jump off you can come as I didn't mean right take the holy arrows off what have you done now what that I didn't do anything I don't know something's happening you've moved something someone's coming right let's learn how to use this I think this could be cool okay firstly do you want it in your left hand or your right hand left hand right okay so I still have my weapon so you'd rather have your weapon than a shield and using it uh yes cuz we'll be distance so there you go look 70 bolts has tons we can learn that so you got that yeah uh I don't know what that does so it's definitely not that yeah it's not that one that's shoot that's shoot oh it's really you got to load it up yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what it said isn't it in the thing and then it l like oh it's heavy can you aim with it as well like a bat yeah I don't know how to do that let Crouch do I have to twoand it maybe to aim boot someone no but that that's his thing it's got a that's that's kick that's what it says down the bottom of it it's got his little extra thing that's cool that's my health a health potion okay fine what what is Target um aiming but there must be like a a reticule thing right let be aiming version of it I just sh another Health it's not yeah it's not the buttons we know I'm too heavy now yeah where would where would we be able to find this information right now Google you have to equip it like a two-hand weapon yeah yeah what's that just sell one when it's equipped as a two-hand weapon two hands yeah L1 yes there we go okay and you can how did you do the kick well that's just like the weapon art on it there why has that got kick yeah you can but the thing is with weapon art on any weapon we can change them oh can we yeah that's what that whole ashes of War system is oh that we put whatever so if you that's why we so it's like I found a nice one put it in that that's what that little space is that's what we could we could take kick from this and duplicate it onto something else that's that's why usually when say Parry there yeah yeah yeah yeah we we could turn kick we could put kick onto a shield yeah yeah yeah that's awesome I mean he's gone I think he just died oh no he can fly so if there's ever anything that on the bottom bit of right in that we think it's got all the ones that are up there I guess we don't use like we've got some incredibly cool ones more so than Ki we've got like ones that like Flying Swords yeah that's true yeah oh I'm not good at this head shot what the what am I hitting you're clipping it yeah look if I if this hits the side this is a joke I don't think it will got him you are quite close to that edge I hate this this is you don't have to use it I decided I hate it but it's like for maybe the right situation not just like that's now our life I can't cuz it's not as fast and you you cuz you not got shield on we're taking all this extra damage and I used three flasks trying to figure out how to use it as well so get out of here have ah my old [ __ ] I miss you get out of here you dick so baby good like in if there was a group you could lure one aggro one is coming your way true I I like spells for that though okay so you know like when one has like that the other thing has spinning slash on it yeah that's the weapon art on that on that weapon but we couldn't copy that to like the bow um maybe some more weapon contingent yeah and the reason you're reason he's able to use that cuz that's on the twin blade cuz that Shield doesn't have an ability right okay oh right yeah yeah yeah we should really pay attention to all those yeah a lot of stuff up here I think we'll need to do this one more time oh nuts just cuz we've gone past the point of the other route you know that big jump he did yes there was two forks I think we the left I think we'll need to maybe go back and do the right one cuz we've fallen down on the lower level now oh what was that imbued sword key something that H Stone Key shaped like a sword a specializ to imbu with Rich Blue Magic breaks the seal on the Imp statue's guarding the sending gates enshrined in each belfrey but remains embedded in the Statue after use meaning it can only be used once as an item think well before using one have we seen one of those um we've seen sending Gates that's that what that thing we just saw was we've not seen the ones in a belfrey okay cool if only I had a down slug I'm not going down there that is death slug mes well woo uh we still there's down this way yeah yeah definitely like go all the way tons so you can go down there and we can also jump across as well hell yeah bloody hell this is mad oh doing pretty good you know like yeah yeah this is our last last though just um can you still get back to that ladder I could jump down there get some cotton feed on me can you jump through those windows yeah we can I'm just trying to three times yeah like do it in the order where it's like check out that before going to the that's why I'm like I would L first I know we can get back up that or we do anyway a f I was doing so good as well we'll have more flash this time yeah true true true true it's always uh funny when you're in a place that loops around so much like this because we've been going for you know like an hour or so two hours and then you end up starting still right back where you started the whole episode from let's go retry that's retry baby yeah you're you are right it is raining pretty consistently here M oh oh [ __ ] this might be a problem what arrows yeah yeah yeah I thought that was one of on you walked around I didn't remember there was a ladder there that's that don't worry about the souls Z fine unbelievable all G they want to level they want to level any I feel like we've come pretty far away we've done some true love so much my favor me your arrows the kick though we can put on something I'm biging into this yeah I was not really listening when I heard you talking about it it's really it's really clever we talking about you had such a nonse to you went those of stuff on this roof yeah you already done a ladder I I think I know what it is those those are like the extra like second abilities that you can put on any weapon so if you wanted to have a favorite weapon you could put your favorite bit on it so we got some amazing ones we just hav't tried there could be one there that's you Lally your favor sh the problem is if that comes in something goes out you know I'll forget how to use flasks and you want that then s you want G yeah well shut up that my no give me away guys just enjoy the kick in your brain I can just deal with some stuff yeah oh we just hang on keep going down the big jump they might not be able to do the big jump nice okay you want to come down huh you son of a [ __ ] big mistake nice um we going to do the big jump cuz we never did that area I think I think we did after doing a big jump big jump oh I don't think you yeah you CLI that wall I think he jumped a little bit earlier why did you take all our cloves off we were too heavy when we started wearing the crossbow the crossbow the crossbow should put our clothes back on although I'm kind of I like the the the feel of the my skin and arrows and Magic it's like astrobot like you're getting like the little rain bits on the thing that's what it is in there that's pretty cool man yeah is that it's hard to know whether they that is the monster shakes yeah monster shakes oh come on you what purp who why are they getting involved in things you know guarding it is it doing a good job I guess if you are going to have any soldiers guarding you puppets isn't bad because you can kind of be they easily controlled yeah if there's one that I know about puppets I think I'd rather have that carry a knight have a bunch of them don't you dare don't you dare don't you dare but he might start getting ideas of his own being like why am I protecting this guy what's so great about gavur I would treat I would treat him well you're fine I wouldn't have to worry about that ready for big jump yeah stop running into the wall though big jump line it up I think you went left last time yeah so we can go this way o there's things following me it's just one you could just fire them before you go on only I have my crossbow I might deago if you keep on going yeah yeah yeah yeah look like he's backing away actually yeah someone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's gone he's gone here we go oh there a little break in the floor oh yeah do we want to fall do we not want to fall where did that even come from let's just see our options before I go jumping so that's where we went last time yeah it's further down uh and there's nothing over here so down go down this way yeah just watch where for woo yeah look down first yeah Crystal crab don't lose some crab there we go oh amazing swap it out let's have a look what does it say one of the glint Stone crowns bestowed upon R lucara scars of pursuit were deemed worthy increased intelligence and dexterity to the detriment of HP Scholars of the lazuli conspectus study caran sorceries a heterodox Pursuit that views the moon as equal to the Stars what's het different cuz hetro means other side hetosexual not same side is equal to the Stars so car and sorceries we know car caran royal family is rala renala is the queen of the full moon so it's almost like she had a different school so she her magic is derived from the Moon which is equal to the Stars cuz the other guys like SP meteors and Comics which I think they're kind of referring to as stars in this game yeah yeah yeah a that's really cool and which is the same shade as all those caran yeah and the same that that car KN had on his blade is called lazuli right I think that's like an old word like a Latin word for like that shade of blue very cool lot of crabs down here ttic have the student been turned into crabs what what's going on here we haven't found any evidence of that so there's a bigger assumption than there's just crabs but I'm not I'm not going to rule it out I keep killing crabs and getting helmets and stuff Helm Crystal crabs yeah yeah interesting isn't it is that another one over there there maybe we get another helmet a precious item yeah see look they know don't it doesn't mean you got to jump I I would be able to make that but I might be able to go up and go down find out I am wearing the one that's actually actually taking off a lot of my health look at that you can change it yeah I definitely should what was the benefit of this one uh uh intelligence and dexterity to the detriment of Health down Square everything I do where we are detriment to health that was that ladder earlier oh yeah oh yeah we're right here so that's down there we want to do this stuff up first uh yeah I'm not sure don't know if you can get back up there this guy killed me last time so I'm ready going mess him up nice not so tough anymore are you puppet boy please don't hey hey you know like that bit where you saw like um off the side of this yeah so can we just you know the bit where you just saw where there's another Crystal crab yeah can you see if there's any way that getting back up I can't remember the best way of doing this no ladder there there would could be something on the other side just like no we can maybe do the inside the in the church first okay just trying to save us another run yeah watch watch me die here we got to do three more runs yeah okay church first like a Sunday morning's a shiny on that in that door where we just went oh I think you be able see when you get in but I look oh my goodness there's a shiny somewhere on this level oh yeah don't like this just the bigger inside isn't it this feels very painting Guardian R talk nice how's it going oh we can land on that thing yeah I mean you can fall down onto the next slap down oh you're going to go okay oh oh that was the most stressful way of jumping on Academy Glenstone key remember what that is right that's what we got to come in here in the first first place oh that to open the thing but remember they said that it would only be used by one person so we could give that to gav gav yeah cuz G said he like he went oh if you find another one you have another one yeah [ __ ] that's a great idea okay this guy so he's the guy using the Lai Crown yeah which is carrier and they're all like weapon based sorceries like based cuz we had that carry and slicer for a bit oh no there's load them down here let's not let's not die I don't know if I can make that promise he's outside as well if you need the space I'm going to get hit I'm going to get hit that's nuts I don't realize there going to be so many those big buff Boys in here thops is not like a Welsh thing is it THS I don't think so well th is one of our letters when one of our special letters he could be you could call thops that's what you say how you say it thops thops [ __ ] the way that I told clar say is like you know if you can't if when you're a kid and you can't say sausages and you say fages fages that's how you say thops I still I still say Skellington Skellington instead of skeleton skeleton I think I've realized cuz I've only heard myself say it a few times recently I I keep saying birthday like with an F I've notic that actually birth instead of birthday yeah we noticed that we almost didn't come to your birthday it was a birthday a birthday he should be able to speak by now old day Biff day going to have a big Biff day he said that's a very different cut type of party I was watching something the other day and they used B they used Biff it as a thing to the that someone cocked up I can't remember what it was yeah oh I did as well I think I might watch this separately to you yeah we did it cuz we've not talked about this it must be a real thing I from was it the bear he might yeah they say they say biffed in the bear the original Biff I actually did think of us doing a t-shirt that said Biff on the original Biff that's crazy the original Biff of anando um yeah maybe it was the beer then we both watch that what else have we the only other thing we've watched as well the Fugi The Fugitive this I didn't kill my wife you biffed it Richard you biffed it your fugitive's name is Dr Richard Kimble have you seen that film I don't think so cuz I I think we did collectively come up with Biff I think you said it once and then we were then we started it's an actual thing yeah cuz I Chicago slang cuz I cuz I was like that's where we had the conversation about Biff meaning like weed in my my schools like getting a big sometimes these guys just go psycho yeah I think it's like the me it's almost like get wound up and it's like I I think you can fall off the side cuz when we drop down on that level now oh there a little shiny down go gra um I think that was the next floor down do the ra thing if you don't you're right oh cool magic hat oh he's gone oh let's just oh no oh so we can fall down with us crab was yeah andk and then have like a more patient entry instead of HE Lads and just drop yeah was a bit much use my magic use my spells have a good time there we go easy easy they are really easy with the Spells if I'm killing people in church does that make me good bad good for confession got to do what we got to do hello Crystal crab give me my mask give me my mask he like he block that yeah he's going to do you Inn the double the twin stage one get that twins oh my goodness uh one of the GL crowns bestowed upon RAR Scholars who Pursuit would deem worthy greatly increased intelligence to the detriment of HP and stamina Scholars of the twin Sage conspectus with the elites of the academy permitted to study and Excel in all sorceries of any of all kinds cuz it's like it's the olivus and the corus but not Carion not Carion it's not three yeah right there might be a reason for that but there was what's it putting on it um is it put on six intelligence point that's putting on that's great if I could think of a reason why a good thing where it's like um say you had a different type of build but you wanted to just use one type of spell you can just like get it on that's six levels what a wild game this is does it actually make our does it make our spell stronger then yeah or um spell scaled with intelligence okay cool it would was it health and stamina goes down yeah look we're not doing great right but it's worth runes are there to the left you can see them oh yeah just take just take our you keeping that helmet on you use that um crossbow you're out of magic oh out of magic that's fine he'll BL love that that's his spell please give me some magic show him what a real sword does not this little magic sword [ __ ] yeah you're done for wo oh no wrong potion wrong potion hell yeah let's just take our time there I it's because we're using this different shield mm parrying is I keep trying to Parry but I'm doing that this weapon art instead yeah because that Shield doesn't have yeah I don't like that get rid of you this the conversation on the roof yeah this is what I want oh no no no where from where the sky the door oh I don't have any Shields two we two it oh my goodness that was good it's almost like it's a 200 weapon all right let me get a better shield on hey we we can use it mhm oh no what I think I think it's cuz you're two-handed I think it was throwing off the stats just put on that one you've used before please it's so great I love it look how a turtle that is cool I wonder if that means I can't get hit in the back by spells or something let's put on put on the one that we know which ones does this have a no skill we never is a skill power I'll take that one why not use one we never use that one it's tiny it's tiny I kind of like it it I think there's one guy left in here yeah yeah oh two can't Parry that I'll do just hit him hit him with my big stick really effective cuz we've also got that Talisman that CH like multiplies the chain attack very true hit him with my big stick every day is that the um shotgun one it could be actually make you read it before going any further you've missed one thing that's really be great to get before going down there ooh in here on this level yeah what the heck where are the notes oh a little ladder ah yeah going help the first entrance area we came in oh oh [ __ ] yeah oh that's amazing uh okay well let's go see what's down this little ominous looking hallway opening doors and kicking ladders are my two favorite things in this game is this going to warn me he's hard as Nails be weary of strong foe yeah Christ okay all right guys we got this he's got a crossbow that was his first big mistake don't have any it's like isn't a pickaxe or was that a crossbow cross oh was it oo ooh okay all right I'm dead buddy watch it let's F the wall oh he's up for that Jesus I didn't I didn't even get a name on him is there a faster way to get back there then up that ladder yeah in here it's always the first oh no because it's not a shortcut we just walk back there we look at where our runes are over here love it climb up a ladder go fight this kick this guy's ass this is going to be easy oh no oh [ __ ] uh okay maybe the shortcut still requires a bit of uh bit of stealth bit of patience you know I didn't realize it was going to be raining puppets from the sky as soon as we walked in get the Spellman first nice you know cuz I just said the word Spellman yeah you know Sabrina the Teenage Witch yes wasn't her second name Spellman Sabrina Spellman they're taking the piss but it's kind of it's like if mugging off the Muggles hiding in plain sight that's like calling yourself basically Johnny wizard yeah Tony Iron Man it feels like quite oldfashioned as Iron Man Iron Man feels like quite um old fashioned as well like my dad all his mates are like Johnny bread like the baker that like um like fire or in Fireman Sam as well not B lasna though cuz that is not on and Michael Pub yeah I'm trying to think of one um Christopher [Music] kab uh John the boats worked on the boats easy G the let's play does what's theology get those on me Ro worn by Scholars of the lazul lazuli conspectus Singler among the great R lucaria Academy these Scholars who sought to master caran sorcery instead learned to see the moon as equal to the Stars this robe in the Hue of the full moon signifies the heresy so that's it the caran sorceries were deemed heresy you should be studying stars for magic where Ral was like I think I think the mo valid and they created a Schism and they're now referred to as is heretical same thing Lads space [ __ ] just worship it all oh so so it's strange what what's actually happened here Alla still in charge if the rest of the school is deemed her kind of magic heresy yeah all cuz that I was thinking like cuz we know salum was chucked out for doing something wrong she's chucked out for some as well yeah are they connected yeah or did she like was she like big into the stars and like refusing the moons so even though we were like oh she's been kicked out for something well the only thing I would say if if if that's now being referred to as heresy seems like Rari is down on the moon right okay and selin was we don't know oh okay right she's on the moon no shut up she's down on the moon no is in like down as in they she just has bad feelings towards the moon not not she's down on the moon you like how long have I not been listening for like how long was that fight those robes are really important yeah that bit that last bit yeah definitely that's proper Simpsons isn't they fall over open like tie themelves out so much they fall over that's ridiculous there you go that's that's not hard Bas you're right there's those little details that's bunkers yeah you you could have like a completely different reading on it then You' be like oh everything was sort of fine they were all learning different things but then be like no this one was actually bad or scen as bad it seems so silly doesn't it for one group being like we worship meteors and the other one's like we worship comets it's like you're the wrong ones we have this like all the time in these games like it's like same with Christianity oh I have this interpretation right I'm going to set my own church yeah that's heretical that kind of interpretation of the Bible we eat crackers and wine we hate crackers and wine you're the devil too much and then Auntie Finch is just coming along being like Oh yeah I'll try a bit of everything [ __ ] bloodb like Lawrence and Willam is like you've got to go for insight no I think the blood is the church like the way to the knowledge so I'm going to set up my own school you have to be pretty sure that you were in the right to set up your own school like cane did it yeah that's not yeah think about that's think about you fun the men's list yeah really certain grab this real quick quick oh what is this room now oh that you you got the treat before killing the guy not it's cuz I'm so certain I'm going to do it right now that I was like yeah oh please do it please [ __ ] balls well we're not read dead you're dead you son of a [ __ ] now I can equip his staff and come back and be like remember this you little I don't think that's his yeah also we're not having the even if we're not having that treat before I didn't do it that time oh missed it again you missed it TW he's just out and right you're mad I do feel like I'm kind of losing my mind a little bit the intros to the show says you know who else lost his mind Steve Jobs and he did some pretty important stuff he lost his mind Steve Jobs famously lose his mind it's a good thing that reference to the iPhone right oh right sorry yeah sorry you forgot think that all the sh crazy [ __ ] he made that's the thing he lost his mind but he came out of that cave with the iPhone like what are you talking about yeah he was gone for eight years in that cave when he came out with the iPhone it's incredible so you know what's worth it in there they they said he was dead but he took back the company and that's why the first iPhone was called the iPhone dead he like that no that you call it Steve's phone oh Lordy Lord there we go there we go nice I can't I do have to kill these guys I can't just run in can I that's not the problem there three people in that room it's it's just like taking on one at a time yeah using the architecture to block some spells as well oh he did a little 180 right now reset before the next guy comes have a little potion there's two coming there's two coming but you can also like I know it's going to take longer but it's better than dying it'll take be quicker you take him outside and split them up oh careful we're fine we're fine we're fine fine and if I way here heal heal heal heal you know what I like our flashs are super powerful they uh they take us like back to full it's crazy dude I'm so sick of magic I I can't wait to go to a normal place you saying we're not doing we're not doing magic anymore then let's get all that gear off no our magic equals good their magic equals hard I know you're like oh yeah it's really good our flask uh refill our health I think that's one way of looking at the other way of looking at is like we don't have enough Health yeah that is it's cuz we barely upgraded the red bar that's how you won't it won't always be doing that oh it's full isn't it do remember the item that we need to improve you were so good then but let's just put on a shield that is like yeah we could just block those we've got loads of stamina I did a bad roll yeah I did a bad roll what's the best roll bacon sausage sausage both types sausage roll I think it's really confusing when you go to Gregs and they're doing breakfast and they their breakfast sandwich is called a sausage roll no but they also famously ayor of saage roll I'm like sausage roll the breakfast one Hoy as well what that's a rolly best rolls oh ho forward not as good as backwards though is it oh know there's nothing better than uh than a day of uh drinking artictic Arctic Arctic roll that's that's got to be number one Swiss roll is good though ji I I I've kind of changed on I I would usually if I was ever getting like a breakfast thing I would always go BAC and roll but I'm always sausage now I think i' really make sausages at home so it feels more of a treat that's true actually that's said I'm not making bacon sandwiches but I feel like you have them more often at home wait what you saying better saus yeah sausage and bacon yeah like an egg on a bre oh yeah who does it like a hash brown in there as well while we haven't had a we haven't had like a good breakfast together in a long time you know there's a really we start 11 now yeah there's a we should start with breakfast yeah that's good we could have today actually we started early today um there is a really good U breakfast sandwich place like really close to us as well I've had it a couple of times don't dox us but yeah I'll just tell you after that's the easiest way of doing that do you have sauce on oh yeah you bit of tomato Brown depending on how I feel get that stuff out of here you like brown C no a so good what is it like dates I think it's apples is it apples I think there lots of stuff in it I think apples and sugar and yeah I'm not sure dates could very well be in good nice things that's why it's basically he it's B smoothie keep on him don't let him use his [ __ ] you pie oh y that was just a Relentless one wasn't it Jesus was just like pot committed let's just have a little look where you got this look at this room who's look carefully didn't expect master up there oh look that's a really nice one isn't it so that's that's sel's mask isn't it or that is s yeah we don't know but like whose room was this whose office was this let's look at the item we found in front of it cuz we know what these are these are Sorcerers that have sued knowledge too much and we know those ones don't we like well they're the CR of the different schools yeah yeah yeah glint staff staff of the Primeval glint Stone sorcerer Aur only those who have glimpsed what lies beyond the wisdom of Stone May wield it reduces casting time of all sorceries but consumes additional FP go back to the crown masks here you go read the last paragraph of here uh the coralus conspect is the oldest of the Academy's lineages of study begat by the sorcerer AER Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets so azur set up this line of study and we just found his staff a that's awesome so maybe presumably this we could be in his office does thatly the others have staffs as well that I get yeah basically a zero is like he's like one of the few name sourcers what we've heard of and he's the guy who started it all he basically founded biology yeah what is we've got the astrologer staff I want to see if this one does any better I mean we can't not the stat that use it you need 52 intelligence we've got 16 cuz it's like of the one of the greatest sources who ever lived oh it was actually his yes's glint Stone his intelligence one of so surely his will be increases intelligence yeah but not by how much does that give us 19 52 how much do intelligence do we need to do that sum we're not smart enough to figure out that's a lot [ __ ] man I want to use this get A's calculator that is cool damn that so you know like when we put a weapon on that we can't wield it doesn't you can like yeah it's like basically blunt does that basically then affect our like are all our those spells coming out of those are going to take off basically right Bel Ah that's sad smash the crystals beautiful like corner office imagine it is yeah the day when we're able to wield that will it come ever I don't know with our Point location oh look at look at that a little bit look look at that a little bit of the cosmos coming into the his office oh at what point when you're studying something and that starts happening you're going I'm I'm this is bad I've smashed it's working I'd be like this is wicked yeah to be fair though if I did come in one day and there was like stars above your desk I'd be like CS cuz is the the other because the other Crown the olive Inus one that has the name of the other Professor who founded that line of study I think he was called lucat so so Luc Hat's coming to his office going is working in it so all so all these different people who were stud they were studying different types yeah I think it's like a university so it's like I think those two schools they had no problem coexisting going to say that hel that that is both it's like people who've mastered both schools so it's like I've got a degree in biology and chemistry but the people who then were like oh we actually think the Moon is they're just like absolutely they've like got yeah and that's we know that is associated with renala and I wonder why they say that that was why they turned on rala yeah what was what was happening because of studying it she's just in a little nice little Loop around there oh yeah remember you could just walk back to I forgot about that yeah I was like this looks familiar back in the children's graveyard so now will we going to get that carry and night yeah I think yes if you go down back to the debate parlor before we go on I think there's one little I don't know if you would find it naturally so might just there one more there's one more little oh yeah look at if we look at these paintings sweet so they haven't yet taken down the Lai paintings so maybe that's quite a recent thing saying the heretical oh yeah but yeah you can I mean we did this last episode you can see the twins now we've got all the masks apart from selin oh so the twins isn't like last it was two guys two guys cuz they're like we like working together so well it could be like oliv Inus and um a and you know those two guys yeah yeah yeah oh this is great there's a really sneaky little area behind us I don't know if you would have found this I just tell you the left we never went down here oh oh that is sneaky Talisman Talisman ahead I don't need that one you T I know bit spoiler isn't it it wasn't a slug though so yeah don't read that wow look at that it's a b old tree wait is that the main one what direction is that yeah that's the main one is it is it look at is it is that the main tree yeah but SI also you could just be close to it g g your map up all let's go let's get in very bloodb this it this wow so that's where we fought rigan yeah that's anyway a little bit up here Crystal Bud crafting GES into that aren't you give that back to THS Crystal that an academy glint key smell that all the way back to school he comes back like Van Wilder my mom watches this so I don't want her to think that I'm into the Dooby doobies okay spliff Master Murphy spliff after 9,000 stop it no you've had a stoned head a few times ooh Ragan icon oh [ __ ] look it's just a little plushy let's have a look at it a legendary Talisman depicting the Elden Lord Radigan shortens the cast in time of sorceries and incantations that's really good get it on as the husband of ronal of karia the redhaired Radigan studied sorcery and as the husband of Queen Marica he studied incantations thus did the hero aspire to be complete that's cool he's going to be so when he was married to her he learned all the sorceries and then when he went back to Maro he like I'll study all the golden order incantations as well damn maybe that's what is that why he left like no he's got a high performance podcast yeah get up at 400 a.m. stor 2 hours incantations 2 hours that's a really good TI man yeah yes so we'd be able to just like cast them really quickly yeah I want to see I'll try this right now that holds doesn't yeah it's a hard one to [ __ ] he might have it on yeah they seem like they got it on oh they've all had those on no they all of resistant to Magic massively nice love it got change cloves not resistant to this though yeah to the Twin Blade oh yeah it's the twin Crown one for each like twins do you to be fair there is a good point what um what Crown do we have on I got some twins for you [ __ ] Mustang and Sally what Crown do we have on why you call your kids Mustang I love it if you have twins also you got have them pretty quick for that to make sense as well which one you go in first Mustang or Sally Mustang is Sally but you calling one of them Sally yeah I feel like s I've never met someone called Mustang to be fair my twins are just waking up uh is that is that yeah let's go do this at the carrying night right should we see what Crown we've got on and what for us we should take it off cuz it's taking away our health and not giving us enough intelligence to become see Auntie's face again yeah let's do this for bit little witchy Hood that's we never looked at the Sage's Hood she look like she like a [ __ ] pikin she does this is like we Willy winky wiky do we have flasks uh good point good point go we give it a shot okay oh look there's a bit there I didn't see that oh yeah oh yeah and also you can escape the boulder there yeah easy nice Crystal darts we love those throwing nice come on we Willy winky that is amazing it's going little physics on it's look at it little wiggle yeah this is going to be big being able to open that door that'll really help big and then we got that we got that you know what when we do this guy yeah do that as a little treat drink that I had a little freak out there I forgot how to put my the right thing oh yeah in last episode we got that here we oh yes please we did yeah carrying night set oh it's good we got a five fast yeah we I think we're in a good spot here long as he doesn't heal four fast W nice this is what I needed just get my par I sometimes small Shields really it's not true for this game like some people find the Parry window better on little Shield easy to read I want to I want to get the magic Parry that one that's the one I want that look cool he was kind of mocking us there he got the parry and then didn't even take the hit that's balls do that to him don't need it don't need it oh repost I did it I just did it like Hees he's showing him I compare I compare you he could be nearly gone now mate yeah you showed him yeah yeah don't even need it I do really need it missing these I really need it I really need it actually yeah okay we're good now I did not know what we were doing then I thought it was mad I was yeah here we go get the oh he's healing oh what the hell dude he's healed that's all right you got him he's trying to use magic now loads of magic he's a magic night we're in R Lucario fell I should have taken that bar yeah sometimes you bring it on yourself that was one of those examples he was like mocking me a little I was trying to give it back to him a little bit you know but there's no quicker way to get to him is there um we hav't much around that room anymore this doesn't take that long yeah cuz it looked like there was an offshoot that I hadn't seen before well there's the door and then there's the uh what is it called those sending gate woo lovely what was the last one we did of those we did one there a couple in the lakes that one wared us to the foot of L we did the one back in the day D told us where it was and it senses the grank the yeah yeah yeah that was like hidden he put like it on our map for us that was good what was that the with the one that was hidden behind the church yeah there was that one oh you little close to the Dragon Lake as well just off there was that one like up the left after the Dragon Lake I could be wrong this is ages ago maybe got him nice here we go come on just got to keep on him what's this dude's name moonram moong grum that's a nice name grum because she loves the moon yeah I was going to say he's a moono moo he's a moonman he's a lunatic lunatic on don't let him heal let him heal don't let him heal or hit you let him we needed it as well that was almost like a mutual I need one you need one take five I'm in such a good time fighting let's I could I could take him here I think he might only I all this if I keep the pressure on oh he's out he's out out he's out yeah yes you're done for chief that's weird that he goes for it though like oh yeah well done mate hey all you want to do is ride around oh that's please y we can hold it can we Parry though teardrop shaped mediumsized Shield embedded with a blue with blue glint Stones carried by Knights who serve the caran royal family excels when facing magic or holy attacks just who were these Knights preparing to fight we could take Parry off one of the other Shields and make down to a par Shield yeah that's prioritize the now you can you see what you can do on blocks now prioritize a wizard that's probably got I I imagine that's got decent magic resist right yes it's got to do the tear drop one yeah yeah it's hard to know because we we unequip our other Shields so it all looks blue and you're like that's good that's every shoe we find is better than it's better than nothing look all those Blues yeah it's compared to better yeah it's literally better than that good stuff well this is oh hey here we go I know where we are you know what this is yeah we can open this door yes have a little shortcut now you don't have to do the the big ball bearing yeah although that is pretty treacherous as well it's not if you go you can hon it hona pass the passage ooh ooh what is a ladder up there and a bit through here oh the door yay oh fantastic so many shortcuts a well done I should have known that it was going to be able to open around there cuz cuz that's where the bloody door is where the bloody door I'm a big fan of this hat I'm not going to lie [ __ ] just read it that's like the uh the old lady and Ghostbusters in the library yeah yeah what is that pumpkin head that's a pumpkin head we thought those before [ __ ] [ __ ] I think they called mad pumpkin heads Big Mad pumpkin head got a couple quick spell glenties off on him it's not that's a big hit it's really not doing a lot a there's a bunch of them in here there's a bunch of wizards in this magic school what's a pumpkin head doing up there yeah that's weird see what those Lads would doing no what that's um above the door so they're they're summoning the bull bearing down oh that is weird I'll try the short way this time it would be really interesting to know like why the devels got stick in the pumpkin head there like what's the is the pumpkin head big enemy yeah it's like is he connected to them or they just like could do something on you who's Big I think there was a that explanations for the pumpkin man yeah like enemy placement like that's cool oh [ __ ] or you could use that door mate maybe the ball bearing is easier because the door is at the very top yeah I think it actually might be a little longer but not even much let's go the pinb route yeah Pinball Wizard very good very good oh points for Daniel five points for I think if I watched Harry Potter now I would have no idea what's going on because the Harry Potter in my mind that we've made that we've made up it is that's a bet as better thing than that most will be like Oh I thought he was that no you just made that up when you were playing retrive so also it's very easy to come back comes out you like Harry Potter yeah look at that that was so much faster that's fantastic I guess is maybe some people struggle more with the the ball but you've got it down I think oh yeah yeah pin I think we know there there's a few more lads in there than we realized yeah I can maybe pull some of them you know anti finchy pulling Lads that kinky yeah here we go we going see we can throw it them going to be quite resistant but get a good few hits off on oh actually they're not too bad on that maybe it's the wrong kind of magic carrying he's doing a bit of oil rail car this is good that was like a little what spell do on the pumpkin head wasn't great but he is massive so I'll take anything here did we do much H uh we got a couple do we yeah I don't know didn't touch him oh do big Stu it's cuz they're hitting his helmet oh that's what it is I'm the yeah you're down the hall going be quite a tricky re-entry this yeah look look up is he just there yeah he's it yeah he's it who's coming down oh Jesus that's all right do oh we just go around it go go go kill that one guy yeah and then come back down I me don't really have to even kill him yeah he can't climb let's Let Him Live I feel like he's had a hard life see up oh they've got magic ears I can hear even through that what are you doing standing right under where the ball come down imagine if they're not there it doesn't come out anymore but I just like oh what a lovely view that's cool the boulder Dimension oh this is where the bould what's in there Dash um glint scone Scarab a Scarab this a helmet shut up that's a helmet there's a helmet symbol next to it get it on oh my God blue green scarab born directly on the head these scars roll clumps of sorcery during their labors slightly reduces the FP cost of sorceries but increases damage Take Ah stick on no look look at the wings flap why not hey hell this is great just a good laugh in it yeah just putting a big bug on my head yeah precious item ahead scar yeah I've got it it you can jump off that balcony mate let's make sure I just want to make sure there's nothing else up here before we go what a weird little thing that is very strange have we seen these guy are these scarabs like real well the scarabs that we see around the world like rolling those yeah that's what those are that's maybe what they are yeah look at this guy look how he dieders thank you I'll take that thank you oh that's bit we've kind of now cleared out that area do you want to do this as a little treat yeah we've done a lot oh what is this now let's go inest this just takes us where we need to go for I want my little helmet to just take off let me fly Lon of the Lakes you go look on your map where we are was taken us to here we've never been up this far on the map it's taken us here for some kind of Reason yeah let's do it yeah why would the school have a link to here you know Church vows that's a big hat that a big turtle tarnished aren't you Turtle I welcome you to the Church of vows I love I am Steward of this sacred chamber my apologies is for the unseemly State of Affairs I thought it was rocks I didn't the origin of this place how it came to be known as the Church of vows I don't know I don't know no other option well that is a shame but who can blame you the shattering has caused us all of us to lose sight of something very dear it is here at the church of vows that the great houses of the earth tree and the moon were joined by the matrimonial bond between redhaired radican and renala of the full moon and so our church holds in view the monuments of both houses the her tree of the capital and the Academy of re lucaria oh so you can see both from this church like disappointment in between the two that's really cute oh yeah that's very cool say oh was there something you needed I just want toang you are free to show yourself around I would serve as your guide only my legs aren't what they used to be sorry I thought you if you find anything of use you are free to take it with you unless perhaps you are in search of instruction in which case I will share all that I know this guy's great oh so you can give him both scrolls and and per book so scrolls are sorceries per books are incantations muel is obviously incredibly smart and um so what we could do is we got the celestial Jew yeah from killing that blood hound Knight just before going in just we could show him that and then we can ask about rag about R I already trust him with my life I I think he's great do you possess any Celestial du yeah then I would like to share my knowledge with you concerning the miracle of this church of vows Radigan once cleansed himself with Celestial due repented his Territorial aggressions and swore his love to renala the order of the erre and the fate of the moon were conjoined and all the wounds of War forgiven this miracle blesses the church to this day and so you need only follow Ragan's example to restore any bond however strained or severed to its rightful state of Harmony so gameplay function yeah that is if we anger anyone in the world like an NPC we can come here and absolve our selves of sins which you can do in some of the previous games that's really clever interesting thing though is the UR Trey and the house of the moon so renala and rigan were at War and then they've obviously got married just like sometimes I guess in history that is it they actually did he actually fall in well did he actually fall in love with her yeah or is it like a convenience marriage of convenience yeah and I guess he did leave her yeah cuz I guess uh the war thing but also like we said when we picked up his Talisman as well that he was when he was with her he got to learn all the moon stuff yeah he doing that he's like using it spells or he could have genuinely fallen in love with it AB met across a battlefield yeah oh there's a little chest up there as well talk to him again yeah we got a lot of stuff we can talk to him about about oh yeah I think he does have some more stuff about rigan gold s needle gold Tor okay you know who's going to want that just B it now I don't want to see B again give it the F yeah yeah is there something else this guy is awesome I know to experience the miracle near in the Bas oh okay right yeah yeah yeah looking at us with Celestial du he's looking at my solution will be yours any bond that's no matter how strained or even severed will be put to rights talk my faith does not waver the miracle rooted in these grounds will once again mend the world and this time its Bounty will not be squandered if you would be Elden Lord tarnished I hope that you too will sh share my faith about rigan yeah you wish to know more of Lord rigan this Lord rigan was a great Champion possessed of flowing red locks he came to these lands at the head of a great golden host when he met lady ranala in battle he soon repented his territorial aggressions there and became husband to the Kian Queen however when when Godfrey first Elden Lord was hounded from the lands between rigan left renala to return to the earthree capital becoming Queen marica's second husband and King consort taking the title of second Elden Lord the mystery endures to this day as to why Lord rigan would cast lady ranala aside and moreover why a mere champion would be chosen for the seat of Elden [Music] Lord H so we've got about redigan and rala yeah Jesus like so it's like saying it's a mystery why would this like mere fighter mere Champion why would America want him as Elden Lord yeah yeah it's also mystery why why would he leave her so did he love her did he love her yeah because of that you know it's said that Lord Radigan harbored a secret a famed sculptor of the earthree capital was once SU to render Lord rigan's likeness in Giant stature when he glimpsed the skeleton in R's closet and as such it said the great statue Harbors his find the Statue oo that's cool that's that really tantalizing isn't it and I think about rala imag he's got a tiny dick tiny little and the Mystery persists this day why Mara chose Tiny Dick stat is's like this as well no he's like why the statue is like that he's like it's that big yeah it's massive it's actually massive so you wish to know more of Lady renal she is Queen head of the Kian royal family and governor of the Academy of rehea lucaria the great and beautiful full moon sadly her heart was broken when Lord rigan left her and then when the academy rebelled against the s she was locked away in the grand Library yeah Jesus like her husband leaves her and then the school that she's in charge of they go we actually don't believe in you guys anymore we're going to lock you away and like say all everything you've done your life's work is heretical get in the library dumped by Tiny Dick rigan good stuff from Muriel Mel's coming in at the end of this episode wild really interesting Stu it's kind of cool that they put that here in R luar like we going to give you a story beat yeah yeah yeah yeah give him a nice little emote yeah there you go wish we would wearing that bug on our head he's great he yeah that's wicked hey it's a weird game is it a on the next episode of retry lot these lot of these lot of these a that was the shy was too much that was that was crazy it was just a wall of sh too many wasn't it God too many I'm going to be here all night
Channel: RKG
Views: 63,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h1lWDav3Q0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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