Retopology of Marvelous Designer Clothes in Blender

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hello everyone I hope you guys are doing well I'm imana lucafo and in this tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to re-topologize clothes from Marvelous Designer inside blender dead so this tutorial will be very helpful for intimidate users or Advanced users looking to expand your knowledge if you're a beginner you can follow along if you have questions you can leave it in a comment I'll try my very best on site uh but yeah let's get started so I have this Cloud asset here inside Marvelous Designer and let's say we are done with the creation of a cloud asset and it's like it's time to take it to the nest phase so we want to basically very topologize this um okay so let's go ahead and Export that what we needed to export from Marvel designer will be need to export two versions of the smash so the first version will be this what we can see here in the 3D viewport and the second version is the UV layout of that geometry so let's go ahead and Export that we'll go to export obj selected and you choose your directory I'm going to save it as one so for the export settings it's pretty simple we want to make sure it's set to single object we want to set it as thin and this allows us to have the unwelded option so it's important you leave it unwelded uh since we'll be breaking up the mesh I'm kind of transferring the shape case to be able to move between two of this shape the UV layout shape and the whole object shape so we leave it on welded and hit OK so once we have that next is to export the UV layout so to do that we're going to have this selected so you can come here and box select it and if you right click here in the viewport we can look for reset to the arrangement okay so it's going to um basically unwrap it in blender terms here um what we see in the to be to the layout in the 3D layout so once we have this we want to go ahead and Export this obj selected and I'm going to set it to two and let's hit save so we have this UI again importantly we set it to thin and make sure it's set to unwelded and we can go ahead and hit okay so here in blender we can go ahead and import the asset which you created so file import obj I have it saved in my desktop and I'm gonna select number one so let's look at the scaling because if we go ahead and import this now we'll have it in the viewport um but as expected the scaling would not match the character so it's quite bigger than the character so we could go in and kind of scale it ourselves manually till we have it fitting um but what will be more helpful if you have the if you kind of play with numbers and kind of see what will work uh so let's do that I'm going to select this and let's go to the preset so I have a preset number of 0.005 and let's test that so we kind of have it roughly there so we want it even more accurate anyways it's not perfect but it works this part is not really important but you can always scale it down manually to have it looking good okay so we go ahead and import the UV layout so we have that as number twos since we have sorted out the scale each in part nicely the next step is to select the UV layout mesh ship select this and we go to this data menu and search for the shape Keys join a shape case since we have them unwell that that means they both have the same amount of virtuous vertices so that's why we did it that way and we can go ahead and delete this now we can morph between the two so next comes the phone part if you like free topology so we basically want to re-apologize this UV layout shape and then it will use the surface default modifier to transform it to conform to the original shape of the shirt so to do that we'll place our cursor or we could select one word c because it is selected and we add a simple plane rotated X 90 degrees so it's sharing the same word space as a mesh and we can jump right into edit mode and start free topologizing so I'm just going to do this part and I will pause the video and come back once I'm done so for this just align this nicely okay so I'm done with it I mean it's quite easy and fast compared to building this manually this type of clothing manually yourself with all the details um yeah it's not compared to what you just get right off the back so we have the cloth fully re-topologized and the next step is to basically confirm the retype adjustments onto the shirt so I'm going to select this high-rise mesh okay and let's go to the object preview but I'm going to set it to bound just for more visibility and let's go out of the local mode okay and selecting your clean mesh we want to go to modifier and select the surface deform and we're going to select this and bind so if you've tried this process before you'll be like why is it working um if you have experienced this issue sometimes it doesn't work you get an arrow come um about com convex mesh something like that um so it if you experience that all you need to do with your high-res matches go inside and make sure it's triangulated if if that's okay um you can easily do that with Ctrl T to translate the mesh and once you do that you're good it should work so that's why it worked automatically um if you have awkward smash make sure there is no triangle uh so you if you have an electron you want to kind of fix it with the knife tool or any modeling trick so once we have this binded we can select this high-res match now and move the slider and you can see it confirms nicely with the character so we can bring up the wireframe preview so I have that in a shortcut and you can look at the mesh and see where it needs work let's see if we can edit it here but no so we need to apply this first before we do any edit uh but like I said we need more mesh so for that I'm going to reset this select this and go in and do subdivide so it might look like a lot but it kind of evens out and looks much better so let's fix this and bring back our object and let's do that again so it's not perfect but we have a much better result at this point I'm going to duplicate this and move this to a new layer and call this them and just hide it so we can go ahead and apply the modifier sorry about that apply the modifier and we complete this or at least hide it because we will be transferring all the details onto this so we spot it out and go in shift n to recalculate the normal I think you can find that here so we can look for I'm just so used to the shortcuts but you can search for recalculate and there you go so recalculate outside you have shift n okay so we have um the mesh come from but they are not connected so this is the most hectic part and kind of going in and figuring it out but if you plan very well it'll be easy for you to just select two edges and you reach and bridges it um so you can move things around if needed just to make space for nice positioning so let's select this two and out hide every other thing gonna do that again so we have Bridge here so if you have this you can go to edit as operation and you can do reverse it fixes that we do it for this I have that in a shortcut reverse now we can select these two Edge Loops since they're connected now and the bridge we can even add an extra Edge Loop that we can use so those extra modeling on top of it okay um yeah so I'm going to pause the video and come back once I'm done okay so I'm done and here we go so we have the mesh looking clean and you can go in grab the Edge slide brush and just kind of spread out any necessary Edge Loop and to even smudge it out more you can grab the smooth modifier not dial a couple there's a happy looking clean okay so now we have nice Edge Loops going around where we need it everything looks good and it definitely can help us with more modeling if we need it so you can add a nice insert extra this if we need to okay the next step is transferring the details from one onto the other but before that we need a UV to be able to do that because we'll be baking out the maps let's isolate this for now add like an edge Loop here Maxim grab this Edge Loop so this is something you would not be able to do with the previous setup okay so we have our mesh unwrapped now and you can see the I love the scene um this place was kind of Broken Out In Marvelous Designer but we can choose to ignore that I mean if you like you can do that okay so the next is projection so I'm going to be using this addon called gobzy is for easy export of object from blender to the brush is a free add-on you walk with Z version blender this is a must for you honestly um Okay so let's grab our IRS mesh from marvelous and this from blender apply the rotation and scale and just the whole shabang and we can go ahead and Export that so let it open up the brush so here in zip brush we want to move the low rise mesh that's what we have here changes my cup we want to move it up so we will test out our UVS to make sure everything looks good so our UVS looks good because sometimes if the border of the UV is kind of outside the square you might get some weird artifacts with the brochure we're good there okay so we'll first with no subdivision we'll do project Ile and we'll check it out looking good so we can subdivide and gradually project as we go Okay so we've gotten it projected and let's go back to our high rise mesh so it's not looking smooth because this mesh itself is I didn't increase the subdivision so you can always when it's time for you to export you can export a really high then smash with smoothness and lots of details if you really want to capture that but this was okay for me so we can hide that since we'll not be needed linked again and at this point is you're going in smoothing themes out I think we had like some Patrician there so we can fix that some little sculpting so the proper reason for that was yeah I don't know the reason maybe the projection uh era but anyway this week since we've captured what we need and we're in zbrush um that we can handle things we're back in it at a very high level we just want to make high subdivision level we just need to make sure that subdivision looks good okay let's go ahead and smooth it out we're only looking for the big chunky details we don't want some foreign okay so for the fine stitching details and the whole so if you can it's when you can use Alpha so really push this to another limit um this is one great reason why you want to optimize your mesh kind of go through the process it allows you to get best of both world you get the best of manually creating the cloud system since you have a cloth cleaned up topology and also the nice results which you get from zbrush and you can build on top of that if especially if you're not like an expat with zbrush okay so grab this out um brush and let's switch the alpha so this is a custom ones which I bought and has been awesome for me so I'm making this Alpha so we can go now yeah and basically start drawing I'll paint in the details I'm just kind of going more artistic interpretation of what I think a shirt looks like obviously you want to use reference for yes no foreign foreign and helped in any more details like which you want it's just up to you how much you want to kind of push it or just leave it be once you're happy we can go ahead and bake it so I'll come back once we're in blender okay we're done with the vacant and now it's just go back to blender so let's export this mesh since we kind of messed with the overall shape so we can have everything coherent so I'm just using the girls exporter and then I can do import and it adjusts this yet so I can go ahead and delete this and for the cloth I'm penetrating the body mesh or change the shirt so we can grab like an inflate brush and delicious make it come out a bit I didn't do it earlier because I want I wanted to make sure oh up to date love match share the same word space with the image this at that point in time but now we are good we can adjust this as much as we want we're going to add a subdivision probably have just some more okay and let's bring uh should I get rid of that uh node editor switch to EV just my scene light okay um we use the color to Black and I would drag in the textures which we baked for the normal map I'm gonna connect it to the normal for now and add the vector normal map set the color space to non-color which is a resort and if you want to add some more oomph you can use displacement so basically now you're good to do anything you want you can even use real geometry displacement or if you ah worried about of the optimization basically you can use this black color no not here sky so there we go it will Trend we're able to transfer all the details nicely onto our match obviously if you spend more time with it you get much much good details and you can if we check the report is different and rendering looks much much better okay so that's it guys I hope this was quite informative and you're able to pick one or two things so yeah give it a try practice and you make mistakes of course but you keep pushing you get perfect um at least get better uh so that's it guys bye bye for now see you next time if you're not subscribed hit the Subscribe button and if you wish to see more from me hit the like button and bye bye for now
Channel: Luwizart
Views: 18,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvelous designer, marvelous designer 9, marvelous designer 10, marvelous designer 11, marvelous designer tutorial, blender, blender to marvelous designer, marvelous designer blender tutorial, retopology, retopology in marvelous designer, making clothes in marvelous designer, clothes, marvelous designer retopology, marvelous designer topology, marvelous designer retopology workflow, marvelous, marvelous designer retopology tutorial, marvelous designer to blender
Id: L4E9gAx6KHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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