Turning Your 2D Character into 3D

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hello everyone I hope you guys are doing well and having a wonderful week in this video I will be showing you my process for how I created this character this was based off a concept art by Mr Cedric he's a concept artist which who you can find on at station and I'm going to put his Link in the description if you want to check out some more of his artwork and give him some love in this video we'll be looking at how the process of getting this from the concept stage Gathering new reference sculpting and getting into a presentation stage so if that's something that you'll be interested in let's get started for the reference I would usually start from the base concept and look at it and analyze it and for those areas which I cannot really understand or I need more clarity then I get several references for those particular region so those um that instance will look like the anatomy of the character things like the hands basically simple shapes for the head um I close up I usually have um tricky time with the ear part of the human anatomy so I get lots of reference to inform my decision when I'm sculpting I also get Anatomy for the face to just make sure I'm working close to um what you would expec in a beli believable character this character is also somewhat based off it's um it has lot of stylized feature and for that I needed like an anatomy for styliz character to kind of guide some decisions even those that I cannot see um or you cannot see but it will play Big role in understanding how you approach like a stylized character even though we are returning some realistic details uh for the high regions I needed some reference because some things were not so clear so I got gathered lot of reference of older males with wrinkles in their eyes this would help inform the character creation process um also for the back of the head um just a generic one to say for this character um importantly what I also do is to get related 3D artworks that were successful in showcasing a particular art style or concept and for the Dishonored series the best reference will probably be from the Dishonored game so getting how they handled creating a styliz um human shape while adding details so this inform like how much details should I add how did did they handle the kind of wrinkles since with most um stylized character you tend not to add lot of um details or wrinkles and stuff like that but since this is kind of like a blend between stylized and realistic uh understanding how they were able to kind of solve that particular issue was quite important and that's why I gathered some reference for that and also getting like related Concepts um ideally from Bas on the same artists who who tend to have related style form so you see how he used his his kind of drawing style to um translate on another concept which would be a very nice um guide for kind of translating this Tod character concept into a 3D character model with this project I knew I was just going to create half the body but I wanted the scale to be close to Accurate so in blender after getting the scale with a human base mesh I set out some landmarks for the character and join them to start use as a base to start sculpting out the forms of the model now my next process is to carefully creates the overall shape of the character so at this point I'm not worried about adding details for the eyes nose or anything I'm just trying to create strong anatomic and accurate scaled landmarks of the body region so like the chest the necks I'm using combination of lots of Kit bash brush for human characters which uh ZIP brush provides like for the air ear region and also for the um um part which you'll be seeing in a bit but the goal is to kind of get the overall shape of your character um usually you could skip this process by starting with a base mesh but for my some of my personal project I found that you tend to get a much more controlled approach when when you start from scratch you can control how everything will feel by the end of it and it will look make it look more unique so this is just a process of using basic brush like the clay brush the dam standard and the move brush to kind of get it to the shape the next stage is to start creating my face landmarks at this stage I'm not really focused on getting the likeness of the character concept this goal is to just set out landmarks usually if you have like a base match for a paid project or a client work um You probably would not really focus on this so much in terms of setting up the landmarks since so lots of free Geometry um base meeses are out there that can give you this for free uh but for this particular project this was necessary since um it was from scratch so I'm just setting out the landmarks using lots of reference and making sure that everything fits nicely before I can then Focus on getting the likeness as close as I can once I'm done with this the face of the kind of setting up the landmark I go straight into detailing so I'm more focused on the anatomy and kind of getting the muscles looking right and each part looking um close very close to the human anatomy at this stage everything is a bit more intensified so what I mean by that is in terms of like the muscles definition the ab and I this I kind of set up to be strong so that later I can turn it down when necessary uh because ideally when you see human we are not always F flexing um uh humans tend to be more relaxed with their kind of body posture and their muscles uh but just kind of getting the strong muscle definition is kind of like a nice guide that when I start reducing and tonning tense that I I know that it's based off a nice structure form uh so that's what you see me doing here so I'm basically using the pull the grab brush the dam um the clay build up brush and Dam standard so that's basically the brush I use for most of my sculpting process to just kind of make the shape um and make it feel natural so part of the reason why I did uh used a base mesh was um mostly for the body part uh because with most um base mesh you're kind of stuck with kind of the body structure of the character but for styze sometimes you get bigger muscles bigger shoulders bigger chest and I found that it's just easier to control it at the stage um so you see me adding muscle or very defined muscles and tonning them down um like I said to make it feel more realistic where humans don't have very defined muscles all the time so clarify what I meant by most Bas mesh has talk with structure is uh for example the perspective which the model was created might um affect how it would look uh because perspective and modeling is something people don't look at so talk about so much when creating characters but um it probably will affect how intense your character feels U so that's just clarifying that at this stage once I'm happy with how the shape feels and the overall form feels it's time for retopology so for this particular project I just retopologize the face in inside blender it's easy to kind of translate um transfer files if you're using this addon Gob B Gob Z I think for blender and Z brush so it's a nice way to send files quickly uh but I found or basically my workflow topologizing the characters especially the face even for a personal project gives you better um control for certain regions and makes it easier for you to edit certain [Music] things so we skip ahead into several parts where I have created the clothings and I've imported the r topology and transferred the details onto the cleaner mesh and now I'm adding all the details all the second secondary details like the lips fold the wrinkles I'm adjusting all the wrinkles so you basically focusing on how like the secondary shapes influ influence the primary shapes while retaining the primary shapes overall so the face structure has to remain consistent even with all the um wrinkles obviously this will be based on your own character next i i i POS the character with blender I rigged it um a very quick FK rig to just easily move T around you could easily do this with zbrush using the um transpose tool but I found it easier when working with um multiple assets and trying to get real realistic placement to kind of use um traditional riging so it could be it varus for several projects but for this project it was personal and I had lot of time to do that um you would notice it's probably not so obvious but most of the body part has been scaled like the arms feels more bigger to match the concept closely hopefully we can see that soon but the goal is to stay faithful and to get the feeling which you get from the character concept art um which is the goal for most projects you're not trying to really create reality you're trying to um emphasize it basically and uh I think I was kind of successful with this project in that aspect so now it's just the fun part of adding details looking at reference and making sure of course that your details or your tiny details don't outshine so once I was done with the sculpting and all the details I baked out all the information um from zbrush and brought it into substance painter where I set up all the textures I I was trying to attempt a new workflow for this particular project uh where I import all the assets and texture it in one file inside substance usually I texture it individually with substance but I wanted to try more PBR approach where I just import the final texture into blender for the final shap in and rendering and it was quite fun and a success um the payoff really is in blender when you're finally trying to shade it and render um right now I'm just showing off some of um possibilities you could really adjust the skin and play with um just basically the controls that substance gave you so in blender I also groomed the character using um hair break but right now you're seeing the displacement map set up so I did real geometry displacement with the geometry the displacement modifier just to get the exact form and shape from zbrush into blend and make sure everything looked one to one to with what I ended up with Z in zbrush um so to make sure that you're getting exactly what you inputed so the result stays consistent uh for the hair which um I used hair Breck which is an addon I created uh by the way if you have a copy of hair break please updates lot of new features has been added to it and you'll be really happy how much stable and how more user friendly it is so just showing off some new notes and features that were that were added and yeah so this was um red using cyclos with simple light setup I use the tree light um tree lamp setup where you have your key light F light and rim light I also use some HDR for reflection and just an overall ambient light uh but the lighting setup was pretty straightforward um obviously looking at the concept at it didn't give much details for the lighting so I had to kind of come up with a custom one for this project which is typically what I use for my character presentation and once I do the bease rendering I usually do my full composition or compositing inside blender using its compositor and just using crypto mats to isolate certain regions and applying ambient cusion to certain regions like the clothing to add more Shadow just give it more character add some post posterization and simple color correction and then we have our final image so that'll be it for this tutorial I hope this was informative and helpful please if you have any questions leave it in the U leave the question in the comment or email me privately all my information uh in the description and if you enjoy this video please give it a thumbs up and if you wish to see more for me please don't forget to hit that subscribe button so bye-bye for now and have a wonderful week
Channel: Luwizart
Views: 997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Blender, Blender3d, cgi, 3d, hair, animation
Id: POJ4n7RUzfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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