Retired Pro Climber Tests Olympic Level Boulders

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foreign [Music] challenge today so they're currently resetting the project circuit which is V8 to be really really hard and it's being set by Yorkie who is the head root Setter of LCC Rob Napier who is one of the most experienced competition root Setters in the UK and Percy bishton who is the chief Olympic root Setter they've actually asked me to come and test the boulder I picked three really really hard ones to have a really good Triad and uh and away we go starting with this slab which I'm pretty psyched about it I think it looks cool why are you laughing so my plan is foot on there holding these two rock over then I think when I get to a certain height I'm actually going to turn it and get the other side then the other cut yeah yeah yeah so there it is yeah then it looks like an exciting like stand-up Quest into there maybe with the thumb made with fingers then foot into this one both these shoes are pretty worn out the right one which is the one I'm gonna be standing on that with is the slightly less worn out ones okay guys um a decent threshold so probably means the last moves really hard [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Laughter] the project very different style for this one so this I think is gonna definitely be harder starts on these two could be that or could be that I'm looking at going oh I could go straight to that could bring my foot up and then go directly to that crimp but then I'm I'm going to be pinching it from directly below and I don't think I'm going to get anything off that no so I think I'm gonna go right hand to that that is a good hold but they blocked it so it's now not a good hole then I can come into that one foot there big throw and I'll get a better angle on that crew then it looks very technical I think I'm gonna do heel hook to hand up to that one not sure what this is for oh let's come over for the next move I think I'm going to bump my foot to there just to give me a little bit more range and then smash it from the Finish hold which I'm going to check this time that looks like a jug right you're seeing it as well yeah I'm seeing that is that like a sneaky Blocker in there okay hopefully I'll get there to find out but this one's gonna be deceptively hard I think so too it looks like bad holes but also like pretty technical moves as well so a mix of intense and complex nowhere near as whiskey as that other model I don't think I'm going to be doing anything coordination moves but um yeah complicated and physically quite difficult I think [Music] oh no I didn't uh I think you saw I had it like right at the bottom yeah it's not great but I guess it's like 25 slightly better if I have four fingers on it instead of three extra finger only a little bit more tensing hey man I really love my jokes someone's got a it's ready I washed it I was all excited because I caught that really was like I don't want to do it okay that's definitely it though so catch that why did I come oh I put the heel on and then I pulled it that way and I need to pull it like two weeks overdue for a rest day so that doesn't I can't tell how bad it looks but um that I think is the feel it feels it doesn't actually hurt that much but it feels thin I think if I have too many attempts of just ripping off stuff that's going to stop bleeding like really soon so it's fine but okay have you not had a rest day in two weeks rest day for my body which could be just like a gentle climbing session doing a bit of coaching have had those as well the rest day for my skin as in when was the last time you didn't scrape around on climbing Halls on on a day it's been a while no idea because yeah if I'm here just coaching I don't put my climbing shoes on I'll probably end up demoing something even just doing a little bit on climbing holds just undoes any growth of or repair that my skin had made over the day [Music] foreign [Music] I was planning on taking my feet off so I can move my right foot to that one and just press and flat through the last move I think just thinking about it when I release tension just went flying off it something on that is like biting like there is that like the start of a split or is it just a no just a just a hole Yeah it's just it's that thin but like one more layers of my bones one more on this one and then I'll find one more fun one to try hey any of you who are like going to comments saying oh V2 in my gym the hair for ages come over and try them they're good borders um you can come and ruin all your skin on them as well and yeah they're on great on this one for you it's hard to tell I was actually gonna say like oh it's hard to tell until you do it but even after you've done it it's really hard to tell yeah I think ten yeah I said that earlier when we were talking about it with the root set it was like I think it's 10 they all seems to agree that no said anything so I think I think I think they agreed let's try this big healing type get it tight on it [Music] no I didn't have the foot on that well I'll just adjust it a bit and I just it made it loads worse like oh God I better adjust it again oh too far the other way and then by the time I finish that I was like well I'm done all right next one I'll save this for next time I'm here tomorrow probably third and final border for me today and hopefully for the next few days I'm tired um this purple one well they're all purple this photo here um then this was set by Yorkie the head root Setter it looks quite hard actually he said it was a symmetrical replica of a client called Amber in rione which I think gets like 8A plus symmetrical they just flipped around as in yeah as in the other Boulder I assume starts here and goes the other way yeah so he's doing this version yeah cool so uh my plan is I'm going to start I think cross-handed on this come out into this Gaston foot up so I can match it smash out here swing the foot across Punchy move to a good Edge multiple options for the next move my left foot's down here so either foot to hand to come in for that crimp or switch feet and just lay back on the crimp to reach into it then I'll definitely want my feet there to come into the big pinch up again for the little crimp and then oh tricky foothold for last week he's got a late obviously I'm coming at it from this angle but I'm gonna have to wrap my foot around and pull like that way into it to get the good edge of the hold yeah all right let's try it nice oh no I wanted to switch feet okay tape's holding it well though that's good news there [Music] I said [Music] oh my skin mistake I'm excited nice Please Subscribe I'm trying so hard everybody I think that's me done I hope you enjoyed the video folks like I said um these project climbs are going to be up for a good long while they take a lot of care to make them really really good and really really hard so please come and give them a try if you want a good challenge other than that you know what to do subscribe leave some comments about what you enjoyed about the video and if you want training plans hit the join button to find out all about it see you then see you bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Catalyst Climbing
Views: 213,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R7P6iidFE-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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