London's hardest urban climbing **police called**

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this is buildering a new style of urban climbing that combine elements from both parkour and climbing it's seen a rapid rise in popularity especially in London so I reached out to some of the best Parkour Pros in the UK and went to check it out however some of these Builders turned out to be way harder than I expected come on come on come on oh [Music] yes you're one of the best Parkour guys in the world right yes can you do this I feel I got it I can start it if you want you go first yeah you lead the way ooh it's pretty [Music] high ready to embarrass myself the way down is also just jump mate I'm not good a jumping that's climbers are not known for jumping and this was a first descent I guess right yes yeah there you go solid the matching is hard too oh good job what do you think that like a d three four yeah I mean you were sliding in your designer shoes my brow feet this is not the right not the right [Music] shoes [Music] nice nice f with socks in your shoes too huh yep my Noob come on come on oh that's a cool move good job [Music] cheers [Music] yeah nice nice yeah that's cool that's a nice one it is a nice one and there's like 20 more yeah that we could potentially do but I think we're going to move on to something different I think this is a V3 as well V2 or V3 but it's cool it's like actual climbing you know you have small holes and stuff it's a little bit crumbly right now but that's because no one's climbed it before now we're going to move on to some more like established Bowers and uh we're going to try some of the hardest Builders right is that what you call it yeah builders in London and we have uh London buildering right with us that's the handle on Instagram they've gotten pretty big lately right surprisingly so yeah we just we just like going out climbing on buildings Urban structures and posting them it's a good [Music] time start there and it's a dino up there where you step up but it looks cool and it looks dry just the ground is completely wet so so you're the only one who's done this right one other I did it after actually but no one else here at least you think it's only the you said yeah I think if you're the only one who's done it I think it might be harder than V but I don't think many people have tried it I suppose it's but this is more like a parkour move I guess it looks like a really high step so it's harder than it looks but you know we'll just have to see kind of like a bigger rainbow rocket rainbow rocket in font BL theer cuz I've done rainbow rocket then I couldn't do this well that is a that is a v11 right rainbow rocket and you graded this V8 I think your tells me I'm being soft though so I'm not really sure he's right here let's get on it though still got it yeah yeah I might have that hey not bad effort oh that's good you have to be so explosive though to get off all the way yeah yeah the foot was high enough oh it's a cool move though I mean it's uh it's a proper Bower who found this you found it cuz I I work just around the corner and I I walk through here quite a lot and I don't know I've be looking for like a step up dyo for ages yeah and then you were like wa basically that my mind blade I found it and then just turned up on my own with like a bouldering pad and just had it go at it oh yo on I guess to do this stuff you can't be shy though you kind of I I think doing parkour as well as climbing like that get you used to being like embarrassing yourself on the streets oh yeah that's that's not bad you guys must have a lot of explosivity in your legs right from the parkour stuff yeah oh that's very good that's like 4 cm oh nice dude you had so much no way you just blew up that was insane man what I'm surprised how good these guys are like it feels really really hard and I would think that this is more like a climbing move than a parkour move so what is this next one uh what's the style of it there's just like an urban campus board it's probably somewhere between uh 147 and 158 so it's basically it's this bit but there's another one on the other road which yeah a bit less bait slightly I hope you're warmed up because it's probably a quick kickoff yeah this looks uh okay see wow that's pretty far I think it's more like 159 though you think that looks pretty far I think I think it is less than5 might 4.58 maybe but the overhang is steeper so no one's done this no one's done it this way no okay we'll try go on go on W just pull up you have to get that you have to get impressive but it's I mean it's still like 10 or 5 cm it's just 5 cm or less yeah you actually see you can see my hand I think the distances might vary a little bit not for me that no I think this pretty far it's definitely more than 158 okay that's how strong he is I don't even know if there's any point in me trying this I mean I'm nowhere close yeah and I've done A8 yeah fair enough You' done A8 yeah but I can't do this and you're so far yeah still you said that this is like8 with you guys are sandbag up to the British reputational we had to get Magnus in to tell us we sandbag [Music] okay we're going to get kicked off pretty soon so we want to be as efficient as possible come on come on oh my God oh my God so that was close that was like 1 cmet away literally yeah I can see the hand with the chalk do you really want to leave it there I know I'm peer pressing you here but I really want to see that yeah okay okay last attempt come on come on come on come on no I didn't I pushed I pushed it no I I my my foot accidentally like pushed here you see that I didn't on purpose but I just did this move you know I thought was way easier than it should have been from all the previous no no no it was cheating it was definitely cheating what do you think 158 and a half maybe I think it's five it's more like 159 but it's uh the bit holes are way bigger and it's steeper the distance you have to go less up in a way less up gone oh oh man that was so close I do feel like I want to get this though I I want you to get this yeah I'd almost happily take a baller King from the security guard just to see it happen yeah you has the security guy been bothering you before we were kicked off this spot before um very very politely they like nasty they just don't want you to be here well last try this is it the last one last one come on come on come on my God close leave it for now let's clear out before the before the security have you guys ever been arrested no no not yet I think they usually just don't know what to say they've never seen anyone do it they're just like they like what are you doing [Music] we're going downstairs yeah so the climb yeah is up this corner here here up here yeah oh Jesus so you wed yourself in the Gap cool let's get started I guess you don't need climbing shoes for this right no it's best not to actually nice to meet you Magnus nice to meet you nice to meet you man this is Travis by the way how we doing guys bit late bit late guys I'm bit late but I'm here it's one of the best4 athletes in the world according to Toby here he's [Music] liar I'm not trying that but you might have to talk me through this guys okay uh jump jump stand on the rail get your hand up to here okay turn your left hands it's that way around you want to squeeze your right foot and your left [Music] hand uh I think it's a I think it's hard [Music] come on Bobby come on come on come on come on please yeah yeah nice nice nice nice [Music] nice oh bare foot look I think that's actually going to be [Music] easier nice yeah yeah yeah oh very cool come on come on sorry you had a lot of injuries Travis um I mean I've seen some of the stuff you do with back flip and stuff there must be a lot of injuries right I had an operation like a couple years ago and I was probably the worst one I I like torn leg in my ankle right but um managed to come back like fairly quickly for that but um yeah I mean like every now and then just be quite lucky at the moment I think now it feels not sticky at all all of a [Music] sudden nice I just me come on Bo come on Bo it's crazy how easy you make that he's up wow come on yeah you're on fire today yeah I know what's going on oh that's awesome yeah yeah [Music] yeah wow yeah come [Music] on Wow w oh so easy man you guys are just cruising there what is what is going on there's no stick in my shoe stuff try bad foot maybe honestly maybe I should yeah come on come on yeah it's a little bit better I I don't understand how they make it look so easy [Music] just a tiny bit of chalk okay how's the chalk feel actually feels better yeah I think my my hands are just too your body's [Music] adapted yes come on come on really okay solid yeah yes go on yeah yeah come on oh yeah yeah yeah woo yes M A Barefoot that's the beta I never thought I'd be walking around barefoot in [Music] London it's a nice place though is this a castle I think that's some like art center and and even more importantly this is a clim called Cornetto this is it yeah so you you use the you stand on this yeah you just reach up for the top wow only been done once though yeah flash first descent Matt cousins yeah he flashed it as well really wow so no pressure or anything but it looks like it's just really hard on the right foot because you have so high yeah he seeing that in person like so much worse I saw on the video but that is that is literally like tiny I wouldn't even consider that as a hold or anything [Music] o not bad yeah you can put my on it now it's [Music] safe wow what GP what grip that was look good yeah that looks good it feels good I think you want to bump it into that crack that might be like a oh yeah it's super balancy but it's pretty much just one move we just have to get up on this foot and then you're supposed to be able to reach all the way up here good yeah yeah W oh my God oh my God that's I was just like please stay please stay please stay it did it but I thought it was going to pop and that's why I was like not look hor oh I snipped a bit oh nice nice yeah that's better oh yeah that was like 10 cm from it really [Music] yeah why is this slicking a yeah [Music] wow come on [Laughter] getting roasted by the builders come [Music] on yeah come on come on come on come on come on stay with it stay with it no all right let's move the p a little bit closest one though closest one now the birds are going to on your uh top hole come on man yeah yeah yeah yeah come on W oh you had it that was the crowd now so Alex is just going to give it one last attempt so there's always something about that one last attempt uh I think he's going to do it now you got it nice yes come on that's it yeah the foot is good believe hi how you doing you're right a little bit yeah obviously it's not an offense or anything it's just for your safety obviously it's I appreciate you guys probably like clients or something yeah yeah but we've had a call saying people are concerns about you climbing on statues okay amazingly you arrived just as we were about to leave anyway oh yeah enough I just had my last go and my foot pinged off this little you see this chip yes yeah yeah just came off and then I fell the chip was already there just oh yeah yeah the chip was already there wor thanks though thanks for being nice yeah all right so I think we need to end the video cuz I don't want to end up in jail uh or it would be fun to try to escape jail with you guys see like how like in real life you know but uh thank you guys for the session make sure that you check these guys out on Instagram everything and I will see you next time
Channel: More Magnus
Views: 624,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, Climb, Boulder, Bouldering, Rock Climbing, London, UK, USA, Magnus Midtbø, Urban Climbing, Parkour, Free Running, Buildering
Id: WC1B1GprLwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2024
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