Retarget Mixamo Animations to your MetaHuman (Using UE 5.4)

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hey I just want to show you how to elevate your mixo animations uh with under engine 5.4 new retargeting feature so first things first you find your animation on miimo I've already found one for uh for us to use um you download it um I made sure I downloaded the uh the export as well mixim own little character so what we then do is we open our Unreal Engine 5 .4 project I've got my test met human here my content browser I drag and drop the export in here I just say import [Music] all and here's my export so now I want to import my specific animation drag and drop that in there and I make sure on my mesh by by skeleton it does say export skeleton import and then here's my animation my zombie animation okay so now I want to put that onto my metal human so I go onto my animation I right click I say retarget animations so the source is exports mesh and I wanted to go onto my metal human so my metal human name is Lexi I usually just type that in to find her body um and then make sure this autogenerated through Target is on and I select my zombie walk so we can't see so nice cuz uh Lexi's mesh um is actually covered by clothes so this is the only part that's actually just uh pointing out but it will still work and we say export animations and I'll put on a metahumans and I'll just put it down as test as test so export export great so I mentioned taking your mix animations to next level um so putting some facial animations onto your your uh body animation so we go body animation and I look for my uh test and here's my zombie walk and we see she's not moving easy fix and just take off a control rig and there she is in all the glory and she's got facial animation doesn't that look a lot better and there you go all from miimo and now uner 5.4 is retargeting function it just brings new life into your meta humans so if you're interested what I'm thinking of doing is uh going on to miimo and downloading all the animations and then capturing facial animations specifically for each uh for each animation um and making it available to to everybody um I'll provide a a a link to a Google Drive where that will be included for you to use as well if you are interested please leave a like um if I receive 500 likes then I know there's enough people that is interested in adding this kind of uh feature to their uh miximum animation but yes I hope this helps thank you
Channel: Apologue
Views: 177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ky2io42XSYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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