Effortless Animation Retargeting in Unreal Engine 5.4: A Step-by-Step Guide

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hey I just want to show you how easy is to do retargeting in Unreal Engine 5.4 here's what mix my animation here's my characters and I'm going to do retarget for each of these character for this animation I like to import export first and then import my animation and then import my animation for export and there it is and all we do is retarget it so we right click on animation retarget animation I have export and I'm going to do the witch first and look for the witch there she is click on swing Downs export animations call it uh witch and I'll retarget under the witch name export same thing for my met human retarget look for Lexi my met human export Lexi same thing for my werewolf right click retarget animation look for my werewolf export and then last for the valkyrie Queen choose my animation export and then here's all my animations side by side [Music]
Channel: Apologue
Views: 221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 39sec (99 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2024
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