Resurrection & Life Conference March 2020

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tell your neighbor you are the ecclesia I am the ecclesia we are the ecclesia of God okay ecclesia is not a church name that's not the name of my church Alisha is the original version of what Jesus told is the church okay now tell your neighbor ecclesia is not just a gathering it's more than a gathering it's the governance of God okay so when we say the governance of God one of the things Jesus told is heal the sick okay tell your neighbor now a cliche only your neighbor not Mia tell him tell your neighbor now yeah a cliche yeah no but can I say Nigella gah okay what did Jesus say heal the sick okay say with me heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead so the man we have here today to preach to us to minister the word are you excited for him are you excited for him okay so this is why what I would like to say before I call him up to start ministering to you there are many CS now in India you know who is a seer who prophet yeah when I say see her s ee r okay there are many CS and there are many seers you know who is the seer who keeps saying but you know in the kingdom there are very few doers they are very few the man we have here today he is a radical doer he's a radical doer okay the first time I heard him he said this is not a choice this is a mandate to heal the sick to cleanse the lepers and to raise the dead okay the race that it was easy easily digestible for me only yesterday night he made me digest the cleanse the lepers tell your neighbor nearly a neighbor now whichever part of the mandate you could not digest God give you mercy and God give you grace today to receive its fulness right now right today this is your day now is the time the impartation session is not tomorrow it's today your tell your neighbor your expectancy will draw the virtue from the word and the spirit for you all I'd like to tell you is keep your eyes on God God will use his vessel to touch you don't keep your eyes on the vessel neither God can touch you neither the vessel can do anything for you am I right sir am i right if they keep their eyes on God God will use you to touch them but if they keep their eyes on you okay he wants to say is all you can get if you keep your eyes on him is a touch physical touch not that powerful touch okay tell your neighbor now is the time for the personal touch for personally receiving the fullness of the spirit the fullness of the word and for personally honoring what is sown into your life so I think I made it very clear everything is now can we all rise to your feet put our hands together and invite the general of God Papa David Hogan to come and take over the mic for today I know most of us see de somebody's put a poster there literally because most of us are friends with the spirit world in South Africa and because of a relationship with senior profit Kobus and other ministries and because most of you saw the promo video which was short at spirit word I'm sure you are here hungry for the for the fire okay everyone say fire everyone say fire fire fire fire okay so I'm sure as you start receiving the word right now by the second session which is the impartation session you'll be full of the fire of God to go back wherever you are to your church or ministry and make an impact okay so you can be seated right now tell em expect it my mind is ready my heart is hungry I am ready to receive sir we love you we thank you for coming see you for five days very soon back in India good morning hey y'all good we all travel the long distance to get here Audient I came from Mexico that's a long way so thank y'all and I bless you in Jesus name now I know what you want and it is possible do you hear me but you can't get it from me it can only be given by the holy God only the only God can give you what you're looking for I have found a way in I have God I don't know why but he has allowed me to come close to him everybody has their opinion as to why but my opinion is I don't know why he is so big he is so awesome and none of us are worthy we are made worthy by the blood of Jesus alone alone approaching God we can't but with Jesus and the blood covenant applied to us we can approach God we are allowed into the Holy of Holies by the blood of Jesus but that does not give you rights it does not make you awesome but it does make Jesus awesome most modern Christians are in what's called entitled I disagree with that but I'm not here to disagree with you I'm here to tell you how awesome Jesus is okay all right so first thing we're gonna do so let's go to James my phone James chapter 1 I want to read this verse to you to start out with is that okay James chapter 1 verse 8 18 this is in the English amplified and that's what it says it was of his own free will Jesus did this for us he gave us entrance to the power of God he was not forced you can't beg him to listen to you listen what it says he gave us birth as sons your problem with me is I'm a son of God Jesus is the Son of God I am a son of God if you believe Jesus if you believe in Jesus if your heart is given to Jesus you have become a son of God only held only held will argue that point against you God is for us Romans chapter 8 if God is for us who who can be against us so I'm presenting to you sonship I'm presenting to you authority of the Holy Ghost you have to take it alright let's do it again ready see it says it right there of his own free will see yeah you see you have to accept the same way Jesus did you have to trust the father and it's not easy sometimes I'm in a situation right now very difficult but I want you to look at me I am a son of God so if God is for us who you - let the mercy of God come upon your spirit please I'm right about this I have traveled every corner of this earth searching for truth looking for mercy have found it own freewill that he gave us birth as sons by his word of truth say these words with me Jesus I accept the word of truth Jesus accept the word of truth Jesus I accept the word of truth Jesus I accept the word of truth Jesus I accept the word of truth see it's God's will it is God's will for us to be first fruits I don't know why because the heart of man is evil but when the Spirit of God touches us somehow he transforms us to be like Jesus I don't understand it and I don't want to hear your opinion I only accept the word of truth I was telling them earlier I don't listen to anyone you can come you can spit on me and tell me stuff and I'm just going to look at you Jesus is king only the word of truth makes us first fruits not doctrine not theology not men's opinions and this is what it says first fruits of his creation a sample we're a sample of what he created to be consecrated to himself you if you want to walk in the power of God you have no choice but to believe that last night pastor was telling me your unusual there's no one like you you have experience in time and results and significance and success but yet you choose to be humble who are you what are you and I told him I am a son of God most of you sit in this room or politicising and jockeying maneuvering for position for approval of men for acceptance me no I want to be first fruits of God I want to be consecrated to the Father I want to walk in the word of truth I want to walk in his word of truth thank you for your honor of me thank you but I promise you if Jesus appears you will be in front of me I'm not a good person only Jesus is Jesus is key you have to believe that Jesus is your answer Mian will fail you every time but heaven will never fail so so verse 19 under understand this my beloved brethren let every man be quick to hear a ready listener slow to speak slow to take offense slow to get angry for man's anger does not promote the righteousness of God God's wishes or God's requirements verse 21 so get rid of all uncleanness the rampant growth of wickedness so say this with me uncleanness out in Jesus name wickedness out in Jesus name and look what it says in a humble gentle modest spirit go see if all you're after is money or fame or politics or men's approval you will fail at the gospel there will be certain amount of success you can get rich y'all don't know this but right now there's an offer for me me personally and my wife if I will sign a contract and work with these people I am guaranteed over a 10-year period 500 million u.s. dollars all right I told my wife I'm gonna take it she said okay you can I said I know it it's it offered she said but I'm not gonna take it I said but you have to I said our whole life we have lived in poverty in the gospel not worried about money she said it's true I said then you need to sign the contract with me and here's what she said to me I am NOT a prostitute I said to her I never thought you were but I need you to sign that paper she said I won't she said I will serve you I will help you to the death but I will not sign that paper she said my god is bigger than everything I said okay then if you're not gonna sign neither will I I said but I'll do we should reconsider she said no okay in the very beginning of our walk with God no one would give me a chance no one believed in me no one believed in Jesus in me but I stayed with it you see I held the line of the word of truth I wouldn't be distracted right or live five years 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 years I'm holding the line of truth now they won't us [Applause] but now I'm not available because Jesus never left me he stayed with me when I was when I was a kid in the sheepfold and God has made me a king and I will bow to no one do you understand this is important for you to walk in the true power of God you must be a free man and you must use that freedom for the gospel you must use it in the word of truth do you understand do you understand do you understand starting over at verse 21 get rid of all uncleanness unclean spirit set out in the name of Jesus wickedness out in the name of Jesus humility come to me gentle spirit meekness modest spirit I receive come to me and there's another phrase here it says welcome the Word of God say it with me I'll welcome you I'll welcome you because it says that the Word of God contains power you see that everybody says to me how do you do these things well let's look at it word right [Applause] [Music] Jesus is the word of God Jesus is the word of God the word of God contains power Jesus is the word of God and the Word of God contains power verse 22 do not be only be a doer of the word that's what I'm going to do say it I'm going to be a doer I'm going to be a doer I'm going to obey the message and not merely listeners look what it look what it says about a listener a listener betraying yourself into deception you are not okay to be a good person and sit quietly in your chair that does not make you a Christian let me show you what does this this man right here is a pastor's son this young man was born into the gospel the ones of us that had to suffer had to go through persecution for the gospel he didn't he was born into it but he got anxious he got anxious because the most modern Christians were anxious instead of faithful I need you to lose the anxiety because this young man got anxious nervous and he left the gospel he told his dad he left the gospel left his dad seeking a fortune well he got a really good job at a factory an American factory across the border from America in Mexico making he had a really good job making product okay all right he was making money he thought he found his dream but what happened was when he got up in the big city out of the jungle he contacted a thing called tuberculosis and the doctors told him there is no hope you will die so what do you think he did what is his response to that because the money that he made he spent all of it on medicine and doctors and now he's back where he was but now he has tuberculosis I am not against a good job I have a good job it's called Jesus I have a really good job so what did he do he came back to us he went to one of our churches in North North Mexico and he told the pastor I need brother David Patrick said well brother David's not coming it's gonna be a long time he said we're gonna pray and fast for you we're gonna help you but only God can do this because there is no medicine that can cure advanced tuberculosis there is no medicine there is no operation you just die slowly and it's very painful finally after a few months I went over there and I said what are you doing here he said I've been waiting on you what are you all with me brother David I'm died with tuberculosis us here's my exact words I'll repeat that you know why I said that not to offend him not to hurt him it's because I have tuberculosis it's contrary to the word of truth but him having tuberculosis is a reality it's just wrong do you hear me it's wrong I will not submit I do not have to but being a doer of the word what is my responsibility to him tell me what what should I do now I should heal the kid so how do you heal that I know what in Jesus name praise the Lord it's more than a cliche it's more than a phrase of words you have to be first fruit consecrated you have to free will accept the word of truth and you have to walk it regardless of what you see I'm right about this so I went a little up rate we prayed for him we set up 24/7 prayer for the guy people's praying for him 24 hours a day seven days a week that's what we do I go back I think it was like probably six or eight months later to this service right here where he's standing and I saw a guy playing the drums I didn't recognize him he had lost so much weight tuberculosis had emaciated his body destroyed him but he's up there playing the drums and I'm looking at him and I asked the pastor who's the kid played the drums he told me I said I out of never recognize him he's just he's just destroyed I said but how is he helped so much energy to play the drums he said go ask him so you know they're doing worship and I'm the guy it's me I'm the guy that walks up there and stops worship it's me and I asked this fella what are you doing he said I didn't think you'd recognize me I said I didn't recognize you I had to ask somebody who was who you are he said brother David I went through several months of lots of pain and one night it's just like normal I'm I'm in pain I'm hurt and I'm shriveled up and for no apparent reason a glowing man walked through the wall his name is Jesus and he touch semen and he's healed and that that as soon as I heard about it I'm just going what how come somebody didn't tell me he said cuz I wanted to tell you I said man I'm grateful he said me too I said tell us about it and that's his first time to tell how Jesus had healed him I want you to understand how awesome your God is I want you to know that these terminal diseases are not in control Jesus is I want you to understand it's the word of truth that has the power we must submit to it do you hear me do you hear me do you hear me all right let's do another verse this one is in Hebrews chapter 12 in verse 1 Hebrews chapter 12 in verse 1 do you want to heal tuberculosis that was weak do you want to raise the dead do you want to cure cancer me too then I need you to quit trying to be a good person and learn how to be a humble person a submitted person to the word of truth a consecrated first-fruit not what not walking in betrayal but in being a doer of the gospel many many since I've been here many of you have told me we prayed for six or five or four dead and nobody come back to life why well how do you think I know you figure it out tell me all right this hand right here chopped Dolph finger scar see the scars a working man's hand but this hand has raised 38 from the dead this hand you're not reading in a book somewhere it's not some abstract some invisible person somewhere you look at me right in the eyes and I'm telling you my hand has touched the dead and they come back with many in the beginning days many many many we pray for did not come back many many many we pray for right now do not come back I do not know why it works sometimes and sometimes it don't I just know that I'm a walk the word of truth and I'm going to be a firstfruits Christian consecrated doer of the gospel and not betraying myself I'm not gonna give in to loss I'm not gonna give in to lack because what I see of the gospel loss in lack seem to be part of it when I want something else but that's not what I get my responsibility is to be faithful trusting trustworthy to the word of truth I've lost a lots of friends because there is a easier trail but it does not include dead raising it does include wealth it does include numbers but there is no power and if the power of God is not present I'm out do you hear cuz if it's about making money I'm gonna go back to work in the oil field cuz there's lots of money keeping y'all's lights going in y'all's air conditioners running y'all like that stuff you'll pay for that stuff there's money to be made but that's not what we're here for Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses we have borne testimony to this truth see I'm here no no no don't say it I I personally am here i am here my team and I are here to witness the truth to you to bear witness of the truth now listen I am a great-grandpa this morning I talked to my great-grandson and he just looked he was trying to touch me in the phone and he was laughing that made me happy but I'm also a soldier and if I could give you some advice keep the grandpa because you don't want the soldier he'll is afraid of the soldiers of God you need the grandpa because the soldiers tough when I tell you I'm not bluffing and I'm not backing down that's when the soldier come do you hear me I need you every one of you to soldier up in the gospel there's a reason the church is weak there are only a few soldiers at play it's working I need you to woman of God man of God come forth in Jesus name all right look what it says we have borne testimony to the truth look what it says here let us strip off throw aside every encumbrance unnecessary wait many of you are socialists you believe in friendship more than you believe in God some of you believe in family more than you believe in God but I'm going to make a statement this comes from the word of truth ready friendship and family is demonic I have friends I love my family I am dedicated to the death of my family but you listen to me Jesus is king many of you if your mother calls or your dad or or your aunt or your wife or your husband or your kids you just stand straight up no matter what you're doing and leave they run your life instead of Jesus many of you allow your friends to tell you how to dress how to look how to speak Jesus is king we have a cloud of witnesses and we need to bare truth of the gospel we need to understand that every weight that's dragging us down that's not from the word of truth needs to be removed some of you have bosses that you submit to but you don't submit to God and you call yourselves Christians I'm not mad you see I'm not mad there's a difference when you're right then when you're mad when you walk the word of truth I'm not mad I'm right that boy got healed of tuberculosis that's a great miracle that pleases me you know why he got healed it wasn't because I touched him or the team touched him it was because we're walking the the word of truth it's the word of truth that heals people it is the power of the gospel it is the word the power of God look what it says let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance unnecessary weight and that sin which so readily definitely and cleverly they see it all right demons in Devils have been deceiving humanity since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden ever how long whatever y'all teach I don't care numbers are not the problem the problem is the heart of man they are clever they are deceitful they are cunning they know how to manipulate us they know how to manipulate women they know how to manipulate me and we need help we need the word of truth we need the mercy of the gospel we need the name of Jesus alright so readily clings to and entangles us see it every day when you get up there's a new war there's a new battle there's a new opportunity for the demon to destroy you you have to cast it down in the name of Jesus you're the one you have to use the word of power you have to use the name of Jesus you have to use the word of truth it's not going to happen automatically that is part of their deception to keep us asleep wake up he says he wants the whole Hyderabad bored again well you have to wake up you have to soldier up and you have to enter the fray the battle and you have to walk the word of truth and you can make no exceptions Jesus is king everybody tells me how what power you got all right how tough are you cuz I've been shot I've been left for dead four times beat they thought they beat me to death beat with clubs stone with rocks imprisoned dozens of times but you look at me where do I find myself delivered and walk in the word of truth all right say this with me Lord Jesus we throw every unnecessary weight down we rebuke sin out of our life every entanglement every clinging spirit and we run with patience and endurance and steady and active see here's a list for you patient endurance steady active persistence the appointed course I'm going to do it I've accepted the race freely no one forced me I accept Jesus because I believe he is king and I accept my race whatever is it whatever it turns out to be I'll be fine eventually every one of you you know what you want you want to walk up here and me touch you and you walk away with goosebumps praise the Lord oh and it's so weak it's Jesus it's steady persistence its patient endurance and I probably hadn't told you yet but I'm right about this and I know you want it the easy way there is no easy way there's a long way there's a hard way it's cold Jesus he said I am the way I am the truth I am the life no one can get to the Father except through me now all these other religions they're wrong I'm sorry to you they're not a little bit right there's a lots of good people that are a hundred percent deceived you understand Jesus is king verse 2 looking away from all that will distract for instance 500 million u.s. dollars I would say that's a distraction if we stack it up on that thing right there it'll go to the ceiling in hundred-dollar bills u.s. and we just all sit there and look at it because it's powerful it walks me in our ward it I'm distracted but I have to look away from it do you understand it will cleverly deceive me okay the month the problem is not the money is the deception look it away from all that will distract to Jesus who is this Jesus what does it say up there he is the leader he is the author of our faith he is the author of our life he is the king he is the Lord and that is the truth who is the leader and the source of our faith so need you to say this with me Lord Jesus I asked you to leave me leave me leave me leave me in the way of faith lead me in the way of righteousness lead me in the way of repentance lead me in the way of a pure clean heart in Jesus name I asked you source of faith fill me fill me I asked for incentive see up there it says given the first incentive see I want an incentive I want I want something incentive I want God to give me incentive in Jesus name I won't God to give me a spirit that will follow the source of faith that will follow the leadership of the Lord Jesus regardless of what it costs me in Jesus saying because yo the benefits are greater than what we might lose in the flesh I need incentive I need Jesus to touch my heart with his spirit I need the source of faith to fill me with the goodness of God put that other picture up there please of that use it both them alright you see me there that's in Columbus Ohio in the United States you see that guy on the left with a bigger beard than mine he's a professional MMA fighter very dangerous he would be in scary they came to me in Kentucky and they asked me the dad that man you see right there crying was in a wheelchair and it had two strokes two strokes in the boy the young man on the left the son he came to me he he's scary-looking he's scary-looking he says my dad just died had two strokes I said I'm sorry he said no you're gonna heal him I said absolutely cuz he's scary-looking he said he's gonna die you have to do something I still bring him up here so they brought him up oh my god I straddled a wheelchair like this I got to hold the guy I said heaven that guy's scary please get this man about this wheelchair so you don't beat me down but he didn't get healed I thought oh no so they came to us this is a second set of services he is with me in Columbus Ohio do you know Jim Baker the finance guy that's his church and so I'm there right and I noticed the guy with the beard I was hiding behind my son but he came and found me anyway he said I brought my dad to Kentucky I said I remember you you ain't got to be so aggressive fella he yes I do okay what do you want now he's dead my dad didn't get healed now you get him healed yes sir so we did a fire tunnel and we're gonna do that in a minute fire tunnel and here comes the wheelchairs it was like full wheelchair the guy there in the middle was in the wheelchair I straddled him I patted him on his cheeks and I said God please heal this guy this guy seems to be really getting agitated and I moved and they went on and I kept doing my job kept doing my job the trail of the word of truth all of a sudden I hear some screaming and I'm looking for it because that's what happens when miracles happen you know the guy with a little he starts knocking people out the way you did he said you did it I said thank you God I said what is it he said we we went through the fire tunnel in my dad we got back over in the corner and also my dad said help me help me there's fire I'm burning and we moved as velcro and my dad stood up and started walking I said if it's true have him walk over to me and that's where he met me right there healed of being in a wheelchair one year two strokes right there that's a good thing I need you to want that do you hear me everyone say fire fire fire let's put a hand say in invite Pastor David Hogan to come in [Music] [Music] [Music] let's you have saved it for a minute holy go fire there's a few things I want to I want you to be anticipating I hadn't had much time to share with you but circumstances as they are I'm going to live with it okay but there's a new blue fire it's healing I want you to want it it will help you it will help your meetings it'll help what you're doing in God but it'll also bring new opposition there's thousands of miracles we could talk about it's so awesome so I want to read you one verse and then we'll do a fire thing and then I got to go alright alright so in Luke Luke chapter 3 this is one of my favorite examples I use it all the time verse 15 amplified English Luke Luke chapter 3 verse 15 yeah do you have it alright says as the people were in suspense and waiting expectantly see one of the things I've been able to do my whole walk with Jesus is I've kept myself in suspense it is what God can do I never ever got comfortable and safe I'm never comfortable he has asked me probably 20 times since I've been here are you comfortable and I look at him as comfortable as I'm gonna be yeah I'm never comfortable it's not my environment it's a spirit I want I want Jesus so I want to be in suspense and expectant I need you to open your heart and just let Jesus touch it I don't know what it'll look like I've seen thousands of different ways people have been touched me I'm emotional my wife she looks like a stone but she she says what I see you doing I feel the same way and I look at her but that's not the point the emotions are not the point it's the fire it's the Holy Ghost baptism all right no it says they were questioning their heart concerning John whether he perhaps might be the Christ the Messiah The Anointed One and John said I o baptize you with water but he who is mightier than I say Jesus you're mightier than I you're a miter than all of us combined please come amongst us help us in Jesus name it says look what it says the strap of his sandals I am unworthy - unfit to unfasten he will baptize you say I want to be baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire in the name of Jesus so I bless you do you hear me I bless you in a few minutes we're gonna do a fire tunnel but I need you to be praying and seeking God for your personal self and for your ministries and for your families here's your cities hey you regions in the name of Jesus we ask God to prepare our hearts in Jesus name body Holy Ghost [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no fire no fire Hasmukh help us be collide as be pieces as McCoy be rejoicing big protection in the name of Jesus we received from you rebuilding those buting inhale kneeling in hell in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tell me [Music] listen yo [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah of the beautiful deep no that is [Music] No [Music] [Music] breathe deep enough that you are good [Music] No [Music] Oh baby baby [Music] [Music] yes you are [Music] Eddi [Music] [Music] Oh waiter Sharon start happy [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] I know that you are the one [Music] the matchless love that cannot be comfort I believe yeah [Music] he's the one No [Music] [Music] father [Music] ah shut up stop [Music] yeah [Music] the madness [Music] [Music] she often [Music] beautiful beautiful beautiful [Music] like no [Music] [Music] oh the matchless love that cannot be compared in the marketplace I believe [Music] [Music] shame [Music] [Music] [Music] what the shame [Music] [Music] let me show you [Music] [Music] Oh Baba looey but my mom me too [Music] [Music] [Music] what you say [Music] let me show you [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul the body [Music] [Music] [Music] what the shape [Music] it's in the two [Applause] ha [Music] my [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] $92 [Music] [Music] what you say [Music] [Music] let me see your eyes [Music] [Music] can we shout the name of Jesus at the count of three one two three Jesus come on I request everyone to sharp let there be a breakthrough in everyone's life one two three all the time isn't God good yes thank you all so much for coming so we are ecclesia we meet every Saturday at a brutha juani at 6:30 p.m. if you enjoy the worship if you enjoyed the fellowship with us and if you have been in Hyderabad during Saturday's you cannot you're always welcome to visit us [Music] they say me yah nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music]
Channel: JCGG Ekklesia
Views: 20,824
Rating: 4.9173837 out of 5
Keywords: David Hogan, Prem Samuel, JCGG Ekklesia, Resurrection & Life Conference
Id: FVt8RybGLz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 49sec (6469 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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