11/1/2018 - Special Speaker: David Hogan

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[Music] well good evening everybody yeah welcome welcome glad you guys are here I make you wear up a couple things thank you thank you everybody settling down make you wear a couple things hey if our Oscars give you guys hey guys that voice that you're hearing that you're trying to talk over that's me here at the microphone hey there we go bring it forward there we go thank you thank you thank you a couple of things just to help everyone have a great experience tonight a number one if our Usher's give you some instruction and we would just appreciate it if you would follow it so we're not trying to be controlling we're just trying to keep everything moving in the right direction here so thank you for that I forgot everything else I'm supposed to say so let's just go ahead and enjoy the Lord and I will allow we'll do our best to get through it so Jesus we love you Jesus we love you but we just thank you for hunger that it always gets rewarded we thank you that you're already here and we just asked you to open up our eyes to see it more clearly I pray you'd come in a greater measure [Music] so although we just lay aside any distractions that we brought in here and we just want to focus on you so Holy Spirit had your way today the name of Jesus you guys are welcome to worship upfront you're welcome to worship in your seats if it gets a little too loud in here there's a blue dispenser with earplugs in the back wall [Music] [Music] one true living god there is one too every other God is and I ooh [Music] [Applause] [Music] god every other God every other every other god you can [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's true you it's just jeez see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] creatures [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Music] please [Music] crazy praise God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] face Christian's crazy [Music] prismo [Music] [Music] [Music] is crazy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] seems from crazy crazy Bubbe years praise father son No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you just lift up your boys I think we're done yet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my girlfriend [Music] [Music] [Music] come expand [Music] [Music] coming clear sound [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] take [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] and to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in the Kersey in oppressing you were making [Music] in this [Music] you are breaking you are breaking [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] rushon [Music] we won't [Music] [Music] and crushing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is finished all [Music] it is finished on it is very strong it's finished [Music] [Music] [Music] it is very strong [Music] it is very strong [Music] [Music] he's begun [Music] begin again [Music] [Music] the best times with him are the ones where you're not you're not asking for anything just enjoying them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus you're wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful during worship I was thinking about those passages that talk about counting the cost and counting the cost is really just getting clarity about the bargain he says that came to my gods like this as a guy who found a treasure hidden in a field that went out sold everything he had in his great joy and bought the field so it's like there's a hundred dollar wallet but inside that wallet is the winning lottery ticket it's like that hundred dollars for the wallet is really nothing to compare to what you get any price we pay for Jesus gang has just boy what we get in return is just it's just not even worth talking about the price Jesus give us clarity about the bargain that we're getting Jesus you're wonderful [Music] well we just pray that apostolic probe ourselves open up the eyes of our understanding flood our hearts with light god we don't want to try to get this thing in our human intellect let it be spirit to spirit just as Jesus became flesh your words become spirit it's the Holy Spirit less your words get into our spirit I pray our minds would catch up but God we just want to catch it we want to be in awe God tonight we don't even want to be able to explain it we just want to just enjoy you so whether you want to come as the lion the lamb or something else guy we just want you we just enjoy you you're wonderful [Music] Jesus [Music] just put your hand on somebody next yeah just pray this office Dalek prayer God get them good I'm good well let him encounter you fresh well we don't want just another good service lawyer we want you what I pray that you'd increase hunger or to increase our appetite for the things of the Spirit increase our awareness Jesus Lord increase our capacity to experience you Jesus or for everyone in here who feels like they're not a feeler Lord I just break that lie off of them right now thank you Jesus I just feel like something you need to die to dignity you're afraid of what might happen if you get if the power of God comes on you I just encourage you just die to that thing and idols anything in your life you have to ask for permission to obey God solo we just died of those things we just die to our reputation lore we want you [Music] and I'm not talking to somebody else I'm talking to you and me I need this Jesus we died a reputation or we want you Lord let the revival fires burn in Columbus [Music] one of Bob Jones words over Columbus is that well there's lots of words you know what actually this is my wife that's kind of nice to confuse Bob Dylan my wife she had a dream where God was doing so much in Columbus people were driving in from all over and they couldn't figure out what church to go to because God was doing so much good everywhere so while we just say let it be let the glory of God come in just wreak normal church services [Music] thank you Jesus Lord change businesses change the way that employees are treated by employers change the atmosphere of workplaces change the atmosphere of our school systems well we just thank you that you're encountering and Muslims that you're encountering all the people who don't deserve it people like us thank you Jesus what I pray that it will work outside these walls that's how you know if it's the real thing Jesus give us the real thing thank you Jesus there any pastors in here are ministers if you just raise your hand if you're near one of them just lay your hands on Jesus bless them God give them a double portion or play for wisdom and revelation and anointing and fire and dreams and encounters angelic visitations change the atmosphere of their homes protect their children protect their minds while we pray for purity with power purity with power in the name of Jesus thank you are we love you Jesus love you Jesus ministers what we are so grateful you're here thank you for coming and all everyone who is so thankful you guys come you guys could find a way to you see we want to give plenty of time to brother Hogan thank you guys thanks for being hungry thank you worship team the worship team actually parked across the streets to give you guys better spots and so thank you guys are all of our workers they did that so thank you guys Micah hey guys is the school from Pickerington here this CSS on Pickerington are you guys here yet or not yet four minutes out okay guys we're trying to keep those those rows there we have a ministry school in Pickerington and we surprised them tonight and we're moving those who could come to school here and so they got about an hour drive and so they've just found out at 7:00 so they're gonna be here at 8:00 so if we could keep as many know those seats are precious but we could keep as many as possible if you have a seat next to you if you could I'll raise your hand if we have some of you guys want some seats or you guys like the floor hey guys you guys want some seats are you guys good there you're good there okay great Joel do we need them to scoot in are we good joël do we need to miss scoot in are we good we're good okay great hey guys thanks for squeezing and we really appreciate it and so um well we're just gonna go ahead and go for it here we're gonna before we move into a fire tun we're gonna take an offering so if you guys want to just be praying about what you're gonna give we just so appreciate your generosity and for the fire tunnel please pay attention to instructions okay freedom does not mean chaos and now if there's ministry at the end we would like to reserve that for our brother Hogan and his team as well as our ministry teams and so if you're from another church we're not saying you're not anointed you're not able to minister we're just saying just in our house we just would rather do with people that we know and so if you could just help us out on that all right let's give a Columbus welcome to brother David Hogan go have a seat thank y'all Holy Ghost fire holy so my wife said it was gonna be a great time so I might as well be alright with that she's usually right a [Music] few months ago I was over in Europe right and I'll travel all the continents extensively now I'm everywhere and it's a there's lots of interested people around we was in the Czech Republic you know it's my first time to be there and I was the guy that invited me was the gold medal judo champion of the world he was scary fella big fella I would I hated I had to get a ring with that he was big boy and he was a champion as well and so he was he was planning his services for 500 people and there were several thousand came that is awesome but it creates a problem as well there was snow everywhere it was cold for us it was unusual y'all are used to it more than we are we're used to hot y'all used to koves y'all are wrong there you go [Laughter] and so it's all good to me I like cold better personally so all right when I'm sorry to you about what I'm fixed to say because in y'all's world is controversial and my world is not we I was sitting there now we were at this university and it was big facility had three layers it was the bottom and then two balconies completely full I mean we couldn't get in I had my bodyguards we're carrying automatics and [Music] Russians these guys big holes boys and y'all okay it's okay what'd he talk to you cuz I got the outcome is not gonna change and I know you believe it you believe it's something you do it's not it's G it's Jesus we do invite him we do allow we set up and make hopefully he'll come and all that but if you've done what you're supposed to you just move he'll blow the doors off the place for you because he's wonderful I don't want to say no the reason I want to tell you this is not because of the fight that broke out or the woman that caused it or any of that because these Russians mean business you I mean it but this little bitty skinny woman was fighting with these big Russian bodyguards and they weren't having anything to do with it but finally she somehow squeezed between them and just toting something with her y'all saying totin i need to do some different kind of English Holy Ghost I'll bless you do you understand that shot da ba da ba ba ba ba shot da ba see this is what happens to me when I get my Bible quota times two I worked out so I could curb my energy but then I'm sitting there and they let me get a couple of hundred chapters in the Bible and so it just gives you energy that Holy Ghost is amazing and you know I apologize to y'all about what I'm fixing to say cuz in walked the hat people first it was the Catholics with their hats then it was the Buddhists with their hats then it was the Hindus with their hand all of her different hats they mean different things to them to me this is the half right here and hen Dee's the Buddhist the the Catholics the Episcopalians the Assemblies of God the Church of God they're all sitting there on the front and I'm you know I'm thinking I'm in big trouble because I don't agree with any of them in every war that's being fought is because of these people sitting on the front here oh and then the Muslims walked in it was 14 imams with they hats as well and I'm sitting there going I'll never make it out of here alive they saying all happen so I must be gonna die in the Czech Republic so I thought to myself self you need to let the flat side drag today you need to do this so I answered back all right we'll get her done so then the lady started to fight now this place was packed out godly there was people out in the foyer and it was a big deal everybody was freaked out because of who came and the guy that was in my interpreter was the Dean of the university he spoke like 14 languages and so he was going to be interpreting for me and he says to me he dropped the microphones he says you know I was the guy invited all these different religions I said have you ever seen what they do to people like me he said no I said you're fixing the seat he said now I especially want you to get those Muslims I have been talking to them about Jesus in you I said we'll do it then the lady comes dragging in this package she got through the bodyguards with this package turns out it was a several palsy son of hers and she wasn't backing away from it she fought her way through all the crowd and then the bodyguards and then she got up there was a big platform and she fought her way up put the child up on the platform then she climbs up on the platform and she's just looking at him it's a little skinny woman evidently she's not like y'all she's probably unchurched because you see how y'all all real quiet and everybody knows their place and she evidently didn't get the same schooling y'all did and she brought that child up there and laid him on my feet see what y'all don't understand because you're too proper those men that ripped the roof off of they broke and entered in mark chapter two and let that man down there's never a mention of their name anywhere they left I know what they did they went and got another neighbor brought him back towards somebody else's house up see boy and in our world that's not acceptable but in Jesus's world it is I'm telling you this woman caused a scene and then I'm talking to her and somebody screamed at me from the top tier enough with the words it was perfect English well that kind of language really lights me up I said well if you can do a better job get your blankety-blank down here and have at it otherwise shut up and let me do my job cuz I can do this and I'm not willing to back away from it because you're gonna be an understanding of something Jesus is king it's not a person culture color a language a food group a a nation it's Jesus [Applause] you gotta be willing to die for it [Music] see you gotta learn the best way to get me calm is to keep me away from the Bible so what's gonna happen is simple started praying for that girl and the Holy Ghost blasted the place if you could have seen the Buddhists the Episcopalians the Catholics when the Holy Ghost hid them because they had all all their colors and hats and and they look really odd flailing around [Applause] they was drinking my cup of tea then II that ain't they cup of tea they wasn't used to that cup of tea they was drinking so here's how it happened fire hit the place mercy was rolling although people started coming up and getting saved and and then the Dean says to me ask the Muslims I said no they don't know my God or they'd have him already he said you need to ask him because you're not afraid I said I'm not afraid so I asked them I asked the head guy in the back gives about seven or eight rows back in the middle here I said you fellas come you see the power of God don't you want to get born again every one of them stood up and the main guy looked at me and he says yes so they filed out 14 Imams walked down and got born again these things are big deals but they're not your big deal I was just happened to be the guy there it was mercy that did that it was the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning us do you hear me you with me or not it's okay then well let's stand up and do some declarations thank God for the rain huh Holy Ghost y'all's drought is over Holy Ghost crystal crystal butter me suh young-su Sangre Kaname see nada now the devil yo porque me hisses Pagar dojo hallelujah say this with me Lord Jesus I love you Lord Jesus I'm not afraid I'll bless you Jesus thank you Jesus for the water I drink thank you Jesus for the food I eat thank you Jesus for the air I breathe thank you Jesus for the mercy I walk in thank you lord thank you Lord bless this land bless this dirt I'm walking on in the name of Jesus we call on the fire of the Holy Ghost baptize this land with your mercy in Jesus name we love you Lord and we proclaim that love tonight in Jesus name thank y'all have a seat and we will get us some now I have a plan and we'll see if I can do it I don't know if I can or not we'll see I have to leave leave at 5 in the morning and have to drive for eight and a half hours then run a half a marathon so you think you're busy huh I don't believe it holy go bless you do you unbelievers you should run this is your opportunity to just flip us off and bail I'm serious this is it because if you stay you're gonna get whacked Mercy Mercy is going to get you I'm sorry see see this is why they called me a believer because I believe so yesterday we started in Matthew chapter 1 so why should we change Matthew chapter 1 I know you're won't some obscure Greek or a child dinner he Hebrew or word that I have found that y'all don't know but that's just not true the only word I ever found was Jesus and it seems to work just a little bit of guts and discipline and it goes a long way so Hebrews are no excuse me that's a different thing Matthew chapter something 1 verse 22 I think we have somewhere around there yesterday when we I got tired of talking and stopped I get bored so easy holy try to hang on a little while for you so cuz the fire god wants to whack you and we're just gonna have to let him on purpose so verse 22 you there amplified okay all this took place that it might be fulfilled which the Lord spoke through the Prophet say father thank you for fulfilling your word thank you that your word is true thank you that you're fulfilling you're overlooking you're watching over your word you know you didn't get all that words did holy guys always busy I really wish miss Hogan was here to see this this this seems like it's gonna be bright it will for me whether it is for y'all or not I always have fun shut up by Todd baba shot that bow see you guys see where oh yeah verse 23 behold the virgin say virgin say I want to be that way spiritually say it I want I want to receive the Word of God with purity and excellence I want it in Jesus name [Music] see that lady that broke through those bodyguards over there and Yugoslavia Czech Republic it's the same place to me it's not about a few miles apart so I really like those people y'all I'm grateful that God lets me go into the Balkan nations I get to go to all of them now I'm going yesterday I must tell you this we did this right here the other day in Bulgaria I was a hundred kilometers which is 62 points something my 62 point - or is that right there close enough Joseph he's the math guy you gotta have it exactly and from Istanbul Turkey and they're anti gospel those people and so we're there and the the skinheads y'all know skinheads they are anti gospel as well and so there was like four different factions really mad at us and the place was just packed and one of the groups that came in there or gypsies from like five different nations and they really are hated by everybody and but me I like him all right and the fire of the Holy Ghost started healing and the the deaf ears were opening the blind were seeing the lame were walking and it was yumminess it was so awesome and they told me we you you have to leave now so okay then so we went to Sofia which is the capital we got us a room and we're there and they all said my phone lit up they attacked the church thinking we were in there and blew the building completely up so I do church different you do look how quiet you are I want you to understand we need to stay pure you don't need to tack up on any people group or language group or nation or a flag or color or any of those things you're wrong about that we need to stay virgin in our spirits toward heaven you want the power of God to visit you and do things it's never been done before keep yourself pure before God at all cost and because I have found out I'm an eighth generation preacher and I have found out through my traipsing around the planet that family and friendship is never the Holy Ghost oops because that's how you believe your politicians instead of Christians and I must relieve you that you want the power of God I can see what you want but you have to let go of the old way and take the new one it's called virginity it's called purity and God it's called the membrane intact the blood is in play say yes theologians that are sitting here I just flipped you out you've never heard that statement before too bad because when Jesus came he came through the blood and when he left he gave the blood Shabba how about that and he told the veil that separates us into because of the blood thing about we need this say it yes I need this shut okay see she'll become pregnant give birth and they should call his name I'm on the way the deals call nosotros God with us now since I read that again let's do it let's jump over to Isaiah chapter 7 where that's the the Prophet actually prophesied those words is that clear is that good the reason I'm moving along little bits is so I can there's there's a story I'm going to tell you that's quite involved and you need to hear it because guys like me or what's called lifers we get the word of the Lord and we stay and do our job God called me when I was a kid and here's what he said go to Mexico and whenever I got there I was out on this mountain and sitting on a log by myself I couldn't speak the language I didn't know the culture I had never eat food like that in my life and I'm sitting there I don't know anything that's going on and the Holy Ghost spoke to me audibly and said start here and he never has told me not to he never has say stop he never has changed so we're stuck still in the same spot we're what's called faithful we're what's called diligent these are new words we're what's called discipline holy I know these are new words but we must implement them cuz I know the power of God wants to run through us and we gotta let it happen bah bah bah holiness did we make it to Isaiah 7 y'all were slow about this verse 13 you there you can read the rest of it for yourself I don't have time to read so many verses Isaiah said here they know house of Davi is it as it is a small thing is it a small thing that you weary and try the patience of men but will you weary and try the patience of God also so you're a great people and I am like you I'm one of you was born in this land but you think a lot of yourself and that's gonna get you in trouble I cannot allow you to weary the hand of God you must submit now you are I do know that but it's my responsibility as a man to look you in the face and warn you of pending destruction for this nation you must bow to the hand of God you don't have a choice that's been removed now it's a muss it says right here in verse 14 therefore the Lord Himself thank you say thank you Father that you care for us so much that you want to give us a sign yourself wow that's the one I'm reading not exactly well similar it's close enough I think it might be actually y'all doing good the Lord himself shall give you a sign say thank you for a sign a young woman who is unmarried and a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel in the old-school nosotros Emmanuel God with us I want you to understand God cares so much about us he raised God raised me for a job he has all the generations everything was put into into motion so that I could come along at my season and do my job you're exactly the same I know some of you don't believe that you want to fight about it but it won't do you any good you'll lose because the god I serve raises dead God you serve is nothing but just another trashy religion clear I want you now to jump look it says it right there oh dude put it back up there [Laughter] see right there that not Isaiah 9:6 let's jump over there and look but we're not going we're gonna start in verse two instead of six because I there's a few phrases here we need to discuss just for a minute because I want to talk to you about how awesome your God is I warned you unbelievers you should have left verse two you there Isaiah 9:2 the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light say thank you God for illuminating me for illuminating my path for illuminating the sky around me darkness is gone thank you Jesus that the day is clear help me Father to walk in the light of the gospel because Jesus is the light of the gospel those who dwelt in the land of intense darkness in the shadow of death upon them has the light shined that's us say thank you Father that the light of the gospel shines upon us because we work until now but we're not anymore we are sons and daughters of Sion [Applause] you got to understand house who needs to be 67 and have this much energy I'm telling you it's awesome now from the top of my or I'll under my hat to the bottom I am completely healed and blessed there is no sickness the light is hung it drove hell away from me hi I'm what's called a free man and I like that part the freedom health many of you in here have been healed there's lots of healings in this house I'm grateful for that but there's another level somehow missed around and found my way to it it's called health of heaven it's legal tender and we need it say it I want that you can disagree with me on any subjects you want I can take it but you need health you need health and right now in my life I have got that I have worked diligently for this and it's come to pass and I'm grateful its heavens fault the light of the gospel has shined into intense darkness and the people have seen a great light one of the best testimonies that of dead reason I'm not going to tell you the whole thing just one part of it the the lady's uses old granny she she persecuted me for 25 years diligently spent lots and lots of money to try to kill me never could she killed five of my pastors but she didn't get me and then she got born again the first day that she was born again they burned her house down her friends then they killed her animals and killed her crops burned her crops and so that's what's called persecution and then she started working on her family no one was saved but her and now she outlived all the bad guys and she is the matriarch of the family and now there's about two two hundred and something of them and all of them are saved Holling but she got sick and she told her family don't tell brother David because I'm not like you I don't believe you're supposed to die sick it's okay to die but not sick I'll believe in the Covenant of the gospel that Jesus is king and that every name that his name will bow to him in Jesus name now we're not really clever yet with that or in other words we're not dominant and in control but we're working on it do you hear me but they all know that and so they don't talk she's ready to go she says leave me alone don't tell brother David I want to go from here so she dived with two incurables and she's walking down this trail it's a her description if you could have seen this lady this lady is so oh but when I walked up that day after she had been raised from the dead she's just glaring I mean energy is radiating off her and I recognized it she's been with the boss [Music] so I asked the pastor that was putting on the thing I said jump with the old one cuz I'm 67 she's old he says ask her I says I so I said oh yeah get the bus a mujer what's going on with you woman she come walking over she's not like I don't know she's four or seven million years old it took her like eight minutes to cross the thing and she never took her eyes off of me so there's imminent problems for me because these grandmas this is a great great-great grandma she's dangerous times three this is so much fun can you tell I enjoy my job that this is bizarre God is just out of control he just he don't listen to us we try to keep him hung up in a box see you sit there with a hammer your whole early younger life breaking the box letting him out and then he gets out you go oh my god build a box back [Applause] it's true statement Oh are we get another one of these things okay you're so gonna last me and I have to tell her I was eating these things holy I'm sorry to you cuz I get told all the time you were too relaxed you need to tighten it up a little mmm no I tried that serious I was wrong that little kid told me it's not a fruit of spirit you understand some of y'all ain't laughs this much of your entire life your face will break in the morning it will be slower from laughter that's a very good problem bless you do you hear me holy now this little video grandma that disobeyed all the rules she's walking down this trail this lady has never left her village so she doesn't speak very good Spanish the whole time she was talking to me it was in Manaus tickle not what we call it where I live right now she's walking on a trail in the mountain and there are these little lights along the trail light in her trail that have no cord and knows no source of energy they're just emanating light and she's walking down through there and she runs up on she says to me I saw the tops of the city as a whole doesn't matter what city you're talking about she said we're God lives I said you saw the city I've never seen this city she said that's too bad brother they lost him I said how can you do this you break all the rules and you get to see the city she's just sort of described in this city to me the beauty of it and it's one more heel and then this light came and it's the noonday Sun thing and then the curtain the light y'all probably don't read y'all's Bible so I'll tell you the Bible says that God covers himself with light as with a garment and this light moved in a brighter light stepped out it was Jesus it was the boss and he told her knee meets neck he would say he always does which means I love you and now what knee meets Nicky Grillo language you should learn it and then he reaches in his thing I don't know what you call it sash maybe Jodie says probably he's probably right and pulls out one of these lights that's on the trail and hands it to her now she took it but then she remembered she has no money to pay for it and she looks at this boss fella glowing brighter than the Sun coz the one behind him is brighter this is brighter and she laughed at me she says you're not very big he is awesome where's the light she said I told him I don't have any money to pay for it he said it's in a little crystal case it's glowing but there's no energy source and it's blue and he said to her you go back because it's the light of the gospel and it's free and you tell brother David that I'm coming soon so she told me Jesus said coming soon as a yes ma'am I'll work on that so I need you to understand that Jesus is coming see now in their world I don't know what that means because to her it was only a few minutes and in our world timeframe it was 12 14 hours they praying for her to be raised from the dead and she came back from the dead and she's healed of both diseases this is the light that I'm trying to explain to you if we can get our understanding to let him be the light we can be healed and stay healed we can have finances we can have help we can get along with each other which is the hardest problem we can do this because Jesus is king do you understand light in intense darkness say it I want that that's what I want I want go see see most people really write me off as a lunatic a madman and they're probably right in some of it but but I may not be the brightest candle in this room do you understand that I'm all right with that really I'm not gonna take offense I don't care about that go let me tell you why you go in intense darkness and any light is bright I need you to lose the care and of the reports in the chiding of the of the naysayers in them I need you to lose that let it go shut up Baba shut on their hair jesus loves you holy now verse or something 3 you O Lord Hill multiplied the nation's say multiply our nation God I need you to speak to the air no not giving you instructions I need you to speak to the air with me and we're going to speak into exists into existence multiplication in this house say it Jesus multiply this house in Jesus name intensify the light in Jesus name I receive it you Lord have multiplied the nation and increased their joy say this with me father increase our joy increase my joy in Jesus name I want more joy because the joy of the Lord is where my strength lies in Jesus name see you see me that I'm not intimidated by you and that bothers some of you I can see it on you and I'm not trying to bother you I'm trying to be joyful I'm not against you at all I'm for God it's the joy that I must inhabit that I must receive it's the light that I must walk in I have no choice if I want to do my job and I'm going to do my job very faithful to do it and diligent to do it I'm gonna do my job my wife calls me every day David I need this this and this and most of all I need you I said yes ma'am I'm the same I love you I miss you I love you but miss Hogan I must do my job and my job is heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons and cleanse the leper because freely you have received freely gills and that is costly in my world but in a few areas but we're paying it gladly with joy as joy in the harvest as men rejoice when they divide this fall of battle the yoke of Israel's burden the staff or rod for goading their shoulders the rod of of their oppressors you have broken as in the day of Gideon say thank you Father that the enemy is off my back I am what's called a free man [Applause] holy holy holy [Applause] huh huh huh it's easy this how you run a marathon right BAM holy holy [Music] [Applause] oh I take all of that energy wholly say yoke of burden out say staff or rod for goading me out in Jesus name [Applause] say rod of oppressor out in Jesus name say this with me Lord Jesus put up verse five please no not that Hey don't be cute with me I will bust you but he was obedient that's okay say it with me tramping boots of lawyers armor of battle of the devil out of here burn it with fire Holy Ghost in Jesus name your things falling off wonder why Kate Kate take a marathon what's up y'all okay y'all alright too much energy I'm the one burning it not you to us a child is born say thank you father for giving us Jesus to us a son is given thank you Father for giving us Jesus the government shall be upon his shoulder say it thank you Father for giving us Jesus and he shall be called ready we call you wonderful we call you Jesus counselor we call you Jesus mighty God we call you Jesus everlasting father we called you Jesus principai they pass Prince of Peace now for you people that go to church and I'm not being fed praise the Lord well your hunger thing is shut down yo machine is broken you gonna blame it on me cuz this next verse says it really plainly of the increase of his government and of his peace there shall be no end say it with me government of God come to me peace of God come to me in Jesus name we can do this Emmanuel God is with us shut up now I've shared a few verses and be energetic and got myself warmed up from a half-marathon tomorrow so if you will porfavor etches you're a trattoria Arriba up there no no no no not the Bible the picture no boy habla español que pasa hombre oh no that means understand America lovely English no toribash acaba I need you to look up the only thing that there's you to normal Aztecs they're everything but normal let's see how to go about this that girl wasn't even born when I first got to their village and she's a grandma now you have to understand what diligence means you need to understand what faithfulness is about it's about helping people I am a guilt sent from God to these folks he trained me himself he sent me so I should obey Him don't you think so we'll start like this the young man up there is one of these balls all three of these men right here that are with me that's their friend there's similar age with this guy they grew up together these people so let me tell you how I found them and I'll try not to make belabor this it's time to do the fire thing Bobby Flay go Fogle looking at him Oh a flagel prego prego prego fire Slagel i [Laughter] want to tell you this fun - you ready the guy on the right when I first found the village that he lives or he was born was knee-high to me when I got there he is now a grandpa it's important for you to understand because I come in here and I'm wild and I say wild strange things and and I'm all up everybody's good easy I'm not afraid and you're trying to sort that out and but I need you to hear what this is my wife and I got sent out his kids 40 some odd years ago and we stayed and I heard about a crazy man because when you when you do the job I do people offer information to you because they've never heard of anyone that'll even say the things I do much less to attempt to fix it and this man you see up here his daddy was in oak 4x4 prison caged inside of a house but I didn't know it was his dad I heard about this lunatic that gets away occasionally breaks through solid oak rips the chains and goes out and eats people he's a cat demon-possessed and I thought to myself self I need to see this thing let's turn aside and see this so I organized the day I had no idea how far it was I I didn't I'm the new guy I'm the widow I'm the fellow from some other nation that don't know anything and thinks he knows everything and three hours later I come to the end of the road and I said is there a lunatic bhaiyaa gringo bueno I boy that way white white guy okay I see y'all so I do I always walk with what's called what I call a Moses stick staff and I whistle in it scares him so here's his white fellow come rolling up in a village and they've never seen one before and he's whistling they're scared of him because he's unarmed but I'm not the boss is with me the government shall be upon his shoulders and there shall be no end and peace will reign forever holy and so I walk one two three four five six seven eight hours some of that energy starts getting gone where it goes but it's hard to recover it after about seven hours and I come upon this fellow he's got an ak-47 so I must be close to the right spot he looks like a lunatic to me he pulls it up on me chaos is the key good Engel what you doing here white feller I said well I heard about a lunatic he said his toy the end old lunatic oh I'm seeing a lunatic he said I said Tolliver's maybe so but I heard he's in a cage here somewhere he said I'm the by yo-yo T Seagle so he's behind me with ak-47 and we're going next thing you know a couple of guys with knives while Bottas machetes yeah my teeth yeah so the groups getting bigger and arms deal whistling and they're telling me where to go it's too late that you understand fear is way out done it's just over spoke lose that he doesn't do nothing to make you a quivering Percy you don't want to be so finally we get to this village and sure enough they brought me to this house and they call out man where'd this old fella walks out and a good angle to kitty like god watch you he said he'd get his gringo what do you want white feller I said where's ya made he's a goon in them only I know ID cocky they tell me that a demon-possessed person lives here he said he does I said well I got some really good news for you Jesus is gonna heal him today he said be my guest now you got all these people with these weapons and it is not an awesome feeling but it gets less awesome in about five minutes because we go inside this house and it's bright sunshiney outside but in there my eyes are not there's no electricity or nothin so takes a minute to for my eyes to customer to get accustomed to the darkness and then I started seeing this framework it turns out it's a cage made out of solid oak timber and there's a door with three locks on it and the old man goes and gets the key and starts unlocking the locks and I said what's in the cage he said he just looked at me a lunatic the crazy I said okay I've never seen one healed before I just read about it in a book let's see where was that oh it's the Bible and since I'm what's called a believer I guess we should give her a world so I step in that little door and all sudden what I said scuse me you can open that hey go mmm and then they start laughing he gonna eat you Widow white boy you've been to be lunch and all of a sudden I'm hearing these chains and I can't see really good yet but I can smell real good and the putrid rotten food and the feces in the urine oh my goodness I'm so I'll back up against the thing and I gotta hold the cage and I'm looking I can hear this growling creature coming and I hear these chains that I'm going seriously you need to open that door mm-hmm you know you can I'm glad you brought your class and everything but until they get in the cage they're not gonna really understand what I'm saying so you need to set him up a cage and run them through there listen the ones that live there you go you can graduate him [Applause] are y'all okay I'm having too much fun something must be wrong in and now here even finally my eyes started focusing on this creature and he's got this long matted hair with that stuff oh my goodness that was some stuff in him in his hair oh and he's nude and he's crusty and his fingernails are long and he's bleeding from the chains and he was really a freak boy and I'm going are you freaking serious this can't be real I messed up [Music] yeah I always go too far but it's just because I've been looking for too far for so long because I figured it out if I can go too far I'll be alone out there I like me some too far and so here's how it went he's right there and he's gonna eat nice gun he's Jude he's he's growling and and I'm going are you serious and so I tried to move but my foot got caught and I stumbled and cuz I can't see really well and there's stuff in there and I go Jesus and when I did okay here's how it went the bad guy all right he's gonna eat me and then I say Jesus he goes I said one plus one equal by him gotcha so I turned on this creature thing I said to him now I got you and I mean he's cutting up he's rocking out like you'd think I said Jesus and I start at him Jesus now he's rolling backward flipping changed blood flied feces hearts gross I've never will my mind is scarred from all those pictures that was a nasty mess and then he got now he's at the end of the chain on the other wall and I'm right on top of him look at him right in the eye the thing went down on his haunches and crawled over there and got hold of my pant leg in these whiny you know whimpering and so it was hard to touch that thing but I did that was that man's daddy and that man right there was a little bitty boy you got to catch on to what I'm saying here you are valuable in the kingdom it's necessary to walk this thing out straight in truth it's necessary to be filled with the light of the gospel Jesus knew who you were when he chose you and he was alright with it it's people that's not okay with you God loves you Jesus is king t'chaka by [Applause] then I'll go over to the I'm dragging him because he won't let go of me you know I go over to the thing excuse me I'll be a poor fellow open the gate let us out no no ashkani he can't come out I said yes he can he's healed no I said well let me out because I am healed and they let me out I gave them a date then you got to understand after all of that you still go to a tower back to the truck in three hour back to the house do you understand and this is endless this is called the gospel and that man right there his daddy I went back a few weeks later expecting to get in the cage again and get there and there's no cage in the room where I where they brought me they set me down they fed me this stuff it was so hot it knocked my head clean off that's some hot food boy and the abilities your buddy I hate it you have to crying the whole way I eat chili now they trained me and so I ate with them and there's a whole bunch of people there you gotta understand you understand nobody got saved right you get it all that and so I said excuse me went through all the protocol did all the stuff he's supposed to do said the fella in the cage wieszczyk and they go whoops he's been sitting there the whole time shaves manicured healed holy holy there's just something about that name you know I know I know I give you credit you'd have done a lot better job just you wouldn't there I haven't seen you out there like 15 holy holy shucks ah laughter so let's skip forward a little ways and I'll run it fast cuz I'm ready to roll out of here I got a bounce so his uncle I got out of a garbage dump his uncle now is one of our best elders he has about approximately 300 of our churches he runs he also has four businesses you have no idea this gospel that I'm talking about is bad to the bone it's so they all grow up in the gospel and he becomes a pastor I don't know how many churches eight ten or something churches hey where do you go put him back up there I'll come back there really I will just to say hello though ah they all grow up in the gospel she does their family gets saved blah blah blah blah blah hundreds of churches are established in this area fire of God is blasting the place to smithereens the day to raise the blind see the lame walk and then we come up to them it's their turn it's these their generations time to shine I've trained them myself they are soldiers of the gospel I've stayed the course I've done fought the fight and I'm good at my job and that's a good thing for you and I didn't die yet so that's even better for you cuz I can come here and look you right in the face and help you the first thing we'll do is hurt I'm grateful to God that my son-in-law he's he's not here he's somewhere else he was at their village and this lady was has never been sick she's been healthy the whole way she's and she died right there with my son-in-law there this lady she can't die she's a really good cook I need her this lady makes the best of these them on Earth today money hombre but she died and so they prayed for her it was a battle through the even in the night her standing right there is the morning after she was raised from the dead there's here hours and hours of death and bam she's alive and I'm grateful because she can really really cook good I bet so she hadn't said 50 words to me in 30 or 40 years but boy oh boy does she cook good we come rolling in there one two o'clock in the morning she don't say a word gets up makes I thought this dance for y'all that don't know how to speak Spanish she told you to speak Spanish she stubborn humans and she cooked food for us middle of the night it's been going on for years and years she's as valuable as any one of us if not more these people these ladies that take care of us as we were all fighting together they are the backbone of what makes it happen and I appreciate them and I'm grateful to heaven that God raised her from the dead for us and I want you to see her she's a very important soldier of the gospel and she looks normal she is but now I want to tell you about him because there's a new story about him we just got him healed the beginning of this year he fall last year he was getting ready to do some we were too getting ready do some companies' and he fell and broke his back in two or three places this man and I heard about it I was in Europe and we pray pray pray Jesus help mercy mercy he did he was doing he was where we live there's no help medical stuff and so so you know he's ruined for life and then I get back from what to call it they've been praying for him he's doing a little bit better and and we go out there and I say where's the man he's Jody my son Joseph tells her dad we got to do this it's a bunch of stuff first he said but I'll get you there I said okay so we rolled out the stuff did all the stuff finally we get to his house for me and bring him in there was hard to see this man look in that much pain I've been with this guy since he was a toddler I helped get his daddy out of a cage his uncle out of a garbage dump I got God allowed me to have the privilege to save this nation here and and I'll take it serious I love these folks man I'll dine a heartbeat for Jesus is king and I'm looking at him he looks over at me I'm in his back is broken he's he's in pain and you know what he said to me dude the mirror Mundell dummies help me brother David I said see it him I know yes my brother so I get up walk over to him and wrap my arms around him that's the first time when the fire hit him the fire hit him two other times and the man stands healed we got a new back out of the deal in this amazing is this okay I know that it's hard for you to take because your intellect is just thrashing yeah but I warned you to leave I was fairing up front and forward with you I wanted you to guard your unbelief and hate so you should have left but you didn't so I'll get to win Chuck holy oh people say to me all the time you expect me to believe that not at all that's why they call you an unbeliever that's not logical to you people that are logical you believe in reason and logic those things are enemies of faith holy I bless you this is an ongoing story because we're still active and I'm grateful to heaven a just keeps healing these people what God starts God finishes will you please stand holy holy there's just something about that name listen broken backs death cage human creature things cannibal things oh my gosh we do it now a lot there's lots of them we got a lot of stories holy y'all good sea port for water cave I you know trying to por las cosas si vamos a child and doing it in for you oh come on a stoppie and hose it bueno oh he go somebody's watch his wrongs surely ain't 12:39 thank you God just leave here and drive straight from here holy ghost needs a tunnel Laurie oh there we go the extras come forward yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah holy hey guys we want to be generous with David thank you for uh not just sharing a message for sharing your life as well so thank you guys so a couple different ways you can give you can give text to give it'll come up there you go give cashing go check and make the checks as ient Christian Fellowship will count as separate for David there it is oh no so yeah you guys got more gonna give you guys a second to write there's envelopes in the back of the seats if you want to give with cash you can still get tax credit for that but I'll thank you guys for being generous who really appreciate that like I'm being heckled to during the offering here all right that's good it's part of the offering that's good hey guys we're just gonna take a moment for the ushers to go over here get a lined up holy my kid what side are we gonna come you know how we're gonna do it we're gonna go down right down the middle and write about this okay all right that's a government shall be upon his shoulders and there shall be no II Oh holy ghost she'll call and you put the folks in there you want in there okay that's fine with me as far as the prayers yeah I just want to say something to him before we start okay that's all I forgot the ministry team come forward if you guys already done the offering for them ministers come forward you guys are gonna help on the tunnel yeah just second I want to share something with them and then I will y'all can come come is this a ministry team some of them yeah they're County coming how's it going minister see told me I'm re always I don't know any staff that wants to come for come on here so this has gonna go we're gonna line up and they gonna go through whatever direction he says and what's gonna happen is the spirit is gonna come on you of prophecy and I'm good with that I just don't want to stop the line I want you to take the people and move them over a step or two and props all you want it's okay that's what God wants but we need line to keep moving okay we got lots of people here probably want prayer okay can we do that please cuz I will talk to you about it but I do want you to do what God says just move over one step or two it's not hard it's important that the flow stays moving okay I was over in India a few weeks ago and there was 3,000 pastors and everyone I'm wanted at their own private prophecy imagine how long that I still been there so if you will please it's okay with me to obey God please do but just move them so that the flow can stay all right we can do that all right guys so mica is gonna be a dismission you guys are old Bhairo when your Rose called step out to the middle go towards the middle come down head that way towards the Wailing Wall and it's a drive-through not a parking lot so we're gonna keep you we're gonna keep you moving any speed bumps will be removed and all right then we'll just we'll make it happen yeah guys have you guys you could line up we give you a little traveling music your lies breaking through your whole babies rising [Music]
Channel: Zion Christian Fellowship
Views: 8,267
Rating: 4.8648648 out of 5
Id: tcNTNnUytuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 10sec (9190 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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