Sunday Mornings with Victory - Evangelist David Hogan

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[Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] hold me now in the hands that created the heavens find me now where the grace runs deep as your scars [Music] lift it up [Music] step me on a rock call me by your name [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you crash those [Music] come [Music] [Music] is [Music] hello hey welcome everybody are you hungry absolutely just want to go through a few things very quickly uh you may notice people come in and bring in their coats and their scarfs so what uh pastor david does he likes if you've got one of his scarf to be preyed on uh he bring it down here has have some intercessors praying take him back to those that you have friends that are sick if you could just maybe not leave a little bit of a space so we can walk up and down on it and everything like that but i just want to get yous ready one of the scriptures god gave me this year was in psalm 127 it says what god builds he protects so tonight god's building something and he's going to protect it what we need to do is just give everything over to him and allow him to build onto our lives and build expectation onto our lives amen are you hearing me so what you need to do is just stand to your feet very quickly we just give it a little bit of a spiritual shake shake off everything that the world's trying to put on you shake it off grab the person next to you grab their hand and tell them you look like god's on your life god's fire on your life [Music] also if you've got seats in right next to you please uh just you won't miss out just get a little bit closer to the person next year it's all good okay we ready thank you pastor michael good evening everyone and welcome welcome to victory life center i'd like to make a special welcome to uh a good friend of mine mr ned davis on the other keyboard [Music] those of you who have been to a lot of david's meetings this weekend will know that uh ned has been leading worship and uh because of that i asked him to come along here tonight and join us here at victory so isn't it great that he's here give him another welcome [Music] i'll raise a hallelujah [Music] come on now [Music] hallelujah in the presence of my enemies i'll raise a hallelujah [Music] my weapon is a melody [Music] heaven comes to fight for me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah everything inside of me and everything is i will watch the darkness [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] a little louder sing a little louder [Music] little louder with everything inside of me yes i will now race [Music] my weapon is a melody in hallelujah middle of the storm [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little louder sing a little louder [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] my weapon is a melody [Music] thank you lord jesus oh this next song is called let the glory come down that's what we want amen let the glory come down that's all you got to sing is let the glory come down and glory [Music] give us a reason to testify [Music] glory comes down we're the force that we can explain let the glory go down let it fall like a holy [Music] bring it rainbow bring us to our knees let your glory come down oh show us your presence holy spirit [Music] please [Music] glory [Music] oh we're the force like we can't explain [Music] come down [Music] [Applause] [Music] let the glory come down [Music] come down [Music] let the glory come down [Music] let your glory come down in this place tonight father we just thank you for an outpouring of your spirit in our city father in this place tonight father that we are expectant who's expected in this house tonight we can do better than who's expected in this house tonight get excited because god's about to move in this house and you know it comes to our expectancy but tonight i just want you to raise your hand if it's your very first time at victory life center if it's your very first time we have ushers that would love to give you a pack of what's happening in our church and make you feel very welcome if you could just hold your hand up if that's you until the ushers get to you we have some welcome packs we would love to make you feel welcome we have visitors lounge we have tea and coffee downstairs our cafe is open afterwards we'd love to get to know you all those visitors keep your hand up till we get to you just here in the middle down the front keep your hand up and if everyone else would like to turn to someone and just say hello shake their hands and welcome them and say god loves you tonight [Music] [Music] so [Music] so if you'd like to just take your seats we're going to look to the screens and see what's happening at our church this week [Music] hi welcome to victory it is so good to have you with us my name is joyce we have so much going on at victory for you to feel at home and get connected here are some upcoming events special guest david hogan from freedom ministry in mexico will be speaking at our 6 pm service tonight david operates in the power of holy ghost and have since hundreds of miracles healings this is a free event so be sure you bring someone with winter upon us and the night's growing longer many in the city is less fortunate than us so we are putting together a code and a blanket appeal to help those in need meant if you have codes that you like to donate please bring them in and let's make a difference in the city sen young adults were running a short course defining the relationship written by danysil from battle church many christian couples come to a point where they must define their relationship this awkward but crucial conversation either pushes them apart or allowed their relationship to develop into something greater this course will help young adults to explore the exciting yet unknown path they will travel together this would also help them carefully consider the strength of their relationship this is the free course but we'd like you to register your attendance online or downstairs at the reception here at victory we know it is time for men to stand and be a greater voice in the house of god and in the workplace we all have call of prophecy in our lives and we believe dr john that solar has a personal work for men in this house come expecting open your hearts open your ears and be prepared for a personal work over your life and for your family victory life international bubble training center july's intake is open now this will be a life-changing experience for you so come and register today [Music] for all details and all other victory events visit our website and download our app for the latest podcast we pray that today's message will inspire and train you to live a victorious life have a blessed week and we'll see you next sunday [Music] [Music] quite a few of you but if you haven't we have night school and full time during the day and you know what it changes your life sitting under the word of god it changed my life and there's so many people in this room have been impacted by sitting in bible college and allowing the word of god to soak into them and change their lives shift their hearts so they know how to serve god in all that he has for their lives and you know what you can impact this city impact this nation through just sitting under the word of god growing and going to that next level so you have the confidence to reach out to others now i want everyone to stand to their feet you know underneath you on your seat there is also our conference brochure so take that home with you but i want you to come out of your seat and come and worship down the front so we worship together tonight i know some of you were down the front before but this altar is open for you to come and just worship god together and expect god's glory to fall in this place expect his presence expect healings expect miracles because the gentleman that we have speaking tonight pastor david hogan it's on his life he carries it so come up the front expectant come hungry thank you pastor marika and as i said earlier we have ned davis with us tonight so ned leaders in a song praise the lord there's power in the name of jesus [Music] there's one answer to all the problems on planet earth [Music] it's the person of the son of god jesus christ we're not ashamed to say it there's one answer it's not politics it's not religion but it is jesus come on let's talk about it tonight [Music] there is power in the name of jesus [Music] there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus to break every jew break every chain make every change sufficient sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] swing wide swing wide there is power in the name of jesus there is power [Music] to break every chain break to break every chain break every chain break every chain listen i'll be rising up come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] rising [Music] [Applause] break every there [Music] [Applause] of is there is power in the name of jesus to break every chain break every chain can break every chain break every day there is power so much power in the name of jesus [Music] there is is power in the name of jesus there is [Applause] [Music] every power break every chain break every chain break every chain break there is an army on earth and our weapons are not natural we have spiritual weapons and we tear down everything that hell has tried to raise up against us hell has been defeated by our king by our savior he's alive from the dead you but death couldn't beat him but we are his army right now we're gonna sing just with the drums that we are that i mean come on now there's an army there's an army [Music] there's an army [Music] break every [Music] to break every chain break every chain break every day [Applause] [Music] break every chance come on give the lord a shout of praying clap your hands all you people shout unto god with the voice of triumph for he has overcome all things [Music] [Music] the atmosphere is changing now for the spirit of the the evidence is all around [Music] for the spirit of the lord is he singing out of the atmosphere [Music] [Applause] the spirit [Music] all across this auditorium [Music] fill our hearts [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the reason we came to and [Music] kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you're the reason to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] times [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spirit [Music] we need your presence [Music] oh we need your presence your kingdom come [Music] [Applause] [Music] for oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a miracle can go for now for the spirit of the the lord is on that the spirit of the law is here [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen [Music] hallelujah [Music] he rains he rains [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy holy [Music] is you are love you lord jesus is your glory lord mary louise oh we make your name in this nation lord we make your name great in this city for you are king you are lord nothing's impossible for you oh lord let your spirit flow through this nation let it flow through this city for nothing's impossible for you nothing's impossible for you you are killer kings for you are king over this nation you are king over the city you are king over every heart and we glorify you lord be lifted up in our land we thank you for our leaders father that they have wisdom great wisdom and understanding in this time that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and truth we just thank you holy spirit that you hover over this nation to perform your word we just thank you for open heaven over our nation we thank you lord that your people govern in this time in the spirit we thank you lord they governed in the heavenlies we thank you for the prayers of the saints that have gone this time and this season all over this land father i thank you that the door is open i thank you lord that their prayers now they invade even more they take that authority they take the position that you've given them we thank you for the name of jesus and the word of god in this time we just thank you father we thank you for your healing mercies we thank you for your miracles here tonight we thank you fulfilled everything at the cross for us to walk in the fulfillment of it now to fulfill your will in the earth we thank you lord jesus we thank you for your love we thank you lord that we drink of your presence we take it to a lost and dying world in the name of the lord jesus christ amen you may be seated praise god he's a good god amen are you expecting tonight amen there's a great expectancy here and i see that the overflow down there downstairs is three quarters full and so we just you know the presence will be exactly the same down there so we just believe god's going to do awesome things here tonight and you know i see some seats out there empty if you've got an empty seat next to you why don't you put up your hand and the ushers can see that empty seat and perhaps we can bring some people in here that couldn't get in if you have an empty seat next to you just put your hand up let them know if there's any empty seats out there amen well we're going to worship with the tithe and offering and if you're this is our sunday night service and if you're visiting feel free that you don't have to put into it but we're just going to quickly we want to honor the man of god and and we're just going to take up i want us to go to corinthians 9 6 but this i say who who so sparingly will also reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully so let each one give as he purposes in his heart not gradually nor of necessity for god loves a true forgiver and god is able to make all grace abound towards you but you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work and you know god's looking at our heart and that god is our source and we give unto him we're given to the furtherance the gospel we give out into the nations of the world we're given to our community and god is looking at a heart and he says don't sow grudgingly you know in in any area that we sow in we sow of our heart whether it's in love whether it's in kindness whether it's helping people and giving to people and god wants these people blessed and that we are to be joyful givers out of our heart we expect and if we know you know we know our tithe belongs to god and he wants to bless his people abundantly in this time and so many people say well i'm all ready blessed i'm okay we'll believe god for more so that you can give to help others amen that's what it's all about so we're just going to sow into the kingdom for the furtherance of the gospel our god is a generous god and we are a generous people and we thank you for what he's doing in our nation and that we can bless other nations amen so father i just thank you lord as we sow into the kingdom of god for the furtherance of the gospel we just thank you father that we can bless the nations with the world we can bless our own community and help others father that the gospel goes for all over the nations father i just thank you i thank you that you blessed your people and we're blessed to be a blessing and we just thank you for great faith and great grace upon your church in this time in this city in the nation father that her eyes are open to see and her ears are open to hear and she's obedient to what the spirit is saying in this time and we thank you for such blessing upon her in the name of the lord jesus christ ashes if you'd like to take up the offering the tithe and offering [Music] [Music] it rain let it rain [Music] let it rain rain let it [Music] it rain let it rain let it rain [Music] we thank you father for the mercy drops mercy drops of rain father and thank you for your spiritual rain and your natural rain in this season and this time in the name of jesus amen well i have the honor of introducing the man of god and we're very blessed very honored to have you here we've heard a lot about you and glad you've come to our city really appreciate the gift and the call that is upon your life and with him is his wife debbie why don't you stand up debbie and amen find every good man this good woman amen and also patricia go who is hosting them while they're here patricia stand up and thank god for you and eunice who is with them also so um you know he's been a missionary or been in now in mexico for 43 years and was originally born as a country boy in america god took him to mexico into the mission field it goes into places where most people don't go i can talking to him you can sense he really likes adventure and he likes going into places hard places where he has to trust god and you know takes that fire then you can see it get so many people saved where no people would go so i want us to be upstanding and just welcome the man of god to our city and thank him for coming amen [Music] [Applause] i bless you in jesus name uh i apologize that i'm not afraid um i work in 16 war zones around the world and it takes fearlessness to do what i do and i become successful at it now and i like it i like it um i'm 68 years old soon to be 69. yeah yeah and and i must warn you about that uh from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet i am healthy i'm healthy so it's going to go awesome for you because of my health now i'm in training on august the 17th i'm running a 80 kilometer race [Laughter] say one it's a true statement i'm still looking forward to it that thing is going to kick me good but i must warn you i have run 39 marathons in the last six and a half years plus plus i preach every day so don't cry to me sort your time out seek the lord mental physical and spiritual that's who we are in the name of jesus so i bless you i'm not here to curse you uh that'd be easy all right i'll bless your land in jesus name i want to i want to show you somebody she already introduced her and thank you uh this is mrs hogan you okay all right and uh i love this lady i say it publicly and i denounce foolishness so you want to say anything you sure love you thank you all right so i'm very pleased and blessed and honored to be here and uh i love your land i haven't been on this coast i apologize i've been invited before i just it was time now for me i've been all up and down the other coast uh great miracles have happened and i'm looking forward to that here as well um i'm an eighth generation pastor preacher person sometimes they call me an apostle some people call me a general i don't know why they call me all these names i'm a son of god and i am a favorite and i believe that so it makes me threatening to your perfect society [Laughter] because my god can do anything and i reckon we're going to see some of that tonight in the name of jesus how you doing son bless you in the name of jesus you hear me right look at me right in the eyes jesus is king end of story holy holy where's my mexican flag are you serious ah ms hogan put it down on a piece of paper four by eight or five by eight and send it right here mexican flag jesus [Laughter] jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] jesus holy oh i gotta go to work all right um thank you for putting this down it doesn't seem like enough but it's it's satisfactory but it should be satisfactory plus uh if somebody i'm going to talk you into it and unless the ushers tackle you their security does you're welcome to come bring something down here uh as i'm talking you won't you want we're all live at work donkeys walk up and pray while i'm preaching a rooster's crow or a pig or root through or drunks something happens every every service so you're not gonna offend me personally okay fair enough holy holy holy so let's do a couple of declarations so i can get to it if you would stand back up i see you're nice and comfortable but i will irritate that for you in the name of jesus so i want you to say what i say we're going to pray it into the air we're going to rip hell off tonight and we're going to establish the kingdom you can bring it it's all right you're not offending anyone it's all right you're welcome in jesus name bless you dear jesus jesus jesus see the problem you have with me is i never meet a stranger anywhere in the world any airport any nation i go to i know everyone they may be wayward sons they may be backslid they may be awful militant murderers but they need jesus that's all that's wrong that's all the problem is is they need jesus and that's my job in jesus name one of your i was on one of your qantas flights number eight from johannesburg to sydney and i thank y'all thank y'all very much for qantas they put me up in first class thank you very nice they gave me these little pajama things you know i wear blue jeans so i thought i was safe you know but so i put them on and it was one stewardess for every three people in that room i was in and i had my own shelf it was pretty nice actually now what we're just coming into landing they waking everybody up it's a good flight and a lady comes up to me excuse me i do not want to offend you but can i talk to you i said absolutely she said you're not like everyone else i said exactly [Music] [Applause] see you can take that negatively or you can take it for what it was worth i said yes ma'am that's true she said would you explain to me how you can be in such a turbulent environment talking about the world but yet your presentation because these people they deal with people all day every day they got you when you walk in you're pegged understood i said that's simple i'm a son of god she said i knew it you're born again aren't you i said yes ma'am [Applause] and she sat down there and god of course helped me to know her inside a little bit so i exposed some of that and she's weeping and crying mascara pain is flowing everywhere and she let me pray for right in front of the rest of the first class people and it's just awesome how your god will allow you to exemplify him if you're willing isn't that awesome i like that do you like that oh this is getting better see it now the holes are being filled up you're doing great dear bless you baby jesus jesus bless you darling jesus y'all give me just a second jesus jesus name we got you darling you're safe it's all right bless you baby in jesus name you got her okay all right thank you jesus jesus holy jesus how you today bless you in jesus name okay let's make a couple of declarations because if i don't hurry things are going to overrun me the blessings are already falling you can see that say these words with me wow lord jesus i love you lord jesus lord jesus you are worthy lord jesus i bless this land thank you for letting me walk upon a blessed land lord jesus lord jesus i bless the water i drink lord jesus i bless the food i eat lord jesus i bless the air i breathe lord jesus i'll bless my family with health lord jesus i bless my enemies i call this land the house of god in jesus name thank you all if you will please have a seat thank you thank you thank you it's good for you stand up sit down stand up sit down holy ghost now i have a bible verse for you over here in romans chapter 8. um i want to speak god actually spoke something to me here so i want to try to get it done it's all right you're great it's okay jesus hello son son how you doing david hogan nice to meet you bless you son jesus that's how the best grandpa's in the world act jesus jesus let me tell you a story about this first i was in michigan in the united states it's right on the canadian border it's just across the great lakes from from canada and while we had a couple of good services and uh it was amazing really how many people got saved and awesome time but there was a guy who walks up to me with his overhauls on you understand overhauls okay big guy wow this fella was big i'm not little he was big and he walks up to me farmer brother hogan you're giving me that handkerchief see i always have one of these my wife's very gracious to help me with that wipe sweat or whatever and he says you're handing me that handkerchief i said i will not i said you a farmer you should have your own handkerchief in your pocket he says i do but i'm having yours i said that sounds greedy to me that puts me without one and you with two he said it's not for me i said well then who is it for it's for my mother i said well then why didn't mother come get it herself well she can't she's up in toronto uh in canada with uh uh in a home she's blind she's in a coma and she has asthma and they're calling the family in because she's going to die she's 85 years old and then she's going to go on i said let her go man leave her alone she's probably had an awesome life don't mess with her let her check out he said i will not let mother go and you can't talk me into it i said i said fine then keeper now this is not my fault he took my handkerchief him and two of his sisters drove up from america up which is just right there probably not very far a few hours drove to the home that she was in went up in the home and i apologize to y'all about what i'm fixing to tell you it's not my fault and he laid the handkerchief on mama's face and when he did she sat straight up now she's been in a coma for a long time and yeah and that's why this is necessary you understand it's not it's not a gift or a man it is the anointing of the gospel it is the anointing of the gospel [Applause] it's jesus it's jesus it's jesus it's jesus and so uh she had she grabbed the cloth the handkerchief she says this smells good because i always put my uh stuff on here because it smells good and jesus you're doing fine you ladies great you're not bothering anybody come dear let me introduce my name's david bless you baby jesus name holy is the lord jesus jesus jesus welcome to my world holy holy holy holy let me get mama healed hang out so jesus jesus holy am i forgetting anything am i all right it seems like i need to say i'm all right excuse me we did that we did it uh we did the declarations we did this class we did the we're good as long as i introduced you everything's fine anyway your biggest problem is that i don't get embarrassed to me it's a waste of time and energy to have the fear of man i just don't have it and so but it does cause other problems because i don't have it so i'm checking with her all the time to make sure that i haven't overridden my welcome so okay of course because the ladies woke up out of a coma it alerted the machines that was on her and it sent the message to the front desk so here comes the nurses they get in there to find this woman awake but now watch when the nurses walked in how are you doing you okay bless you i'm david bless your son you're welcome bless you yeah chris huh all right holy jesus hey baby bless you darling no you don't stand up it's all right you're doing great bless you baby jesus jesus and so when the nurses walked in the grandma 85 or more years turns her head and looks at her she's blind been blind for years and she looks at those nurses and said i was wondering what y'all look like the doctors finally get there doing tests on her and they run a few batteries of tests on her because they were worried about her because she was breathing so nice they found asthma god and all of that is awesome of course you know i believe that but there's another part to this story that i like more than all of it now mom gets her health back in a few minutes and then they keep her for a few days and doing tests to make sure she is what it looks like she is and then he finally let her go home then there was this snow storm cam now i was involved in that down in the united states it came as well and uh fortunately i drive a four-wheel drive and i have chains so i was all right well it was a meter of snow hit so they worried about mom they call called they can't get her everybody you know as well as everybody else it makes you nervous when you're dealing with fragile people that you think is fragile they all converge on this house they can't find her she won't answer the door they're all nervous they find their key go in can't find her in the house but then they see tracks going to the bird feeder now there's a lot of snow somebody had shoveled snow it was her little grandma now what they can't find her the tracks go out there and stop so there they are right and then they find her making snow angels that's the best part boy i like my job that is real freedom to be in a fresh driven snow making snow angels jesus jesus jesus did y'all make it to romans chapter eight all right i'd like to look at i don't remember what verse it is probably 13 or something oh look again i was right verse 13. i noticed you had a new king james you all have the amplified would you put the amplified up for me please if you don't new king james will work just as good i've noticed that it doesn't matter the language or the version god can still raise the dead that's what i've noticed about what i do it's us that gets bogged down with those sorts of things very nice thank you i want you to read this with me if you don't mind it says for if you live according to the dictates of the flesh say that's not me that's not what i do i live according to the spirit of life it says if you live according to the dictates of the flesh what's going to happen to you read what it says many people have never been told that before so i am publicly going on record to call you out of the flesh into the life of god in the name of jesus jesus loves you and me us and it says but and i like this part don't i if through the power of the holy spirit you are habitually putting to death making extinct deadening the evil deeds prompted by the body what's going to happen to you what does it say and you will you shall really and genuinely do what say that's me i will walk in the spirit of god and the life of god will come upon me it'll come upon my home and we shall live forever in the name of jesus see i like that you can tell people like me we get off on this sort of verse especially if you raise the edge you need it verse 14. all who are led by the spirit of god what are they do you love jesus good then i am gonna have to let you be free i teach our people like one day they're assassins or drunkards or whatever in a village somewhere and the next day they get born again as soon as they get born again my first statement out of my mouth is i am so grateful that you got born again now go raise the dead you are a son of god no school necessary what's necessary is the spirit of life his name is jesus jesus jesus jesus now let's go to another verse there's two stories i'm gonna try to get to uh uh if it gets too lengthy you just wave at me and we'll do something else but there's some really amazing stories i'd like to they're amazing to me you may be bored by them jesus jesus all right let me figure out where i'm at yeah that was the right app thank you jesus now if you would turn to john chapter 1. verse 1. y'all there they'll have it up here there you go it's already up there in the beginning before all time was the word christ the word was with god the word was god himself he was present originally with god all things were made and came into existence through him i work for the creator i am a son of a king jesus is gay so i should act like a son of god i should present myself as a son of god that's through humility and obedience and faithfulness and diligence godliness and goodness faith longsuffering and meekness and kindness peace and joy and life in jesus name verse 4 in him now him it's talking about is the word is the beginning it's god all things were made through him in him god the word was life say it with me life [Applause] come to us in jesus name and the life was the light of men so say these words with me light life word god come to me in jesus name now i want you to look at verse five this is very critical for your advancement the light shines on in the darkness say thank you jesus that the light is not afraid of the darkness the darkness has never say never overpowered the light do you understand i'm on the winning team [Applause] many many wars i engage in sicknesses and people that i love and care for that i cannot get them healed uh cancer tumors aids tuberculosis many many many around the world but i'm the guy that's the long-haul guy i'm the ultra runner person that knows i may not win my age bracket but i will win the race by finishing it i am that guy hale decides to set up an argument with me he's got a long-haul fight on his hands because i'm that guy i am what's called a son of god a child of light the life of god resides in me by the spirit of life his name is jesus and i figured it out that that's true it's just a matter of time we win it all now let's jump a few verses i don't want to bore you you're not the one that'll get bored i am i get bored so easily i i want to i want to jump down here to some from verse nine because there's a story i'm burning to tell you that's very awesome and it's not my fault i just happened to be in the geographic spot when it took off john chapter 1 and verse 9 says it like this there it was the true light was then coming into the world i need you to say thank you jesus for the genuine the perfect the steadfast light of the gospel it illuminates every person say it go ahead say it out of your mouth because you see we have trouble with some people because they disagree with us or they they're lots of different things that i personally just cannot tolerate as a human me so there's an opportunity for me to divide with those people or there's an opportunity for me to read the word of god and says that the light of the gospel shines on everyone and i can keep splitting the church and causing damage and dis unity and rebellion and on and on i can do that or i can understand i need patience with all men i need to win them and you win them with the power of the gospel the light of the gospel is what wins these people all right verse uh where are we 11. he came to that which belonged to him say thank you father that you own this place you are the true and rightful owner your lordship is awesome and we express that tonight and we adhere to it in jesus name it's to his own it says his domain his creation his things his world but look at this and it's evident around us but it's not our call there is one judge and his name is god that's what your bible says and it says it like this and they who are his own did not receive him now say these words with me father god we repent to you we receive you we welcome you verse 12. as many as do receive and welcome him what happens read it to me the ones of us that do receive and welcome him and look at me i'm going to confess it out of my mouth i receive and welcome the lordship the kingship of jesus this is what my bible says will happen to me now he he gave the authority say thank you lord for the authority what you see me doing with these people is the authority of heaven being expressed through love do you understand there's no way and it doesn't matter where i'm at at the mall it doesn't matter if someone allows me to touch them the way you see these people letting me especially embrace them god's going to touch them it's called authority it's him loving people through his sons and it says power we all want power i want his power power to raise the dead heal the sick cleanse the lever leopard cast out demons that's what i want because freely i have received freely i must give i am under compulsion i am you see me i'm driven i am possessed with it i have to jesus is king the privilege the right to become the children of god thank you father thank you so much what a privilege okay you see how i like my job you see how i'm good i'm one of the best alive at this i can do this i like it it's right your life will be changed by the mercy of the gospel so will mine and i bless you and thank you for the opportunity now let me tell you this story this is vuendupad i was in a meeting similar to this in the southern united states in mississippi right on the gulf coast it's a beautiful place tropical simmer to yours it's a little bit further toward equator than you are not much and you can just tell there's groups of people sitting in the place they're not there for what you have or what you're doing they're there to prove you wrong by the way unbelievers thank you for coming you are welcome you are no threat whatsoever you didn't bring enough if all of you were against me it wouldn't be enough i am a son of god jesus is king you don't need the soldier i promise you you need the grandpa soldier's quite serious fella but he's close by if he's needed he'll be called up quick so i'm in this meeting and i recognized this group it was probably 12 of them very aggressive anti-fire they just didn't like me i believe in the i believe here's what i believe luke chapter 3 verse 14 15 16 17 and 18. don't go there in the back i'm just going to quote it and let them go there if they want to sometime it says these words there is one amongst you whose shoelace we are not worthy to undo he it is who will baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire i am that guy i believe in the power of the spirit but i also believe in the ever-burning fire of god unquenchable energy from heaven cannot be stopped or altered makes you healthy at my age let you run all you want to go anywhere preach i don't get jet lag i don't nothing happens to me i'm just blessed and i know it's annoying i know that [Applause] i don't know how you normal people make it you need jesus you need the fire i'm serious everybody asked her the same question how do you live with that and she's just the calmest person she goes that is normal [Applause] let me get to my story y'all are distracting me i bless you you see me i'm blessed i bless you jesus so i'm watching this group i found them and i know that they're they work for the enemy and so i'm watching them close so i call them up you know to pray for people the the the incurables that's my favorite thing to do first thing i like to do is get people saved that want to be and my second favorite thing to do is just annoy the fire out of hell by finding his worst case scenario and just laughing at it [Music] [Applause] his greatest power is no thing for god jesus is king and so i'm sitting in this prayer line and i roll up on this bunch and they're there and they are staunch and they're they're there to rebuke me and i love that you've got to understand how awesome it makes me feel when hell is scared of me i'm just one son think about if the whole army's there we look like to hell man we're impressive and so i i just couldn't hardly do my job because i wanted the confrontation nearly everyone in this room sees confrontation and alters the course me on the other hand i see it and thank god for the heir to make it happen i roll up on this thing and they are very mad at me i'm not a pulpit etiquette and integrity will not allow me to name names it sure does want out though and this lady this lady she is real aggressive with me she says nothing you said is the truth i couldn't help it i apologize to all of you i really do apologize because i am not an assert in a situation that will demean someone else i don't do it i stay humble but i just started laughing i couldn't stop it just came out and she is really serious i mean she believes she has energy and i'm looking at it and i couldn't help it it just was laughter came out it was a whole stack of them i mean a bunch of them they were all giving me the look that religious thing and i said excuse me i don't care that you don't believe as a matter of fact it pleases me that you unbelievers came thank you but why did you come and waste your time you could have been eating a subway somewhere or watching a horror movie something that pleases you she said it's her fault and so i'm looking for her whoever her is so i start going down there lying it's a bunch of them now and i found this lady 27 years blind in both eyes and they all pointed at her that's fine blame it on the blind lady so i said to the blind lady i said they're blaming you with them coming she said i made them come they're right none of us believe you i said what in the cat hair are you doing here and the person that checked me out told me about a man who believed jesus could heal my eyes but i don't believe i believe it's gone past i believe it's it's not for now i believe it's a lie i said but the opportunity to be healed overwhelmed your unbelief didn't it and that's why you gathered up this army of unbelief to come here to make sure your unbelief worked i said it's not going to work jesus is king he loves you all of you she said i'd prefer it if you don't touch me i said i don't need to touch you you messed up by getting in my prayer line [Laughter] the spirit of life is here i said what's going to happen i took her hand i said this is my wife i said my wife's going to only touch you with one finger on the forehead she said i'll permit that i said you shouldn't [Applause] if you want to keep your unbelief you should leave because life is going to touch you okay i had no idea how big of a statement that was ms hogan touches her i touched miss hogan uh don't that was it they're all seething and i'm going by i'm just looking at them i cannot help i'm just laughing at them i went back to work praying for the people that wanted help i was probably 10 people down the line and i hear a blood curdling scream so i go running back down the prayer line trying to find that scream it's the blind lady [Music] 27 years believing it was the will of god to be blind one grandma finger they better fear the grandmas they're dangerous look i go to all these war zones i'm in front of these guns and all these things and witch doctors and all this famous hate but i'm married to the only thing that makes me nervous a grandma [Applause] it's so much fun i have the best life of anyone and so i said what is wrong with you lady she said you don't look nothing like i thought you would i said say what she said i can see you i started backing away from 27 years 27 years all right that's a great miracle and you're right to applaud it and everything else jesus is just absolutely amazing but that was only the beginning [Music] i found the tip of the iceberg now let's just see how big it really is y'all that was a saturday night sunday morning she's back in her unbelief world place is packed out there's well over a thousand people in that room and it's not my fault that she was the head person's not the pastor but one of the leaders in that church it was his daughter and they they don't believe and so the pastor gets up there he says these words to my chagrin you understand chagrins help me with chagrin debbie to my dismay uh unbelief is that right that's right word unbelief to my unbelief this is a pastor talking to all these really important folks he says so-and-so's daughter went to one of those meetings last night and she has been properly blind for 27 years and last night she got healed now she's going to come up here and tell us how that's possible because we don't even believe that now look do you understand an unschooled girl in crowds uh no experience whatsoever she just got her sight last night and now she's under the microscope she gets up there i apologize to you all about what i'm trying to say this is not my fault i wasn't even there she gets up there she said it was some crazy man from mexico and his wife touched me and my eyes blew open and when she said that uh another the second it was actually the third in command of the whole church his daughter 19 years blind jumps up and says i can see i can see awesome and so i didn't know all this is going on about six months go by my phone rings i keep it right here all the time it's international phone it works in 180 nations and so there you go it rings so i took hello well you have a lot of nerve tearing up my church i mean this guy is basically cursing me and i said excuse me take a breath excuse me you need to tell me who you are i'll be on the next jet and we'll talk about it face to face he said brother david that girl in southern mississippi got her sight back the first one 27 years blind i said yeah i was there but it wasn't me i'm as surprised as everybody it's awesome to me when god does that he just shows up and starts fixing things it's the most awesome god we serve and he said you have wrecked my church there's a hundred and fifty doctor verified miracles so far he said you have to come over here and help me i said i won't i know you people you hang folks like me i know your bunch he said i won't let him hang you i promise well it's not very comforting so my son and i we go over i told my son i'm gonna give you up boy he said bring it dad boy's a good preacher in our work in mexico he's taking the whole work now let's me go around the world and preach pretty nice of him huh awesome thing so okay watch this is yay god stuff i get there you i couldn't even find a parking spot there were so many people there out in the parking lot i told my son we gonna hang out that's for sure we won't get away we go in there and the pastor comes in there he says boy you got a job ahead of you i said what are you talking about he said wait you get out there and see who's there all right i went i went out i couldn't believe it episcopalian priest catholic priest greek orthodox everybody was there everybody everybody in full regalia battle regalia i mean they were everyone assemblies of god church of god baptist everybody was lined up superintendents of everything was sitting on the front and i told my son they gonna lock us in here son we're dead we are not going to make it out of here and i thought lord jesus it sure would be nice if you just break in here and just take this thing over would you please just show a little mercy god you know me i'm not worth it but you are y'all i started talking next thing i know one of the priests i don't remember which one started it but he starts shaking and i'm looking at him wait a minute i know there i know their doctrine they don't do that and then the guy beside him on both sides and then the whole line is shaking [Applause] and i said come on and then the fire of god hit the place and then it's history boom all of the superintendents and bishops and everybody are rolling one way and then rolling the other way there were so many miracles glaucoma diabetes fibromyalgia osteoporosis everything was healed and i need you to say these words with me that is what i want in the name of jesus say it i want it in this house [Applause] in jesus name now let's do one more verse and we'll do one more i got a picture thing uh if you will put that picture up uh and then we'll put the bible verse along you don't necessarily need me unless we're live streaming or something i don't know what y'all are doing uh didn't ask it's not relevant to me jesus i want you to look at her now if you will put also under it on there put matthew chapter 10 verse 7 and 8. it's a brand new verse for all of y'all that's been all these meetings thank you mom if they put it up there i won't need that but i already know it anyway there you go look at that seven verse seven and eight please thank you now i want you to go through this with me and i want you to see how you can change it okay i need my lady somewhere as well can you put it on one of them on one screen and no yes well it don't matter perfect holy now if this is going to scare you and i i don't mean to scare you but your world seeks to be rocked i do this for a living i live in this supernatural realm of amazement angel angels all the time dead raisins all this stuff around all the time and yet god still brings new toys to the playground and he always he's the best dad he is the best dad and grandpa he brings a brand new toy box and he just looks at you opens the lid and you can have it all and it's brand new toys and you go and you look in the box you know how kids are that's how we're supposed to be with our god [Applause] that's what your bible says so let's do a little preaching you ready as you sit and wait is that what it says what does it say oh so you see it differently even though you are sitting and waiting okay it says as you train yourself properly is that what it says what does it say as you go say it i'm going say it in the name of jesus as you what are you going to do next for heaven's sakes what are you going to preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand and i proclaim to you today the kingdom of god is upon us after you go after you preach after the message is given verse 8 verse 8. thank you what is his name i need your name son what are you gonna do next now here's what i want to say now you watch these ladies down here on the front these men how much money did i charge you to come here how much money have you heard about what does that say up there all right now other people do things differently but as for me in my house our walk is a faith walk do you hear me there are stingy [Music] people in the kingdom they want my gifts for well i got news for you keep your two dollars and your cancer clear you don't own me jack i've been bought by the holy ghost fire the blood covenant of jesus look before i tell you this story and i will in just a second it's amazing that is the transkai in south south africa right there now you listen i was in this very well-known mega church i'm invited to all of them and i went to this one it's 28 000 folks i'm sitting in this office and it's amazing beautiful the people are perfect the atmosphere is conducive for anything you want this fellow walks in he looks like he walked off of a catalog page he is perfect and i'm admiring i mean he's beautiful and he's got the the checkbook in his hand he's the pencil guy he's the accountant he says these words to me brother hogan we have a surplus of seven million us dollars what would it take to keep you calm and i looked at him you only have 7 million you don't have enough [Music] i'm worth way more than that be gone son now you got to understand what happened there you got to hear what i'm saying to you of course i need all 7 million pennies dollars i need them all we have work in every continent there's so much going on god is so awesome and you got to understand that but it's not my responsibility to chase that avenue it's my responsibility to chase after the king to please the king this is my job right here you're looking at it my job it's simple those sandals in luke chapter 3 and verse 16 17 and 18 that are unworthy i'm unworthy untie it's my responsibility to find them and to bow to them that's my job and i'm doing quite well at it actually jesus is king and i have seen so much of the power of god it made me fearless jesus jesus jesus now let me get you into africa but first let's go back through the verse again if you will throw back up matthew uh 10 yeah seven and eight please i need his name i don't have it and y'all are not very forthcoming i'll just call him apple because he's got a big apple computer in front of him what is it simon oh one of those guys the simon peter of the bunch the impetuous aggressive sword drawer ah good thank you simon as you what are you going to do next what are you going to preach simon verse 8. what are you going to do next [Applause] thank you lord jesus is king all right put my village lady back up please now what i'm going to say to you next it's quite disturbing to you it's uh this is transkai because i'm white they will kill me there all right deserve it by the way i believe they're right about some of their beliefs now after going around the planet as much as i have i have discovered that our history is incorrect the books that's been written for you the history that you have learned was from a slant from someone not the people that it happened to you so i disagree i'm not going there it'll cause a big argument so i was i had y'all know heidi and roland baker i was with them they're i go to them quite often as well and i'm there with them you know in mozambique and then i'm down further south in beta and then my puto and then i jump over into south africa and i'm bouncing around all over south africa but then i get to uh east london on the bottom and so i'm i'm not there very long and they say to me wow this is a big one mom wow beautiful and so uh i'm not there very long and they say to me we're going to a conference for the for the afrikaans people and the english people and then we're going to go to the transkai i don't know what a trans guy has never heard of my life i'm american really i'm a mexican now uh immigrated and so uh i i said what's a trans sky they said well they're going to kill you that's not awesome to me then i'm going to just go there and somebody else has made the decision for me to die and i was not included in the decision making which which that happens a lot in my world because of who i am and the gifts of my life and and my fierceness and valor people think they can manipulate it and use it to their good i decide that so i said i will not go i won't do it regardless of your political agenda i won't do it i will not complete it it's not gonna happen but we already announced that you're coming that's a problem for you so they left me alone which is a proper thing to do for me because i tell you i'm fearless i'm not amiable in politics and so uh i'm an eighth generation preacher you cannot name a thing that hasn't happened to one of my families by the church and so uh i thought miss hogan is my answer i'll call miss hogan and she'll let me use hers to take it out so i call her up on the thing because it's international phones we have i can call her anywhere anytime the only thing is the time zones and so ah i call her up how's it going slick she said it's going good i was going for you i said great i said i have a problem she said i'll help you fix it i said thank you i knew you would i said these folks have decided that they could uh take me to a place and i could be martyred i was expecting her answer to be the who were they thinking they were not what she said she says to me well let's sort this out she said what jesus tell you to do well jesus said go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples she said so with this trans sky is it on the planet i said yes it is she says then regardless of their mistake we obey jesus and it'll work out on our behalf i said you are absolutely zero help i was expecting an ally she said you have one his name is jesus so i said fine i'll go then you want the soldier you can have him so i put the grandpa up and got the soldier out now i'm warning you that soldier's quite strict so i went back to these folks i said fine let's go so we did the conference in east london and it was awesome yeah got time and so it took a couple days to organize the the part the the gear and so forth so we take off finally we're rolling through these mountains my goodness it's magnificent beautiful i'm glad i went the the just the vista is amazing but then we crossed this river and i felt it i said stop the truck now there's a whole bunch of us lots of trucks it's an entourage they all stopped i said this river what does it have to do with what i'm doing they say how do you know that i said i don't know it we came on this side of the river and i feel witchcraft and it's trying to kill me they said the river is the boundary line of the transkai i said good why didn't you tell me it was witchcraft of course i want to go so we go and go several more hours we come to this village now put my lady back up there mr simon please and i go there oh look how smart you are i'm gonna have to come back and have a talk with you mr simon really cute all right it's awesome that's just awesome i like me some smart people so just leave her up there now that you've done that it's wonderful you might grow her up a little bit though swap places with us or something so we get to this village now we're we are in the bush now it's we're way up in altitude we're above the tree line but it everywhere as far as i can see is village after village after village and i my only re my only question i have no question about their politics their angry murdering none of that all i care about is how much gospel is here and their response is what got me motivated there is no gospel okay so i'm sitting here with this hovering witchcraft thing there's no gospel in any direction and i'm seeing a layer of five to eight villages in every direction and you're gonna tell me there's no gospel a place this large on the planet it is sin it was the will of god for me to go that is what i do and so i'm sitting there just blessed because we're going to be out there for a long time and we're going to sleep on the ground and we're going to have to there's a lot of things going to happen all of a sudden we're stopped at this village right and this little boy comes running up do i have to say he's black or do you understand what can he be a human is that all right this little boy runs up taps on the window you know we're looking at him god invited me rolls the window down and the kid never even acknowledges him he looks inside his little boy about this about this talented and he looks over there and he looks at he just froze his eyes got huge and his finger went up you came what does that mean you came how does he know me so he said you must come with me i said i will not dude you're a child you are the runner that's been sent out here to get the old americano you're the soft touch to get me shot with an ak-47 or splitting two with a machete i'm not going he said you must go you must come with me it won't do any good to call miss hogan [Applause] she works with jesus i said fine i told my son my son's there i said get out of the truck you're going with me and if they come out you're going in the front my son my son's a big boy he's a full-grown man that guy and we're walking by this kid and his kid's a kid you know all of a sudden this lady that house you see right there was just full of people there were dozens and dozens of people in there and they started piling out and i told my son i told you then i tell you and they compiling out and i'm looking at them and every one of them is pointing their fingers at me and here's the words coming out of their mouth you came you came but i'm still not clued in yet i'm always the last guy in the room to figure it out but once i do get it i'm going to read hell with it do you understand i said before we go any farther there must have been 50 people there i said i want to know what y'all are talking about you came what does that mean to you well six months ago the glowing man came i said what he came that house you see there sorry deal with this man that house you see there an angel of the lord came through the roof put it on that red cut the noise off an angel of the lord came through the roof and spoke to that lady right there and said i'm sending you a white guy from mexico he raises the dead there's only one thing wrong with that that's awesome and everything but i never got that message you'd think they would have at least sent it to my phone i said explain to me no he's come back several times he told us he was coming he knew you was coming in a white nissan four-wheel drive at 11 o'clock on this day so we're here waiting on you and it's 11 o'clock that's pretty specific this is the world we live in spiritually now heaven wants to interact with us heaven wants to interact with normal me son of god favorite son say it with me i am a favorite [Applause] son and daughter of zion it is me who is the favorite in jesus name now so i'm i am was beyond blown away i've never experienced that before god always has new toys and he and he start he lets me in on it but not very much at once and he says he's she said this lady says to me thank you for being obedient i said i wasn't my wife was she talked me into it do you understand it was before we had our visas and our plane tickets my life was orchestrated by mercy love and you want me to calm down are you serious huh this thing is on like donkey kong man look at the energy in old man's god where's that come from goodness that lady that's the picture of her healed but when i first saw her i thought now look she's old you see her old she's older than me she was big pregnant i thought lord i thought sarah died we're fixing to have another child oh my god that's illegal for these people that's all to have babies like that so i rolled up on i said you pregnant she said absolutely not tumors i said what'd you say and she started patting that tumor she said now you do what the angel of the lord said you was gonna do i said and what was that dude you were so set up you believe you're the one making decisions heaven loves you so much he helps you with your plans and he helps you with other people's plans his love and his mercy is so outstanding so amazing and it's you that he's looking at it's not the mess it's you he loves you that that's a good thing that right there is a good thing so ah so i just reached over and tapped that thing man that thing was hard as this table right here hey what are you serious get out and there she is healed right there see here now y'all there were hundreds i i didn't know it was going to happen i had no news of this glowing thing being thing angel uh you should have seen how many it was so cold they came by the hundreds they didn't come to kill us they come to see who the glowing man was talking about isn't that awesome it's just just a little bit of diligence and you can get the attention of heaven you know son and so i preached for a few minutes and and you should have seen him roll up there and get born again i just was instead of killing us they're joining us hundreds of them and i'm just going they must not understand so i'd send them back and tell them again and more of them would come and then we started praying for them in power aids tuberculosis blindness deafness that's your god son that's your god in jesus name one more time put the verse up there then we'll call it a day if that's okay he all right everybody okay you okay mom all right oh now look at there you got to move her thank you and put verse 7 up there simon thank you sir as you what you going to do what are you going to preach verse 8. what's the next thing you're going to do jesus name you are a great nation and i'm calling you to arms sons of god it ain't good enough to rattle armor suit up jesus is king all right if you will stand up please if you will put some intercessors on the on the cloths please thank you ms hogan if you will come up in the name of jesus what have you all decided fire tunnel okay you want to do something else jesus jesus holy can we move those things please thanks sir thanks so much i didn't get your name cody cody yeah wow awesome i have some codies in my family one jesus jesus come up don't be afraid it's all right jesus holy ghost this is how it's going to roll we will do a fire tunnel but it's not they're not quick but we need you not to be those hogs that want it over and over or not let other people in i need you to be courteous but i need you to be filled i need you to be healed and blessed is that proper okay you're good everything's good we're all right i just need you to start worshiping jesus where you are you can tell i do this every day you can tell i know what i'm doing i'm good at it and i like it and we will be successful it will work for us jesus is king holy you all right mom holy you see alex she matched us up look how she matched this up isn't that awesome it's just cute isn't it when old people do that kind of stuff jesus jesus just worship jesus the way you know how it's great we'll which way do y'all want the people to walk in the fire tunnel this way they're they're going to walk this away okay so you do it how you want it okay what is it sorry sorry we're going the other way organization skilled people have interrupted our opinion and it's okay it doesn't matter to me or heaven so jesus just start worshiping god right where you are now in this room if you do not know jesus we want to invite you to where i'm standing over here if you do not know jesus come come keep praying everybody if you don't know jesus i want to invite you to come down here with me if you're backsliding your spirit if you a legitimate beef knocked you off the trail and you're ready to come back to jesus i'm ready to help you because you are welcome would you come please come in jesus name if there's someone standing beside you come come suck come right here come over here with me don't worry about anything else just watch me come who is it come here someone's standing beside hello how you doing look at me in the face you are welcome look at me i know it does look at me right in the eyes [Music] or about anything else happen you are welcome jesus loves you someone else come look at me in the eyes son you're welcome son bless you in the name of jesus welcome good looking fellas i like it bless you in jesus name you're welcome hear me look at me i mean that who else come okay if you're downstairs come come to me hey baby bless you darling you baby are welcome beautiful aren't you bless you darling in the name of jesus holy i'm going to need a usher or somebody behind to prayer somebody behind each one of these folks please you're not going to be left alone even though i have to go do another job okay all right put your hand right here on her shoulder just like that let her feel that you're there just pray for her you're doing fine thank you doing good bless you son in jesus name i bless you jesus hey baby jesus bless you darling jesus bless you friends doing fine fire anyone else jesus jesus if someone is standing beside you and you know they need jesus just slip your hand over to them and bring them up here please in jesus name jesus do you say i have the best job in the world and i like it jesus anyone uh else we do the fire channel i'd just like us to bless their ministry we're gonna take up a love offering just let's stay in worship we're worshiping the lord by giving and we'd like to send them away blessed and uh we're just going to pray just as the holy spirit what you sow into this ministry and uh you know often where our parties that's where we are bless you sir and it's in our giving that blessing comes so he wishes we can take up a love offering and as the ushers come father i just thank you as we come into this ministry we just thank you lord thank you thank you for the blessings i won't touch you it's all right father we sow in this ministry and as we bless you we're blessed that's all right and we just thank you thank you from our heart and father thank you pleasures thank you lord for this ministry it is to the nation it's because where i'm at and father thank you for the privilege if you touch somebody with a strong handshake it means something evil and nauseous that's right well yeah bless you hello sir bless you sir in jesus name bless you unto god given to this ministry amen right here bless you sir holy holy hey baby jesus name fire anyone else anyone you welcome i welcome you to the kingdom of god jesus jesus you should have seen it i was in uh i was in georgia a border with turkey a few days ago i just wish you could have seen the power of god hit that place there were four bishops they were normally enemies they went through a fire tunnel and the mercy of god slaughtered him it was my first time to be around that close proximity of a greek orthodox he's an amazing human being what if heaven blessed him and god infiltrates that world we get all of russia think think like god thinks we can do this otros emmanuel god with us jesus jesus are we okay everything all right jesus anyone else bless you bless you now counselors take these folks and talk to them please y'all know what you're going to do do your jobs i'm with you for you follow the counselors please they're going to talk to you for a minute and that's all let's go with them just a minute i must welcome you first bless you son thanks man ashley david look at me right now this is great you're doing a great job you're welcome you hear me yes sir what's your name kirk kirk i'm david bless you son i like you good tough young men i like to [Music] make good soldiers for the gospel i bless you both you hear me in the name of jesus you're welcome son you know what you got going for you i told you the truth i did not lie to you the amount of power that's on this planet from heaven is bizarre and it's i was just in sierra leone in a war zone in 10 days we saw 7 000 people saved under armed guard 7 000 in one service it's hard to comprehend it is in one service 25 cripples jumped and ran just a few days ago it's just awesome so i bless you guys hey jesus name yes sir bless you bless you lord jesus you're all right i'm sunk in what you said about where you come from it's all right bless you god bless you it's all right just blessed yes sir i'm a spiritual believer it's okay it's all right you're welcome thank you i'm a singer but you sound a bit hoarse ah i talk every day four or five hours every day i'm alive look after your voice i am trying bless you sir jesus jesus all right can we do a prayer tunnel are you okay with that how do y'all set it up you you said i need some people on one side i'll sit over here on this side and y'all call right here beside me it'll work mom where are you at ben right over here mom this is uh just to let you know so we can get it working very smoothly and everything we're going to start from this side here uh coming down that aisle and you actually walk all the way back up down the other aisle go back to your seat and we're going to go with this side okay you're going out that way down the hill and then from here to because they're going to stop you we're just going to keep running these down this way there's only one way to come come and then go back if you're downstairs in the overflow we're bringing you up right now for the fire tunnel please if you once you've gone through the final tunnel can you actually please then go back down to the overflow amen let's have some chaos okay everybody good yeah i need i need volume yeah all right prayer team prayer team everybody prayer team look this is how it's gonna go spirit of prophecy is going to come on you and i'm for that i want that please come but i need you to move to the side and prophesy to the people so the fight so the line can keep moving is that okay that's okay with you everybody good all right we're good all right well yeah mom there you go all right we're good to go [Music] okay take this thing [Music] hear me [Music] is the sound of heaven the sound of heaven [Music] [Music] heaven comes down [Music] [Music] can you hear me the sound of heaven touching us [Music] break out [Applause] [Music] come down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it comes is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus you're the famous [Music] shaking up the earth [Music] jesus [Music] we want to see your kingdom again [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] ever [Music] spirits [Music] heaven comes [Music] um [Music] we come hungry satisfy [Music] is [Music] there is more there is our god can more he's pouring himself out every good thing [Music] is everything you need coming down [Music] down [Music] so this is glory coming down [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is glorious [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i just want to reassure you uh the ushers are working hard to make sure you get into the fire tunnel line just be patient it's gonna happen uh jesus is gonna be here for a little bit longer don't worry because the overflow are going through the ushers will come to you and actually guide you down that for these group of people you go down that aisle for that group you go down that isle over there you'll go down that aisle just have a bit of patience with them thank you [Music] um everything we hope for [Music] is he's our source he's the fountain [Music] so we come to the fountain come to the farm [Music] we come to the fountain [Music] every good and satisfying thing comes down the fire this is glory this is glory this is glory flowing down [Music] wow [Music] let your glory fill this race jesus [Music] jesus let your glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see let your glory fill this place jesus [Music] jesus christ jesus [Music] there's [Music] in um place open heaven and open heaven in this place open heaven an open heaven in this place let your glory come down let your glory come down and open heaven and open heaven in this [Music] let your glory come down let your glory come down nope in heaven in this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let your glory come down let your glory come down [Music] let your glory come down [Music] again just one touch from your hair just one glimpse of your glory and i'll never be the same again just one touch from your head but i'll never be the same again just one glimpse and i'll never be the same again [Music] just one glimpse [Music] just one touch and i'll never be the same again let me the same be the again again touched by glory [Music] i'm touched by glory let you let your glory fall in this room let your glory foreign let your glory fall and this will let it go forth let it go far from here to the nations let your brains rest in this place as we gather to [Music] let it go forth let it go the nations let your fragrance rest in this place as we gather to see your veil at your kingdom let your kingdom come [Music] let your will be [Music] let us see on earth [Music] let your will be done [Music] the glory of your son let your glory [Music] is [Applause] [Music] let your fragrance rest in display [Music] let your will be done of your son let your glory fall in this room [Music] [Music] is [Music] let it go [Music] rest in this place [Music] together [Music] [Music] holy [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] is what is the land [Music] hallelujah [Music] we bless your name lord for the lord god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is you were [Music] you deserve the glory you were [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] you deserve the glory [Music] you were [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you deserve the glory [Music] it is the glory [Music] and the honor lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift your holy name you deserve the glory and the honor lord we lift our hands and worship as we lift your holy name when you [Music] are [Music] [Applause] [Music] get a miracle [Music] there is [Music] great [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you do miracles so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you you are you do great so great there is no one else like you there is no one else like you [Music] it's true [Music] to you [Music] our hearts will [Music] cause i [Music] i am free to live for you [Music] i am free i am free [Music] i am [Music] yes [Music] i am [Music] the darkness [Music] and i am free to dance [Music] i am [Music] yes [Music] i am [Music] we'll [Music] [Music] do you think [Music] and i am free to to run [Music] i am [Music] yes [Music] free [Music] [Music] [Music] oh whoa okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hello please don't forget to come and grab your jackets and bags as well [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good night everyone thank you for coming have an awesome week we love you okay man
Channel: Victory Life Centre
Views: 1,147
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Id: YV7DnEcKtXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 22sec (12022 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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