Fire Conference Session 1 - David Hogan

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I need you to say this with me say Jesus I love you Jesus [Music] Jesus thank you Jesus we appreciate you Jesus we give you glory Jesus now I want you to do this with me Jesus we bless this land Jesus we bless the dirt we walk on we bless the air we breathe [Music] we bless the water we drink [Music] we bless our husbands and our wives we bless our children our grandchildren and we refute the power of the demon and we called peace to this land in Jesus name eat Jesus snake holy ghost y'all think y'all have a seat thank y'all that was awesome everybody all did great of course bless y'all yeah I know that I know some of y'all don't understand because it seems like there's not enough trinkets down here to pray for if you want something prayed for please come put it up here and we will pray we're getting thousands of miracles with this stuff all over the world I get to travel now and it's going quite well actually is hoping to bring us stuff that you know you don't have to become a coffee shop just because we're putting trinkets up here going to anyway so y'all get it out of your system [Music] yes Jesus hello hello hello hello ah now it's better okay alright I don't bless you you're good for my Oh bless you baby shucks Allah Jesus holy holy well okay this is good now let me tell you all the story if I can have your attention if not I'll go to Nando's and let y'all do this cuz and O's has got good chicken I mean if you like chicken and I do so Holy Ghost thank y'all I was over in the United States preaching in the state of Virginia close to Washington DC over there somewhere and there was we was doing this here and and this young woman comes up and she's carrying on about her husband died and and so forth and she said I won't your handkerchief you know by my pocket and I said I'm not giving my handkerchief so she Bob passed me and went to mr. Hogan don't stand up and say hi or something [Applause] Oh Sydney Thank You Holy Ghost that's my that's my wife 47 years that's a big deal and so the lady goes to my wife right and she says me so goodnight you know cry cry you know I want my way he won't let me have my way so his Hogan comes over and says look give the lady of the handkerchief I'll buy you a dozen I said no deal she said I'll buy you two dozen deal I think that's fair trade don't you I used handkerchief for two dozen that sounds like a good deal so we prayed over it and her husband was in this we call it place where you're where they put you in they can't go see him I see what does it mean intensive care I don't do hospitals so I don't know y'all's terminology most Christians know more about the hospital than non-believers they spend most of their time and money in the hospital so that was a rebuke so you go yeah that's right no it ain't okay and so this Hogan gave her my handkerchief and the lady left and I over you know I lost my hand but this year I was back over there in Virginia his place was packed out it was just he couldn't move it was so many people fire of God was begging and it was nice I was enjoying myself and this fella walks up big old guy my goodness and this woman in that there sitting there and he says look here I need to talk to you and I ignored him because hopefully it was a good thing he wanted to talk about but in case it wasn't I was acting like I couldn't hear him he said let me talk to you brother David I have something for you oh okay I'll talk to you then it was the fella that was in intensive care he was on life support and they were running out of insurance money so that means you got to pull the plug on those machines that means he's dead right but the what the wife goes rolled up in there with my handkerchief spread it out threw it on top of the guy and as soon as the handkerchief hit the fella he came out of the coma mr. Rigler made-in-china handkerchief everything the United States made in China except for miss Hogan's she's not she's she's made the USA so well me too out rusty so so I'm look at this guy and he he had my handkerchief in his hand and it was washed and ironed and folded and ironed he said I want to give it back to you I said I got a I got two dozen handkerchiefs out of this and I got my original one back that's a pretty good deal don't you think but the best thing about it I suppose is the fella got healed [Laughter] it was amazing all the he had four different incurable it is he was not supposed to recover from one of them but all four of those things left and he was left hold and healed in an awesome that's awesome huh [Applause] Holy Ghost now you can see I'm talking I want you to recognize that since the last time I was here I'm still doing all right I've been around the planet two and a half times since I've seen y'all three hundred thousand kilometers really that's a long way but my body feels like it you know but I'll be all right eventually every continent has opened up there are miracles signs and wonders in every continent I know you're hearing up the negative and I know you're believing the negative and I know you're hiding from the negative and I know you're afraid well I'm not I've decided I'm not going to be I've decided I'm gonna be filled with the Holy Ghost and joy that's a that's a personal decision and miss Hogan is with me right tell them yes will you or not she is and our marriage is doing good our kids are doing good our work in Mexico is growing so I really don't know what say to you you should get a life I guess Jesus is king it's awesome I get to see all these great miracles and it's pretty fun tell you the truth and because I don't guess lots of people get to see some of the stuff I get to see but yesterday I was not successful I want to repent to you there was a young man fell off a cliff some of y'all probably heard about it worked for a while whelmed killed him and I got to go yesterday morning brother he'd get myself bo and brother Ethan we went and they let us in the morgue and they let us pray and there was some other people from Iowa on there as well and iris ministries and it was like seven or eight I was right in our apologize to you I didn't get that bow I wanted him here tonight but I was not successful I want you to understand when I say I'm not successful what that means that means I was obedient that means I tried to do what I'm telling you is the right thing to do the understand do you see do you see it doesn't have any control on me you see I'm all right right I really of course and the hardest part to me was I had to call the mom and dad and tell him that I was not successful that's the hardest part but I did it he's telling me did it and I want you to know that we don't get everything with wall I don't but it doesn't stop what the word is in the power of it to us because I don't get everything does it mean god don't love me it means I'm a good son because I keep trying anyway hello I said hello all right so I need you to turn over to Psalms 138 I got a couple of pictures we're gonna show y'all brother Bo's gonna describe a miracle is that Alright but first I want to read a couple of verses to you so you can feel spiritual and churchy and everything and you and your little religious twit Devils can be pacified that that we went to church look you gotta understand I do this every day you see how relaxed I am I'm not intimidated I'm not afraid I know you're a powerful people and everything and I maybe should be nervous I'm just not how come here to bless you in your land you understand that that's how it's gonna be Jesus Holy Ghost didn't fire I know that I know that I really should be nervous but I just I don't know I lost it somewhere I've been traveling so much somebody failed to bring me the bag that had all the trouble stuff in it and I didn't get my luggage so it got lost so I'm doing all right without the worry and the doubt and the fear and the unbelief I'm doing quite well with the love and the mercy and the grace and the fresh anointing of God's power holy goes holy go so you know he prophets know where we're going right this is my problem with you prophets you don't know where we're going he was a prophet you would so let's turn over to Psalms 1:38 please Holy Ghost Psalms 138 Holy Ghost shall Aqaba you know you know my family tonight here but daytime and other some of the other continents you know my family's preaching today in four continents that's a good that's a good thing in Wow grandkids kids in us were stretched out over four continents preaching that Jesus is king you ain't never met anybody like that up Psalms 1:38 y'all there I will confess and praise you O God so let's do that just lift your hand up or two or whatever how many have and just confess Jesus is Lord go right ahead speak to the air speak to the principalities powers and governing spirits I confess you Jesus as Lord while it is called today I will bless the Lord oh come on shut that I'm a baba with my whole heart say it come on I will bless you God with my whole heart before the gods will I sing praises say it see because when you when you go down through the OR Tambo airport and you're worshiping God speaking in tongues and all the people are mad at you that's God's that are mad at you when you go out here in the in the villages we was just in the threaten sky and and spent several days out there and and and I'll tell you like fighting them what's name of them which is son go boss I walked in this house right we're gonna pray for this person that's got something over their legs and and I walk in there and there's one of those people in there painted all white and everything and I thought dude what I wonder why she painted herself white like that then it turns out she's this scary witch thing that'll touch your kid off and hold it underwater hostage to you do whatever they whatever they say in which I'm not gonna submit and I'm not bluffing so it's going to be a fight and so it's true statement I got witnesses here and and we tell you it was so much fun because I looked over at this witch right sangoma demon is that clear enough or should I get a little bit more than scripted I really feel like I might order demon from hell and I'd look over their net things just looking at me right and I'm going I know to her I'm the devil I know that and to me she's the devil so we have a conflict going and one of us is wrong it's her so I told her I said look at me baby look at me you see that I'm not afraid and when I said that to her what happened next brother Hank she starts trembling and I go yeah and then we get up to pray for the grandma with whatever wrong with her leg thing can't walk thing and we're going over there we're praying for these people and I couldn't wait to get to that painted up demon thing and I get over there and I touch that sangoma demon in the head and you ought to see the thing back to dirt and start screaming it was wonderful it is the will of God to destroy the work of the demon on their turf that's they land and when my foot got on it whose land did it become my jesus said wherever you put your foot whose land is it it's the son of gods land it doesn't belong to the demon anymore I need you to understand that Jesus is king Jesus his kid it was pretty fun we ended up with close to a hundred conversions God with a was that thing called a stroke first night they brought him in their second night he walked in barely moved in third night he walked in you know still hobbling but the fourth night was up there these numbers might be off by one I don't know but it was a bunch of nights in a row but then all of a sudden I'm sitting up there and I'm dancing with this little kid there's just a little bitty old kid and I'm dancing with this little kid the next thing I know I look over there in the stroke guy is up dancing with us true true got his cane in the air he's just dancing with us that's what you need say it I need that saying I need that say it but but out of all the things we did out there the lady the crippled lady was my favorite she was she was I don't know what was wrong with her I don't have a clue what name of that devil was had her but she couldn't walk and she was weak and she couldn't stand up and she was days of days in the in the bed and they brought her to service and all of a sudden she she was seen it says it in someone's acts beau help me out where does it say an axe to the guy received strength in his legs that four or five words that three three four four this guy was at the temple and when Peter touched him the strength went in to his ankles that's what happened to this lady isn't it in it you saw it you saw it boys and then I went over there to her and I told her I said listen to me I know that your mind believes the weakness my mind don't believe the weakness my mind believes the strength his name is Jesus and it's more and more strengths gonna pour into you and you'll have seen her every time she came she was stronger and stronger and then all of a sudden you know that thing they do where they go like a train around and everybody's moving every way that I can't they're up there doing their thing and this woman that's crippled all of a sudden she's in the thing and she's moving just like them and with them and healed this is who we are say it this is Who I am Sam Charlotte Kosta there's been a lots happened to me personally since I've seen y'all have been close to two years right within a week of here two years ago I was here and there's been so much growth in the fire of God in the power and the anointing the fresh hole the fresh anointing of God is on us and I need you to want that I don't need you to be satisfied I don't need you I don't need you to be content I don't need you to be okay I need you to be hungry for more come on up brother let me well I love things that go past that I feel it please would you throw up the one with the baby in the picture with the baby please who's running that yeah that's it what's your name who's running that picture thing huffy is that close it's okay hufflepuff I won't remember that I'm sorry I'm David huffy I want you to look at this baby in this picture because it's just a normal village scene but it's not normal at all I know Jesus blessed off that baby it's awesome it's a village where me and my family we started going about eight months ago they didn't have any gospel and through a series of events we ended up there and this family turned to God and so we started going every week every two weeks sitting down and sharing Jesus with them teach them how to walk with God and we went to do a visit with them just a few months ago maybe three four months ago I don't remember exactly now but we went to go to a visit with him and my wife went into the kitchen with the kitchen with the sister the woman you see holding the baby and while they were in the kitchen making some food for everybody to eat she said my nephew she told my wife my nephew's going to come to church today and my wife said less awesome and she's like yeah he came the other night and he came to my gate it was late and he called me at the gate he said Tia Tia and and and so she recognized his voice so she got out of bed open the door and he was standing at the gate and he had that baby in his arms she told my wife I've invited him to come to church to these visits and he never would come he's never been interested in Jesus he hadn't want anything to do with the gospel since we've given our hearts to God but he's standing at my gate and he's saying help me and so I walk out to the gate and I ask him what's wrong and he said my baby's dead he quit breathing 30 minutes ago the baby's four months old and she took the baby from his arms and said it's okay come in the house with me son and she walked into the house with him and she had that baby an arm dead said the baby was already cold and stiff and she just started asking Jesus to help him brand new and I don't know how long she prayed exactly but she said we just started asking Jesus to help and after a while that baby just sucked in air and came back to life in her arms [Applause] [Music] and she's telling my wife this it's just happening like the day or two days three days something like that before we came and she told my wife he's gonna come today and they're gonna present their baby because they don't know what to do but they've decided they want to walk with with Jesus and so the few minutes later my wife comes out did the brother tell you what happened like no and so she tells me this story and as she's finishing the story the daddy the mama their young walk in with this lovely baby alive four month old boy and you know that is all so I'm listening this and you know you can't do nothing but but cry because it's so amazing but what's what was really amazing for me outside of the baby being given life when it was dead is that they didn't call me in the middle of the night they're eight months old that woman doesn't even know how to read I don't think she's never been to school she probably can't quote you a Bible verse she probably can't sing half the songs we sing when we come to church but that had nothing to do with the power of God going through her giving life to that baby and before I give the mic back I've been reading Isaiah and there's there's these verses and I was in 51 and it says that the ransomed of Israel shall return and they shall return with singing and crowned with everlasting joy but the next part says they shall obtain joy and gladness and sorrow shall go far from them you know we go into the village and we teach them Jesus and we're not really going in trying to teach them our thirteen doctrinal beliefs we're going to teach them that there is a Living God and that you can obtain joy and gladness from him and she believed that and she believed after eight months of walking with God and not knowing how to read the Bible she still had to faith in her heart to believe that God was bowed down from heaven listening to her voice and she obtained joy and gladness and sorrow and so he went far away from that family y'all be blessed that is the same ability that's within every one of us [Applause] the data raised in your generation the dead are raised in your generation the data raised in your generation shakalaka shaka baba baba holy ghost say it I will confess it the Lord with my whole heart I will praise him because good look that boy that boy that lost the baby the nephew right he had it all together he had a job he had his he had his life organized and planned he don't need God everything's working for him until the baby quit breathe it and you go find somebody that believes you understand that I'm clean across over there and the stellenbosch did I say it right that was right - and all of a sudden I come in I was up on that big mountain over there was named I think I went up there on the top and I was enjoying y'all's beauty it's all around and I was just talking about the Holy Ghost I get off the thing and these folks here tell me there's been an accident with and somebody's asked you to go and pray see what you need to understand is every one of you saw it on the news but your phone didn't ring now I'm not against you at all but your phone should ring you should be so much a Christian that people know who to call you should be so radically sold out worshipping and praising you should be the Confessor you should be the one that all you do is walk Chuck I love my bow you make everybody nervous and they leave you they can see you go in the growth in the sparse grocery store pushing your little y'all call them Charlie what do y'all call them thing and we go shopping and you're speaking in tongues and everybody clears the aisle for you because because you're a son of God and then you get up there to the checkout thing what do you call it check out what do you call it what do you call it like T I ll tell you serious why didn't know that so I get up to the teal and you speaking in tongues and you ought to see how considerate the people are to a son of God you're worshipping and confessing Jesus and they move right out of your way and let you get your stuff paid they're so very considerate see in your world they think you're Looney that's what you think not in my world in my world boy that's awesome of them to recognize the power of God in us and let us go ahead and have our turn that's pretty nice innit Oh Holy Ghost but I need you to amp it up I need you to get a new chip I need you to get a a new download I need an upgrade on you I need you I do I'm not mad at you you see me I'm not mad there's absolutely nothing for me to be mad about dude we're raising the day at the blind see the lame walk miss Hogan loves me and Jesus is king I mean what else could there be but I need you to understand when there's calamity people need to know to call you you understand that's important that's important because when I found out my daughter doll there up at my son's up Jody you remember he was here last time they're up in Europe in Germany preaching and my daughter-in-law sent my wife a thing about the boy and she said tell brother David it's this mission area that works with Miss Heidi Baker and so immediately called some people I noticed it's high up in their thing I said look here is this true statement and they go yes it is it here's the rears the return David we need you we need you now say that's who you supposed to be you're supposed to be the one that people can count on in calamity you're supposed to be confessing the Lord your God with your whole heart at such a rate that it irritates every devil for miles and and the people you make them nervous when you come around because you're unpredictable because people like what's called status quo but I like the part where you don't even know which button to hit because you're so nervous I like that so I'll bless you do you understand me I need you to upgrade I need you to let that great Holy Ghost run through your family I need the fire of God burning this land and it's you God wants to use do you hear me you understand I'm not rebuking you but I am I'm telling you I'm right about this because I go into these lands like we was just in India I was there for close to months and they're killing Christians they're all over the place and they they sent me my government soon as I bought the ticket my government sent me off thing from the State Department telling me not to go because they know I'm going to get killed and they don't want to be responsible you understand that and then the Indian government sends me a thing from their State Department saying you know it's hard times it's instance that it's dangerous and and so I tell my wife I said look here we prayed and fasted over this but it seems like the government's have different ideas than we do and miss Hogan said one thing to me she said didn't Jesus tell you to go and preach the gospel I said yes he did she said then go that's her this little grandmother don't say nothing and I want you to know it I felt nervous I felt like a target goal don't you want to know why I'm a target because I'm not ashamed and I'm not bluffing and we went up there by the Chinese border and things went well for us there's miracles all over the place and then we went down into the southeastern state one of the provinces where they're killing Christians by the dozens and dozens they burnt into people like they like this place on fire with everybody in it and kill all the Christians that's what they're doing say I don't like that say it now act like you don't like you didn't ask God for mercy let's go come on mercy Holy Ghost mercy for the Christians in India say it right out of your mouth in Jesus name we ask you to spare our lives their lives in Jesus name and y'all I went there and and we was I was warned about certainty certain routings of the public airline routings but I didn't know I had no idea you know I don't know I'm americano that lives in Mexico I don't know India but the route we took was the safe route that the people take somehow God spoke to our travel agent and got us a route through India that was not taken by the modern Christian world it's not the vacation route and I got into this trouble area and I was promised death what I don't want to do is call because of my presence make somebody else get killed but I'll have to see if you have if your God has the power to kill me I just I just um obligated to see if you're dead gum sarcoma devil it's bigger than my holy God I am just obligated to see that that's close as I get to the line without crossing cuz I really want to cross that line you see how I'm lit up I'm Oh God look at me but I'm gonna tell you something I'm gonna fight you got to understand so you don't know this well I'm gonna go ahead and tell you just cuz I'm gonna be nice cause miss Hogan's here I'll be nice I'm training for my 35th marathon in the last five years [Applause] hey bad for no guys come on mercy y'all understand we got this you see me I believe we have this you see that right I believe we can do this regardless of the obstacles the circumstances the odds Jesus is for me I get to this play I'm not going to name it because it's probably being taped to maybe even being streamed I don't know probably and I walk in this building there's three thousand pastors there from every province and mix in India if you understand the opportunity I have to touch a lot of India is in that room but yet they promised us that they're going to attack us and kill us so I get up there on that platform and I'm they have waiting my turn just like I was well ago and I get up do my my turn as soon as I take the microphone his large entourage of Hindus come in the back and I looked over at my boys I told him we're not gonna make it out of here here's a bunch of them they come rolling up there they all dressed in their ceremonial things they got colours in their hair and all over them and they and the one God never stopped he just rolled up on the platform I'm just watching him he rolled up right to me and he looks me right in the face he says I'm a Hindu I said hello I'm a son of God and he knelt down on his knees and I thought so I knelt down with him and I put my hand out he put his hand out the fellow was a minister of parliament he was the Minister of Parliament that runs religious affairs in India and I didn't know that of course and he says I want you to know I'm the fella that signed the papers for these meetings to happen I'm the God signed for your protection as long as you're here I will protect you in that amazing and he's supposed to be my enemy he said my wife is a Christian and I'm not and that we're having this discussion in front of 3,000 pastors he said I signed off on these meetings and I'm gonna protect you he said but what I need you to do is put your hands on me and pray for me amazing I find that pretty significant your God is awesome and I laid my hands on this fellow and when I did the place roared I mean because it's illegal for me I'm an infidel I can't touch Hindus I can't touch Buddhists and I can't touch Muslims but when I go around them they want me to pray for them in that awesome I think that's significant your God needs to be praised because you believe in the fear of the demon more than you believe in the word of the Father he said I will be with you forever and he is he stopping testing that out it works let's go back to Psalms 1 38 y'all there Oh a little side note to that since we had those meetings almost named it I can't I don't want to name it they sent me uh what's app on his phone I got right here and it it's his brother David thank you for coming the fire of God has hit our part of India and and since in it was 39 it wasn't quite 40 days since the meetings it was right at 37,000 converts and then awesome come on [Applause] well that's a big deal and they say we don't even have a number on the amount of miracles there's just by the tens of thousands so I need you to want this it's a new day it's a new fresh fire if Jesus is king look at me I'm enthused I'm blessed I preach every day of my life I try to raise the dead heal the sick every day we do this do you understand it's very important you understand it Jesus is king verse 2 yeah I'm a diversity Psalms 1 38 verse 2 I will worship say it say it again say it again how will worship I'm not ashamed I'm not afraid say it I'll bless the Lord Holy Ghost our ship is power is goodness is mercy saying holy holy Sherlock Oliver Thomas shock come on ports of God with me come on worship II no shame no fear no regret holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] Shalaka tabara bachata Rama thank you God the Father to some of you holy people in here you theologians are mad at me because I'm speaking in tongues in an open assembly and I'm not giving and I'm not giving a flying flip about an interpretation so that's got you angry with me but you're not gonna stop me from worshiping God you can put down five hundred dollars write them on every wall I'm still gonna worship Jesus somebody has to be the one that's the confessor it must be me chuckle ah bah bah Holy Ghost you see how much life send me you can see it I know you can see it it's the fire of the gospel holy goes I'm working in 16 war zones now it's scary oh my god because they're mean they're spitting me but I'm not problem with me as I'm right and when you think you're right it gives you courage when you think you're right it gives you confidence and then when things start rolling your way it really helps your confidence especially if a Minister of Parliament control it in where you think you're gonna die and instead of being pulling out of a k47 and cutting into he gets on his knees and want you to lay hands on it that's significant Holy Ghost I need you to be encouraged I need you to lose this Mammon's lust praised idea that enough money will make you okay enough money will make you a bigger target that's all enough money does you just have to build a different fence and put a dog in there and with more electricity and build your prison a little more secure so that you can't get out but they can't get in oops I prefer my freedom so where was me let me worship well--that's horseman I will worship us do it again holy holy holy we can do this y'all y'all you see me right look the other day I was up at Kruger y'all's wonderful amazing thing I don't know what y'all call it nuts you know Park you know us I was begging God not to get eaten by a lion but I really needed a story right cuz you can't go to one of these places without getting at least an elephant attack or something so make it interesting well we found this big male thing chasing this woman and boy he should never get involved between the male lion and his woman they get cranky look this thing attacked us I'm in an open vehicle you know I'm a tourist that's not gonna look good for y'all if a tourist gets eat by a line in this thing I don't know as soon as we drove up the yellow eyes they saw us there was eight vehicles there and he chose us and I started feeling for my I have this 7 inch stainless 44 Magnum cannon I shoot and I started feeling for it but it ain't there coz y'all wouldn't let me bring it Americans came have a toys especially in Kruger think I shot a gun in Kruger if I never would get out of jail but the problem with that is simple that line MOC attacked us twice in the third time it was on that thing came about from here to that stand there and he's throwing dirt he's selling them big old teeth and he's cussing I mean he was bad cussing us I can't speak line but I could speak that and I thought I held my granddaughter's there I got for my granddaughters in this thing and all I got is this stupid little Leatherman here so I'm sitting there watching him because I see what he wants he wants something to eat I'll pull out this leather we've got a three and a half inch blade his claws are bigger than mine I fit but I told myself itself you gotta sacrifice for them grandbabies so I said to heaven heaven please stop that line cuz he's gonna eat me and I'm gonna have to let him cuz he can't help my babies and all of a sudden he stopped then he ran back over here behind that thorn tree and was looking at us I told her people crank this thing and let's go but I got it on video where do you see it it's real oh my god it's scary let me tell you yo God I really appreciate y'all's Kreuger thank God yay God but it was scary it was bonafide say it I will praise the Lord I will praise the Lord I will worship You God because you are holy everybody always tells me dude why don't you calm down what is the reason for so much intensity and when people ask me I look at them I need to I need to distance myself from this human because he'll fix the eat them and I don't want to get eat you need to worship I need you to worship I need you to worship I need you to worship Jesus all the time all the time he now awesome it felt when I melt down with that minister and he touched me on my shoulder personally I'm going to protect you he did not awesome that feel this is my enemy do you understand what I said to you and he is setup to protect us that is a substantial move of God because he let the word of God go forth and because of that tens of thousands of people are saying miracles are flowing and it's not stopping it's just it's a role that some sort of a energy was released and the power of God is performing do you hear me now you say it I want that Sam I want that energy say it in the name of Jesus I want that energy Holy Ghost I will praise towards your holy temple and I will worship your name let me say this to you for your loving kindness well ago they were singing these songs about the loving kindness of God and I knew I was going to quote this verse it's amazing how I didn't say a word to these folks and they didn't say a word to me but yet we complementary to each other the do you get it God wants you to walk in his loving-kindness earth is full of the loving kindness of the father do you hear me and I know most of us choose the bidders peeled the anger the ferocity the violence but listen to me I am the god of violence are used to carry two pistols in a hog leg knives and I would shoot you do you hear me but heaven came and changed me it was loving-kindness it did that you understand and now I walk around the planets and go to these war zones and do these things and my enemies roll up in there and they tell me we're protecting you I was in a service a while back in one of our churches in Mexico and it was raining really hard monsoon season was there and it was rough and there wasn't very many people came was only a few hundred people showed up and one of my brothers comes up and tells me you know they're coming for you today this is one of my pastors I said who's coming for me he said oh I can't say the name of the the bad guys that's close enough the bad guys are coming for you I said what why did you tell me and why am I here if you know they're coming well brother David we don't believe they can take you well don't I get that decision evidently not and look ya'll we're there all of a sudden just run out of the woods the jungle here they come filing out about 25 of them and they're there and they are bad these people are who is being hunted by everyone and they come up in there and they they I didn't know why they wanted me but they roll the captain look I'm coming down to you these people roll up on me and tell me you're David right I said yes I am we've been hunting you I said present I said you boys hungry because what Jesus say in Matthew five does anybody ever read their Bible love your enemies do good to those that curse you and hate you bless those that want to kill here is that what your book says so that's what that's what we think is the right thing to do especially cuz it's in red letters that means Jesus said it in some Bibles my Bible and so they said yes we're hungry now these boys have been running from every law enforcement agency military they're bad guys you oughta seen those guys eat they were starving we fed our enemies and you know sitting in this environment were y'all supposed to be Christians everybody goes yes praise the Lord that's a different story when you in a village and they come rollin up on you you hear me and so we fed these guys and we went ahead in their church and we were nervous and it wasn't a very long solemn service and it wasn't very long preaching service and and then finally what do you want to God says David I was told that your God can do anything I said he was told correct sir and then he produced this baby this baby's sick yeah I said is this your son yes it is I said okay let me can I have the baby as soon as I have the baby you understand I am protected right they're not gonna attack me what I got that baby because what the rest of the army don't want is that Mama because she's standing there she's just as mean as they are so I'm protected and I get to pray for this baby listen all of them got born again holy holy that's for me not you unless you want one then then I'll get another you don't want you sure well excuse me oh he goes I'm sorry I'm not very stop all yes but my wife gets embarrassed her face turns red and I asked her all the time what's wrong with you are you getting sick she tells me no I'm not sick the rest of us are embarrassed I just don't see the reason to waste energy on the fear of man to waste the energy I'm too old I need the energy oh he goes Chikara bachata bacala bah I will worship set I will praise His name forever for his loving-kindness I will praise Him because he's worthy ABBA I just wish you could have seen our enemies getting saved I wish you could have seen them eaten I wish you could have seen how blessed we were that they got saved we were relieved because now in the woods we help people protect us now because they can't quit but they try to quit the rest of the cartel will turn on let me kill them do you understand say yes but you really don't really don't understand Holy Ghost because you believe the fantasy that everything's going to be all right the only reason it's gonna be our writers because Jesus is king Holy Ghost now let me say her one more verse or two or something where are we do y'all remember what verse was it - we didn't make it pass - okay we'll do three in that day in the day when I call I answer you answered me say thank you God for answering me it says you strengthen me with strength say it I want strength I want strength from the Holy Ghost I want strength I won't might say it I won't inflexibility to temptation say it I want my inner man recharged with the Holy Ghost and fire in Jesus name Sherlock ababa verse something just do five because I'm after another verse so I'm gonna hurry through these next team so yes they shall sing of the ways of the Lord say it I was seeing say it it says enjoyful II celebrate say it his mighty axe you heard since I've been up here I'm telling you one powerful thing after the next after the next their endless literally I'll keep myself in trouble then having to have the angels of God to come deliver me I really like my job because it's open-ended he I have an open ticket he lets me do whatever I want to just about yes he comes in takes care of us because he likes to do mighty acts for the sons of God shall Aqaba and I am a son of God I don't know if I told you that but you need to know that you've actually seen one now yes they shall sing of the ways of the Lord and joyfully celebrate his mighty acts for great is the glory say it glory of God come to us greatness of God come to us mighty acts of the Lord come to us in Jesus name for those verse six for though the Lord is high yet he has respect to the lowly tell him thank you because that's us we are the lowly we are the humble we are the contrite spirits we are the brokenhearted we are the ones on our face on the carpet calling on his mercy calling on his glory calling on his mighty acts continually olia Holy Ghost say it yes that's me say it you just described me say it in Jesus name [Music] but the proud in the haughty he knows and recognizes only at a distance so say this with me say pride holiness begone from my home in Jesus name I walk say it in humility in lowliness of spirit so that God can be lifted up and the mighty acts of the Lord can be done and the glory of God can come in Jesus name the verse I want is verse seven you ready though I walk in the midst of trouble see that's me but but I really know that the most of you sitting in this room you skirt trouble if you can see it if you can foresee it you you do a detour well there's there's one percent of humanity that I'm part of that when we see trouble we go to trouble that's what sons of God to say it I'm a son of God say it I am a son of God say it in Jesus name and though I walk in the midst of trouble what's the next phrase say read it to me someone what does it say you make me alive you revive me see what I want while I'm here with you is God to revive us you stand I'm on fire things are good for me say it but I want more say I want more reviving I want my spirit awakened wake me up Holy Ghost wake the mighty acts have got up in me say it wake the glory of God up in me in Jesus name in Jesus name [Music] hope puffy puffy puffy puffy puffy puffy is that right okay I'm David Coffey throw up that crutch fell out we're okay I want you to look up your own the thing I want you to look at this this is a pie in the Himalayas right outside the church building where I'm standing in there where we took this picture right outside little to his right out that window is the second it skate to the second highest mountain in the world do you understand we're right under it doing Church right on a Nepal border right on the Chinese border it's India and I told them I don't want to just go to a conference I don't like just doing the conference I want to make a difference in the area when I go somewhere and so they brought me it took us two days to get to this military airbase and then we drove five hours in a full wheel drive we spent the night in the third day six hours up to this mountain here put him back up that mr. huffy that right OH huh oh it's okay geez what it's back in the back coffee is that right cuff is that all right coffee I'm having trouble with I'm sorry I'm David yeah that's right mr. G I can get that I don't remember that thank you mom you smart aren't you some of y'all some of y'all ain't laugh this much ever it's good for you actually it heals you when you laugh and I want you to see they brought that this place was so packed there was you couldn't move there was so many people come out of the mountains in the woods in these are a police people they're in it we're in India but there and there Paulie people and Godley they brought so many sick and oh my goodness cripples and blind and deaf and and we're sitting there so I didn't know what to do because I couldn't get to them so I got down on my hands and knees and crawled through the legs and got over to the cripples and prayed held them and kiss them and they're all that stuff and then they let me talk and I talked a few minutes that some of the other guys talked as well all of a sudden this fella mr. G okay all of a sudden this fella who's been crippled they hadn't walked in three years they brought this guy in just all of a sudden he just he just were watching he just stands up and lifts up his crutches [Applause] this is what I'm talking about this is what we need say it I need that this man's life was done you say oh yeah wait mr. t okay you see you see he's not that old right and give me a minute mr. G we it's fun to be free you understand but if Boyd gets you in trouble sometimes and this fella but his life was over there's no hope for him he lives in a village there's no there's no there's no resources coming and God sends us the do you see who you are you are the Confessor you're the worshiper you are the appraiser you're the one that gets to go then when you get there this broken piece of humanity that is not gonna be okay he's gonna end up starving to death more likely but now because you walk in there it's not you at all it's the one you're praising it's not you but he likes you because you worship Him so he sends help with you these angels these powers this fire this glory these mighty acts accompany us because of the worship now I want you to look at this phrase right here though I walk in the midst of troubles you will revive me do you understand that's a promise and I know what some of you in here are facing and it's very real but you look at me Jesus is key you will be revived I don't believe what I know it's real I know it to be real Jesus is king you will be revived you will be equipped you will be made alive anew afresh you will be revived in Jesus name in Jesus name he should have seen the miracles flowing that was he couldn't do it mr. G you can bail it now sorry thank you we went to a service that very next day it was in a town hit wasn't it up in the mountain is far and it was I couldn't move you there was no getting down and praying for the people hey wasn't happy it's just too many people and yet they kept fighting and bringing in demon-possessed blind and crippled and just yes Wow and all around us and I'm up there talking and I told the team you guys I don't know what you're gonna do but you got to get out there and they go out and take different sections of the place and trying to work with the people in touch because they're put there ripping the clothes off of us see when you're the Confessor you're the one that confesses you're the one that worships you're the one that praises people notice you're different because you've been revived it's not you it's what revives you that they see because we look normal you know you throw all of us in one of these malls around here that nobody ever see us until we're revived and then we don't fit anymore we're ever what everybody's looking at us and I tell my wife every day of my life I tell her what you think they looking at she says you know what they're looking at now come on it's Jesus it's Jesus I like it here me I like it I like my life I like the confession life I like the worship life the praise life many of you you live in fear of other people's opinion of you put the Nana ha something wrong with you made people think something wrong with me I'm all right something wrong with you man Chell acaba Jesus Jesus in right in front of me I'm standing up on that platform and right in front of me this blind guy stands up and and and he's a solid white right here all of a sudden people's formed in his eyes and he started walking and walked up on the platform with me I don't know [Music] I don't know God God didn't ask for my permission he forgot I'm serious is we have a problem God thinks he's in charge we're gonna have to send him on a memo thing's a whatsapp do you forgot we're in Georgia you need to back it down a little bit I see that all of us are holy holy holy what if you to God with no hope and you stuck in a village somewhere and they have to carry you for miles and miles and they stick in a pile of stinking rotten flesh people incurables and then there's white god it's down on his hands and knees and goes down through there kissing everybody hugging everybody that is not their custom it's not my custom my custom is to all my gun that's my custom but God's custom is compassion God's custom is praise God's custom is worship do you understand the understan and wonder that one of the ladies sitting there this lady she's crippled and both legs and she saw the blind man she's looking at the blind man and she's so lame and get his eyesight all of a sudden she starts struggling to get up she got up to one of the steps and her legs are not functioning and she's coming up them steps and I'm watching her the next thing you know one of the legs starts moving and there's another one and then the lady stands up and now you got the crippled lady standing beside the blind guy and both of them are healed awesome huh I won't you look at verse eight then I'm gonna will get bored with all this talking so we'll do something else I've either convinced here I have it if I haven't get on out of here make room for the ones that want it the ones that want it these unbelievers will be gone soon enough and we can have fun you apologize to you I'm not that intimidated guy I'm right and it gives you some courage when you're right Jesus is king look at that verse 8 the Lord will perfect that which concerns me say it so you see I may not be that interested I might miss it somehow I want to help you I do that's what I do for a living knucklehead I help people but I might miss it God won't miss it jesus loves you he will perfect that which concerns you say it I need some perfection Holy Ghost it'd be great if you'd step on in right now it worked fine help me help me Holy Ghost I seem to be off the trail somehow something distracted me and I got wet somehow help me Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus so will you please stand but if you do go to Africa don't mess with the monkeys they are Devils hey the monkeys caught them things are evil [Laughter] holy goose you got everything all right okay okey
Channel: Lewende Woord Kaap E-Kerk
Views: 61,477
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Length: 83min 1sec (4981 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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