World War 2 Interrogation Techniques | Intelligence Gathering | WW2 Military Training Film | 1943

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“Bait your hook to suit your fish” is pretty good advice, whether interrogating Germans or not

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sakzorz 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

thats interesting to watch, pretty sophisticated training film, no wonder the allies won.

sending a nazi to poland in 1943 is like sending an al queda to syria in 2003. usa uses allies for the dirty work.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/inkofilm 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

18:33 for those interested

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Broman3am 📅︎︎ Mar 13 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RunnyDischarge 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is the enemy an enemy no longer to be feared an impotent enemy whose fighting days are over prisoners of war who by their capture have been transformed from instruments of destruction into one of the most valuable sources of intelligence each of these prisoners is a potential mine of information about the enemy true under international law all a prisoner of war is required to reveal is his name rank and serial number but the cases where this information alone is forthcoming are the exception rather than the rule of course enemy airmen are not captured in this quantity but like other prisoners they can be made to talk not by violence but through a technique of interrogation carried on by a group of specialists air interrogation officers however one thing must be remembered these men were individuals before they became regimented soldiers all they look like now are just prisoners but this man may have been a scientist a teacher a writer a philosopher a politician a businessman just as this man was an officer in the German army during the last war a magazine writer of Italian American parentage a former missionary in Japan a reporter on an American newspaper in Tokyo a singer who studied in Italy a teacher of German literature most of the others seated in this classroom beginning their education in prisoner of war interrogation our lawyers our business executives a good interrogator must have four essentials memory tact two wide military knowledge and a fluency in one or more enemy languages only with this equipment can he carry on in the mental clash of prisoner against interrogator well now that we've tabbed them let's teach them prisoner of war interrogation gentlemen is one of the most important functions of intelligence in PWI the sole purpose of your examination of personnel documents or material is to provide information about the enemy to the high command and to all attack but units concern with a maximum of completeness accuracy and speed conversely a high command should keep you informed of all recent developments in the enemy's organization's equipment plans and activities in Germany there are several distinct peoples it's important to know their various dialects customs habits and religious and social conditions the more you know about your prisoners background the better you'll be able to deal with while these men concentrate on German history economics military language politics organization of the Luftwaffe and so forth other students are being taught the same things in relation to Italy and Japan once you start to become an air interrogation officer you're in for a lifelong education crowded into just a few weeks that's the Savoia Marquette es m79 bomber and reconnaissance powered by three 750 horsepower radials top speed 295 miles per hour yes they have to learn their aircraft too they never know when the crew of an SM 79 may drop in on them socially prisoners immediately after capture should be segregated in groups of officers noncommissioned officers of Primus they should also be isolated as individuals until they're interrogated to keep them from conversing with one another over their captives yes what about feeding them that's out no food drink or cigarettes until later it's all part of the softening up process how soon should the interrogation take place captain say after a plane crash the sooner the better doesn't a non calm sometimes question the prisoner before he's interrogated yes but only routine questions about name rank and serial number answers to which he passes on promptly to the AIO now as soon as a prisoner is captured his belongings should be taken away from him and turned over promptly to the AIO for thorough examination the Japanese soldier is swaggering self-confident fanatically devoted to duty and eager to achieve an honored place among Japan Hiro's being a prisoner is the worst possible disgrace that can befall my [ __ ] has captured his commander orders a box of ashes sent to his family far as they're concerned he's dead yet you mean his wife can remarry legally and instantly if she's in the mood the emblem of the Air Force the silver braid were two pips of yellow metal show he's a captain the silver eagle and gold wreaths show he's a pilot observant the short wreath with three wings also show that he's a captain the ground forces who capture air prisoners must turn them over immediately to the AI Oh for the first interrogation after that they can be interrogated and turned by the ground forces just as ground force prisoners especially those who are attached to airdromes or have any connection with the enemy Air Forces should have a second interrogation by the AI Oh are there any questions yeah major should you take notes during an interrogation no and there are no exceptions to that rule put your notes down on paper right after you're through with them yes what happens when an AI L who knows only German comes up against an Italian prisoner doesn't he happy years an interpreter interpreters are to be used only as a last resort it's never as effective as seeing your prisoner alone I make you interrogation as casual as possible try to make the prisoner feel that you're his friend the first one he's met since is captured frequently during their course these future a i/os hold practice interrogations with one student as interrogator and other as prisoner and have you ever had any Spanish wines in nd oh yes several times and very good - I must say how do you like it better than Italian wine oh I don't like any wine Oh cigarette I don't smoke have you ever been to Spain tonight no are you interested in Spain do you ever think you might go there after the war how should I know that maybe you might be even thinking of going there during the war huh why did you have a Spanish dictionary in your plane just improving my mind who do you think you're fooling too nutty your name's right there on the cover why were you flying back to Spain how could I go back if I've never been there you must not lie to me I only tell the truth now don't try to give me that Monty time time gentlemen we'll stop there I'm gonna ask for criticisms any volunteers yes lieutenant it's not good to lose your temper that way especially with such a dumb good-natured type lieutenant Jones what is your criticism of the interrogation I think you pressed too hard for certain information that always tips the prisoner off to what you want is important excellent of course as in practically everything that has to do with PWI there's an exception to every rule except one and that is bait your hook to suit your fish in other words use your own common sense on that excellent piece of advice let's leave the classroom and go into the various theatres of war where we will see how actual air interrogation officers put into practice the education they received captain Schwartz me3 yeah I'll sign material right over to look at the plane get the three other up here as fast as you can right these are the personal belongings of the three prisoners taken from them in the field and sent on up ahead to intelligence they are kept separately just as each one of the prisoners is kept separately without food cigarettes or conversation until he's turned over to the interrogation officer in case you're an autograph hunter this citation for bravery is signed by none other than Field Marshal Hermann Goering oberleutnant vader must have been mighty proud of it to be carrying it into action they found it in the lining of the sergeant's coat what is it sir sirrah ticket stub folks tiara 17th of June I'm stamp Irish a hoof that means he bought it from the concierge in the hotel in Munich how can you tell sir spent two years meaning fitzy hunter a dough Master Sergeant Munich Bavaria he's a co-pilot sir 76 family copilot they must be running out of officers that's our latest dope I'm kg 76 right here sir commanding officer over stunt crew noble I'd known Vader in the 76 was knocked down by a Spitfire last April hmm same name as the lieutenant was piloting this plane our man seems have quite a record come from Berlin spent some time in Poland last year distinguished by his brutal treatment of the pole I think I'll start on Hunt's regular first T seems the most promising you know something about those new hiker 177th besides he's Bavarian his lieutenant is Prussian maybe have them Centralia you get on the dictaphone how'd it look now have able shaadi does it Pacquiao it's kind of similar ways in sign doesn't see say for every room you still Eva not have made will be respectively I'll spill to get liftoff air his son discomfort Ishwara section CT be curious dear commander crew gonna die besten Broonzy seastoke RCL's 14th thanks Alton yet if a million mentioned get fro signed RCL Sega fastened guarantee does it fun he does Cernik really does an idiot Sam Samantha Weaver Victor Lili Schmidt Emma knock him folks Tara yeah he's so Aston Americana bust from Billy Smith presently so Marion shoving off you Sam well he gets them can occur by Tobias and hoof bar Martha Lehman up thesis so I puts you on what kind porch and Quiroga actually might embarrass a hoof cocktail you have sex the phone get thrown out some units a housewife provided she get it over me up with regazzi try to enough after they converse on the service nice - sucked up Turia snitched he shipped up to honesty row or entire flora a bill ruing CC SH sound wave will hiccups car [ __ ] stop want your Oh black man regular can't see out nature no prophecy can I saw her tomorrow I'm being cameras McNish oh hey Candace Lishman chicken Ian is it price across not see happen 700 of mishima Earhart shears to be Schmidt Simon held and pardoned by Stalin forget proud consider by Rajesh by the by the arm and yoga stratum sister flow 9 in transporter uh he's so afraid an invader ix love this festival hop meets phenom nine hankered wounded seaman's eat see our hair team our family room each fulanita see military geheime is a ferrari be a listen Shawn 109 Highgate she like Mara see Silva Alaska our business same Air Canada flew movies mr. sleary salute wunderbar chat I'm don't wanna reschedule less Mona in viña can be try Sigma Nu T so the interrogation goes on and very successfully to thanks to captain Schwartz training and common sense you notice how he won the prisoners gratitude by promising to inform his family of his safety how he established immediate contact through mutual interest in the Munich theater how he played on the Bavarians prejudice against his Prussian lieutenant and how he pretended that he'd already seen lieutenant Baylor and gotten information from him how he pretended to know more about the new Heinkel 177 s than the sergeant thereby peeking his vanity and causing him to talk as a result he is now in possession of valuable information he knows that kg 76 has been moved from Russia that the sergeant has flown a new Heinkel 177 that they are probably based a truer if captain Schwartz thinks any information is sufficiently urgent he will send a flash to headquarters then he's ready for the next prisoner corporal schloss Jamestown what's this pretty good loss solution area so got my gosh I don't know it's better really EC Halla nonprofits here my name is floss it's been order of its here health selfie on sexiest man ANOVA just interested machine itched shrine see bazooka fire dragon fences issue unsteady naman surrounds the unsteady spur handled and she listened yard Aria in and give us a for HTML Morrissey and I'm still have to bring it current my lava does God put this prisoner by himself for a while yes sir no assault that time but that's all part of the game captain Schwartz very wisely realized that he had a tough nut to crack so in order not to waste valuable time he put him aside a couple of days may make him a lot more pliable in the meantime there's wait a minute wise rai or putting on wings another trick of the trade he's about to interrogate a flying officer so it helps break the ice if he can talk as one flower to another let's see how that works with oberleutnant veiler forget seeing an elbow Lord not see I'm nearly machinee Gonski [ __ ] up your senseless across I'm in man following on Doc Gazette MSE prospector moment kana Heenan Dena doubt overwrite Nant vertice Essen read admin verse anger burden not money have respect behind it so it was to me initiatives at lakes co-founded that's Chloe Shawn astuteness L live I see mr. Harwood as soon as so I asked it's either this or that they see shredder substr fierce organ dust surely can be strapped then this terrible like not well signal and power province Dylan Duncan addressed see then that's it don't have a like I'd be letting us crash le sigue Hearn them come fresh water section six Chinese well the survey's niska's art that's present in society that's why secure yet up Tai Lung is a skid cycling trying to Mia the over like Mount Vader there let's not pull up - ocean Voyager is tonight for under phone Eden yeah man border our boy of is indeed us innocent feel air over like not spy spill the sea on a new client position goes long to flow around after she a fluke Austin royally for ear accomplished while a section CT Schmidt an annoying startled hikers who didn't see me GTR Biden the still mate thus gently this really wasn't so I wish Tim dr. Shiro smile on who does yet denying hi two minutes Germany stood up jumper commemorate each bill nice to see it was for our o foolish can supply hist my know my name now Kevin Schieffer an affair only suffer dzifa ending Creek just crown see Jerry uh-uh you're leaning journey it was Tigard however right not he but riding the device to unsoftened flux Ivan he see a line in the West in Rockefeller on half-ish name and are see from this encephalic listen listen mayor zheglov thoughts allah fellow stubborn was not a new pupil early release best actor santa mark Rowley clear blue host felon each enrollee in contact taught other Beefalo since he hormone optical from after work doctor how does any final dummkopf she send up no no finish up to shorten Simlish narrator Anna mucus after Nazi or Navy cigar you cash witty carries freshness few hundred twenty kilometer alerts and photos for a few flow yeah one feel I kissed your flu cost [ __ ] eatin throat on rice to Ferris dozen in blue on LI TANF when your Deloitte asked me to sock - I later looped 9c leading about the scan for the frogs humdinger /c - for her yeah Mary Kahn and I gained [ __ ] o'clock he's credited four o'clock Ferguson on see ina Mansoura are yet never gave him then Englund then say merely by 9:00 eastern England on her Lloyd felt and Poland is on his tune bottom niched accurate fancy and listen for news to Guerrero was a good who our victim danke Shoen hair overnight no rust annoying hiker Angela a touchdown for our side Schwartz caught his prisoner in a lie but if he hadn't known the cruising speed of a Yonkers 88 he could have been fooled that's why it's so essential for your AIO to know all about enemy planes captain Schwartz started off by being friendly it didn't pan out then he tried the often successful method of assuring a prisoner that his side was losing and that failed too however by using the information he'd received from a sergeant making vapor think he knew more than he did and finally threatening him with Polish reprisal the prisoner broke down immediately he makes his report evaluating his information namely stating what he thinks is true or false in the light of his estimate of the prisoners character intelligence in turn will do its own evaluation and dissemination all right let's leave the captain to his work and look in at another a Isle Madero and Jade from la pasta from Athena respond TT a cocky demanded ouzo this Allegra Lafitte is capita premier acolo surgeon hey sono stato Fortunato credit in elastro legija hitler credit of astrology ammonia Elia treated a scallop Ostra body not so cosa grade oh no no me importa Amit Pareek a neon key I avoid cotton or Tedeschi no paranoid Italian eco mischievous Kevon de la terre Poirot scoff on scene County did aphasia CC coral in quantity D theta DT surgeon t the quantity on a city of the Ettore indeed audition primero corridor a Otomo balista milano corridor you so unenthusiastic because it automobile a a bitte my sentido polarity ralph de palma see italiano comparing mio padre Darvill call me Michael a post-race very Anza see to Athena's agenda for a severe lung keel Baker chapped ' charlie non sonic yoga demerit Oh dis of gentle Christine plant EDD fazer Caicos a defender of britches I meant a question información a military no apostle are no Jeff city star to my in America no my grandpa's in America to capture a special mentok Providence Rhode Island with a little of molecular 90 personal scores renewed see olette täällä vastu letter dev a certain drug warm of us procedure for see problem the wall Picard to kill the dividend on CRA a Lesbia FBI trick was an applet see it's a great Americana oh come on you stop with Alaska no none is that the mint a pair or potato rosti for Cho rostered see adultery Camilo e viva know in America Amanda no dinero queen are you to know in Austin amico cesium was taught the into gen TV Nora oh gee no no sorry mope you know in Donald oh man Dada mia madre sarella man on pure blue madaba yes sir a Desilu divan party Turkish Easter no no no la my dad to microdata a kilo sir so load enunciated or estarán yamada lenore-- cigar a few dinero a layman de toutes or a no-no de maison on Amanda miss Conder oh no Loudoun in Seattle of ostrich estaba a sentiment akatsuki follow the hero to toe ding County DD face of the dog aroma de la misión attorney of all of them never I bolted search NT will know al about the house the captain played his cards well the Italian hatred of the Nazis mutual interest in motor racing the injustice of his not being more than a sergeant encouraging the universal gripe about lack of promotion you'll notice too that when he met resistance he changed the subject then came back to it and finally his ace card uncle Mario that's where a careful study of the documents found on a prisoner is so invaluable well time to leave the Italian arena and head east this jack pilot just bailed out of a smashed zero chakashi okuni Gnomeo iowa coming war king oscar you look at the wall hang up there are over there ha I fear I cannot get in I quote the wall squishy Sesame stimulate I know Lee attaching a go at dr. Stowe space truss tokusatsu [ __ ] he must go to war can talk with us otherwise such must eat some more illogical 200 you tell anyone that I was here's all state a Cheeto uri need a stage can't achieve a solo yamato damashii toy stay on target Annie Samantha Thoreau Mata bingo need Torah what are you doing Meowth Camuto Joe Otaki that you are an told by denise demuccio so I stay I'm cook with secretaries are a toy steak anti-god would you tell ricotta or which it teaches him a job yeah hook up whenever this Nami took outside Thursday cuz I'm uh you're a cobra get off yeah Doka Doka obstacle aside call me okay guys Moscato I'll talk to your chin doll we in this chain she sucked on tomatoes after while you my money Scott it the only ones color guessing the whole gave you sure sergeant take this prison to the doctor and haven't treated carefully and see what he gets a good meal or a rest from watching every minute oh wow that's a white sudden you are you gotta stop not gonna gank you this though though he show up shinza to that circle I got bacon with you MA so knowledge instituto Oh Monica pal Joe Sabo Kawasaki Judy honey oh no my o2 cheese ricotta nice it a yeah Competizione is tangata sOooo say poquito todas Carl a todo so shinai de coca eskimo hadouken is Timo autopsy ammos in da Mosta Cudas october in days yo Asamoah d tunisian says next a prostitute OA Sumitomo a same effect Shalom although our ticketing uh tacky that you are chased a antimony kumite Ottawa eunjin toaster Venetian day or a mascara cocconi OTA attacks Domo cetera Hikari scar my Mohini meet I stay has Akashi único - OH nagamma Sen su stay mata hookah no pinata - ah ah Tasker Oh chica muy macho poco de wa nani mo Alif Oh Kiki I can't see you anymore often I see a cutting out Acacio none can she work to destiny hi now 30 rock kiss you there stop first name like I'm Ned suppose could you use the moon island after law looks he hasn't it almost too easy well it wouldn't have been if the interrogator hadn't known the psychology of the Japanese that in war capture is the ultimate disgrace and means that the prisoner is dead so our job has decided to be as comfortable dead as possible the lieutenant was short and direct in fact all the interrogations you've seen have been direct there's also the indirect method when direct interrogation gets you no place this German pilot brought down over England is in a prison hospital recovering from his wound and this man as good an American as you are is planted here to pose as a fellow prisoner of war the first AIO who tackled this pilot couldn't even get to first base so he decided to use the indirect method through the second a aisle it seems to be working too hospitals are good places in which to share conferences another good place is this this man was told that a contagious disease was floating around and prisoners had to be quarantined for three days he's been kept in a dark room without company or reading matter or entertainment of any kind now he's being let out for exercise worth a few fellow prisoners among them an AI Oh using the indirect method of interrogation after three days of being penned up alone this Italian feels like talking especially to a supposedly disgruntled Nazi who shows contempt for the Nazi cause a few kind words about how badly the Italians have been treated by their German allies and our Italian officer is only too ready to confide in him there is no masquerading here just a convivial evening you think so this is work loosening a prisoners tongue entertaining him with fellow pilots who by prearrangement will soon start boasting about their exploits and experiences and it won't be long before Jerry tries to top them and then this AIO will prove an interested listener hospital quarantine station dinner party these aren't the only locales for indirect interrogation you may dream up a better one every day on all our fighting fronts these manned man contests are taking place the advantage lies with the interrogator but he has to know how to use it every prisoner presents a different problem but Jack or German or Italian all are human underneath our interrogators job is to play upon those weaknesses to dig out the important information of the enemy's situation and capabilities to help make up the complete intelligence picture on this depends every vital action from here to victory you you
Channel: The Best Film Archives
Views: 252,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interrogation, interrogator, how to interrogate, interrogation technique, interrogation method, us interrogation, army interrogation, us army interrogation, military interrogation, police interrogation, interrogation scene, interrogation movie, interrogation film, interrogation video, cia interrogation, intelligence, intelligence gathering, interrogation training, training film, US Army training film, US Army, world war 2, ww2, United States, US, USA, America, American
Id: c_SjWqF1Xc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 26 2014
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