Restoring my Entire Bratz Collection | Episode 1

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so i have a confession to make i haven't really spoke about this a lot on this channel some of you who have been watching since the very beginning will know that i actually started out on youtube with the channel dedicated entirely to brats i'll explain in a minute i have a heck ton of bratz dolls and bratz merchandise hiding in my basement and today i'm going to show you i'm finally moving out and i want to take my collection with me this is gonna be such a big project that this is probably gonna have to be a series of episodes but we're gonna start by going down to my basement and retrieving my entire collection so you're gonna see everything i'm so excited because some of this stuff i haven't seen in years because some of it's been in storage but first a story about why i have this collection so yes as i said brats mean an incredible amount to me i don't think i can even explain how much they have influenced me growing up and how much of a big role they've played in my growing up from the moment i realized what they were when i was seven i started collecting the dolls i watched the first ever movie and i was hooked i was hooked i would replay it and replay it i knew all the words whenever a friend came out i would make them act it out with me i would get my dolls i only had like three bratz dolls we didn't have a lot of money growing up anyway i'll get on to that later but i just adored bratz when i was around 11 i would say this peaked and i truly truly believed that i was the number one fan i did not believe there was any other person in the world that loved them as much as i did to say i was obsessed would be an understatement okay now naturally when you go into teenage hood usually you sort of detach from the things you were interested in as a child but i found that my love and enthusiasm for bratz was just not going away all my other friends were kind of getting more into like teenage stuff makeup more like grown-up stuff and boys and i was still so in love with my dolls the whole bratz franchise it wasn't even just the dolls for me it was the entire bratz franchise it was the first of a movie the the animated series the animated movies the live action movie the albums oh my god the albums uh the annuals the magazine everything that they came out with i loved so wholeheartedly i started to become really insecure because i still loved them so much i felt that i would get teased you know when you like something that's kind of childish at that age of teenage hood you do get teased and it's like it's kind of you know the last thing you want is for people to know that you're into something that's like too young for you so i would hide my collection when uh friends came round i would like keep it a secret the videos that i would make on my youtube channel which i started when i was about 14 i would never show my face and i would never share my name i later did show my facebook later later later on in my teenage years i started to call myself a collector a bratz collector so that kind of enabled me to continue my enthusiasm for them without feeling like i was like a weirdo um because obviously there's there are doll collectors who are adults so i i was just like oh it's okay i'm a doll collector i continued my collection until i was around 19 i continued buying and collecting dolls i was making videos on that channel by this point and i had made my main channel by this point when i turned 20 i went off to university my collection which i used to take so much pride in it would always be on display my dolls were absolutely immaculate i obviously i couldn't take them with me but i always took a selection of dolls as you can see on my windowsill i always have a selection with me but the rest of my collection my mom packaged up and put in the basement around like actually only about a year or two ago so this is like the worst date my collection has ever been in i feel so awful they've just been collecting dust and like i've not really been taking care of them i feel so ashamed because for like over 10 years they've been immaculate this project is going to be restoring every single one of my bratz dolls to their former glory it's going to take a long time so i hope you will enjoy this it's going to be really nostalgic it might get a bit emotional for me because there is a lot of feelings that i've had attached to them so without further ado i'm going to take you down to my basement and we are going to actually there's some in my old room so we're gonna go to my old room retrieve my dolls we're gonna save them starting off in my bedroom i have quite a few here these are actually a lot of my favorite ones but they have literally been sat here for months they are collecting dust they look at the state of them i can't wait to restore them to their former glory which is how they deserve to be displayed okay my old bedroom if you guys have watched since the very beginning you might remember this room there is no window in here so the lighting is terrible but okay so oh god i'm so ashamed i i never i never they have just been in here waiting for me to do something with them actually these a few of these are ones some that i got from a friend who sent them to me and i never even like washed them so we have my true hope here there's a bag of clothes it's a big baby here so we're gonna take these right there's a big box behind here i love their manuals and all the accessories so i'm going to take this okay let's go boys that is all the dolls from here there's some barbies and action man still in there but i'm just doing bratz today so before i go down to the cellar to get the rest of it which is rather a lot i'm gonna give you a little sneak peek in here i feel like i know what's in here but i mean look how much dust is on there this might be one of my favorite boxes because if i remember correctly a couple years ago i actually organized all of their clothes yes i did i love my past self okay i organized everything into bags because i was like right if i'm a collector i need to start like treating my collection seriously yes isabella okay yes okay i even i think i later i labeled them yes i labeled i i put together every outfit and i labeled them i also have the annuals i adored these these were like my bible these were literally my bible i loved the stories that were in them i loved the in the illustrations i wish i had more i only have four years of these my games i adored i absolutely adored the games there's some more oh my god i didn't know i had this in it oh i forgot i had oh no the tape's not in there this in my opinion this was the best movie they ever made i adore i everything about this the animation the storyline is so sweet like it's not got a tape in it though that's i remember the day i bought this i think this is what started my like my love for brad i think i was about seven i've got some of the movies i never had all of the movies um oh my god okay this game i played this game i must have spent so many hours on this game this game like my brother will know because i had to borrow his ps2 to play it i would hassle him so much to play this game and i found that actually the other games they were all very similar so i ended up not really even playing these two as much but i loved that um i had the ds game this one wasn't as good unfortunately oh my gosh the babies movie this as well was one of my favorites i used to watch this i think i must have been 11 i used to watch this over and over i loved it and it's it's different because it was a different type of animation to the later movies it's even still got this on it this oh my gosh okay so i probably you probably won't be able to see it because i've unlisted the video but um i used to make um like my own tv show with the bratz dolls and i remember putting this on it to make a a desk so i would like make a little set my little bratz i think this was a hair salon yeah that was a lot of fun this i loved this was the baby bratz i think they did the baby brats so well they were so like funky and unique i mean all of it was but i've still got lots of the lots of baby brat stuff and oh what is this oh no what is this oh gosh i might have to read this first i genuinely don't know what this is i'm just going to quickly read this because this might be really embarrassing [Music] okay so i wrote a story a bratz story [Applause] [Music] oh this is this is almost quite personal but i guess like i was playing with my brats and if i had like a really good like imaginative like because i would always make like stories like when i would play with them i would pre like i would be like a movie or like an episode like there would be like a big story like it would be like an adventure when i played with them kind of like you know in toy story and i've obviously written down this story that i just made up as i was playing with them at the end it says just another bratz story i will always love you that's cute a little bit cringe but i mean it just goes to show like how much they meant to me i didn't even know that was in there like or how long it's been this is gonna be this is gonna be a deep emotional video for me right so i'm gonna dive into these boxes a little bit more when i actually restore my dolls because i'm gonna have to dig through and find all of their original outfits oh i even tried i made my own stands for them out of wire that was very inventive oh i heart bratz that's really sweet okay guys i'm now making my way down into our basement to the cellar it's a little bit scary down here oh my god scared the life out of me yeah this is not fun [Music] turn the light on quickly is there anyone in here okay good hello this seller goes on forever i've spent the last like couple months actually organizing all my old belongings in the cellar and here is my bratz collection all my dolls are in here oh some other stuff in there that i don't know what i'm gonna do with this because i love this um but it's so big like how am i gonna have room for that and then i kept like a few oh yeah i kept a few of the boxes from some of the newer ones oh my god i need to like talk about that later i'm going to um get all this upstairs oh my god ow it's so dusty this only cost me five pounds i got this like at a boot fair oh my god when i bought this this blew my mind like look how freaking cool this is it has a little like hot tub jacuzzi it has this little chair even has like this little bit where they can drive they've got like a little cupboard it's insane got i think these even open oh my gosh these open there's not like there's nothing in there like it kind of came oh my god on this hat this little dance floor and like this whole thing like goes like this is like i swear brats made the most incredible like playsets that this is so insane i i love this i love this so much i don't know what to do with it though because it was second hand it didn't come with much in it that was just this thing but yeah what do i do with it guys i don't know i'm gonna take all of this upstairs and then i'll be back lots of random stuff in here i actually recently came oh i recently came down here and tried to organize some stuff and anything bratz i found i just threw in this box so this is a big box of random goodies that we can have a look at now we have the creme de la creme the dolls which my mum kindly packaged really well for me ah oh my god so heavy you can kind of see some of them already these have been in here for i don't even know probably a year maybe two because i was at uni at the time oh hey guys oh my god i feel emotional already oh my god is that mold don't i don't know what that is no no no no no no he's going mouldy guys though this is bad oh my god i honestly thought they would be okay because they're in plastic boxes and i was literally just about to say how well they were packaged but i'm so ashamed of myself no no guys he's moldy he's moldy i'm why is it only some of them like all of these are fine it's just some of them are like a bit moldy okay well hopefully because my mum put this over them to try and protect them to protect like their faces and stuff so they wouldn't get oh look how gorgeous she is yeah so they wouldn't get like marks on their faces which i really appreciated but sometimes because these are like a strange material they seem to have just molded she put them in these plastic boxes so they wouldn't get moldy but we we have like a damp problem oh you know what okay it's okay guys it's a good thing i'm doing this now because otherwise it could be worse right i'm gonna take these upstairs kia get away from here she likes to pee right there and i usually have to clean it up that is it i've done quite a few trips up and down not gonna lie got a little scared in the cellar towards the end so i kind of scarfed up the stairs with the last bits and bobs i think the majority of my dolls are in this box oh how do i do this because obviously i'm gonna have to repackage them when i go so let's get all these little babies okay i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna do a quick quality check and i'm going to quickly check if any of the other dolls have any mold damage or any kind of damage at all it's so random this little doll just so let's have a look i think it oh you know what it looks as though they're all right they look fresh and clean oh my god i'm so happy to see these guys i literally haven't seen them in so long just taking a little moment to take it in i don't really know where to start oh no her legs seem a little i guess like moldy or just dusty i don't really know oh no oh i just seem to just be getting all my boys he's gorgeous but look oh no it's okay we're gonna get you cleaned up okay are we all okay the girls that were right next to him are absolutely fine if i don't know what has happened but okay okay so obviously there was like the top layer now another layer underneath oh my gosh yes yes yes and another layer over there love it ah i'm really glad she packaged them like so that their faces weren't like all on each other's faces lovely what am i gonna do with my big baby sasha like she takes up so much space i don't know what i can do with her like either i've had to take her hair out so what i'm gonna do now is get them all out one by one and just check them over and see which ones i need to clean first i really thought that they were gonna be okay but i guess that's a lesson to you even if you're putting something in a plastic box if it's in a place where there's damp they're probably going to get a bit of damage but you know what it could've been worse finally it seems to be the dolls that i played with the most because i think dirt and like grease and oils from your hands i know it's gross but i think they attract mold first so the older dolls seem to have more damage this is one of my new ones she's actually fine it's just her boots seem to have discoloration these boots were like untouched but now they're just kind of discolored and that they just look a bit weird that is particularly bad and he was like on the bottom layer most of them are okay but if i noticed any kind of like powderiness on their face i'm just going to give them all a wipe to be honest just the ones that have mold on them because it's just going to take so long and i know that i'm going to wash them all properly soon i don't know how but i will find a [Music] way [Music] i'm not gonna lie i'm feeling a little overwhelmed um just because i'm not really sure where to start with all this i've cleaned any traces of mold off of some of my older dolls i think i'm gonna actually make a star on fixing some of these guys up because it actually makes me a little bit sad to just see like the state of some of them like my movie star chloe look at her hair like i do not remember her hair being like this like it's so dull and like it just feels weird i don't know i just i remember her hair used to be so nice the clothing episode will have to come somewhere in the middle of this whole craziness oh gosh i just do not know like where to even start i'm also a little annoyed because like some of their like this is a one of the new dolls her hair is kind of like where she's been sat in the box i'm gonna have to wash all their hair all their bodies restyle their hair redress them i think i'm going to have to wash them their clothes because this jade this is the first ever jade i had her top is filthy they just kind of look a bit dirty some of the clothes so i'm going to have to do a wash wash them the clothes their actual skin is dirty like there's so much work to do on these holes there's so many and there's more up there there are two more boxes that i have not yet looked in i kind of vaguely know which is in both of them but i know there'll be a few surprises in there i'm gonna save these two boxes for the next episode right my battery is about to die which is telling me that i probably need to end this video here by the end of this series i will have moved out so i will be in my new home you're gonna see the whole setup i'm going to create like a proper um presentation for them presentation what am i even on about present them properly in my new place by the end of this series you will see them all in their absolute pristine glory i can guarantee it if you want to see what's in the other two boxes and if you want to watch me scrub up a few of these dolls please watch the next episode thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next one [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 319,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bratz, bratz dolls, bratz collection, the bratz nerd, bratz fashion, bratz 2000s, bratz lookbook, bratz makeup, barbie, doll collection
Id: Ak0M5hRImWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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