Restoring my Entire Bratz Collection | THE FINAL EPISODE

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hello and welcome to the final episode of the bratz collection restoration series and yes this really is the final one we will be doing all of the final touch-ups to transform the last few dolls in need of help and most importantly we have two chloe's without heads which we need to figure out how to mend and then we will finally get to the grand finale the doll parade so sit back and enjoy the final episode hello and welcome back today i am going to attempt to fix my first edition chloe's broken head which broke in the last episode and i also i'm gonna attempt to fix my big chloe's head as well i think i'm gonna have to go to the shop and buy some super glue so that's what i'm gonna do first okay i'm ready to go so i thought i would show the outfit today oh that mirror is dusty kind of giving like an aesthetic so i've got my plaid trousers star chunk converse i think that's what they're called star hikes and then i've got this little purple slinky top my ridiculously expensive jacket that i'm forcing myself to wear because i don't wear enough my little purse i've got a bit of red theme going on this is just a little chain necklace that i sometimes wear i'm usually wearing my tiffany and now we're gonna go and shop for some super glue because we are gonna fix some babies today [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i found the one that i'm gonna need okay i'm back from the shop and i have everything i need laid out here is the operation table i've got the super glue which i'm going to need later on i've just got these two dolls which i've taken off their heads just so i can see the mechanics and just have a reference it's looking pretty complicated because i've somehow got to get this ah do not lose it whatever you do yeah i've got to get this little piece in there somehow and it's snapped off so i'm gonna have to like try and super glue it okay so first things first i'm gonna need to get the hook out from her head and that's gonna be pretty difficult because her head hole is tiny a really helpful youtuber that i watch is a thousand splendid dolls they have two sisters and they just fix dolls all the time and i love it and they showed that putting the doll head in boiling water softens the plastic and then you can get like some tweezers in there and get out what you need so i've got some very pointy tweezers i'm just gonna hold her head in there look at all the air bubbles coming out she's already like softened up a lot so oh my god i still this is gonna be so difficult oh i almost had it oh no some black stuff coming out see it there oh i've got it i've got it wait no i haven't oh man this is going to take a while i think this black stuff is coming off the tweezers oh my god i've got it come on oh man what am i gonna do i'm just gonna have to keep at this all day long i've got it but i can't pull it out because these tweezers are so weak i feel like if i thread some string through the little loop no oh my god this is so hard right plan b i've got the needle through the loop i've now got to find a way of getting it through so that i can thread it with the thread and then pull it on out but i think it's going to be a little fiddly so i'll be back oh my god guys oh my god look i've got it with the pin i can't believe i can't believe i've almost got it i don't want to lose i don't want to lose it oh i got it ah quick get the needle through thread that bit oh my god i've got it i can't believe it i've got it right now what do i do oh man now what do i do how do i get it out now oh come on i don't want to break the hooks but her head seems pretty soft now so i'm gonna grab it with the gloves i'm gonna go for it ready guys oh we did it we did it [Music] i got it out i'm so happy look it's so much different than i was expecting it to look i guess because this is the first oh edition so pleased now we move on to the next challenge as you can see this would usually fit into the head like this but without this little piece it's gonna be really wobbly i've seen some people fix this problem by putting a rubber band around here but i want to attempt to reattach this little piece this little piece goes through here and then inside the neck it's like glued on so that it doesn't move but i have to try and somehow glue this little piece with this looped through back into her neck and you can even see where it snapped off from inside her neck i don't really want to get gorilla glue all over her body or like all over my fingers and my beautiful nails i have just reattached it i haven't glued it i just put it in with the little piece through the loop as i showed you but it's you know it's obviously still wobbly i'm really worried because you can maybe just about see there's a little crack in her neck with the naked eye i can see this is starting to crack and i don't want the plastic to actually break like if an actual neck breaks like then i'm in trouble i think i'm gonna go ahead with the rubber band idea this doll is 20 years old so i've got to be careful with her so the only rubber bands i have are these super cheap ones these i got from boots and i've been using these on my dolls to redo their hair throughout this whole series and they've already started cracking okay it's only been a few months some of them are going white and cracking i'll show you on my one of my dolls but i did pick up a really good tip from another youtuber to use the rubber bands that you get when you have braces because apparently they're really really super durable so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna order some of those also little secret top secret i am getting braces soon i probably will have them by the time you see this video i'm going to stop there and then i will continue later on in the video so now i'm going to move on to my big chloe i'm going to just loosen up her head her head is kind of a different scenario and because so much of it's broken i think i'm just going to have to super glue it back on okay that is much better okay let's oh my god it's really malleable now okay so there we go there's like nothing for it to like no mechanism nothing for it to hold on to so i'm not like i don't know how it's gonna stay oh my god now that's breaking i just wrapped some rubber bands around and it's actually making her head stay up i was actually really lucky i volunteered in a charity shop yesterday and i ended up collecting all these rubber bands from like these old ties and i've never needed rubber bands ever i've thought to myself i should keep these i bet you all need these and then i thought nah i've never needed rubber bands so i threw them in the bin yesterday and i've literally just gone and got them out the bin and washed them that always happens when you like think you won't need something like you suddenly need it and it's always once you've got rid of it that you need it isn't that so annoying and we're going to put it back on and see if it will just stay with the rubber bands on oh no it's not gonna work look okay so this is gonna seem really messy but it's the best i can come up with i'm gonna glue all around here onto these rubber bands so that it has something to like seep into and glue into and then i'm just gonna stick her head on and hope for the best see with the rubber bands the glue kind of has something to seep into oh my god i used like almost the whole bottle moment of truth this might be a little messy whoa tried to wipe the glue off in the hot water obviously that was not gonna work and it like hardened it was a little bit messy and you can't see because of the lighting but i don't want to move her i'm just going to leave her to dry and hope for the best okay so it has been quite a few weeks you can tell because my nails are growing out need to get them taken off really bad but anyway i actually have had quite a few different types of elastic bands turn up by accident didn't mean to buy this many but hey ho so we've got the elastic bands for the braces so these should be a lot more durable i took some footage of attempting to mend her for the second time and i lost the sd card so i'm gonna have to explain what i did but i did put this little piece back in stuck it in and i put two two new bands around uh the head so it kind of gave it a little bit of stability i did put her head back on but her head just came off again with like the lightest pull so this needs to be glued into her neck in order for it to stay so today's task is to attempt to glue this little piece through the hole again and glue it into her neck which i did not do last time and i'm just bricking it because i don't want to get glue all over her like i did with my big chloe maybe if i put some bands in there it will stop the glue from falling all the way down i'm just like stuffing it with plastic bands okay i've now stuffed her neck with elastic bands so that when i put some glue in there it's not going to drip all the way down into her body oh i'm nervous to do this okay i've glued all of the inside oh my god i did it i did it i did it i didn't think about the elastic bands maybe i should try and take them off i probably should have taken those off because now the glue is going to dry onto those might be able to take them off quickly before it dries completely i've managed to take the elastic bands off i will put them back on once she's dried i just didn't want the elastic bands to dry with the glue all over them i'm going to leave her like this to dry fully for 24 hours and then i'm going to come back tomorrow and attempt to put her head back on it's the next day and so her neck piece has dried now it's very sturdy i can't move it i don't want to touch it too much i'm going to put some elastic bands around it see pushing it back on because it's a bigger hook like you have to put quite a lot of force and i didn't want it to snap where i'd re-glued it so that's why i've put the rubber bands around it to kind of like absorb some of the pressure i should heat up her head shouldn't i yeah okay i am soaking chloe's head in some boiling hot water and hopefully hopefully her head will go on smoothly and it will just be perfectly fine let's do this get the water out oh my god oh my god oh my god she's fixed i don't believe it i fixed her i fixed that she's fine she's fine look her head is not wobbly i can still move it left and right up and down oh my god she's fixed i'm so happy it worked it actually worked well there you go you saw it here if this ever happens to you do what i did come back to this video and ah she is complete she's done okay i'm just gonna let her hair dry she's gotten a little bit wet maybe i should give her a little boil wash while we're here i've got this boiling hot water here so i may as well give her a little boil wash even though she's had like three oh i'm so happy i'm gonna leave chloe here to dry i've just combed out her hair with a little comb and then she will be ready to get dressed okay so i've sat down to do some touch-ups on some of the hair as you can see sometimes when your dolls get really old if your dolls have been through a lot of wear and tear sometimes their hair starts to snap and you get these little sort of baby hairs at the top which can just make it look a bit frizzy and messy and just a little bit worse for wear a tip that i picked up again from a thousand splendid dolls is literally to just cut these off as close to the doll head as possible then it just looks like they were never there that's what we're gonna do with this chloe for example my sweet dreams chloe i also have a few other dolls that need this doing as well but so i'm just gonna literally start cutting them without like cutting any of the long strands [Music] okay so now she's done this her after and you can see it just looks so much cleaner her hair actually looks shinier as well i'm gonna go in and do the same with my step out chloe i love this step out chloe she was played with a lot this was my first ever chloe she is an og in my collection [Music] so a few of my dolls and their clothes and accessories have been looking a little worse for wear so i wanted to do some touch-up and repairs next so here i have some of the dolls that need some help i've been meaning to redo phoebe's fringe for so long it's always kind of been in her eyes and i just wanted to find a way to re-curl it i've got a similar problem with my pretty impact yasmine her hair is just in her eyes so you can't see her pretty face also while i sat down to do this i noticed this weird speckling residue on yasmin's face which really worried me it looks quite similar to the residue i found on my bratz babies and it seems to scrape off when i scrape it i don't think it's soap residue i think it's something to do with the plastic and like the water when i washed them i don't know but i i did notice it on some of my other dolls as well so i'm gonna have to go back through and clean some of their faces again so for this idea i had a metal straw would have been perfect but i did not have one so i found an old makeup brush it's kind of metally and i just put it in some boiling hot water and i figured i would just roll her hair around it and sort of clip it into place with a clip through the hole because it's like a hollow brush it was really fiddly and in the end it wasn't hollow enough so i had to change my plan so in the end i thought i'd try a biro pen tube which ended up working a lot better because i could put the clip all the way down the tube and it was just the right size as well so i got all her hair down to the end got it in place with the clip and then rolled it up and then what i did to heat the hair was i soaked a cotton bud in some boiling hot water and just pressed it on her hair and just saturated her hair with a very hot water the water had been sat there for a while that's why it's not burning my fingers and then i did the same with yasmine but i found that a bobby pin worked so much better than the metal clip i was using before and i just did the same thing i pulled it all the way to the end got it in there as best i could and then rolled it up and wet it i gave the hair a brush beforehand as well i found that as long as i didn't move them the pen actually stayed in place so i just left them overnight to completely dry and we will see how it came out later on in the video i have been wanting to repaint phoebe's shoes for the longest time they're my favorite bratz shoes that i own but it's so sad to see how chipped they are so just by chance i thought i would try some sharpie and i started off with just a small little patch at the back and i was pleasantly surprised with how well it blended in like you could not even see that i had painted it with sharpie so i started doing a little bit more and a little bit more oh my god i can't believe how well that has worked like you literally cannot even tell any difference to think for years i've been thinking of using just a black nail polish but worried that it would make them too shiny oh my god who knew a sharpie would just do the trick so well so next we have my cheerleader sasha's top which all the paint detail on the front and the back has come off so i've been meaning to repaint it on for a while and i figured nail polish would be the best bet it's meant to have little dots all the way around in this kind of silver color so what i did was i got a dotting tool for nail art and i just dotted on some white nail polish first as a base it was a little bit fiddly because the fibers kind of got in the way and made it a bit messy so i just got had some tweezers on hand to pull off any fibers that were getting all over the place and i kind of just eyeballed where the dots should be and it worked pretty well so here you can see this is all the dots done i did two coats of the white and then i went over with some sparkly silver because the original little dots are like a sparkly silver color and then i'll leave that overnight to completely dry and see how it looks in the morning next i wanted to fix some of my dull staining so this dana has a bit of a blue nose which you can't really see very well on camera and also my space angels yasmine has like a mark under her eye so i figured i would try using some nail polish remover to remove this um which i quite often do just to very carefully remove stains and marks from uh my dolls but it would not budge this blue on her nose would not budge the mark under yasmin's eye was also not budging i rubbed it really hard like without you know damaging her actual makeup and it would not come off so if anyone has any advice on how to remove stains like this please let me know because i don't know how else to get them off okay it's the next day and we're gonna see how it turned out oh my god it worked look at the curl she actually looks so cute this is like how i used to style my bangs i still kind of do style my fringe like this i'm just gonna give it a little little brush how cute is that i'm so happy it worked i thought it was gonna be way too curly let's see how jasmine's turned out take this off oh it's left a bit of a crimp but oh damn oh my goodness it used to go to the side it's kind of going in the middle now but oh my gosh love it i love it look you can now see her eyes and a bit of her eyebrow so we're gonna put phoebe's brand new shoes on oh my goodness wow she's got fresh shoes phoebe finally has fresh black heels i love them her top and her um coat are a little dirty but i think i'm gonna have to clean those another time because i just want to get this series finished this episode finished she's at a place where i'm happy with her so she's technically finished now the one problem with phoebe and with a lot of my dolls is they do have lip marks i've like come to not notice them because i've just had her so long i just don't notice it but obviously her lips are like proper screwed up i don't really want to paint over her lips i wouldn't want to ruin her lips i've painted over lips with nail polish in the past it's come out all right but it's quite a scary process if it goes wrong it's either paint over them or just leave them and i prefer to leave them i don't mind it i i still think she's absolutely gorgeous she's still my favorite doll of all time her hair oh it's just it's perfect i've had this doll since i was seven years old and she's bloody just perfect i love her so much i love look at her belt like come on man this little change she's everything and finally we have sasha whose top has dried i'm so glad with how it came out look it looks so good like you literally can hardly tell that i've drawn these on like obviously these two were the original and the rest are drawn there's only one that looks a little bit oblong but you can't really notice it i've painted them obviously all the way around and there we have it good as new you would literally of not been able to tell doesn't she look so good i love her so much this sasha originally comes with her hair in bunches i actually love how her hair looks down i think this sasha looks so gorgeous i love her eye makeup she's got good quality hair it's in really good condition and i love how it looks down i'm gonna leave it down because i think she looks freaking fierce here's my passion for fashion aubry and as you can see she's always looked a little bit worse for wear her hair is always in her face and her glasses paint has kind of chipped off in the middle which makes her look a little nerdy but that's okay we love nerds i am the brats nerd after all so anyway i decided to just use the same sharpie method and draw over it and it worked a charm they looked good as new i also decided to give her a little hairstyle just to pull her hair back out of her face one of her socks was quite badly stained i washed it with some washing up liquid it's kind of come out you can still see it's a bit darker than the other one but it does look a lot better she does have like a pink stain up here i'm not really sure how to get that out but it's just from the the red thread and ribbon uh it's something that happens with doll clothes they just get stained so i probably can't do much about that but it's okay it's not too noticeable and finally we have formal funk jade and i put her hair in this band months ago she really didn't need that long but anyway it did work a charm and it definitely tamed her fringe and it's now like sort of going in the right direction um but it just still looked a little bit odd and it was still too short to put in a little band which i did try before and it just looked really odd i didn't like how it looked i figured i would put a little clip in her hair which looks really really cute i just found this in my archive of bratz accessories i can't remember who it belongs to but it matched her makeup perfectly and it looks so so cute so that is how she is going to be so i'm very pleased with how her hair turned out [Music] so here we have chloe all finished i'm so happy with how she turned out her head looks like she just looks completely different with her head in its proper position i don't think i'm gonna get much further with her hair she's had so many boil washes and this is as good as it can get but you know what i have puffy hair chloe has puffy hair it's cool we live with it so i've just given her some cute little diamonte hair clips i actually kind of like her hair like this like it's it's just looks more tame and it's just kind of pretty like look at it shine she's so gorgeous so i am in the final processes of just getting them like cleaned up for the final footage of them like all finished not all of them are perfect because it's literally it's just taking too long i've tried my best to make them look like as good as possible oh no i just kneeled in the gel with my big knee okay throw that in the wash anyway i'm snipping off any like loose little ends on their clothing like here you can see i'll snip that off i did iron some of their pleats with the iron it didn't work very well though i tried to iron out these but anyway i did as best i could so now i'm just sort of doing the final touch-ups [Music] we made it we've made it we have made it to the end every single one of my bratz dolls are finished as of right now and they are all on display and i can't wait to show you so i have made a special little video of every single one of my dolls i've also put in a few before and after photos and some footage at the end of my entire display so this little finale video is a tribute to my collection it's a tribute to bratz and this video is dedicated to calling my cat he's been my best friend for most of my life and he sadly passed away a couple months ago he came into my life around the same time that my obsession for bratz started so he's kind of been there throughout my whole journey with bratz and um i loved colin more than i could ever explain i stayed with him to the very very end was hardest thing i've ever done but he's in a better place now and um i'm very happy that i finally finished this series he's also been kind of part of the process um he would come and sit with me when i was brushing my doll's hair i am super happy because my mum brought colin to visit i had no idea she was bringing him when i saw him at the doorstep i burst into tears yes i love you i love you very much and um he would always be around whenever i was playing with them as a kid he would always come and sit with me whilst i was playing with them and trample all over my sets that i would make so this video is for you colin i love you i miss you i want to thank everyone who has been so patient waiting for new episodes to come out and for everyone that has been watching along with this series everyone that has been watching my bratz videos from the very very beginning on my old the bratzner channel thank you so much for coming back and watching this series it means an incredible amount to me with all that being said that's going to be it from me for this series and i hope you enjoy this finale [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] to [Music] you cry yourself to sleep and you are colder but you're colder if only you could see don't you know that your view would have fallen just the way you are just the way you came don't you know that you're beautiful [Music] just the way we are don't let them sell you all of their dirt it all will come back once the table [Music] set is sails on high and you're stronger much stronger than they will ever be don't you know that you [Music] [Applause] [Music] no matter what [Music] [Music] [Music] as you are just the way you are keep on shining you're perfect as you are just just the way you are just [Music] [Music] just the way we are just the way [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i don't cross my teeth i don't dump my eyes i won't say pretty please speaking little white just get down that you can change [Applause] [Music] also [Music] [Music] i [Music] so oh is [Applause] [Music] soul [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 174,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz collection, bratz transformation, bratz, bratz dolls, restoring bratz, fixing bratz, doll restoration, bratz restoration, bratz fandom
Id: dO6k3jftH1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 45sec (2925 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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