Restoring My Entire Bratz Collection | Episode 5

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thank you squarespace for sponsoring this video this is a disaster oh no yes i am watching brett's story and styling at one in the morning what are you gonna do look at that you seen that so good that is absolutely nuts [Music] welcome back we are ready to start episode 5 of the bratz restoration series i am so sorry that it's taken so long but i know you don't want to hear apologies so let's get on with it i wanted to show you what we have going on so as you can see most of my dolls are on display and pretty much almost almost finished there's most of them are like completely done there's some of them that still don't have their original hairstyles katya has fallen over i also have some more of my dolls up here as some of you will have noticed in like some of my videos and stuff um they are on display i didn't want to show in too much detail yet because i wanted that to kind of be in the finale um but i'll just show you can see briefly what we have going on up here i love the setup but i will show in more detail all those shelves later on so today i wanted to focus on some of the dolls so this is actually my newest doll this is sasha if anybody watched my charity shop haul i will put a little card up in the corner where you can watch yeah i found sasha for four pounds in a british heart foundation charity shop um i was so psyched because she's kind of rare for the genie magic dolls at least someone told me that and then i looked for her online and there was like no genie magic sasha's for sale so her hair is crazy like her hair is on another level of like done so i am gonna attempt to get through her hair with a brush and wash it and wash her i'm also going to head upstairs because i have a few more dolls in um a box that i've just been neglecting because they didn't fit in my cabinet so i just kind of i didn't know what to do with them so anyway they're under my bed so let's have a look here they are so this is pretty much all that's left of the dolls that i just didn't get round to doing honestly guys i got a little bit burnt out with it i think it was just such a big project and there was so many dolls over did it slightly uh and then i had to take like longer and longer breaks in between each episode because i just didn't feel like doing it but i'm ready now so big baby katya who i just realized this is katya we have chloe i'm going to sort her out try and sort her out today and then these two i was detangling their hair i kind of gave up these these two are just random ones that um a family friend gave me so we'll see what we can do with those two i have a double of dylan so we have him here and that's pretty much it we have my t-shirt did i show this i feel like i did but um i made this when i was like 11 at like this holiday park the guy printing out the t-shirts did not tell me that i'd obviously supposed to put first not thirth but yeah this was the t-shirt i made it tiny weenie if you look really close there's like some keys there i don't know why i had a fascination with keys i thought they were really cool my name go brats i think that's so freaking cute and i want to keep it so i shall keep it in here and then i've got like some posters and stuff i'm not sure what to do and all of this is not even rat stuff like oh and i forgot a little tiny dylan we'll have to do something with him this is all just like arts and crafts stuff newer bratz stuff in there and there's this little guy yeah that's it oh i've run out of little hair bands i've got to find as many as i can because i don't know how i'm gonna get through all their hair now we've got these out let's go start figuring out what we're gonna do i made myself a cup of tea and i am about to watch a couple episodes of bratz whilst i get through some of these dolls hair i didn't actually know who this was i got her in like an old like junk shop she's absolutely stunning but i didn't actually know who she was so i looked her up today and yes it's katia i'm just gonna wear it where's the oh here it is my comb i've got my comb at the ready i'm also gonna use my hair brush and i've got some like leave-in conditioner that i don't really use because i have so many hair products so i thought if it gets really tangly i'll just use a bit of this because she's absolutely like look at her she's getting a bald spot she's like there's bits of like random crap in there like look at it it's so bad poor girl wish me luck because i'm ready to ask that girl out we don't think so makeover okay so i'm almost done she has had so many of these tiny little braids throughout her hair that i've been trying to like undo this is her hair all brushed out it doesn't look a whole lot different but i have managed to get a lot of the knots out i think i've got enough arm strength and energy to now move on to my giant chloe i put it in this ponytail years ago and now it's been flattened because she's been laying in a box for so many years is her hair i don't know what i was like what she doesn't even look good with these two bits like dangling down oh my god i'm going to shake it out i don't even know if i can brush this like it's thick thick matted just chunks like it's frazzled completely frazzled oh my god this is this no this will take forever oh my god it's like literally i ended up finding my soft bristle detangling brush much easier and quicker for her hair okay she's done look how big her hair is long bits and short bits because i also got her second hand like many years ago when i was like 15. um so i think i'm gonna shampoo it put it in some boiling hot water and try and like boil wash it until it's straight so we'll see what happens with this poof [Music] so the next two minutes is just me washing the doll's hair i decided to leave this footage in for the people who find it satisfying to watch and so you can see exactly how i wash them i'm gonna leave her hair to soak with the conditioner in so [Applause] so okay dollies time to dry their hair i'm finally getting somewhere with this hair check it out tangle free it's really thin because she originally has a ponytail so like she's like pretty much bald at the back but i managed to sort out the front of her hair i just redid her potting because it was literally she looked like she was bald under here how cute is she look at her cute little long straight hair okay i have put them all on the windowsill standing up because their hair is so long and they will dry hopefully from the daylight and sunshine i think that's going to be it for today because my finger look at my fingers from like washing them usually i have gloves and also i cut my finger on my tripod okay guys i have been seriously inspired so i am currently creating my new website with squarespace you probably know already that squarespace is a website creating service where you can easily create your very own website for whatever you want you can make a website for business to showcase your work for a blog you can open a shop you could literally make a website about anything you're passionate about so i'm creating mine to share what i've learned about my passions so you'll see all about my hair journey on here and i'm also planning to make a bratz page so please do let me know what sort of thing you'd like to see on my bratz page squarespace makes it really easy to embed youtube videos so i'm probably going to put my entire restoration series on there maybe a little bit about my collection but please let me know what kind of bratz stuff you'd like to see on this page the great thing about squarespace is that they make the design element super easy even if you're not artistically inclined the templates they provide and the way it's automatically laid out makes everything look super sleek and professional with very minimal effort it will even automatically adjust for mobile view so your website will look great on any device if you want to keep it really simple they have preset color palettes and font groups that all look great together or you can upload a photo and it can create a color palette from the photo which i think is super cool and of course if you want to get more detailed you can choose your own colors and fonts so this is my website so far and as you can see i've added my logo i've added my social media links i've got a few different pages for my different types of information i've uploaded some pictures i've been able to put some youtube videos in there which was super easy and really useful for me especially so if you want to play around creating your own website head to for a two week free trial and if you want to go ahead with your website make sure to take advantage of my 10 off code isabella demarco or just click the link in the description thank you so much squarespace for sponsoring this video good morning it's the next day and i'm gonna take a look at the dolls i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure her hair is dry now look at it oh my goodness oh my goodness it's so nice it almost looks like real hair you got a whole head of hair girl she looks amazing i'm so glad i finally sorted her hair out so it looks pretty good there is not too much conditioner residue let's just check the others i try to rinse it as thoroughly as possible look at this hair it looks so much better already i mean it's not complete i think i may even boil wash it but i'll just have to redo her little twizzle braids and then as for my giant chloe i kind of left her in the bathroom and so her hair's still kind of wet but we're going to boil it today and see what we can do it's like literally just like fluff it's like a sponge basically we'll see if we can help you girl i might try and boil wash this girl's hair because as you can see it's kind of like crimped where it's been in a style managed to identify her and i've now forgotten who she is again i'm pretty sure it's princess it's one of the princess ones okay i'm currently in my kitchen and i really even though i've tried to brush through this it's like impossible to get it completely tangle free so i think i'm going to add a little bit of conditioner and then dunk it just so and then just continue to try and brush it i'm gonna wear some gloves because my fingers get real crusty i'm gonna focus it on the ends look at that are you seeing that so here i have a pan of boiling hot water oh i don't know if i'm gonna have enough i might need to boil some more anyway we are going to dip it the gloves also help from burning my hands whoa it's way easier to brush through so here i let it soak and then i'm dunking the hair and detangling it as i go and then i leave it to soak in the boiling water for at least a few minutes and i thought i may as well do a few other dolls while i'm at it so here it's the same process of soaking and detangling i'm never gonna take everyone before [Music] hello hello hello hello i've just got back from the gym it is the third day of this episode and i am going to have a look at the dolls today it kind of looks as though their hair is still wet but i think it's just i don't know i feel like when i shake it out oh my god oh my god look at that slinky hair it's weird because it's like you've got to like shake it out and then it goes normal but it looked like it was wet anyway look at how that boil wash just worked wonders on this gorgeous hair for example this is sasha's hair we'll try and do this without with using one hand and a voila give it a shake and oh my goodness oh my damn oh my goodness we're going ham she looks so good i was worried about this sasha because obviously her hair had been up for a long time so when like dole hair has been up it like all goes backward and like gets crimps in it but now look how pretty i got her second hand i think someone obviously cut her hair but she's absolutely gorgeous i love this sasha there's still a little bit of waviness but it's fine i can deal with it oh my god her hair is so so soft and so pretty and here's genie magic sasha super soft super gorgeous what an improvement from how she was when i got her lovely and this is how giant chloe's hair has turned out it's not bad it's still like quite tangled because obviously the bottom is like literally feels like straw but one improvement from how she looked before i'm not sure if i should trim off these kind of really frazzled bits because her hair's quite short as it is i prefer chloe with longer hair i don't know i'll have to think about it feels awful still but it does look a lot better so i suppose that's all that matters oh my goodness she's like a new woman fiona a friend of mine gave her to me she cut off some of her hair but it's fine she's still really cool i'm most impressed with this hair i think it's princess chloe the princess dolls all had really nice hair i've got princess jade and she has like the best hair that i've had seen on a bratz doll like one of the best hair okay my brother just sent me a ton of voice messages i'm sure he won't mind me sharing this one with you but for all my bratz fans out there i'm sure you will recognize this um gucci use fabric and scissors yes thank you yes i am watching brat starring and styling at one in the morning what are you gonna do [Laughter] steadiest with a smile so strong any girl is sure to her what is he doing chloe sasha yasmin j who's that mr melvin's quarter the principal with principles can't believe how much i remember about time this paper has been crying out for a gossip card oh god i don't know if anyone's finding this as funny as i am but obviously like i used to always have the bra star and styling movie on as a kid and like my brother just remembers it just as well as i do eyebrow salad i know it's just eyeball salad this day was fine until we had a car accident look i've liked you since you walked into the juice bar that summer and corrected my spelling of pomegranate i'm sorry i had some wine the antagonist in the in the bratz cgi series the voice actress voices beatrice horsemen in bojack okay so listen to this voice acting with burdeen maxwell in mind do you think you want this but you don't okay fast forward this is me editing this right now so i ended up putting the bojack horseman scene that my brother just sent me under some footage from the bratz rock angels movie and it fit so perfectly was actually crazy but first if you haven't seen the movie before i want to play you the original scene then watch the scene with the bojack audio and you will see what i mean what is that [Music] carbs what are you trying to do kill me make me fat i don't need greens but spare me your excuses you are fired hear me fired and not only will you never ever work at this magazine again you will never ever work at any magazine am i making myself quite clear i sent a video to my brother of my reaction when i just made it louie something crazy has just happened i put some birdie maxwell footage over the voice note that you sent me and it matches perfectly just watch hold on hold on right you think you want this but you don't not like this don't throw away your dreams for this child don't let that man poison your life the way he did mine you are going to finish your schooling and become a nurse to meet a man a good man and you'll have a family but please believe me you don't want this please henrietta you have to believe me please don't do what i did that is not that is absolutely nuts i made one small edit where i just like timed it so that she would react to her fist going on the table but look this is the whole scene none of it is cut and it fits perfectly i did actually end up making a meme video i will put it up here if you want to watch it it's just stupid but it's funny okay so me and katya have been sat on the floor trying to find her some clothes and it is so hard i haven't been able to find any bratz big baby clothes there's literally i've looked on facebook marketplace on spock on gumtree like all the apps that i use i've looked on ebay the only one i could find was jade's outfit and i already have jade in that outfit i kind of wouldn't really want her to be wearing the same one so i don't know what to do with my gorgeous cat yeah if anybody is selling some big babies clothes or finds a link just let me know in the description because i'll probably still be searching by the time you see this video i mean the comments for now she's gonna have to put her big orange bloomers back on but it's okay they're kind of cute so this is her in her bloomers which is what i bought her in obviously they're not rats they're probably from like another doll but they are kind of cute like i feel like they kind of suit her so i think i'll keep her in those for now because i honestly don't have anything else i can put on her unless i make something at least she's looking so much prettier and happier now i just got done doing chloe and i broke her the small dolls oh my god did i just fix it did i just make it worse her head has always been kind of wobbly and it always tilts back like it's never been straight it's always been slightly back and i tried to just push it forward a bit and like now it's like fully like look her head is like not right her neck is just gone i know how to remove normal braxton's heads but i don't know if it's the same mechanism inside so honestly right now i don't know what to do i'm so upset you can see this little bit of plastic it looks like it's broken what i was going to say was that uh she is complete pretty much um this is her outfit she came with gold sparkly leggings but i thought he looked really ugly so i think she looks better just like this and um the only thing that i'm worried about is that her dress is starting to crack it's kind of this very cheap sort of faux leather material and over the years it just starts to crack so uh there's not really much you can do about that i don't think so i'm just gonna have to be really gentle with her and hope that she ages fairly well but this dress in like 10 15 years will be just crumbling apart basically but that's what happens when you uh make dolls with cheap materials anyways i think i'm going to leave her for now because i'm not really sure how to fix her head yeah if anyone knows please let me know but the show must go on so with only a week to go i decided to start working on the most dreaded part of the project which was the display case okay so i've just got done measuring up my cabinet this is the perfect perfect cabinet my mum got this from like a junk shop many years ago for me and it's perfect with the glass it means that my dolls don't get dusty dust is a huge problem with dolls don't even get me started so i love it but yeah it's just so dark like you can barely see them like you can't really see them very well and it's just kind of dark and i kind of prefer like very light furniture and like white and stuff it's vintage so i'm not sure whether i should paint it also it will be really tricky because i actually can't get this glass out of here i was considering painting it but i honestly just don't think it's gonna be very easy also to get in here and sand like every little crevice and then paint over it with a primer and then a color i just don't want the egg so i thought i would get some like um really thick card oh hello darkness my old friend i thought i would get some card and then just kind of blue tack it to the back or stick it to the back inside so i'm literally just gonna go to my art supplies shop in town that i can walk to and i'm just gonna buy some big bits of card and see what i can do with them i also don't have any like cutters so i'm just gonna have to use scissors so i'm just gonna have to hope this goes all right these are like the remaining dolls that need their hair done so we're really getting close to the end i'm going to leave now i thought i'd show you my outfit we are wearing my wonderful bratz top and this bratz thing underneath and these little tracky bottoms which i actually got from a charity shop like two days ago we're having a very pink day i got these little tiny glasses um in a charity shop yesterday put on my white coat my off-white hat and i've got my little angel bag this is not even bratz but how similar is this angel writing to like the actual bratz angel like it's crazy i love it so this really reminded me of chloe so i had to buy it it was like 20 quid from d pop but it's the cutest so i'm gonna put on my white converse and then we're good to go there were so many different types of card and they were all pretty expensive i also had to consider whether i could cut it easily and how well it would hold up so i had a pretty hard time finding something suitable i don't know which one to get so i just picked the cheapest i could find and hoped for the best i'm back i got some card i managed to find this type of card it's called environment environmental card it was only 295 it was the cheapest one they had the other ones were like five pounds so i've bought six pieces of this but i'm just gonna measure it out [Music] okay we got our first bits cut [Music] okay so that took ages but um this is basically what i had in mind um i'm gonna have to find some way to stick this down because it is staying up uh maybe the doll thing when it will keep it down and then i'm just going to cut out like one inch to go in this little bit here but yeah they're going to be so much better so i'm going to get on with this and i will see you when it's done [Music] you can kind of obviously see close up that i had to like cut out an extra piece but like far away you can't really tell and plus the dolls will be covering it anyways okay i've just cut out this little piece and it really satisfyingly slots in nicely the glass closes perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] and everything was going great until this happened oh god oh no no i'm gonna cry i'm gonna cry this is not good this is not good it's like full on snapped off this little bit has come out i barely oh my god i barely touched her head she's been sat in there it won't fix that is two chloe heads that have broken today what is going on this is not okay this is my first edition chloe and her head's just snapped off like snapped off that is not what you want to see when you take off a doll head we've been through this in other episodes like how to remove a doll head and they have a little hook and it's now stuck in there where's that little piece going no i've lost it oh my god no look i don't know what i'm gonna do i'm never gonna get that out of there that is in there forever you can just hear it i literally went to put her in a sitting position like this i barely even touched her head and it just snapped off i don't know what to do this is first edition chloe and she's dead she died i'm so upset i can see the hook in there i am holding the camera right up to the bottom can you see it i can see it there's hope guys there's hope i just don't know how to get it out how am i going to get it out of there this is a disaster this is an absolute disaster i can see it but i can't get it and whatever it was this little piece fell out this is the worst thing to ever happen what do i do how do i get it out of there what do i do with this okay listen we're gonna have to put chloe to bed for a little while she's gonna have to go to hospital oh we're gonna have to somehow you can literally hear in there reattach my freaking first edition chloe oh why why does it have to happen to my gorgeous first edition chloe why so sad but i still had hairstyles to do so i ventured out to find some hair elastics i wanted the black and clear ones but these looked a little bit too big so i ended up going for some smaller clear ones but in hindsight they were a bit stiff and not the best to work with but they did the job so i start on the last remaining hairstyles and i learned that wetting the hair first and also adding a little bit of hair gel really helped to get the best results here i'm doing formal funk jade who i've been meaning to do for so many years i used photos online as a reference and i tried to get as close to the original as possible i combed out the hair slicked it back i made a ponytail [Music] got a small section of hair from the back and made a twist wrapped it around her ponytail secured it with the band and try to tuck it in as good as [Music] possible for her fringe i attempted her original style but the hair seemed a little too short i just felt it looked odd and the band really needed to be black so i decided to just try flattening it instead then it was pretty much the same process on all the other dolls here's formal funk dana [Music] i gave her a ponytail [Music] then created a parting with the remaining hair and tied it at the back [Music] i fixed campfire phoebe's twists for sweet dreams chloe i did two bunches took a section of hair and twisted it then wrapped it three times around the band [Music] and secured it with another band it doesn't look exactly the same as the original but i actually think this looks really cute genie magic sasha has a similar style to formal funk sasha so i separated her hair and redid her twists with some water and gel these can be tricky at first but essentially you need to twist the hair in the opposite direction that you wrap it so i'm twisting each strand to the right and then wrapping it over to the left and so on if you twist it in the same direction that you wrap it you won't get the same rope effect [Music] then i tied them at the back to complete her original hairstyle [Music] okay i managed to take her head off it took quite a bit of um pulling because it was really stuck in there but i think if i try and like fiddle around with it i might be able to put it back on so that it looks normal there's nothing in there it's like broken off that's why her head's just falling straight through down rather than resting on here so unless i can like try and makeshift something but then again i've still got to get it back in her head so this might take me a little while to figure out how to fix okay so i know i said this would probably be the very last episode but seeing as it's getting pretty long and my dolls heads are popping off left right and center i'm going to split this episode into two parts so if you want to see the finale please do stay tuned for part two which will be up very soon until then thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye you
Channel: Isabella Demarko
Views: 170,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz collection, bratz doll transformation, bratz transformation, bratz restoration, restoring bratz dolls, bratz makeover, isabella demarko bratz, bratz dolls, bratz, Bratz haul, bratz before and after
Id: lzSL4Y2VKdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 51sec (2211 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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