26 Years Of Sitting - What Does It Take To Get it Running? BMW E21 323i - Project Castellón: Part 2

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coming up the seat takes a beating what does that do some delicious discoveries what do you say to that oh my god subsequently flying water pump and will it make fire yes yes it will that's good [Music] for the airplane to go by maybe we move this so i don't trip and die oh i just noticed i have a stain on my shorts or 16. aloha and welcome to m539 restorations and to the episode where we're going to resurrect a legend this car right over here to jog your memoria this is project castellon the car which i bought in castellon it is the legendary 1980 e21 the very first three series and top of the line model 323i with its beautiful 2.3 inline six engine 143 horsepower all manual manly car with its manual doggy transmission dog leg no ac no power steering no abs just you and the machine this example in particular has been off the road for only 26 years the last technical inspection expired in 1995 so it hasn't been driven for at least since then and if you remember when the car was delivered to me we found that there's some surface rust in all of the cylinders and cylinder number one in particular is pretty bad with some scoring and stuff happening inside so we put some fogging oil for men and wd40 inside to hopefully make a life a bit easier now we're going to push it inside and see if we can get this thing running again i'm not going to make any promises but i'm going to do my best and hopefully by the end of this episode this engine is going to be singing the song again the thing that i don't remember right now is if i reconnected a steering column because if you remember the keys were lost so in order to get it off the tow truck and inside i had to hammer off is that a rabbit it is anyway where was i in order to get it off the truck and steer it inside i had to hammer off the column and manually steer the wheels so where's the key let's see if i did that oh sure didn't well that's great i think i tried and it was really difficult with the car being on the ground and whatnot anyway i'm gonna go get some humans and then we're gonna push this thing inside it just looks so good inside do we there on perfect three horsepower thank you gentlemen a little bit of and the third is in what do you say we take a quick tour of the espana of the underneath because we never had this car on the lift before let's start in the back look at this exhaust it's in mint condition for the age we have disc brakes in the back which is awesome no stupid drum brakes that's the weeds and look just how lovely and rust free it is it's beautiful really is oh more weeds and stuff this car was probably sitting in a bush or something oh this one pokes the engine is ever so oily which is weird as you all know bmw's never never leak oil so very surprising to see that pretty strong indication was living in weeds let's start peeling this onion and crack open the hood oh boy i forgot how great all of this looks let's lose the hood break out the tools 13 millimeter why you so springy bro oh yeah ah this one is wider than the e31 fingers sweet papaya this looks feast on this engine bay boys and girls that's some proper neglect we have strong 80s and 90s vibes in the shop tonight two generations of the three series e21 and e30 both six cylinder e32 750il and another 12 cylinder e31 850i with the six-speed manual lovely just lovely first things first we need to replace the timing belt there's a very good chance that's going to snap if you try to start the car with that one it's over 26 years old for sure probably even more so why risk it and kill this engine even before we start but i'm thinking some vacuuming is in order as well that's marginally better at this point i will put some protection on the fenders but there isn't much to protect because paint is 101 shot this one is a little bit torn so you can't actually remove this air filter box because the alien stuff is bolted to it filter actually not terrible that's surprising is there a date on it oh that's gonna be brilliant it's full of rust oh what is that there's something living in the thermostat yuck i'm actually scared of working on this car i'm thinking brake cleaner ought to kill whatever that is die let's just plug that and ignore it for now there we go there's a bolt on the front holding this fan clutch come to us it looks like the previous bastard who worked on this car was so angry that he took a bite out of the fan clutch so i need to cut this clamp here because the thing is rusty oh no look at that it's so rusty oh look at that i think you're gonna need a hazmat suit here have a look-see there and look at that as well how i'm gonna get this car running is beyond me let's poke the bear for a minute plug that in let's say we didn't see that 1979 the original radiator to this car all right time to admit something i made a mistake i should have pressure washed this engine bay i never do it because i don't like introducing water into these old engine bays but on this car it's whatever at this point it's really bad and i don't feel like breeding in this dust anymore so i'm gonna push it out and fire up the pressure washer this car does not have any brakes i think if memory serves me right it has a parking brake oh who cares if i get water in the interior i'm on my own today so i can't push the car back inside so i'm just gonna continue wrenching outside it is a nice cloudy day after all ah what in the world happened to this car there's just no way around it this entire engine is going to need to rebuild i think now we're going to remove the ignition wires not looking good at all what do you think did the timing belt already snap if you did that's came over he doesn't look like it that's good oh boy that's loose it actually formed the shape from sitting so the water pump is frozen solid which is not surprising given what we just found in the cooling system the denser is out [Music] now we're going to remove the spark plugs and then i can rotate the engine and set it at tdc so surface rust and scoring in pretty much every cylinder six three one all of them look really bad and as i said i already put wd-40 and fogging oil for men inside and now we're gonna do the same again moment of truth will this engine actually turn by hand sure will actually rather easily good the crank and the camshaft are still in alignment that is great and i didn't feel much resistance when i was turning this engine over which is also good at this point i'm not going to remove the timing belt because i'm still waiting on some parts water pumping the pulley in the meantime i'm gonna pop the wall cover off and see what the engine looks like on the inside is that rust inside how did rust forming inside there hello smells very fuelly not too bad not too bad at all don't see excessive wear on lobes which is good oil incredibly all of the lobes look perfect since we're already here might as well check well clearance clearance so the camshaft lobe is pointing downwards and we have point 25 millimeter feeler gauge slide it in way way too loose needs adjustment so loosen the nut what's with the birds so we want it adjusted we can feel slight drag which this is and then we can tighten it all the way mark it and move on to the next one just finished all of them were out of spec either too tight or too loose and now they're perfect now we're going to remove the sprayer bar and clean it that's nice and clean and it can go back now i'm going to remove fuel injectors these are mechanical fuel injectors as you will notice there are no electrical connectors on it the one on the back was already removed by someone else and it is just disgusting and full of rust so i need to see what all of them look like and if it's possible to clean them if not i need to purchase new ones no so it just comes out that easily fingers again with the girly noises now the wall cover can go back which i cleaned up a little bit these are properly bad especially the last one that wasn't cylinder number six that looks to be completely corroded but these are fully mechanical injectors so i'm just gonna throw them into ultrasonic cleaner and hopefully that brings them around the last one i don't think so so i'm gonna buy at least one brand new one they're around 20 25 euro each but i don't want to throw a ton of money at this car before we get it running so for now i'm just gonna try and well save these let's shoot some brake clear through this thing see if anything comes out negatory salvatore oh look at that i've actually unclogged this one didn't do that before that one is a no-go that one came around as well or even the rusty one is coming back around but the spray pattern is really poor found some innocent victims who helped me push this turret back in now we're going to look inside the fuel tank and see how rusty that is it has essentially two fuel tanks left and right side so i'm going to remove fuel sanding unit on the right side look inside and if it's really rusty then we need to remove both of them and clean them brand new one per side is between 700 and 800 euro really cheap so let's just see what lurks inside it's locked it's no longer locked oh that's right this one is stuck i need access man no what does that do well it'll lean back but i don't need gangsta mode there's a hook in the bottom there we go so this is where the fuel sending unit lives first we're gonna vacuum and then disconnect all of this crap and pull it out unplug the plug all right some hammering action is required now oh there we go oh yeah to not quote harry i am not chuffed with that i guess on the bright side it's not rusty but it is all sorts of varnishy and disgusting there's black glue all over inside so we definitely need to drop both fuel tanks and clean them and the smell i can't even begin to describe it look at the fuel sending unit that's bad and what's also bad is that you cannot buy that separately oh my god so the float ain't floating so i'm gonna see if i can remove this thing on the bottom oh my god so you can imagine the condition of the rest of the fuel system since this is really expensive to buy new i'm just going to dump all of this into the ultrasonic cleaner and see what happens my landlord has one of these ultrasonic cleaners one of these days i'm gonna get one as well but for now i'm gonna use his so injectors the smell of this is so bad whatever it does it does i checked last night and this is no longer available you cannot buy brand new discontinued this thing still needs to warm up and then all of this is going to cook for a few hours and hopefully it'll come out looking better to remove the fuel tanks on this car actually looks fairly simple we have one hose connecting the two fill neck over there and the good thing is the exhaust and the drive shaft everything goes above so just couple of bolts here and this is gonna drop out remove this heat shield first now it's the moment to be thankful that you don't have smell-o-vision because this is going to be bad yeah oh my oh i hate that smell there's a vent hose on the top i'm going to remove the filter now the fuel filter is from 1986. [Music] so i gotta replace all of this plastic that's way too brittle i don't even know where this thing goes goes into the fender but while we are here we can admire the floor of this car it's just immaculate 41 year old and it is immaculate look at those lines there's still beautiful shine on them you would never ever see this on a car that was used all its life in germany stuff like this you can only see on cars that lived in good climates italy spain that's it's just really impressive the bones of this car are really really really good i'm just going to give them a quick wash on the outside i'm gonna keep a social distance from those fuel tanks because if you know the smell of varnish fuel you know it just follows you everywhere and it bites on your lungs it's really bad think behind this mercedes it's a safe place to talk so if you have really bad fuel tanks that are especially rusty in the inside you should use evapo rust at china tested few of them not long ago and evaporates came out the best but with these particular fuel tanks i don't think they're rust inside just really gummed up from old fuel at least the right one didn't have any rust we're gonna look with the endoscope inside the left one as well and if that's the case then i want to start with softer way of cleaning it i'm gonna use acetone to try and dissolve all of that sludge the best product you can use to dissolve it is something called methyl ethanol i don't remember the exact name but i'm going to put it up on the screen but the thing is in germany i cannot get that stuff fast enough it takes about a week week and a half to get it so i'm going to start with acetone see how that works if it doesn't work then i'm going to step up with some other stuff that i also have coming some products that are specially made for cleaning the fuel tanks but as i said i don't want to use like chemicals that's going to strip the whole fuel tank if i don't need to so let's look inside and then come up with the game plan i'm already hating this the entire shop smells like varnish and it's really unpleasant time for fuel tank colonoscopy well good news it's not rusty just full of varnish hopefully you can see somewhat this is the inside of the fuel tank and as i said it looks pretty good i don't see any rust the metal is nice and shiny all of this is just varnish and sludge build up and that's what we need to clean so we're going to kick off with acetone and see what happens well i don't have such tiny fingers do i need to get the pliers for this really there we go cheers i think we're gonna need something stronger than acetone okay so i have chemicals in the car evaporate is coming in a couple of days in the meantime i have this stuff it has some german words on it benzene diesel you can use it on military tanks so that ought to be good i think i'm gonna get this acetone out and then dump this stuff in it along with some screws shake it like a maniac and leave it overnight let's see what aston did what do you say to that oh yeah all 500 of them washers because why not perfect now i just need to close this with something let's use goose tape for now it's working slowly i hear this is what nasa uses to seal their tanks i'm gonna continue shaking this like a lunatic do the same with the other one leave it overnight and see what tomorrow brings us this has been cooking overnight let's see what it looks like on the inside it didn't work as well as i hope it would there's still a very thick layer of gunk on the bottom that needs to be dissolved and this stuff appears to be not dissolving it so you can see it's better but there's still a lot of gunk on the bottom i'm going to try this next this stuff is by far working the best it's been in there for about an hour and i can already see dissolving all of that crap on the bottom most of the major big chunks are gone and i'm gonna run to the store and get more of this stuff it has acetone in it and many other chemicals and stuff look at that look at the color of it so this stuff is definitely working well it's actually difficult to show on camera but the bottom of the fuel tank is nearly perfect earlier all of that was just full of thick gunk and now it's nearly clean so i'm gonna add more and hopefully even that what's left in the corner is gone gonna dump around five six liters in it that's gonna sit overnight and hopefully by tomorrow it's going to look brand new so here is the lot after ultrasonic cleaning fuel injectors and the fuel sanding unit and this actually looks great a lot better than before and the float is floating freely and it might actually work none of these wires or anything inside is torn or broken and the new unit is discontinued so we're going to go with this and see what happens these lines here were completely clogged as well but now i unclog them the strainer actually cleaned up a lot better than i was expecting and again this is not something you can buy brand new so we're just going to assemble all of this together and plop it back into the tank when the time comes putting the fuel adventure to the side we can proceed with the timing belt now i want to loosen the bolts for the camshaft pulley and the old pump pulley if you remember from the e30 video this is early m20 pulleys and they are known for braking cracking and so on so i've updated ones that i'm going to install it's kind of relevant at this point since we're trying to get the car running but i'm already in here so i'm also going to replace the camshaft seal that's behind it it costs like five euros so might as well so the engine is set at tdc now we're going to remove this thing here and the open pulley as well so now you gotta unbolt the tensioner this thing is toast it barely spins and it's making noise what is this thing lucas to be honest it's not horrible horrible it actually held up pretty nicely given its age oh actually there's a crack right over there so definitely a smart thing to replace now we're going to remove the frozen water pump and see the state of the block oh my god at least some of the clones coming out my oh my don't think i've ever seen a water pump this bad don't see a date on it i think as long as this crap is limited to this section here and inside the block we might be okay so good news it doesn't look like there's this crap inside the block just here around the water pump and probably here around the thermostat housing which we're also going to remove i can't even look at this anymore perfect ladies and gents i worked in a lot of cars and i've never ever seen anything disgusting as this it's just utterly appalling i can't even we're gonna jam a garden hose in here and see what comes out this car running again this is a very tiny chance that's going to happen i removed that coolant hose on the back of the head now i'm going to put the garden hose in there and see if anything comes out on the front look at that rusty water at least it's flowing okay that's fine for now we're gonna do more of that a bit later i was saving this beer for the end when if we get this bucket of destruction running but i need thinking juice now cheers in fact i just decided i don't want to look at that water pump anymore maybe tomorrow it turns into anyway tomorrow is a brand new day the battle will continue so i'll see you then i'm back reasonably sober so we can proceed got all the parts to complete the timing belt job so let's get it on let's quickly replace the camshaft seal remove the o-ring and now we need to get the seal out let's hit it on the edge and it should come out easy as that that's nice and clean fresh oil perfect now we're going to start prepping the surface for the new water pump 3m bristle disk okay i think we're gonna flush the coolant one more time and then we're ready for the assembly that'll do it for now once the car is up and running i'm going to put some liquid moly coolant flush in it and flush it again with a garden hose and hopefully that removes most of this crap as long as nothing is clogged we're good if there are clogged passages and stuff we're not so good thermostat housing it's ruined i cleaned it up as best as i can but it's far too gone this is all corroded piece of pipe missing here crap inside that you can't even clean so this is going to leak but i don't have a replacement one right now so we're going to run it until i can find a good used unit or i'm just going to buy a brand new one brand new water pump now you're going to replace the old pump pulley here's the old one versus the new one this is newer much sturdier design so you're going to go with that same deal with the camshaft pulley all design newer one brand new tensioner pin and spring so now i'm going to push the tensioner lock it so we can install the belt now i need to make sure that all of the marks are still lined up crankshaft distributor and the cam shaft your timing belt billy gates first around the crank perfect still nice and tight i need to loosen this bolt here that's tensioning the belt now we're going to rotate the engine a couple of times and make sure all these marks are still lining up three full rotations and it's still perfectly lined up everywhere so we're good to go so now we can tighten all the bolts tensioner bolt and now the fuel injectors here is the new one so the old ones after cleaning spray exactly the same which is great means we can reuse them i will not use however the rusty one was it this one yes because the tip is rusted and here as well so that one we're not gonna use so instead we're gonna use brand new one this is the old rubber ring ceiling things they're just plastic so here are the new ones that we need to put on all of them are in now we can put back the wall cover and now the spark plugs done now we're going to go for a brand new filter now we're going to replace the distributor arm this one is shot like that and this is the one from the e30 it's in good condition i used some sandpaper to make sure this is clean and ready to go these are all the ignition wires from project marbe the e30 i just verified that all of them are good new cap well you wish in good condition so all of this can go back together now i'm going to put back the thermostat cover without the actual thermostat for the beginning i want coolant to flow everywhere and we can start flushing some of this stuff out and then when the time comes i'm going to replace the entire thermostat housing and install a brand new thermostat the radiator goes back in flushed it several times but it's it's shot so much rust inside but for the purpose of getting the car running it'll do that's everything in the engine bay done we're gonna add water and coolant flush a bit later now we're gonna drain the oil lovely cake type stuff that is incredibly black no water but incredibly disgusting never seen 19 mil old dream plug before that's really on there new filter going in snug it up fresh oil by the way i learned that these old m20s osm 70 prefer dino oil mineral oil so i'm going to use this for now but if we get this car running i want to do an engine flush in it as well and then i have some different uh oil coming from the kimono for it we are at the point where we can crank over the car everything in the engine bay is assembled it has oil the fuel system is in pieces i'm going to disable the ignition coil put the battery in and then we can find out if the starter works and hopefully build up some more pressure so let's do that now okay all right let's see if the cluster lights up no don't do that stop it nope not the fan nice signs of life that's good do we have lights well yes we do let's see if the starter works and if the engine spins oh yes the sweet sound of engine cranking she's gonna run boys and girls she's gonna run sounds okay no banging clapping noises everything sounds good good now i'm really motivated to proceed with the fuel system and let's get this puppy running so all we need now is spark fuel bit of compression and this thing has to run it just has to i've never seen so many hoses and stuff in the fuel system so i'm going to try and explain as best as i can this is where the fuel tank resides this line here that doesn't have a hose on it that is the return line this is the feed line and this big hose here goes from the fuel sanding unit and that's the feed line that goes from the fuel tank here into the fuel pump but it actually splits one part of it goes into this thing here which is an accumulator and there's a pipe on the top of the fuel pump that also goes to the accumulator and then there's one pipe from the accumulator that goes into the fuel filter goes through it and then it goes all the way to the front of the engine with this line so we're going to refresh everything in this area here just to make sure everything is good to go and then i'm going to remove these two lines at the front of the engine at that alien device thing and then use some compressed air and blow them out this one has some crap at the top here not sure about this one but we'll find out so i'm going to try and drop all of this as one unit and that way i can start replacing everything one by one on the table and not mix up anything there we are that's looking mighty filthy no there you are so i'm gonna go and wash all of this there you have it after a bit of scrubbing these brackets are nearly new wow for the fuel hose i'm using cool line 2240.0600 and this is oem quality cool line actually makes fuel hoses and other stuff from bmw and this is heat resistant up to 125 degrees celsius so really good quality this is how the fuel clamp looks like on this car this is original bmw part the same one you can get from the dealer just a normal worm style clamp and you saw me using abba clamps in the past which are really good quality but i couldn't find one that really is to my liking the blue ones that i use are really nice but blue is kind of sticking out too much so i ended up finding these these are from the company called ideal and these are w4 stainless steel clamps they are nearly identical to bmw ones the band and everything the screw is a little bit bigger but these are stainless steel and they cost 80 cents each these are nearly 2 euro each from the dealer and you think that's not too much but when you go through hundreds of these it adds up trust me so i think from now on i'm going to be using these because stainless steel it's not going to rust and it's going to clump just as fine as this one good now i'm going to go clean this up as well these lines are all clean i used brake cleaner and compressed air now i'm going to torque this perfect now we're going to blow out these two lines here put some throttle cleaner in it look at that these lines here feed on the turn line so i'm going to crack open each and blow some compressed air through them all right a bit more throttlicious cleaner oh yeah that's definitely working have a look-see here that line was full of crap and gunk as well and this is why it's so important to do all of this before you actually start the car because all of this would have ended up in that alien looking thing and made things 100 times worse now i'm going to flush it from the back as well and now i'm going to put a clean carbon fiber towel and let's see what comes out look at that more let's do more that's crazy [Music] i've spent an entire bottle of throttle cleaner and brake cleaner and it's finally clean and it took me more than half an hour to do one line now i gotta do the same with the other one that's the second line and as you can see it's just delicious so i ran out of throttle cleaner and i'm on my fourth bottle of brake cleaner and i think i have one more bottle left and i'm gonna be impressed if this thing actually works i'm not going to take it apart because it's a complex device there are many special parts and stuff in it so we're going to try and run it with that but i might need to do something about this thing as well 17 years later and the fuel lines are finally clean this was really boring but definitely necessary now we need to replace these rubber lines the surfa fuel tank ventilation this is the filler neck then there's an expansion thing conveniently located here as you can't see and then there's one long line going from there all the way underneath the car and connecting to the fuel tank all of that is ruined and we need to replace it so i'm going to tug on this hopefully i don't break anything and pull all of this out yeah there it is that stinks so start feeding this line brilliant that job is done as well this is the old line that had this plastic connector here's the new one i actually tried to find a metal one but couldn't so i had to order this from the dealer wasn't that expensive but it's kind of annoying that it's plastic doesn't matter though that's how they designed it there we go that's the fuel pump and accumulator done and we're going to install the filter once the tanks are back in so let's move on to that let's see what we have good means it's working when it's this ugly color still a couple of hard spots but pretty good no rust which is important so this is the stuff that i told you about earlier i managed to find it and it's called methyl ethyl ketone i mean i'm not a chemist but that's some good strong poisonous chemical it's been in the fuel tank for two nights now and as you can see it's doing its thing now i'm gonna get some fresh petrol get all the screws out clean it one last time and we can put this back on the car [Music] that's it no more screws all right i'm going to run to the gas station get some fresh petrol just finished rinsing both fuel tanks and we're at the point where they're as clean as they can be for 41 year old fuel tanks they look pretty perfect there are no more big chunks of varnish left inside some stains yes but absolutely no varnish or anything that can clog up the fuel pump and injectors you can see some stains over there and i tried to agitate them as well with a brush that's not coming off and it was sitting with that stuff for two nights in it and if you didn't dissolve in that it's not gonna dissolve in petrol either so this is pretty clean i'm happy with it now i'm gonna plop back the fuel sending unit and these are going back in the car finally i don't remember how this goes back brand new oring i think like that but i'm not sure all right fuel thank you going back in there [ __ ] oh there it is it's in all right now i have to go up top i see oh i'm very flexible today aboard i flip this sucker the other way i need to run and get my seven millimeter snell brand new hose come on fuel filter going in finally done with the fuel system now i can add some gogo juice and see how much of it leaks out oh it doesn't mean we're going to add this into the mix as well fuel system cleaner from liquor moly just out of curiosity let's see if the fuel gauge is working we have about 15 liters of fuel in the tank what look at that seems about right should be a bit more but i'm gonna add more fuel and then we're gonna check again i added more fuel we should have around 30 liters in the fuel tank oh yeah bastard i gave a few laptops yep there we go that's pretty accurate now it's not working brilliantly as you can see it's moving about but i guess that's better than not working at all now we're going to add a liquid moly cooling system flush this should help with flushing the system i did clean the expansion tank as well i'm going to add a little bit of coolant and then the rest is going to be water i don't want to waste coolant since we're going to flush this system seven million times this is it the big moment will it actually start i've put about two weeks of my time into this car so hopefully it does regarding the fuel distributor i did a bit of research this morning and i found a kit to rebuild it it's not that expensive around 70 euros and it's all o-rings and stuff to make it not leak but at the same time we can clean it because that's probably gummed up but right now we're going to flip the key and see what happens maybe it starts let's do it i am excited and nervous at the same time [Music] rest a little bit [Music] something happened and it sprayed fuel varum could it be that this thing is no there's stuff flowing through it but we have a leak in the back it started leaking on this connection over here i didn't torque it properly and just now i realized that you can put a wrench here and then give it a good twist so now it's nice and tight and hopefully it doesn't leak anymore try number two but before it didn't sound like he was trying to fire so maybe we don't have spark i don't know i could see fuel flowing through the lines but let's try it again [Music] oh come on okay it's wanting to start oh come on again a ton of leak in the back i don't understand it all new crash washers torqued properly and let's see if it leaks again then we definitely have some issues either this pipe has some damage that i can't see or there's too much pressure in the fuel system and it's just letting go at the weakest link so i don't know let's try it again and then we'll figure it out from there let's go you need to start it's close to firing up something ain't right all right i think i'm gonna remove one of the injectors and see if we're getting fuel we are getting some fuel not sure if that's enough do we have a spark what's the next big question all right we definitely have a spark so let me check this injector here as well yeah it definitely has fuel but i think it's flooding it so we got spark we got fuel air maybe the volume flow thing is not happy or there's no compression this thing here i think you should go down to let some air in or go up but it's not moving whatsoever okay last try before i go home for dinner i pulled the fuel pump fuse i'm thinking it might be giving too much fuel so i'm just gonna use starter fluid and see if that makes any difference if i can just get it to fire off that would be nice oh it's so close by the way starter is sticking like crazy so close so i think we do have an issue with the distributor it's either giving too much fuel or not enough but i'm thinking too much because that injector number one was spraying so much fuel way too much for a cold start and these injectors they don't fire click click like normal electronic fuel injectors they shoot fuel constantly all the time that's how they work anyway i'm gonna go home for dinner maybe i'll come back later if my better half lets me i'm back showered and fed and i've got some updates this thing here that allows air to enter the engine is stuck pierre from belgium just sent me a video how one of these is supposed to work it should move downwards which it does but it should also move upwards really easily and when you crank the car you should open and allow air to enter the engine but this one is stuck obviously so when i was cranking the engine it was getting fuel and spark but it was not getting air and with this fuel system the fuel injectors they're continuously spraying fuel so i flooded the engine therefore no start no fire so i'm gonna have to figure out what to do here probably take all of this apart and see what's the issue after i flooded the engine and so on i did a compression test and the results are appalling like horrible the highest one is about six and a half bars and the lowest one the worst one is cylinder number four three or four bars really bad the rest of them around five or six and i don't think that's enough to get the engine going again that's really low that's like 70 psi or something really really bad nonetheless when i was spraying starting fluid it was close to firing so i'm gonna i'm gonna continue i'm not giving up just yet even though the engine is probably dead there's no way to revive this thing i have one last tiny bit of hope so let's let's try it again fired let's give it a rest but it definitely fired it fired off i can't believe it actually ran for like a second that's just unbelievable it has basically no compression whatsoever i'm gonna put up the pictures if i already didn't see this is tricky come on you can run for a little bit longer don't you think backfired that was exciting still on my arm here that's good well that was bound to happen you know with the fuel system back in place it doesn't want to fire off at all sounds horrible but it's running that's good me and my manly sounds i think that's time to leave it alone it's definitely running and it's smoky in here that backfire that you just saw that happens when the combustion takes place outside the combustion chamber and it backfired in the intake but nonetheless i cannot believe that this thing actually ran that was maybe five seconds not sure maybe a little bit more i don't understand actually because the compression it doesn't really have any and yet it's still running really poorly but then again this engine is really really picky about fuel supply especially with the kg troning thingy so as soon as you put the fuse in back for the fuel pump he does not want to start it's he doesn't want to try to fire so there's definitely something wrong with this devil's device that we're going to troubleshoot in the next episode can we get it actually titled for a couple of minutes i'm not sure but we are sure going to attempt in the next episode man what a battle what a battle definitely the worst car i ever worked on condition wise 26 years out of service but we did get it to run for five to ten seconds so we're just gonna have to take that victory for now anyway i'm gonna go home it's been a very long day good night i'm back again and i had more time to do research as i already said this contraption here is bad inside this fuel distributor there is a control piston that slides freely up and down and in return it controls this air baffle plate and evidently that piston is stuck which means the engine is not getting any air the fuel pressure is messed up and it's flooding the engine i have a rebuild kit coming for it so i'll take it apart and hopefully it's rebuildable if not i'll get a used unit my goal right now is can we get this engine to idle again if that happens can we get it to drive and the brake fluid reservoir that's missing entirely so no brakes no clutch and all of these lines are open so that'll be a challenge on its own at this point there's no way around it the engine needs a complete rebuild and that will happen once we start with the restoration however at this very moment i don't have time or desire to take this thing apart first i want to finish e32 e31 e39 m5 and e30 which is nearly done but if i can get it to idle again then you can expect a new episode pretty soon and at the same time we'll try to get it to drive let's see how far can we take this revival if i can't get it to idle then i'm gonna park it and we'll go big with this project when the time comes the compression test that i did wasn't exactly accurate because the cylinders is washed out but if it ends up running we can warm it up we can clean it do italian tune up and we check the compression with the engine fully warm up which is the proper way to do it also see the state of transmission differential and so on i really do want to see it run and drive right now as it'll be a huge motivation for me to continue there's another thing about this car that i didn't mention and that's that the papers are missing they were lost normally that's not a huge issue if the car can pass german inspection and i can prove that i bought the car i can get german papers the problem is the guy that i bought the car from he is a num nuts and he kept the original notarized purchase agreement which we made which i paid for and which i need if i can't get those original documents then restoration of this car won't be possible i can't register it anyway i've been arguing with the guy for months now and every time it's some different excuse he insists on keeping the original documents even though he doesn't need them so it's just really really annoying in any case i hope that this was enjoyable the car did quite literally fire for the first time in 26 years and that's something as always thank you very much for watching perhaps subscribe if you like what you saw and as painters would say outfitters in [Music] you
Channel: M539 Restorations
Views: 653,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e31, bmw, 850i, 850ci, restoration, revival, barn find, e39, e38, m5, 740i, 840i, 840ci, 850csi, csi, 8er, 8 series, classic cars, bimmer, 540i, v12, 535i, 750il, 750, e46, m3, m70, road trip, m73, budget, cheap, first start, car project, b7, b8, alpina, restore it, e34, e32, e24, hoovie's garage, hoovie, tavarish, doug demuro, vin wiki, vice grip garage, car throttle, samcrac, e60, s85, v10, challenge, m54, 3er, 325i, chrisfix, detailing, disaster interior, detailing geek, top gear, edd china, cartrek
Id: 3dpFu1nJBec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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