Detailing Rarest Ferrari in the World: Glickenhaus P4/5

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[Music] [Music] [Music] yes i am definitely ready i've always wanted to detail the p45 today is the day [Music] so as most of you know i've had a long relationship with jim and jesse glickenhaus and specifically the p45 since its debut in 2006. although i had experience as a young detailer with the ferrari enzo at my first shop in harrison new york the p45 was the very first time i entered into the one-off hyper car category and the start of my fascination with documenting detailing and car culture on camera here just say what you're doing we are in line behind the p45 jim booker so i've driven behind it i've had a poster on my wall and i've seen it in jim's private garage but i've never detailed it so we headed over to the clicking house factory to meet up with jesse and the p45 now because of the size of the project the complexity of the project and the fact that it's being delivered to pebble beach the following week i called in one of my closest friends and detailing mentors derek pimas from detail works in southern california to help out on the project he's been in a bunch of my videos in the past from wet sanding and even cleaning barry mcguire's brand new ford gt in front of barry's house a few years back with me and now the p45 and the upcoming white double o3s which we walked past in the glickenhaus garage so i was really excited to work side by side with a close buddy on this white whale of a detail let's start with what's in the back of the truck larry do that again because i move too fast he's so fast i'm so fast not working with professionals here after a quick chat with jesse i really wanted to get this back to the detailing studio but first i had to hear it start for the first time cold because i've only seen it in a parking lot or on the lawn somewhere or on the highway and i've never heard it actually start so enjoy the sound with our ears bleeding from the small garage startup it was freaking amazing jesse pulled it outside to warm it up a bit before we drove to the studio now as you can see very quickly here in the sun the paint needs to be corrected so we certainly had our work cut out for us but on the way i wanted to know the story behind why and how the p45 was created so p45 is the only one-off ferrari ever made without ferrari's explicit knowledge when it was happening uh andre and pina farina came to us and asked okay this way if you could build anything in the world what would you build right away my dad said i'd build a g4 for a modern people on chassis originally it wasn't necessarily going to be on an enzo chassis we looked at the mc12 we looked at a bunch of actual pure race car chassis but we wanted to make it road lethal right and the best way to make it road legal was starting with an existing car and that's the thing that sort of set us on the path to becoming manufacturers that question if you could build anything [Music] once we arrived and pulled the p45 into the studio for the very first time the feeling was sort of surreal but at the same time it was actually combined with this weird pressure of having to get the scratches and swirls out of paint in a car that i've wanted to detail forever if you've followed my channel for some time you'll know that these are my favorite kinds of swirls i know that sounds a little bit weird but they're from usage not neglect yes there could have been more lubrication during washing in the past yes there could have been more protection added of course but i know jim and he drives each of his cars regardless of the weather and to me that's just as important but he has a bad day but if you have a built in toba it's not the end of the world so after 16 years it's finally time to dive in i was so excited step one is to get ammo foam brute and the foam cannon for this project i mixed both 50 50 and filled the reservoir with water and gave it a gentle stir next i filled the wheel bucket with wheel soap and the paint bucket with towels foam soap and then filled it a quarter of the way with water although some lower sections were dirty and had driving pedals the overall paint and wheels needed a basic wash before we could start the correction process while i was getting the tools all set up derek rinsed the paint and wheels to blow off the top layer of dirt and dust next he switched the lance to the foam cannon and covered the paint and wheels in lubrication [Music] [Applause] [Music] my while the paint was soaking derrick worked one side of the car while i worked the other side focused on the wheels we used a small wheel woolly a wheel brush wheel mid and of course scrub brush for the rubber [Music] next we washed the paint and used a small brush to get into the tight areas as we really started to clean the surface grime and all the tight spots up close the extent of the scratches became apparent from all of his weekly drives but i do love the fact that he takes it to go get groceries man that's yeah listen that's so awesome afterwards we rinse the paint again before drying the paint with a damp microfiber towel and compressed air [Music] next were the door jams but on this car they're a little bit more unique to open up the hood the doors needed to be closed the engine lid once it was open was held up with an aluminum rod which is super cool now the engine and the front or the front area was just as intricate and pretty as the outside but it was also equally dirty so we used the pro foamer instead to minimize water in these one-off areas once lightly applied we got fresh towels and then gently wipe the carbon fiber underneath the front area now the surface was clean but you can clearly see that it's all swirled out so when we're polishing the outside of the car we're also gonna have to polish the inside as well the engine same thing but a bit more road dirt and sensitive electrical parts i wanted to avoid a direct shot with a pressure washer at all costs obvious reasons so frothy was a huge win here once again a light mist on most every surface is usually all you need to lubricate the area and then simply wipe it up [Music] next up was the interior now this wasn't completely filthy but it was certainly driven a whole lot and i think there was a bunch of sweat and just usage on the seats so first i vacuumed the area before spraying lather on the floor and then using the steam machine to sort of heat up that rubber and then clean it or wipe it with a microfiber towel which was quite dirty when i finished the first side as you can see i repeated the same basic steps but this time i use shag on the sweaty alcantara seats and driver side bolsters seat bottom and of course the door handle [Music] on the steering wheel i used lather an interior brush and a stitch and seam brush to get around all the intricate buttons and tight spots which on this steering wheel there were a lot i repeated the same steps on the passenger side as well [Music] once our first round of basic cleaning was done we closed everything up and got ready for the paint correction okay so we finished uh washing and cleaning drying we did the interior now we're getting ready for the polishing stage and something interesting came up we all went to different polishes machines pads and it's kind of an interesting question because a lot of people say hey what's the best tool to use in this case we have three different uh detailers we've got derek over there dan and myself we're all using a little bit of a different technique so what i'm using is the rufus wool with the rupes there it is right there with the roof as yellow and if i walk over here we have derek this is impromptu here we go what are you using hey so uh using the bigfoot 21 but i'm using the microfiber or meguiars microfiber cutting disc with mcguire's 110 ultra pro speed compound and i'm going to finish with the yellow soft buff polishing disc and the 210 ultra pro polish got it what are you doing i'm using the 15 millimeter with the yellow wool blue cutting and then i'm going to finish with the yellow foam with the yellow polish so basically i'm using the 21 he's using the 15. derek's using the 21 we all have a little bit of a different flavor a different little taste the things that's most favorite to us and the bottom line is everybody says what's your what's the bestest what's the best that it's almost impossible to answer that question it's really what you practice with what's the one that you feel the most comfort what's the most favorite genes that you wear that are just the most comfortable thing in the world it's that kind of concept but on a car this one's an incredibly expensive one three different techniques so to speak and it's gonna come out great so the only thing left to do headphones on polish the car [Music] as you can see after round one we're looking much better in this 50 50 shot but it's still a little bit hazy which we'll handle in the polishing step later on [Music] once everybody was done with the cutting i switched pads and refueled with some beef jerky and we all started the final finishing step here's where everything sort of slows down and time really expands on a project like this for the tight spots derrick used the rupes nano and a yellow foam pad so this is a slow and tedious process but check out how clear the reflected images from the previous compound and polishing steps so it's totally worth using the one inch here for the really tight spots when even a one inch doesn't fit derrick used 210 a microfiber towel and his hand to clean up the tightest of edges for the rear diffuser dan and i had what looks like a slumber party as i watched this back during editing but we managed to clean up the underneath while derek and his oversized battery-powered toothbrush worked every tight spot on the p45 which took forever but this is what separates a pretty good detail with a great detail late on day one my new wheeled jackets finally arrived after the compounding and polishing of the paint as you can see the wheels are now covered in dusty sort of restoration pad blowout dust and by putting them on beforehand which i didn't have it would have saved a few minutes of re-cleaning the wheels later on so i'll have more information on these in a future episode they're really cool bright and early the next day derek and i opened up all the doors to focus on the interior polishing look at the top of the wheel well it's absolutely gorgeous exposed carbon fiber but it has a ton of swirls same thing on the engine components and the same thing on the door jambs so first we used masking tape to protect the rubber trim and the emblems derrick worked on the one and three inch parts while i focused on the wheel wells with the six inch machine the before and after here was absolutely insane now i love unpainted yet clear coated carbon fiber weave it's like it's moving on its own when it's perfectly polished the camera is not doing it justice in person it was stunning [Music] for the interior pieces derrick used a rotary and a steady hand because the tape wouldn't stick to the alcantara and it just became more annoying than helpful and everything worked out great we repeated the same steps on the interior part of the hood and just endless door jamb polishing as well once we were finally done with all the tight area polishing the dust and the sling is inevitable on a project of this magnitude over two days so we put the doors down and re-wash the paint to flush out the jams now this wash is a little bit different than a normal wash as we're just simply soaking the paint we're not wiping it and then power washing the compound dust and oils away before drying with a damp towel and compressed air so there's really not a lot of agitation going on here [Music] okay we're rounding third now i just finished up the windows and they look okay but they're still a little bit hazy because they're lexan uh plexiglas that kind of feel race car feel and they're a little bit softer one thing to keep in mind is make sure you sort of stay away from squeegees they tend to scratch on softer glass or lexan like this one here so keep that in mind now we're going to be doing a reflex pro the goal here is to do the outside first then the inside so we're going to lift everything up like it is right now including the front and just let everything cure for a little while and then we're going to go in and play i'm going to test and make sure i can put delay pro on there then a little bit of tire dressing etc and then go back and just touch a few things up and we're almost ready i think i'm not 100 sure that mr glickenhaus is actually going to come pick this one up and drop off the double o3 so pretty exciting stuff let's get to it the fastest way to work reflex pro is with a partner one person applies and one person removes and an intricate car like this one can be done in 15 to 20 minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] once the outside and the jams were done then i focused on coating the one off bespoke matte wheels in gillette pro [Music] afterwards i added ammo mud to the tires for a satin finish to help the wheels pop or stand out against the red paint a bit [Music] well guys we're done with the p45 and this thing looks absolutely amazing it's been a dream of mine to actually detail this particular car now in 2005 or six i can't remember i drove behind it with my wife in the car and i said i have to detail this car now fast forward 15 16 years later uh jesse and jim actually called and said hey can you you know prepare this for pebble beach and it was a very big deal for me to do that on this car plus to get to do it with my buddy back there where is he right there derek bemis so doing it with one of your closest friends and doing a car like this very big deal now tomorrow jim is coming with the double 003 another ridiculous car for us to prepare again for pebble beach i think they're leaving at separate times or whatever but hopefully we'll get to chat with him a little bit i'm going to pull this outside do a little bit of shots in the sun so you guys can take a look at it it's stunning i mean look at this fender wall right here oh my gosh it's just uh very exciting anyways if you haven't subscribed please do so as always thanks for watching and i'll see you guys next time hey good to see you good to see you all right here it is she looks beautiful my goodness we even polished all the carbon fiber inside and in the front which is pretty cool oh it's magnificent [Music] you
Channel: AMMO NYC
Views: 1,048,446
Rating: 4.9384432 out of 5
Keywords: AMMO Detailing Products, Larry Kosilla, Auto detailing, car detailing, detailing, car cleaning, cleaning, cars, detail, polishing, how to, how to clean, complete disaster, first wash in 44 years, ammo detailing products, first wash in 20 years, first wash, first wash in years, dirtiest car detail, dirtiest car ever, interior car cleaning, barn finders, glickenhaus hypercar, detailing rare car collection, detailing a supercar, most expensive detail job, ferrari p45 pininfarina
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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