Crêpes Two Ways

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[Music] today we're going to do an old classic french classic we're going to make crepe i have a granddaughter's name is chorus since she was four years old she came to my house she wanted me to make crepe well she sit at the concert i make crepe and i have a jar of apricot jam strawberry raspberry that's what she like or sometimes just sugar sometimes a little piece of butter melted in it sometimes grated chocolate but sometimes they come chicken with two or three friends they all sit and i make crepes i'll show you how easy to make crepe this is a non-stick pan i'll start with butter i put like three tablespoon of butter by the time that butter is melted i'm ready to make the crepe i have three quarter of a cup of flour here break your egg on something flat rather than this because that breaks the yolk and i produce bacteria in it for this a dash of sugar a tiny dash of salt and a little bit of liquid now i don't want to put too much liquid and i'll show you why because as i mix that in there and that applies to any batter if you do a crepe or if you do a cake or anything like this the liquid that they tell you to put in it just put about half of it or a third of it so that you get a batter which has that type of thickness so better of that type of thickness i can work it out with a whisk as you can see and i can make it very smooth and now i can put the rest of the liquid but i'm saying that if you put all the liquid to the protein in the flour coagulate and you have nicely lumped all over the place then you have to strain it now the crab batter is usually very very thin sometimes i put even water in it it should be about okay let's see that oh that's too thick too thick still so a little more of this and i did pretty work very fast here and as you see my crab batter is ready many recipes tell you to make it rest well it doesn't look too tired to me so i'm going to use it right away see the butter is barely melted and now i am going to pour the butter in there what you can do you can actually you can actually put a piece of butter shall we do a crab i'll put your butter in there then you don't have to butter your pan each time so that's it i put my melted butter in there that's it and with the through my two eggs three quarter of a cup of flour i can probably do 20 crepes so here is the batter and could even be slightly thinner sometime i put water in it too okay my batter as you see very thin i put the butter on one area and spread it out okay now it do it this is a non-stick pan and that's of course the best way to use it so that you don't look like a fool with the thing sticking all over the place this is about 9 10 inch i do some small crepes sometimes i do some very large crib as you can see here i will show you again as i said the first one is a fence for the dog but this one doesn't look bad okay so one of the easiest way on the first side you lift it up with a fork grab it here with both and turn it around you will notice maybe not at the first one that the crepe is always browner and nicer on one side the first side so usually this is how you want to present your crepe i did some ahead here and you can see that that side is going to be much browner so when you do it you put it upside down so that when you fold your crib to use it you have it with the brown side on top so here it is now when i put the crepe in there i'll put in one corner here and twist it pretty fast but you can see here i do it and i twist it and shake it shake it to fill up the pan the fastest i go the more i spray it the thinner the crepe is going to be i think this should be even slightly thinner okay so now you brown it on one side and if it's thinner you see that scrape you can see it closed if i put a little more even in there but it's more liquid we do what we call a crab dantel a dante is a lace and you'll see with the thinner batter the outside will be full of tiny holes like a lace so here i fold the first time so you can see that first time is always brown better on this side so when i did i will flip that put it there so that when i present the crepe is presented on this side and of course you can do the crap ahead and i do so again you see this is thinner and i like more of a crepe downtail as you can see here like a lace i said look at the tiny hole all over the place right there because my wire is thinner and i want to have that type of thing so as you can see two eggs three quarter of a cup of milk about i would do probably close to 20 crepes that's it you clip it on this side you can freeze the crepe so it will take you longer to defrost it than starting as i did i barely melted butter and it was over okay i'll do another one again so you put it on one side not in the center you will put it in the center they move it good all over the place now you put it on one side and spread it out on this side here and i spread it out this way unshake it and don't worry for example if you have little hole there let's put a little more batter in there that's how you make crepe again this one whenever the kid cripe was a staple at my house okay for the crepe we're going to do a capsule which is a very classic dessert crab and then we're going to do a savory crepe which often is the case uh you use the crepe to fill up with like you have a leftover fish you take it off the bone a bit of sauce you fill it up chicken anything you have done you can use it and look right so you know that will flip especially on the second side now on the first side usually you turn it with a fork and again fold it this way but as you can see that crepe is pretty thin pretty thin and those crepe are pretty i look in the in the center see this the right stuff and they are pretty whoop they are pretty elastic either type of crab is pretty inelastic okay so now let's do a crepe we fill up this is leftover chicken that the neighbor brought me chicken pot pie that's really classic and you have them i have a butter cotton dish here i use that as i say very often when i have fish because often i cook a whole fish and there is enough already enough of the bone that i can to and of course you sometime i do a souffle using a white too and i fill up the crepe crepe souffle and you put it into the oven they're very impressive that really impressed the neighbors okay three or maybe a one okay that's it here here now i could have a sauce like a bechamel on top of it one of those things or only i'll put a little bit of cream onto that i didn't make a sauce and some parmesan cheese and we'll brown that into the oven that's it nice first of all mankos so the classic dessert crepe uh in the crepe see that was done actually by uh karen we go back to the middle of the 19th century and for the region of england is the mistress of the region of england whose name was suzette and uh so those cripe were developed at that time here and the convention that away in restaurants still when i was a kid that the way it was done you gave the crepe to the metro d and they go with a lot of sugar here and they take the orange and they impregnate the side of the sugar with in front of the customer you do that and you can see that those lump of sugar are full of the essential oil which is really what you have there then we put that in the skillet with a piece of butter five six cubes like this piece of butter it melts they crush it they caramelize it a little bit and they take those crepe dipped in that mixture then put gum on here usually which is an orange liquor an orange brandy rather and some cognac and finish the crepe there at side table usually to make it a little better but that's very good we do the suzette butter and you sand it directly to the dining room so the metro do you can put the sushi butter all melt dip the crepe in it and finish it up and that's what i want to show you how to do and for that i have one stick of butter here which is really a bit soft but that's all right a little soft then about about a quarter of a cup of sugar all right and then we put orange rind because remember in this this is where you have the essential oil in the surface of this not in the juice the juicy citric acid yeah so this happened to be orange this happened to be tangerine or mandarin rather and you can see i can put that on top of it here get a lot of that type of taste i can smell it now you can see that those are marvelous so that will go in there or even a little bit of the orange one the orange one i think maybe have less flavor if that should be plenty tasty okay juice a beautiful orange so i have about a quarter of a cup and here that's when you need really a food processor because remember butter doesn't get incorporated with liquid but there with the speed of the machine it will get incorporated way about a third of a cup of orange juice okay now that goes in the insert of a bigger machine then that in there [Music] let's see that here yes i have a beautiful mixture here actually you know this is almost like a an orange buttercream you could do a cake and use that as an orange buttercream if i were to do that however i'll probably use powdered sugar rather than that type of sugar so here as you can see that becomes much easier to do that for the dining room or for the metro d or whatever because all you put is to melt some of this into your skillet it's absolutely delicious and then flambe it with grand marnier and cognac or ammoniac which is more or less the same thing okay so you would make that a delicious butter there i will put it on that side here inside bring it back up and put it down and fold it so now it's done on both sides and fold it again with four but i know that i have some of that crepe mixture um all over the place so here now i have three crepes here actually i have enough butter to do maybe four so that would be yeah easy for two people two of that person is plenty you can cook it for maybe 20 30 seconds as you can see it will caramelize on each side here beautiful and then are we going to have cognac and hong kong here okay put a bit of a sonja in there and you flambe it you want the alcohol to evaporate and then you're ready to serve it so here one of those now which has been soaked in the liquor and i think that suzette will be very happy i don't do the same recipe for my granddaughter but okay here we are beautiful savory crepe done with the mushroom chicken pot pie type of thing and the classic crepe season to make your wife or your friend happy i'm glad to do that for you thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: Home Cooking with Jacques Pépin
Views: 330,764
Rating: 4.9404182 out of 5
Keywords: Jacques Pepin, Jacques Pépin, Home Cooking, Cooking, Recipes, Crepes, Breakfast, savory crepes, Sweet Crepes, Crêpe, Flombe, Crêpe Suzette
Id: jVrRj5pS3sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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