INNOCENT MEN Wrongly Accused, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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can't see a receipt no problem but you just saw me purchase this still need to see your receipt there you go are you good to go hello here's my receipt oh no it's mine are you sure but yeah it's no problem you have a nice day okay thanks so you were saying oh sorry did you see the way that security guard treated that guy as opposed to the way he treated us uh no what happened well he asked to see that guy's receipt and he didn't ask to see ours i just feel bad that some people have to go through a hard time just based on the color of their skin i don't know about that everyone goes through a hard time in one way or another god knows i've been through my fair share of struggles yeah well i'm not saying everyone's life isn't hard i'm just saying my skin tone isn't one of the reasons my life is harder i've seen it firsthand you have you see those two kids over there [Music] those are both my boys gregory is my biological son and anthony is my husband's from his first marriage and even though those boys have grown up in the same house they've had completely different life experiences you see when my son greg walks through our neighborhood nobody minds and all of the neighbors say hello to him but when my son anthony walks through our neighborhood people cross the street when they see him clutching their purses as if he was a threat and when my son greg goes into a store he's able to shop freely without having to worry about anyone thinking that he's suspicious but when my son anthony goes into a store he gets looked at as if he's going to steal something and gets treated like a criminal so you see as the mom of boys with two different skin tones i've seen first hand that people do really get treated differently based on the color of their skin wow um to be honest that's something i've never experienced before maybe if i start with my own eyes i'd understand it better mom how oh my god anthony officer what's going on ma'am do you know this boy yes he's my son your son we got a complaint someone stole money from a store nearby so i have to search him he didn't steal anything he's been here the entire time i have to search him anyway you got any drugs on you or money huh no i don't he doesn't have anything leave him alone connor we got the guy come on let's go oh i didn't do anything okay sorry for the inconvenience man have a nice day anthony baby are you okay i'm fine whatever i was so scared i tried to tell the cop that anthony didn't steal anything but he didn't listen i can't believe what i just saw i'm so sorry you had to go through that sucks but i'm used to it i'm so sorry no one should ever have to be used to that it's so sad that people really do treat you differently just because of the color of your skin [Music] hey give that back leave me alone get off me please put your hands up officer thank goodness that you're here this man i said put your hands up okay look my name is jordan harris i'm a state senator and this man he stole money shut up now turn around and put your hands behind your head not the wrong guy [Music] call lieutenant great he's a friend ask him i said shut up okay now tell me what really happened this man is lying he ran up to me and took my money and it's right there in his left pocket no that's not what happened this man stole money from a grocery store owner oh you're hurting me i tried to be nice this is just a big misunderstanding uh-huh what do we have here see i told you that's my money it's not his save it for the judge i'm putting you behind bars i believe this belongs to you i'm sorry for the inconvenience sir thank you so much officer officer wait let him go you've got the wrong guy this is the man that you should arrest what are you talking about he's a hero you see he was in my shop earlier hey mr harris nice to see you again just the gum today yes sir hey gary how's the business been not too good money's tight but i'm getting by sorry to hear that here's 20 and i want you to keep the change i hope it helps wow thank you so much no problem it's always good seeing you gary tell your kids i say hello i will listen man give me all your cash or else okay please don't shoot everything i want everything hurry up this is all i have please i have kids at home i don't care about your kids give it here you think so man what banana [Music] go back inside call the police i'll try to catch him go go so you see all mr harris was trying to do was to get my money back he's the real criminal i even have everything on video you're not going anywhere come on connors what the heck are you doing then craig that man is state senator jordan harris all right you take those cuts off immediately place them onto him yes sir right away senator i am so sorry this is so embarrassing it's okay lieutenant it's unfortunate that these type of things happen all the time i'm so sorry sir i i didn't know he was center i thought he was a criminal you wait till the commissioner hears about this i'm so sorry sir and senator i save it this belongs to you thank you so much don't thank me thank him he's the real hero thank you so you see your honor it's without question that this defender did these crimes no that's impossible i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game he's lying you can tell by looking at him order defendant do you have any proof of your alibi uh uh no we don't have any proof your honor okay well if there's no evidence to corroborate robert's story the court finds the defendant robert williams guilty on all six counts of assault with a deadly weapon wait what what no no no no please he's not my baby boy he didn't do it i know he did it your honor please you have to believe me i'm innocent i put that on my life you know i didn't do this you know it order mr williams that's enough not another word we'll reconvene tomorrow for sentencing teddy no please don't go everything's gonna be okay sweetie i promise daddy loves you so much hey bus what if he's telling the truth what if we got the wrong guy well you don't think i know what i'm doing no no i'm not saying that i'm just wondering if maybe we shouldn't take another look at the facts i just want a case who cares whether he did it or not all that's important is i'm one step closer to a promotion and besides people like him they're all the same just a bunch of criminals please sir please it's never too late to do the right thing i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game [Music] yeah well i can see my headlines now d.a graham gives lowlife criminal life in prison keep up the great work he's innocent he's innocent can you give us a minute yeah what are you talking about he wasn't in philly when it happened his story checks out look i have his credit card statements right here he was making purchases in los angeles while the crime was happening okay so well so if he was in los angeles when the crime was happening in philadelphia then it couldn't have been him we have to get these to the defense right away have you lost your mind i mean uh maybe somebody stole his card maybe he gave it to him i can think of a thousand reasons but sir that's enough the case is over do you hear me now what i would suggest that you do walk the line so you can get ahead [Music] i have proof what is it now i contacted a local convenience store and i found a photo of him he bought a hot dog just before the game it's not possible take a look he couldn't have committed a crime in philly if he was buying a hot dog in l.a doesn't even look like him it's him i had facial recognition confirm it has anyone else seen this no why good let's keep it that way i don't want you humiliating us or risking this case because you got some pictures that don't even look like the guy but sir quiet you want to lose your job i don't want to hear one more word about this case you're not gonna believe this i have video evidence what are you talking about well a reporter was giving an interview outside of the game okay so so guess who walks by there that's robert he just walked through the background of the video i i can't believe this this proves his innocence we have to tell the judge all arise have a seat we have to tell the judge you don't have to tell a soul is everything okay mr graham anything you want to share no your honor very well mr williams these charges against you are not minor crimes federal statute requires a 25-year mandatory minimum sentence no please your honor i'm telling you i didn't do it you've already been found guilty so unless the people have anything else this court hereby sentences the defendant robert williams to 25 years in a federal prison without the possibility oh god [Music] is wait excuse me wait i'm sorry your honor he didn't do it may i approach the bench you may your honor there is no way that mr williams committed those crimes you see i have here a credit card statement showing purchases made by the defendant with his credit card in los angeles on the same day that the crime took place in philadelphia and i also have a photo of the defendant in a convenience store here in los angeles buying a hot dog just mere moments before the crime took place and i have a video as well your honor that shows the defendant at dodger stadium at the exact time and date that the crime was taking place in philadelphia over 2 000 miles away so you see your honor robert williams could not have committed those crimes he was telling the truth all along is uh is all this true mr graham uh well uh why didn't you say anything because he was more interested in his promotion than he was in saving an innocent man from jail i presented him with all of this evidence your honor and yet he ignored it well what'd you expect huh okay so maybe he didn't do this crime but i'm sure he's done dozens of others look at him he's clearly a criminal your honor order heard all i've needed to hear mr williams the charges against you have been dropped you're free to go bailiff uncuff him immediately [Music] you mr graham obstructing justice and tampering with evidence is a very serious crime your honor i'm going to see to it that not only do you never practice law again but that we send the right man to jail this time you bailiff arrested no oh this can't be happening this case is dismissed [Applause] why did you help us well because a wise woman once told me it's never too late to do the right thing [Music] let me see your papers what what i don't have them on where i'm now there was this guy that was more like you never had him on you i'm taking you into the station you don't understand there was this woman you know it just helped i just helped save her life spare me the lies look all of you criminals are the same no please say this [Music] i don't understand why are they taking those men those men are illegal here isabella but those men look like daddy is daddy illegal too well take oh i have to mama how else are we going to eat i'm a good man nothing's gonna happen to me promise me you'll come back to read me my bedtime story i promise you'll see me sooner than you think okay you're lucky i love you hey listen to grandma okay you do what she says come on ciao no no no no no what do you want me honey i don't want your money on something else hey the ladies have to let it go get out of here but why are you helping me because i have a daughter and i'm just doing what any father would do now go get out of here we don't want any problems no it's all the commotion here oh thank god you're here there's this guy this woman i was helping right now who are you let me see your papers what more like you never had them on you i'm taking you into the station you don't understand there was this woman you know it just helped i just helped save her life spare me the lies okay i know you're tight look all of you criminals are the same you would never help anyone no no please say please please get in there look you're gonna wait here until they deport you back to where you came from i need to make this phone call i promised my daughter was going to come home tonight give me that no no no oh okay okay okay yeah you can speak to your daughter as soon as you go back to mexico with all the other criminals no please you don't understand i'm a good man i was saving this girl's life she needed my help please i just want to see my daughter i made a promise to her i'm sure you're a father too lies no no all lies i bet you don't even have a daughter and i know you didn't save anyone you're gonna wait here the bus will be here any minute to deport you back to mexico wherever you came from no no no comprende please please please honey what are you doing here you okay dad you won't believe what just happened baby tell me what happened there was this thing in the alleyway and he grabbed me i thought i was gonna die who did this to you did he hurt you no i'm fine you see there was this man who came out of nowhere and he saved my life when i asked him why he would help me he told me he also had a daughter and he just did what any father would do he was such a good man a real hero i'm so sorry i wasn't there who was this hero i don't know he didn't wait that's him that's the man who saved my life there must be some misunderstanding that man is a criminal no i'm telling you that's the man that's him he said he had a daughter this man daughter saved your life [Music] the bus will be here any minute to deport you back to mexico [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] where are you promised to dream my bedtime story [Music] ah wow deshawn i still can't believe this is your house i do pretty well for myself never seen a backyard so beautiful before used to see the water bill plus i have to hire a bunch of landscapers to keep up with this place wow and they even pick your lemons for you are you serious hey paco you guys still in my limits my name is juan whatever you guys cannot be taking these and look at this your shirt is full of my lemons you fill up all your pockets okay and what is the problem what's the problem you really don't think there's anything wrong with what you're doing i swear this is why i never have any limits i just thought they were picking them for you no and they even got a plastic bag full of them too give me those hey what are you doing you got a problem you talk to the owner he is the owner come on what are you talking about babe forget these guys i just call their boss and get them both fired come on let's go see the inside i am the boss well then you should know not to take the owner's lemons without asking first he is not the owner okay why do they keep saying that babe i don't have to explain myself to this guy he can barely speak english hey come on let's go you do own this house though right is that seriously even a question why would you ask me that hey martin hey juan how are you guys hey how are you senor how are the girls ah growing too fast you guys take care hey cafe it's okay we still take the lemons of course take as many as you want share them with the whole family okay bye gracias [Music] he is the owner [Music] so you lied to me okay so i don't own house i rent it but i'll probably buy this house in the next few years oh hey deshawn can you have your dad call me his lease is up for renewal of course i'll let him know now thank you so much you mean your dad rents this house i can explain save it i've already lied enough babe wait you don't want to see the inside because i've got the looks and the personality oh my gosh nice job pepperoni face anyone can get it even you maybe you should go wash your face again why because you've got pizza all over your face
Channel: Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations
Views: 2,206,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational, inspirational, life tips, self improvement, happiness, dhar mann, short film
Id: 3p4HQDA0EvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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