Restaurant CAJUN Baby Back RIBS, It's perfect!

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[Music] welcome back to sweda everything guys today cajun style baby back ribs together with a little bit of red chimichurri sauce my mouth is watering just thinking about it check it out and these are baby back ribs i like saint louis ribs they have a lot more meat on them that's why it's one of the most popular ribs there is but just like every other one it has the membrane on the back it does not matter how you cook your ribs this thing has to go because it is extremely chewy and to take it out it's very easy i just started with the butter knife and go right underneath once that's done i like to get a paper towel so that i have a nice grip sometimes it rips just like this but hey you start opening you take the other piece out just like that however sometimes you get really lucky and as you can see the second one came out in one piece that is how easy it is to remove the membrane now the awesome thing is that my ribs are not only gonna feel better when i'm biting them but they're also gonna allow me to put more seasoning so always remember no matter what you do take that membrane out to make sure that my seasoning is going to stick to the ribs i like to apply the binder for today i'm using yellow mustard you can use worcestershire sauce and many other things you just want to get it nice and sticky talking about that i went ahead and make my own cajun rub as always remember exact amount and ingredients always on the description down below for you i started with a good amount of black pepper followed by garlic powder cayenne pepper celery salt dry thyme mustard powder smoked paprika onion powder and oregano now all there's left to do is to combine everything together because your rub is done now i'm pretty sure you noticed that i did not put the master of all seasoning and that is salt and there's a very specific reason why i did that that's because i like to apply it all by itself leaving the salt out of the rub is one of the best things you can do this way will allow you to put the exact amount needed for each individual piece of meat so once i was done with the salt i went ahead and apply the rub now you definitely want to be generous with this one but most importantly you want to make sure you season both sides well and don't forget to apply that binder i mean think about it this is one of the most important steps there is of cooking if you don't season things properly it's just not gonna taste good so make sure you take your time and get every single edge just like this now i don't know about you but i like my ribs really smoky and there's nothing like real smoke so for that i threw it into my smoker at the lowest setting for two hours trust me you can try other things like liquid smoke but nothing is as good as the real deal as you can see there's a little bit of mahogany color between the meat that is a sign that the smoke penetrated nicely and deeply into the meat that is what i'm talking about but even though we smoked it for two hours it's still raw and for that we gotta cook it up so i threw it in the bag vacuum sealed it and it was ready for the water bath that is perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and prepare some more amazing things to go along with it and the first one is going to be this incredible chimichurri sauce i know what you're thinking chimichurri sauce with ribs yeah i know i'm crazy but hey we're going to find out if this is a good thing or a complete disaster into a food processor i threw in a little bit of cilantro followed by parsley sun-dried tomatoes garlic red bell pepper red white vinegar oregano i finished it off with a little bit of salt and black pepper now there's left to do is to blend it well and our chimichurri sauce is almost ready the only thing missing is a good quality olive oil now you want to mix it well because your chimichurri sauce is done i cannot emphasize how good this chimichurri sauce is it is perfectly balanced with the sun-dried tomatoes give this one a try friends you will not regret it i guarantee you now the last thing we're gonna do is a barbecue glaze sauce to go along with our ribs and this one is super easy into a saucepan i threw in a good amount of apple juice followed by apple cider vinegar low sodium soy sauce honey brown sugar and because this is cajun style louisiana hot sauce a good amount of it let's have these ribs give it a good kick then add in ginger paste garlic paste a good amount of ketchup of course a little bourbon and mix it well now you want to bring it to a light simmer and let it reduce to half you got to remember the more you reduce the thicker it will be so it all depends on your preference for me once half was reduced my glaze was done that is how easy it is to make a barbecue glaze remember that once this cools down it's going to thicken up even more that's perfect because we're going to go ahead and cook those ribs talking about that sous-vide is one of the most incredible things to cook ribs with i like mine at 155 degrees fahrenheit for 24 hours and i cannot wait to show you how they're gonna turn out [Music] that red chimichurri sauce you are able to put it in anything i'm very excited to find out how it's going to taste with the ribs as you saw it there the sauce is a little bit sweet but also has a little spiciness from that louisiana hot sauce so this combination of flavors i'm really excited to find out how it's going to taste remember i cook the ribs at 155 degrees fahrenheit for 24 hours they should be nice and tender we are hungry it is ready and it's time to take it out let's do it [Music] here we have the juices from the bag from the ribs if you could only smell there's no way that i'm gonna throw this away so here's the plan the first thing i'm gonna do is to sear with the flame thrower once that's done i'll be putting a nice thin layer of the sauce so that we can get a nice coating and burn those sugars a little bit just a little bit now this one you got to be careful okay because you don't want a bitter taste just a nice pass with the flamethrower is good enough do not overdo it if not you'll be bitter i know my ribs don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful ribs today mama it's been a while that we don't eat ribs it's been a good good long time good long time exactly and for me it seems like you've been years all right so we got the ribs right here i'm just going to cut you know i know what they're thinking right now they're going to go like you're going to eat ribs with organized yeah no no no everybody we're just trying to split the whole thing here now oh it's nice and tender you smell amazing if we eat these ribs with water we have a problem with eating with pork knife how we doing no you cannot do that yes no they're gonna roast you on the comment section my mouth roast away without chimichurri everybody cheers oh my god i missed you so much baby that is amazing are you okay that is amazing the sauce right here you can rub on the sauce a little bit my mom all right the sauce gave me a little back cake over here there's a little kick but not too much no not too much yeah you feel it in the back of your throat a little bit there's a little bit of cayenne and if you stop chewing that's when you feel it even more you know what i mean it's too sweet as you guys know because it has a little bit of a brown sugar or maybe not a little bit maybe a lot but uh it's nice i really enjoy it pull off the bone yeah not like dripping off the bone without the chimichurri amazing now is the real test here's my thought right i want to balance it out the acidity because it's very sweet and very fatty the baby back ribs yes but the acidity of the chimichurri should make either a compliment or a complete disaster i have no idea you're gonna balance or completely tilt the other way exactly so i have no idea which way is gonna be better cheers everybody wow that is amazing wow that is a good combination everybody that is a phenomenal combination wow the chimney tree yes do it again wow here's what's happening if you had the ribs just with the barbecue sauce it's sweet all the way around yes you're eating it's sweet you're done eating you still have sweetness on your mouth yes when you add the chimichurri it cuts that sweetness off completely you write on the money there because like there's no sweetness at all until you swallow it and then a little bit of the sweetness comes back in with the flavor of the barbecue sauce yo mama i gotta have not said any better it's like you're trying two different ribs yes you know what i mean yes sometimes everybody you have to experiment in order to find out if something is amazing this is an incredible combination i'm telling you incredible wow huh i cannot believe the flavors that i'm tasting right now i know the flavor that you get over here it's not the flavor of the chimichurri no no because you combine it with the sweetness it's so weird but it's so good that is why i like to experiment if you don't try something new you never know if it's gonna be good and this is a wonderful combination always experiment don't eat boring food try something new you might like it just like we did you see first time i did it i promise you it's not going to be the last oh i can't wait for you to do this again anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one you either win or you learn you win and you're right exactly you're not going to lose either way you don't lose it you're eating ribs it's always a good day when you're really ribs everybody see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 170,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sous vide ribs, baby back ribs, best ribs, how to cook ribs, sweet ribs, cajun ribs, ribs recipe, sous vide, cooking, how to make ribs
Id: dxzICpLOp3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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