Respecting Other's Time - Daddy Issues Podcast

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no this is what pissed me off that was like y'all despite the week he missed this this is what bothered me about it this is what bothered me about the craig thing they were shredding craig the day they was like craig i'm saying he was never gonna miss oh yeah and then when we gave craig a hard time it was the timeline was off just because i was in my own space like they said i was in my life yeah story they wrote for me it made sense to drunk craig well silver crack they were right y'all were petty for seeing the message while y'all were recording and just getting like nice yeah yeah y'all did you oh you started when you said i got receipts so chad says well when i pull up my phone i'm looking at questions for the show i'm not looking at text messages you've seen the big uh green camera i didn't it might be over there so i did i i i take candy i saw it i saw your face time i just you told me as soon as it was over oh my bad bro he came right to where i was at they know my bad hey here's the thing correct you live you live how far from here i'm not giving up my okay so craig instead of calling to facetime could have just drove here we were we were less than an hour in definitely you have all this timing and all that or y'all could have just answered and i could have been right here right there no because then you had to do the whole set up oh man that could have been right there here in ten minutes when we didn't answer the phone you could have pulled out yeah that's what i would have done huh i didn't know how far it no i didn't because sometimes you late today chad was late but you knew he was still wrong yeah that's why i hit y'all to see because sometimes you'd be like after 40 minutes tony be like we out of here [Laughter] why are you gay oh he says okay yeah he's wild cause he's starting off with a regular question and then he goes what are you getting it was a girl yeah she's like who said i'm okay [Music] and you could tell before they were like let's not talk about that he was oh he was like i'm gonna get this question off who said i was gay you ugly tony just hit me with a with the axe and i was like what did what did i miss in 11 seconds we went to look at this one house one time and we were running late and the dude she called the dude because she had went to the wrong address and then she called him and then she was telling him everything he was just like why are you late i was sitting over there you know he actually bringing that oh yeah at home [Laughter] cause he was just let me forget everything you talking about why are you late man i got stuff to do man i gotta get better bother you it didn't bother me that he asked it bothered me that man we are late i thought it bothered you but you've never asked like i'm gonna use that ooh i've been like and we always reference that like why are you late because don't nobody ever ask you that like people you know yeah but regular people be like yo that's what i'm saying is that ain't that kind of offensive when a regular person no not of you on somebody else's time yeah are you talking this time if you tell somebody to meet me here yeah and we have a whole day and i have a job this is hilarious we was in the wrong yeah but i'm gonna be like you petty asked me why are we like you're gonna make things even later let's just get to it well he's out i like walking in trying but it doesn't matter but if you if you ask somebody to meet you at a certain time you're agreeing to me at a certain time you don't but what if i apologize like how we told you i'm like in here and i got here 11 seconds that still don't answer the question why why were you what if my answer is my dad just died [ __ ] well good answer dog but still why are you late we ain't bringing them back you got to be a good boss now i'm looking for now i'm looking for other stuff your dad died yeah like if i if i apologize you shouldn't even be here no i'm just saying if i apologize off the bat that's not being late to a stranger i don't got to tell you my why i'm late yeah you do no a stranger it depends on what it is you're doing a business that's a business that's business when you're a realtor and you're doing a house that's like that other stuff yes 405 traffic you got to take the you got to take the surface excuse me traffic ain't good enough well five's always the same you can't give me stranger what if it's personal think about that you could have called when you found out like sabrina sabrina sabrina well i'm late she's like hey sorry for being late because we had such-and-such because what happened was uh we've been looking at mad houses so she went to the wrong address right but luckily it was close enough but it still pushed us back that's fair game she told her she told him that after he asked why are you late but he asked that though now has she started off with hey a stranger can't wait but wait because he can't if he's been sitting there waiting he said so he's like he had a tight schedule like i don't care what you're whatever you were saying why why weren't you here that's fresh how about this i'm not gonna buy this house because you questioned it off his back yeah it's not his personal life he clearly had a busy schedule he had all the people to show him yeah you're not his only client stranger's got to take what you give another like this housing i get it but if you leave with why i'm late i don't got to tell you why if i if sabrina would like you were disrespectful first by being late i get it but if i say so no no no nobody said it then cool i if i if i come in and the first thing i say is i'm so sorry i'm late caught up you don't get to ask me why call it up what that mean i don't i don't have to tell him why are you late i like hearing you i like hearing a good lie with teenage kids i'm quick to be like why are you late uh because uh we were driving and then i was like oh no yeah i like this he was pissed located it was mad because lowkey now that i think about it i'm thinking like i think she might have already told him why and then he went back baby i could be wrong you're giving a stranger too much power but it was just loud not my dad [ __ ] so what people keep in his house that's what i'm gonna be like i don't need this house all right he gonna be like deuces okay so what you didn't hurt him at all he didn't hurt us it's gonna be you know he's not the only realtor out there but he hurt me he's like if i really wanted to see that house that hurts me right he wants to have like i'm not proving the point to him he's like [ __ ] you i'm and then when it comes to time people people are only on time don't nobody talk to the airport like that i don't know i'm just saying for like in that scenario if i come in saying i'm so sorry i'm late i don't have to tell you why i'm late what is that going to solve well that's like what is yeah i appreciate the apology but why are you late if no if like i said if sabrina leaves wood i'm so sorry for being late i don't have to tell you why i'm late because it doesn't that what does my answer do for you you see because i need to know why you blew me off yeah i didn't know what what what did you have going on that was more important than what we decided we were going to do i might not want to deal with you anymore so we're depending on yourself you said i was late because i just felt like well [ __ ] [ __ ] you we ain't doing this no depending on yours depending on your reason why you're late right the reason matters i might not want to do this if you have something which you get nothing because i thought about it like the reason really don't matter because you could have left if you felt like that if you felt that disrespected you could have been but i stayed for you because i would have left i would have loved it if i'm not big on people being late i'm out we talking on the phone about it you were late so i left if somebody if somebody pushes their time to accommodate your lateness that you're that's your responsibility you don't get to talk crazy to me if i ask you i i waited for you bro well that's your fault that's your bad great great you can be aggressive but that's great way of thinking though that's the only answer there's always one shady one they'll be like oh cool yeah i'm going this target shady i'm going to the other target yeah but he does plenty of candy shops i like her i'm not wasting my time you and tony aren't dealing with the same realtor no it's not a valid question it is if you're late on somebody else's time that's not a valid question for you you see if you booked a show bro and this cat didn't show up to 20 minutes he's like why the [ __ ] you late dog why are you late i have shown up to be late no it's business no no no no no it's just like an audition if you like though this dude had other locations to hit he had to go downtown l.a he should have been there he's in santa clarita on the left so that's time i would have left no i'm not going to question y'all like you're great he's nice we appreciate that you being nice but the truth is you didn't have to be right i'm not a kid don't throw it back in my face that's the selfish way of thinking though you were wrong yeah i was wrong and i apologize for my wrong i don't have to apologize for why i was wrong i apologize for me being wrong but but the question is not out of line on his part why because like we were late we're coming in it's still like two minutes before the actual meet time so we still 10 minutes away from that so let's say we're supposed to meet him at noon we hit him up at 11 55 we about 10 minutes out so he's still there and he's just like why are you late though because he knows you're coming so yeah the thing is there is no real answer that you can give him that he's going to status by the cops good answer right but he's already putting i got an accident good answer he's gonna think you're lying regardless even if it's a bad answer it doesn't really change things like uh yeah it does it does i need a knife if you get pulled over by the council i understand that bro time is super important we know it's so important it's one of those things where if you're late it's disrespectful right i was getting dressed and i didn't i didn't leave at the time i should have left even though we had a whole textbook but also i was like he's in the wrong but also i was like i can get here at 11. but also i'm i'm not trying to get you money or a house no but if chaz comes in and he's like oh my bad fellas i'm not gonna be like why i didn't get my my bad out well as soon as i opened the door yeah it was like you're late it was interesting to apologize yeah my bad guys but it's different we know each other well uh that's a different stranger so yeah you should i i'm not i'm not disagreeing with the being on time part it should be eliminated you should be on time but a stranger don't get to say why but you don't want somebody to but look if you're late and you want to see a house you don't want somebody to go i'm gone you you would love for somebody to be there to make time for you yeah you want whatever they're there when you get there they're there so but but if homie only asked why are you late hey man my bad bubba blood can you show me the house everybody's still got what they want so what i'm saying is if sabrina led would i'm so sorry for being late yeah he don't deserve an answer for watching the double ask is a bit much right but for him to ask it's not i'm talking about he shouldn't ask if she already apologized the apology ain't enough well that's what she did there ain't no relationship yeah that's what she's supposed to do bring this [ __ ] a cake it's a courtesy to let people know exactly why i get it and if i'm late and i know you're busy i'm just like hey my bad let's reschedule because i know you got stuff to do because i'm sorry you could've been [ __ ] i'm okay from from a woman's point of view oh i had to deal with my period [ __ ] this is none of your business okay on why i'm late i'm being honest that's none of his business why she's well she could have said i had feminine this year exactly phased out but it's still valid now we're talking now this [ __ ] is quiet because he's like boundaries [Laughter] you've asked somebody who's been on your time while they're late before definitely i know i in a relationship i thank somebody on my time with my child it depends on who it is yeah it depends on who it is if it's a business if it's a stranger business why are you late is very valid well i'm very business we're on a time business yeah and so is homie i get it i've never had because i can understand if something really came up if you just blew me off it's a big [ __ ] you to me if you really had something going on like getting pulled over or something like that i'm like i understand that things happen but it was just i was late just because that's a middle finger to me so i'm like all right that's how i deal with you from now on sometimes you gotta my whole thing is a lead back my whole thing is i mean is it what what she loves what the person leaves with i come in and i'm telling you i'm sorry stuff got bad over there i apologize that ain't enough for you that's me telling you i don't want to tell you the real world got bad over there me and him don't have a big enough relationship where i got to give him a personal answer i don't mind giving people my personal business if i'm late and i'm truly remorseful right i'll be like yo man i got shot in the hips you know what i'm saying all right well let's try it upstairs it's like what why and why i have to find out because i know it's a good excuse i don't think it's a thing to take personal i think you take the why you lay personal yeah i wouldn't take it personally business why are you late oh man that's my fault it's not a personal thing let me my father tell me why before you ask me dad well hey if i need my goddamn dad if you call me and you go hey run about 5 to 10 late yeah then then you go all right i'll see you in a minute no [ __ ] why are you late what's happening if that wasn't now if you started off if you gave the whole thing in the beginning i get the double ass for sure i would definitely tell you but me personally i'm letting you i'm y'all know i'm punctual as hell you're punctual i would i would tell you oh man i'm running behind give me 15 minutes or whatever i would leave i would tell you but if we ask you why you'd be pissed not you guys because we're different we're like family right but this [ __ ] is not that's what i'm saying so what are you doing here if i can't hear you you're doing a comedy show and they say hey man why were you late do you want to start the show or you want to well me personally that wouldn't happen i would i would already tell them you know that i'm running late or whatever the case is but if that happened and it was a comedy show and they asked me why i'm late i will apologize and let them know why i'm late but it still might be a lie whatever the case is that's your choice we're working they asked me why i was late when i was late for punchline and sack when i was late for that first show i think the comedy club exactly then they put you up in a hotel or something like that but they also paid no no they didn't put me up right i think the comedy club aspect is different because they're your boss for that day so you kind of owe them an explanation that's a that's a very different situation it's work they're your boss that nigga's not your boy russell tony don't need the punch line no but i'm just saying but i'm saying you know tony's like i do but that's that's a big difference he's not your boss but he's somebody on the business tip he set aside a time in his schedule i respect him for you i'm showing this house in two weeks later i get it i get it but if he's that big on on lakes he ain't supposed to stay he's supposed to go but then but he's not the rude one he's like you know what i'm going to i'm staying and you're getting at that point right now he's working for you you asked me to see this house fam when the boss comes in late he don't the employee don't say why are you late boss right well you don't get to question the balls that's when you're going to buy a house the person there is essentially working for he's working so they don't get to say where was you at yeah but they're working for something that i want but he's still working for you so i need to be honest what did you get other people coming like tonight right now right so they want to sell it to me so so what but what did you what did you pay him he has to do all this work still first yes it works he's doing more work than you are for nothing and if he would have left we only lose an end because we didn't waste the gas we was 10 minutes out and you don't get to see the house you wanted to stay on it i'm we trying to find a house right now i'm in the same boat as tony i'm like this it sucks right now we're going to let the people in the comments you know they're high fans this is split it's not split it's three to [Laughter] uh i was 11 seconds late guys we just been starting at 11 so long i don't know we've never been here at 10 45 yeah you just said meet up it's not like be on the mic today keon actually texts that lesson he acts can you guys i thought that meant 11. no he was still late i was 11 seconds late why were you why were brand new news to me brand new news and i think craig [ __ ] he's just going to the point gave me the eyes like yeah yeah your eyes crazy okay my eyes don't count for them [Laughter] but if dude said hey be here at one and i was like oh i thought you said 115. my bad why are you late i i read it wrong see but then i'd be like dumbass but right all right all right i get it so from now on we're all gonna be at 10 45. that changes all right that's cool you've all been here now you'll be prepared correct don't we start with this group always been here me and craig at 10 45 yeah yeah 10 45 sometimes 10 a.m for me right i got it see the reprimand i took you just to see it to get here no no no i said to be on the mic by 10 45. because i was like what sometimes we get there and it was setting up what are you talking about that's when we move outside no no even in the thing we'd be getting it they'd be putting stuff together i'm not wrong here guys no they do be said no thanks jesus christ but they they they set up when we get here because they said it was based on how late we would be yeah and where we're sitting yeah telling you i thought 10 45 was the meetup time not that all my time also all my time was 11. everybody always migrated to 11 i thought it was 11. they were doing 11. oh wow you are late i got in there i like how respectful you are to this realtor's time but then you don't know nothing about nothing but he went to the bathroom you got to respect him you got to respect [Laughter] but if it's something that's like yo business time yeah i'm gonna do my best to uh to be on time which i thought i was here today so excuse my lateness guys my back just went today just for today excuse my latest for today yeah today's only day that counts dc today's the only thing i'm apologizing for the other episodes thousands of times those aren't accounts for those just today we are back with another episode of daddy issues [Music] uh as you can see you know what my sons are ladies are they yeah they late they believe so that's her editor especially uh serene surrender let me forget on time for school though he's always been like don't let me forget check for spring i got it in my bag uh check for serena just reminded you do it don't let me forget it don't forget you're watching on that i'm gonna remember that but yeah you know they'd be late because i'd be like you know i'll be picking them up and be like all right i'm pulling up at this time and then i always wait every time do you ask them why why sometimes like man what you doing in there man you know i give you the time in advance you know what i'm saying it's always one of them one of them's always behind my son's everything on that too what i started doing was either leaving him or i don't start until he's ready so if he's like yeah all right it's 11 30 let's go i'll be like all right i'm start getting ready now so now he knows to come earlier right i ain't starting to you come get me mm-hmm i'm not gonna be the one waiting in the car for somewhere you need to all right right right i'm waiting and then he comes rushing you at the end like come on we got to be like man i've been waiting on you i'll be down to leave my daughters but when i don't leave them it means it's going to be i'm lecturing you the whole time when the car so i think that's why they make it a point to try to be on time yeah you got to hear it they got to hear you you got to harass people yeah you got to you got to do the harassment that time and that's why the realtor was like it won't happen again you got to grill people sometimes that was a message for us man we took that in we got to respect these reels this time it's to the point my son gets in the car half naked wet just to make sure the last time i was at your house yeah they got to have that threat in there yeah they're getting left you got a hot one minute i'm driving off and i'm out i will drive right around the corner too and just sit in the car like i was gone i'll stay in that hour mm-hmm you're gonna miss your event you gotta hey yeah it's a message oh hey let me give you guys an example of how i do respect time there you go goodness gracious time i forgot daddy issues i forgot all about it that day remember that it was oh when i drove when you yeah keon i forgot the all about i'm supposed to be here to because you weren't here that day this was it was just youtube completely forgot uh maya hit me was like hey we're doing this thing at 10 i was on the other side of town i was like [ __ ] i completely forgot i was there were you no it was just me and tony it was just us it was just him at the time well he must have did it twice he was supposed to be filling in for tony yeah so i had already drove and jazz there was dc once you do no what it was direct currents after they were talking about it like chad didn't even come i was there now now what i did though i was there i was so sorry and like dc could have did it they're like dc could have did it and we know chaz wasn't going to come right make it about dc the point is i was so sorry that i went and i bought uh the edible arrangements for the place i spent some good money because i was like i don't know how else to say sorry or to make up that time i can't you can't right so i was like yo here's this i hope you guys just appreciate like you know understand that iris super respect you guys is time right so at least let me fruit show that you super respect that question question question questions yeah it's a good time but that was my apology okay what are we getting for today yeah you [ __ ] nothing are you doing that for the realtor am i bringing that name if the military if the relationship would have left i would have got him something had he even like i ain't got time for this oh god i'd like yo my bad i would have went out my way to but i've done that before because i want people to know whether hey i appreciate your time if somebody's met with me they didn't have to i've sent them a gift i've sent somebody 100 gift card just a meeting with me for 10 minutes no but i'm talking about if you didn't show up if you were late like how you did my right are you bringing the realtor i would do something i would even if it's a 25 starbucks gift card i just like hey my i'm sorry let me show you something that i just i apologize i'll see you i'm sorry yeah you know what you're showing me be on time well hey next time i'll be but the next time i seen i'd have been on time with yeah well we don't need all these gifts [ __ ] just be on top well hey i didn't come with you he wasn't so he's saying the point is just like when you get an argument tomorrow when you get in a fight we can't take that back so let me do this to show you my remorse for doing that here's at least something right plus i mean plus be on like fix your whatever fix your [ __ ] right so if i'm late i'm not gonna be late again and bring your gift card but yeah i know i was late but here's this and it's like well you be bullshitting dogs i really want you to be on for some reason i think you're showing up late with the gift card no you don't show up late with the gift for you yeah because the biggest the biggest thank you or the biggest reward is like the correct behavior that's the goal right so but if you do that but it's just like yo last time also here's this here's such and such just it sounds like and then usually you're doing that one time only like if you're lazy i'm not going to get you guys anything man because i needed you today and you came up short yeah well i'm not are you okay here's the thing though i might make keon a lot of money coming up we'll talk about that later okay not you but you know you direct your household not you damn yeah yeah yeah but still though you know what i'm saying i'm saying he needed you hey baby once you start talking about making money [Laughter] yeah it's like like how we're all on the same page now huh so how long has it been since you you understand it it's been a couple years now years a couple years yeah yeah and then the special was before right before the pandemic he hadn't been up then no so yeah it's i think i think i think maybe working before the special came out might have been i want to say there was like a time or two in between there but november november yeah so i think i was working until october september october-ish and then i think that's when i said i wasn't going to be able to do it because it yeah so i think it was like around so that might have been the last time i actually got up i want to say i did a mic or two since then but it hasn't been like for real so tony wasn't being a dick no no no no no no he was being a dick in the sense of the way he said it to me of the uh [Laughter] but then yeah then the pandemic happened and no one did stand up for you no that's not true no they wouldn't understand that yeah dc was it was much more [Laughter] april may june wait when was the first four months because we did it august august so yeah yeah that first keep your distance felt special man it just felt like something like i was alive i wanted to cry yeah keep both of y'all on it right yeah because it was like the only stand-up like going on in l.a period you know what i mean like it was i was just just being there i was like oh this is special but i didn't go so the wife and my mom could go they they went often they went several oh yeah yeah yeah y'all love stand up yeah yeah yeah she loved him more than chad oh yeah yeah absolutely dick move no that was just exactly that loans yet yeah i started then i stopped again i deferred i'm dependent i've been i've been running what's the they they put the ground up because well i don't know how old y'all but they were giving me the no interest deferred too because um and income ibr yeah so i mean can they take their house away like how can they get their money back like they can garnish your wages they did that to keenan yeah i mean i mean keenan didn't like take care of business because as long as you talking to them they deal with nothing and just avoid them you know what i'm saying they started garnishing my wages on but the thing is i was getting income from so many different places they were just garnishing wages on this particular film thing oh yeah i no longer work on so like but i found out honestly the ignorium is actually worse when i actually would call in and just be like hey man i ain't got it okay what do we need ten dollars a month it may not be the full payment but as long as they getting certain they'll be like all right the next week that's double that's the whole thing with the highest money yeah that's the whole 25 six that's the whole thing the irs if you talk to them they'll set you up yeah there's people that don't say [ __ ] like all right yeah yeah we're coming for you yeah it's it's [ __ ] it's like your kids but sometimes the i set you up wrong like all right cool we just gonna let you pay us four thousand dollars a month and you good no no no [Laughter] you mean every everybody is brutal yeah they are they ruthless do y'all got over ten thousand dollars in credit card debt no no i don't this month no no [Music] no would you buy it yeah vacations there's a whole bunch of summer camps for sale wesley no i'm trying to get free college so you got to get the you got to put up some in the front as we talk about dad he like i'm trying to get this free college right so you have to have over 10 000. they'll clear that well purity is like how many of you racked up in debt in the past year if you have over ten thousand dollars in credit card or personal loan debt you need to listen up purity debt solutions has a program to stop the interest and fees while lowering your monthly payments to pay off your debt fast how they gonna do that um now that i don't know test with you you know i mean a little 60 second debt assessment uh that gives them everything they need to customize the perfect program for you so once you hit them up you go to b www.pdsdebt dot com slash issues you can take the 60 second debt assessment joint you're gonna have to give me that one more time pd that is slash issue pds debt okay dot com slash issues now um the types of debt accepted include credit card personal loans collections yeah and medical debt oh that's the one medical dedication didn't you still got medical debt no my mine's done oh yeah yeah cause remember when i had that service sometimes i recall but they had fun on the insurance so then it went down and then you know i rectified the situation yeah folks 000 i believe oh no yeah i laughed we go ginger they took out one organ and charged you forty thousand forty some thousand i could have done that for you bro i could have done that for you you could you could have y'all died soon after we probably would have lived tony i don't know man with some complications you would have been late what are you talking about late and i have been like [Laughter] flatline you must have those ten thousand dollars to death minimum credit card score required bad affair credit accepted if you're making payments every month on your credit cards and your balances aren't going down this program is for you pds debt rolls all of your payments into one low zero interest monthly payment customers save thousands in interest and fees while paying their debt off and a fraction of the time um so purity debt solutions is offering a 25 dollar visa gift card to our qualified listeners uh just for completing the quick and easy debt assessment joint at issues that's p d s d e b t dot com slash issues take back your financial freedom today by visiting issues 25 bucks just to do right and i keep saying i gotta have to actually do it if you broke in at home you got 60 seconds to go on there we got plenty we've got plenty of time to do it everybody's got time i need to just keep forgetting but i need i need to do it i want to see what what can you what can you do right can you because it could be they could be saving you a lot of bread and i'm like it couldn't be that many questions in 60 seconds no your answer's just gonna i'm broke they'd be like right you are bro because because even doing the interest all on one bill is gonna be better than doing interest from ten different yeah yeah there's a whole bunch of different stuff going on i mean taxing [ __ ] out those start bleeding man i forgot i'd be forgetting to pay certain bills sometimes yeah cuz i feel like i just paid them and they'll be like oh i'm past dude i'd be like that way too but i just paid them late so then the next one gonna come quick yeah already i just paid you but that was legal i swear i pay my phone bill twice a month bro they send the notification too early mm-hmm so like your your bill's due on the 15th they send it on like the 30th like hey it's time for you but you're like wait a minute i just i just it's not dude for another three weeks but they sent it out so early you'd be like damn already getting used to people paying late like chad verizon you're about to catch it i'll have you guys know i'm very responsible with bills me too i got to know my my rent is paid up to my rent stay on time i'm two months ahead in my room nice decent are you two months ahead yeah not that i have it like that i just i'm afraid he's used to being broke yeah i'm used to being exactly like damn let me pay two months i don't know where we're gonna be right exactly so i'll pay that so and phone i do i handle my phone bills and stuff like the same way pretty much mm-hmm i'll be filming because i you know i need to switch to the auto pay mm-hmm without having it that you never do what's up josh happy birthday birthday [Music] i'm never late on rent though well actually i've been late a couple times just because i fumbled i'd be on the road it'd be like oh oh yeah you gotta put the check in the box right and so they give you the five days right they give you a grace period the grace period is the third oh so i'd be like somewhere on the fourth but they'll never evict you bro nah they'll never they need to hurry up like when i be filling out the applications for these new spots they need to answer the phone cause they're gonna call them for the reference oh yeah and i'll be calling them like yo they're gonna reach out you know trying to let them know they're not trying to get ready they're not letting you go man i've been with the same people you part of the building they're like yeah and tony baker stays in that apartment always on time they're never letting you up yeah whatever you might as well see if they have some houses to rent they like i did they they only had nothing i definitely went to them because it was been a smooth transition easy easy peasy that's why this is the hardest move i've ever had in my life it's hard right now and then it was easier for me yeah cali and then just it's just right house is a different vlog and everybody like in a couple i think when when things open up which is supposed to be what the 15th yeah yeah uh they can they'll have more open houses and like right now like the realtors feel like it's a lot because everything is appointment you know what i mean this is what's bothering me what happened to everybody saying this the time to buy is covert buy your house now it is and everybody's buying that's what they're doing everybody that's why i can't get up the house the house we've been on we bid over and somebody bid two hundred thousand over us yeah that's because everybody is just like the cats are just having to have a lot more money well what's happening is coming in like like a little girl he's full of cash they said people coming in like tv shows and be like if you got 900 000 cash right now we'll do it and they coming in with briefcases like here you go house is mine like movies bro they're coming in with briefcases like we got it i don't even have a briefcase i'd have to come in the double bag sack right here and then like you can get lucky like we should have been on this other one and then we was like no we like this one better the first one sold that night if we were to put it in that day we would have got it and then we was like oh let's look we don't want to you never want to take the first option and that night we sold it we're done yeah right now sometimes it might sometimes the first one is the one sometimes we like we you know what it was it was that we're trying to for us to pay a certain amount we need everything to be already in so you know cool got to be there already the blah blah if we're going to pay this then that needs to be done if we got to do stuff by ourselves then i need to be lower because it's going to cost me to build it how i want to build it so some people are charging like up here but it's like your backyard is dirt yeah like i got to still put these i still got to redo you know and i'm not paying for this but they like but the land you know that's right it's trash yeah i hate it here they just knock on your door now and offer you money my house they'll be like hey we'll give you this somebody huh i wouldn't even think about it because people maybe people are coming to cause they're like that shopping center when craig first moved in the shopping center had the vons they had no stores in it now it's you know they're bringing in the organic spots and so they're people are moving to sylmar and so they're they're they're like sell your house sell your house at your house because we we're trying to buy it because everybody wants to come here mm-hmm and it's like they're fixing it right and it's like uh so we're looking we're still looking in some are two but in indian valley this part of silver i don't even know these houses is nice no on craig's side but down the other way i was like oh cause we were against track homes at first craig living in the rich area it's just the up it's coming up quick it's coming up so fast so which i'm trying to get one now because cotty was against track homes now she don't mind she was like well if there's a community pool if you don't want your personal pool that bill is crazy i never wanted a pool like that she wants to pull so bad she's a lot out of me once in my life you become that old man that just constantly is taking leaves out the pool yeah yeah i'm never dropping all types of chemicals i saw a house that had an indoor pool and i was like yeah does anybody do that that's a lot of the indoor pool like the best thing ever my in-laws had indoor pool and it was just like in-ground indoor or the ones that they had a doughboy inside the house it's just inside the house because they had a huge house so it was like a whole pool in there but it was just like i was like the maintenance like if they weren't on top of it i'd go in there i'd be like what's going on in here and then certain parts of the house you go to just smells like poo yeah it's a lot so i was just like man i don't want a pool i'll just go to it i'm not that passionate about swimming either me either but she that's her and it's funny the sooner you get a pool the sooner you stop using a pool yeah i ain't gonna be in there like that yeah i'm the opposite it's a great workout if i'm paying for it y'all know i'm gonna be in that pool every day that would be six a.m until 6 15. and then the pool go unused we just start putting balloons in there floating in there no actually we always talk about getting in there i hear that a lot though that once you have the pool you use it less and less though and then when katie would you honestly she would use it it becomes a full bath everybody just puts their feet in the water and then you want to go in he's like hey such-and-such had a feet in there yeah they don't it's chlorine yeah chlorine kill everything yeah and uh not 20 people's dirty feet kareem killed kobe for me honestly it'd probably if we had a pool i'd just throw more game nights more stuff because we set up the furniture and all that stuff right there and just be like all right we doing more stuff are we outside with the games oh and every family birthday party comes to your house too mm-hmm we just do it by the pool um pool is more just for the kids though like the kids be in there yeah they they gonna die because kids aren't body conscious really i know kids don't care they don't care adults only don't get in the water one cause a lot of them two embarrassed they can't swim but mostly because i'm not little fat kid little fat kids body conscious though yeah they don't yeah they t-shirt-bound i feel like a lot of people really don't care if they're about that pool life i'll be seeing some suspect bodies certain areas if you in miami they don't give a damn it's just the whole process of swimming it's a lot that's what usually keeps me at bay you know you got to bring the swimwear change your clothes you got a shower yeah yeah you like me you got x-men i can't stay dressed i got a lotion i'll just be like i'm cool i mean you don't shower until you get home and i can't but you'll ass up if like that's part of the immediately no not when you have eczema it's not that is an unfar unfair part of the game oh it's not i just get regular so you have to shower and then reload showers and all that that's the process so we have to do that as a kid you just never would dashie i might we were the greasiest kids we were so sick uses butter get out of the water like nobody knows what i have because i'm so far ahead of it i don't have breakouts i've never seen yeah i've never seen that but like when i like when i first went to uh college i didn't know about you know montana's a thousand feet overseas elevation so i didn't know nothing about that so we were dry and i just had blotches on the back of my leg my arm and i'm like well i had to switch to like you know i'm in college i had to buy expensive lotions to like recover it i was just using the it got bad for like a little bit and i had to go buy like body butters and all this stuff little jars you know you in college little jar ten dollars i'm like okay but i'm so far ahead of it now i don't even i think i'd rather have a sauna or a steam room at my house now the steam room i couldn't get with it i would do i would use a sign or steam room more than i could see dc in history though you can't just be having people up in your steam room they bacteria get the steam room just for you are the steam rooms open back up yet in the gyms no 24 hours yeah yeah went in there yeah people still wearing these sneakers in there i'd be mad what's the difference between a steam room and a sauna dry heat wet heat yeah dry these for your uh which one which one is what steam room is wait sauna's dry okay i like the sauna better than the steam room i like the sauna better but steam rooms for more for your skin okay you'll sweat and in the dry heat or what i always feel better and when i get out of the sauna you feel good all right you feel like which one you always in the sauna i do both i'll rotate back and forth we did it in uh [Music] yeah i actually made a lot of money in the steam room not like that but uh i was like wait what i was in the steam room and two white dudes came in and they started talking about uh stocks and they didn't see me in the back behind the scheme [Laughter] that's the first time i ever bought stocks i swear and they're like yeah man bank of america you gotta put put it all in there man put it on there what pregnancy i went home typed in i paid 5 000 back for bear guys being in the steam room the fact they couldn't see them [Laughter] it was that steamy that they couldn't even see it yeah basically they started getting it in yeah hey i'm back here man come on in i wouldn't say anything come on come on what's the one where you pour this [ __ ] on the rocks or whatever what's that one that's a sauna that's a sauna yeah i mean he's like yeah that's a sauna okay yeah it looked biblical that little cup on this conversations happen so much in china and steam rooms i don't talk i try not to talk i'll be quiet but make sure you start taking a towel in there with you over the phone oh you just put your towel and when you want to use it you know what i mean it damages the phone it damages it if you just get it bare phone never knew that i don't even take it in something oh yeah normally i'd be in the dry sauna with my my my phone in the towel outside and just listening to the earbuds putting the wets on ah i just go in there with my eucalyptus spray all right i'm not i guess i'll be concentrating so much it'd be so hot yeah i just like i'm just trying not to die i'm just trying like i'd be really like can you take water in there to drink yeah yeah yeah okay i just come in with a spritzer they don't know they're like it smells good is that lavender well you're one of them that's doing extra in there you could lift this up i wouldn't smell you you just sweat no pictures of it put a little plant over here you got hot dogs on your stick cream on to get the good steaming i'm in a towel nothing else and some slippers like i'm at home but at the gym oh people don't wear drawers in the same room not not at like 24 hours you're going to have your drawers they've been sweating i've been in some trouble gotta be in swim trunks hoop shorts or whatever but if you like it uh this is going to tell you uh-huh maybe like a hotel like with like where they have like a spa [ __ ] naked i have my towel yeah but i got a little thin robe yeah yeah 24 hours i've been in my workout clothes yeah tony been there fully [Music] before yeah i started going in there right before the panda probably tell you to go i was like yeah that's what that's what doctors were telling me to do too go in the steam room all right let's get that stain going in there after the workouts i just don't get what what it does because it's like this for me it muscles up if you could withstand the steam room you can deal with regular [ __ ] outside you know what i mean like my body dc is immune to heat yeah for real though yeah beanies it's 97 outside but him and marvel are the most lazy having seven jackets on i'm like why that's because he sweats through everything man he starts the show off with like two shirts on the side and then they can end up naked by the end of the show he didn't take care of it white beater he swears so much the neck stretching man yeah should be heavy some real sweats up there man i've never been a sweater i don't understand i'm sweaty i'm sweating too yeah i hate when i just sweat for no reason like if i'm just sitting here and i'll be like damn why am i sweating right now mama also does a lot of green tea and he tries to use the whole stage yeah he's very very good he's busy i love a big stage man yeah i don't think them little stages i'll be confined because the little stages i just end up doing this rocking back and forth thing yeah i think the big stage big stages i feel like i gotta go let me go talk to y'all yeah let me run over here to y'all i love giving it i forgot about you the audience the the energy yeah but the little stages like uh the funny bone and virginia beach and stages man i like the little ones i like this i like it that's where i got it from i think chris walker should be doing his steps yeah but i didn't i didn't realize i was a mover really until we did the special because they was like where you gonna be at i'll say i'm usually here and it was like we were strong so i always played the camera i thought i was staying back you a cameraman with me good luck good luck chris doesn't like me premise in his walk he'd be pacing yeah and he'll say yeah he'll he'll dismount on the punch line i think the i think the moving though keeps people engaged yeah like definitely yeah you know what i mean like they like oh yeah because if you're not captivating just sitting still you'll rock him to sleep it also makes it feel more freestyle when you're watching it's like oh is he really just thinking that it is right now right yeah just roaming around and like you said you find other jokes when you're walking right you'll be like you might trip and be like he was walking like this that's the thing too is the act outs i need room right for an actor and i'm not you know i'm not preacher act out but i'll be but the big stage makes you do more like you have to i love it what was that what we're in arizona where were new mexico remember that was huge i said it was huge i remember like i was doing something when i was like skipping on a stage i was like i never get to do this yeah like whatever the joke was i was like i never get to do it i'm just laughing at you skipping it was great because it hit and i was just kind of like but you never i think something i just remember it ended like turn away and walk around walk away [ __ ] and i just remember things me getting robbed and i just remember like skipping like okay whatever whatever the joke was i was like that's the most [ __ ] [ __ ] i could do but i remember just being like yeah i don't get to ever do that right but the big saves made you get to be more way more that's why i hate that improv they got that piano like when i was on tour on the real comedians tour kev would always like record me moving he would do like a time lapse and he was like tony will be walking and it just be me walking around time lapse understanding he would always do that i'll be like man i'll be moving that's so crazy i remember so many comedians used to use that piano mm-hmm like could they play it though most of them yeah they could play it but only for that joke yeah for the most part unless it was jamie foxx right you know jamie do a whole isn't that where they filmed nutty professor at it had that vibe i think they modeled it after this but it looked like they [Laughter] [Music] my mom and dad went to watch it first to see how because you know they know eddie right so and i wasn't familiar with raw eddie at the time because i'm a kid so i only know eddie's you know and so they was like we're gonna go see it first and they came back they was like it's y'all gonna love it it's hilarious what was your intro to eddie murphy it had to be the was it nutty professor no it had to be the beverly hills cop or one of them one of them joints i think mine's coming to america that that's probably what it was i think that was the first one you know what you know what because i saw my dad loved the coming to america's the harlem nights and so i saw all those right young early yeah young and then beverly hills cop 48 hours i would always catch on tv and pat but i never would watch it watch it but beverly hills cop and i always caught the same one when they were at the the amusement park tony i've seen three so many times because they use it when it came always on but tony hated three it was the first the beverly hills cup i saw oh my god so i love three and tony was like it's the worst one three where's the word in the scheme of one two of course because one or two like they're great but then the three was still fun to me that was always on that was your dream like like it was fun and i was a kid it was it was fun my mom was fighting a big old man that script but how did they greenlight all right it's going to be at an amusement park this time like what why would i say that for me i know what the mountain park was yeah so i was i was like i know where they're at oh where was it right yeah we used to go to magic mountain all the time so i knew i was like oh they changed it but that's where such and such isn't that so i was like looking at the park like i was like oh i get to i don't know where that is but the movie i you know i've been introduced to eddie since mr robinson's neighborhood oh so s m i was a baby since he came over to the crib right i want to hear this from you craig and he stopped by and gave you money out of his pocket keep going d.c what was yours yeah buddy [Applause] i've never seen him as a 22 year old when you hear now it's like wait he's only 20 well not even 22 he's only 20. on snl that's crazy he was young and 14 doing stand up yeah i think he was on i think he was 18 doing snow wasn't he yeah he might have been i think he left like 20 special like 21. he's a rock star he did delirious and raw at like 21. who's gonna who who's gonna be that dude like who's gonna be the dude to blow up the world comedy wise at eight i don't think those exist anymore that's what i was saying that's what i was saying like what eddie murphy did it hasn't been done since nick that's why we're never all right no not the eddie's level and he didn't have the shirts no no because because eddie already had two classic specials before 25. not even close not even close and the movies it just might not be that hard what are you piecing together together from his career from 12 all the way till now he's had a great career but he didn't do it now eddie but we're saying the closest thing that day that day is like like he's not even close martin wasn't that young yeah what i'm saying if you talk about the closest thing i'm like martin was a slow build but like i said that day just might be gone like we'll never see another michael jackson again where they where they've been just like that kind of fame not since fire right exactly again i think we can see another moment this is crazy they have to be famous now this is crazy about michael's fame he did that no internet right and our parents you guys are proud across the world with no internet i actually think it's easier honestly because because now there's so many people you know what i mean but like back then it was a targeted marketing mm-hmm so i think it was easier to reach here here's the people were pushing right but now it's like because you'll see somebody you never heard of have 20 million followers you're like all the time all the time but it's watered down now because i don't know yeah because every once he wouldn't be the only person with 20 million right there's also cancel culture right so he canceled the whole lot because bieber was on his way to be the next timber lake and then he's had this you know what i mean timberlake was just him like might be the closest one but he wasn't fired bieber never had the hits yeah you have to be a kid he had that he had he had a popular song but he didn't have absolute smash i think we can see somebody that big but jacques the sales are going to be different because they don't they don't gauge the sales the same but but but impact and i mean that the impact i don't know if you'll see that yeah he was too big that's what i'm saying because i feel like the game has changed on the music front for sure in terms of like blowing up like michael couldn't who's wait who's crying who are they crying for now maybe beyonce and then i think people get teary-eyed it's not a beyonce concert that man moved his head and people were like yeah i just can't justify [Music] and then that would have been girls passing out for bow wow michael had many people have been past nine though with mortgages facial hair beer hey how bad how mad are you yeah how mad are you that you go to the michael jackson conference he steps out you wake up you wake up in the hospital but for those people but i saw him i missed him but i saw him i missed him i saw his penny loafers i would leave you right there chaz if i went with you to a michael jackson contest right now oh you're about to come out dawg the only thing i'm doing for chad is making sure he doesn't get raped [Music] bro bro he would have a very masculine pass out though like oh [ __ ] hey i'm going out oh [ __ ] though i've never like i've never been that excited to like pass out like i don't even know what like i don't even know what happened what level yeah have you been star struck you met somebody like oh [ __ ] oh i've been happy i've definitely been like [ __ ] every time i see damon i'm still happy well yeah he's uh [Laughter] because i used to watch major pain so much between in living color and major pain damon williams was like i was like that that he's a guy oh man he wanted to be that guy he was my favorite no disrespect crazy he's my favorite wayne you're my favorite way y'all know me though you're my favorite wings correct right after david everything he did i was like yes i thought about that the other day like how i like how much we go quoting stuff we still quote stuff and i realized i don't really quote my friends like i don't quote i don't quote you guys and you guys have quotables and i don't i quote movies i'll quote i'll quote other people but like i don't be like i never knew like i don't say i said i never knew sometimes i'd be like i've been saying prove it a lot lately yeah i've been like proof a lot i always say we in here i know yeah i quote tony i don't really call you guys i say some other dc stuff too i'll be quoting like some of this stage stuff this cookie good i'll just say that yeah [Laughter] i think i don't do it because you know with the internet and stuff they'd be like you're copying so-and-so like we say like it's just a game for friends like i know but i i feel like they'll be like so-and-so is being like this person or this person it's like well you don't when you hang out with people you naturally pick up their easily yeah but they'll be like you know you're copying i think i subconsciously be like i can't say their stuff because they'd be like you just trying to be like dc you're trying to be like tony you just trying to be like kids i would say the same thing absolutely i am trying to be like the people who are successful that yeah i'll be like that's why we hang out yeah these people influence me appreciate them yeah somebody some i put some kind of post on dc's page about being a good father and want to be like you or something like that do you remember yeah a nice quote that i you never responded to i don't know anyway mama baker did but uh well she'd be hard yeah but some and mama bae could be doing the flames on everything she's playing oh yeah somebody was like somebody someone said something crazy like uh something on the lines are like oh you're trying to kiss his ass or something like that i was like i didn't see that i would have chimed in oh do you see what they pulled up i didn't respond to that type thing from a different account i didn't respond but i was like why would you even didn't respond you said it i do i sometimes i have time people be well if time or not i just go like what i don't know this person this person doesn't right i'll make the time yeah sometimes i got time somebody said it was something weird to me this morning i was just like you got it it was on the post about you got it oh that was a great pose and somebody said something i was like you got it like i don't what you expect you watched me do a whole video about not going back with strangers and then you tried to bait me with all right bruh i'm gonna start going to your page i want all the smoke you'll find a lot on top of tony's page i had to stop dog tony's page it's usually because chaz tagged me with some sort of jab and i'm like all right let me go we actually almost had to go to war yeah i remember that that was it back in the day that was years ago so that was the last time it wasn't when that anybody was it might have been i don't know it was twitter but i was like that's the last time like all i used to do it wasn't even that violent yet jazz made it violent bad mom used to hit me with a personal text with the app and be like yeah [Laughter] i honestly think about that sometimes let's say i was that guy i'd be like your page is open like you really came from your page is open yeah i can see your entire family i'm reading your quotes i'm reading what you're going through right you you don't think i'm going to come for that oh my gosh people to the page like yeah go follow them what i'm talking about i'm big on putting people on display right yeah comments sometimes yeah let me know i won't say anything but i'll finish it yeah be like go follow this dude for an hour then unfollow him after that i've had somebody dm me before it was like call off your dogs i was like now you did this call off your dog yeah it was like like you're gonna take every last person hey man it got out of control and i said that's and they'd be wanting it too because like they know i don't do it but davey in my comments they'd be like let us know right we got time i'll be like you gotta have at it i'm not gonna do it sometimes sometimes it's funny i don't like oscars i'll be having a good time i don't like it when people try to roast me and they private though right i don't either but i'll allow it from people whose page are open right like i've gone back and forth like playfully with some with people because their page is open so i'm like yeah if you if you open too that's fine cool but if you're private no yeah that's what it is i can't get you back that's one of the best things about not uh selling anything or posting anything on my page i can be as mean and rude as i want to be because i'm not losing anybody but people that just want to see anyway they're not right anymore you don't post enough correct no i don't yeah i don't but i'm start going through everybody's page and let people have it well but craig i live a very quiet boring life when i go out when i go out and crash and parties my man was just out here when i got on the bench with marlon and uh uh little rounds i for show post when i'm out of town yeah i remember the carnival one time [Laughter] hilarious but when i'm at the house with the kids and stuff i try to just be regular dagger my son is like let's do it like like let's film post stuff and i'll be like nah get your ass in school get these grades together i'll be running across damon on tick tock accident because it's possible but i don't even follow them they just pop up and i'm like that's damon big damon and they always he was like so i text him one time like this is popped up on my timeline he's like they're always getting me there's extras in there little damon or big name both okay yeah it'll just randomly pop up the hair done one popped up and i'm like it's on instagram i was like what there's like yeah damon's new video i was like no that's naya's video like and a lot of times damon is minding his business like he'll be eating and they'd be like look at daddy just sitting here funny they're the butter the jokes yeah and they they they gotta hate the internet age bro people buying their own business right it's funny and it goes out the hell of people that know them too on top of that that's funny like people like when they post you know uh big game and they'd be like michael kyle look at your grandfather's michael they they you know they it's funny that's funny this is mine is business it'd be like the family matters intro [Laughter] that sucks that's hilarious i got a question oh man this might be the one oh god i'm back baby questions with dc urban huh all right here we go [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] this for all of us we have identical twin we brothers just alike all right we both marry uh two sets of identical twins okay they look just alike okay your brother and his wife or your brother can't have kids you have kids but your brother can't have kids he wants you to sleep with his wife [Laughter] all right so i have to make this question safe okay we don't do it right all right the wives are okay with it everyone's okay with it no ghost sex and going no ghost sex isn't going on everyone's okay with it the dilemma is this you could never tell the kids that you're the real dad are you still doing it you can't tell your kids or his kids do you have to have sex or could you do like the in the job smashing you have to have sexuality they both want you to smash you have to have intercourse yeah it's intercourse and both wives are cool with it that's the only option it's intercourse yeah if the y sign off and the brothers sign off then i'm gonna have a threesome out of it why why can't i get caught in my threesome on there no it's not like no it's freaky that's just for science it's business if my wife is cool okay all right all right all right fine because you can't even enjoy it you gotta be like brotherly yeah you're never going to tell the kids that they're brothers and sisters no i wouldn't want them to know that that would hurt i'm gonna have to have my brother in the room oh they are siblings they're siblings wow i don't even think about this sibling cousins oh yeah but i'm not going to tell you you're the only one that has to keep the secret and well everyone has to keep the secret i'm just saying that no i'm not going to tell i can keep it under wraps huh you were lying to your guys i'm not lying to him yes [ __ ] that blew up i feel away because i'm sitting there watching my brother raise my kids right and going over there but that was the deal it was made yeah but the first time he like get your ass down off there before i whoop you like hey man oh man hello i'm talking about my kids talking to my kids talking to my kids that's his skin my brother do you say that to my kids sometimes i can [Music] same dna let's get it okay i'm cool with that i think i would just feel bad not telling my kids honestly not being honest they're like that's why your brother's dick is better i might just keep it real we got the same dick i don't know if i could lie to my kids they are my kids but they're not though man you knew the deal it's like it's like people have a sibling i didn't want to do it though so it could be believable like well we look just alike this kid is going to look like this yeah i get the logic behind it this both says twitter i'm just talking about the lie for their own lives they'll be all right they'll be fine they're brothers and they'll be tight with their cousins and they'll look well they find out they go like why don't you ever tell us man right because i had a sister the deal wasn't because it wasn't my it wasn't my call i had a sibling it is your call right you know what i don't know what kid cousins like uh whatever you just do we we gotta honor the deal that ain't if i said i'm going to do something i'm going to do it i might not do it do we have paperwork involved because i don't want you coming back later for child support my brother is supposed to have done he dies who take care of these kids i would gladly do that yeah you're going to take care but are you going to i'm glad if i'm taking care of my kids yeah yes that'd be easy for me no they're not going to be moving but i'm saying that but they simply died but i know that i'm taking care of my kids so that'd be an easy pick up and the wife that'd be easy that's the oozie school now you got both sisters in the house you have to kiss already smash let's make it a party you can't smell now you got the threesome but i was crazy i don't like how you all so okay with it for the kids the whole nucleus of this is for your brother to have a child yes right and so that's the deal i'ma help you get a child to raise people do this every day so part of that is me being mom's the word on me being the sperm donor right so i'm cool with that but it's just like donating sperm it'd be it'd be like me looking for every but you don't have to see them kids anymore but still it's the same well i got to go tell everybody i donated to no i am your dad yeah and he's like [Laughter] be able to just do the deal anyway yeah i don't know if i could do it i don't know if i can i don't know if i could that's a tough that's a deep lie the only thing that i have a problem with is smashing yeah i was like why can't i just put this in a cup yeah cause i'm like at thanksgiving i'm gonna sometimes right why can't i just do it here just take it like i don't know that's not it's not part of this existence this might be a monster on the dick i don't know i might be of course we would prefer that sample but we talking we talking [Laughter] maybe one of my boys could help you out uh we'll go look for your doppelganger in uh australia but yeah you're more so focused on the smashing part yes the smashing part i did i could be i'd be like yeah yeah as far as i donate and we could be both parents where i know i helped you but i think i hurt you more if i because i know even in the sports game but like yeah but that might devastate the kids over there that whole time they don't need to know dc okay we twins but i i feel you dc but for me wait wait for your child to know the whole time that they have a sister or brother the entire time they have a sibling but they think that's your cousin that's a big difference because it's kind of being as tight as [ __ ] you know it's tight like you're you're tighter with your siblings than you are with your cousins only because we love people yes but that's not that's the difference that's what i'm saying like that's that's a big deal right living separately no man that's a big difference y'all y'all going too easy lying to you they're full i answered your question they'll be all right man yeah i'm just thinking that 18 when all the truth usually comes out for some odd reason being like actually your uncle henry's your daddy when i found out my truth at a teen age i was fine with it i was like oh so we got different dads all right but it wasn't like uncle is your dad right no but even then i've been like oh [ __ ] that's been a while and he gave birth i wouldn't be all like they're like and he gave punk nothing is real and we kept you from your brother the whole time right now that's the whole time you've seen them what every how often you see your little uh nephew we're going to see them on father's day wait two weeks how often do you see them and they facetime if they were keeling and kendrick's brothers you keep moving well i'm just saying it it was once a month you know usually i'm not talking about keith how about kyron usually that's what i mean kyle removed but usually twins are tight too so if that's my twin brother we probably live down the street kids probably see each other probably don't is it just the only child situation or was it multiple kids no wait what do you mean you're the only only child it's probably only one only one they can't have kids yes it's probably one i would feel bad because they wouldn't grow up with siblings yeah until then later on when they figured that out if we didn't live in the same same state i and then i would go like i wonder what being on the child would have been like is my brother doing better off than i am because if he's broke as hell and i have to go and like i'm doing better and i'm like damn i have to just leave him over there every week when i go home he's broke damn the kids were like i wish we were brothers and sisters can i live with them dad sometimes dream to come true baby you keep dreaming it might happen that's a good question that's a great question i don't think i could do it man yeah that's hard i i don't think i could the i don't like the light of my the sibling like that's like oh that break my heart it's not your kids i had a breath i don't know i just had i know how hard it is for some people to conceive children and i just would feel bad not denying them that that's our way you ain't the only person that can bust a nut in them i know how and he's trying to keep this kid's going to look like me twins the dna is going to be the same like that's the line the logic is there i get the last 100 except for having to having to have sex with her outside of that part that's easy work this i'm just saying that that's the other part that goes there's another way to do this this is how much i empathize with people who can't have kids my brother you know his wife's pregnant now they were having a hard time uh cotty was like you know what if i had to be a surrogate i would um you know i was just like because you know you you watch when you watching somebody's go through the process i would do whatever i could because it's just like i mean everything's good now so well people would be trying until you ask hey so after you gave birth to one of the babies you could have just handed them over i'm like cause we could do this again clean up we want three more usually that maternal instinct might kick in especially if they have children already but then every day you're sitting at home with your wife like it's all right they in good hands so what if you and cody had another baby and just gave them to your brother would you have did that no no he didn't need that she said she was just saying she was willing to carry the baby oh okay oh with their dna just taking my kid as yours yeah but now i would just have one and be like all right we worked on this for a long time [Music] that's uh that's a good question dc it was that was good you're always on top of your game that's one lesson that's one less mouth to feed expensive man unless you got hello fresh mm-hmm hello fresh that's all we're talking about uh hello freshers you get uh free sorry not free you get fresh pre-measured ingredients mouth watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door uh it comes in ice make sure you check the bottom because a lot of times you're getting meat the meat be underneath the ice and i've seen people throw it out so fresh ingredients be on top meet underneath the ice delivered to your doorstep it's quick it's easy it's fun step by step pictures some people visual learners yeah i told you i've been messing with it yeah some people so you've been adding i've been you know i've been freaking it a little bit i'm like okay this looks good but maybe if i uh took some of this and instead of doing pork i'm gonna do some turkey meat in there oh you're just not using i'll switch whatever i want oh okay just like on i had the chicken sandwich instead of just doing regular chicken i threw it through the chicken and the fryer and had a fried chicken no no no no no no no oh yeah i keep the hot grease on my little the simmers did you find it did you find because i've only one you've used it i've used the hella fresh now and usually have you did you find it easy so the first one was a little harder and then they redid the package i guess because the first one i had to shave the carrot down and cut it up yeah and then now the carrots come cut up already and i was like oh yeah yeah they were watching you yeah i was gonna write it to them now why i got to shed all these cuz it did when it when it first used to come it came like like you got to do this all yourself even though it was the ingredients it was like you got to do this right now it is better when it just comes you just dump it in and it's like yeah but i think i think they do it i think the purpose of it is to get you in the mood of cooking mm-hmm you know some people just hate cooking i don't know what they're doing so it's like it's i think it's to show you like this is not that bad right if we got the ingredients for you now you just make this meal it's like you know what it's not something and the prep is the hard work right right and then because once it's cooking i think people freak out when it comes to cooking because they're like i got to do that once the food is actually cooking you're not doing anything right right whether you're throwing something in the oven or boiling something you don't you want keep an eye on it and that's pretty much it right when i'm almost like i don't feel like cooking i don't feel like chopping and cutting just that prep chopping i don't want to whisk dirty dishes i clean while i cook so it's so there's no dishes aftermath bags so you don't really have to clean you just throw it in the bag throw it in the bag you cook dc yeah well i got time he looked like he just cooked breakfast yeah you don't just eat persimmons all day and no i can when i feel like no when i feel like cooking i'll do it i like trying to try it out man pizza and hellofresh is 28 cheaper than shopping at your local grocery store you 72 percent cheaper than a restaurant meal you know personalities that's a big percentage yeah don't postmates if they're going to throw their ass all right that's going to be more the helmet fresh offers you flexibility you need to easily customize your order with the app in minutes all right you guys already know i i use it my dad got it my cousin got craig got it dad's got it we'd be using it man it's fridge before what's with all what's all this in here why feel like hello fresh game right right when it comes honestly you'd be like oh [Music] go to issues12 and use the code issues12 for 12 free meals including free shipping did i read that right yeah 12 free meals hey they last including free shipping that's again that's issues 12 and use the promo code issues 12 to get 12 free meals yeah that's what i used to surprise me i thought i was done then some more showed up i was like oh okay how many of you get how are you getting i got three a week three weeks okay yeah i usually work 12 free meals is ridiculous bro that's a lot man that's ridiculous that's a good time gotta be a goddamn idiot not to hop on it it's ridiculous every commercial should be like that god damn it 12 free meals that's crazy anywhere right i had 12 free meals that's that's some if you if you give me three a week spacing it out that's a month's worth of bro if a restaurant said we're grand opening 12 free meals it's coming back you're pulling oh you're pulling up straight for sure for sure save me some cash app and my kids be like i'm hungry everybody will look in that fridge let's get it going yeah hello i think what the hell a fresh does too is it it takes um it takes that time out you know a lot of people wait till they're hungry and then if you already know you got this ready right i'm going to start this at four you can eat by you know i mean five whatever it's the last minute scramble that makes you hop on the phone or run out and be like let's order something if it's already there you're like this is exactly what i'm making right boom we're done done deal man you gotta be a goddamn i stay with questions i stay with the questions y'all this question is from uh huh i'll stay with the questions we got this question is from hip r violin hip bar violin i think i said violin v-y-l-a-n violin uh which would you be more embarrassed by being on national tv for not washing your hands and touching open food or community talk about you got dominated in the [Music] dominated in the fling with midgets after the club one night what what you got dominated in the fling with midgets first of all the first part ain't embarrassing like that you're gonna be called a national man not washing your hands with touching open food on national tv that's pretty embarrassing give me the fling with the little people i'll take that wait like a fling like but it's like i'm smashing and dominating that's fine okay like but that means maybe maybe i'm being slow right now wait wait i need to know what dominate down are we talking about i'm talking about i'm still on the washing your hands are they talking about just you're on national tv and you don't wash your hands do you touch food like you say go bare for not washing your hands and touching open food like somebody's somebody catch you coming out of the bathroom on a hidden camera and you know what's right there and just start touching stuff like dc is nasty yeah he didn't watch his name okay you go pee you come out and touch on some ice cream put the top on put it back like trying to do it and then the other one is so i guess i guess what it is that's that's the the extreme is just two different levels it's very different than the questions that's why i'm not [ __ ] no way dominated right right right there ain't nobody putting under my eyes they're not right i'm sorry d.c they're not the question master and you're the question no no i'm just judging that question instead of answering like oh no i don't they didn't do their question right you're right i didn't understand the level of no normally they're pretty good with their questions in there but that was just a different guess i guess because i don't know enough about this fling i'll just let people think i didn't yeah that's what i didn't wash my hands i don't know what dominated by uh man that's gonna go viral what the the dirty hands whatever that is just says community talk so it's just like a rumor oh i gots to go with the little people with cameras i'm not going viral community i'm not going for a rumor that somebody was punching me in the face or a little person was punched me in the face i could be dominated by a little bit i can be dominated if it's not like dominatrix dominated i need to know what we're talking and she's slapping [ __ ] even if it's done because it's different but i assume in the question you're getting dominated because you're into that yeah so if you're into it i mean it's just a room she hit me with the whips and chains but they'd be like i'm gonna step on your nuts but i assume that you're tony is a wild [ __ ] i'd rather have that or something this is just dominating i'll take the community tonight i don't know i'm a dirty i'm a dirty i don't watch you dirty hands me up i don't know i don't know what dominated me i don't i need to know yeah i tell you specifics yeah i touch your lettuce i'm sorry i'm just sorry it's disgusting hey hey guys can we not invite dc to the barbecue because he don't be watching are you manscaping out here yeah hell yeah of course especially with them little women on my balls yeah right up under there i got to make sure oh i'm a man escape i haven't manscaped in a long time really what's going on down there i've just been letting it grow you know why because i i'm prone to hair bumps even though so yeah and so you know when they come down there i'll be panicking painful yeah you're like is it a herp or what is it exactly so the question is i'm prone to that i'll just be like i'm gonna just let it grow out all right cuz i used to shave down there tough how long you been growing what's it i honestly feel like i've been growing since i've been in a relationship with sabrina so since then since 2017. oh you know you harris you're 70. so you ball everywhere but i don't like this combo right now grow up go but the hair is not out of control down there because are you a trimmer i'm not a hairy mcgee i have trimmed mm-hmm but i haven't done the full shaker i used to fully shave down here fully shaved whatever the the clipper that i have would take the low as it took that's what i used to have nothing now because the newborn yeah is hair bumps yeah i don't i don't like that that's that's out there to keep from the hair bumps i do designs so i got a broken heart and then i had like the billionaire the billionaire boy club emblem cupid with the heart of the dick i had a dude bending over looking like he was picking up my penis well hell you know what it's that team father's day is around the corner and uh i wanted for our dad to do that you're like from a different era i wonder if they do that if they manscape yeah that's just a gift you give somebody and run away i remember seeing you well no my brother hit me up he was asking me all kind of stuff and with father's day being around the corner i might get himself this is the day and age where you walk them through and be like come on pops living like that no more because my brother my brother my brother asked me about the uh the spray and the the bomb and he was like how does it work does it say and i've been testing it it does work was it like after school especially it's like keon i'm glad he's not so fresh they were playing ball he passes the thing i like about the man the manscape the thing that i have is like it's a shaver and it has a light on it so you it gets it pretty low then like yeah you better use that light like a lighter like a miner down there it's a pretty low and then you get the balm on it after and then it has a spray for your long days you have that um and on the website the underwear though the man's gave underwear i can't i can't when i wear my regular drawers i'm just i'm uncomfortable all day like i wish i never got them you got spoiled now yeah i can't go i can't go back that's your own that's your one-stop shop now do you just wear like the one pair of drawers now no i bought like like two knock-off ones okay with the same kind of thing but now i'm like i need because you know it was a pack of drawers fifteen dollars something like that if you get the hands it's a pretty price yeah yeah yeah i just hate that they don't offer the same color joints enough they're always trying to mix up the colors right yeah my big dick draws cost extra yeah but the expensive ones is like that what a pack of six was the that's just one pair but it's like once you wear them you're like well hell this is the scene yeah it's like i can't go back to these cotton it's like warm feminine right they'd be holding them all day compared to me come on come on baby come on huh i'm a fan i really am i'm a fan of it uh and right now uh you can get the lawnmower 4.0 that's the shaver a lot more you heard that right the lawnmower tony needs a job because you need the john d cause the little joint i would get from ross uh-huh it'll always be weak after a while it doesn't from that region watch out for the silverbacks he got a pouch everyone saw you find a python down here right now yeah you get 20 off and free shipping with the code issues at m-a-n-s-c-a-p-e-d dot com 20 off with the code issues you get the lawnmower 4.0 if you're living like tony and you want to change it up you know what i'm saying no tony go back to smooth bro see what happens i might do this in my hair bombs man i need i need i need you to try manscaping let me know how i go i'm really just give it a fade you know let me go yeah yeah you don't gotta go to the yeah i've never gotten hair bumps on my actual balls before only on the the above the joint yeah on my actual ball i've never gotten i'm not not never on my testicles no that's never happened i think that's called herpes if you have on the testicles probably i've only gotten it above and i think it's from the you know you got drawers on your jeans the rubbing back yeah shaping it's shaping yeah pretty much right see i get i get the little grit thing and i make sure you give it a good scrub exfoliation and it also keeps you from getting darker skin around it yeah [Laughter] do one more question and get out of here dc give us the uh what we need here just give us the commercial real quick you got to be a goddamn what did i say you got to be able to goddamn it question i might have to try these ball cups i don't know i got to know if they got big dick sizes it's just the best i can put the room out there whatever y'all want i support you right you have to i have a big dick [Laughter] i'm not joking people come back oh cracker patriot losing it right yeah crap he's trying to solidify him [Laughter] getting some new man's gonna play the clip and then all the ladies all right here's the question man this is a good simple joint all right all right that first one i mean you know bobby roof shout out to bobby roof if your son and your brother square up whose side are you taking and i mean throwing hands not arguing several things come into play pure fisticuffs how old is my child he's five it's keeling right now because you know what i'm saying that matters and kyran's just going off it matters the age matters it also matters who was wrong who's right 18. that's a great question it is okay so 18 and then i need to know what happened yeah did did uh did my son suck his uncle right because then you got to kiss was it so disrespectful but i understand why the hands came this actually happened with me oh i went out of town to work on the show and i have my brother watch my son my sons and uh i got a call and it was my son he was crying and cursing and then the other phone not the other the other line rang and it was my brother out of breath talking [ __ ] [Music] so i was like all right let me uh i told my brother i'll call him back i heard what my son said and uh he's like he won't let me do this he won't let me do this i won't uh [ __ ] him this this so i gotta call my brother and the first words out of his mouth was this little [ __ ] fired on me this lit and all he kept saying was this little dick on me and i was like yo what was going on he's like i told him you know and he fired on me so from there anything he he said he just put him in a chokehold he's like i didn't hit him he's like i wanted to beat the [ __ ] you know right he's like i put him in a chokehold and i was like why are you putting my son in a choker because he got fired and he was like cuz he kept swinging i was like okay all right so from here on out nobody puts hands on nobody but it was just like nah he was wrong right i'm glad you didn't put hands on him if you did he needs to learn his lesson that when you're you're you're getting a man you must feel like you in that position and that's my brother how old was he he was your best friend the kid he was 16 feeling himself see yeah that's 16. and at his height size it was sky he ain't small no he was yeah he was 6'4 at the time which was bigger oh wow yeah and uh my brother's like yeah i i had to he was you know kids man yeah he's like he's a six-four athlete i might hit him in the stomach hard who the kid like i might i might have like i'm not gonna hit him in the face but i might have made him throw up no if somebody hit your kids but i'm just saying like like if it was like my nephew he was the one i might even give that girl grown man punch in the gut bro one of them ones but you all day you cough you feel it i might have gave him one of those like you know now i'm scared i might fracture something that's okay he'll be fine i'm scared i might hit him and then it's going to become a fight fight and i don't want to fight my nephew because he might take that well if he eats that one and hey brother what you want to do now you went for it your sister's squaring up that's how i'm done yeah you walk in hands wrapped already well but that's does the situation for me the situation matters it matters that's a big deal situation it's not gonna be a situation where we can't make this a perfect scenario right right like for me like let's say keylander kendrick is at keith's house they stand there for the weekend and keith was like hey guys don't do something and they [ __ ] [ __ ] you bubba and then you know i'm like well beat his ass like that's uh he's i'm clearly being disrespectful yeah i have to trust him my daughter was disrespectful right yeah and my sibling now if it was kyron i don't know who started it right kyle's a goddamn pocket so i don't know keith i'm pretty sure there was a conversation that was trying to happen there were steps right levels there were levels that led up to the level of fisticuffs i don't know what happened so i'd have to be like oh hell well why why are you guys fighting but kyron when it comes to kids is chill but if they 18 yeah but it's not only it's also different with girls for me like if it was a i think me and my son had to beat my brother ass for two dudes but with girls i'm like you did something to your auntie you know what i mean like your brother he fired on his that's crazy you grew up with your brother you know how you know your sibling yeah you know how much it would take for them my brother right so for him to go there but just another man putting his hand on a on a a young man nah man look out in that situation yeah crazy he had he had to hit him up i was laughing because he called me out of breath you better get here you better get here cause he's like cause he's not a point too he's like i can't just keep holding him he's like let's say he take off i gotta fight him he could have ran you ran unlock the door oh i got to be careful i was out of town i would have ran paul craig i'd have been oh you got to beat his ass well my nephew should be and it's not like it's not like you've been outside that door you better run [ __ ] yeah this is your nephew and like [ __ ] i know you you know me for you you just you you've been one of the thumb you've been wanting to fight you you held off and hit me you did that i mean you thought i was a sucker and now you run [Laughter] i'm so sorry your son's been throwing up for an hour now yeah i hit him in the stomach if this is a problem chris i gotta fight for you when you get here we gotta we gotta throw our heads uh hell yeah i'd never hit my knees he's pulling the ground he swung on you man my name is [Laughter] now i probably would do like a nice leg lock or something something painful first thing you do is knock your head off [ __ ] well i'll still still be like but like i said well if you spit on me he spit on you that's what everybody draws a lot that's where everybody draws the line second you uncle chad's poop that means he had to save up for the other yeah yeah he was getting wait a second the hard and putting somebody in a good body lock a twist a figure four like there's some really i mean like if you walk in an arm bar that's got a kid he's still wrapped up right now oh now you're tapping on my forehead like to put somebody's life out they don't need to necessarily be fired right they get in the compromise position like he could have killed me yeah way more intimidating right and that's what your brother was a chokehold yeah hey bro i could i could kill you that's fear i think he might have still had him in the headlock when they called there's a lot of locks bro that are way more painful than punching somebody yeah oh yeah so to answer his question though who i would side with depends on you know situation i feel like we all lean towards the siblings we left them in control only because i just know how kids be and that's the thing i just know how kids be and especially men to men i'm not letting you would you say to your son after he swung on your brother well let him know that as a man when you take these choices you have man responsibilities to back them right and there's no reason on earth that you should fire on my brother that's my brother like foreign you're my son but that's my brother he always been my brother you my son you always you doing yeah that's my brother [Laughter] all right y'all that's crazy we done man uh that's surprising if y'all got any of that we all went oh yeah it's because you know if you come to kids people be like my child i was torn i was torn thinking about it i could see the torn in your eyes i was like dc gonna be too much it's definitely it's that you got that monsters why is huge why it's huge boys you have you always have the daughter angle with these and i think having boys is just it's just different because i can't do nothing to my socials anyway now i tell you what and i'll tell you what my daughter swung on one of your sisters i definitely have my daughter's back but you can't what i'm saying you can't do that i was like oh yeah what she do to you all right you need some help i might want a fire runner but i might put them in a good lock chassis his question too if come to find out my brother's in the wrong well i need that i need you i know i need that you have to re-up the hand that's what i'm saying i'm not gonna go we might jump you oh we're gonna go home i'm damn sure i'm gonna hold your arms back be like get your hit what if yeah brother was a world-renowned professional fighter you got to shoot him i'm like you should have blocked the butt he gotta shoot him in the cash for something in the foot you shouldn't be gonna pull out the pills ah that's crazy that's good that's a good question that's a great question i like that question y'all got questions for us ask us in the youtube comments section we'll tackle them on the show put questions in all caps big and bright so i can big ready makes me laugh big ready man what brother was it was g are the twins the youngest twin no my sister brandy is the youngest one greg got a show coming out don't geez what underneath he did a pilot okay it's not uh it didn't get picked up oh he's under you jesus no my sister's summer doctor oh summers after summer dr summer with my guy baby hey congratulations father wait good day you're the uncle i'm the uncle and the guy yeah i take god father seriously it means her life's in my hands at the end of the day at the end of the day at the end of the day you gotta prep for it no discoloration for it they see where you at man oh no connecticut connecticut yeah connecticut uh i forgot the club it's called brick bricks i'll look it up bricktown not bricktown but bridgetown oh y'all could meet dc at that sandwich spot around the corner yeah man pull up chrome sandwich with no mayonnaise yeah i like man yeah i can't hear dry sounds put some mustard i like mustard i like mustard tea i like that mayonnaise mustard you got crackers honey i'm gonna be partying in north carolina we got some drunk craig uh videos oh man i'ma start a patreon page oh super loud a lot of jokes a lot of no no violence here it's all it's going to get all sweet now it's always like me nah he turned to dc look at this [Music] i didn't do an episode of c minor society this week my bad but you can watch craig and um uh um dion lacks is up tony and keems man i'm waiting for you to send me the link so i can post it i'll do that we're working on an a guys uh dc's never coming on that's all i gotta [Music] uh vegas june 19th at notoriety june 10 uh i believe it's eight o'clock oh june 10 uh is that saturday i think it's saturday make sure you have you can take cloth uh and then june 24th uh bay area tommy t's one night only get your tickets because all the vip i mean all the all the what do you call it vip packages the packages are sold out so only anything left is general admission uh so get those because they probably sell out and i was told that we will probably be at full capacity again by the time i get there so you might want to order your steak early but i don't know but get your tickets because i don't know if that if it's not it's full capacity you definitely probably ain't gonna get in so get your tickets now uh june 24th uh tommy t's um bakeries bakery 15s gerald is done for now um i really got nothing uh for this week hey you're watching shows for ricardo oh verbal cardio make sure y'all tune in to verbal cardio new episodes drop every wednesday right on youtube page pull up man shed a word on verbal cardio uh just dropped a new movie review and recap for the conjuring the devil made me do it tune in to that uh i feel like i'm forgetting about the bakery water coming out you know the bakery uh the fresh stream waters coming out yeah i'm saying i would like a water brand though oh i would love it one day come on listen uh but yeah that's it man um check out my tour schedule on my instagram page click the link in my bio get the tour schedule i'll be in cleveland cincinnati columbus virginia beach tampa phoenix austin atlanta dayton omaha there's more than there's des moines this morning there's more i feel like i forgot one thing but uh check the schedule out click the link in my bio get your tickets early y'all get the tickets early don't snooze and uh yeah y'all we out here we out mm-hmm
Channel: Tony Baker
Views: 34,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daddy issues, daddy, issues, Tony Baker, Craig Wayans, Chaz Rodgers, dc ervin, keon polee, fatherhood, black fathers, black dads, kids, black children, children, raising kids, teenagers, raising teens
Id: jFbkGkfirp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 41sec (7001 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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