Resolve + Blender Tracking and Compositing Tutorial

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hey what is up YouTube It's Terence and I'm back with another video today we're going to be doing some compositing inside the Vinci resolve and blender we'll be doing the tracking in the Venture resolve sending the data over to blender add the 3D stuff and then send it back to Fusion for compositing and rendering we're going to be using the footage that you see here on screen with the camels let drag this over into the ventur res off and change the frame rate and drag it onto our timeline I got this footage from I'm going to leave a link so you can download this exact same footage follow along first select your footage come here to file and go to Media management going to choose the location for my file and I'm going to do selected media pool clips going to hit relink to new files select trans code and here on video going to leave it at quick time I'm going to do DNX HR do DNX hrhq if you're on Mac or Linux I recommend using Pro res going to keep the resolution the same use a constant bit rate you can hit render at source resolution and hit start that converts the footage to mov and then links it back to your project let's go infusion I'm going to add a camera tracker node CT going to put this in viewer one going to show autot track locations and I'm going to turn down the minimum feature separation kind of like that the detection threshold you can play around with this value until you find something that you like I'm going to hit bir directional tracking as you can see here it's creating points on the people and the shadows and the stuff that are going to be moving in the scene this is going to throw your track off so we're going to create a mask to mask these things out going to drag on a polygon mask right here I'm not going to connect it yet though cuz if I do my footage is going to disappear so just going to do a quick [Music] mask see it goes down right here holding the ALT key dragging I can drag the entire [Music] mask yeah I think that works that covers everyone throughout the shot and here you can see the person that's holding the camera their camel's nose I think gets caught in the shot right here so I'm going to create another Mask real quick draw a quick mask around the camel's nose adjust it right here that covers that I'm going to connect the two masks together over here drag them down here and connect it to the camera tracker going to connect it to the track mask like that if we go back to the camera tracker you'll see that the mask is only affecting the people and we want it to affect the entire scene we'll come to polygon 1 going to hit invert and then I'm going to come here to polygon 2 and set it to subtract here we go if we come back to our camera tracker you'll see that everything thing but the people are getting tracking points just going to hit auto track and leave resolve to do its thing once that is done we got a lot of tracking points just going to come here to solve hit solve and now we wait on my PC it takes a few minutes I'm not sure why my solve is finally complete it took a while it actually went to zero and then back to 98% and then finally completing maybe 5 minutes later you can see that we have a solve error of 1 .4 pixels that is not very good see maximum solve error Let's do let's do one pixel right just leave those at default I'm going to select the satisfying filters and I'm going to hit delete and I'm going to hit solve once more all right now it's complete and you can see that we have a way better solve error of 0.258 N and that is below one pixel so that is pretty fine for me I'm okay with that let's go over to the export tab so we can create a 3D scene go 3D scene transform we're going to hit unaligned right here going to grab some of these let's grab some of these tracking points that's the tracking points that are on the ground that we can tell Fusion that hey this where it says orientation it set from selection then I'm going to select few right here I'm going to hit origin so this is our origin and these is are on the ground let's set it back to align that's necessary and then we're going to hit export now we got our 3D scene exported right here got our camera we got our Point Cloud ground plane the merge and we've got this render so let's have a look at this in viewer one got our ground plane sadly we didn't get any of the tracking points on the pyramids you can go ahead and track again if you like but see here we got our scene it's looking good just going to make some some reference points real quick let's put merge 3D over here as well right click going to go to camera and set it to camera 3D that way we can see the tracking points on the camera so I'm going to grab some of the points right here cuz I want to place my 3D object somewhere in this region I can see that these are the points in blender you don't get the point clouds whenever you send the scene over so I'm going to do is drag in a 3D object going to connect it here let's just make this a cube going to bring it up a little bit so let's bring it out right out here this point right here seems to be on the pyramid which is right here I'm just going to create some points of reference duplicate the shape 3D connect this one right here going to move this over just going to push it all the way out here just increase the size so I know that this right here is roughly the location of the pyramid now we're ready to send this over to blender type fbx get our fbx exporter right here we're going to name this file pyramid they're going to drag our merge 3D into the fbx exporter right here disconnect from your media out go to fusion and render All [Music] Savers now let's go over to blender we're going to hit a X just delete everything from our scene file menu import fbx here we got our pyramid fbx we're going to hit import fbx and here we go we got our camera it's got the key frames let's go over the scene right here and select that camera as our main camera try this down here now you notice that the footage and the camera doesn't line up properly that is because the camera's focal length is off just hop back into the VCI resolve and go to our camera tracker and here over on the soft tab you'll see a focal length is 31.5 1 mm going to go back to blender select the camera go here on the [Music] camera and now it matches up 100% we're going to go ahead and delete this back flate right here select our camera again we're going to go background images just add image hit open we're going to browse to our mov file hit open we have our video so to set the frames to 155 just looking the way that it should let's turn up the [Music] opacity one more thing the scene is not at the real world size so let's fix this going to hide the ground plane for now to get the real world size or something close to what I like to do is using a reference so here I have this Loba model from the game Apex Legends so going to go to file import wavefront obj you can find models a few minutes online to make this a bit easier for yourself browse to the folder here I'm going to select logo model and now that we have it imported if I should hit n on the keyboard and go to item right here you'll see that Loba on the Y AIS is roughly 5' 8 in tall right so this scene is way too small I want to turn Lowa off turn everything back back on I'm going to go to empty add a plain axis going to hit a select everything it's dis select the axis by holding the control key I'm going to reselect it by holding shift and select I hit contrl p and do object so now everything is parented from the exact center of the scene so now if I scale this it'll scale the entire scene the Loba is not attached to this so if I turn Loba on and I scale the scene up we can see her getting smaller in the camera view let's just hide the ground plane for now grab our empty let's continue scaling now if everything disappears it's just the the clipping for the camera select the camera go to clip end and just increase the value and put it like 9999 that should be good so now the slow but is still a bit too tall see she Towers over the guys in the scam let's move her over a little bit closer on the Y AIS right there grab this scale of the scene continue the scale it and then that looks about looks about real world size to me I should move her over maybe even a little more that's close enough I'm comfy with that let's just move this out on the Y and if things are cutting off in the scene as well it's just a clipping once more we're going to go to view and here it says clip I'm going to set that to 9999 there we can see a lot more from the scene so now we're ready to start adding in our 3D objects I got the sketch faab plugin installed and I'm going to use it to import this 3D spaceship model from sketch Fab you should get this plugin it's really dope let's set the ground play play into a shadow catcher let's go here under visibility we're going to hit Shadow catcher over here on the camera view I'm going to hit rendered and I'm also using I'm also using Cycles since we're still seeing the ground plane going to come over here to to the render settings under film I'm going to hit transparent now we can see Reflections on the ground so let's go here it's got a f Shader by default coming over from the ventory I'm going to delete that let's add a new Shader give some color let's just give it the color off the ground why not and then let's turn the roughness all the way up cuz we don't need any Reflections going to grab the spaceship Let's Move It Up the Sky I'm going to hide these I'm going to hide this don't need to see those anymore I'm going to shift a and I'm going to add a light Sun I got a sun in the scam got a shadow pointing straight down so let's rotate it over to the side like that and I should have kept the Lobo model cuz this would have helped a lot let's let's reimport Loba real quick what I'm going to do is I'm going to move the Lobo Model A little bit closer to this scammer right here you use it as a reference for the sunlight so I need the sun over like that some more and then I need to rotate the Sun a little bit like that but I think that works let's just high lober this time around not deleter going to grab the spaceship and to scale it up to humongous side something kind of like that scene rotate it on the z-axis a little bit I we still need other lights in the scene to make the shot look a bit more convincing so I'm going to grab an hdri come here to the world settings going to hit where it says color I'm going to hit hit this little icon go to environment texture and to hit open and browse to where they're located on my PC and hit open now our spaceship is looking nice and bright we got some more shadows and stuff in the scam her Shadow is now a bit off so to fix this let's open up our Shader editor let's head it to World here I'm just going to hit contrl T so we can get the mapping and the texture coordinate I'm going to rotate on the z-axis let's rotate until the Shadows are back in the right direction we turn the strength down for this HDR I don't want it to be too overing so let's try I'm settling on point4 all right let's rejoin these areas disable Loa just going to go back to solid mode right here for this I'm going to go here and where it says viewport display I'm going to set this to wire just adding empty to control the spaceship I'm going to select the spaceship select this control p and object parent now this controls our spaceship I mean it's no it's no Disney animation for sure but I think it works let's go back to render here I'm going to take motion blur let's do a quick render and see what it looks like going drop my shutter speed to 34 under that again I think I'll work with that now I want to shape this terrain just a little bit cuz you can see our ground plane kind of goes off in the sky up here so I'm going to hit edit mode scrub the camera a little bit see if it works now it's time to get to rendering I'm going to come here under view layer and I'm simply selecting the shadow catcher this is a really simple composite let's go to our output here I'm going to select exr multi-layer let's go half float I'm going to render this at 85% then I can scale it up later on cuz the footage is kind of soft so instead of blurring it later on I can just render at a lower resolution save me some render time let's get render animation our render is now finished and we have all of these files select everything drag it over into Fusion over here the layer and I'm going to hit composite combined there we go just going to duplicate it select layer Shadow catcher so here we got our shadow catcher in here we got our composite now if you do exr like I did here it might look a bit dark as you're seeing here it's going to put down a gamut node GMT to select PR divide post multiply that is necessary and for the output space I'm going to go to srgb there we go I can merge it over my SC in here and we got our spaceship taking off let's drag this up a little bit get our shadow catcher here it's going to merge this over the background you can see that the sizes are off I said before let's do a resize node which is going to be 1920 by 1080 by default let's put one here as well now we're going to set this merge right here to multiply and then we got our shadow on the ground let's just turn the blend down a little bit so it matches with the scenes other Shadows we can maybe even even put down a color corrector for the options pre- divide post multiply drag this over a little bit more to the orange to orange tone kind of like that I'm going to put down a color corrector node right here as well again pre- divide post multiply I'm just going to decrease the contrast a little bit kind of create a little bit of haze there are other ways to do this but for this quick video I think this works just fine then as the ship is flying off I'm going to put a key frame on the contrast right here down there I'm going to drag the contrast down even more so it kind of looks more hazy like I said there are better ways to do this but for this quick tutorial that works just fine bring that all the way down then it's gone off screen so got our spaceship It's s the shot it's ready to take off here we go boom it's gone one issue here you can see that we have the shadow above the people that are in our scene we're going to have to use some mask right here to to get this fixed I do a quick cut out this is going to be a little bit annoying but it's going to be worth it in the [Music] end all right we got all our masks right here tracking through the shot created three different masks to to to capture everything it's going to connect them all together look at them in viewer one for the first one I'm going to hit invert we can see everything but what's in the mask for the second one I'm going to hit subtract so it's subtracting and this one right here it's going to be adding back that tiny piece right there so let's go here real quick get connected here all right so this is this is looking good now usually you'd get more advanced right here you would add dust and fire effects from the ship taking off maybe even heat Distortion and stuff like that but that's for a whole lot other video this is a quick compositing tutorial I'm going to go ahead and connect this to the output right here and jump back over to the edit page and now we got our shot completed let's go here to render cache and set that to smart so it can render out the scene and now we can play back our scene in real time just one thing that I'm going to add here really quickly let's add an adjustment clip right at this Frame and do a search for for shake here under open effects I'm going to drag on the camera Shake let's open up our inspector let's add motion blur so here I'm going to put a key frame on the motion scale once the ship is off screen like right here maybe can have it go down to zero something like that you can see you got some black bars here there should be an option to fix that border type let's set that to reflect so now we see no black bars to put that on repeat now I got a neat little shot that we tracked all right here we go this is a quick little compositing tutorial we did some tracking inside of the Venture res off send it over the blender for the 3D stuff sent it back here for the final composite it's nothing too complex it's nothing too accurate but it works it was fast and it gets the job done if you like what you're seeing here please give this video a like And subscribe let me know what you like to see in a future video it's Terence and I'm out [Music] peace
Channel: Terr
Views: 3,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CompositingTutorial, DavinciResolve, Fusion, Blender, VFXTutorial, VideoEditing, VisualEffects, MotionGraphics, GreenScreen, NodeBasedCompositing, ColorGrading, SpecialEffects, EditingTips, AnimationTutorial, CGI, FilmMaking, PostProduction, VideoProduction, DigitalArt, CreativeEditing
Id: lBxX0K-97Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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