The Easiest Way to Camera Track Vertical Footage in Blender

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hey guys today we're going to be learning how to camera track vertical footage all inside of blender for any of your social media SLV visual effects needs before we get started I just want to say a huge thanks to all my patrons if you do want to consider joining or want to learn more about some of the perks that I offer I will have a link in the description down below anyways let's go ahead and hop in the video uh now inside of ler we can come up to plus v effect and motion tracking and then I'm going to go ahead and open up my footage uh you can download the same footage that I use down in the description below but it's not mandatory for this tutorial once you have your footage I ahead and converted mine to a image sequence so it's a little bit easier to work with you can hit a and open the clip and then like uh kind of default camera tracking inside of blender what we need to do is come to the track panel set up the scene frames and prefetch the footage and then also our color is off so we need to go to the render properties down to color management and instead of agx as a view transform we need it to be standard and so now everything is set up here uh now this is a super simple scene if I kind of scru through out we can see that we basically have this road going forward and we want to add a 3D object onto the road so first thing I want to do uh regardless of anything that you're camera tracking is let's match the previous frame hit normalize on and then set the correlation to be uh 0.9 uh to make sure that blender is 90% sure that the camera track is actually correct for it to continue on check tracking now for this specific scene I believe the pattern size and search size are totally accurate so if I control click and then alt s uh to re search area that is the result that we're getting uh so that's totally fine for me and of course I'm just going to leave it on location since this is such a basic camera track of course you can play around with some of these settings right here but again uh this is kind of the best case scenario for our specific scene so let's go ahead and text some features and then of course I want to uh decrease the threshold and then also the distance so I did the threshold to a 01 and then distance to an 80 uh just to bring some more markers in our scen so now you can see that we're having all these then let's go ahead and track those forward so contrl t or you can hit this little button down here uh so now some of those actually uh reached the end of our track let's go ahead and detect some more features at the uh end of our track so control shift T I'm going to track those backwards now and then since we have basically a set of markers at the beginning and the set of markers at the end I like to have one in the middle so I'm going to go to frame like 70 right here to check some more features control T track those forward come back to frame 70 then uh control shift T to track those backwards uh now we have basically uh tracking markers all throughout our clip and as you can see here let's go ahead and open up this graph section this is kind of just a graph uh view of all of our markers and I just want to delete all the outliers and so like this marker right here is uh you know a little bit spazzing out and and then uh I'll notice this one kind of goes off a little bit and then uh the rest blender can probably get out on its own and so now that we have done kind of a manual pass let's do kind of a visual pass up here and delete any markers are kind of moving a little bit on our thing I will notice if I kind of zoom in here we do have some uh tracking markers that actually tracking the pole and you know getting dragged along so I'm just going to select kind of these four or sorry these five and hit uh X to delete and that is pretty good all the rest blender can probably get out on its own so let's get our first solt uh of course we have this am uh solve range uh and so what I'm going to do is try to find a range where there's the most Parallax and so uh basically I notice around like 40 to 80 is when we move the camera a lot and so that's what I'm going to set as my A and B key frame so 40 and then B is going to be 80 and of course we just want to refine everything and get our first solve error okay so you can see that we got our first solve error right here a point a which is actually pretty decent let's try to get that down as low as we possibly can I'm going to come over to the clean tracks let's clean tracks right there and then I'm just going to drag this reprojection error up until we're just selecting some of the top eror tracks and so for me that's around 1.7 let's go ahead and delete those and solve our camera motion again okay you can see that's decreased our solve error I want to try to get up below anything a.3 is actually really good so let's go ahead and clean the tracks again I'm just going to push the reprojection error till we're selecting just a few and let's delete those and solve the motion again okay so I did that process a couple more times and was able to get my solve error down to a point2 and so that's actually really good uh so we can get a very accurate solve uh so let's go ahead and set up a tracking scene inside a blender since nothing is up here I'm going to right click and join the areas let's go ahead set up background and tracking scene and then of course like always we need to define the floor plane and so let's go and do that I'll notice that we have three points on the floor here so I'm just going to select these three uh points right there then I can hit floor over here and now we have our floor plane defined which is looking good let's go ahead and set up the origin so I'm going to set the origin to be this one uh so set origin there and we notice this one is roughly along one of the axes and so we can set up the x-axis there and so now finally we just need to kind of set a scale for our scene and so let's select two points right here now in the real world this would be about let's say like two or three feet uh away from each other and so uh we can actually use that real life measurement and try to make it uh accurate to our scene so let's set the scale over here of course this is in meters so what we need to do is convert that into meters and so I believe 2 feet converted to meters is about 6 Metter and so once we have that we can kind of uh come up here and see what it's doing okay so now if I kind of play My Scene uh you can see that basically we don't have an accurate floor plane and we have a lot of stuff going wrong so uh now that we have all of that stuff our uh you know scale rotation and our uh floor plane Define what we can do is let's go up to the layout section and I'm going to go ahead and delete some of the things that blender automatically set up such as all of my collections since I want to be able to control my Collections and then also the view layer we can just go to the background view layer right here and hit X and then uh since we're not really going to be dealing with any lens Distortion or anything I'm just going to go ahead and delete all these four nodes and then plug my movie clip into the alpha over like that just so we have a super basic kind of scene uh set up in our compositing tab finally let's come back out to the layout View and let's start from scratch I'm going to delete all the objects uh except the our camera and then in the camera properties we do need of course go to background images and make sure this render undistorted is off since we don't want to account for any lens Distortion okay so that is all looking good and pretty much the same process that we would do in camera tracking normally so now uh let's go ahead shift a we're going to add a mesh plane and now if you notice if I G shift Z move this along ground the ground is not correctly defined and if I actually go ahead and play the footage uh nothing is actually sticking to the ground that as we defined earlier and so what we need to do is uh it's super weird in slider blender I don't know why it doesn't automatically calculate it or anything uh but all we need to do it's super simple let's press the camera icon up here go to camera properties and then in the camera properties it's very hidden way we need to go into the camera uh section right here and we have the sensor fit now it's automatically set to Auto I find auto doesn't really work at all most of the times uh so what we need to do is instead of Auto we need to set it to horizontal and so what horizontal is going to do is basically tell uh which way the sensor is actually facing and so it's facing horizontal is how blender calls it but basically it's just going to tell blender hey this is a vertical uh you know aspect ratio and it was shot vertically and so now what that means that since we've defined the floor and everything uh you can see our kind of plane right here is tracking much more accurate to accurately to the floor and everything is looking much better now uh so let's go ahead and demonstrate how well it tracks I'm going to shift a add a mesh uh Cube let's go into edit mode by hitting tab gz and uh control click that up one unit again we're just doing that since the origin uh needs to be on the ground planes at all times and then I can scale this down a little bit and let's uh play our footage and now you can see our cube is perfectly tracking on the ground and so of course you can add whatever you want uh in 3D and this is kind of the starting point in getting an accurate track for your actual CGI and all those passes that you're going to do later so hopefully you guys got a similar result and understand the process of camera tracking inside a blender specifically for uh vertical footage and why it's a little bit different from horizontal now if you do like this video and you made it this far I'd greatly appreciate it if you guys consider liking and subscribing as it'll greatly help me out with the YouTube algorithm but anyways thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Jacob Zirkle
Views: 11,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, blender tutorial for beginners, instagram, tiktok, tiktok vfx, instagram vfx, blender camera tracking, camera tracking, camera tracking tutorial, blender camera tracking tutorial, how to camera track in blender, how to camera track, match move, match move tutorial, blender vfx, beginner vfx tutorial, vfx, cgi, how to, learning, blender education, education, visual effects
Id: lRlC3mGBPsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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