How to Render Faster In Blender Cycles

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[Music] I just got my render time from 50 minutes to 40 seconds per frame on my 8-year-old GTX 1050 and here's how I did it while preparing and researching for this video I think I've watched all of the tutorials on YouTube on that topic and today I will show you everything I've learned have you noticed that on the beginning of each frame render process on the top before the samples will show up there are some textures Lo in in this process often takes couple seconds and it has to be repeated every single time eliminating this process isn't as important for slow pieces but it is crucial for fast computers and the thing I'm talking about is called persistent data and it stores the data from the similar frames in memory to avoid loading everything each time speeding up the process when you start researching the topic of cycle surrender engine you will quickly find a bunch of settings called light bounces they determine how many times light rays reflect of surfaces before blender stops calculating them the default setting in blender is 12 have excited to speed things up I lowered the maximiz light bounces however I quickly noticed that my scene became a lot darker and didn't look as good this was really disappointing but it taught me something important for since with lots of reflected light reducing light bounces can negatively impact quality that said if your scene doesn't rely heavily on multiple light Reflections lowering the light bounces can still be useful trick to reduce render [Music] times in the past a common problem for me was running out of vram on my graphics card the run out of GPU memory error would pop up every few minutes and it was really frustrating I tried closing all of the apps on my PC but it didn't make a big difference the thing that made a big difference difference was adjusting the rendering tile size this setting controls how much of the image is rendered at once my tile size was set to 248 which was way too high my GPU had to simulate and render large chunks of the image at once causing it to run out of memory I found that tile size of 512 works best for me this not only eliminated those annoying memory errors but also decreased my render Time by about 10% now my GPU render the image in smaller chunks which is faster and less stressful for [Music] it a lot of times when I was rendering a complex 3D scene in blender I kept noticing that the file image looked a bit blurry and lacked sharpness the final details weren't standing out the way that I wanted them to after some digging I found that the pixel size might be the issue by default it was set to 1.5 pixels curious I switched it to pixel when I rendered this SC the difference was immediately noticeable the edges were sharper and the details were much cleaner the entire image looked more polished and professional it turns out setting the pixel size to one pixel instead of 1.5 makes the render sharper by calculating pixels more accurately that small tweak brought out the clarity and detail I was looking for all with just a simple adjustment do you remember those 50 minutes that my PC took to render one frame over time I managed to get it down to around 8 minutes using the tips I will show you later but 8 minutes per frame was still quite a lot I believed everything was set to the best settings until I discovered one more magic setting introduced in blender 3.5 that was turned on by default it is found under sampling and light section although it aims to manage multiple light sources more efficiently in practice it has has a limited visible impact on the final image for since with lots of light turning off this setting can significantly reduce render times switching off this debuse feature allowed me to reduce my render times from 8 minutes to around two so what is this setting it's called the light tree and you should switch it [Music] off this tip might seem overrated but it's crucial for cutting your render Time by two to five times easily here is how it works samples determine the number of light R calculated per pixel during rendering higher samples slightly improve image quality but take exponentially more time to render lowering samples can drastically reduce the render times but there is a balance to maintain quality the perfect number of samples is between 50 and 100 but you don't need to adjust it yourself because of a setting called noise threshold the noise threshold setting intelligently adjusts sample counts focusing on areas that need more samples like dark surfaces this prevents the inefficent increase in total samples the default setting of 0.01 is way too much I found that 0.5 works the best and if you need more detail 0.1 is a good option but the difference is often negligible while adding to the render time the final trick with samples is called Den noising it allows you to use even fewer samples by utilizing algorithm to make the final grainy picture look smooth and realistic with the noising you can use only 30 samples and it will have no brain looking better than an image with hundreds of samples and no the noising in summary set the noise threshold to 0.5 and turn on the noising that's all these two settings will give you the most optimized results without overthinking it the third most important thing that will cut the render time the most is choosing the right Hardware in blender settings you can choose between using your CPU GPU or both and it would be reasonable that if you would turn on both at the same time it would be faster but the truth is switching it only to GPU will make the renders times faster then the only thing you need to do is go to the render Tab and switch the device from CPU to GPU [Music] compute the single most impactful change you can make to improve the detail and quality of your render is to increase the resolution compared to adjust ing samples resolution has a much more significant effect on the visual detail of the render when you switch from HD to Ultra HD which is 4K you will literally get four times more detail this increased resolution allows you to see more in your image making it look richer and more lifelike of course increasing the resolution will also increase the render time however the benefits in detail are totally worth it if you increase the resolution even the denoiser will work much better and more accurate to illustrate an HD image with 100 samples and the noising will still look much worse than a Ultra HD image with just 50 sample and the noising even though the render times goes up as you increase the resolution it's still a more efficient way to add detail compared to increasing the samples or any other setting at first I thought it couldn't be that simple but it is your image don't have enough detail just increase the resolution and as I said it is the single most impactful thing to increase your renders quality if you implemented the previous tips you are likely already seeing significant improvements in your render times but there is one final gamechanging technique that can slash your animation render times even farther imagine you have an animation with 300 frames running at 30 frames per second rendering every single frame can be very timec consuming but what if I told you there is a way to cut that time in half here is the secret render only half of your frames this effectively reduces the number of frames you need to render by 50% but now how do we get this smooth motion with only half the frames this is where the AI frame interpolation programs come into play after rendering your reduced frames set import them into an AI tool like flow frames or frame goey these programs use Advanced algorithm to analyze motion between frames and generate the missing frames for you and it only takes a couple minutes the AI seamlessly fills in the gaps making your animation look as smooth and natural as if you had rendered every single frame so instead of spending hours rendering 300 frames you can render just 150 and let the AI handle the rest if this video helped you go and subscribe to my channel for more and watch the this video next [Music]
Channel: BadgerBricks
Views: 12,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: boMoTlnj9Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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