RESIDENT EVIL 8 VILLAGE All Cutscenes Full Movie (2021) 4K ULTRA HD

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long ago a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work but the forest greeted them with a dark cold silence the bushes empty yet determined to find the berries the rascal broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees mothers worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on over vine and under branch and into the forest deep feeling strange eyes upon her the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry then the pet lord appeared he greeted her warmly and bit his own wing come child quench your thirst he said so she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy passing through the graveyard menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned bitingly cold the girl was shivering in her thin clothes then a dark weaver appeared and with a clip of his fingers crafted mist into a beautiful dress come child warm yourself he coaxed so she clothed herself and smiled with joy across waters deep and ominous she went hoping a boat she found would carry her home but hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy then the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins come child eat your fill so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more continuing on she soon entered the forest dark heart then an iron steed appeared bearing a beautiful golden gear the creature said nothing as the girl approached and snatched what she thought was another gift the horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters tara filled the girl's heart as the wild wind rose around the beast suddenly a witch appeared dark yet regal gifts we gave but more you took she snarled so more in turn is due in a blink the girl was trapped inside a mirror there she's asleep what is with the creepy story she's only six months old woman at the store said it was traditional a local tale besides rose doesn't seem to mind because she doesn't understand it thank god we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong with my memory you're just being paranoid it's not never mind i'm sorry but i'm not paranoid i'm just cautious then go cautiously take your daughter to bed i'll finish dinner it's okay rose your mother doesn't want to remember it i can't blame her you go sweetheart don't you worry i'll be right downstairs daddy won't let those weird fairytale monsters get you is she okay sleeping like uh well like a baby hmm that smells good what's that oh hands off mister it's chuba de la gum it's a local recipe wow you've gone full native haven't you local wine too but if you're gonna keep sulking all evening maybe you shouldn't have any you really have to stop worrying it's just finding you in louisiana the pregnancy chris moving us here military training it all happened so fast you know well at least we're all together you me rose now everything's gone seriously i think we can just forget about what happened in louisiana it happened so long ago i just i don't understand why you are so mia get down [Music] oh god chris what the hell sorry ethan no what why go move all clear rose what the hell you doing with my daughter package secure sir take him away i said get your hands off her ethan no oh [Music] [Music] um she'll see us next week hey now think positively all right we talked about this i know we hardly talk about anything else i keep telling you it's not rose that i'm worried about well then what are you worried about look she's gonna be fine i just know it what else matters we matter ethan what are you talking about is there something you're not telling me come on talk to me damn it i have to take this jesus where's chris redfield and rose what the hell happened to you no no i'm friendly friendly who are you who sent you nobody there was an accident down the road what's going on oh no they're coming who is what the hell was that do you have a gun what please tell me you have a gun no why would i take it take it hey are you listening hey what dead body wait there's more jesus christ what the hell is wrong with this place what the [ __ ] was that [Applause] now uh [Music] [Applause] uh huh all right in life and in death we give glory uh hello you shouldn't be out here it's not safe what the hell hey can you hear me it's you the child's father child hey wait do you mean rose is she here rose rosie yes she is in great danger since mother miranda brought her to the village we have fallen into darkness what are you talking about the monsters the castle bell herald's danger they're coming no wait where's rose who's mother miranda the bell tolls for us all they're coming again lucy's here close the door please hey what are you doing here stay back please don't hurt us whoa it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just glad to see normal people at last have you seen any other survivors no they're all in louise's house and she's not answering in the gate is locked quiet girl he's an outsider oh [ __ ] we're setting ducks in here can your old man walk no one of the monsters cut him he's lost a lot of blood we have to get into louisiana quiet there must be a way inside stay here be quiet don't move until i get those gates open come on it's clear hurry hurry took your damn time oh you're welcome he's not used to relying on other people i'm sorry we'll be safe in here won't we safer here than out there that's for sure hey do you know anything about what's going on here it doesn't make any sense mother miranda has always protected us nobody's answered father we have to get inside hello anybody home maybe a familiar voice louisa open up it's me elena stop shouting you'll draw the monsters who's this friend stay back father for god's sake julian let us in no they'll smell the blood you'll endanger us all my father will die out here that's not my problem what's going on these people want to let a dying man into our home come now these people are our friends go on go inside come now this way you're not from this village ah no i'm ethan eulen go make yourself useful and check the grounds i said go well if elena trusts you then so do i come inside ethan wait here i'll check on the others this way come inside the others are waiting the [ __ ] is this outsiders you're going to get us all killed nice anton he helped leonardo and elena we were doing fine by ourselves please ethan take a seat is this all that's left from your entire village all that's left all that's left there is no one left a worthless invalid a stupid whaling [ __ ] and you you drag a bloody man and an outsider in here like it's nothing and expect to be all safe there is no safe every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half but tomorrow tomorrow we'll all be dead just like her damn husband the bitter succulent roxanna that's enough this house has protected my family for generations and drunk or not you are all welcome and safe in here whatever can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here we don't know one day we were a quiet devout village in the next the monsters came and attacked us and they they kept coming wait louise okay where is your husband did they no no he he is out there somewhere he he he went to get help yes yes that's that's it he he went to fetch help let us pray for him for all of us good idea come gather great ones hear our voice together as one in reverence we call on thee within the endless dark to deliver us into faith's hands as the midnight moon rises on black wings so we make our sacrifice and await the light at the end in life and in death we give you the tea should be ready come help me elena please that prayer i've heard it before there was an old woman near the graveyard give me that a [ __ ] as crazy as a bag of rats there is wisdom in her devotion though and i hope it protected her as it shall protect us [Laughter] what are you doing leonardo what's wrong are you okay no let me go we have to go elena i said no oh my god i'm so sorry father hey hey that wasn't your father anymore you did the right thing [Applause] elena elena no there's nothing you can do this entire place is collapsing you couldn't save him he was already gone leave me alone no we're getting out of here together what are you thinking step back we can bust out with this are you all right um oh fine let me back up again the fire there isn't any time grab on hurry let's move don't worry and try not to breathe in the smoke i know thank you ethan you're kind come on it'll hold there that's our way out oh thank god but what then the village is still full of monsters we can't fight them there's too many hey hey don't talk like that we'll find a safe house to put you in until i can find my daughter my hunch is she's in that old castle no that place is full of nothing but blood and death and i don't want to be alone while you're father elena no that's not him not anymore he said my name father wait it's not safe stay there come on give me your hand ethan go save your daughter don't give reach for me why is everyone dying on me this is just too much i just don't get it this place is going mad why the [ __ ] is this happening again ah [ __ ] [Applause] hey who was what was that well well didn't think anyone was left you must be pretty tough huh who the [ __ ] are you oh you're not local even better mother miranda is gonna love you when you're whining we're almost there the man is of no real use to anyone else and my daughters do so love entertaining foreign what where you mean you'll screw around with it in private where's the fun in that give them to me and i'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy oh so gauche what do we care for bread and circuses the man things suffering is assured i've heard all your arguments some of you were less persuasive than others but i've made my decision heisenberg the man's fate is in your hands mother miranda i must protest heisenberg is but a child and his devotion to you is questionable give the mortal to me and i will ensure he is ready shut your damn and don't be a sore loser you'll find your food somewhere else quiet now child adults are talking i'm the child you're the one who's arguing with miranda's decision responsibility if it was wealthy oh keep glory one day your head might actually fit your ego don't i get a singing silence my decision is and gentlemen we thank you for waiting and now let the games begin [Applause] let's see what you're doing ethan winters get ready six five four three two one time jesus christ that's right run for your life nice [Applause] you're still alive impressive [ __ ] entertained so now it's time for the beautiful blonde soaked grand finale nothing like fresh american ground beef wait do those freaks have rows ah i've been waiting for you mr winters how do you know my name anyone who is anyone has heard of the likes of you a hero searching for his daughter though i must say that castle arouses suspicion yeah and so do you i am but a humble merchant here oh forgive my manners call me the duke now to business weapons ammunition healing salves anything you desire i can provide looking for rose [Laughter] oh man blood [Laughter] mother i bring you fresh prey you are so kind to me daughters ah now let's take a look at him wow well ethan winters you escaped my little brother's idiot games did you let's see how special you are yes mother yes hmm starting to go a little stale then let's devour his man flesh quickly mother i am the one who captured him now now daughters first i must inform mother miranda but later well there will be enough for everyone [Laughter] oh be careful what you wish for ethan winters [Music] what are you doing uh your crazy witches hmm i haven't cut open a man in a while let me string you up slice your dough you're taking a live dead witch would you prefer i can't hold back any longer where are you going little one you're stupid man thing i feel no pain how dare you bear your teeth at eyes this can't be i'll slice your throat and stuff it with worms ugh uh [Music] mother miranda i regret to inform you that ethan winters has escaped that fool heisenberg because he is in my castle and has already proven too much for my daughters to handle when i find him no mother miranda yes of course i understand the importance of the ceremony i won't let you down to hell with a ceremony that man will pay for what he's done oh [ __ ] there you go all this for a child who isn't even here what the hell do you ungrateful selfish wretch you come into my house you lay your filthy man-hands on my daughters and now you even try to steal my property rest while you can go ahead do your worst [Music] [Music] you'll be sliced to ribbons [Music] you will learn what it means to insult out ah don't waste my time apologize with your life running will get you nowhere good man screw this castle so you finally came to see me everyone fall for me so mean why are you doing this look at me a dream this is a dream oh damn i don't wanna i'm sick of bugs i was worried my sisters had gotten too first mother said sail but i can't [Music] finish you ah crazy witch uh you ruined everything [Music] [Applause] i will devour looks like the outside matches your inside [Applause] death [Applause] ugh is uh look at you guys oh everything for me i'm not saving your daughter when you murdered mine [Applause] oh just give up your entire belongs take your flesh don't be shy show me [Applause] every last witches again [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] as the midnight moon rises on black wings we await the light at the end in life and in death glory to mother miranda hey remember me i almost died up at that castle tell me what is going on around here how can a man be almost dead that's a question for the wise you know what i mean and i still haven't found rose where did mother miranda take her [Laughter] you're too late or maybe almost too late the child will be sacrificed life for life what kind of sick medieval [ __ ] is this she's just a baby the crests of the four bloodlines may open the path you seek will you please stop talking in riddles i just want to find my daughter it's only original if you don't know the answer [Laughter] wait a second that looks familiar hey hey wait there you are i had a feeling you would pop up here it was all worthless is that so i assume you've picked up something of value not sure if it's a value but why you have your daughter right in your own hands what are you saying take a closer look that flask seems to contain her head no roses don't say another word this this is impossible this just can't be your daughter's essence is still intact her powers are truly unique oh who could even do this she can be saved you know saved from this are you insane there's a house with a red chimney on the western side of the village go and seek out the man who lives there then we can continue our conversation quit holding out and get to the damn point you don't have to trust my words but do you have any better options your choice the customer is always right after all he'll pay you if i find out this is a lie [ __ ] joker how was it did you learn anything i found these feathers now tell me how to fix this like you said you would settle down first you must use that key and collect all of your little roses flasks where are the rest of them there are four in total you have the one and the other lords have the rest lords mother miranda is the cold calculating ruler of this village for lord serve under her the first you've already met the lady demetrisk the second lives deep in a valley of mist the doll maker donna beneviento none of her playmates have ever come back from that dank old state the third is moreau a being of twisted flesh that lives in the reservoir past the windmills it is said that he is not the only monster that lives in those waters the fourth and most dangerous is heisenberg he works in his factory on the village outskirts and the project let's just say parts of the human imagination are better left alone eat them what ethan come with me there's something i have to tell you mia what's going on uh rose feels different ethan you have to fix her what the hell is this everyone leaves me even rose i don't want to build up this can't be real please won't you stay with me what wait where's my gun please ethan listen to me i didn't want to keep it from you yeah i didn't want to lose you again i didn't want to destroy this family mia what are you talking about i love you both so much i had to i had to do it i hope you're fine it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] hello uh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] ah uh [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] saturn ah [Laughter] what huh don't leave i can't let you you're still alive try and find me hey so [Music] okay oh [Applause] [ __ ] monsters so [Music] [Music] gosh don't do this uh stupid idiot what are you doing to my cute friends it's over mia we'll make things right what good i need to get out of this place [Applause] foreign oh uh i'll just be taking this wait what what what are you doing with mother's special child she's not hers oh you have something to say what do you mean mother's special child [Music] what's so funny you're stupid you talk too much it's [Music] [ __ ] damn freak [Music] what the hell research post or something what the [ __ ] are they doing here stay the [ __ ] down ethan i gotta say i'm surprised you made it this far it'd be a shame if something happened to you now sir chris why not you killed mia now do me and finish the job hey cat i'm getting some serious motion readings out here we should move on what kind of readings what's moving unknown but my guess is we've been here too long and miranda knows it hey hey did you say miranda how are you involved leave it alone ethan you are out of your depth what about the sample analysis it's definitely related to the mold you stay out of our business [ __ ] stay back i don't have time for this [Music] miranda sent you to slow me down you're pathetic what are you talking about the [ __ ] is wrong [Music] oh what am i supposed to do got it oh i guess i gotta do this [Music] [Music] oh foreign uh ah oh [Applause] oh and death as he was in life disgusting you're better off than i thought who's that oh come on we just met a while back nothing really matters you're the last [ __ ] in my way aren't you you've got fights i'll give you that even but what's the plan when you have all four flasks what are you trying to get at i could lend you a hand not trying to get on my good side i don't get cocky i kill you if you weren't worth the trouble there's a stronghold not too far outside the village go there and get my flask do that and you pass first head back to the graveyard that's not good so so [Applause] uh eat [ __ ] um what you're the real deal ethan well done quit hiding [ __ ] i'm not letting you get out of this cool your jets just a little bit more and you're all wrapped up i'll lend you a hand so in exchange what first of all come to me put all the flasks in the altar and i'm sure you'll figure the rest out see you ethan god damn it what the hell mia truth hurts let me guess you're thinking take me out like the others and then he gets to go and save rose right i'm healing my daughter look you got this all wrong shut your [ __ ] hole i'm sorry take a seat listen ethan you're being played what are you talking about you think this is a game i said [ __ ] lady super-sized [ __ ] ugly a psycho dog an ammonic freak don't you get it it's a test to see if you're strong enough to be a part of miranda's family i don't want to be a part of miranda's family neither did i but here we are and i'm next in line right kill me move up the chain well [ __ ] that i don't give a damn about your personal issues i just want to fix my daughter so do i do you have any idea how powerful a kid is even rounder scared of her last time you freak i swear to god you and me then together we go save rose and we can use her to grind miranda into beast my daughter is not a weapon [ __ ] you last chance you don't want to find out what's in that hole i'll take my chances [Music] oh [ __ ] a dead end what was that thing oh [ __ ] that was close i don't have time to [ __ ] out of my way now stay down [Music] what not bad not bad jersey you're persistent but i've got a rebellion so stay out of my way changed [Applause] that bastard again huh i told you to leave it alone ethan you are in the way what do you care chris you killed my wife you son of a [ __ ] you think i killed mia that wasn't her it was miranda what she's a bio weapon she changed her appearance and pretended to be mia seemed she also survived being shot so now i'm here to finish the job [ __ ] why don't you [ __ ] tell me right away because i knew you would want to be involved and this job is hard enough without civilians getting in the way why us chris what the hell is going on all right ethan all right i guess i owe you an explanation hand me that wrench long story short miranda's [ __ ] insane in this village all these monsters and freaks this is her life's work some sort of crazy experiment with the mold the mold like louisiana god damn it all this time i thought i could save my family i can't escape from here i can't do anything that might not be true take a look at this my men sent those pictures a few minutes ago miranda keep looking rose holy [ __ ] we gotta go relax my men are monitoring the situation but they have my daughter you don't get anything you don't stand a chance against miranda by yourself i will stay down here and finish planting explosives you take that elevator i'll meet you topside i promise you we will get your daughter back together damn straight we will and when i find miranda she's a dead woman all right ethan and you take this and do me a favor try to stay under the radar you can't turn back now metal polymer composite huh time to fight fire with fire i'm coming bros you're like a goddamn cockroach you think you can take me on fine this will be my warm-up before i kill that [ __ ] [Music] in the face that's what i call beyonce oh yourself [Music] [ __ ] let your first is [Music] oh you really should have taken my deal is is ethan i heard explosions what the hell happened i dealt with heisenberg now i'm gonna find miranda and get rose back not without me it's too dangerous wait there you hear me ethan rose ethan ethan respond mia our child she's so important isn't she she's everything to me and mine to me with you've eisenberg your lead what are you going to do i don't know but i'm saving rose you'd never know do you even when i took mia's place in your home poor ethan who are you where's rose miranda enough remember evelyn and her power over them all rose is her successor no rose is evelyn's true complete form [ __ ] you you crazy [ __ ] calm yourself rose will be saved the mega my seat catalogs all of us however she will be reborn as my daughter she's my child not yours where are you show yourself why did rose come to be was it because of her parents and you are truly a special case but i've learned all i can for you your worth as a lab rat has run out miranda you coward come on and face me i will make sure to sample your blood for later once dawn breaks the ceremony will be complete and i will become her true mother bound for eternity blood [Laughter] i've waited so long the dreams really can come true not i can't wait to see my true child again captain i've confirmed the death of ethan winters i wasn't able to retrieve the body but i've recorded evidence share your screen and i'll go over the situation my team and i were careless yesterday we took down the transformed miranda but we didn't kill her who knew she could fake being a corpse since miranda could have infected ethan i forcefully took him and rose with us but the vehicle they were riding in was attacked when i got to the wreck ethan and rose were gone the last time i was able to contact ethan i heard miranda's voice she murdered him and she is not gonna get away with it god damn it when does it end what's that sir the mission all of it three years trying to put this thing in the ground three years too long we'll get her captain so bsaa got here already they didn't waste any time mission adjustment no it doesn't change anything terminate miranda and rescue rose that's the mission and failure's not an option let's have some fun people like old times move out roger okay k9 i want to know what the hell bsaa is doing here find out what you can roger that i'm on in a while since we fought together captain when was it last the desert doing nothing but recon's gotten me out of shape but thanks to your recon we know miranda's plan couldn't quite believe it when i heard you turn himself in the mia though taking five shots to the head's nothing to sneeze at either spooky hey alpha look at this yes hey we've gone too far looks pretty rough down there how are you planning on reaching the objective first we're gonna have to take that thing out i've got your back boss let's get to work everyone watch for hostile bio weapons roger made contact with a group of hostile bioweapons watch out is that 100 oh i'm reloaded i'll mark a point with the target locator hang on good mega mice must be below [Applause] i found a way down i'm going in the rest of you stay back captain compared the mold at the village with a sample from the bakers and there's no sign of the genome editing we saw in the e-series the stuff originated here i got a tough guy here there's an opening in the room so ah good i'll signal with the locator [Music] awesome okay keep going the rest of you stay above ground so if miranda was the fake mia where's the real one i doubt she saw any further use for her i don't get any of this how did miranda even know rose exists a moldy little bird told her maybe we can figure that out later focus on the plan i found it it's the mega my seat out for the squad i've located the mega my seat so now we can end this mess after all about damn time and two explosives aren't there's enough there to blow the whole village sky-high let's get out of here and blow the damn place not before i end miranda i'm not taking any more chances i'm going in captain i have eyes on miranda at the ceremony site keep your distance do not move until i give the order i know it's too late now but we really should have told ethan the plan there wasn't time we didn't expect miranda to act so soon even so you should have told him this must be miranda's lab ah show me your hands i'm bryce this is alpha where is miranda right now whatever she's doing she's staying put god damn it really is you i'm glad you saved mia why are you here i was caught in houston experiments wait did you say mia mia winters in the flesh what's the situation up there nothing we can't handle don't get distracted stick to the mission i'm headed to the ceremony site wait you can't leave me here you promised damn it you said that you would keep us safe we did everything that you asked we moved over here everything i didn't care so long as we were together so you tell me where is my husband where is my daughter nathan is he's gone i couldn't save him but i can save rose come on it's not safe here after all what do you mean he's gone he's dead i'm sorry mia but we have to leave we have to destroy this village no you're wrong i tried to keep this a secret but you don't understand how special he is what's going on it's called how did i get here god freezes [ __ ] my body [Music] how are you here you're dead dad i mean miranda she no i still have to save bros wrong it wasn't miranda you were always dead what are you saying i can still see miranda didn't kill you you mean you didn't think it was weird no matter how much you got hurt remember [Music] three years ago the baker house you were murdered by jack [Music] you died there three years ago that's that's it's awesome no way you shouldn't even be able to walk around quit messing with my head you shouldn't be walking [Music] i [Music] hi [Music] [Music] ah how do you get it your whole body is nothing but mold you can't ever see your family again hi save my daughter you're already dead [Laughter] dead i will save rose oh at last he awakes where am i my carriage ethan you were having a nightmare duke your battle with heisenberg was a sight to see but to think miranda would show herself how long have i been out not long till dawg duke i need a favor take me to miranda i assumed as much and i'm already on the way we should arrive shortly thank you but ethan are you sure of this your body is well falling apart yes foolish of midas speaking of foolish questions who or what are you even i can't quite answer that we're here i owe you one mr winters i'm afraid you can't return to your old world any longer are you ready yeah i have to be i gotta go out of my way go my beautiful daughter come to me is that you oh how i've missed you what [Music] my power is leaving me rose miranda interesting your body certainly is normal give rose to me now you will see once i kill you properly everything get her now and you try to take it away from me i will take what is due [Music] my desires will be fulfilled rose is mine what the [ __ ] you fulfilled your purpose mr winters you disposed of my false children and awakened the glorious mega mice now please [Music] do not worry for little rose i assure you i'll provide her with why the hell can't you realize rose is my goddamn kid not yours [Music] the men in my seat saved me from the bits of despair and granted me this splendid power yeah right all it's done is drive you nuts feel the dark gods ah now mr winters i think it's time lessons in my hearts rest now hell i will die die die [Laughter] i will take my daughter i understand your feelings but this is if i combine rose with a mega mice my daughter will be made manifest at last i've waited a century a century why won't you die will this kill you [Laughter] she's my goddamn daughter you psycho curse this round why is to ensure i never see your face again i will feed you to the mountains every single son of your being my daughter [Music] [Music] oh [Music] it's all right [Music] ethan ethan come on ethan come on ethan wake up oh no chris ethan he did it it's finished i think we've finished each other ethan we gotta move keep moving ethan there's a bum in that thing that'll blow this whole village sky high hey look at me when i hit this trigger we can't be anywhere near it ah damn it me is waiting for you she's alive you hear me alive oh mia i'm so sorry i love you keep rose safe hey and you tell yourself oh come on it's not that much further watch over teach her to be strong goodbye rosemary ethan [Music] huh [Music] rose go go take us up now wait where's ethan get moving we have to get clear no we can't go not without my husband sit down and strap in not before you tell me where ethan is i know he wouldn't abandon us tell me what's going on where what was that i told you to sit down where is he chris what have you done he's gone that's right he stayed so we could all escape [Music] i'm sorry captain you need to see this bsaa didn't send soldiers this is a bio weapon what the hell were they thinking orders captain pick up the rest of the squad plot a course for bsa europe hq someone's got to pay [Music] do you think the little boy will be able to touch the moon nobody can touch the moon is too far away wait what if he has a rocket ship uh okay then you can touch it but it'd be very very cold you were being silly i don't think [Music] [Music] hey dad happy birthday [Music] sorry i missed last week i have a lot of tests coming up you know how it is [Music] talk of the goddamn devil duty calls i love you yeah i found her where else today of all days we have a situation you're needed evelyn don't you ever call me that again oh oh it's just a joke rose i can show you things even chris doesn't know i can do we have a clear shot stand down i can handle it she's just a kid i want you to keep it together rose you're a lot like him you know i know [Music] you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 434,077
Rating: 4.8692365 out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 8, Resident Evil 8 Village, Resident Evil 8 Village All Cutscenes, Resident Evil 8 Village Cutscenes, Resident Evil 8 Village Full Movie, Resident Evil 8 Village Movie, Resident Evil 8 Village All Cutscenes Movie, All Cutsenes, Full Movie, 2021, 4K, 4K Ultra HD, HD
Id: rSlbVSngOK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 2sec (8102 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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