Resident Evil 4 Unused Content | LOST BITS (ft. HorrorScoped) [TetraBitGaming]

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foreign [Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetrapy gaming the series where we explore the unused altered and unseen content in gaming with the release of the Resident Evil 4 remake and seeing how long it's been since my last Resident Evil video I think it's about time I check out one of the most re-released games of all time here on Lost bits so go round host kick that like button it's time to find some Resident Evil 4 lost bits all right now before we get to the Final Cuts of the game I think it's important to start things off with a brief look at some of the plans for Resident Evil 4 that were canceled between Resident Evil 3's release in 1999 and the final release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005. for starters a fourth Resident Evil was hinted at as early as the end of 1999 and at the time was being solely developed for the PlayStation 2. now the original plans for this game were to focus on Tony and Paul Redgrave the sons of Dr Oswell Spencer and their superhuman abilities obtained from being infected by the progenitor virus it was apparently planned to mostly take place in an umbrella facility found in a place called Mallet Island now apparently due to this game being viewed as having too much action and coolness which was seen as a big departure from the traditional Survivor horror roots of the series at the time the plans for this game were scrapped well at least as a Resident Evil game development of this game actually continued but refocused away from the Resident Evil branding and instead was set in a world full of demons with a protagonist named Dante and it eventually ended up launching as another game but I doubt any of you have ever heard of it later shown off in the Devil May Cry HD Collection there were several bits of concept art that reveal a bunch of enemy designs that were intended for the game's original Resident Evil plans these include blade Undead dogs and Undead humans this thing known as red shell macrophage Hydra oroboros not related to Resident Evil 5 a mutated cat known as witch G virus infected crows and leeches bezelbub as well as the Phantom spiders who were repurposed into Devil May Cry hi there is Kraken a FNAF security breach tier pile of goop and carcasses known simply as Nightmare and finally there's Griffin as well as Griffin babies Griffin was eventually repurposed into Devil May cry's second boss while the baby versions were scrapped for looking and I quote too cute right after the original plans of Resident Evil 4 were altered development restarted in 2000 and there are actually three different prototype builds of the game and although each would feature Leon as the protagonist they each had a different style and premise each of these early builds had a working subtitle with the first being known simply as Castle being the earliest of these prototypes this one was still the most similar to the earlier plans and would have similarly had Leon investigating an umbrella facility the plot would have seen both the hive host capture force and the U.S strategic Command attacking umbrella's HQ at the same time which would have led to both sides getting completely destroyed save for Leon who would have remained alive but would have been infected with a retrovirus and would gradually mutate over the course of the game something similar to what happens in the Final Cut of the game one of the major planned enemies in this build was going to be a large floating mass of tentacles known simply as black fog the plan plot for this build would have also featured a mysterious imprisoned woman that would have been protected by a bow dog being primarily developed with the game keep in mind unfortunately the developers weren't able to create adequate lighting and animations for the black fog enemy so the plans were once again reshuffled and the script for this game was handed over to another cap Camp studio and the plot with the girl and the dog were eventually reworked into another game Haunting Ground for PS2 pretty crazy that two different plans for Resident Evil 4 turned into two completely different games then next the second of these Resident Evil 4 prototype builds had the title of hallucination and as the name suggests the plan for this game at this point took a radical change from the series The Plot at this point was to be the same as with the castle but instead of going up against mutated zombies as was typical for Resident Evil games up to this point this version was planned to have more of a psychological aspect and hallucinated enemies were planned to be the main antagonist this time another key idea for this build was the introduction of a mechanic where two different versions of each area would be loaded in at the same time one in reality and then the second one would be a hallucinated version where the enemies could be seen I guess something similar to the dog sense in The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and it would have had these demon spawns known simply as living dolls that would have appeared as hallucinations and honestly I think this is scarier than almost all the mutants in the series another scrapped enemy that would have appeared in this planned build is this guy known simply as hook man and these were seen to show off a planned mechanic in the game where in one of the hallucinated rooms enemies would take the form of a subject seen in one of the room's paintings and honestly that sounds like a pretty interesting idea now unlike Twilight Princess however the developers here weren't able to make this mechanic work on the GameCube citing its Hardware as being insufficient and loading these two areas simultaneously to account for the difference in enemies and mechanics and such the script was planned to have been Rewritten but it doesn't seem like this ended up happening before these experimental ideas were once again tossed and it was time again to head back to the drawing board the third and final of these prototype builds was known as zombie and much like last time this code name alone should suggest that this time around the plans were returning back to more traditional Resident Evil form the story was once again the same as the two prototypes before but this time creatures dubbed Dabba man would have been featured antagonists and these would basically be zombies controlled by some parasites and this time basically the complete opposite from times before these plans for the game were deemed too similar to the previous entries in the series and fear set in that the game wouldn't sell well because of this and once again this idea was discarded but maybe it was for the best as what resulted next was one of the most beloved games of all time and on that note now moving on to Resident Evil 4 as we know it today first there are several conceptualized mutated enemies for the game that ultimately never got to see the light of day these include electric man lurching man which was an early version of the regenerador enemies who as we can see here would have had a shape-shifting ability parasite humans who would have come in a whole range of different variations with multiple eyes some Centaur type as well as a straight jacketed woman that also had a bunch of designs including having a comically large arm or whatever this is and then finally there are a whole laundry list of scrapped Unique Designs For The Game's ganado villagers there's a harlequin looking one with a wave-bladed sword one in what looks to be some Arabic inspired clothing who would have had some nice tentacles instead of one of her hands there's this one known as a bound slave type there's a masked Zealot one with a hidden mouth and one wearing a mask of a ram skull both of which would have had a scythe then there's this guy listed as I kid you not assassin bear claw man who looks to have been repurposed into the garador mini boss who of course also has those Wolverine style claws next we have this three-headed fella known simply as The Arcanist whose original design had some sort of tentacle coming out of one of his hands that could have been used to spray gas towards an enemy scrap designs for a tattooed and torch-bearing Zealot as well as this fella known as super Dynamite Man Who apparently would have loved Dynamite so much that he'd strap it all over his chest and even some on his head like antlers and lastly there were also a pair of designs for some armored gonado enemies which also appear to have been redesigned into the garador mini boss so I guess they got those Nifty claws as an upgrade next there are a few items and attachments that were cut from the main game for starters although silencer is seen in resident before his mercenaries mode where it's equipped to wesker's handgun when playing as M it was once intended to be a standalone item that could have been combined to other handguns in the game excluding the red 9 and Matilda which were incompatible this silencer was actually found in an area normally inaccessible to the player but by using some cheats in the pre-release demo of Resident Evil 4 you could reach this Merchant in this cave and here the player could actually buy the silencer and furthermore there's actually a second scrapped variant of the silencer that can also be bought at the same Merchant area this one however was specific to the TMP Submachine guy it's unclear why these silencers were scrapped from the final game but I guess stealth isn't a huge component of this game so so maybe they weren't deemed all that useful on the other hand though when loaded into the game it appears to make certain enemies like the Gower door react differently to the player when shooting at them since their eyes are sewn shut they have a much more difficult time finding a player and furthermore other enemies and even Ravens aren't bothered by the suppressed shots so it seems like there was at least a decent amount of effort into making playing this game extra stealthy possible which even more begs the question why were these scrapped next also unused are an amethyst and Onyx Stone as well as Leon's binoculars now although Leon is seen using his binoculars in the game they aren't an item he can normally equip whenever you'd like him to and this is unlike in the pre-release trial version of the game where they are seen as an item that you can use whenever you want then as seen in this footage from bio4 exe there are several other items that go unused some of which were only left over in the GameCube release of the game including a silencer meant for the killer 7 handgun an old version of the combat knife a guitar case key item that only brings up a now printing placeholder graphic as we've seen in other games on this series Ada's knife unique 45 caliber ammo for the Chicago Typewriter which goes unused since in the game it has unlimited ammo making these useless and then finally there are these homing mind darts which is a scrapped ammo type for the mine thrower now what's extra interesting about these is that after glitching through this fence in the game they can actually be found and even picked up out of bounds in the original GameCube PS2 and apparently Wii releases of the game it's almost kind of creepy that these were just left in here Underground now I brought it up earlier but a Resident Evil 4 YouTuber by the name of bio4 exe made a really cool video showcasing some of these items so definitely consider checking it out they've also made some really cool videos showcasing some early animations for a bunch of the game's enemies and characters including some for tyrants and Hunters who go unused in this game yeah apparently they still have leftover textures models and even AI data left over in the game's codes too so yeah definitely check out their Channel I'll have a link for you down in the description with my sources if you're interested for a game that's nearly 20 years old at this point it's really cool to see that more and more new discoveries are being documented even now next we have several early unused Graphics left over in the original GameCube version of this game first are some playing manual Graphics that are pretty similar for the most part but we can see that the graphics highlighting the parts of the GameCube controller were made more visible and either the photographs on the right were Consolidated into one or the opposite to help better explain how something like using the combat knife works furthermore some textures were changed to better looking ones or ones that are much more visible Ashley's photo here was changed and if you watched enough of my videos you'll know we've seen this Japanese text before and once again this translates to Temporary and then lastly there are also some temporary placeholder sketches of a few Graphics that were pre-rendered in the final game these include a hunter's map a picture of a lake a map with some photos of a tower as well as Gigante as well as two sketches that never seem to have gotten past the placeholder stage one listed as a second castillan memo that was seemingly outright scrapped as there's only one Memo from the cast Lin scene in the game and then this one which is pretty difficult to tell what it's exactly supposed to be and speaking of placeholder images there are also a handful of them for The Mercenaries mode as well these include an edited image of rolento from Capcom vs SNK 2 for unlocking Jack krauser this one has an unlock screen for the Matilda Gun there's this Resident Evil 2 artwork of ADA for unlocking her a character from an old famicom game called Icky for unlocking hunk and finally a still from these super cool Japanese intro of Resident Evil 1 for you guessed it unlocking Wesker I think some of these placeholders are really funny it's nice to see the developers having a sense of humor like this we mentioned the Homing mind darts earlier but there are at least a few more Oddities found hidden outside of normal view for example in the shooting gallery section of the game right below the door that you enter in through there's a very strange hidden object that uses a texture of some concept art of Salazar it's incredibly bizarre just based on where this is found though it appears that this may have been intended to be a Target that would pop up in the shooting gallery like the other characters but for whatever reason it was decided to not include this and just shove it under the floor here and also in this room for whatever reason found just outside the walls are several piles of gold bars I guess this might be the Merchant's secret stash that he hides off in the void then similarly in chapter 5-4 if you take the camera far off into the distance here you can see an equally strange texture of some fella just standing there nothing like this is seen anywhere else in the entire game and it's believed that this is a self-insert of one of the game's developers that was left in as a little Easter egg joke then on a more serious note in chapter 3-2 exclusively on the original GameCube version a secret normally unused little cutscene can be found by glitching out of bounds in this area you can actually reach a trigger that's still left over to activate it right behind this wall and once activated we can see the cutscene as it was intended to have been seen well except for us being out of bounds now apparently this was going to be an intro cutscene for the wingless novistidor enemies that are found in these sewers seemingly approaching the player next up this game actually has several rooms that go unused first off there are a few unused debug rooms two daytime versions as well as a darker nighttime one unfortunately these aren't super exciting as they are all just a big empty Square Room not too much else to say here then next there are also a whole bunch of seemingly early versions of a few areas seen in the game for the most part like with the unused versions of the ruins or prison they are basically the same as how they're seen in the game minus any enemies cutscenes or even background music making them pretty eerie on the other hand some have a few interesting quirks some like this unused cabin map have green textures for where lighting would be some have textures bugging out and then there's also what looks to be an early version of the battleship area that you get to in Ada's story where none of the chests work the floodlights kind of just float there and yeah stuff like that then there's what looks to be an early version of the hallway leading up to the room where Salazar activates his trap to drop Leon Into the Depths below here it looks like some earlier textures are being used there's no door to Salazar's little throne room and although the trapdoor seems to have been already activated here you can just freely walk over the hole no problem but my favorite part of some of these unused maps are that some of them actually still contain some placeholder developer textures for starters in this early version of this tunnel there's a large block that appears to indicate its dimensions and then the Japanese text up top translates to a simple question truck so it looks like these blocks were tossed in as a placeholder for a truck model to be put in at a later time this placeholder truck block is again seen in an early version of this industrial area from the separate ways storyline but here there are also a few more models just like this for one there's this green one which appears to translate to wire these pink ones on the ladders translates to you guessed it ladder and then finally there are these white blocks that have a character as well as a number and I found one with a 5 out of three as well as a 5 out of 5. I'm not really sure what these mean exactly but if you might know be sure to let us know down in the comments anyways although these unused Maps aren't something completely unseen in the game I thought it was still pretty cool to see them from what looks to be an earlier stage in developing Resident Evil 4. now before we wrap things up for this video I wanted to briefly touch on some debug features for this game Unfortunately they aren't found intact in any release version of the game but rather only in the trial version that was available for the GameCube with the use of a cheating device like an action replay this debug menu can be enabled on the main menu unfortunately though since it is a demo build and the game itself here isn't complete many of the things here don't work or cause the game to crash but nonetheless it does let you select which character you'd like to play as which level and area you'd want to spawn in as well as a whole bunch of other gameplay options now although most of these options don't work a separate debug menu can also be pulled up while loaded into the game there are a ton of different options here but for the sake of this video some of my favorite things include being able to slap the suppressor onto the handgun being invincible and having unlimited ammo as well as the ability to disable Collision so I could freely walk around wherever I wanted after climbing up the tower here I could also like Fly Above the area with this so that was pretty cool and I was also able to walk over to this low poly Church model and see just how massive Leon looks here in comparison another really cool thing I thought was that during a cut scene we can see it broken down into which cut is being shown all the way down to exactly which frame of the animation is being played at a given moment I don't know you might not think this is that interesting but I thought it was pretty cool it's really too bad that most of the features on the debug menu here don't work like you can't even equip most of the guns on the list here and you can't really jump to any other maps in the game without causing it to crash but hey it's still pretty cool that this is left in at least in some form and of course something is better than nothing anyways we'll leave it there for this video and I hope you enjoyed it as always if you did be sure to subscribe to find your way back to the channel and a special thank you to horoscope for guesting on today's video definitely check out his channel for some more survival and indie horror game content and let him know I sent you and as always thank you all so much for stopping by today and I will see in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 142,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Resident Evil 4, RE4, RE 4, Resident Evil 4 Remake, Resident Evil 4 unused content, resident evil 4 cut content, resident evil 4 unused cutscene, resident evil 4 unused stage, resident evil 4 lost bits, resident evil 4 secrets, resident evil 4 out of bounds, tetrabitgaming, tetrabit, tbg common, resident evil lost bits, tetrabitgaming resident evil, gaming, video games, resident evil 4 beta, resident evil 4 prototype, resident evil 4 remake cut content, horrorscoped
Id: pstR6Zsqbb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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