Half-Life 2 Developers React to 50 Minute Speedrun

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These videos are some of the best from IGN, it's always great too see how developers react to their game being absolutely ripped apart. 'I thought I fixed that!'

👍︎︎ 272 👤︎︎ u/ExoHead 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Another good watch that is similar to this is watching a speedrunner play Psychonauts 1 in front of many of the devs who created the game. It's very entertaining to watch their reactions.

👍︎︎ 259 👤︎︎ u/jc9800 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

Well that was weird and interesting. Was amusing to see the devs attempting to analyse why he was doing things in the very start then as soon as he got to the open world they had no clue how he was doing what he was doing.

For me it's the Dev reactions to the speed run that make it but I'd like to see them try and invite the streamer too to get some feedback from him

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/naryn 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

What I found fascinating is the odd details each of them seem to remember at various points. Specific triggers being broken in a room, small things.

They forgot a lot, but every now and then suddenly someone remembers one really specific thing, it's fantastic. These guys were working on this 15 years ago, and have probably worked on dozens of projects by now, and it's astounding that they remember these things.

Really great watch. Thanks for sharing.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/LincolnSixVacano 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

As a HL2 runner, I made a video where I watch it and explain what the devs didn't understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOnOZh1EKzc

👍︎︎ 143 👤︎︎ u/Happysedits 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is such a great series, speedruns are already fascinating and seeing the devs react to it is really entertaining

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Dirkdigglersdong 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I already love watching speedrun. Now they start doing game dev react to people speed running their game. Its even better.

👍︎︎ 69 👤︎︎ u/Th3Hitman 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't have much interest in speedrunning personally, but I enjoy when devs get to give their take on it. It's fun seeing them reacting to their work being dissected, analyzing how and why certain aspects of the game are able to be broken, and remembering details from development throughout the playthrough.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Mikejamese 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
three two one hey everyone my name is Aiden phenol and I was a gameplay programmer half I to an arm we're on our 47 attempt to this speedrun Roger this is Robert Walker I was also a gameplay program on half-life 2 and I'm already confused about what I'm seeing and as David Speier I'm here too and as you might guess I too was gameplay programmer on half-life 2 and we have the guy hopping around he's bringing the can for the can call this speedrunner is way zone right please no wait wizened what was the weight zone and he's got a can this is what his stroke looks like oh he's got the comp right walking with the timing is right it's cuz choreo act is if they mocked is required movement will they will have to go and he can't path around it because of the corridor they'll just teleport to there it's like the game will break if I don't get to where I need to get to so I'm just gonna tell for ya so he's blocking that's the actors with various objects do this what does he miss out the reveal that was Barney yep no this is just because we he can't get out of his room he has time to kill yes yeah he's showing off yes that's a really good back in now wow this is impressive stacking oh man I like that wait what it's probably at least five polygons in the collision this is pretty fun to work on down I remember honey taking this long come on Barney we have an audio we do there we go great now I know what we're doing that's all right this part it's not very speedy is a slow run there we go you know future games I think we're just gonna pin people in rooms like that the entire length of the game remember how we used to create new crates if they threw away all the crates you couldn't get out of it it's a crate spawner in there yeah just like this fire I thought he was gonna bring the can to the can coppers in optimization you know he wouldn't have to wait for the king cop to drop it oh right he just flies instead source one and the money of being dissed it's always a treat so how many years did you work on that section Adrian we just flew through in ten seconds just to Pinterest [Laughter] we went right over that cup oh yeah he skipped all this you skipped the whole arouse from the praise oh that's sad what's he gonna do with this it's probably gonna go jump on the gunship what is this oh that's a full trigger that what now he's gonna start up baby if you drive it straight to Nova Prospekt come on you think the bucket let him survive the fall you must have been I think it's about the game I remember how this used to work I remember like we used to use when you got knocked out yeah this pizza it was read remember and they were just immediately under like was that one pointed where he would load the game again the instant he got hit by the static and he never realized that he was going to wake up if you waited three more seconds yet so there we go what we're flying well there's no city back here he's seen through our tricks hang on a second yeah because we've laid out all the world in each level correctly he can just walk through the air from here straight to the Citadel yeah well if you turn around and now not leave the city I have no so what did he miss there I'm not really sure what he missed a did he miss Alex having maybe the other custom monologue maybe yeah I think we just show enough oh wait that's that's way doing himself to man himself he's revealing his secrets physics rooms all our games yeah I think we should cut physics in our future games it definitely looks like a recipe for trouble what do you think even the decade where army which is outside the transition trigger when he switch levels and sir he we think he missed compose are all of Claire's labs gone yes that's great cuz I didn't want to have to watch that again having played through skipped all miles in time yes he burns don't give me the crowbar well that's not using a crowbar going where they sell us when we go out with Ernie crowbars I think we should blow boy visible clips from the game completely understand a little disappointed that it's not three minutes in you know ramping Reilly defense and I think you like my name sorry lady no now he's got the crowbar we're too nice we're too nice well it's more testing we need to be able to stop each level for testing with equipment you would have rights yeah hmm it's a new trick we zone that was yeah that was skill that's cool whatever it is no way they will do it hopefully it was physics he liked this trick this is the trick you don't like a trick learners don't want you to know all that work on water and he just skipped it off beautiful good use me down do that water again so is that his velocity down there I kind of quite see it's like behind that are says ups which I'm guessing man that sections of this game that just forget about until you see him again you're gonna second write it though what uh-huh your explosive barrels in this not any more because a barrel yeah yeah they're gonna throw them down that's right how many you want no why how about you three four five seems a little bit cartoonish now myself by modern livery we call that monocle bowling smooth this bit was we watch what was that the Italian job with the bubble the bullets being shot to the water yeah and we thought let's do that maybe yeah we need if you did this same speedrun five years ago it would be another minute or two longer why just waiting for the load I'll play this game oh yeah that's a touch did you use such a trigger or something with his head is that what he was doing there not quite sure the old teapot though classic keep a secret blocking man Hekmat I think I saw one of these with them using a Manhattan's dead no wait not yet there's many eggs are the most powerful sorry Matt they said it's the sergeant of the Manhattan I say a lot of weapons but he only has a pistol oh yes the giant agitators these are time we're still making brushes yeah and I remember when seeing all that stuff with the terrain in it instead of just solid flat grounds let's just think oh my god this is amazing and now we're in the most plausible room in the game yeah oh my god this yes I need to feel the water please go wow just hang I was like a team three plus so Robin you were mentioned before you watch this that you were on the fence about whether we should fix these bugs whether the speedrun community would like it yeah we've been watching this for a couple years I guess not for a while I'm seeing a bunch of new stuff here but we're keep asking ourselves like would they like us to fix some of these like you know we make really interesting I think Jay proposed like what if we fixed all the bugs they're using like one week before the next just change the metaphor well yeah we like the idea change in the meta but we'd hate to do it in a way that just made them all mad sir yeah we didn't really make any good some in some cases he liked their bugs he we could fix if they use a lot yeah like they wall climbing with it's a rotation of of glitches it has like all right that went away but we there's a new buggy code that's right it took a lot of effort we did the airboat Dave I'm curious yeah we haven't seen much airboat yet that's not easier let's see what horrible thing I don't a good time in another one wait he's transitioning back what's he doing huh Oh what what it's like a nice movie I'm concerned there was he just hit a load in another load I think he's reloading God is he in the boat he's no wait he wasn't in whirl anymore what is this see how people play game sound Dave her name is gonna be a big it's gonna be a big box nothing beforehand it'd be fun to try and figure out the minutes of way zones play with respect to the hours of our lives spent building it and for this whole section with the airboat it's not looking good for us yeah no skipping right on past my way the next game we shouldn't make anything what if he was doing something with like the exit animation from the airboat I like getting out of the airboat during a little transition or something is it because it was on an angle because I know we do that you know there's the space checking to make sure that you appear in an empty space and maybe there's some spot there where that fails I don't know why you retained paucity but there's always places in this the helicopter doesn't have a chance through this he's just gonna hit it at full force yeah he's gonna just destroy we tried putting physic making the player movement for we simulated by physics and the first thing players could do was if you press the forward key you immediately and walked into wall you just died in fact because the amount of acceleration you actually needed to move at the speed you do in the game is such that the impact of just walking to war kills you yeah fly up can that wasn't good I'm gonna guess that was not intended huh it's another video oh whoa there we go went through the crane that was a nice touch yeah I was getting a little bit worried that we're back in the in the balance of the world but it's good to see the hope for free again okay let's see what he does here what oh he just he needs some blink right through it I was about to talk about fixing the physics bugs in that stack in that weight puzzle we have there but yeah oh well I guess we can just remove it that counter weight poem was the first big physics puzzle we put in so he's pushing it into the prop yeah huh I wonder why he hasn't been using that throughout how big it would be you to understand this Dave maybe not probably hoji is like magic maybe if we slow the video down so it took about 15 hours to watch we would understand it and we had a code open this is a whole section is a lot longer than I remember yeah good well I'm getting less sick well no one thought the airboat section was too long it's been long enough make fun of ourselves now yeah I know this Cory guys I know I think for this we can just make touching the slime instantly kill you and so let us solve this whole problem ultra slime you can make it a function of the speed of the player at the time ya know my kid starts playing that by 2 and he gets duck I'm gonna send in this video I'm telling us to walk through it's a walk through that's great now you do this you put your head against the block and then you go through the wall that's how we did didn't figure out is the training routine penetrate the wall it's time for some storytelling you can't skip dog right that's no playing catch with da way he's gonna wait this thick it's gonna bite bad stuff and make sure this little hook just plenty of them crates all that work crazy yeah defeated by this stick right here what I'm doing no airboat no a boat sir pets this some competing approach that you still uses some percentage of your work Dave just know that's reassuring oh my favorite thing about Mossman okay was when Scott Dalton got hired and he went through the game files and he saw a monocle Mossman that mdl he thought holy crap have a man like a man made out of moss like Swamp Thing and then he loaded up but he was hurt that was he was man that was his first appointment some animator work being used yeah that's nice we all know how that's gonna turn out though you can thank you but look at me okay on the button oh I don't think we're gonna see okay on the back oh yeah we do what back out that's right oh we go down we go back up oh no is it that he's getting out of the transition going again so he's gonna be our world on little transition nothing that appears he has a hole it's like they've got Jeffy this is just portal easy you know Gabe was always saying like why don't we see how the portal gun works in half-life now we think now we know you just usually your family sir has done it for us and it looks like you made it what do you say bearable but you'll never get around this folder just griefing Mossman Wow isn't that they were a diamond display this no this this must affect the kerosene in some way that helps him surely well he made Alex Amy get to her goal I thought that he was gonna skip this whole scene some help but I guess whoa he's Church charging up the completely forgot about the fact that this is just a false command building Alex this is indescribable self no no indescribable evil hey Mia there's a cremator head in the jar what thank you know any yeah I mean there's always tricky we build these sorts of scenes trying to find stuff for the people who wanted who didn't want to stand there who could listen well you know still running around looking at everything yeah having enough to play with in the labs if it's any consolation for all the speedrunners who have had to sit through these and speedruns we had to sit through them probably just as many or more times during the development all they never no skipping you can speed and no maybe show that you couldn't do you couldn't break the game cuz that would be terrible now anyway you know that would be we ought to be watertight this is our crappy now no possible exploits yeah what would have we done if we have seen this play this we're right behind him going mm-hmm yep we'll fix that like than that yeah cuz this is the year away as compared today where we record and all that sort of stuff we've just sat behind wait every yet what are you doing this there might be like six seven people behind you we know that like that's our fault thank you buddy what I'm just trying to imagine J when we brought the list of physics bugs to him after this yeah had a few bugs in those play tests yeah I was surprised to turn around right now and CJ just fuming like staring through the window well you know we always kind of made the distinction between somebody who's accidentally experiencing a bug and kind of enjoying the bug yeah like you know willfully depend on the type of bug yeah we go we go to Raven oh let's go playing with dog when my kid played what happened - he was and he stopped right here he literally looked at this and said oh no don't eggie quit it's never been back then did he get to the zombie torso on the wall or not no he loaded up and drove home looked at it so this we also Oh pants if you get close and then he their legs it's just very obedient he's still inside saying we don't go to rebut yeah yeah yeah all right I can't wait to see him fight the poison zombie I worked on the poison zombie you think zero poison zombies killed this whole run-through prime I'm gonna go in here yeah I guess we missed that then passed out of this he had to do a jump over Raven home city well he did multiple saves that restores they were he needed to launch himself over into exactly the right hill but what's he doing with the UH heard a joke I didn't know being part of that much force dangerous maneuver never Creek or behind doing it again I think we're gonna see a lot of this here we go wait bug demo if you remember what a grigory would not advance if you drop it first and we fix it by literally hardcore in the map name in the code is like if it is this map at this moment just teleport grigory yeah we're out time it's funny yeah and then way zone said I don't care guys that's right that's one of the funnier bits about working in Aleks code it's I'm gonna have my belly's is every now and again running across some code that we've imported that has some map check from half-life oh yeah yeah we fixed this late two days before so I like fix up the demo still there and everyone's too afraid to touch it yeah I mean I would say if you keep any broken don't fix it but this video has shown us what's broken how's the hyper snipers only thing like that mid-to knows it again yeah well speed in 8 miles an hour I assume that in a past life he was a conk jumping DF kasi yes pole scout yeah an only issue not chasing sharks and oh my god what about the crane how many how many how many is Oh crane apparently land also waste the time he just flew across the water there's the leeches are supposed to kill him but it leeches you know they kind of constrained to the water Oh what are they that yeah when I fly above the water the lead to me we should have extensively just triggered into the air above the water okay comes a gunship no she doesn't why why don't you take full damage there is that was default damage is it a perfectly time jump when he hits I'm gonna do coast fast and then he's Charlie thinking ouch across this bit I guess an actress oh I was gonna say he's gonna chicken with the train but he's just gonna fly past the trains yeah that was really nice that was pretty that was really good so there I would like to point out Dave I think the coastline would Maps sort of hold up better when is firing four feet in the air than the air boat that's do I think yeah you might be ready to take that well so I want to apologize for making fun of the airboat part didn't use it cuz it's our time now he did get in the airboat once those bollywood's that was really good I believe we're at the head I haven't yes because I have to wait right all right there's gonna be some trees because I can get down into the if you can get past this yeah it's gonna say they'll be is it lighthouse you know you go through the whole fight then you go through the is Oh cuz this in transition volume back generation she I wonder if the aunt wanted to be able to catch him as he touches the ground first no no I think it's a big on long enough yeah in line guard no straight into it yep I can't we didn't make this top part of their open in our future gates we should just automatically generate kill brushes in all volumes outside place thumpers is now a prospect no wow wow that was highly some hole-in-one ma'am that's impressive that was really good job way zone it's basically like he's made Tony Hawk we I mean that was the original airboat concept was like kind of Tony Hawk tricks yeah like kickflip and he's raised it to a an art form here get denied they cook there here we go their home corner that's get in oh it's gonna do that that's gonna do that and Cheryl yeah we put it there that's true if we hadn't put all this physics object in the game you wouldn't be able to do any of yes what would you be now wait zone so I think important this is our speed run take a little bit of credit here we go yeah I mean if we hadn't written all this code that doesn't work as intended yeah yeah if it were better I heard now this could be possible for better engineers this would not have happened if something happens up the top here that I remember spending a bunch of time you've gotta fixing around Wars but at the top of that three-putt that was useful which agents on the coding leg just figure out that's right just look back through acquittals Thanks so good shipping up they ran out to that by to fix clipping I think maybe we need like some dota commentators to yeah to keep up with this it's impossible to talk fast enough to you know ways to be working right to stay with this guy okay now where's three boys yeah wait all right where are we now it's still in over prospect we haven't gone through the teleporter oh that's right husband's betrayal and everything hey sorry spoilers we're always watching this yeah your son's gonna be watching this to walkthrough so I don't want to spoil poor oh yeah we just bet to say we remade Alex again here but I guess we don't we just try see old bucket like so faster wow these so are we past this oh man a lot of work on this kill the guy yeah you killed that solo yeah this is a bit where the first turret puzzle stuff that was yeah on that this was this stuff I remember was really tricky to balance I don't think we yeah Randy we know that in the end I remember cuz you didn't have to actually do anything except put towers down yeah but if you it was hard if you didn't put tarts in good places it was very hard and if you put tarts in it's very easy didn't we patch this I think you did yeah made it easier just to step aside wanna don't know if we did this yeah we Nikki right yeah but I people can bring their own choice yeah this eyesores someone's screenshot on I'm on a couple weeks ago where they'd bought every turret into this fight right here this might bring a curtain or something that's way so it's probably just gonna cannibal no he's a there's a timer here and this is clearly alright we've got these number a little break yeah this is clearly the hardest part of the game because he's actually participating actually had to kill two people becomes a bench just happened yeah I don't know here we go oh oh did he he can that's what are these back-to-back level transitions Tim loading so sometimes he tries to moves it doesn't work and sweet load ticking and what here we go oh he's bobbing walking when Alex goes there al Masri oh yeah Alex okay they come one day in that the pot soldier doing no damage to it well it's just yet another law of physics that he violates no one speed wedding you're not happy but I think what I think none of our code works I think at the other point it's going to so bad what's going on the computer gave up yeah it's actually shooting at him from several levels ago I don't know if they know what's got on there is there some place in the game we make the play a vulnerable for some reason and then he skipped where we turn it off any more than that and when did he leave one out I think just you think I think I think he could kill that guy he's taunting us right now right yeah II knew this is gonna happen please stop me I don't want to do this anymore [Laughter] save me repeatedly sure Oh Eli burrito aha okay taunting this oh come on I think he's just messing around yeah I think he has to wait for the whole it he needs because the elevator going up is the timetable that change level transition so it's not there I'm sure if the trigger transition was there he'd be in a heap right now yeah there's some point out that if you're just tuning in this game was pretty good will you ship it it the people are supporting it I don't look pretty good we tested it a lot we have another part of it oh they may times I think we even tested to see if you took damage when a combine soldier shot you yeah I'm pretty sure someone did that at least once oh I got a fool of us now mom I guess Alex never made it here because of the because of many things he's a Cohen right now what oh well I don't know why I think it doesn't matter you just saved the game I needed that to do that what dude that trick okay now we're a street Wars for sure is that the only moveable with the common ball yeah must mean so he needed to be able to hit it it's too big for the posture use pick up yeah wait does he even have the gravity gun the CD I think he needs a baby to put in that crate yeah crate baby do the crate baby trick they don't even know what the crane baby traitor now we're fine yeah I guess great baby was just strictly us right yeah yeah trying to carry the big one is the cover creme baby his feet like this be runtimes on the kind of happy hour revolution great baby led to the gnome achievement Striders almost right okay riders that either take we're gonna kill any oh I had a live animal Striders knee it should be illegal to miss out on a Strider performance this whole section wish it was cut three yeah I think this his school I really like street Wars when my favorite part oh my god that's okay immediately this aura citizen the first thing I thought this is gonna be some point in speedrun way he's gonna be blocked by a citizen in front of him oh yeah he's trying to get path to apologize profusely repeatedly and I move an inch at a time backwards like over here not over here we've done this before I wish I knew exactly what it is he's doing he cuz as far as I remember and my memory is not great was that you couldn't just hold the forward button I'm looking at a wall and go through the wall I mean yeah probably cause then maybe it's just sign of the time this bit you know this game feels really long yeah it's like a lot of water came you know yeah a lot of effort hello I'm just too much effort just to clip the wall the combine are just never expecting him to come from where he's coming from they're always coming to think they expect let's say hot some degree of following the rules of physics no how about he's do meta we made a physical power play that uh that that soldier repelling remind me is reminded me of the when we got John morality test episode one and we deliberately changed all the damage values and his health on him without telling him so that and classic volcano manhole company was playing episode once that day to test it and on just John's play test they did a ridiculous amount of damage to him and they had a huge amount of health and he was John reacts very well to very hard games and he was just losing his mind about how difficult the game was there was one point where did he go to the a my garden we were like wait a minute did anyone test to see how much help that things goes there enough ammo in the game for him to kill the damn my god and then we can tear the tradition by also having him take more damage in tf2 doing the Playboy you had a chance oh wow gunship sight yes or not Nelson didn't quite play out the way I remembered it but because I do remember all remember the Buddha yeah we recorded a fight we recorded an e3 demo I think it was of us playing through this yeah and that section there leading into the Strider fight and we started and we had a physics bug where right at the start of it there are two cut citizens running out with you to see this to fight the Strider day and there was a physics bug at the time where it caught one of the citizens trot on just a small boot on the ground and the boot killed him yeah just like flew up and has killed him in some way but we've recorded the whole demo and it was it was like we got to use that so we ended the demo to just what we can do with the Edit was to change this wait look so that the dribbler features a moment where the plan just looks to the left and then back to the right and the citizens goal and you don't know and if you listen you can hear and now ways and I stripping out all the boots without dying okay cuz dug no yep now we're in the Citadel yeah like shaft so totally skip the darling Alice condole the historian thread didn't we'd skip all this try to find as well I think he's in episode 1 now yeah I think yep he's in the sequel I wonder if he's gonna get in a prisoner pod probably not how would he do that no no just love for me you see how those things yeah oh yeah I remember you oh yeah I was gonna say cuz would think we would give it to him if he somehow got out of that okay if I grab my slot is if I have a scanner and put a grenade right here and then a transition to the white light this happens like everyone on the planet Rises genja come on don't choke you got this you got this clearly this is one of the tricky parts of the whole thing oh yeah come on Jim you got in his way down is this he's tricking these are this is just similar to this yeah I had way --then pegged to someone who would have obably destroyed us in the later years of quake as he funny hoped around the sixes given catching balls gonna catch of it I don't know with that you know in our be obtuse Achilles he doesn't get to throw get up you better I'll button every time you can hear him pressing the bottom that slows him down seems kind of hard but this Darius this dire stuff no air that Aaron barber yeah mostly Randy worked on this okay I was gonna say cuz if this was Dario he's probably he's probably going back and cooked it off the moment he saw the first one of these yeah no there's no I intended asleep I mean it was supposed to be this you know awesome spectacle I'm showing the combine might in full force as it is it so it's like a one railroad track yeah and some dynamic lights are you got it right now wait this is it this is it no doubt come on guy you got it here we go oh you did it be there only do them you want to do well the Citadel is like many many stories tools so I sure that's gonna be there goes the razor train and now what really gives its trip oh it's trip yeah super gravity gun time that's good cuz he needs to be a little easy for here we go oh I love took always weapons yeah so cool now he's in trouble what's he gonna do now wait here the way how's it gonna rocket motor how did he do that why does he need it you idiot to rocket jump somewhere yes but how that's I mean it's maybe there's a way to grab it while it's floating away I'm gonna guess it was written by the same people who wrote the code who's that so one time with the bus don't look like a bus because the gravity gun these gravity gun they say we didn't feel like a bug no you got this way sound we believe in here with them let me go for 42 minutes now green give you so many speeches I always loved the first time I heard that speech worries questioning Gordon about oh yeah yes you've destroyed what have you created so he skipped the whole elevator ride with the fight oh yeah that's right yeah you have chosen or been chosen I will remove that that little rail for you next time yeah wait and we'll just believe it how much how much wanna say go you guys right now I'm fine fine oh wow pod cool see that Oh cuz you have to get into pod to get into beadalon the brain course we would have said that about a lot of possibly the irony is that he went faster with other car yeah the car isn't for them or the car is like the car has a max speed I think of 45 miles an hour not bad because I remember we had to like we had to make it sound like it was faster than a water solution it's like physically simulating something like a four or two gears or something maybe we never even get out of first gear so because I remember having to build like that virtual gearbox word like pretends to shift up and down and make sounds as a result just so it sounded like you were going more than 45 miles an hour that's all bug tanks remember the crab sense scrap sense yeah we can use models yeah yeah come on way zone do you think that is that really how fast we ya know do you think that our host time scales like Kenan four speed round if you're allowed to do era net I mean where the rules is this a cool part that's being cool watch movie though yeah give you that thank you very much I remember Christopher Lulu turns like the concerned half-life comic oh yeah that's right about these guys all having mono only one eye and having no death possession yes evil indescribable evil I think it was a pretty revolutionary at this time in videogame FPS is to have a character that was just wearing pants and a cardigan epic on him and not some kind of futuristic I mean when you're your main villain looks like the the principal from your high school you know this game was made by all people Green was great yeah guys that dislike yeah you're stuck yeah you enjoy this while you do right now that's all right I mean we're okay with you know thousands of hours of their works being skipped actually don't skip us the choreo teams work that's a nice respective scary tale enjoy this joint clients labs betray the ancient art of storytelling yeah Wow actually Kaunas lab though being skipped is probably more more work skip then oh yeah because I was the first one that was the one where we had to figure out how to how to do it all the way against how do we tell I have characters move around you and now we're hearing a Potter we did what have you never in the way one if we're almost out of time and we have to ship well I buried oh oh oh so crude Alex I think when gamers watch games you guys have the same thing where anytime you're in when you watch any cutscene or no cuts in just actually it's more important when it's not a cutscene any time you watch characters reach out and grab another one or grab an object off the table and that's actually mech and it matches see this like god this is like so awesome I got so much work in what's such a trivial thing this is my Twitter with a hint target did you figure out yeah remember for a second I was like how come you have considered the speedrun ended now but forgot this that you think I was still there getting in fight hey guys Breen up there the boss battle boss battle yeah not gonna get deal he was just enjoying the sideways yeah you know we could do a Mossman game where the whole game is that doodad that she's got her he is such a green baize I think he's loading it again cuz he wanted to watch that scene oh yeah I can only assume yeah you probably self not a dialogue what do you think easy loading and saving rapidly here to try and call something to cook because they'll load time shouldn't they not that long I mean we're here now alright disturber no cliff I mean what is that's got to be out of the rules yeah I don't think that's appropriate I'm really hearing this qualified that's right I mean if you're willing to just no clip in the game on earth I mean I can just be one I get one in this case to do clip to it seems I wonder is it because he was let me guess you're like move type fly or something when you're in the pod you do not know you move yeah you move that noclip I bet when you're in the pod yeah moving around and then he got out of the pod somehow without triggering the code that moves you to normal move type walk and so you just what congratulations wow wow yeah very humbling thanks Thank You way zone I look forward to his inevitable half-life Alex what do you manage heard what that's always really hard yeah is it really the did II really truly Spader on it if it's not the episode one ending doesn't have to yeah you know really exactly yes nightmare well I think we have a lot of soul-searching to do it is right we're pleased to have a bellick speedrun because I can only be him running really fast physically physically just like literally burning heaters have like code ruts even if you leave it alone like in a binary point yeah cuz there's no way there's like no way no wait he meant that it just happened automatically yeah well that was pretty fun yes yeah use the world records second world one second all right way done good job yeah well done wisdom please don't do this to games ever again
Channel: IGN
Views: 4,689,420
Rating: 4.9319177 out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, devs react, devs react to speedrun, developers react to speedrun, half life 2, half life 2 speedrun, devs react half life 2 speedrun, ign devs react, top videos
Id: sK_PdwL5Y8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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