SPEED Orks vs Drukhari ; Warhammer 40k ; Battle Report | Skaredcast

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hello and welcome to another scotcast battle report today the Orcs versus the duari let's dive in to the [Music] action the dark K hello and welcome to another action-packed battle report where we've got the Orcs running a speed freak Detachment against the duari sky Splinter assault so let's go over the armies that we've brought Nathan has once again graced the studio and he's brought all of the buggies even a dacker jet for more DEA let's take a look and here we have 1500 points of Drew Cari and it's a Highlander stylist so one of everything no special characters no duplicates right that's the whole point of Highlander of course I did bring an archon because I love archon scari fighting in basically all my battles with a court that's stab stare Slither and bite they've been a feature in most of my games recently I have Rosalia the succubus with her 10 witches she has the nightmare shroud and Aron scari has the sadistic fulm enhancement then we have 10 calite Warriors five brand new mandrakes because they look really cool a Kronos 10 racks a big reinforced unit of racks and a Raider a reinforced unit of Reaver jet bikes a double-sized unit of helion that's 10 Helens a beast pack because when I'm playing Nathan's Orcs I got to bring the Beast pack just to harass him and then we've got uh unit of scourge with Haywire a razoring jet fighter because you don't see those very often and a Venom all in all a little bit of everything kind of like a collection an assorted schoras Board of duari let's see what the Orcs have brought here we go here's my Orcs uh we have 1500 points for a Highlander game uh the great thing about Highlander with my list is I've got every single boogy so I get to play with them all it's Ace so just running through it we have um okay the we've got the truck here we've got the rocker truck Squig buggy we have the boom daker snazzwagon we have oh we've got the Beast boss here is going to be in a unit of beast saggers in a minute we've got the death killer warri we have the oh I always forget half of these things we have the shot drunk dragster we have megga track scrapjet and the custom booster Blaster I remembered them hooray uh we've got six units of bikers uh led by Noble the powerclaw two units of Beast snaggers can y now we've got both sets for battle line we have a daer jet with the extra super Shooters because um and we have our death copters uh we've got two units of boys led by knobs with power Claws and rocket launchers we have a unit of grots I forgot my run herd today so now he's gone to Legends mad do gnik is filling in a run herd today and we have some storm boys to round everything out um yeah I'm loving uh the New Codex I get to play with my speed freaks they're viable not as good of other detachments but oh it's going to be fun and we take a look at today's Mission it's Crucible of battle with Vox static as a mission Special Rule meaning our Command Point roll and new orders will cost 2 CP last but not least a pretty simple primary objective Purge the foe kill kill more hold hold more murder all the time and here we are after deployment of course Nathan uh was the defender because I made him the defender orgs can't attack they can only defend ha um we'll see how about that's it is a whole full speed speed freak Army you put your daer jet your death copters and the unit storm Boys in reserves and deep strike reserves we've got a truck with a beast sagger boss and beagers yep we got snag wagon some more boys Mega truck snack snack jet snack jet looks like a hot dog um we've got the death color wrike and the bikes and then the custom booster Blaster and the Squig buggy over here then some Beast snaggers some boys some grots and right at the back is the teleporting sniper rifle as for the duari racks on the flank to sacrifice themselves dearly on this side over here helion at the back because I last couple of games I've deployed them way far forward and then they just all die so this time let's see if deploying them in the corner helps keep them alive uh mandres this Venom holding that objective to Sticky it court and five cabs over there with archon scari ready to hop onto this terrain piece and get some nice view of the battlefield the Raider filled with witches right there the Beast pack R to kind of s step behind that building if I go second or surge forward if I go first and of course the scourge with hay wires back there now for terrain right we're not playing with tournament style terrain but it is very much set up in a more tournamentyachtsales infinitely High essentially and this one as well this counts as a r so it'll be infinitely high as well these do as well on the sides and then we added a few things for flavor so we've got some barricades essentially we've got a couple of craters to help infantry and all in all as you can tell the angles are pretty much cut down through the middle which gives you that sort of Games Workshop terrain style feel for their tournament pack but using pieces that aren't necessarily cardboard yeah this looks cool awesome I love it it looks cool and with Purge the foe let's dive in to a first turn roll I roll a four I will one that is not a four and it is dark ELD our turn number one which is good and or bad good because I get to go forward and you have to declare your War right now like at the start of the battle round and number two is because he actually Nathan will be in a bit of an advantage because he will know how many units he has to kill to get kill more every round so he can try and push for the kilmor which is going to be very interesting so with that on to turn number one and here we have the scoreboard we'll come back to the scoreboard as the game goes so I'm the attacker so I'm red and Nathan is the defender so he is green turn one these are our Command points that's our battle ready these are our secondary scores back here a huge shout out to Min wargaming forge.com you can order one of these really cool trackers with the logo and even some scar dice the link is in the description but let's go to cards defense stronghold which I cannot do so that is a redraw that's not a turn one allowed card assassinate well it's probably going to turn into a command point and bring it down ah yes well yes okay good yeah a nice early one okay with that my plan is essentially going to scout up the Beast pack and push the Beast back here to just create a roadblock that's like a standard operating procedure for the Beast back genuinely considering bringing Commandos again just to stop just to stop that from happening or or or Snick rot you know no no you stay there uh the The Scourge are more than likely gonna move forward and try blast that Blasta jet h no the uh the Squig buy um other than that I've got a couple more guns like I've got a dark La Blaster St can so they're going to move up they're going to get very vulnerable to like the the bikes next turn and whatnot but I'm going to try and kill that buggy as well with as much as I can and then I've got a couple of they're going to more than likely just kind of s side step I'm not sure if I'll Advance them I'll probably just move them up here and maybe shoot guns at the bikes because I have strength six guns on them just to try and pop off a couple of bikes maybe a couple of shots into the the buggies if I need them I don't have too much longrange shooting in this list that's like anti-tank except for like the scourge yeah so my aim is to kill at least one thing to get a kill move block with the Beast pack position and get into position to like hit him next turn with like helon witches and that sort of stuff okay y be pack did just surge forward because Nathan loves the Beast pack this unit of Rax has kind of moved up two um hex rifles can see kind of like down that angle the two offactors are in range of that little buggy over there two liquifier guns now on the building can see anything that pops up here just in case I want to OverWatch yep the helion did roll a very high advance so they were back here they just kind of tuck behind this building area ready to kind of swing around the flank yep uh the Raider with the witches it's kind of moved up here so I have the dark Lance and Raider here be able to see that truck and potent and that's the only thing that can see there and then of course we got a Venom moved up to just kind of pepper some shelts that way the Cron's moved up to create a bubble for pain token regeneration and last but not least the scourge are up here just in range of the the Squig buggy Y and then over here the m are screening out because you do have a teleporting buggy which I have to worry about that has a sniper rifle by the way that's Precision that hits on threes and has Dev wounds and his D6 damage it's nasty so that's why Aron scar is hiding I don't want him to get sniped by an orc that would be so humiliating do it we're gonna do it so with that we do some pain tokens I do have a sadistic full Crim so when I Empower that unit he can pick a dedicated transport within six and then that sport gets empowered so he's going to be doing it with the Raider more than likely as well end of the shooting phase okay didn't go as well as I hoped didn't go as bad as I expect as I could have had so I put two damage on one of the bikes I put five damage on that six damage on that uh no five damage on that I put one you put one damage on him too because he exploded I did Kill the little Squig buggy with the scourge excellent Scourge shot right there and then I did put two devastating wounds on that from an L of factor of all things um and then the other dark L literally missed the truck if the dark L would have done damage to the truck I probably would have shot the other dark l in the truck to try to take the truck down but since the Lance missed didn't do anything then I shut the Lance other direction which was cool okay so with that we're going to do some charges the Beast pack is going to charge I'm just going to go into into him into him into him I'm temped to OverWatch you because he's covered in flamers oh does he have a lot of flamers yeah oh what's the range of these flamers oo fancy we're back after the fight phase so the Beast pack charged the buggy and the CLA fiend ripped it to shreds did six damage to it because I actually rolled well to wound with the with him finally and then I killed a four of the Beast naggas or five of the Beast naggers something and then oh no CU one died in so four of the Beast naggers died from a couple of sporadic attacks there however you killed all the birds in the unit um with just that half a beast snagg unit so let's go to the scoreboard real quick we haven't used any command points I did not get assassination but I will be discarding it for a command point and I did kill two vehicles that had a wounds characteristic of nine so that's four plus one five points for bring it down so get five points for bring it down and a command point and then as we move into the orc turn you get a command point and now it's turn two your grutz might give you a second one and I get a Comm on point as well RS they do not find that they're a little nervous about the dogs and the clawed yeah the yeah and let's draw some cards for the Orcs okay so Orcs Get Behind Enemy Lines and capture enemy Outpost the enemy Outpost being all the way over there an Enemy Lines being the deployment Zone back here but the Beast pack did a good job of blocking that there is a way to do it though teleporting a shock jump draxon making a charge and getting behind there and killing all the Scourge in the process that's very tempting says N I might so with that do you have a general plan of what you want to do um go for for the folks at home is that simple that Simple Plan go forward go forward I killed two things yep which means if you kill two you deny me the kill more but if you kill three things you will get kill more yeah and uh so that's oh that's right I got a four there and for the storming hostile objective that that's not a thing you you Shuffle sh Capt eny Outpost that's the one that one over there that's the one I was thinking about yeah yeah that's um fun times yeah yeah okay that's why I own a beast pack so they can potentially go get your out poost turn one maybe sometimes not when it's covered in OC yeah okay so or turn number one end of the or what are you doing sir okay straightforward uh bikes and death wrike straight into the middle take that objective and they Advanced uh to 18 Ines because they can just do six so they can he makes them auto advance six in the idea here is to try and um put some hurting on the court right now yeah we're going to see what we can do with our exciting strategems yep um beast naggers stayed right there so they can stay crumping uh but these boys are coming up to probably go and do moreing yeah I only have like 10 wounds in that unit now so yeah we're just got to make sure they're dead from it because we hate them um and the grots are just moved up to get a bit more OC on there but mostly hid um shock ragster teleported up here I mean this is a hill by the way we're counting this as a hill the blocks line of site it's less than two Ines tall as well so it's like that we could use it for placing models if not it would be very unwieldy yep um yeah Rockets up here as well so these guys can shoot that and he can shoot that so we've got a bit got a couple options um boom sags wagon he Advanced though he Advanced yeah uh um and is on objective but it can have cannons and the mech special y um yeah Orcs just Advanced up so we can get a sticky on that objective y truck full of Beast snaggers just moved up again staying in the in the hall but just waiting to get involved in yeah we'll we'll water next turn I like it probably yeah Welly just for the invol too right is really useful yeah and with that let's go into the shooting phase and the shooting phase Nate yep we uh okay h stupid rack I wanted to kill you so badly so you killed eight nine of them and one lived to deny you the kill the truck and all the Sluggers on board and the a million big Shooters the uh Mech special and the big shooters from there all just unloaded on the racks and so I even fired the um sniper rifle shot dragster rockets and sniper rifle just to try and finish them up and we didn't quite do it nope then uh little bit disappointing yeah oh they I did sustained hits the sustained strateg totally the wrong choice doesn't matter because I missed with everything anyway well not everything well you killed a Medusa with a grenade and then did three C Light Warrior so we killed some stuff it wasn't it wasn't a total waste but however you really needed this to stop me from killing more that really stinks the real the real thing um I think that's all the sh oh there's a few Sluggers over here but they didn't do anything now you're going to charge now we're going to charge and I'm pretty sure 10 Orcs should be able to kill we should I can at least scrape a few victory points there you go I did forget to say way back that I did OverWatch the bikes killed one and put a wound on another with my court because the double flamers but now the flamers are dead so it's all good uh and then of course here you murdered that Beast pack that was kind of goes without saying I did have a couple of chimera that were left before the Beast Naga attacked and I killed a beast Naga ni yeah you did um oh how many were there at the start of the turn four of them right they owe me a battles shock test yes my good sir I know this is way past the time but yeah but whatever yeah they're battle shock that gives you a paint token that's the only reason stupid let's go to the scoreboard okay end of the scoreboard you did not get behind me lines or captur app y are you getting rid of the cards I probably will um let's ditch yeah let's give them both okay get rid of them it's uh I like getting rid of cards that I don't score I hate getting stuck with cards especially in this mission where we have V static where the uh New Order strategy cost two CP so switching your your mission cost double CP that can be really tough so you will get a CP for that because your grots did not give you a CP at the start of the turn and with that you do get four points for kill yep however I did kill two things giving me the kill more bringing up to eight thanks to that one rack holding in place very very good y now we go to turn number two you get a CP I get a CP now reserves can start coming in which is really cool I'm pulling my mandres up of course and I get capture enemy outposts yeah you and secure no man's land so captur any Outpost is killing grots I don't think I can get to that except for my mandri potentially making a charge and killing all the grubs but that's I don't know I don't know if it's worth the effort and uh secure no man's land hold two objectives in no man's land I do have to try kill the bikes if I can kill the bikes it'll be easy to do if not I'll get a minimum sized one with that objective over there but I still need to kill something I owe you a battle shock test over there yep and he is not battles shocked whoa and I'm probably not even gonna move him because if I move him and he gets overwatched that's a kill for you for the for this Mission so he's probably just G to stay there he's within 12 of the Orcs he's probably just GNA shoot his flamer at him you know and we'll see what go what we do from there okay turn number two for the dark Elder let's go end of the moving phase so I moved my Raider up and then the bikes did a reactive 6-in move to essentially surround this objective to make it harder for me to get secure no man's land yep uh then everything else kind of moved up I moved the helion up this way screening out here so this guy Staying Alive is quite good because then he screens nine nine they screen nine n then I can put my mandri back here then the plane screens that corner so no like deep striking or rapid ingressing in this area for next turn y the Kronos stayed within range of the stuff that I want to put paint tokens on and then the Venom moved up to shoot some boys the the Haywire in range to shoot the little shock jump dragster I spent a CP to move the the Raider get out and they're going to still charge my aim is to try and kill these boys with like a charg just to get rid of them because they're honestly useless against tanks some so um and then I brought in my plane and you rapid ingressed your plane yep he he saw you saw your plane coming and he was uh tailing it down to the battlefield it's a dog fight time oh yes and if you get within nine all of the big shooter get stupid or is it 18 oh nine it's the yeah so he really wants to kill my Scourge and get rid of them fast so and he already um Critical Hits on a five and has sustained hits one gross can turn it into sustained hits two or turn it into lethals that's so silly that's amazing and it's got like like 18 so cool okay I love it I love it it's planes are fun okay they're fun okay and let's do some shoot the scourge only did six damage to that truck yeah yeah they did not roll a lot of fours and then the all the other shooting left the scrap check on one shot one wound remaining and I did kill a bike the Venom did nuke a unit of be snaggers and then the the necrotoxin missiles from the razor jet fighter shot did so many hits and wounds of those GRS little GRS they did five of them did die though invulnerable saves you did the war saved those grots um and that oh I do have one flamer here uh which I I sorry I forgot to shoot that flamer uh maybe maybe within range there don't know maybe not maybe I have to shoot over there we'll see after the combat phase archon and the helion just completely nuked the bikes that was uh yeah they that was that yeah they did the helion alone did 12 damage to the uh to the bike uh the this the speed freak guy however the witches because of the way that I had to charge this and the way I rolled I had to contact this because of the big base with a lot I put put three damage on it with witches and I only killed like three Orcs or four Orcs nothing too crazy however they killed eight of the witches in return yeah yeah um so with that uh we do go to the turn let's go to the scoreboard here I will not get capture enemy Outpost so I am going to discard it for a CP I will get secur Onan for five bringing up to 10 points I did kill something and I forgot to put my hold one so that goes up to 16 with a kill however I have killed quite a few units so far so with that we go onto the orc turn they get a CP potentially another CP do the GRS give you another one no they failing today and I get one as well and your cards ORS get a good draw no prisoners and extend battle lines so hold hold no man's that one which they do with grots already or not stick um and uh potentially that one which would probably be the easiest one to hold that okay so with that you have da jet you've got Reserve you got all this stuff is it planed kill kill kill kill it is the war turn which we forgot to say yeah so this was the war turn so advancing and charging is a thing invol saves on everyone yep I love it awesome end of the moon phase Orcs everywhere wow the Beast saggers got out with the big boss ready to go and punch a Raider to death they stayed in combat that stayed in combat because it got battle shocked so I did get a pain token for that and uh you didn't want to desperate Escape it ni I left a big gap here guess who has deep strike yep um and then over here this this plane just moved this way ready to just nuke The Scourge and then they Advanced only a little Advanced two inches yep and they got within seven or just outside of uh seven of my Venom and I moved it to stay within range of that objective the little wing uh but make it a N9 in charge now with my reactive move yes swooping mockery is what it's called they they they they mock you as they fly away maybe I'll charge you anyway that Kimera did move back because he wanted Nathan wanted to screen this back area but that allowed me to Rapid Ingress my bikes over here so they're going to Rapid Ingress here outside of 12 inches over here I need to get glue for that guy uh but other than that then they can potentially fly over do Mortal wounds to the Infantry and then they've got the heat lances to kind of like do some more damage in this area so with that turn number two for the Orcs end of the shooting phase they got a decent amount of shots and only hit and killed one yep they did the dorm sad sad however this guy lots of shots um every hit is a critical and you killed because I was in some of them were in cover you killed all but one of the helion yep so the helion got the Scourge The Scourge got off lightly uh You Killed The Witches with pistols yep because they don't they can't Dodge pistols in combat that's just not how that works and you've got some charges a 9 in charge this is the important one so we're going to do it on camera n in for the Orcs oh they make it no no no that little two inch that does mean you probably gonna be able to Pile in and fight my Scourge and kill my Scourge no that makes me sad but also happy at the same time okay so and then they're GNA charge in probably just blow up this Raider as well oh and you got the the rack too that's two kills you've got so far yeah you got the witches you got the racks I got five kills this turn which means that you just need to kill three more things which could be the succubus y the Raider and a Venom and oh you could even get Kilmore if you this possible oh no okay that let's uh gonna do it math no I don't like math stay away and and you dropped me down to hold one as well which uh you know luckily I hold it but still okay so with that uh cool I like it what a wild combat phase that was the Raider exploded put three damage on my succubus yep which then allowed the Orcs to murder her which was very sad and only put the explosion only put one on prig that was close because and that was big because those Orcs got in killed the scourge killed the Venom right uh they got in they failed their charge they killed the Raider you killed the succubus The Witches which means with a six kills to five the Orcs get Kilmore this turn oh get out of here leave leave never I'm k um okay so I did forget to give you your at four points for holding one objective so you're at eight there right now you will be getting extend battle lines for five and you killed at least three of my units so you do get 10 points on secondaries however you will get a full eight points there to to tie up the primary score it is a tie game as we move into round number three wild so with that we're going on to turn number three my mandrick will be going upy Downy you get a Comm on point I get a Comm on point I do hold one objective thankfully the one in the middle so I will go up to 20 primary points considering your uh death comp just stole my home objective um the sneaky GS and I get cleanse okay and engage on all fronts okay so a cleanse is not a terrible idea I could potentially do it with like the court or something I might just throw it away for a CP actually no my mandrick can probably pop down and do a cleanse there I do have to try to get rid of them uh the bikes are going to be key because they're going to tie up this whole flank here and I have to deal with them before they become an issue and remembering there are still five storm Boys in deep strike yeah they are so my plan is to fly the bomber up this way or the plane up this way and then either kill the daker jet or kill them or kill that I know we'll see I have to kill least one thing but oh buddy that was wild loved it okay end of the movie phase the helion moved up you chose not to reactionary move them because they could move so far forward that it doesn't really change the charge too much and you didn't want to fly over to Mortals because you can reactive move to fly over touch me go back do Mortals which is what wraiths do all the time but uh it's only a small unit so on odds are you kill one helium yep uh the re jet bikes though did do fly by Mortals and did four Mortals to kill the small unit of boys and then they lined up their heat launces to try to take out some of the tanks uh these there were 10 OC on that objective so these boys uh the caval lights got out to put ten on there and then the Kronos did fly forward you ignore the engagement range uh on plane bases so you just go in there he does fly so I guess I could technically charge you could um and then yeah I guess I could just a that's fine there and then over here the mandres drop down to do a cleanse because I did get a cleanse and uh and then they archon is GNA of course there's a beast boss there yeah I killed one boss let's go for the other one yeah that's the challenge this one is infantry though so that's a lot easier to kill than a bike guy now let's do some shooting see what we can pull off but I already got one kill that gives me four points which is nice end of the shooting phase I won dark Lance put eight damage on that plane from the court I was able to shoot down the Beast snaggers and the boss with the helion and the rifles and the plane I did uh shoot the missiles again at the grots but it was the uh run turd in the back that literally soaked up all the damage um and then I only put three damage on that because the heat losses failed to wound that truck so into charge I'm not going to be charging those boys I'm going to be charging the plane with the with the Kronos just to maybe do another damage and then the helion are going to charge into these um death cters yeah nice and then we have it end of the charge phase the helion nuked that unit of they was crazy I rolled nine sustained hits with a pain token and they did like nine saves at ap22 damage the perfect profile to kill two wounded four wounds four wounds toughness six six or seven because I wound five four up save and a six up invol so the minus two the minus two was perfect with the pain token they did good okay over here I did two damage to the uh to the I want to say Chimera to the truck it's a truck with them but of course it heals it doesn't matter and then the Kronos did nothing to the plane as well uh so let's go to the scoreboard okay so back at the scoreboard I did have Clen engage but I messed it up because um I moved the bikes too far forward when I charged no we killing each other yeah I got too excited to kill stuff and I failed to look at my cards so I'm GNA get rid of engage for a CP I'm GNA keep a cleanse for mini cleanse for three points um and that will bring me up to 13 however I did get a kill so that brings you up to 24 and I have killed quite a few units so now we go to orc turn so orc turn and uh you roll for your little let's see little guys keeping those GRS there they failed nothing oh my God you suck I got I got to two you up to two let's see your cards bring it down kill Vehicles monsters deploy a Teleport Homer you still have stor Boys in reserve so they can deep strike and very easily do that yep you do get four points for holding at least one objective bring you up to 20 on the primary um and you're going to be up on the secondaries as well however I did Kill quite a lot again so we'll see if you can stop me from getting kill this time which is what I'm leveraging at this point yeah I think we're uh I think we're almost there but we're almost there fun Orcs And then you do want me a battle shock that not that it actually matters it just means you can't uh you can't use he's fine with a seven and uh he goes up from five to six wounds and we're back okay let's go to the turn and here we are after the shooting phase the daker Jet got leth tried to do lethal hits into the Kronos that took a bunch of damage four wounds from a grenade and then I passed all my saves against Sluggers from the Cavite warst four up armor not bad uh big Drew did nothing we're going to go into charge phase it's really up to those boys to see if they can get points trying to kill kabalites and maybe kill a um Kronos as well end of the turn okay you did attack some stuff you killed the Kronos with the combat you killed the calite and my calit killed three of your orc boys but that was actually good you killed the Kronos other than that that was pretty much it I put one wound on there the truck did nothing to my Reaver jet bikes the scoreboard itself though you get three points for bring it down for killing the Kronos you get five points for your teleport Homer that's eight points you also got a kill bringing you up to 24 however I did get kill more keeping the game spicy tight there okay so with that onto the fourth turn we go with me getting a command point you getting a command Point yep and my cards of my mandres are going to pick up again uh getting area denial and no prisoners so just kill things and stay in the middle of the board that seems like a plan for me end the moving phase argon Scar's s step this way to go charge that Chimera and by Chimera mean truck the bikes move back just to stay out of combat so they can you know do stuff later the mandres dropped down to get my air denial and then shooting at the orc boys the helion moved up because then I've got guns there and I also have guns there so there's like different options um the Raz M Jeff Fighters moved up he can see grots he can see those boys he can see that thing over there so I've got a variety things I've got two pain tokens so let's go ahead and use those end of the turn recap so I shot the mandres killed a couple of them then the helion finished them off with their twinlink poison weapons which are really good into Orcs apparently like very good into Orcs I like helion into Orcs specifically uh the plane moved up finally got rid of all the um of all the GRS I don't even think I shot the lers where the oh I don't even know if it's and then they charged in and killed the truck yep that was it and that is that so let's go to the scoreboard I will get five points for every denial and I killed one two three units so I will get uh five points for that so brings me up to 23 and I did put myself as a hold one for 32 and I just killed something as well bring me up to 36 as well yeah so with that I do have I spent two CP on a roll yep but we do have you going to a CP I go into CP you still have your storm boys you still hold that objective cuz it's sticky sticky so 26 nothing I can do about that just yet and what cards do you get okay defend stronghold defend it okay investigate signals okay the that these guys get you two points for going over there or trying to get four points for killing something as wellion okay end of the orc turn uh you ended up spending two command points of ox static to change your uh card to ariden Y and then you tried to go for the kill and my I rolled a couple of sixes on their s and I have one caval left so no kill there and with that we're GNA call it a Drew car Victory as at the end here I will get kill more so I will just go up to 40 like so you know it kind of was like there was it was teetering on the edge there for a couple of turns um but there you have it um at the end of the the game we play the fifth turn that's fine but I hope you enjoyed the game let's go to a little post game chat hello and thanks for hanging out everybody we're just checking out mic's there yep we're good oh it was fun I like it's always a massive blood bath always hel apparently are good into works I liked it Nathan did not like it I did not I've decided there's another thing I hate in your army just everything just everything hate it all um that was really fun thanks for watching huge shout out to Vortex games without who we wouldn't have the stream setup we actually stream these bat reps usually on Mondays uh on Twitch so you can come over and check that out other than that yeah I really liked the speed whe that was really neat yeah it's a lot of fun yeah I just it's just it's always very like it's or dies fast but it moves fast so fast yeah yeah if you go first though I think that that that going first going second into Orcs makes a big difference because you have to commit to your War before I even move if I go first and then I was a then you had to commit to the war just as a defensive measure when you kind of want to put it as a aggressive you know so it's interesting other than that thanks all for coming down for the game naan always a little fun thanks for watching Everybody Thanks for liking sharing subscribing to the channel if you haven't already we're on the cusp of 30,000 subscribers I want to do a really cool like something so leave a comment down below and let me know what is it that I should do for 30,000 subscribers you know should I do giveaways should I do a 30 hour long stream should I I know that I probably die if I did that um but leave leave a comment down below that'd be really cool to check other than that huge shout out to the channel patreons without whom none of this is possible no Studio no videos nothing so if you want to be a patreon the link is in the description and that's that that's L I've been scar you're grateful H has been Nathan y that's been chat signing off until next time scar out ah the dark green skin [Music] [Music]
Channel: SkaredCast
Views: 2,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer40k, battle report, skaredcast, scaredcast, skari, scarri, skaredcast patreon, games workshop, new, drukhari, archon skari, tabletop, strategy game, miniwargaming skari, drukhari vs orks, ork battle report, 40k ork battle report, drukhari battle report, warhammer 40k drukhari battle report, 10th edition 40k battle report drukhari, skaredcast battle report
Id: Zrx75tpLqYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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