The CHEAPEST & EASIEST way of getting into Wargaming?!

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have you ever fancied dabbling in the world of Napoleonic wargaming seem quite overwhelmed by the amount of books you may need to read or the amount of figures you may need to paint and fear not as I think the silver bayonet is the game for you a historical Skirmish war game of Napoleonic horror I'm pachy and this is Peachy tips so I've been an avid fan of historical wargaming for a long time on top of sci-fi and fantasy but I think the historicals was the first thing that really kind of got me into painting toy soldiers and that really stemmed from when I was a very young lad and I watched things like the 1970 film waterl starring rod stiger and Christopher Plumber and just seeing ranks upon ranks of beautifully dressed soldiers just duking out on the battlefield and all those flags floting around and I built many armies to match this Vision whether that's the British I built for the peninsula Wars based off sharp obviously I got to get a sharp reference in there somehow I've also got an Austrian Army which is based on the war of gy Liberation which was the same kind of time just more deeper into Europe fighting against Napoleon there with the prussians and the Russians there was lots of people fighting Napoleon you got a lot of people's backs up and I've also done a smaller collection for a game called chosen men which is like a smaller British force a smaller French force and that was used in a um a ble report on the channel the games night which was so much fun to do and build but regardless of how much you love a game sometimes it's really hard trying to get your friends into something and I can paint all the collection in the world and stick them on the tabletop and go hey you're going to play the French and I'm going to play the British they might not be into it it might just not be their bag and that is fine but there's got to be some way to try and hook your friends in right well that's where silver bayonet comes into its own so it's I found it an easy pitch when I was talking to Rob and Louise on our podcast jugs it became very evident that I was very excited about the game and they were like oh as soon as I mentioned the word Napoleonic Gothic horror that was it sold whether they actually get around to actually making two War B is irrelevant they were sold by just me getting excited and using those terms Napoleonic Gothic horror and I think that's the biggest strength of the silver Bonaire is you can get that historical element but you've also got some cool weird and wacky fantasy stroke horror elements to it as well which is a really good selling point in my books now I think one of the biggest bug bears for things like historical and stuff like that puts a lot of people off is the sort of Entry level because there's lots of books to read you got to swap up on all the different uniforms and make I mean that is a beauty in itself and I love that kind of thing like my British Army and my Austrian Army I've really gone deep into making sure it's from this era or this particular campaign and this that and the other and that's that's a fun thing I like to do sometimes but not everyone's into that and especially when you mention like oh on there's this book for this and this book for this and you got to you know paint the collors and Cuffs in this color ofis it's this regimen it gets a bit much whereas silver bayonet strength is just payt what you want doesn't matter if they're not right because the zombies and werewolves and vampires in it it's fine and for me even someone that's really into the historicals it is so liberating just to go you know what I'm going to have a Highlander but I'm G to give him a different hat or I'm going to give him some different colors or a different Kilt he's going to wear his clan Kilt so just little things like that can actually make all the difference and and it's just a handful of figures you need you only need eight figures you an officer who's won and then seeven up to seven other Warriors in your unit so uh you don't need a mortgage to uh buy and play this game which is a bonus well you obviously need some other stuff like some dice a rule book and some scenery but you know you can build those up over time you don't need it's the entry level is quite low now in the rule book The Core rule book you have six main factions or nations to pick from so youve got your British your French your Russians your prussians your austrians and your Spanish now within the game every nation has access to a bunch of troops some more specific than others some more specialized than others but most the factions can have access to an infantry man or a sapper or a Grenadier some Cavalry whether that's on you mount them or don't Mount them because some scenarios allow you to some scenarios you know Galloping down a crypt is going to be harder on a horse just Dismount be easier then you get more specialized things which are cooler so you get things like the supernatural investigator the veteran hun Hunter this guy's been or gal for instance has been hanging around murdering werewolves and vampires for a fair few years so a little bit more specialized and then you get more specific things more unique to the Nations so like a Highlander for the British or for I don't know the Austrian you get the damere which is like a daywalking Vampire who's kind of a goody vampire it's I I was recently introduced to this term a damere which is supposed to be like a good version or at least less evil version of a vampire and then you get Russia the Russian Empire which has access to we Bears which is amazing uh who doesn't want a were bear hanging around with officer some Cav men and some infantry guys uh that is just Mega I hope he's friendly at night time though that would be awkward in Camp I think and I think this is the biggest strength to the silver bayonet because not only do you have access to historical accurate Warriors but you also have some Mega Bonkers stuff that you can just go to town with basically the gloves are off when it comes to building your War band and converting and for someone like me who likes to kick convert it is a dream come true because you can just literally do what you want so if I wanted to like I mentioned earlier I could have a Highlander and he could be wearing his own Clan Kilt not the government Kilt that's been issued to his regiment he might also want to let his hair down and paint himself in like wde and take his Claymore to battle you know why not you could do that or you could have some jumped up little puke of a junior officer who's wearing Daddy's suit of armor from wersen Manor because he can and Daddy's like oh of course you can young boy or Giles twiin whatever you want to call him he just wanders off the battlefield wearing a big suit of armor now in game you don't get big suits of armor I mean you can make up your own rules if you need to but there are breast plates and things like that so you could find a way of making that work to work for your War band or you could have a war band of American Elite badasses that are dealing with the impressment of the royal Navy and having to fight weird Voodoo Magics of the Caribbean but way py you just said American you didn't mention that in the Six Nations earlier and that is the beauty of this game because you could literally do what you want if you wanted Americans just look for a faction that kind of fits I mean I think the British and the French are probably more fitting for the uh the American forces you know you can just look at that and cherry pick what what feels right so you can actually do what you want and that even mentions that in the book you have a choice you have some selections of stuff just is guidelines if you want to keep it nice and simple but then you can go mad and do what you want which is the the perfect mix for me when it comes to a war game I mean regardless of your theme and choice the silver bayonet allows you to use your vast knowledge of uniforms and historical accuracy to build up your W band or you could go completely Bonkers and make something up entirely that didn't exist and that could be the dukedom of battenberg and everyone wears pink and yellow and smells a maip pan you could literally do that too but now I'm going to move on from what you can do with a silver bayet and show you what I have done with a silver bayet a little bit of showing in tell so I am now going to talk through a couple of my War bands that I've done I've got plans for many more and I'm going to start off with the British now the British were my first love when it came to Nepal onics all the way back to when I was a young lad in the 80s and my dad gave me a load of lead figures probp explains that um and I just paint them up I I didn't even care about historical accuracy then I just paint them how I liked and I'd watch things like I said previous like watero um and try to just use that as a guide I think I watched that video so much that they cassette the VHS that's how old I am actually died um because it got rewatched so much and then rekindled when it came to the 9ers and sharp came out um so I think across the years my Napoleonic love has always been there and the first love has always been the British because that's kind of what I knew because I've seen the films and TV shows and stuff like that and I wanted to Reena those moments that I liked and that is kind of where the inspiration for a lot of the units and troops in this silver bayet come from because I've got to pick all sorts of random different units that I've Loved or wanted to paint or never got round to pain in so it's it's a really good little sort of mechanic for doing that as well I like do I really want to paint a massive Regiment of British hassar Cavalry or I could just paint one and make him look cool and that's what I did with silver bayette so I've got a whole Suave of different characters and uniforms that just scratches a lot of itches I mean my British unit currently is far bigger than the game of all it's like 16 figures uh you need a in the game but I've got that amount of choice um to pick from so I can Cher between games which is great so I can have a mix of like Highlanders infantry light infantry Riflemen snobby officers and then some other weirder stuff um if I need to add that in which I've not really added in this one feels a little bit more historically accurate but I'm sure that will change as I add more I just like I said just got a lot of itches I wanted to scratch now the images I'm going to be putting up I'm just going to Showcase a little selection of what I've got whether that's a culturing Guardsman I armed him with a rifle as well might use him as a veteran really you know it counts as a musket I just like the rifle arm it just made sense when I was kit bashing this guy now I've got some infantry guys uh all mixing in different colors and cuffs um and again that's the other fun part is I don't have to keep it all to one like regiment I can just make it up I can have like some guys with blue and some guys with green some guys with yellow got some Riflemen in there I've got to have some Riflemen who doesn't want Riflemen and then I've gone for a little bit more sort of like not weirdest stuff but this guy here is called an artillerist um and the artillerist job really is that they don't bring a cannon with them I mean they could do I mean that would be weird but they're more specialized in explosives and if there is cannons on the battlefield or things that may go boom uh they're perfect for that job I've got dismounted Cavalry I've got a mount my officer or the time he was my officer but I think Shawn Bean's going to take that role soon um because it makes sense but this guy I did a mounted version and a foot version and some of the others as well I actually have Cavalry painted um for like the bigger games so I can just use one of those Cavalry guys on Horseback and then just convert a smaller one on foot if I need to um which is a beauty and my French I'll when I get to that um I've done that a lot with some of the units um I've also gone down the route of doing some more flavor some units so there's my favorite one of my favorite regiments is the black brunswickers so they're a German sort of faction that just made their way across Europe to to go help out Britain because they're second TI of Napoleon and I just love the uniforms and this was a great opportunity just to include a selection of those so I've got a guy with a burning brand another one looks like he's hanging around and then this one with the green is something called an old Jagger which is like a bit of a Rifleman um so I think they pronounce it owl it's O E L I would say ow but I think it might be owl or at least the British called him owls um I don't know they at the rifleman's dog mascot dog during the peninsula War they're they'll probably hungry they they had some hot dog now talking of Rifleman I've done a fair few over the years for my War Games whether that's for black powder chosen men or a handful here for silver bayonet but what is the beauty of it is most of a Loosely based um or single based so I can just make a war band of rifles and reenact or I say reenact make up my own stories of sharp fine against Dracula I mean who doesn't want sharp kicking Dracula in the nuts I want that and make that happen and as I've alluded to in the Frost grve video that I'm going to probably do some solo B reports I'm definitely going to do that the silver bayet and it's probably going to be quite heavily sharp themed with some extras thrown in there as well but that then leads me to some bad is I want to do with to offset against the British which is if you have never seen the TV show sharp sha Bean plays a dashin heroic looking Rifleman of the pin Awards he goes around with a rag tag band of other Riflemen fights against bades usually has some random tough join up from the British army who either his best mates with in the end or he ends up killing uh regardless he's always got some bad guy he has to fight in each episode and what I want to do for silver bayet is make all the bad guys he's killed in all those episodes and bring them back to life so they're all Undead versions I mean having obadi hell played by Pete pel th just shouting you cannot kill me Sharpie I cannot die uh that will be great because he actually can't die because he's now Undead and I don't know how that will make Shar feel but I'm all about that so enough about the British I'm now going to move on to the French now my French force is quite new um I recently did those probably in the last month or so mostly just so I've got a war band that my friends can use because most of my friends that want to play this are aware of sharp or understand the Napoleon Wars in their head was it's the British fight and the French isn't it I mean it was a lot more than that but it just makes it a lot easier for them to identify like oh it's guys in blue F the guys in red nice um so that's why I decided to build a bunch of French and I started to tweak these a little bit more than the British the British feel a lot more like an historical themed War band whereas the French I started to get a little bit more not mad just had a little bit more flavor to them so French that's what we're going to talk about the French now my knowledge of French uniforms is quite limited so there's going to be some mistakes here but I mean a quick Google search here and there was I was able to like get some of it but there are a few things where I've just made up I've just gone I'm just going to do what I want because it's silver bayette I can get away with it and that is again the beauty of this game is if you can't find the information just make it up because no one actually cares and if they do they're playing it wrong simple as that they're playing it wrong because if they care about the uniform being the wrong color but they're okay with Undead being on the battlefield you might want to sort your priorities just throwing that out there now the is led by this female officer I know a woman p in the ponic wars I don't care she looked cool I made it ages ago as a spy uh wanted like a French spy to to work fight against sharp and stuff like that I used Hero Forge to to make her um and I just think she's like some cool Aristocrat that's joined the French forces and to be fair the French are all pretty anyway and they smell great so it's really hard to tell the difference between them honestly if you're a Frenchman in the Panic Wars you look and go you're pretty hot and they'll be like no you're pretty hot that is not how it worked but yes so I've got a female um the way of kind of throwing her in a female I've got a female make it sound so bad so having this woman leading a bunch of French is cool in itself I I do actually like the the vibe that she's got going but the way to like tell the story with this is maybe her dad's estate is being harassed by evil and she's the only one strong enough to deal with such things because the dad's old and sickly so she's got together a team maybe some of them are workers on the estate some of their ex Army that have come to help her out so I like to think the old guard guy is like a member of the family or friend of the family or someone in the household um and then she's just recruited an elite bunch of other Savory characters you notice I said Savory and not unsavory because the British tend to be full of criminals but it also an opportunity to just just scratch a lot of itches I know I've said this a few times scratching itches for me is good sometimes I can get embedded in an army and just like paint it and make it look exactly like it is and other times I just want to like try that flavor and try that flavor and try that flavor so in this particular War band I've got Bavarian I've got a member of the duy Warsaw um so it's a Fus of the duy Warsaw quite a new set I got um which is just fun I've got a Vista Lancer um I painted some Cavalry for the games night battle report for chosen men so I've just done this guy as a on foot version so I can use the Cavalry version if I wanted to have him Galloping around because when you buy these folks like the Cavalry I think you're actually paying for the horse as well so they're a bit more expensive so it makes sense to have a horse version as well as a on foot version then I went down the route with like this sapper so the sapper like Engineers they always carry axes and it just feels good like he's got like a Woodsman Vibe and I totally stole from the art from the book here because there's a really cool piece of art where there is a Sapp and he's got an apron he's just got all these like markings on his apron I like to think they're like holy symbols of protection so I just looked at Holy symbols of protection and just try to copy something similar I mean I could have just copied him entirely should have probably done that but it don't matter I made it my I gave it my own flavor uh so that's that sapper and then going down the route of like I had no idea where this guy was going so this particular model is a mix of some Dron part so when you get like the Perry set you get like Dron Cavalry and then you get like some on foot versions if you want to dismount them and I've got a fair few of those I just like the look of him and I gave him some random like fuselier arms and a random head from something I don't even know I got that headphon but it's got a cool plume and I painted with the colors the Marines have which is orange collors and cuffs what he actually is is made up he's probably like some like snobby household guard maybe it's the household guard of uh madame's uh estate and that's what they look like let's go with that yeah I like that he's a member of the household guard maybe he's a Coachman maybe he's a Coachman maybe he's a bell booy or some kind of Paige or something like that doesn't matter made it up don't care he's there he looks badass but that's me French uh I really enjoy doing the French I will be adding more as well so at the moment I think I've got about nine or 10 figures I've done for these so again I can have some swap outs if some die I can like re recruit some new ones um but yeah having having options is quite nice and with these I'm going to go down the route of getting some more like weirder stuff like a veteran Hunter I want to do a kassier on foot so carasia is are like the Cav if you don't know I don't assume that people know all these different Regents but a carasia is a heavy Cavalry man and they have like cool breast plates and cool helmets and I just want one of those on foot with a sword uh which I think will look really cool so yes I also have another model which hopefully by the time of filming I'll put up on a 360 which is just a guy with a big shako and a suit of armor um and I might use him as the French or I might use them in this next faction which we're going to talk about which is a little bit more out there so these are I've been referring to them as the Templars and I think I'm going to refer to them as the Templars of the Holy Roman Empire whether I can't remember if the Holy Roman Empire still existed by that point I don't think it did I think it's long gone but I like to think these guys are keeping it going it's like a secret society of Monster Hunters and goodies that fight against evil um so that that is the general gist of this I wanted to have some Templars but in the Napoleonic era if that makes sense so these are an amalgamation of some span Napoleonic Austrian and French bits with some foot Knights thrown in there as well uh for good measure um I like a good kit bash to be honest just getting the opportunity to just get some random bits and stick different things it's got a bit of a turnip 28 Vibe so if you're not aware of what turnip 28 is that is where you just the general gist is it's root based vegetables uh it's very Wacky made by Max love you Max um check out jugs because we talked to Max about that so I'll put a link up here where because this week we're interviewing him the week of me filming this we're interviewing him so check out about T28 it's a little bit mad but the great thing is it's a kit Basher dream you most people get some new ponics and some medieval stuff and just smash them together and make weird units and stick toughs on them and all sorts of things to look like roots and things but yeah this this faction has a bit of a Vibe of that I I kind of like channeled my inner turn of 28 but didn't make him grimy and dirty made him clean and crisp and holy I suppose so yes that is these guys they're they're like turnip clean turnip 28 that's the best way to put it now there's a lot of Templar heraldry out there some long extinct others that still exist in more civilized formats like St John's ambulance which has been around for a long long time chasing back to if I rightly thinking a small Hospice in Jerusalem in the 11th century and some guy called Gerard um basically just had a place for pilgrims to get FedEd and looked after um and the night and he was a KN of St John and and St John's amalis I believe is based off that guy and his little house chapter house where he looked after people and fed them and how them when they were like on the Pilgrim Road I believe but yeah that's what that's what that that's what that is but I I didn't want to do that I didn't want to go down any particular Templar because some of them have real bad reputations so I thought I'll play it safe and just do like a stylized Red Cross but put a big yellow circle in the middle which is representative of the sun uh so A nice bright light to fight against the dark darkness the dark darkness not just any Darkness the dark darkness so yeah that's that was inspiration I was just taking elements of different ay and making my own so I didn't offend anybody but using the word Templar probably will but you know it's made up fine vampires it's okay now when I was building these I actually had no idea where they'd end up but I did like the end result and most of them are sporting Austrian helmets which I reckon I'll do a few more nations with different headgear referring back to that M maybe that Frenchman I've done in the suit of armor maybe he'll get thrown into these guys but that'll be something quite cool is have like the same tabard the same uh sort of like uniform or outfit um or like suit of armor they got underneath them but then give them like a Highlander hat give some like a rifleman's ber or whatever so you've got like these different nations um joining in to to to fight with this holy order to combat evil oh I also got some War Games Atlantic uh foot nights as well so I might do one or two of those throw them in because they're the same scale and I'll probably just build them as foot kns but make them make find a some rules that will fit whether that's like dismounted heavy Cavalry or maybe use like the jewelist rules or swordsman I think it is um and then just like give them a breast plate maybe count him as a veteran or a junior officer it doesn't matter I'll find a way of getting him in the game and then just do you got some Templars with muskets you got some Templars with armor and muskets and then you got these guys which are just full-on chain mail and swords which are more classic looking Templars um yeah that's what I'm going to do with those and I guess that kind of like leads on to some future projects as well because the the kit bashing element of this and like going oh I'm going to do this nation warrior in this unit I'm going to do this nation warrior in this unit I actually might just do a world's best Nation War band where they're all just like Cherry Picked from like there's a Highlander there's a Russian CAC there's a French old Guardsman there's a samurai you know you've got all sorts of like cool Elite Warriors maybe even a girka because I think the uh the Anglo NE nepalian nepalian war was like 1814 1816 something like so it's the same kind of era at least for this um so I can throw in a girka if I want to two as well which would be good fun but monsters you need monsters in this game that's the beauty of this game is you've got your two War bands to fight but you also need some monsters that just roam across the battlefield um and the beauty of of this you could use anything I mean I've got some Warhammer related creatures whether that's some Undead um or some ghosts from my Warhammer collections my war cry stuff um you have minor TOS in there there's a lot of cool models if you got like the Cur City set there's loads of cool like zombies and things in there as well you could use you got the weird big ogres but then youve got Middle Earth there's lots of weird spooky stuff in Middle Earth you've got WS you can use as werewolves you've got weird sort of like ring race and characters it could be like animated suits of armor so there there's there's a swaave of stuff that that's out there I mean there's there giant plastic giant spers from War Games Atlantic there's Shob there's multiart plastic sort of kits that you could just like Ki bash and make your own stuff there's lots of 3D printed stuff out there as well chances are somewhere if you've done dabbled in fantasy or some form of war game you probably got some weird gribbly monster you could even use tyranid characters like a weird bog Beast get like a car effect and just cover it in F and like seaweed it's just like some weird creature of the deep that's actually quite cool might do that yeah because it's like crustaceous it's like a weird horror crab is it it's just like weird yeah I'm doing that yeah but yeah you could use anything that's a great thing about monsters but you might be like but I don't have any monsters Peach I've got this box of like 40 French line infantry and I've made eight figures and now I've got 32 figures left and I don't what to do with it well you could make some more War band you can even build up to like chosen men as well is also another good game but what I'm going to do now is jump on to a little bit of a kit bash and show you how to make some quick simple zombies just using the stuff that comes in a Perry's box um I mean if you have access to extra parts that's great because you do head swaps you can do hand swaps but if you only have one box just going to do a quick kit bash showing you how you can make those look like zombies um and just use them on the battlefield as just endless hordes of what you can do them as ghouls revenants whatever so yeah let's do that so the first thing I'm going to need is a box of soldiers so I've got some French here I've got a fair few and there's some spares on the spruce so you can see loaded with Miniatures but I've got like a handful there that are just not doing much so I'm just going to clip them out again making sure I just get the flat of those Clippers on the edges sometimes I can't always be bothered to clip everything because they go flying off so I just clip one side and then just pull it out my fingers really it's just a lot easier so I'm just going to go around get like some backpacks out get the bodies out Etc and then it's about picking arms now most of the guys I'm going to be using for Silver Bay probably like charging forward or doing an action so i' got some marching arms here so I'm just going to use those to to be the basis of my zombie arms because I want their arms lurching out like they're after someone's brains because that's what zombies do they eat brains just a little bit of clean up on the old mold lines uh depending on like some of the kits they can be quite dated so some mold lines are more prominent than others you can always use a file if you're not comfortable using a knife I've been using knives for years so I'm more comfortable with them always find when it's a brand new blade you have to be a little bit more careful but I find I have more control when I'm gently cutting towards myself I know they say officially cut away but actually I find that's less control than cutting towards me so I'm going to do now is clip out this musket because I want this arm to turn into like a lurching forwards arm so I'm just going to clip out the musket use the clippers for most of it and then I'll move on to the knife after just for a little bit of finesse cleanup but it's got a bit of a hand it's just on the one side it's got like the stock of the musket so I need to like try and get rid of that if you have spare hands that are open great but if you don't and you're just using what you've got with the set you might just want to like clip into that a little bit just to to remove some of the material of that stock or if you don't want to do that it's too much effort you can just completely coat his hand in Blood and you won't even notice it now what I'm going to do is a traditional way for me to make my zombies look more zombified is to just cut the foot out a little bit and then just re angle it so it looks like it's being dragged forward so what I'm trying to do here is just cut that foot off away from the base a bit and then where his leg is kind of meets the shoe now I'm just going to cut that off again being gentle that flew off I did find it but got to be careful sometimes because they do go flying and then just cut off any extra material I don't need get a little bit of glue on the old leg and then position the foot in I'm using Twee there just for a bit more control and then once I'm happy and I've got the right kind of angle angle of the foot so looks like it's been dragged along uh that's perfect and then it's just about putting those arms so zombies can might be shuffling forwards with their arms down or forwards yeah don't forget the back because he's got his coat and stuff I mean these guys are going be Mankey anyway so his arms are down here so it kind of looks like he's moving forwards but that head tilt makes all the difference and you can have the head tilt backwards you can have it tilt forwards one angle the other angle I just do a couple more here as well so again just different leg Twisted inwards this guy's probably a Grenadier because he's got the epilex there and just going his AR arms forwards get that backpack on as well and again just going to make sure they're repositioning nicely and then and have a bit of a head tilt this one's got his mouth open so looks great and it's just a matter of just getting greed on some pennies H I always use pennies for my little skimage games because the plastic kind of adds a little bit extra weight to the bottom of them as well and here I have one with some random hands from My Wizard set from frost grave so I use those on them instead so a bit of a selection really and there we are some zombies so let's move back on to talking about silver bayonet so the rules for silver bayonet I'm not going to go into detail about the rules entirely um it's more just like an overview of like the game system itself but it's fast-paced very story heavy um I love the fact that you have choices you can play against other players you can have Cooperative so you can both fight against Monsters if you want to which then leavs the solo player you can play on your own as well now if you new to this game and you've not played it but you're familiar with frost grave M it's very similar to that there are some vast differences obviously but it's got a similar Vibe you know the story driven sort of element it has d 2 d10s mostly for this game or d10s whereas Frost grave star grave tend to base themselves on the D20 system there's a lot of opinions for and against these I I have no opinion on it because I'm so used to d6es it's all new to me uh so I quite like the idea of having a little bit of difference but you know it's up to you some people say the the D20 is a big gamble whereas the 2 d10s is a little bit more you know there's more tactics involved youve got more chances of not getting beaten by like a rubbish troop or whatever I like I say I have no opinion which is better or not play a few get an idea let me know if you prefer d10s over d20s I I I I actually am not fussed yet not played enough to make a strong opinion I think that's Point what I'm getting at yeah now the game of Sil B has a lot of fun mechanics just like frost Gra woodstar and all the other things that Joseph has made I feel like I'm Shilling Joseph at the moment but I just love his games and I'm excited about him also in case anyone's going to jump in the comments I'm not paid by any of them not paid by Osprey not being paid by Joseph I'm doing this for the love of it I'm talking about it for the love of it because they're cool I'm excited about him anyway yes silver bayonet so it's got a really cool mechanic called clue markers I love this so every scenario there is something going off you'll be fighting against another unit another silver bayet unit and there'll be monsters roaming around and there'll be clu on the battlefield and they're just really cool things to help generate the story help that story unfold and it could be like helps you lead to the next scenario or it could be like a journey of Discovery not only have you got to deal with your opponent but you've also got to deal with whatever you discover on the battlefield as well which is great and just good for storytelling uh you know finding the remains of a farmer and then later on finding a troll hiding under the bridge um I mean you can put those together what happened there but that's all part of the storytelling is it so when it comes to like the game mechanics of playing return I quite like the the multiple way the phases are broken up so much like frost grave yeah you'll break it down into you basically Leap Frog between your units so if I've won Initiative for that turn I get to basically activate half of my War band then the monsters get to have a go then your opponent gets to activate all of their stuff and you get to activate your last half of your thing so sometimes I think is that an advantage getting activation um you know winning the roll offer initiative or is it is it not um because your opponent gets to activate all of theirs in one game and the other cool thing is when you are rolling for Activation you both roll 2 d10s each if any player um and it's who gets the highest basically if any player gets double 10 or double ones stuff happens you got encounter and event charts so stuff will happen and it's just going to add Mayhem to an already dramatic battle and I love it I'm for it so even if you got like a bunch of zombies on the battlefield or whatever you might end up having a werewolf turn up so you know just a really add the extra level of difficulty to the scenario we're trying to achieve um and I think it's Mega just the randomness of it if feels a lot like necam I'm a big fan of necam it's like old school necam where you're just like weird events would happen I love that but if I was to pick one big winner for me for silver bainer that is going back to creating a war band it's as simple as that you get to customize your officer um he has a selection of gear some that you can model on some that you just don't have to worry about but once you've gone down that Vibe of what your office is going to look like then you like to cherry pick your your unit and it could be you know nothing about the game so you might just do one of each unit typ you can have access to or you could just go full on and just make mental looking conversions um like I said I've got like other sort of Specialists and like the occultist the supernatural investigator I might do them quite generic so I can use them in any War band I suppose or I might make them just fully British or whatever or fully French um still decide on how I'm going to do that but yeah I'm looking forward to making some cool occultists and Supernatural investigators um I have done I got some 3D printed monks and a none um so I think that'll be quite cool I want to give them a little bit of Bio each and because it's me I like to make up my own rules I like to give them all a negative so maybe like one of them is really good at like dealing with vampires but is an absolute coward so you have to constantly make Terror checks all the time but when he gets around to doing the job he's good at doing the job maybe the none has got an alcoholic problem I don't know she just likes the tavern it's a sin uh so you have to roll to see if she's actually sober for the battlefield um who knows um I I'll play around with that but I'd like to give them all a negative when you hide these folks in just for a bit of fun that's just me making up rules as I go along because I do that so I guess what I'm really trying to say with in a in a short form about the silver Bayer is you don't need to know anything about the Imp onic Wars you can just have fun making up what you want and that is the beauty of this game um I've talked to lots of folks on the internet uh some of have got inspired by me just waing on to it on like the podcast uh or just on this channel here um or in the Discord as well when I chat to enlightment patrons and stuff it's just great seeing like how people react I mean I'm going to show a couple of what people working on there's Aaron here from the states and Landon they've got two War bands they've been working on uh one of my patrons who does the um onetoone sessions uh Michael he wants to do some cool sort of Singaporean horror because he's from Singapore um so that's that's cool I don't think he's built anything yet so I can't really put any pictures of that up yet but you know that that's that's the vein you know East India Company versus Singaporean Voodoo Magics and stuff like that that sounds Mega I you could do anything but just seeing what other people are doing how they're reacting I mean Louise was talking about doing Egyptian Hunters so people that go like to the pyramids hunting for stuff that could be during imp Wars that could be later which then leads to the other part which I think is the beauty of this game if you don't like the idea of like oh but neonics don't they just don't do it for me that's fine because it's black powder its swords and its armor that's the general sort of equipment you're getting hold of and you're fighting against Monsters you could go as early as the 13th century or the 14th century because black powder was available then to certainly in China but like the 14th century became more sort of widely used in Europe um and then all the way up to like the late years of the 19th century before it became more like you know rifled bullets and stuff like that and even then I guess you could just tweak the rules to like well it's a rifle counts as a sniper rifle uh that's a musket counts as a normal Leen field or something like that so you could even go to like World War II with this you just have I just say you just don't need to reload as often maybe I don't know maybe each time you fire if you get a one it's jammed so that that that's when you need to roll I'm just making that all just spit balling but you you could literally do any period it's entir up to you and I think that's like I was talking to Jordan sorcery and he was like I like Musketeers I'd love to do Musketeers totally do Musketeers because you got swords and you got muskets and they're called Musketeers sold and I think he's sold whatever do a war band is irrelevant but it was like yeah could do Musketeers so yeah the beauty of silver bayet is you can literally pick pretty much any period maybe not ancient Rome but even then you can count a musket as a bow or a sling or a javelin doesn't matter make up your own rules house rule it that's the beauty of it well I hope you like this little peachy Shar and tell about his silver bayonet collections just generally talking about a game I really like um it's might not be for everyone but you know if you've ever fancied getting into like napoleonics or historicals this is a great Avenue this is like the gateway to it and it's just a little bit of fun and it's skimmish so the barrier to entry is quite low and I want to say that obviously used like I've mentioned previously in the video you you will need to buy some stuff obviously you can get all the Perry Miniatures vict Trix Miniatures War Games Atlantic Miniatures off their relevant websites um you can go to things like Northstar military uh figures you get them from there as well but also you can just go to eBay and just order a separate sprew the peris do separate sprws as well like for the command and things but if you just after just like I just want a sprew of like British you get like 10 figures on the sprew you could make out your War band you could get like the command which has like a fair few on there as well which has like an officer and some other stuff but if you're not sure and you're a bit like I'll have a bit of fun maybe do a little war band it's like what three four quid off eBay I mean I wanted some bavarians I didn't want to buy a box of 56 uh which is how well 56 or 50 what's what they're coming with vix tricks um I just ordered a sprew off eBay and there was like 13 figures on there there's an office on foot and an officer on Horseback so you know I I can do a like cavman if I wanted to on foot and horse so yeah you get you can do that that's an Avenue and obviously there's a book involved and some scenery but if you got scenery already just use that just some trees all you need is some trees and some ruin looking buildings to get started um but yes thank you for this if you enjoyed this format just let me know U me waxing lyrical and talking about a game that I like or a game that I'm getting into or a game that I want to try um because normally when I see things I like I start build and stuff and then play the game later and that's very similar to it was with frost grave I've played a couple of SK solo games of silver bayet really easy to play against m m properly um but yeah the game is great it's it's straightforward it's fun I got plans to do some star grave stuff as well um in the last video where I talked about Frost grave uh you guys were amazing gave me loads of suggestions of other sort of games to try out Skirmish gamees solo games so I'm going to try a bunch of those as well and then there's the plan to do the solo battle reports as as another part or another feature of the channel and I definitely have strong urges to do a sharp themed silver bayonet and it won't be like a big campaign like four episodes for like napoleonics four episodes for Star grave four episodes for frost grave um but then I'll keep like doing new seasons for them down the time but I've got to work out how I how I film that which won't take long because I don't need a lot of equipment but yes more to come is what I'm saying big thank you to my patrons uh you guys are amazing all of you are amazing uh the these folks are also amazing the ones coming by if you want to get your name here or you want to join the amazing Discord we have just click the link uh in the description uh for the patreon uh you can join us for as little as three quid you get early access to some videos um there's all sort of other benefits on there as well depending on which tier you pick whether that's one to one feedback um one to one tuition um or other fun things like get your name here uh yeah role of Honor that's what I call that role of honor my ch men and women and it's amazing really these people from across the globe that want to support this little Eggman doing his Hobby in his spare room is amazing and I love you all to the end of time for that you guys are amazing thank you anyway I'm going to go off and I'm G to probably make some weird horror related stuff I've got some zombies to paint up I've got some characters that I want to do that fight against sharp and I got to work out actually how to do some little B reports so I'm going to go do that I'm going to go do some thinking some build in love you bye m
Channel: Peachy Tips
Views: 28,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Painting Warhammer, Speed Painting, Army Painter, games workshop, painting miniatures, painting warhammer miniatures, miniature painting for beginners, miniature painting techniques, speed painting warhammer, Peachy, miniature painting, warhammer, warhammer community, how to guide, fantasy, skirmish, the silver bayonet, the silver bayonet review, the silver bayonet miniatures
Id: pZ2ScsFz2Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 29sec (2489 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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